LEMMY 2005 Interview for Headbanger's Journey | Raw & Uncut

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While I'm sure it happens, this mentality is much less common than people make it out to be. I really don't run into people that refuse to listen to bands at a certain popularity level. I'm sure I have but I don't recall it ever being a point of conversation.
There's a big difference between getting popular by merit and selling out to get popular. You are objectively a sellout if you change your music for the purpose of selling more records rather than artistic choice. It's not all black and white of course but if the primary motive is increased revenue then in some way you're giving up your integrity for cash.
I don't automatically hate a band that sells out, that of course depends on what they're playing. Then again I'm more skeptical of a band that sells out because most of the time aiming for more fans usually means making their music more digestible, accessible, and generic. A lot of the time their music gets less interesting. If a band does that I don't care but I'm not a "snob" for disliking what they put out.
In the end it's all just about what you like and dislike. If you watch til the end of the interview, Lemmy voices something similar: "If you don't like it, leave the hall."

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/GreatThunderOwl 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2016 🗫︎ replies

The thing is that Lemmy really is a rock and roll musician, as he himself puts it. That's worlds apart from the culture of underground black/death metal.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/AveLucifer 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2016 🗫︎ replies

Well, our philosophy is to have a good time and to give everyone else a good time if we can, and if we don't, we have to leave the hall.


Fortunately Lemmy had the balls to sing it.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/midnightrambulador 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2016 🗫︎ replies

ironically, "inverted snobbery" is how i would describe people's reactions to "metal elitists"

people get angry that their taste in metal is shat on by the people they consider to be elitists, so then they convince themselves they have better taste in music than the elitists, and end up looking down on them

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/KUmitch 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2016 🗫︎ replies

Every generalization's rubbish

Oh, Lemmy...

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2016 🗫︎ replies
I'm sitting here feeling like a pretty lucky guy because over the last 10 or so years of making documentaries I've had the chance to interview Lemmy several times once for headbangers journey again from metal evolution and then we filmed Motorhead in Chile in 2011 and I've been to the Sunset Strip enough to spend some time decide lemme at the rainbow Bar & Grill and you know when most people talk about Lemmy they talk about the hard lifestyle and living fast but I think that you know there's two things that's important to remember about Lemmy one is Lemmy always saw metal in the context of rock and roll the end of the day that's what we're all doing we're making loud music that makes us feel good and maybe this is off our parents and some authority figures along the way and maybe we focus too much on categorizing music the second thing about Lemmy is that he's one of the funniest guys that I ever met always kept me on my toes when I was doing an interview with him and reminded me that you know we shouldn't take this stuff so seriously that music is about having a good time and enjoying ourselves which i think we tend to forget so here's some clips from Lemmy I'm gonna miss you buddy so what are the essential ingredients of a good good metal for a good rock and roll for you well we've got to be interesting on studies to look at you can't be standing there looking at your shoes you know like all these musicians there and you've got to be you've got to be an actor really and you've got to be good and loud too you know and you've got to know what the [ __ ] you're doing on your instruments here because if you can't fake it a volume right volume pretty important for Motorhead pretty important for anybody who wants to be heard over the chicken in the basket crowd nobody's talking my line I'm sorry they're watching the bundle they're leaving that's it it's - right when Motorhead first started to emerge I think you guys were regarded as being faster a lot of stuff is going on Laurie probably taking more speed than anybody else you know just you know if you we had a tour in those days there was 56 shows and 53,000 56 days in England right with Saxon and I don't give a [ __ ] we are you ain't going to do that adrenaline and being high on life I don't care you know not only 33 years old you know you're going to need a little help there but it's also purely recreational as well because you know what the [ __ ] people invented it should be able to do it and speaking of speed right speeds in a name for Motorhead for people who don't know where that name comes from oh it's all slang for speed freak if you look in the Mothers of Invention albums way back you'll find James Motorhead Sherwood they made your mother Nath as well you know some of you are still talking which is also true of us you know there's a lot of speed in your book too lot of hedonism going on well the hedonism in RocknRolla says it should be would you expect introvert you know like existential like people I don't think so you know the right role should be about that as well then is it motor all should be rebellion for its own sake with no clear goal in mind fuelled by all kinds of fun and like with naked women all over the place backstage I don't care what your prejudices are I don't have them you know I love women and I think this should be naked backstage all the time I love looking at it's great I'm not so for a long moment I always treat them like they should be treated I'm a gentleman you know but I still like him talked a lot about getting flack from yeah it's not fair really because reach it the only girl band around then girl school won their first tour you know nobody else would touch them of the yachts that you know let me tell you even the rest of my bands that are their girls and I said [ __ ] that they're good you know it doesn't matter you know and people would always say about Kelly oh she's pretty good for a girl and she's better than you man you know she's better than you although I'll tell you what they have as much fun on the road as I ever seen a guy band that you know I mean they just graceful they don't think and they drink under the table to this church I wanted to ask you about Motorhead fans um comment in your book is actually each other names so okay the loyalty of the fans you mentioned that when we got people we got people who haven't every visible surface of their bodies tattooed with the Motorhead logo you know unlike old album sleeves one gone Jimmy's got our three faces on these Cubs of his legs managed get you know I mean I don't know if I do you know I mean admirers pain threshold you know she's actually hurt so I mean I'm gonna get three little ones and they hurt like oh I don't know so do you think I mean I mean it's not maybe not only Motorhead fans but metal fans seem to be more passionate than fear well then what's a loyalty thing you see again you know because like if you're a fan of the top forty you necessarily have to change your allegiance every month you know so and all them unwanted singles you're by you know as well all those terrible songs that you from last year that you can't bear supplanting running it's very like custard intensive business in it but I like I select vinyl albums anyway because you actually read what the liner that was said and everything you know instead of like the magnifying black saying you think metal is is the ultimate underdog is it yes and I'll tell you why so-called let me know whatever you want to call it I call it rock and roll and it is the logical successor to original rock and roll all right if Eddie Cochran was like eighteen now he'd be in a garage with the band you know playing the Les Paul copy from Japan now that's what we do because it's the same urge to make a loud noise to pushy parents often to get laid you know basically is what we're talking about so this is the scabby bastard child of rock and roll right so that's why I like it you know that's why it will always come back they'll never get rid of it they try every three years or so the trance computer they have D metal izing classes you know in Wisconsin that's pretty neat Canada even watch our track they take away your study down banja I don't know I stop you saying things like you just wish a bad bag bag you know shock reversion therapy and I was going to say have you not ye it's unbelievable I mean what do they think we're doing I think with America sees all had ridden by religion everything is ritual Addison you know who the devil him so why does it get under people's skin do you think this music like what is it about it it just trusts not trying to be nice it's trying to be badass you know which is what all good rock and roll always was you know Jesus Christ took a little Richard Minh a black gay guy from Macon Georgia I do think it was like growing up gay in that environment in the 50s Jesus trusted tar and feather him just for look another you know and like that's he had to do it he felt it and he had to do and he still the greatest rock and roll vocal for me you know so rock and roll was every metal is rock and rollin did you see Motorhead is being part of that movement with Maiden and priests and now I would before then anything I mean River 76 you know I thought we were more like a punk band really I mean if you shut your eyes and forget we are history then we are a punk band son more like a punk band and you know metal then to me I was the cuz we always add more common with the Damned and like say Judas Priest yeah you probably have wrong air so you see we have to be metal in it obvious you know so when you thinking that Martin I was going to ask why is it that people always slot motor hand in with I mean what's wrong with the image - that's right wanna finger well should used to go to t-shirt with a small sticker on it you know I mean people think I look like [ __ ] Nazi and they always do yeah then they're in a lot of trouble you know in the head because anything less like a Nazi you could not find I've had for living your friends and they've all been black I can reintroduce entered a few at the Nuremberg rally good this is my wife I'm sure oh yeah yeah and you guys I mean of course the classic question is you guys have always appealed to both of those crowds right yeah local kids the metal kids do well like I said we sound like tug if you shut your eyes I'm sure they're all these punks in the car like not looking at the head do you know the long hair thing it's a long hair line in your book I was drugged by know it used to be rebellious before it became like the status quo you know but still like yo Lenin and modeling select the status quo people still edge away from me in restaurants and you know and he smokes too you know oh my god why do you think that Motorhead had a harder time cracking America oh we're not cute enough that's the problem with that I'm gentle Singh you know songs that you can sing along to in barge in I'll play a wedding one thing that struck me tooth you have some strong opinions on accusations of selling out and going commercial absolutely commercials the funny words he uses as an insult because being commercial just means and more people bought your music which is what you're trying to do when you set out to meet most people it's possible hear your music that's why you do it you know and anybody says I don't want Eiland fortune is full of [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] you there you know that's rubbish if you want to if you want nobody to music stay in the living room nobody will no problem you know but don't be out and stage showing off and tell me you don't know be there it that's not the strange things about metal rate there's that current which is about not being commercial I know an inverted snobbery at school yeah you know it's like the Communist revolution know everybody who's got money must be they're coming you know it's not true you know it's not that way any generalization is rubbish now so if you say they sold out maybe they just got lucky you know and you and you can't stand it anymore because of your invert story right you can't stand it that they're not your baby anymore the only you and five year meets know about them you know because that's a great instruction when you younger the enemy once I need zero yeah you're going to tell me and you can tell people about it and then they'll know but you select them you know who deserves to know and if you get really successful global then you know that's other window we had a kid as soon as we got a recording contract before we had any success at all the stuff records he stopped coming to our services so it's all that just getting a record income dress so another [ __ ] would you think we were doing it for so it would be unknown and dying poverty no that's not what I got into rock and roll for him no the law philosophy is to have a good time and give everybody else a good time if we can and if we don't have to leave the hole and that's it I mean basically we just want to be fast and obnoxious and have all the obnoxious people in the world cheer you know and it seems to be working to the next thing I'm quite happy I mean I'm doing what I always wanted to do you know so I'm I'm having real overtime I recommend it you won't be sorry you you
Channel: BANGERTV - All Metal
Views: 688,020
Rating: 4.9503422 out of 5
Keywords: death metal, yngwie malmsteen, king diamond, lock horns, metal documentary, documentary, sam dunn, banger films, metal, interview, concert, live, headbanger's journey, metal evolution, global metal, flight 666, extreme metal, metal evolution extreme metal, slipknot, Lemmy, Motorhead, RIP, Ace Of Spades, Lemmy Kilmister, Lemmy Funeral
Id: _hcjx-i7rWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2016
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