Herb-Oil Poached Halibut

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- Today, we're going oil poached halibut featured in the Hell's Kitchen cookbook. [music playing] Poaching a fish in oil not only results in a tender filet, but infusing that oil with herbs is a great way to create a light summer supper. So this technique is amazing. Really nice to use with fish. Although, you can use it with other proteins as well. So here we're starting with halibut. What I want to do is season this with a little bit of salt and pepper evenly around before it gets into the olive oil. What's important about oil poaching, especially with something like a fish, is that you don't have the temperature too high. The idea is that we cook it slow and low and really let the fish absorb all of that natural flavor from the olive oil, as well as the aromatics that have been added. So for this dish, we have olive oil, garlic, sage, thyme, and rosemary. So you've got this super fragrant oil that that fish is going to cook so slowly in. You have to be very careful when using anything on a stove top that involves this much hot or warm oil. Again, it's very important to get the right temperature, because we don't want to deep fry the fish, we want to poach it. So the best way to do that is to use a candy thermometer or a fryer thermometer. On this size fillet, 120 degrees on a soft olive oil poach will take about 25 minutes. So we're going to get this halibut fillet in there. And we like to set it in, and nice and gentle, away from your body. And you shouldn't see any significant reaction when the fish hits that oil. If you do, your oil is way too hot. We're also going to serve oven roasted tomatoes with this halibut dish. For the finishing sauce, we're just going to use a simple lemon vinaigrette. So you have fresh lemon juice, a little bit of parsley, some olive oil, some shallots, and salt and pepper. So now that it's been 25 minutes, I'm going to delicately take my fish out of here. It's best using a fish spatula. If you're feeling adventurous, you can use a pair of tongs or a spoon. Be very careful, because it's come out of warm oil. You want to slide that onto a paper towel or linen like and just towel that off. What's great now is that you just have that nice, bright, white color. So now we're going to get ready to plate. So we're going to a little bit of that potato and fennel puree on the bottom. Again, this is a nice light dish. That's what happens when you olive oil poach something, it stays very delicate. That fish feels great. We're going to get the roasted tomatoes on top of that puree. And we're going to finish with just a touch of that lemon vinaigrette. And this is your herb oil poached halibut from the Hell's Kitchen Cookbook. GORDON RAMSEY: Delicious. Hey guys, if this video made you hungry, we have more recipes on our YouTube channel. Check it out, click Subscribe, and get cooking.
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 71,955
Rating: 4.9107141 out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FOX, Reality Television, Cooking Competition, food, Gordon Ramsay cooking, competition, cooking, kitchen, how-to, how to cook, reality tv, challeneges, signature dish, dinner, food service, culinary, culinary arts, ingredients, preparation, taste test, meal preparation, menu, final service, finals, breakfast, lunch, guest judges, sous-chefs, elimination, Los Angeles, hells kitchen winner, New York, Herb-Oil Poached, Season 18, Recipes, cookbook, Cooking demo
Id: Ea8R4dsHojE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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