Lego Star Wars Episode 6.5: The Force Sleeps in

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wake up you must wake up you mustn oh shoot I slept in I'm gonna be late for my last day of training gee pal did I ask for your life story wouldn't want to be that guy hey aren't you dead that's what they want you to think fn-2187 you are late well thank you captain obvious yes we are all aware of my painfully ironic last name must we always poke fun at it um excuse me Captain Obvious what is it sergeant squeaky your TIE fighter was parked in the spot reserved for kylo Ren shuttle I'm afraid he destroyed it in his rage not a good time now fn-2187 you must complete this obstacle course in a total of two minutes or less and score at least an 80 in order to pass and become an official stormtrooper at this afternoon's graduation all right let's go where is your helmet I got it right here that helmet is not fully updated minus ten points what talking back - two points you gotta be kidding me talking back again - three points I don't like your face - five points alrighty then the only way for you to pass is to complete this course with a flawless run something that has not been accomplished since last Tuesday when the trooper fires his gun you shall begin oh I'm pretty sure the guns jammed [Music] [Music] wow you completed the course without a single mistake thanks Captain Obvious and I mean that in a good way although I'm afraid the stormtroopers were not actually part of the course and you just beat them up for no reason oh sorry guys no problem all right sergeant squeaky we can go now I think he broke my nose you don't have a nose oh yeah all right everybody calm down okay everybody uh everybody shut up before I slit your throats and drink your blood with a bendy straw Shh thank you all right and the Oscar for Best Foreign Film nobody saw goes to sir this isn't the Oscars it's the Stormtrooper graduation ceremony all right I was wondering why there were so many people in the audience okay first on the list Anita bath Anita bath come on people I need a bath you sure do oh ha ha very funny on a sidenote whoever did that will be hunted down and killed by my staff members later this evening what do you mean I did it I didn't do it I mean I I didn't do it on why are you all looking at me um it was the guy to the right your other right okay next on the list Seymour butts come on people I want to see more butts sorry I'm late but I'm here now two hours lay down fn-2187 thank you sir yes congratulations note that we will most likely never speak or see each other again goodbye have a nice life well thank god that's over with what's next on my schedule Captain Obvious you have a meeting to discuss the construction of the new star killer base sir oh just tell them to build a third Death Star but make it bigger because that'll help us somehow so what are you guys going to do now that you're officially storm troopers I'm gonna tell a guy to move along I'm gonna ask a guy for his ID I'm gonna shoot something right and oh man you might want to start small and work up to that one about you you gonna shoot something I was raised to do one thing but I've got nothing to fight for jeez that's deep yeah sounds like one of those one-liners they put in trailers for big blockbuster movies all right so first a stormtrooper deletes all my shows off the DVR so I killed him then a stormtrooper looked at me funny so I killed him he was wearing a helmet but I could tell after that this other stormtrooper yelled at me because he said I was being disruptive to the football viewing environment yes yes go go go whoa interception I don't know where he was coming from anyways thanks for talking grandpa and oh love you ooh won the galaxy is that well whatever it is it's going in the incinerator I'm such a great person today kylo Ren that's mr. Ren to you right right so I kind of overheard you talking your Grandpa's helmet what I wasn't doing anything like that so I guess you don't care about the fact that it was just tossed into the incinerator what who did it was it Captain Obvious cuz man that guy's had it comin my point is what do you think your true life purpose really is well I already am the coolest SIF ever uh what about Darth Vader or Darth Maul I guess it would be to become supreme overlord of the galaxy and we're the coolest costume ever oh wait I already have the coolest costume ever what about Boba Fett it's okay Darth Maul survived this I can too hey anybody got an extra pair of robotic legs lying around look kid why don't you come down to the surface with us and shoot some rebels there's an orange r2d2 we need to recover for reasons I've already forgotten and I guess it couldn't hurt there you go see happy ending for all of us sir what should I do oh just go stand in the corner and look menacing maybe make me a coffee while you're at it huh I've been there pal what it's over they didn't even show look half of those plot points were just recycled from Episode four I officially declare this the worst Star Wars movie ever well what about the prequels those don't even count as movies in general man words can't even describe how much I hated that movie want to see it again tomorrow yeah sounds good
Channel: FlapJack Films
Views: 3,244,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lego, Star Wars, The force awakens
Id: kzYKo_ZFqLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2016
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