Every Difference Between Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga and Lego Star Wars: The Videogame

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Every Difference Between Lego  Star Wars TCS and LSW1 Script After I published my last video, I decided to  explain nearly every difference between Lego   Star Wars: The Complete Saga and Lego Star Wars:  The Video Game. The reason I say “nearly every   difference” is because I did not go into most  of the technical differences. The differences   that I noted were mostly visual and gameplay  differences. Feel free to tell me differences   I missed in the description. While you’re there,  tell me if you want me to cover Lego Star Wars 2. Save files are represented with  studs instead of percentage completed All of the Character Icons  Are Completely Different The hub world is Dexter’s Diner, which  is from a scene that is ironically not   represented in this game. The complete  saga’s hubworld is Mos Eisley cantina. When you fill the stud meter, there  is a visual indicator but no audio   indicator. In the complete saga,  on top of the visual indicator,   the words “True Jedi” hit the center of  the screen and an encouraging music plays The power up that makes you invincible  is not in the original version There are no visual indicators  on the floor of droid panels. All of the blaster bolts are green instead of red. Characters like Padme that have custom  melee animations in the complete saga   don’t have them in the original,  they only hit with their blaster. Many sound effects are  quieter in the complete saga. Auto aim is not present in the original game. “Yoda Chair” is an animation for Yoda that is  in the original game but not the complete saga. The audio when you grapple up seems  to be taken straight from the movie,   while in the complete saga it is more generic Many forcible objects are not  obvious that they are forcible. Small characters have a completely different  animation when going through chutes. Grapple spots have a different  design in both games. While Anakin’s flight is a bonus level in the  complete saga, this was actually meant to be   the seventh episode 1 level in the original game.  It was cut to have each episode have six levels. All of the cutscenes with Obi-Wan flying  his ship in episode two has opaque glass,   while in the complete saga, it is transparent. Yoda jumps every time he moves with his  lightsaber out in the original game. All of the Jedi single jump slashes seem to last   a bit longer on the original  compared to the complete saga. The in game text has a different  font between both games. After you complete the final level  of an episode, the text prompt that   comes up is “continue story” instead of  “finish story” like in the complete saga. When you fly with Jango Fett, he takes  a second to get up in the original game,   meanwhile in the complete  saga he does it instantly. Also, since the bounty hunter class wasn’t  in this game, Jango Fett cannot throw bombs. None of the vehicle levels have free play,   and vehicles are overall not  really an element in this game. When you go back to the hub  in the middle of a level,   you will lose all the progress in the level. In  the complete saga, you have the option to save. There is no challenge mode in the original game. All of the protocol droid panels have  an image of TC–14 instead of C-3PO. The stormtrooper animations are  the same as the clone trooper,   but in the sequel and the complete saga,  the character has unique animations. Darth Vader is considered a variant of  Anakin Skywalker. Even though this is   true to the lore, he is considered a  different character in future games. In the opening cutscene of Negotiations,   TC-14 makes a throat clearing noise when  communicating with Qui Gon and Obi Wan When the ship is destroyed in the same cutscene,   the two pilots scream. Both of these sound  effects are not in the Complete Saga. When you force the opening door open,   it doesn’t make much sound, but  in the complete saga it explodes. When you approach TC-14, you get a cutscene that  cuts to the panel. When the developers were making   the complete saga, they must have assumed this  is unnecessary because it is not in that version. When you press the two buttons  in the end part of negotiations,   droids spawn behind the ship, but only  come out one by one. The complete saga   throws them at you as soon as your  character’s foot hits the button. In Invasion Of Naboo, one of the rocks  that you can jump on to make it fall down   is hiding studs. In the complete saga,  there is a bounty hunter panel instead. In this little crevice, there is an object that  you can destroy for studs. For whatever reason,   in the complete saga this is  moved to the final platform in   this section. This is also the thing  that inspired me to make this video. In the swampy section in this level, the left gun  on this droid ship is the same as the other side,   but in the complete saga it is a silver  object which means only bounty hunters   can destroy it without extras. In this version,  you have to force it to access the hidden area. The blaster used by Queen Amidala is  completely different from the one in   the complete saga. Not only is it  a pistol instead of a megaphone,   the sound it makes is the same as one  used in the original Battlefront 2. The grapple spot on this ledge is not  covered by an object in the original version. The puzzle in Escape From Naboo is  completely missing from the original game. On this same platform, there are two  silver objects and one sith object in   the complete saga, but they are just  normally breakable in the original. In the ending hole in Escape From Naboo,   there is a minikit in it which means  you are guaranteed to end this level   with at least one minikit. This minikit is  allocated to the puzzle in the complete saga. Mos Espa Podrace works slightly  differently than it does in the   complete saga. Instead of just  completing two laps at your own   pace and then finishing the third lap in  a set amount of time, you must hit certain   checkpoints in a certain amount of time  within all the laps to progress the race. Additionally, this ramp is only for  imperial ships in the complete saga. In the opening part of Retake Theed Palace,   the damaged AAT is visibly on fire, but in  the complete saga it is only slightly broken. The green speeder is also not  rideable in the original game. In the beginning of the second room,  you have to force Anakin’s hatch,   but you don’t have to in the complete saga. The buttons in this level are brown instead of red   like the rest of the game. This  is fixed in the complete saga. When you get into this room, the R2  panel will be right there to use,   but in the complete saga, you must  slash the nearby statue and build it. In the second to last room, when you  open the doorway with the button,   a small light shines directly through the middle. In the final room, all the captured  pilots have a custom animation while   they are being held. I’m not sure why  they removed this from the complete saga. The art meant to represent the  outside is different in both games. The car you can ride in the  opening section of this level   has a completely different design and  isn’t even rideable in the original. There is a window under the floor  in the second area that is either   hard to see or not present in the complete saga When you enter the third room,  you trigger an establishing shot,   but this isn’t here in the complete saga. When the platforms with droidekas spawn,   they are not directly on top of the  button like they are in the complete saga. The hatches that you need to force to  progress in the second to last room   shootout studs when you do so. This  was removed in the complete saga. In the final phase of the Darth Maul fight,  there is a weird mechanic similar to Count   Dooku’s boss fight where one character is  unable to attack while the other one can,   however, instead of lightning it is  just forcing the character upwards. Bounty Hunter pursuit is completely  missing from the original game. While   some work was done on it, it was  not added until the complete saga. The model of Jedi Knight Obi Wan has a microphone  on the side of his face in the original game. In the hallway of the room  where you discover the clones,   you can force six panels to reveal  a minikit. When you force one,   it makes a unique noise in the original  that is not present in the complete saga. The room in Kamino with the dance floor  is not blocked by an imperial panel. This   is because neither imperial panels nor  bounty hunter panels exist in this game. The sound that the land mines make   when they explode is completely  different between both versions The opening cutscene of droid factory  seems to have a different lighting in   the original that makes it look  like it takes place at night. Additionally, the opening room  does not have nearly as many   studs on the floor compared to the complete saga When you free characters in Jedi Battle,   there will be a mini explosion when they come  out. This was removed in the complete saga. The landmines in this level also blow  up slower in the original version. You can skip the entire jango  fett boss fight by detonating   a mine while he is under it. This  was patched in the complete saga. There is an error in the ending cutscene where  Padme is missing her blaster in one of the shots. Gunship Cavalry is completely different in  both versions. In the complete saga, you have   complete freedom of movement of your character  and you use bombs to progress. The original,   however, is on rails with checkpoints  and only relies on shooting to finish. All of the lights in the inside have  a strange texture to represent light   falling to the ground that is  removed in the complete saga. In the mini cutscene that plays  when you enter the second room,   Dooku is not holding a lightsaber in the  original, while in the complete saga he is. Dooku’s lightning attack works strangely  in the original. Instead of blocking you   from attacking with the lightning, he  instead zaps you for a loss of a heart.   The only way to counteract this  is by forcing the lightning back. In Battle Over Coruscant,   the fire rate of the guns on the ships  is increased in the complete saga. The checkpoints in the original game  aren’t nearly as lenient as they are   in the complete saga. If you die at  the last part in the complete saga,   you will be sent to the beginning of  the final stretch. But in the original,   you will be sent back to the venator  garage that you have to open again. The light in this area of Chancellor In Peril has   a light texture that kind  of looks like a spider web. In the Count Dooku bossfight, Dooku  uses force choke instead of lightning. After you save the wookies, you can  control one of the wookie chiefs for   the rest of the level. This feature  was taken away in the complete saga. Many clone troopers are incorrectly colored  as blue instead of green in the original game. When clone walkers are defeated,  they are destroyed. However,   the complete saga allows you  to jump in them afterwards. The buttons at the end of the  level are gray instead of red. The stairs that you need to force to get up this   area are dark brown as opposed to  bright red in the complete saga. When you get to the third room of darth Vader,  the AI is scripted to destroy the canisters   Boba Fett is referred to as specifically  the boy variant in the complete saga to   differentiate from the adult version, while in  the original he is just referred to as Boba Fett. I’d also like to mention a  difference that I didn’t get   footage for. Aayla Secura is a character  that appears in the prequel films but is   not represented in the original game. She  would later be added in the complete saga As someone who grew up playing the Complete  Saga, I have to say I wasn’t expecting this   many differences. It’s also easy to see with  all the bugs and glitches how Traveler’s Tales   was rushed in making the original game in  2005. Thankfully, the Complete Saga was able   to freshen up the original 18 levels. Once  again, if you’d like to see me do the same  
Channel: RubberSoul
Views: 157,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Lego Star Wars, Lego, Star Wars, TT Games, Speedrun, Lego Games
Id: a4_TMUpXap8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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