Lego Star Wars the Clone Wars: The Battle of Uvena Prime

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[Music] excuse me sir this is a restricted area I said this is a restricted area all unauthorized personnel will be placed under arrest if they do not comply sir sir stay back or we will be forced to shoot you Central Command this patrol through requesting backup at the main gate the guards are down make your advance [Music] What did he say I believe he said were under attack impossible by who sergeant take your men and secure the East Wing of the base I'll take my group and secure the west wing and then we'll meet at the command center yes sir sir unidentified life-forms have entered the base sound the alarm yes sir you know what's going on it's probably just another drill try and contact the Republic fleet at Khorasan I can't sir it appears our enemy has blocked our communications general bond of confronted the intruders they're Mandalorians where are they soldier in all the way 3/7 beast wing Chloe they're breaking through send a squad down there to help him yes sir come on come on get the door open I can't we'll have to cut it bring up the door cutter [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good to see you guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] general we're bar to our last contact horse on now our communications are still being jammed get them back up hurry [Music] squak yes sir I want you to delete all of the computers sir we hold vital information in the space information they cannot obtain delete everything access codes fleet formation star charts even the supply manifests delete it all you can count on me sir [Music] this is eight men all of your training has led to this moment the Republic cannot help us now we must hold this base or die trying [Music] [Music] steady men this is general general rule this mon i must say I'm rather disappointed that the army that was able to take down the Galactic Empire was able to simply be taken out by my men who the hell is this this is commander OHS inch of the United Mandalorian Legion well commander what do you want with you I want nothing I've come for your outpost and the information it contains but not just any information my acquaintance has requested something specific I don't know what information you're referring to oh I think you do I'm referring to the coordinates of an ancient Jedi and clave leftover from the days of the Sith hyperspace Wars and you think I'll just give them to you give up or die general you're the only ones left everyone in this base is dead except for you unless you want to join them open up we'd rather die before giving them you fine have it your way how we doing squawk 60% complete sir 65 70 75 80 85 88-92 come on come on hurry up hang on almost [Music] [Music] [Laughter] lieutenant-general are you alright we're not gonna make that here are we we have to hold them off general where are you I know that blast wouldn't have killed you give yourself up and I'll let you live hey Judah squawk didn't finish deleting the data files that we can't let them get the coordinates to the Jedi Enclave or they could use it to do unspeakable things we'll never survive general this isn't about us dammit it's about the entire Republic then I'm with you sir [Music] [Music] for the Republic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's get what we came for sergeant find the coordinates yes sir [Laughter] [Music] impressive most impressive you fought well I'm honored to have fought such an adversary you don't have to die here though we could use someone like you I have surgeons on my ship who could fix you right up you could become a Mandalorian become one of the true rulers of the galaxy I'll see you in hell very well I gave you a chance but before you die just know that your republic shall fall sir sir what I'm busy it appears that all the computers data banks have been erased what yes sir they're completely empty you did it squawk Jedi scum what did you do take a guess [Music] you you know don't you I don't know anything shall we dispose of him sir take him to my ship sir he's going with us if we can't get the information out of the computers then we'll get the information out of him you
Channel: Oscar Johnson
Views: 1,308,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZS0OoBj_16c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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