Lobster Spaghetti

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today we'll be learning the lobster spaghetti dish in her kitchen [Music] with the dry pasta especially spaghetti it's about 12 minutes to cook you want to make sure that you always salt your water and we'll get our pasta in before we start cooking the lobster as that starts to cook down we'll get started with the marinara base so a medium-high heat you want to start with a little bit of olive oil some shallot and garlic so I can already start to smell the garlic coming up and I can see the shallots starting to get a little translucent at this point we want to have a little bit of back heat on this dish so we're going to hit with a couple red chili flakes you can see the pasta starting to cook a little bit what's important is once you can bend it and get it all under the water that you do you need that pasta to cook it evenly now that I have a nice toast on my garlic and shallot I'm gonna add some of this lobster meat what's good here is that you can save the tail for something a little fancier and use the knuckle and claw meat to make this dish I'm gonna get a little bit of this lobster stock into the pan this is another great way to use the whole lobster once you cook it and you remove your knuckle and kwame you can save the shells and use that to make a stock tying all those flavors together once that lobster stock starts to reduce I'm going to add my marinara so for me that's just a touch too thick so I'm going to add a little bit more of that lobster broth I like to turn the heat down now on the lobster to start to get all those flavors that base that we started with the garlic the shallot in the red chili flakes start to incorporate that into your base marinara sauce right now I just had a hit of that I'm just now feeling the heat from that red chili flake because I started with it in the beginning so it's nice and layered so when I said we wanted some back heat on this that's what I meant so I'm not going to add any more lobster broth at this point when my pasta is ready I'm gonna let some of that nice starch water hit the pan loosen it up and then naturally it'll bind back together so I can feel that I've got a nice out dente and it's good to always just pull one out and try it so again we're just gonna use a little bit of that pasta water to thin it out so it's not gonna end up being watery you're gonna have pasta that's nicely coated which is what you want in a spoon pasta that's anything that you'll use a fork and spoon to twirl you don't want it swimming in the sauce you just want it to coat it nicely so when I come out like this it comes off nice and tight and what that's gonna allow me to do is really have control the amount of sauce that I put over the top and again that pasta has already coated so I don't need a ton and now I get to display those nice big pieces of lobster meat so this is a perfect portion for your guests you finish it with a nice fresh basil leaf this is our lobster spaghetti appetizer delicious hey guys if this video made you hungry we have more recipes on our YouTube channel check it out click subscribe and get cooking [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 265,510
Rating: 4.8861842 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay cooking, Paul Niedermann, Hell's Kitchen Paul, food, competition, cooking, recipe, kitchen, how to cook, reality tv, challeneges, signature dish, culinary arts, ingredients, preparation, taste test, meal preparation, menu, final service, breakfast, guest judges, sous-chefs, elimination, Los Angeles, hells kitchen winner, New York, cuisine, contest, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FOX, Reality Television, Cooking Competition, Chef Christina Wilson, Lobster Spaghetti, Recipes
Id: 5ee01GiEDhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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