Lego Star Wars II for GBA is an Improvement

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didn't see you there welcome back to another weekly upload here on the kitty dawg that's why you're all subscribed you're here for the for the weekly uploads back in december i made a video talking about the lego star wars the video game game boy advance video game few months later i made a video talking about the sequel drake and josh still got one more game to do though come on focus lego star wars 2 the original trilogy for game focus for game boy advance by the way i have a twitch account and i'm going to link that down below because i have so many games i'm trying to catch up on here's a few these aren't going to be the only games but basically i just want a really easy relaxing way to just interact with everyone and play some games and have some fun if you want to go follow me over there that would be pretty awesome and i'll probably be a lot more active on twitch because it's it's a lot easier to live stream than it is to edit a video so just just go follow me on twitch already you're making my hairline recede now i thought the first game was pretty bad overall it felt like it had a very rushed development and it just didn't do it for me this game however wasn't that bad i used to play this all the time as a kid even though i was horrible at it and could never really figure out what to do i had a lot of fun with it right off the bat there are all kinds of improvements with this game that i just want to dive right into first being there's a hub you can walk around in the cantina in this one there isn't just this boring menu screen where you just press a and go into the levels it's a lot more immersive this way and i like that the combat is greatly improved as well especially when you're playing as a blaster wielding character in the first game you just had to stand there shooting straight hoping the few angles you could fire in would eventually hit some of your enemies and you just kind of died over and over again trying to achieve this in this game your blaster just locks onto the enemy like in the console version and the combat is so smooth it's so much better an interesting touch to this game that you won't even get in the console version is that the ai actually helps you fight like they will kill stormtroopers they don't care i also really like the way they handled cut scenes in this game in the first game you entered these strange fever dreams where yeah you had to view all these horrifying art pieces and hopefully piece the story together in this game you just watch these cute little character interactions little text boxes appear above their heads with their emotions and i i thought it was adorable why didn't they just do that in the first game i really like how distinct each level is in the first game they just kept reusing the same maps over and over again and the same character models for every situation in this game there's different character models there are different versions of princess leia and luke skywalker and han solo every level was so repetitive in the first game but in this game it's beautiful every level introduces new characters and new areas to explore everything felt fresh and interesting as i progressed through the story the lightsaber combat was smooth the vehicle controls were nice i was honestly really enjoying myself throughout this game for some reason after completing the very first level you unlock padawan luke i don't i don't really know what the logic is there you don't you don't play as him i'm surprised to be sure when you're using a vehicle you actually have two control options you can either go with direction controls which is how you would control a normal character or you can use rotation controls i tried it out but i didn't really like it maybe i just wasn't used to it but it just felt a little slower to me so i ultimately stuck with direction controls i love that in order to blow up the death star you just need to destroy this little gunner right here and that's it also the cut scene where the death star blows up is phenomenal now i know i've been very positive so far but there are some negatives too for example some cutscenes are pretty bad even though i like the style of them they just go on for a really long time and they're horribly paced look at this one for example from the trash compactor sequence [Music] [Music] why would they do that i also found using the force and building structures got pretty annoying because you need to position yourself perfectly you need to be in a very specific spot in order to start building all of the stuff in a new hope is pretty standard just walk around shoot things and then there's a little ship level at the end it basically just teaches you all of the gameplay mechanics but i want to dive right in to the empire strikes back i want to draw your attention to the ship levels starting with the very first level of the empire strikes back hoth battle this level honestly kind of sucks you just take down some atats and you're done i was a little bit confused to say the least that level felt extremely short but i just kind of moved on i didn't really care i want to show you level three of the empire strikes back this level took me about 30 seconds to complete and that includes stopping for studs and trying to pick up a minikit i'm actually just gonna show you the level in its entirety it's so short [Music] so this level is so easy remember when i broke drake and josh and i just started phasing through doors and objects and made my way to the end of the level this is easier this all i had to do was fly around a corner i just i made like one turn and i was at the end of the level whose idea was this the return of the jedi section of the game is definitely a little bit of a disaster the first level is super short you just fight the rancor and you're pretty much done the second level's super short as well you pretty much just fight boba fett and then you're done the third level's super short you just fly around on your speeder bike for like a minute and then you're done the fourth level had so much going on at once that the game couldn't even handle it and the frame rate started dropping i don't know if this was just an issue with me or if everyone has this but that was kind of disappointing because i couldn't even properly engage in combat i just kept dying over and over because i couldn't time anything right the level where you blow up the second death star is fine i would say the weirdest issue i encountered throughout this entire game was in the very final level of episode 6 where luke and darth vader battle the emperor so after you kill the emperor the level is supposed to just end but it didn't for me i was walking around for like 10 minutes trying to figure out what the hell i was supposed to do in order to complete the level but nothing was working so i looked up a tutorial online and in the tutorial the level ends immediately after the emperor dies i've been running around stuck in limbo here i ultimately had to restart the level and do it all over again i also find it amusing that the death star explodes in level 5 but level 6 takes place on board the death star even though i have some issues with it the game honestly wasn't bad and was a masterpiece compared to the first one in a way i'm almost disappointed i couldn't find more weird to make fun of like i did with the first installment it felt like the developers were all unhappy with the first game they made so they said yeah let's make it better this time one thing i just didn't have the patience for though was buying all of the extras that would have required me spending so much time collecting studs and you get studs really slowly in this game so i'm just not gonna do it i'm just not gonna bother with the extras it's just all your typical stuff you'd come to expect anyway there's nothing really that interesting here throughout the game there are panels that only lando can access i guess it makes sense they have a very limited character roster and not much for everyone to do so give lando a panel you're able to purchase characters and extras in the shop there's a lot more to explore with there being 10 mini kits in each level i was honestly really impressed with this game i was expecting it to be just as bad as the first one but it was actually a lot better i thought the game was okay i don't think i would ever play it again and i wouldn't recommend playing it but it was okay well thanks for watching the video i really appreciate you stopping in and i really appreciate you following me on twitch because you did that right you did do that you did honestly though thank you so much for watching it means a lot i have so many video ideas and so many things i want to do with the channel so i really appreciate you know those of you who just stick around and watch whatever i upload because i like to experiment a lot with different types of videos and i'm just glad that people are watching it anyway stay tuned more videos coming [Music] soon [Music] you
Channel: The Kittydaw
Views: 35,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 25hP_IQOS30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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