LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga | Retrospective & Analysis

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hey everyone welcome to Quick Breck games so after the release of Lego Star Wars the video game and Lego Star Wars 2 the original trilogy in 2007 TT games decided to combine both of those games into what became Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga this game allows you to play through Lego versions of Star Wars Episodes 1- six Allin one package now you may be wondering why they would do this since the first two games just came out in the two prior years well for one it's nice to have all six movies at the time all-in-one game and two and I think this is probably the biggest reason the seventh generation of consoles the Xbox 360 PS3 and Wii were now well underway and the first two Lego Star Wars games were essentially sixth generation games so Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga was a way to bring both those games to the new console generation with enhanced graphics and visuals and it definitely accomplished this as the vast majority of people play this version rather than those original games today now I already did full retrospec I of those first two Lego Star Wars games and you can find links to those in the description and on my channel now with that being said I'm just going to be covering the new content and changes in this retrospective and Analysis of 2007's Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga so when you boot up the game it's very much like the first two games with a similar title screen and the classic Star Wars theme when starting a new game you'll once again be playing as Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi just like the first game but like the second game the most eely Cantina returns as the gam Hub world where you'll navigate between levels with this game being on newer consoles the graphics have been improved a bit especially compared to the 2005 game textures are much sharper and the character models have a nice shine to them which I think gives them a more plastic look the most sizely Cantina has been completely redesigned here with a new layout and I'd say it's probably a bit larger as well the shop returns and it's pretty much identical to the last game you can buy hints characters and vehicles extras enter cheat codes by gold bricks and then you can rewatch any cut scenes that you've unlocked in the back left side of the starting room you'll find the band playing the classic canena music One really cool Easter egg here is if you turn off the music through the game's options in the pause menu the band will stop playing and just stand around that's a really cool attention to detail but anyway on the right side of the room there are two back to tanks where the Character Creator returns it's very similar to the last game except now there's a much bigger character roster allowing for more customization and options to build your character just to the right of the shop is a door that leads to a brand new mode two-player arcade as the name suggests you'll need to have a co-op partner playing with you this is unavailable in Solo play you'll just kind of be forced away from the door but this is a pretty cool mode so once you have two players you can enter the door and you'll be at a menu screen with several different options you get to choose the level or the map that you get to play in and there's a decent amount to choose from from a bunch of different Star Wars planets then there's a few different modes you can play as well dual mode is probably the most popular where you and your Co-op buddy can just fight each other then there's also battle enemies and collect studs these are pretty self-explanatory where you take out X number of enemies or collect X number of studs against your Co-op partner after you make your initial selections you can select a character and play now I don't have too much experience playing this mode as I mostly play solo but this is a really cool addition to the game and it can really add a lot of replayability if you have a friend to Duke it out with and speaking of having a friend to Duke it out with this is potentially much easier to do in Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga because in the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game you are no longer limited to couch Co-op as these versions of the game support online play for the first time in a TT games Lego game keep in mind on Xbox 360 you will need an active Xbox Live gold membership now known as Game Pass core to play online and the online play I'd say Works decent you can invite a friend or make your game public so anybody can drop into your game at any time online I'd say the worst part of it is that both players need to be on your screen you can't go wandering off into a different part of the level on your own or anything like that you both got to stick together there is a brief loading screen or synchronization screen when you enter new areas of levels which can be a little bit annoying and sometimes your Co-op partner can drop out of the game entirely unexpectedly at least in my experience it's not the most solid experience but I'd gladly take this over not having online play at all it's also just awesome that they made it drop in drop out just like the local co-op like it's all pretty seamless but all right let's get into the levels like the original games you'll need to play through the first level of episode one negotiations and then you can jump into any of the other five films now this game has a total of 36 levels six for each movie with some exceptions which we'll get into in a bit these are the exact same levels from the first two Lego Star Wars games so if you've played those you know what to expect here but regardless if you've played The Originals or not there is a ton of content here one thing I love is how each film's room in the Cantina is designed around that movie The Phantom Menace has a Trade Federation Battleship theme to it on the Doors Revenge of the Sith has the Mustafar theme A New Hope looks like Tatooine and so on it's it's a really nice touch the levels for the prequels in particular here have been upgraded the most obviously they have been remastered with the improved Graphics but also many of the gameplay editions from Lego Star Wars 2 have sort of been retroactively implemented into the prequel levels so stuff like the building mechanic where there will be piles of bouncing Lego objects you can use to build things have been added to various areas of these levels uh for example here in negotiations you have to build this protocol Droid panel whereas in the original game it was already built there for you also you'll see stuff like levers bounty hunter or imperial door panels Red Power bricks stuff like that all which didn't exist in the first game something brand new to Lego Star Wars to complete saga are powerups these are little blue orbs that make you invincible and increase your attack power for a brief period of time it also makes your lightsaber purple for some reason it's not a crazy new addition to the gameplay or anything but you know it's kind of a cool feature now most of the vehicle levels from the prequels have been modified a bit for example the dreaded most espa pod race is now much more forgiving with its time limit in Attack of the Clones gunship calvalry has been completely changed it now closer resembles the vehicle levels from the second game where the camera angle is more top down and you got to use toe cables to drag bombs around the map to be honest I find this version to be more annoying than the original but you know at least it makes this more consistent with the vehicle levels from the original trilogy and speaking of attack of the Clones you may remember that originally there were only five levels for that movie they've now added a new level Bounty Hunter pursuit to give it an even six levels like the rest of the movies so Bounty Hunter Pursuit is a new vehicle level that takes place at the beginning of the film where Obi-Wan and anak can are chasing down Bounty Hunter Zam wessell on their Speeders on corusant the level is broken down into a few different sections you chase samam westle then hit a roadblock where you got to take out some turrets and stuff like that and you basically repeat that again until you reach the final boss fight and I would use air quotes when you call this a boss fight because you can take out Zam wesle in just a few seconds if you get the right angle on her but anyway in my opinion this level is not the best and I think most people probably feel the same way about that but I'm glad that they added it just so episode 2 isn't left with only five levels like in the original 2005 game one other thing to mention about the prequel vehicle levels is that free play mode is now available something that didn't exist for vehicle levels in the original game there's even some new locked doors that require you to switch to an imperial ship in some of them which I think is definitely an improvement uh just to give the vehicle levels a bit more variety and free play so that pretty much covers most of the changes in the prequel levels I do think something that feels a little off is how much shorter the prequel levels are in comparison to the original trilogy ones and you put both of those first two games levels in one game like you have here it definitely makes the short length of the prequel levels stand out a bit more but to be fair I'm not sure there's much they could do without you know completely making new levels for the prequels now on the original trilogy side of things it's mostly the same as it was in Lego Star Wars 2 you get the improved Graphics some collectible locations like the mini kits and red Power bricks have been changed in some rare instances but this is largely the same experience as Lego Star Wars 2 and like before you still have story mode and free play mode for both levels however now you may notice the new challenge mode option challenge mode has you replaying the levels except this time you're looking for the new blue mini Kake Collectibles but the catch is that there's a time limit for the most part the time limit is 10 minutes however for some of the longer levels in the game they give you a little bit more time there seems to be mixed opinions on challenge mode among the player base but I personally like it simply because it adds more content to the game and gives you another reason to jump back into the levels and if you ever need help with either the regular mini kits and red bricks or the new blue challenge mode mini kits I have guides for everything here on the channel and in terms of replayability each film's room in the Cantina has a bonus door just like in Lego Star Wars 2 here you can play the super story for that film where you play through the entire movie in one go as well as the character bonus and minikit bonus levels and if you didn't play the second game those are on foot and vehicle levels respectively where you got to collect 1 million studs within the time limit and these levels didn't exist in the first game so for the prequel films this is brand new content so overall the main 36 levels of this game offer tons of replayability and content if you want to see me talk about those levels more in depth I go into detail about each one in the retrospectives for the first two games again Linked In the description below so yes if you want to do everything you'll need to play through all 36 levels at least four times you've got to do your initial story playthrough your free play playthrough to get the mini kits and red bricks your challenge mode playr to get the blue mini kits and of course the super story playthrough plus there's 12 character and mini kit bonus levels two for each film so yeah this will keep you busy but on a positive note they removed the requirement to get true Jedi status in both free play and story mode like they had in the second game now you can just get true Jedi in either mode which is nice and while you're doing all this you'll be acquiring gold bricks just like in Lego Star Wars 2 there's a whopping 160 to collect this time around instead of 99 but like before these are used to unlock new content throughout mostly Cantina so back in the main room of the Cantina now if we walk to the right near the back of the tanks we have a brand new bonus room door inside we have six additional bonus levels that unlock as you reach different gold brick thresholds the first bonus level is pod race original which as the name suggest this is the original version of the most espa pod R from the 2005 game yeah this is the harder version with the stricter time limit and the tighter controls have fun with this one actually I challenge anyone to complete this level while playing online co-op with the lag and and everything it's not exactly easy the second bonus level is my personal favorite it's called Anakin's flight this was actually a cut level from the original Lego Star Wars game that's now been restored here in the Complete Saga although it's a bit different than it originally was going to be so this level has you playing as young Anakin flying an in1 star fighter where he destroys the Trade Federation ship towards the end of The Phantom Menace the cut version of the level was going to be a lot different John Burton the founder of TT games has uploaded footage of it on his YouTube channel if you'd like to check it out but anyway this plays more like the Lego Star Wars 2 vehicle levels where the view is more top down you start out on top of the Trade Federation ship and then you make your way inside where of course you got to blow some stuff up you get to use the purple torpedo mechanic and Destroy This Central blue reactor looking thing you know it actually might have been better if this level replaced the retake theed Palace level within the phantom menace since that one isn't exactly loved by the player base let me know what you think about about that and speaking of levels not loved by the player base the third bonus level is gunship Calvary original now I've said this before but I don't understand the hate this one gets so if you're not familiar this is the original Lego Star Wars 1 version of the level where it's more on Rails and you don't have the Lego Star Wars 2 mechanics going on with the toe cables and stuff I hear a lot of people have trouble with this one sure some of the lasers can be annoying to dodge but it's a super short level and can easily be completed in under 5 minutes but like it or not not I do love that they brought it back in the Complete Saga another level that they brought forward is a new hope if you remember this was the secret bonus level from the 2005 game where you had to get true Jedi status in all 17 levels to unlock it and it sort of served as a teaser for Lego Star Wars 2 at the time and now it's back in the Complete Saga in all of its Glory as the fourth bonus level in this one you play as Darth Vader and a stormtrooper as you fight your way towards Princess Leia it was so cool to play as Vader back in in the original Lego Star Wars game but here it's not nearly as special since we have a full original trilogy to play now but overall it's still cool that they remastered this one for us to enjoy moving on to the fifth bonus level Lego City now this originally appeared in Lego Star Wars 2 as a reward for collecting 60 gold bricks in this one you're placed in a generic Lego city which is kind of strange because it's not really Star Wars themed all that much and you got to collect 1 million studs there's no time limit here or anything but I always found this level to be a little boring and the worst part is trying to find those last few studs because there's essentially exactly 1 million studs in the level there may be slightly more but you really got to destroy everything possible to complete it it's very easy to miss a minor destructible item but anyway Lego City returns now the sixth and final bonus level is called New Town this is pretty much the sequel to Lego City so if you hated that level you're probably not going to like this one so again it's very similar where you're thr grown into a different generic Lego City and once again you need to collect 1 million studs and New Town can be just as frustrating to find that last stud you're missing just like Lego City so let me know which one you prefer more Lego City or new town and then the last thing in the bonus room is the trailer door here you can watch the intro cut scene that plays during the main menu for Lego Star Wars to complete saga but the bigger thing here is that you can watch the trailer for what ended up becoming 2008's Lego Indiana Jones the Original Adventures fact about this apparently this game was originally called Lego Indiana Jones the video game so they ended up doing a slight name change there but I think it's so cool how they adverti their next game within this one you definitely don't see stuff like that nowadays but after you watch the trailer you'll actually unlock Indiana Jones as a playable character his animations and stuff are pretty much copy and pasted from Han Solo since you know Harrison Ford but it's really neat that he was included Here If Only They put him in Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga so yeah that's the bonus room back in the main room I want to briefly go over some of the new content that's available in the shop so in terms of characters we have everyone from Lego Star Wars 1 and 2 plus some neat additional ones for example there's boss nass from The Phantom Menace you got AA Sakira from Revenge of the Sith plun is in there as well characters like that of course now there's prequel era vehicles to purchase here too if you remember in the original Lego Star Wars game you didn't have buyable Vehicles so that's all new there's also way more extras this time around much like Lego Star Wars 2 there's several extras that are available for purchase from the get-go but with there now being 36 levels there's now 36 extras locked behind Red Power bricks my favorite new extra is probably Force grapple leap this allows Force sensitive characters like Jedi to use those red grapple hook points they just do this massive Force jump instead which is often what you'll see the AI Jedi do a lot of the times there's a bunch of other new extras that I won't go into detail here but if you'd like to see those I've done a whole video on all the extras in this game if you want to check it out here on the channel now let's move on to the far left side of the main room where we can head outside the outside layout here is completely different in comparison to what it looked like in Lego Star Wars 2's most isely Cantina here you have a little Easter egg where you can drive a car around this little racetrack kind of random but I guess it's a nice addition and gives you something to do in the Cantina you also have what I would call the mini kit viewer here you can look at all the mini kit builds from the 36 Main levels in the game in the first two games these were scattered throughout the outside of Dexter's Diner and the Cantina but now that there's 36 of them I think it made sense for them to condense them into this one spot where you can view them all in one place towards the back of the outside area is a door with jaob of the Huts icon if you've played Lego Star Wars 2 you'll know exactly what this is and this door will be locked until you've purchased all the Bounty Hunter characters in the game and then it'll unlock but once you get inside you'll find job of the Hut where you can complete compl Bounty Hunter Missions this works exactly like Lego Star Wars 2 in each level you have all the bounty hunters at your disposal revisiting areas from the main story levels the goal here is to find a character hidden throughout the level within the time limit I'd say these are pretty simple but fun there's 20 of them to complete this time around so it definitely adds a significant amount of content to the game now back outside of the Cantina we have a gold brick build for collecting all 160 gold bricks in the game this is probably going to take you over 30 hours to do so what do we unlock this time sadly it's the exact same thing as Lego Star Wars 2 another highly detailed stud Fountain I'd say this one is even more useless actually than the Lego Star Wars II one since back then you needed it to buy the insanely expensive stud multiplier extras but in Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga the stud multipliers aren't nearly as expensive so it's highly unlikely you'll ever need this Fountain and actually for some reason this time around it instantly unlocks all extras in the game I imagine most most people will have already purchased all the extras at this point but let me know if the fact that this unlocks extras came in handy for you but all right let's wrap things up Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga is the ultimate Lego Star Wars game for the original George Lucas Star Wars films this takes all the content from Lego Star Wars the video game and Lego Star Wars 2 the original trilogy and mashes it together into one package with hours upon hours of content and replayability the prequel levels feel a bit short in comparison to the original trilogy but it's great they remastered them with updated visuals and gameplay mechanics another big Improvement is the inclusion of online play in the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions being able to finally play online in a TT games Lego game is a blast to do the Dual arcade modes are a fun Edition as well that greatly enhances the co-op experience with the exception of the Dexter's Diner Hub you'll get all the content from the first two games and more Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga is a must play for any Lego game player or Star Wars fan so if you haven't tried this out yet go out there and buy it all right so that is my retrospective of 2007's Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga let me know what you think in the comments below did you grow up with this game back when it came out or have you played it more recently or have you played the newer mobile version of the game that's come out since let me know all that in the comments below as well as some of the other stuff I addressed throughout the video so yeah be sure to give this video a like if you enjoyed it dislike it if not subscribe for more content like this I'll see you guys next time here on quick break games [Music] [Music] a
Channel: Quick Brick Games
Views: 9,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, LEGO Star Wars 2007, Retrospective, LEGO Star Wars Retrospective, Analysis, LEGO Star Wars Analysis, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, LEGO Star Wars Gameplay, LEGO Star Wars The Original Trilogy, Mos Eisley Cantina, LEGO Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina, Minikits, True Jedi, Red Bricks, The Complete Saga, LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga, Anakin's Flight, LEGO Star Wars Online Play, Two Player Arcade
Id: 5SLrdcA5OC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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