LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy | Retrospective & Analysis

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hey everyone welcome to QuickBook games and today we're going to be talking about the sequel to Travelers Tales 2005 Lego Star Wars game Lego Star Wars 2 the original trilogy released in 2006 and as the title suggests this game focuses on the Original Trilogy of Star Wars films now known as a New Hope The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi now the first game was sorta released to promote episode 3 Revenge of the Sith at the time and covered the prequel trilogy films with the success of that game it only made sense to follow up with the originals much like the 2005 game Lego Star Wars 2 often goes unnoticed or sort of Forgotten due to the later release of Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga in 2007 so hopefully in this video we'll help change that by doing a full retrospective and Analysis of Lego Star Wars 2 the original trilogy so if you've played the first game Lego Star Wars 2 is gonna feel pretty similar when you boot up the game you're once again greeted with the classic Star Wars theme and the main menu being in space this time when starting a new game you'll be playing as Princess Leia and Captain Antilles in the most Eisley Cantina much like Dexter's Diner the most Eisley Cantina acts as the game's Hub which will return to again and again throughout the game hearing the catchy Cantina music and seeing all the different alien NPC characters hanging out it's just a perfect way to set up the atmosphere of the original trilogy pretty much all the features from the first game return here so you can immediately start doing the drop-in Dropout Co-op feature with a friend locally or of course play solo which is what we're going to be doing in this video when you start messing around in the Cantina you'll probably noticed the shop that was in Dexter's Diner returns but this time it's run by Uber I believe is his name the guy behind the counter the shop offers all the same things as the first game you've got your hints characters extras you can enter cheat codes except now we have a couple of new things first we have gold bricks which you can purchase I'll talk a little bit more about those later second we have story Clips this allows you to re-watch any of the game's story cut scenes in the first game you had to replay the levels and story to see them again so this is a nice and convenient way to re-watch them here after you've first seen them in the story mode of course you'll also find viable vehicles under the character section of the shop for the new vehicle levels in this game but we'll talk more about that later as well just to the left of the shop you'll notice this new hologram that counts for total play time as well as your percentage of the game completed which I think is a really nice touch and going over here to the right of the shop there are two characters in back the tanks a brand new feature of this game is the ability to create up to two of your own custom characters you can customize things like the hair head torso legs and more to create your own Lego minifigure from scratch as you unlock more characters throughout the game you'll unlock their different pieces to use for your own custom character so it's pretty neat I remember using this feature quite a bit playing this game as a kid back when it first came out but to be honest I usually don't mess around with the Character Creator much these days but I think it is a really cool feature to mess around with in free play if you're ever bored continue over here to the right a garage door with the Roman numeral 4 will open up with six more doors behind it this is where you can jump into the first level of episode 4 and New Hope which is called secret plans much like the original game you need to play through each level in story mode before you can jump back in using any character and free play mode alright so let's go ahead and jump into secret plans this game's cut scenes are just as good as the first games if not better the graphics definitely improved here on the Xbox 360 version which is what you're seeing here so they were able to do a lot more with the cutscenes just like the first game there's no voice acting but I think the characters Mumble a bit more than the first game but maybe that's just me foreign now right off the bat you're introduced to the new building feature of this game anytime you see jumping Lego objects on the ground you can hold a button to build something out of them that will help you progress the level or unlock some sort of collectible nearly every character in the game has the ability to build except for Droid characters building these two computer panels here will cause the door to open up for you and you typically get some studs for building too now the second door introduces yet another new feature levers again pretty much any non-droid character can pull on these levers in some cases like this one two levers will need to be pulled down at the same time or at least close to the same time to progress if you're playing solo usually your AI partner is pretty good at pulling the lever when you need them to now unlike the 2005 game where you're mostly using Jedi characters with lightsabers in the original trilogy you're going to be using Blaster characters quite a bit more they play mostly the same except now they have the ability to melee attack and in this level you'll soon encounter your first enemies Stormtroopers if they get too close using the attack button will now initiate a melee attack which is pretty handy some characters even have their own unique melee attack like Princess Leia doing this funny slap move also Blaster characters can now Dodge out of the way from incoming fire which definitely comes in handy later on in this first level you'll see The Return of the grapple feature from the first game again this ability is based on that one short scene and The Phantom Menace and it keeps coming back but anyways afterwards you'll have a short little mini boss fight with Darth Vader which is pretty cool and then you'll later be introduced to a new feature pushable Lego objects these are often used in different puzzle scenarios throughout the game anytime you see this checkerboard floor pattern that means a Lego object can be pushed along the floor to solve a puzzle or access some new area nothing too crazy here but I think it's a cool mechanic that diversifies the gameplay just a bit eventually you'll be reunited with R2D2 and C-3PO who both pretty much function exactly the same as the first game their primary use is to hack Astromech and protocol Droid panels for you another new feature this time around is the ability to ride vehicles within the regular on foot levels as we'll call them in this example since C-3PO can't jump you can operate this crane in order to lift them up and get them across the Gap it makes for a pretty cool puzzle now hold up we got to talk about the legendary Rebel friend character who gets introduced to this part of the level just look at the guy in his red outfit what a great friend later on the level ends where Leia gets captured and the two droids escaped Tatooine now upon completing a level you'll get a familiar result screen just like the first game but with some new additions first there is now a true Jedi meter for both the story and free play modes this change is awful in my opinion so now you need to grind filling up that stud meter twice in every level and second let's talk about those gold bricks we saw in the Cantina shop each time you complete a level in story get true Jedi status or get all 10 Minikits you'll be awarded a gold brick there are 99 gold bricks total in the entire game game eight of which can be bought outright in the Cantina shop gold bricks can then be used to unlock Secrets throughout the Cantina which of course we'll get to later lastly on this results screen there is a new red power brick collectible defined in every level in addition to the 10 Minikits from the first game now what do the red Power bricks do well they are pretty much how you get most of the extras in the game now before in the 2005 game you could just buy all the extras and Dexter's Diner as long as you could afford it now you need to get an extras red brick before you can purchase it so there's sort of an additional obstacle to get the extras now there's one red power brick defined in each level and there's 18 Main levels this time around so 18 extras to collect there's also several extras available for purchase without needing a red brick but to be honest those aren't nearly as good or useful but overall on the whole I'd say there's a bit more replayability this time around you've got to get true Jedi in both free play and story plus you have a red power brick defined in addition to the 10 Minikits from before luckily I have guides for all those Collectibles here at QuickBook games so check them out but alright let's move on like the first game now you have the option of continuing A New Hope or you can jump right into level one of Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi it's whatever you want to do again I love how they let you jump into whatever movie you want but for the purposes of this video I think we're going to stick with the chronological order and start with level two through the adrenaline waste so now we're on Tatooine where we get to play as the legendary Luke Skywalker one thing I didn't mention earlier is that the Blaster characters now have the ability to dive when you double tap the jump button I always loved how Luke's dive animation kind of has him stumble a little bit it looks kind of goofy and then we also have Ben Kenobi as a playable character our first Jedi in this game so now we have access to lightsaber combat and force abilities which all pretty much work identically to the first game except now you can do this Jedi mind trick ability on enemies like Tuscan Raiders say Obi-Wan has been given a completely new combat move set and animations now in this level you'll fight your way through waves of Tuscan Raiders and eventually reach a job off sand crawler Oreo rescue R2D2 and C-3PO the Jawa enemies are technically harmless but they can't zap droids with the little guns they're pretty annoying but overall I like their addition to the game they definitely spice things up a bit also in this level you may encounter a new double score zone area these are often secret Areas found in free play mode but some like this one are accessible in story mode as the name suggests all studs collected in these areas are worth twice as much I don't know it seems kind of like a random thing for them to add but I guess it's cool now towards the end of this level you'll get to drive a land speeder to get across the quicksand or whatever that's supposed to be after crossing the quicksand stuff you'll reach Luke Skywalker's home and get a nice little cut scene I love Luke messing around with the lightsaber in this one [Music] next up we have the most Eisley Spaceport level check out this part of the intro cut scene it's so great [Music] but anyway in this one you get to wander around fighting stormtroopers as Luke and Ben Kenobi one cool part about this level is how you get to build an atst and use it to take out enemies and Destroy Lego debris blocking your path I think it's a really good use of the new vehicle feature in this game this eventually leads to an in level version of the most lights like Cantina where you're introduced to Han Solo and Chewbacca Han Solo can shoot pretty quickly and has a neat role move when you're jumping Chewbacca has his crossbow just like the first game except this time he has a unique melee animation where he can literally rip off the arms of Stormtroopers it's very cool I actually remember seeing that in the trailer before the game came out at the end of this level when you reach the Millennium Falcon there is a pretty lame boss fight with the Imperial spy he just moves around calling in different waves of minions with his weird sound effect not too exciting but alright moving on to the fourth level rescue the princess now we've arrived at the Death Star and we get access to another new feature disguises in this case we can get Stormtrooper helmets allowing us to access the brand new Stormtrooper door panels fun experimenting with the helmet dispensers with characters that don't have a standard Lego minifigure head like Chewbacca for instance the helmet just kind of hangs on the side of his head it's definitely a nice little detail that TT games included one thing I like about this level is how it has these branching pads or hallways as you're moving throughout the death star and a lot more is available to you in free play mode on your second go around like the movie Ben Kenobi splits off from the group so you lose access to a Jedi character for most of this level also I gotta mention that this level features a double score zone that has a whole bunch of Stormtroopers and Speedos chilling in a hot tub you gotta love it but anyway eventually you reach Princess Leia and from there the level ends continuing A New Hope with the death star escape level this level is based again in the Death Star so the atmosphere is very similar to the last one but to be honest this might be my least favorite level from A New Hope as I'll explain here in a bit but I did always enjoy the intro cut scene in the trash compactor seeing their little Lego heads expand as they're getting crushed is kind of funny there is just one puzzle towards the beginning of the level where you gotta ride this little vehicle perfectly across the five red panels on the floor I remember getting stuck here as a kid because the game doesn't leave much room for air and I wasn't even sure if that's what I was supposed to be doing in this section let me know in the comments if you had problems with this section as well or if it was just me but anyway what I really don't like about this level is throughout the entire course of it there's constant infinitely respawning enemies when it comes to the Stormtroopers it's not quite as bad as the beach from defense of kashyyk in the first game but it's definitely pretty rough like when you have to build these grapple hook points on the floor while constantly getting shot at by Stormtroopers I mean really and then there's this part where you chase a single Stormtrooper down a hallway and it leads to like a billion Stormtroopers in the last room it's actually pretty impressive that Travelers Tales was able to get the game to handle that many characters on screen at once but again the enemies will continue to respawn they do give you the option to pull on these levers to close the doors to stop them from coming in but for some reason it only lasts a few against the fourth the doors open right back up so it's not too helpful then the last room again has more anime spam but at least this time they only spawn periodically it's also really cool how you get to see Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi have their little lightsaber duel in the background but anyways you end up doing some puzzle solving and Escape in the Millennium Falcon as Obi-Wan vanishes into a force ghost all right the last level for episode 4 is Rebel attack which is this game's first vehicle level to be honest the controls for these vehicle levels are not very good but they do offer much more control or Freedom compared to the first game's vehicle levels this time these levels are more from a bird's eye view camera angle and this one you fly around in an X-Wing taking out enemies you'll also use these new purple orbs called Torpedoes these are required to destroy certain obstacles to progress to the level or even solve some different puzzles that have to do with the minikits you can hold up to three at a time so you'll often have to return to the different torpedo dispensers around the level to get more after a few different areas you'll reach the Trench Run section which is pretty fun then you get to launch the final torpedo that ultimately blows up the whole Death Star I'd say this is a solid vehicle level and that wraps up episode 4 A New Hope [Music] foreign now before we jump into episode 5 let's talk about these question mark doors around the Cantina after you get enough gold bricks you'll gain access to these question mark doors there's one of these doors for each movie Inside you'll find three options there's super Story character bonus and many kit bonus levels super story is where you'll play through all six levels for a movie in one sitting there will be a one hour timer and a goal to collect a hundred thousand studs throughout your playthrough the one hour time limit is pretty easy for episodes four and five but episode 6 is definitely the longest one it can be a little bit tricky to do in under an hour but fortunately I believe you can pretty much ignore the stud and time limit goals as long as you just play through the super story you'll get the gold brick reward next re character bonus levels here the game throws you into a sort of free play mode where you can freely switch between characters the goal is to collect 1 million studs within a five minute time limit luckily the game introduces new purple studs in this mode which are worth ten thousand studs each you just gotta make sure to blow up as much stuff as as possible while trying not to get killed by the enemies if you can do it in under five minutes you'll get a gold brick last we have mini kit bonus levels like the first game when you collect all 10 Minikits in a level it will build a mini version of a different Star Wars vehicle that's typically based around that level now for the first time in these mini kit bonus levels you actually get to play as your different minikit Vehicles so in a way it gives incentive here to collectible minikits so you can use more vehicles in these bonus levels which I kind of like the goal here is the same as the character bonus levels collect 1 million studs in five minutes except this time you're in a vehicle instead of on foot doing so will give you another gold brick so that's pretty much it for the bonus levels I love how they provide even more content that wasn't there back in the first game now I guess while we're here in the Cantina I can mention that you can Adventure Outdoors from the Cantina very much like Dexter's Diner where you'll find the minikit builds from each level that we were just talking about there's also a couple more gold brick builds here that require a hefty amount of gold bricks but we'll talk more about those towards the end of the video but for now let's continue with episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back we start off with Hoth battle the next vehicle level in this game I don't think this one is considered a favorite by most players you see the problem with this level is that they introduce what I would consider an annoying new gameplay mechanic for the vehicle levels the toe bombs some Vehicles like the snow Speeders can launch a tow cable to drag these bombs across the map the issue is that the vehicle controls as I mentioned earlier aren't the best so it's really easy to drag these bombs into various objects causing them to explode prematurely these toe bombs are used pretty heavily in this one as there are several walls blocking your progression that you can only destroy with these bombs one thing I do like is that you can wrap your tow cable around the atat's legs just like the movie but unfortunately you then need a bomb to finish it off before it can get back up come on TT games but anyway the last part of this level takes place in a circular Arena where you need to take out several waves of enemies this section is actually really similar and reminds me of the Jedi battle level from the first game except this is just more of a vehicle version where you have to take out all these different ways of enemies within a circular location but I think this one works a little bit better because it's less difficult to find the enemies that you need for the next level we stay on Hoth for escape from Echo base here we mainly play as Han Solo and Leia as we work to escape from the Empire there's a bit more combat in this one but it's also very puzzle based so I think this is an overall well-rounded level a lot of the puzzles here use the pushable Lego objects mechanic I remember playing this level as a kid and getting stuck at this part where you have to use the little vehicle to launch C-3PO to get him up on this ledge let me know in the comments again if you got stuck at this part too there's also this part later on in the level where you slide down this ramp and you have to hit all the pressure pads but the way the controls are in this level it can be kind of tricky and you definitely have to go down at least a couple times in order to hit them all eventually you reach the Millennium Falcon where you have to repair it a bit before escaping just before Darth Vader reaches you what a close one moving on to the third level episode 5 is another vehicle level Falcon flight and this one you finally get to fly the Millennium Falcon you start out this one taking out several turrets on these different Star Destroyers you then move into the famous asteroid Field section from the movie This level can be a little repetitive because you often get blocked by these walls that can only be destroyed with the purple Torpedoes so you'll find yourself constantly having to go back and get more Torpedoes from the different asteroids this probably works better in Co-op I imagine since your Co-op partner can carry their own Torpedoes as well there's actually an optional area in this one where if you fall into this pit you'll be inside the space slug which also acts as a double score zone so I thought that was a really cool Easter egg there from the movie and then at the end of this level you have to destroy this massive asteroid using several Torpedoes and then we get a cut scene revealing Bounty Hunter Boba Fett the game then shifts back to Luke Skywalker's perspective where we land on degoba this is probably one of my favorite levels from this game you start by playing as Luke and his Pilot uniform where he plays just as a blaster character and then once you find Yoda you gain access to a lightsaber you can only use the force when Yoda is on your back I really like this whole mechanic with Yoda being on your back to use the force to sort of represent how Luke is being trained I think it's a pretty cool feature and speaking of Yoda he's been altered slightly in this game compared to the original unfortunately he no longer has his hover chair but I guess that makes sense since he didn't have it in the original Star Wars movies but man his movement just isn't as good without it one really annoying thing about this level are the dreaded bats these things are always respawning and getting in your way why did TT games feel the need to spam so many of these things but anyways eventually Luke will gain full access to the force without needing Yoda on his back and then he just pretty much becomes a full-on Jedi class character you even get to do a mini Darth Vader boss fight here in the cave just like the movie but instead of Luke's head being inside Darth Vader's helmet he just kind of disappears at the end of the fight I guess they got to keep that E10 plus rating but later on in the level in order to get Luke's X-Wing out of the water you need to use Yoda's force abilities to do it I thought this was a nice nod to the movie since Luke isn't powerful enough to lift it just yet and then the ending cut scene reveals the Ben Kenobi Force ghost and then we're off to the next level all right level five is called Cloud City trap another great one in my opinion this takes place during one of the most iconic scenes from all of Star Wars with Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader on bespin the only thing I don't like about this one is all the Stormtrooper enemy spam it just feels kind of unnecessary how they're literally spawning from the sky within a closed-in room in this example also I imagine this level is pretty boring in Co-op since your partner will be stuck playing as R2D2 the entire time but at least R2 has a significant amount of stuff to do during the fight and this really is a solid boss fight because there's just so much variety throughout the level like in this room you're alternating between fighting Vader and Stormtroopers and this one you have to use the force to throw Lego objects back at him this part actually kind of reminds me of the beginning section of the Darth Maul level from the first game but once you reach the end and take down all evader's Health you get the famous I am your father scene but in Lego fashion without voice acting since there's no voice acting Invader has to show Luke a family photo of him as Anakin and you see the pregnant Padme Lego there as well this is such a clever scene that's not really as good when you put voice acting in there in my opinion but anyway that's it for Cloud City trap the final level of Empire Strikes Back is betrayal over bespin here we get to play as Lando for the first time as we escape from the Empire I don't have too much to say about this one it's a solid Blaster character level it's pretty combat heavy as you fight your way through Stormtroopers while periodically needing to switch to either R2 or C-3PO to progress there's even a little Boba Fett boss fight here which I thought was neat the level ends with a final stand by the Millennium Falcon where you got to take out several ways Stormtroopers it definitely gets pretty hectic but overall that's pretty much it for The Empire Strikes Back and then by this point you'll probably have noticed if you played the first game that the levels here are significantly longer probably two to three times longer I'd say which I think it makes for a solid link to this game definitely gives you a lot more content to play and also every movie here has six levels unlike the first game where attack of the Clones oddly only had five but alright let's continue on with the final movie of this game episode 6 Return of the Jedi we start off in Jabba's Palace where we primarily play as Princess Leia except this time you'll find these Bosh I think is how you say it helmet dispensers this allows you to access new Bounty Hunter panels not only do they have the ability to access these Bounty Hunter door panels but they can also throw at detonators capable of destroying silver Lego objects which you might have seen throughout the game in some of the levels and while we're talking about character classes one interesting thing here about Lego Star Wars 2 is that they actually removed the high jumping character class remember in the first game when you could play as characters like Jar Jar Binks to reach high Ledges those are pretty much gone this time around just thought that was kind of interesting but anyways we end up meeting with Luke now with a green lightsaber and full-on Jedi robes we also have the new gomorian guard enemies which can be kind of annoying to fight they often block a lot of your attacks luckily Luke has the ability to force choke them to essentially insta kill him so I definitely recommend using that ability once we rescue Han Solo from Carbonite we get to do a Rancor boss fight the rancor just has three hearts you get to use the gamar bait as well as the Droid characters to help out so I'd say this is a pretty solid boss fight with lots of different character abilities being used alright let's move on to the great pit of Cartoon Level I gotta say the opening cut scene to this one is probably one of my favorites with how Luke is just kind of playing around on the diving board [Music] now at the beginning of the level you'll be moving across these ships and you'll start the Boba Fett boss fight this is a sort of mini boss fight I'd say as he doesn't take too long to take down the sarlacc pit even does a nice burp after you've taken him out but anyway you'll be moving across the sand barge which is surprisingly huge with some minor puzzles to solve to get inside one of the cool parts once you get inside is how they have this disco party section this is a nice call back to the first game where there was that disco inside the Camino clothing facility back then it was more of an optional Easter egg but here it's straight up required to progress you'll eventually get to the top of the sand barge where you'll use this turret to shoot a couple of targets and then that pretty much wraps up this level next we arrive on indoor for speeder Showdown I think this level might be a bit controversial among the player base we play as Luke and Leia and after a brief opening section the majority of this level takes place on Speeders which I think a lot of the players find a p boring the speeder sections here have you go in the same big loop until you take out all the enemies once you do that you stop at these different locations where you need to destroy one of these Shield generators to progress each time you'll be taking over or building an atst which you use to destroy the shield generators after doing that a few times you'll finally reach this last area where you actually get to hijack an atat and Destroy more Shield generator things it's not super exciting but still it's a fun way to end off this level being in this massive atat overall I think this is a pretty unique level that definitely changes up the gameplay a bit next up we have the Battle of Endor which is a fairly lengthy level where you have a large group of characters to play as you're also introduced to the Ewok Wicket who is a small character type which was a character type from the first game that we haven't really seen yet in this one you start off in the Ewok village in the trees and kind of make your way down to the ground where you'll fight waves of Stormtroopers and solve puzzles to progress after this cool catapult section you get to hijack an atst cause lots of chaos as you take out all the enemies surrounding the bunker it's a good time inside the bunker there's two different rooms to your left and right where you got to pull some levers to lower more force fields eventually when the force field is down you plant some bombs and the level ends with the entire bunker being blown up nice all right now we get to talk about what I consider to be the best level of episode 6 Jedi Destiny this is it this is the final showdown between Luke Skywalker Darth Vader and the emperor what I like about this level is that it takes place after Luke has convinced his father to turn good so throughout the level you actually get to play as both Luke and Vader against Palpatine which I think definitely makes for a fun Co-op experience and of course playing as Darth Vader that gives you access to the dark side character class which returns from the first game and I love how they gave the emperor like almost 20 Hearts it really makes this feel like the final boss of Star Wars and I gotta say the fight is pretty good it kind of moves all across the emperor's Chambers with quite a bit of variety for example like some of the boss fights in the first game Palpatine will often Target you with the force and then you'll need to switch to your Co-op partner to hit him or there's a part where palpatina executes the floor and you need to carefully walk along the non-electrocuted path or you fight the emperor's Royal Guards which are a pretty tough Enemy by the way there's just loads of variety that break up like the main boss fight with Palpatine which is awesome and then when you're playing this level and free play there's surprisingly a lot of hidden rooms throughout the size of this level to revisit so I definitely recommend doing that as well anyways you take down Palpatine you get this epic cut scene and finish up the game bro uh well not quite because we actually have one more level to go we still need to blow up the second death star so that leads us to last but not least into the Death Star this is the last vehicle level where we play as Lando in the Millennium Falcon much like the Falcon flight level We Begin by having to take out several different Star Destroyers but this time you need to destroy them with the purple Torpedoes I find this part to be kind of annoying because you can only get the Torpedoes by destroying enemies that have them and sometimes at least in my experience it can take forever to even find an enemy that has them in the first place I really wish there was a torpedo dispenser for this part I definitely think it would speed things up a bit but anyways after that part you get to go inside the Death Star where you do get some torpedo dispensers this time which is nice at the death star's core you destroy these little zapping turrets does anybody else find these things to be super annoying because I definitely do they can kind of get you in a lock where you just keep getting Zapped over and over again you can't really do much about it but anyways once you destroy them you can send a torpedo at the core to cause a massive explosion blowing up the entire Death Star too and then there's this final sequence where you need to fly away from the explosion and towards the camera which I think makes for a really cool Final sequence of the game and with that that concludes episode 6 Return of the Jedi it's definitely the longest of the three movies all right so that's all the main levels in this game but there's still some miscellaneous stuff around the Cantina that we need to talk about first let's talk about some of the new stuff in the shop there's the new score multiplier extras that are insanely expensive but allow you to multiply your stud count these can be stacked together as well multiplying all studs in the game by a Max of 3840 studs which is pretty insane unfortunately they're so expensive that it's very unlikely that you'll have enough studs to afford them even after 100 completing everything else in the game there's also the use old save extra which if you have a save file from the original 2005 game on your console you can play as the prequel era characters from the first game and this one I've actually learned through making these videos that a lot of people weren't aware of this in Lego Star Wars 2 so I've made an entire video talking about this feature I go into a lot more detail there so definitely check it out if you're curious Lego Star Wars 2 also has these new expensive Ghost characters for Ben Kenobi Anakin Skywalker and Yoda what's great about them is that they're invisible so enemies won't attack you and you can't take damage definitely a cool thing to save up your studs for another thing in the Cantina is this door with Jabba the Hutt's face on it to unlock it you need to purchase every Bounty Hunter class character in the game from the shop inside you'll get to do Bounty Hunter Missions which is a brand new feature of Lego Star Wars 2. these are 10 fairly short missions where you get to play as the bounty hunters across some of the game's already existing levels the goal here is to find a character hidden somewhere in the level within the time limit these can be completed fairly quickly but I think it is a fun idea that adds more content to the game which is always good plus you get a gold brick for each one speaking of gold bricks what about those two gold brick piles outside of the Cantina that I mentioned earlier the first one requires 60 gold bricks and unlocks the Lego City level this bonus level throws you into a generic Lego city where the goal is to collect 1 million studs there's essentially exactly 1 million studs in the level so you literally need to destroy every little thing possible to complete it fortunately there is no time limit to worry about here personally I don't find this level to be that fun because there's always one small thing that you didn't destroy so you end up spending forever trying to hunt it down and get the last few studs you don't get any reward for completing this level but it does increase your overall completion percentage alright now for the final gold brick build that requires all 99 cold bricks to build what could it possibly be well it builds a very sophisticated and detailed stud fountain that pumps out endless amounts of studs you might find this to be useless at this point of the game because why would you need more studs but it's likely not because you can hang out around the stud Fountain to grind enough studs to purchase all of those expensive stud multiplier extra in my experience the only use of the stud multipliers in this game is to help you purchase the other more expensive stud multipliers so they're really not the most useful thing in the world but alright so we've pretty much covered every aspect of Lego Star Wars 2 the original trilogy so in conclusion Lego Star Wars 2 brings everything from Lego Star Wars the video game and takes it up to the next level the levels are longer there's tons of new gameplay mechanics we have building levers Bounty Hunter characters Bounty Hunter Missions a character creator red power brick Collectibles new vehicle levels and so much more this game is really jam-packed with content especially in comparison with the original game personally I do prefer the setting of the first game where it's the prequels you have a lot more Jedi and lightsaber duels to engage in but gameplay and future wise Lego Star Wars 2 the original trilogy it's just better in every way and it's still fun to this day and I definitely recommend checking it out if you haven't yet so guys that's going to do it for my retrospective and Analysis of 2006's Lego Star Wars 2 the original trilogy let me know in the comments if you played this game or maybe just play the complete sag and want to go back and play it this game is backwards compatible on the modern Xbox consoles so it's definitely easy to play I'd say compared to the first game but yeah like this video If you enjoyed it dislike it if not and subscribe for more content like this and I'll see you guys next time here on quick break games [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Quick Brick Games
Views: 18,220
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Keywords: LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, LEGO Star Wars 2, LEGO Star Wars 2006, Retrospective, LEGO Star Wars Retrospective, Analysis, LEGO Star Wars Analysis, LEGO Star Wars Original Trilogy, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, LEGO Star Wars Gameplay, LEGO Star Wars The Original Trilogy, Mos Eisley Cantina, LEGO Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina, Minikits, True Jedi, LEGO Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy, LEGO Star Wars II, Red Bricks
Id: keLbQJFy9uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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