LEGO Batman The Videogame - Every Character Ranked SUPERCUT

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and thus a new era begins hello my boys it's me finally game back into what I do best every character ranked finishing out the golden trio of lego games at least that's what I call it of Lego Star Wars de comité saga lego indiana jones the Original Adventures and Lego Batman the video game Lego Batman has had an interesting run of games this game do G is strictly Batman well Batman Lego Batman 2 was mostly Batman with a little dip into the Justice League and then there was Lego Batman 3 which was well let's be honest as you had just been called Lego Justice League and now there's Lego DC supervillains that came out back in October but this is the game that started it all all the the Lego DC games this game also did something that really intrigues me and makes me wish they did it more in addition to the 15 levels he plays Batman and Robin you play 15 more levels as the villains and their perspective on the story now I'll be honest I had no idea who would rank up high and low for the series with my Lego Star Wars and Lego Indiana Jones series I had generally a good idea of who would be on the top I mean ghost Jedi for Star Wars bazooka troopers for Indiana Jones but for Batman I was clueless there are so many different abilities in this game to account for the wide range of villains and heroes suits I put more time into ranking characters in this game than to my previous two Lego games and this game has under 1/2 the characters Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga had I think this list will surprise you a lot as it did for me I I triple-checked the list to make sure I wasn't missing anything that's I was surprised I was this 7 part series is gonna be it's gonna be a ride fellows the standard rules apply no custom characters and no extra toggle characters also there are vehicle levels in this game but they are highly underutilized I'll do an every vehicle rank for cars boats and aircrafts separately anyway with everything aside let's get into every character ranked of Lego Batman the videogame by the way this year this first part is gonna be fairly short but just so the rest of the parts can be full-length so [Music] let's first start off with a throw away enemy you see in one level the Sailor not now bear in mind the first few parts of the series will mostly be the characters no one would ever play luckily this part only has two characters being featured with this guy being one of them of course we started the series with the characters with no abilities whatsoever and you know what I expect that from the Sailor he is only seen in the rock in the docs level which is the first level in the penguin villain campaign one kind of cool thing about the Sailor is that the knock back of his punches are like Batman and Robin's and where they just go flying and knock-back doesn't really affect gameplay at all but it's cool to look at makes you seem like you're actually doing something the common problem with the villain campaigns is that there are rarely any deviation from just the police as the enemies you fight so having the fight of a sailor is kind of cool I must say but that doesn't rise him from being the bottom of the list sorry my guy [Music] ah yes another character that has nothing every character after the sky at least has some accessory even if they have no ability so why is the fishmonger considered better than the Sailor well that's a good question I don't really know oh I got it I got it his name his name makes him sound like a villain in and of itself watch out citizen there goes the fishmonger huh no well there was an attempt there isn't knock back to his punches or anything and honestly honestly I I honestly thought he deserved to be higher than the Sailor because he just sounds like a swell guy he was the citizen in peril for the there she goes again level I believe that's the first level in the penguin hero campaign and I think that's why he's in the roster in the first place citizens in peril are a whole other can of worms that will be opened when I get to a certain character later on in the series Oh foreshadowing [Music] all right finally we're at the first full part but like I said these next two parts are all characters no one would ever choose to play how Naya in the game will Auto choose them for you in free play that's how useless they are the first first up is the zoo sweeper key like the Sailor are one of the few enemies you fight other than police in the villain campaigns but as the name implies you'll see them in the Arctic world level in the penguin villain campaign as it's in a zoo these guys are just being good men and stopping the villains even with a broom if need be but of course you kill them in one hit it's also neat then the hero campaign and the Penguins layer level you can find these guys cowering in fear it's it's a nice touch I guess and the zoo sweepers are above the sailor in fishmonger because they at least have their broom a zing as an accessory sure they have no abilities but at least they got something in their hand [Music] Bruce Wayne the Batman himself technically is this low while hear me out hear me out boys this guy is nowhere to be seen in the campaign at all no cutscenes and pores not in the levels themselves Bruce Wayne in this game has a briefcase which she uses to hit enemies no other ability of any kind I think it would been cool if they at least gave Bruce Wayne that battering ability which is an ability we'll get to in due time but at least with the Batarang you'll give us a shirt and stuff Bruce Wayne is still the Batman but even without the cowl but my point still stands Bruce Wayne is this low because he has no ability and his only accessories a briefcase not even a weapon [Music] I know what you're thinking Alfred is ranked higher than Bruce Wayne aka the Batman hear me out once more alfred is in the same boat as Bruce Wayne he has no ability but he has his signature trait as an accessory to attack enemies the way he swings his fists with the trained hand is just so graceful majestic even more majestic than Bruce Wayne's in his briefcase his double jump also shows how much of an acrobat he really is he lands on his head on the tray as if it's a cushion it's a it's amazing also at least we see Alfred walking around the Batcave in the hub and get that we don't see Bruce Wayne because we were literally already playing Batman but there's my that there's my reasoning for placing halfred higher than Bruce Wayne Alfred in this roster he's just is a great touch granty doesn't do much at all but he's still here and that's what counts [Music] here we are the first character with something abuse and for those who are wondering what's something abuses in this game its gun that's right the amount of characters with no ability but a gun yeah is a plenty let's start with the penguin minion for the penguin minion let's just imagine the gonk droid with the gun boom you got yourself a penguin minion this guy walks so got him so not slow his dong joy but still pretty slow nonetheless like walking speed but really though guns in this game are great but honestly they still aren't too great I mean guns and Lego Batman are really glitchy sometimes the bullets won't hit the enemy if they're at a higher elevation from you because the ledge blocks it penguin minions have the most standard gun in the game the pistol there are other types but most characters just have like a handgun whether it be a pistol or something else it's usually a handgun also these penguin minions show up in random places in the penguin hero campaign and they're so laughable to shoot when they show up alongside the other penguin henchmen that because they just looked so dumb [Music] all right here we go the goons these motherfreakin goons you thought I was stretching in previous series with my segments before like useless characters well if you had those complaints in the past you might want to tune out for these next two parts or so I straight-up heat all of the building subordinates in the game they're all the same but with a different color shoot the penguin goon is the first of many stupid characters I'm just going to say they're not boys there I said all these goons have the same standard crook head which lets real talk if you're gonna be a criminal don't wear those hats if I learned anything from Lego it's that wearing these beanie crook hats it's a huge tip-off to the police that you are out for trouble and nothing but trouble anyway all these villains subordinates have no ability just a gun the penguin goon is below all the others because this guy is associated with the penguin minion [Music] alright guys now get this the penguin goon was sick of going on fish runs for the penguin so instead he took off his blue shirt and put on a purple shirt and now he works for the Joker this is canon this actually happened how do I know oh well it's just that they look the exact same they Damon bother changing their face or their gun or their crook hat I cannot stress enough if you're gonna rob a bank put on anything other than the quartet anyway the Joker has the most amount of henchmen and this guy is the most boring one because the developers just went into a mess paint and use the paint bucket tool to change the shirt color this is so unbelievably hard to do you do not understand I don't know how I'm gonna get through to old parts of this with no actual characters that are actually actually interesting let's just move on [Music] alright boyos now get this The Joker goon was sick of game pranked by the Joker so he took off his purple shirt and put on a green shirt and now he works for the Riddler this is actually canon this really happened with each and every one of the hundreds of goons you fight in this game I have a feeling that this won't one woman got pregnant with not twins not triplets not quadruplets but instead hundreds of babies born at the same time whatever you call that 10 tablets maybe I don't know don't ask me I was possible don't even ask me how Lego figures can get birth but that's what happened this poor woman raised these hundreds of goons but when push came to shove every single goon turned to a life of crime for the penguin then Joker then Riddler it's tragic really I want to meet the goon mother I want to see how she's doing after all this now we're getting to the henchmen earlier I've said villain subordinates as an umbrella term for all the enemies you see in the hero campaign levels I wanted to use the word henchmen as an umbrella umbrella term but there are already these next few characters that are already called henchmen that's what annoys me about this game a bit they find a synonym a henchmen goon and then they make three characters out of it then there's three additional characters labeled as henchmen which are essentially the same as the goons and at least henchmen have actually have outfits they just don't swap out shirt colors like the goons do although they have the same guns as the goons I still respect that they at least have cooler outfits the penguin henchmen kind of looks like a pirate though and he's larger than the others because one he's associated with penguin minion and two he's the laziest henchman outfit [Music] yeah you probably were alarmed by the amount of character design those put in the henchmen of all characters again as per usual these henchmen have no abilities whatsoever and only have a gun to defend themselves I don't know how many times we wouldn't say that you guys do keep forgetting got to get on that bellows but really though I'm surprised they actually tried with this guy inserting the goons and the other henchmen we've seen so far this is commendable I like the bray and that surprisingly looked like angry look on his face there's better design on this guy than some of the actual villains later on in the list but we'll get to that later on you fight a vast amount of these guys in the Joker hero campaign these guys are actually very similar to another goon later on the list yes that's right we're done with the goons in a way but that's for another part [Music] I know I've given the Joker henchmen a lot of praise for being different but how does that fare for the Riddler henchman well I mean just look at his suit who knew the Riddler had the funds to dress his henchman better than himself like really they they give the Riddler his grotesque spandex outfit from the days of old but the his henchmen look as fresh as ever maybe that's why all the goons switch to Riddler simultaneously they're all hoping to be promoted so they can wear a green fedora and green suit instead of a crook hat it all makes sense now and I'm gonna declare this this is canon I'm making this can because it's the only way to explain why you fight the same guy over and over also before I get crap in the comments the order of events in this game is the penguin campaign then Joker campaign and then Riddler campaign today just make you play regular campaign first it's like how a Temple of Doom takes place before Raiders of the Lost Ark despite being the second movie in the series you know you get [Music] now you fought sailors you fought guys sweeping zoos what do you spend your time fighting the other 90% of the time in the villain campaign fighting these boys the police now we see all this ruckus in the news about video games like Grand Theft Auto antagonizing the police by having the protagonists committing a plethora of crimes and killing cops where was all that fuss when Lego Batman came out literally half the story had you playing the most evil villains killing police officers and innocent people essentially tearing them apart by the limb now in terms of the game how are they well they're pretty much no different than the villains subordinates it's it's just that they're not goons they're just police you'll see in this part every different variant of the police there aren't as many as the villain subordinates but there's still a fair amount of them [Music] yes this is a villain subordinate only ever seen in the mr. freeze level titled icy reception now these subordinates in my opinion are placed under the goons and henchmen in terms of power in the criminal organization because Riddler is the main villain in his campaign the villains that accompanied him to achieve this goal that he has in the campaign those being Clayface mr. freeze poison ivy and two-faced are essentially Riddler's left hand men and woman which basically means subordinates right while these other villains are above the Riddler's henchmen the specific henchmen of these sub villains should be lower on the power level than the Riddler's henchmen since the Riddler's henchmen they're the henchmen of the main villain while freeze girl is is the henchman of the villain that's all a villain that's all right under the Riddler hopefully this is really confusing so hopefully you followed all of that anyway the freeze girl ranks higher because I like her outfit and she's so specific [Music] and let's just get back to the people you fight in the belle campaigns up next is the security guard yeah so technically not a part of law enforcement but rather the guys that are supposed to stop the villain from doing whatever they're doing in a specific setting something tells me they're a bit more advanced a bit better trained I mean the stereotypical security guard I see when I picture one is a fat guy eating doughnuts so props the TT games for breaking that stereotype and instead making these guys having almost impossible abilities but then again this is a logo game taking place in the DC Universe so what do I know I mean it's never day time in Gotham anyway so I mean these security guards must be on duty all the time they got to be well-equipped [Music] I told you we weren't done with the goons titty games ran out of synonyms for our henchmen and Joker goon was already taken so they found us synonym for Joker that's what happened here no doubt the clown goon I believe is higher than the other villains subordinates thus far why well his colour scheme is different I guess there isn't anything different from the others ability and accessory-wise the thing that I'm still trying to figure out is how the goon lower fits into all of this as stated in the last part all 100 of the goon brothers moved from the penguin to the Joker to the Riddler I believe a few of the goon brothers instead of moving over to the Riddler stayed with the Joker and dressed themselves up in clown gear to avoid being pranked by the Joker maybe the joker wouldn't prank them because they look like him yeah yeah that's sufficient enough I think the I'll be candid [Music] what's cooler than a police officer a police marksman I'm not kidding when I say the developers were milking four characters and the DS version of the game there are actually more characters in addition to the ones you see here and but most of them are just alter egos of the villains for example Poison Ivy's Pamela Isley on scarecrows Jonathan crane and Catwoman Selina Kyle among many others are all on the roster in the DS version now that would be milking it since most of them didn't really do anything different but there were a few characters in the DS version that I actually would want to see in the console version one being Ezreal in obscure but cool addition I don't know why they decide to put more characters in a handheld game but either way I would wanted to see that roster roster in the console version oh wait I'm supposed to be talking about this guy police marksman right well imagine the police officer but with a bigger gun that's this guy hey I guess it's kind of notable that he doesn't have a pistol but you know all right this is a little editor's note after the fact in case you didn't notice the icon for this character is nothing like what he looks like in the actual level the police marksman in the level is just a SWAT team member with his hat the other way so case didn't notice that I yeah I write the script and record before I get footage from the game so I didn't really realize that at the time but wow that that's lazy that's really lazy and I'm sorry you had to go through that [Music] the villain infestation in Gotham got so bad that they straight-up called the military I mean behind Gotham not completely rundown at this point just like its real-life counterpart the crime rate in Gotham has got to be literally off the charts and Gotham also has the absolute worst prison system ever in this game all the villains are free to roam the hallways I mean come on no wonder these villains keep getting out the guards probably let them out if they asked nicely although you think Batman roaming the streets every night would be enough as a deterrent for criminals my theory is that the mature the military policemen are here to inspect Gotham as the next nuke site I mean Batman's method isn't stopping criminals from doing their thing and crime can spread to other cities so how about we just stop it at a source with the third ever nuke to be dropped I'll let you think about it [Music] this is probably one of the strangest names for a throwaway character like yeah I get that there are probably called in a lot to help take down these villains since the regular police just get mowed down by them but the SWAT also gets mowed down in this game so does it make a difference I mean just wait for Batman damn wait where was I oh yeah I get why they're in the roster because it's pretty conceivable that they wouldn't need to be called in after the police get destroyed but why are they just called SWAT you tell me this guy's name is special weapons and tactics I don't know about you but I don't think that's quite that's not quite a name someone out there named your future child special weapons and tactics in honor of this boy right here side note how often are the SWAT team called in in Gotham I mean why would you want to live in Gotham to begin with let alone be in law enforcement also I hope you guys don't mind me not talking about the game at all I'm sorry there's just nothing interesting about this guy [Music] remember with the fries girl when I said the developers of this game over at TT games probably got too lazy to make goons for every villain yet they still did it for the first view before that point well here's exhibit number two poison ivy is the third villain you face in the game if you're not counting two faces van in which case poison ivy would be the fourth but I will say that these poison ivy goons do get points for being different different as in a different species maybe unless these are also one of the hundred goon siblings except poison ivy just cover them in moss and made them put on red eye contacts [Music] the Yeti is quite an anomaly at first op Yeti really why would be it's just a I don't know why he's even in the game I don't even remember seeing there's a lot of debate around the yetis actual role in the game I know it doesn't seem like it concerning the game is over a decade old and it is a throwaway character after all they hear me out here fellows first let me note that the Yeti is unlife or purchase after you complete the penguins love layer level the final level in the penguin hero campaign however notice the character it's a Yeti a Yeti lives in cold places when it make more sense if the Yeti was a mr. freeze henchman assuming you said yes then why wasn't he unlocked after the mr. freeze level it's it's quite a puzzler it's a riddle if you will the final theory is that the Yeti is actually a minor Batman villain by the name of snowman this one is a bit far-fetched considering that his name isn't snowman but it still need to think about the the Yeti is arguably one of the most debated upon character in the game and that should be noted [Music] to end this part on a high note this is the last character with no special ability at all that's right well thank you thank you they took us three parts well - and I think they part but we're here ending it with the Commish he's played a pretty cool part in the game surprisingly he was even a boss fight in the Joker villain campaign and he was also kidnapped as a result of that boss fight and that's where I was left off in the Joker hero campaign for Batman to rescue him now as I've implied of course he has no abilities at all besides his handy pistol he didn't change his appearance at all in Lego Batman 2 when I go Batman 3 he's included in the Dark Knight DLC resembling the Gary Oldman's Commissioner which is the best version there is you can't you can't convince me otherwise but DC supervillains he took an aging pill or something cuz wow look at that maybe because Barbara Gordon is also in the game is Batgirl anyway finally let's get into some more interesting characters [Music] so here we are the actual abilities weapons are nice and I'll definitely it like the cherry on top but it's the abilities that make it through the level it's the abilities that get you all the collectables you need to get 100% completion so first up we have the scientist the character you could probably pop into any Lego game besides like Star Wars and middle-earth and he'll probably look like he could fit in but the first ability we're looking at are tech access or tech panels characters with technology access can access these green things on the wall and control whatever it enables sometimes it's a little RC car sometimes it's the helicopter really depends to scientists despite having no accessory can access tech panels which makes sense onions a scientist I mean there is another character who's guaranteed straight-up guaranteed to be in every level you play in free play that renders this guy useless but it's nice that they at least gave this guy some sense of purpose [Music] ah yes the sidekick did Batman himself there are two more abilities that will be introduced in this segment the first being the battering I briefly mentioned this in the Bruce Wayne segment but Batman and Robin have the Batarang using that they can target breakable objects and enemies and hit them from afar you can even aim with guns so having a Batarang that you can actually aim is very useful sometimes you need to use the battering to progress in the level it's not very often but it happens the other ability Batman and Robin possess is the grapple they can reach higher elevations using the grapple and it's exclusive to the heroes the muck this is the most basic version of Robin his for specialized suits used throughout the game will be counted as separate characters but despite the grappling and Batarang it's just barely enough to get him into the 30s nevertheless here on forward is when the series actually gets interesting and the placements may be controversial strapping boys [Music] yes instead of Batman we have the female counterpart Batgirl now when the heroes aren't in a specialized suit and are instead in the standard suit they're pretty much all the same they all have batarangs and grapple of the four heroes in their standard suits I placed Robin as the last because he's the least cool-looking and the least experienced Batgirl is second to last because well I mean the other two guys ahead are cooler this is the Barbara Gordon Batgirl which is what I'd expect since this is the most well-known version also in case the hair isn't enough proof that it isn't Cassandra Cain the DS version has Barbara Gordon just straight up as a playable character so a like supper from Batgirl so there you go bad girls never got the shine in any Lego DC game I mean she was a Boston Lego CDC super bones but that's as much as it goes kind of strange that Batgirl got the most shine in the Lego DC game that doesn't have Batman in the title [Music] now here's the namesake of the game well the first version of the guy in this list of course as I've said when the heroes aren't in this specific suit they all have a Batarang and grapple but the battering and grapple aren't specific to the classic suits of course you know when the heroes are in a specialized suit they can still use the Batarang and grapple it should go without saying but I I might have made it sound like um like heroes can only use these abilities when in the classic suit but anyway back to the character it's the Batman and he's not even through the halfway point of the list but with all the suits some of them will make it at least past the halfway point I can't go much into it now but you'll see it all in due time this Batman game was one of the very first lego games that made by TT Games one that spirals into all the Lego games we've gotten sense whether or not that's a good thing is subjective but the thing is Lego Batman Batman the god speed that's not God and God speed meeting means thank you I mean me it means good luck I mean to say thank you there we go let's just move on [Music] as a kid I always thought Nightwing was the pleasant surprise of the game sure the same could be said about Batgirl in this regard but this version of Batgirl was never in a physical Lego set this Nightwing was in it in a Lego set of physical Lego set and it was exclusive to and to the Arkham Asylum set that came out around that time and that set is very nostalgic to me even though I admittedly never got any of the 2007 Lego Batman sets which urges me even to this day well anyway this is Nightwing has the same suits as Robin which makes sense because in the case you don't know Batman lore Nightwing is the first Robin Dick Grayson we shouldn't laugh but Nightwing in this game generate generally likes to flex his acrobatic skills which is also a nice reference to a circuit circus acrobatic origins which may or may not be intentional but knowing like flips around and his fight is like moves are like super acrobatic II you know usually I'm not too picky on whether I should play Robin or Nightwing but if you have like done to my head and made me choose to play either Robin or Nightwing I choose Nightwing in a heartbeat also does this mean that the Robin in this game is Jason Todd the one who died and became the Red Hood that's uh that's a nice twist of the game that's also kind of a dark twist at that it's not as twisty as the goon boys but I still think it's worth noting [Music] now high-ranked the four main heroes remember that that will be reflected with the future segments because in terms of abilities all four heroes with no special suit are the same I rank them based on how they look also batman and batgirl have the same exact suits and Robin and Nightwing have the same exact suits so Batman special suit will always be ahead of the Batgirl version of that suit and Nightwing special suit will always be ahead of the Robin counterpart but anyway here is the news ability to the series the glide ability it's simples it's similar I understand is there a big gap too wide to jump over use the glide ability and they they just might make it there are several characters that have the glide suit so that's why the hero glide suits are relatively low but the glide ability is used a lot in both the story and in free play and so I understand why it's in the game in the first place but as I've said there are more characters that have a glide ability among other abilities so sorry the glide suit doesn't rank too high [Music] I basically spoiled it in this placement in the last segment but it's just I mean it's something no I mean I told you I should have told you that if you see a bad girl suit a Batman suit he's gonna follow up it's just something to know but yes look Batman glide 2 is obviously the same as the Batgirl glide suit but this is the version you play in the story I don't know why but I explicitly remember an icy reception is the first level in the game you play this specific suit which is also the second level in the game you know when you think of something and then a snapshot enters your head whenever I think of the glide ability in general I think of a snapshot and an icy reception in the level I don't know why I just I just do that I'm obviously not stretching for time this suit is very it's just very nostalgic especially since it's Batman in the suit I don't get that nostalgia look Batgirl the glide to it helps to happen to that kind of nostalgic [Music] all right now we're getting to the real nitty-gritty of the series now that the goons are over with and the henchmen and the whoever the Frick were finally at the villains the people that matter because with Batman and Robin and the hero campaign you play them the entire thing it's just you get tired of playing them but what I love about the villain campaign is that every level is you play the same villain of that campaign like the main villain like Riddler penguin a joker but then you play like someone new and it's like this is where most of the fun was had playing the story mode of the villains because you never know what you're gonna get but here we got to face so let's just tart with the fact that he has a double pistol I love that honestly in the end the double pistol doesn't take out enemies any faster or anything but it looks cooler anyway two-face has an ability never before seen in the series and that is the toxic ability no he doesn't complain about how much he hates the new Star Wars movies and no he instead has the ability to traverse across these toxic gunk throughout the game they are practically everywhere I'm not even sure if there's a level without a Gotham which should really do something about that it's it's making it really unsafe to just walk about you know so yeah having the toxic ability is very useful because of just the sheer amount of it there is in the game I like it like in the Riddler campaign the enterprising theft level there's literally a pool of Kaka toxic gunk and two-face just swims in it no problem it's it's amazing [Music] well you're telling me that the big bad boy at the first of the three hero campaigns is relatively lower on the list well yeah he only has one ability and it's one we haven't seen yet the Riddler has the mind-control ability and if you see an unsuspecting man in an area you cannot reach and if he has a requesting mark above his head you can take control of him and make him do whatever he can do in that room most of the time it's just like pulling a lever or something but I feel like the developers were just at a loss as to what ability to give the Riddler because I mean depending on what version you're talking about what version of the Riddler he may or may not have powers but typically he's just a riddle dude I don't I mean there might be some of the magic missed in his little staff there but uh I don't know there are other characters in the game in which it makes more sense for them to have the brain wash ability or mind control but hey the Riddler does it with this cool question mark staff and that is exclusive to the Riddler so that is noteworthy and you know I'll write the mind control ability off as you know it's a pass [Music] so here's the next character with the mind control Billy while with the Scarecrow I get the mind control even less you can attach the mind control the Riddler and like like I said I'll give it a pass because I mean some versions rather I have him doing that kind of stuff but you give it the Scarecrow and yeah I'll accept it but it just it makes less sense but however I understand that Scarecrow is an important Batman villain and you got to give him something but I mean the scarecrows whole thing is that he he terrorizes people by showing them their worst fear so I mean that doesn't really have much to do with mind control does it I don't know maybe I'm nitpicking also something I forgot to mention from the Riddler segment is that besides the unsuspecting mind control victim behind a wall there's also like a window with a question mark on it and a character with the mind control can use the window to trick the guy who's behind the window into opening the door or wherever the case may be the guide like he looks at you and then the villain does like a little gesture and then the guy suddenly comes like a robot and the nods this is a major stretch but you could argue that Scarecrow is using his fear gas to scare the guy into doing what he wants I mean that's all in my head to kind of justify it [Music] now this guy I I never got him like unlocked them as a kid and I didn't really get to until I seriously dedicated myself to getting 100% in the game I always looked at the locked silhouette in the shop in Envy as a child I thought it would be another variant of the Joker because of the hair but nope it's this slightly lesser known Batman villain I mean I knew one well-versed in Batman mythos knows who they shall ghoul is but if you're to name 10 Batman villains off the top of your head he probably won't make the first 5 or maybe even the 10 anyway you had to grind to get this guy to unlock him you have to get all 300 mini kids all across the 30 levels on top of that you have to drop 500,000 studs to buy him from the shop however at that point you probably have some stud multiplying extras so the price point isn't really that big of a deal but as far as the character goes he has two staffs and a unique fight animation also he is unique in the sense that he runs across tight ropes faster than any other character I don't know I don't find this very big of a deal but hates I guess it's unique to the character I grinded for hours to get all the mini kits and all I get is cool fighting animations in a faster tightrope walk I was honestly expecting a bit more [Music] this is probably the most recent Batman villain to be in this game I think hush was created in 2002 and this game was 2008 six years isn't that long of a time so it's cool to see hush get some representation I own the graphic novel and it was it's pretty good this is the other character besides Rochelle ghoul that stayed locked in the shop for me as a kid you also have to grind down Locke hush but not as much as Rachel ghoul throughout the 30 levels in the game there are 25 citizens of imperil which were basically random citizens getting bullied by some goon brothers kill the goons the citizen gets away and it displays how many citizens you've saved out of 25 some citizens are able to be saved in story mode while others can only be saved in secret areas in free play however it get all 25 and hush is unlocked in the store hush wields two pistols and is actually pretty fun to play mostly because he's a character even one of the last characters you unlock however he does not have any abilities but like Rachel Ghul he does have a special little something he has faster building which is nice except the fact that I already had the fast build extra by the time I unlocked him so it was kind of pointless however it's cool that hush is getting some representation so soon after his debut [Music] oh yes here we go another hero suit here we have the dive suit outside of this specific suit there's only one other character with this ability this new ability that's right the dive ability is pretty plain and simple people with the dive ability are able to sink to the bottom of pools and it was only used like twice in the story hell its first appearance was in the second campaign like eight levels into the game something like that you'll mostly find yourself using in free play to get some collectibles sometimes the physics of it all is kind of iffy if I'm being honest you sink down just fine but sometimes the mashing of the jump button get back up to the surface is bit difficult don't get me wrong I'm not complaining I know Lego games aren't hard I'm just saying that gravity likes to double its effect on you when you're underwater in this game but as I've said the dive ability is pretty exclusive to the hero's suit and one other character so that's pretty cool [Music] of course you should have expected that the night wing variant will follow directly after robbing so here we go the one thing I forgot to mention with the hero suits our suit upgrades the red bricks of each hero level unlocks the suit upgraded bought while each red brick in a villain level unlocks an extra available to purchase most of the suit upgrades are exclusive to a certain suit but there are three that are for all suits such as fast grapple fast battering and more battering targets all of which are pretty self-explanatory the glide suit which I forgot to mention in the last episode has the slam upgrade meaning you could slam down on the ground during flight the dive suit has its own upgrade called the freeze battering I don't know why it's a freeze Batarang in it like the dive suit you're not even dealing with ice you're doing it with water but you hit him and it freezes the enemy but that and that's pretty much all there is to it anyway suit upgrades are pretty cool and you'll see ones that will make more sense as we progress through the list this one doesn't make sense but I think they're they're just running out of ideas for for suit upgrades for the specific suit [Music] remember way back in the last episode where I gave props to the scientists for having a tech panel access but there's another character that is guaranteed to be in every free play level that makes the scientists useless well here he is well one of two nevertheless the scientists can go bye-bye because here's Robin this is a suit introduced in the first level in the game called you can bank on Batman where you drive up RC car and hit some buttons as stated in the last part those with tech panel access can access these green panels and to control random stuff this Robin suit basically replaces the Cape with this cool little mechanical backpack of sorts with an antenna but overall besides the select few levels you really don't see the tech panel needed that much maybe for collectables BOTS really it besides the very few times in the story you actually use the tech suit [Music] dear Nightwing is in the tech suit and I'll be honest it looks kind of dorky I mean I mean Robin looks a bit natural and I probably because he's already dorky as it is sorry not sorry but Nightwing didn't have a piece of clothing that the backpack replaces like Robin's cape it just slapped onto his back which is fine anyway there's a specific suit upgrade for the tech suit this is probably the most bizarre suit upgrade of them all and I actually discovered it accidentally I'm the type of guy who just randomly buys whatever I can to get 100 percent completion I don't really observe what I'm buying and I just I just buy and move on so I didn't really see this coming one day I was collectable hunting and I needed the taxi while in the taxiway I accidentally pressed a button and suddenly there was another Robin I was literally taking it back this is the decoy suit upgrade all it does it it fools enemies and they try punching them and then the decoy explodes overall it's kind of dumb but I mean I was in shock when I first came across because it was so bizarre [Music] here we be with another special suit for the Bat heroes this is the demolition suit which just happens to be the first special bat suit you play in the story it's exactly what you think it is in case you're watching this and haven't played that this gem of the game you blow stuff up with it it's actually pretty useful at its base level before any upgrades of which there are two you are able to lay down up to three bombs and detonate them oh wait I totally forgot this is a new ability we haven't encountered them in the game sorry this is just a staple of Lego games at this point so I just assumed you all knew so if our Lego objects are a staple in Lego games even at this point since it has been present in all three or five depending on how you count traveller tails Lego games up to this one in case you don't know silver illegal objects can only be destroyed by some sort of explosive whether it be bounty hunter bombs in star wars bazookas and Indiana Jones or a penguin in this game silver objects are not blowing stuff up with the demolition suit is a Power Move in its purest form [Music] yeah I didn't mention backer on the last segment you guys know the drill by now I basically have to stretch one suit from one into two segments so some are easier to do like this one but others aren't like the dive suit or yeah this suit actually has two upgrades as opposed to most having only one one is the more detonators upgrade which is pretty self-explanatory it just increases the max amount of bombs you can place from three to six it's pretty useful if you're a pyromaniac and you want to achieve euphoria but honestly you really don't need more than three bombs to get stuff done the others to upgrade with the demolition suit is armor plating this one is useful if you have no extras enabled you basically have to step away from the bomb before detonating or else steel dot which is pretty inconvenient now with the armor plating you don't have to waste time stepping away just to blow it up you can just stay there also your dumb AI pal wood will die for being too close so that's always a delight to see [Music] here we have yet another new ability to the series and get this this and the Nightwing counterpart are the only characters in the game with this new ability and if the suit name doesn't give it away it's the magnet ability throughout the game you see out of place mag like metal walls alongside buildings and such but the magnet ability you can walk on them and reach new areas the suit itself has magnetic plates on Robins feet and a cool little backpack I guess you may ask if the magnetic bility is exclusive to this version of Robin and Nightwing shouldn't they be higher on the list well perhaps they could have been higher but the magnetic ability isn't present in many levels a few here and there for story mode and a few more for collectibles and free play also walking speed on the magnetic wall is very slow and time-consuming especially in the an icy reception level where you have to climb up that snake looking vent [Music] of course the Nightwing Magna suit comes right after it's up as far as how it looks on Nightwing the same metal plates in backpack are on but just it's just cooler to look at because I mean it's Nightwing come on anyway remember in the last segment where I said the walking speed of the magnet suit is atrocious well as it happens the suit upgrade for the Magnus suit fixes that very problem the fast walk suit upgrade increases well the walk speed it makes things so much more convenient but as I've said despite the magnet ability being exclusive to Robin and Nightwing they aren't higher up because the magnet just isn't that common also most characters about these guys have more than just one single ability they might have two or more [Music] in the last part we had a Robin / Nightwing suit that had an ability exclusive but not really used a lot these next two segments we'll be talking about the Bat Man slash Batgirl suit that isn't kind the same type of situation here is the heat protection suit this is an ability exclusive to the bat suits basically if there are bright red Lego bricks about you can interact with them without dying if you're wearing the heat protection suit it can be bright red bricks you need to build or passageways bringing some red gas or even some climbing pipes that are red the suit itself was probably one of my favorites across all hero suits that might even be including Lego Batman 2 and 3 I'll have to go over the suits for those but I like this one a lot I just really like the red suit with the red goggles also with Barbara Gordon's hair it just adds to the cool looking suit but just like the magnet suit it's exclusive but ultimately not used as much as it could be making them a bit lower on the list but still make it into the penultimate episode of the series [Music] that man while not having the red hair to go with the red suit still looks hella cool now of course there's there is a suit upgrade to be gotten to make the heat protection suit more desirable this time around it's the flaming battering this one makes sense unlike the freezing battering of the dive suit like yeah ice is solid water but it's still not the same state of matter it's dumb but the flaming Batarang makes sense because it's an accessory only the heat protection suit can handle because of the flaming temperatures if you will but ultimately most unamused to take out through Hanahan combat anyway so and very few get to perish at the hand at the flaming battering about at the end of the day the heat protection suit is very cool to look at for both batman and batgirl but the suit itself isn't needed as much so I don't get to appreciate its greatness [Music] now the magnet suit in the heat protection suit both or exclusive abilities to the heroes but not really used this specific suit in the last Robin / Nightwing suit coming up our our abilities also exclusive to the heroes but are used as sufficient amount in the game this is the sonic suit the final specialized Batman / Batgirl suit in the series the sonic soo is pretty simple you see some of us you want to break public property well grab your sonic gun and shoot it to bust that glass from non-existence and I will say glass sure was present in this game as it is everywhere you use it a lot in the hero levels and they also reuse a lot for collectables in both the hero and villain levels the suit itself is pretty much all blue and which let me make a note of this isn't Batman the whole thing is to not stand out in the night blend into the shadows and take his enemies by surprise with this in the heat protection suit Batman and Backer are really going against that but you know what they look cool so whatever [Music] of course let's get to the suit upgrades of the sonic suit that's right I said upgrades plural there are three three which contribute to why this is considered the most useful Batman suit of all reminder the amount of suit upgrades that affect all suits as opposed to just one is also three so that means that there are six suit upgrades in total that effect this specific suit the first is called sonic pain no not the feeling you had after watching the Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer uh meow it just means that your sonic gun hurts enemies now still use Hanahan combat so it's not that useful but eight whatever the second upgrade is area effect this is my favorite of the three instead of just shooting sonic gun in one direction it's I'll instead shot into the air and swirls around affecting a larger range the third is bats it's just called bats the bat bats just surround the sonic waves I don't think it does anything it's just it just looks cool I guess gosh this feels so sentimental Batman is the namesake of this entire game and this is the last time we're going to be seeing him in this series so Batman thank you for the memories made in this game now let us go talk about your villains who are notably better to play as [Music] okay here's the final hero suit that will be introduced in the series and as I've said this ability is exclusive to this specific suit and it is used a lot it is the attract suit the whole details of the suit very easy understanding throughout levels you'll see these little red yellow and green tanks with a 25 on what they attract so you can collect these random red yellow and green debris that are laying around or revealed after destroying objects when you suck up the piece a number the number of Robins back increases by one once Robin gets 25 pieces he can dispense it into the tank so it can build something special the story mode it's probably some stupid vehicle or something but in an area only available in free play it's more likely than not a mini kit it's hard to find a level where you don't have to use the attract suit whether it be for the story or for a free play but not only does it help you get ten out of ten minutes but it also gets helps you get more studs for true hero I don't really talk about this because the characters aren't really involved in this but in case you don't know true hero is rewarded after getting enough studs just like true Jedi and true adventurer in Lego Star Wars and Lego Indiana Jones respectively there are a total of 50 pieces of junk ardan more they're just sprawled around any given area with a tank the first 25 may go to a vehicle or manigott but after you can enter in 25 more for a crap ton of studs this is perfect for getting that true hero status and using the studs for buying up the shop [Music] man I said the track the attract suit was easy to understand but I still took up so much time that I couldn't get to what the suit looks like you probably can't observe it by now but I think it's an interesting look basically they have a little pack on the back of the vacuum reminds me of that one up so spongebob you know the one anyway there are two suit upgrades for the suit the first is faster pieces it basically just sucks up pieces faster than they used to honestly not that big of a deal I mean the pieces are going to get there either way who cares about the speed at which they do the second suit upgrade is a lot more useful it's called the piece detector with this suit yepper equipped you can see little boxes that show up on the screen to tell you where the pieces are it saves a lot of time because when you need to just get the pieces you frantically break objects hoping that the pieces are underneath the suit just straight up tells you where they are it's a lot more useful when you're trying to get the second 25 pieces because by the last five pieces or so they may be a bit difficult to find but anyway this is the last of the heroes we'll see in this whole series it's a little sad to be honest but you know the ones are better what can I say [Music] the rest of the characters in the series are villains this really does say something about our society and how we live in one here we had the most obscure villain in the game I'd say Killer Moth as four abilities he has one and half if you want a County gun but in addition to a gun he has the glide ability yeah remember that one Batman suit well imagine that but a goof with a gun has it in hindsight maybe it would have been made more sense that Killer Moth behind Batman and bad girls by its super come on it's Killer Moth his boss fight was all about turning on lights to entice him he's pretty unique and it's cool that he made it into the game the developers made him one of the villains Batman had to take down over the likes of Rachel Gould who had to be unlocked in the at light after the game that's just so goofy like killer mom fun fact there was actually an alternate design for Killer Moth in the DS version look at that look at that that is the stuff of nightmares thank God we didn't get that in the console version with higher definition oh my god Jesus Christ stop that stop [Music] the next film the grace this series is the man-bat let's take a combat pound word that made Batman and just switch it as it turns out Batman and man-bat will elicit two totally different results man-bat has two abilities to note the first is the glide ability the obvious one I mean he has giant ass wings and it goes without saying the second ability has something we haven't covered yet man-bat has super strength this is the first logo game to have super strength and this game set a precedent most lego games with super strength since this game had these orange handles which are seen in this game they debuted in this game a character with the super-strength ability can interact with these orange handles pulling them forward backward or what have you to make areas accessible or in some cases you can pull an orange handle once and the character will just throw it off screen man-bat puzzles me because there's an ability I believe he should have but doesn't in this game the sonic ability I mean he's half that and they're all about echolocation man-bat even has a sonic ability in Lego Batman 2 so what's the big idea TT games come on [Music] here's the first bill on you facing the game Clayface this design is one of the coolest design I've seen in the game and it's an absolute shame that they've never gotten this specific Clayface design and minifigure form in a set his fighting animation is really neat with his hammer hand and such he'd also throw a chunk of clay but honestly I didn't even remember that he did that until I was gathering footage for this part but you may ask what does he bring to the table well for one he has the super-strength ability which is justified I mean he's he's a he can be a big guy and the next ability is something we haven't seen the double jump ability I particularly like this ability because I get some feeling of power whenever I do it characters that can double jump can jump to higher elevations obviously also they can technically jump across bigger gaps because of their airtime but that's not an official perk of this ability but I mean you can you can buy or get so they can make some big jumps they weren't supposed to make a fun fact about the DS version the Clayface in that game only has super strength and not the double jump so ha ha finally something the console version has that the DS version relax [Music] I've always liked bein as a villain no not the Bane from Batman and Robin no not the Tom Hardy version either I guess Batman nightfall is worth bein shined the most I think the only place where he's shined at all anyway in this game Bane has two abilities the first is super strength which is something you should expect if you know you're Batman methods like come on but if they had a Bane and they didn't give him super strength I would honestly burn my computer why did I write that into the script the second is toxic immunity which also makes sense but as I've said it's hard to find a level without toxic going somewhere so any character with toxic immunity will always have a leg up but not even toxic immunity was enough to get Bane into the top 10 sorry Bane you're gonna stay at number 11 [Music] Wow we're already in the final part this relatively short series I mean the leg of stars to complete saga part 7 was just past the halfway point anyway let's start the finale with another weird villain that I'm surprised made it into the game for legal reasons his Alice in Wonderland public domain and must be since Disney did not roast Warner Brothers for for putting this guy in the game first him with lawsuits that is anyway why is this guy deserved being the family you may ask well I'll tell you why first he has a gun not the main reason of course but we won't be seeing many guns at this point in the list so it's worthy of note next he has to mine controllability you know the one that the Riddler and scarecrow also share and finally he has double jump this double jump is probably the most unique of all double jumps because on the second jump he has a low propeller that comes out from his hat to boost him up it's pretty cool so basically Mad Hatter is the Riddler with with a double jump that's and a gun so there's that it's also he looks like Peter Pettigrew and that's all there is to say about that [Music] here we actually have a first in the finale of all times the first villainous bonuses have a unique ability only to them which is this little panel right here with the hearts on it basically the guy behind the panel is waiting there to be seduced I mean why else would he be sitting behind a door with hearts on it this is like the Lego universe Lego Batman universes version of tinder so the villainous panel access basically the villainous seduces the guy and then the guy just lets them go through the villainous panel is basically like the mind control panel just with girls that's that's all it is but in addition to the villains panel Catwoman has the double jump which makes a lot of sense considering the giant leaps she makes in her boss fight at the beginning of the penguin hero campaign Catwoman also wields a whip which is cool for Catwoman to have but in this series the most important factor is how many abilities someone has and not how often those abilities are used in this game when in free play scrolling through characters is so much more tedious because you have to scroll through every individual hero suit it's really lame so the less you have to scroll to scroll through characters the better [Music] I kind of think this is a lame cop-out but hey it's the exact same as the Catwoman you just saw so I have to I have to contractually place this one right by the original Catwoman the black suit Catwoman was what you saw in the story and his purple suit Catwoman was just available to purchase in the store no special requirements to unlock or anything like huh sure Rachel ghoul but but yeah like I said she's the exact same as the other Catwoman just in purple and for that reason that's why the classic Catwoman outranks the regular Catwoman you don't see her at all until you unlock her in the store so it's kind of refreshing to see something new you already played the regular Catwoman in the penguin villain campaign like several times and you also fought her twice in the penguin hero campaign so we've seen enough of regular Catwoman man I stretch really hard to make this segment regular length in case you haven't realized from the several times I've said it I like purple suit Catwoman more than black suit Catwoman there it is [Music] next up we have mr. J's right-hand clown Harley Quinn as far as abilities go Harley Quinn is basically Catwoman with a gun she does double jump which makes total sense considering that she is pretty acrobatic she has villainous access which confuzzled me a bit since I mean how could this do get seduced by an insane woman with clown makeup on like not this is this isn't like Margot Robbie Harley Quinn we're talking about this is this is classic Harley Quinn it does it doesn't add up I'm sorry but aside from double-jump and villainous access she just has a pistol and it's quite the inventory for her character in this game a gun you know you don't see many of those you don't see many of guns in this game that's really it for Harley Quinn in this game I mean obviously she kept pretty close to the Joker in the Joker campaign I remember in the final level the Joker hero campaign you had to stop Harley Quinn's flipping around precariously on the rooftop by squirting her with giant water guns and then proceeding to beat her up with the Joker at the top of the tower it's pretty goofy when you say it like it is but I guess it's fitting considering the villains I don't know [Music] here we have the main villain of the second hero campaign and the main character of the second villain campaign the penguin you get real used to having this guy in the levels he starred in but with the Riddler villain campaign the Riddler is pretty limited with what he can do since his only ability was mind control so I mean you were more likely and not playing the other villain the guest star if you will the penguin has a few very useful abilities that you use a ton first not anything big but his umbrella is actually done I mean that's amazing in its own right aside from that his first ability he has is the glide ability using his umbrella he can traverse it across some big gaps much like man-bat or batman and batgirl his glide suit and Killer Moth and I think that's it and finally he has these little penguins he has these little wind-up penguins that blows up on contact with silver Lego objects if it doesn't come in contact with the silver object and instead hits a wall it will just turn around and keep going if it doesn't hit a silver object and a certain amount of time it just blows up on him on its own or you could blow it up or whenever you want also here's the final kicker with the penguin there are these little tiny purple doors sprinkled throughout levels only the penguin can interact with these doors by fitting a litte little penguin in there these purple doors are essential to complete story levels in the penguin build campaign or getting collectibles so it makes the penguin very useful and advantageous to play [Music] Killer Croc is a character I always enjoyed playing in this game and as it turns out he has three official abilities just three abilities and no I'm not counting weapons Killer Croc doesn't even have any weapons to begin with all his abilities are abilities we have seen but all of them are really useful especially in the villain levels first off a super strength several villains have super strength so you bet your dirty buttocks it'll be all over the villain levels the mechs ability he has is toxic community which is present in almost like this toxic gunk is present in almost every level in the game so of course that's going to be a huge plus killer Crocs third abilities one we haven't seen in a while which is the dive ability Killer Croc can sink to the bottom of pools and do whatever it is you got to do the dive ability as far as this game goes is pretty it's fairly rare and this dive ability is only seeing in Killer Croc and the dive suit of Robin and Nightwing also the fact that Killer Croc has three abilities while every character before this only has one or two or zero Killer Croc is definitely a character worth plane [Music] here we have Batman's greatest foe and also the nuttiest you know mule of them well some more than others it's the Joker the number of Joker's abilities aren't more than killer Crocs but killer Crocs abilities are all shared by other characters Joker has a specific ability that no one else has and considering Joker's Batman's arch nemesis Joker has a natural leg up anyway let's start with the fact that Joker has two guns not more effective in combat but it looks cool second he has talked to a community which I mean since he was plunged into a vat of ACE chemical acid he freakin better have toxic immunity if he survived that also side note why doesn't a skem achill take care of the deadly acid better like they had these giant bats just out in the open for anyone fall into what was I talking about oh yes yes I remember it's the final ability exclusive to the Joker it's called the [Music] but what happened not Damon did the segment change I didn't get to talk about Joker's last exclusive ability good thing Joker has another variant that you get either you can get postgame and shop tropical Joker but anyone who knows Batman knows that this is the Joker from The Killing Joke one of the most notable yet controversial Batman stories of all time that's the one where Joker handicaps Barbara Gordon and tortured the Commissioner by unclosing him and yeah I didn't like The Killing Joke I'm sorry if that wasn't that just wasn't Batman especially the ending I'm sure I'm the minority here with that but god I did not like that it was it was overly edgy and I hate it when things are edgy just for the sake of it and not when it's like deserving like if it's it's the if and whatever not with the suspense the final Joker ability is the joy buzzer generator riddled heavily throughout the game are these green generators and only Joker can deal with them I know since there are two variants of Joker the ability is technically not exclusive to one single character but I said it it's exclusive to Joker I didn't say just one Joker did I anyway I'm not kidding when I say there are a lot of these generators obviously there are a lot in the Joker villain campaign because you're playing Joker but they're used for a lot for many kids and I'll give that much credit and also obviously this tropical version of the Joker outranks the original because you only get to play this guy after you finish the story [Music] I've got to admit these final two characters were not who I was expecting to be the quote-unquote best characters but here we are mr. freeze he sure is useful in the game first let's get through the stuff we've seen before first yes super strength which is a little surprising to me next up yes toxic immunity which is also a bit surprising but it's probably his suit that allows for both of the mentioned abilities but here's what makes him stand out from the rest an ability only Mr Freeze has and if you can't guess it has to do with that big bulky gun he has not only does he whack enemies with this clunk of a weapon but I can interact with these sparkling liquid you may see throughout the game since this ability is exclusive to mr. freeze you don't see it much outside of the level you play as mr. freeze and the villain campaign but hey an exclusive bility is an exclusive ability also obviously mr. freeze can freeze enemies just like Robin can with his dive suits freeze Batarang [Music] I'm surprised too I never expected poison ivy to be considered the best character in the game but when I did the math like the rocket science three times over and I gotta say poison ivy has the most ability 'he's one of which is exclusive to her first op for a character that's supposed to be good looking like that's one of her defining features that she's she's hot I guess they really did give her the ugliest hair piece of all time didn't they anyway let's get to her abilities first she has the double jump which each villainous has so there that is speaking of villainesses she has villainous accents I believe poison ivy was the reason for the villainous accessibilty because one Poison Ivy's whole shtick is that she seduces men with her powers Catwoman can probably seduce men with her words but you'd have to give you have to be one heck of a creek gee if he to get seduced by a clown woman I'm sorry yeah that I don't I'm not buying that they just gave Harley Quinn villainess access because the other villainous has had it also out of the three bonuses and poison ivy is the first you get to play so the ability was pretty much made for although in the bluff will you play as poison ivy green fingers she doesn't use it and I'm not done with the abilities by the way next she has toxic immunity which pretty much goes without saying and as for combat she mostly slaps people around by occasionally kisses a guide to death her final ability is exclusive to her which is being able to grow plants I mean there are hearts around a potted plants poison ivy can make it grow to like an alarming rate so you can jump on it or something to progress in the lovely so for all the things pointing in Poison Ivy's favor this makes her the best character in the game I can guarantee she'll always be included in your free play team no matter what sad that includes this short series Lego Batman the video game every character ranked but I'm not done with this game first expect the supercut of course I'm gonna be working on in every vehicle ranked for the land vehicles the water vehicles and the air vehicles respectively so that's gonna be three additional videos and after that I have to switch games I'm gonna do an every blank rank on and another project beyond that so yes I have a lot on my plate in the coming however long it takes me to do this but I will tell you this one of the switch games is an official Nintendo IP it's not going to be a stupid $40 side-scrolling beat-em-up that was a waste of money and the other is a Lego game and I don't think many of you are gonna be expecting that but hey that's all that's on my plate and I'll do for the series adios employees
Channel: Snazzy S
Views: 508,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, lego star wars the complete saga, star wars, packattack, packattack04082, lego star wars, lego star wars walkthrough, 1080p, star wars video game, lego video game, star wars game, lego studs, lego indiana jones, lego star wars 3, batman, short round, all minikit locations, darth vader, episode 3, lego indiana jones walkthrough, 100% walkthrough, 100% playthrough, star wars episode 3, indiana jones, negotiations, twothless lego indiana jones, lego minikits
Id: lQR1FBiqY60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 50sec (4670 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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