Lemon Tagliatelle

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Today we're going to make the Lemon Tagliatelle with toasted pine nuts and arugula featured in the Hell's Kitchen cookbook. [rock music playing] Now here's something you don't see every day in Hell's Kitchen-- it's a vegetarian dish. This trio of flavors from lemon, basil, and cheese, topped off with toasted pine nuts, will more than satisfy even the hungry carnivores. In Hell's Kitchen, we tend to make the contestants make their own fresh pasta. But for you folks at home that don't have the time, we're going to use dry pasta. This is a tagliatelle. It's very similar to a fettuccine. This one will take about six to eight minutes to cook, but it's great to just read the instructions on the box and gauge it from there. So we'll get our pasta into our boiling water. And for this recipe, the next thing we want to do is toast our pine nuts. I don't need any oil in the pan when I toast nuts. There's this natural oil-- and you can feel it when you pick them up-- that will release as they go into the pan. When that happens, you'll start to smell the nuts cooking off. It's important not to burn them. As those are toasting off, I'm going to make sure that my pasta in the water evenly. So you want to move it around to make sure that pasta is being cooked evenly. When you're toasting nuts-- this is true for any nuts-- pine nuts, walnuts, pecans-- you don't want to go on high heat. So when I get the pine nuts on this nice medium low-- I can feel the heat right about here on the pan-- it's going to release that natural oil, which draws out the flavor in there. Pine nuts are a real pain in the butt to harvest. They come out of pine cones, if you can picture what that must be like. . So I can see that my post is about aldente, and that's exactly where I want it to be. So I'm going to pull this out of the water. And what's important, too, is to drag some of that starchy pasta water into the pan. Because we're not using a chicken stock, and it's vegetarian, so we need a little bit of starch to buying this sauce together. So I'm going to get a little bit of butter in there. A little bit of lemon juice. Some lemon zest. And what this will do is just brighten it up. You're going to get this natural acidity from the lemon zest that's going to keep this pasta from getting too heavy once the Parmesan goes in there with the butter. So as you can see, I got a nice little toast on those pine nuts. And I'm going to reserve those for later. As that butter is coming down in the pan with the lemon and lemon zest, it's creating a sauce that is going to coat the pasta really nicely. So now that I see that butter starting to spread out and starting to foam, I want to add a little bit of Parmesan, and a little bit of chiffonade basil. And I'm going to let all this come together and coat that tagliatelle. And in the meantime, I'll show you how to chiffonade some basil. And you can do this with anything-- mint, parsley, any soft herb. So what we're going to do is pick it off the stem. We're going to roll the basil leaves. And then you're going to take your knife-- protect your fingers. You want to just show your knuckles, not your fingers. You're not going to cut off your knuckles, I promise you. You could cut off the tip of your finger. So I like to hold it with three, using my thumb to guide, and my other two as my blade guide. And that's all that chiffonade is. It's just a thin ribbon of any herb or vegetable. And now that my sauce is starting to come together, I'm going to add those toasted pine nuts, a touch more Parmesan, and a little bit of this arugula. There's still some heat happening here, so we'll toss it gently. Allow it to wilt. And now we're ready to go into a plate. We'll get that in the center of our plate. And then we want to get the rest of this sauce. And then if you want to finish with one full basil leaf for added flavor and a little bit of effect, and a sprinkle of Parmesan. And this is your Lemon Tagliatelle you found in the "Hell's Kitchen" cookbook. Delicious. Hey guys, if this video made you hungry, we have more recipes on our YouTube channel. Check it out, click Subscribe, and get cooking.
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 108,028
Rating: 4.8714161 out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FOX, Reality Television, Cooking Competition, food, cuisine, contest, challenges, hells kitchen, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Paul Niedermann, Hell's Kitchen Paul, competition, cooking, recipe, kitchen, reality tv, challeneges, signature dish, dinner, food service, culinary, culinary arts, ingredients, preparation, taste test, menu, guest judges, sous-chefs, elimination, Season 18, Lemon Tagliatelle Recipe, The Hell's Kitchen Cookbook, Cooking demos, Christina Wilson
Id: SpC3BlfGje8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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