Lego Star Wars Special 2

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[Music] all right men we are about to board the rebel cruiser sadly one of you will have to go first and there's a 99.9% chance you will be instantly shot and killed now I feel we should go about choosing this person in a very calm well thought-out manner know these Oh Greg you were last Oh guys come on sorry Greg that's just how the cookie crumbles this had nothing to do with cookies come on guys we don't even have noses hey there are rebel scum is it okay if I call you that okay all right I'm putting my gun down because I feel we can all be civilized people about this and resolve the situation with our words it's a bucket head kill it so when I said to him I said to the guy be careful not to choke on your aspirations thank you thank you I'll be here all night people if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy engine hair with angel on a shoulder if you're happy enjoy clap your hands stormtroopers secure the area hover tank pilots pilots Ahava tanks haha death troopers stand in the back and look really menacing watch hiding sir ah sure trooper you have the most important job of them all five years in the Academy for this I didn't even get a whistle hey everyone listen up I'd like you to give a warm welcome to our new recruit Willy nice to meetcha oh my god oh yes I forgot to mention he could only communicate through Wilhelm scream you know I swear I've heard this guy before ok everyone today's presentation will be about using our indoor voices why are we having this presentation your follow-up question should be how come you are the only one in the audience I understand now we now return to keeping up with the Calrissian Darth Vader you are the father bones Umizoomi and welcome back come and it is super money hungry boys just Gustave alright I'm just gonna leave it over here wall cool table man oh yeah thanks I am Craigslist you know it kind of looks like this guy I went to high school with wait a minute this is the guy I used to go to high school with hey this Domino's yeah I'm afraid one of your employees had a little accident on his last delivery and I thought they smelled bad on the outside hey man you try running around naked with a hundred 70 pounds on your back and then we'll talk [Music] god back is killing me something gosh stupid rampant stairs what the heck why is literally every stormtrooper in the Imperial Army gathered here to watch me slowly trudge off my shuttle for thirty feet it's to symbolize your power over us my lord and it looks pretty darn awesome from a distance oh for God's sake if I wanted to walk a short distance and be judged by hundreds of people I would have become a male model and we all know that's not gonna happen with this face wait a second if all of you are standing here who's Manning the battle stations yeah we didn't really think about that Roger Roger dude this was like the best idea we've ever had G chroot I could never imagine living my life blind there's so many things you can't experience yes losing my sight was a life-changing disability but I feel it brings me closer with the force now let me welcome you into my home feel free to make yourself comfortable the TV is right over there remote I'll get it alone hello hello is anyone there gah that's the fifth time this week that happened the Empire must be jamming our signals actually I think oh where are my manners you two must be starving actually we're not really here have some watermelon [Music] I am sorry but I am NOT a cannibal they do shut up what's that oh nothing is the TV not working oh come on turn on your stupid piece of junk and what's so funny oh I was just joking about all that stuff I know this is a cabinet and that's a droid I just like to mess with people Oh ha ha ha ha hilarious now before you go I'd like you to meet my wife Janet unfortunately she's been mute since a very young age but I still love her why there you are Janet honey Oh bad news I'm afraid the phone's been acting up again ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Billy dinner's ready Josh your second mom we're having a lightsaber fight okay okay now George you're gonna try and hit my neck chamber but then but then I'm gonna force push you okay okay go oh you hear my finger okay I'm sorry man oh yeah we oh we oh le le le you job what's the matter man feeling a little blue ah get out in the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic you are under arrest Chancellor are you threatening me master Jedi no no no I'm just igniting my extremely dangerous laser sword that can literally cut through anything because it looks pretty of course I'm threatening you you idiot hmm besides the Senate will decide your fate I am the Senate but I'm sorry what you're the Senate like the whole Senate but that's you why yes indeed in fact I had a rather pleasant meeting this morning might I add okay first item of discussion should the murder of Jedi become completely and 100% legal the the Senate has decided yes that that should be legal now 100% legal yep nothing wrong about that okay next item on the list should the government invest billions of dollars on building a giant planet destroying Space Station definite yes on that one no doubt about it the Senate has decided yessiree on that one are you sure about this hey man I'm not one to question the Senate here boy here boy use the bone go get it boy technical don't worry keep saying hello ah man my x-wing got eaten by a wild rancor no way my insurance will cover this you should have switched to greed oh I crashed my x-wing into a wampa cave and they covered it now I've got a brand-new one for no extra cost gee thanks for bragging to me about your perfect life Paul Greedo fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on x-wing insurance it's my friend keep on missing you tell me what he looks like well he always had this big scowl on his face pronounced cheekbones um round black eyes with an arched left eyebrow or a trooper thanks reg info we'll take it from here should everyone please remove your helmet and be on the lookout for someone who looks just like this oh yeah I forgot we're clones all right joy this is your new commanding officer Roger you will follow a semi command while I'm gone you got that Roger Roger oh hello no he wasn't even talking to you that she's how they respond to things okay I get it go clean the cafeteria Roger Roger Roger wait he said Roger three times is that bad no uh it's because your name is Roger so he's adding a third Roger to the end well my full name is actually Roger Rogerson you got that Droid Roger Roger Roger Roger son see now I'm hearing fall Rogers what does that mean ah you know I joined just call him Bob Roger Roger but my name's not Bob it's Roger Jess please shoot me Roger hey man I just found this can of silver spray paint just lying around and I have an awesome idea oh sweet what is it why hello there captain phasma uh hi captain phasma okay what the heck is going on here we now return to our feature presentation Tusken Raiders of the Lost Ark [Music] you're right chewy I would have been a much better choice for that part Oscar we do drinking what are you oh this it's my morning cup of coffee to put some spring in my step try some can I well master do or do not there is no try funny you are not master Yoda are you okay [Music] huh huh oh my god Master Windu what have you done man I haven't done anything I just gave him a little sip of coffee and he starts going cuckoo for cocoa puffs sirs sirs my story one master obi-wan and his apprentice are fighting the Sith Lord count do it around sector 12 handle it I will Master Yoda I really don't think you should be now look what you did shut up shrimp face Oh Master Yoda I've been expecting you are you okay fine fine fine I am now fight we must well I guess if you want to [Music]
Channel: FlapJack Films
Views: 6,831,489
Rating: 4.8537092 out of 5
Keywords: LEGO star wars, Funny, Stop motion, Lego Star Wars Special, FlapJack Films, Star Wars, Animation
Id: YWZEotvIvvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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