Scallop Appetizer

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today we're going to learn how to make the scallop dish that gives every contestant a hard time [Music] so we're starting off with some beautiful beautiful you tend dry scallops so we have a tarragon mayonnaise an apple puree candied walnuts brunoise apple and brunoise celery it's gonna come together on the plate beautifully and it's going to really bring out that natural sweetness in the scallops we're using today Gordon has us cut these scallops down in half and makes it a more appropriate sized appetizer but it also adjusts the cooking time for scallops one of the other things that always trips contestants up is that they season the scallops too early beautiful thing about saw it works as a nice cure you salt the scallops too early they're gonna start cooking on your board before you even get them in the pan so I've got my pan hot I'm gonna add a little bit of oil and I'm gonna season last minute before getting into the pan for me the best way to do this is put them all in your hand seasoned lightly from above give them a nice flip and then season the other side as well now I can see that shimmer in the olive oil they're letting me know that my pan is nice and hot and ready for the protein always when cooking in oil you want to lay your proteins away from you so you're not splashing oil as you cook I give them a little gentle press to make sure that that surface is evenly touching that hot pan this is only going to take about 60 seconds on that side so while that's working I'm gonna start to get my plate ready so equal parts celery apple and candied wonna I'm gonna let that sit right there while I check my scallops so I can already see a little bit of fun forming on the bottom of the pan which lets me know that my scallops are about ready to flip so you have a nice golden color and once they're flipped you'll have about 15 seconds left on the heat and then you want to pull them so you don't overcook them and they become rubbery so now I have equal parts of everything I'm going to put a little bit of the apple puree in there just to bind it season with a touch of salt and pepper and we'll get this in the center of the plate with a little celery leaf in there for garnish [Music] now I want to get these out of the pan so they don't continue to cook when they come out of the pan you want to transfer them onto a linen like paper towel anything that'll help take off any of that excess water that's come out or the oil used to start the pen now for the finesse on this plate we're going to give each scallop a little bit of apple puree to sit on so we're gonna put five dots on this plate evenly separated we're gonna come right behind it with the tarragon mayo in between those apple puree dots and now when we put our scallop on the plate we want to make sure the round side of that scallop is facing the round edge of the plate it's these little details to put finesse on every dish we put out in house kitchen [Music] one of the classics the scallop appetizer delicious hey guys if this video made you hungry we have more recipes on our YouTube channel check it out click subscribe and get cooking [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 387,322
Rating: 4.9353256 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay cooking, Paul Niedermann, Hell's Kitchen Paul, competition, challeneges, signature dish, dinner, food service, culinary, culinary arts, ingredients, preparation, taste test, meal preparation, menu, final service, finals, breakfast, lunch, guest judges, sous-chefs, elimination, Los Angeles, hells kitchen winner, New York, cuisine, contest, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FOX, Reality Television, Cooking Competition, Scallop Appetizer, Christina Wilson, Chef Christina Wilson
Id: GpRjTzZou4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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