Crispy Skin Duck Breast

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today we're going to learn how to make the crispy skin duck breast [Music] for this dish we have skin on duck breasts we start with the sherry red wine Demi find aunt potato cream leeks and a grilled baby leek with the duck breast you want to score the skin it's gonna help it from buckling and let it cook a little more evenly in the back side I like to take this little tenderloin off you don't need a knife you can see where it separates naturally you can pull it right off this is a great snack you can make a chicken finger but out of the duck tenderloin instead of a chicken one so you season it with a little bit of salt and pepper on either side and get that in the pan and bring your heat up to medium low as our duck breast is working we'll go on to the garnish for this dish so you get a little bit of oil and we'll start with the fondant potato and you're gonna go straight down in that oil and just let it rest what we want to see is a little bit of carmelization happening on either side of the front out potato and as that happens we'll turn it once and then we'll baste it with butter to get that center of that potato warmed up and with the leeks you want to have a medium high pan start with just a touch of oil so get these in the pan with a little bit of salt and pepper and again with these you don't want to get too much color on them they've already been blanched so you're just looking to season them properly and bring them up to temperature you can see already we didn't start with any oil in this pan that's all natural duck fat there once we have the leeks warmed up a bit we're gonna add our heavy cream and allow that to reduce the fat in the cream will actually allow the leeks to bind and get a nice tight rich sauce to complement the fat and the duck and the fat from the confit potatoes and I can see already I'm starting to get some color on that fondant potato so it's time to flip and that's about what you're looking for when we go to butter base you're going to get a little more even color in the center of that potato there and as this is rendering you can see the duck wants to push up but because we scored the skin it's not going to buckle it'll cook nice and flat and that skin will get nice and crispy when you're cooking with cream like this you just want to be careful not to scorch the pan that's why we keep on a medium-low heat allow the moisture to evaporate from the cream and then that'll tighten up onto the leeks and make it a nice bundled almost like a creamed spinach so my potato is just about nice and even on this side so we'll get a little bit of butter in the pan and start to baste it out and I'm gonna come over the potato but also along the sides so I can ensure that that middle is heated up through as well and now I can see that my butter is starting to brown so it's time to get this potato out of the pan we're gonna allow this duck breast to sit on its belly side for about two minutes let it rest and then it's finished we're gonna reduce these leeks just a touch more and also heat up our sauce so this is a Redwine Demi that we've added Washington State cherries to cherries and duck such a classic pairing the meantime we can season our baby leek the little salt and pepper and olive oil and lightly grill it on our grill pan you can get our duck breasts out of the pan brush it with a touch of the red wine Demi and then finish it with the five-spice and will allow that to rest and for the residual heat to bring it up to medium-rare so our leeks are tightened up you see how much that cream reduced so we can start with these on the plate essentially we're gonna make a little bed for our duck to lay on once it's sliced then we're gonna get that Fond not potato rate at 10 o'clock pull our baby grilled leek lean that across your potato and then we're gonna slice the duck so there's two ways to do it some people like to come on the skin side I like to flip it and go from the bottom it's a little easier to get through the flesh then through that skin you just spent so much time getting that nice and crispy you don't want to affect that we're gonna come down at a bit of an angle so that we can fan the duck out on the presentation we always call these end pieces here the chef stack this is how we eat throughout the day we take these little tail pieces that the customer doesn't get so you look at this duck cooked a nice medium-rare nice and fanned out on the plate and we're gonna finish with that cherry red wine Demi and this is our crispy skin duck breast delicious hey guys if this video made you hungry we have more recipes on our YouTube channel check it out click subscribe and get cooking [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 471,881
Rating: 4.8690252 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay cooking, Paul Niedermann, Hell's Kitchen Paul, recipe, kitchen, how to cook, signature dish, food service, culinary, culinary arts, ingredients, preparation, taste test, meal preparation, menu, final service, finals, breakfast, lunch, guest judges, sous-chefs, elimination, Los Angeles, hells kitchen winner, New York, cuisine, contest, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FOX, Reality Television, Cooking Competition, Crispy Skin Duck Breast, Christina Wilson, Chef Christina Wilson
Id: de8E2E5YtCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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