Lego Star Wars Special

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uh what the heck are you doing I'm embracing the force within me uhhuh how's that working out for you I can feel it flowing through my veins uh sure wait wait here it comes I think this is it just go pick up the remote Jeff sir we just picked up a ship on our tractor beam was it one of those blasted Rebels uh no sir he's calling himself Star-Lord legendary Outlaw how have you never heard of me he's been doing that for 2 hours straight all right Men Please welcome the newest member of our ranks the ARF Trooper wow Count Dooku your curved lightsaber is so cool looking how'd you get it like that well son of a it's custom made actually and now the adventures of tr8r the Storm Trooper I think I'll skip breakfast today traitor hey man did you see season 6 of The Clone Wars yet no man I don't watch that show traitor want to go to papaginos tonight n man I prefer Domino's traiter I think the prequels are better than the original trilogy words cannot describe what you have done you fool I have been trained in your Jedi Arts by Count Dooku attack Kenobi well if you were trained in the Jedi Arts then you should know that a Jedi never strikes first he only defends himself oh shoot you're right so what now you're telling me I only get two lines in the entire movie still more than me well I get more lines in the sequel right actually you're not in the next one what why you're going to do what uh Emperor my Lord yes Stormtrooper my hot dog is a little bit undercooked could you just yeah no problem thank you my Lord hey don't mention it all right man hit the warp drive hey that's a Star Trek term we're not allowed to say it I'm afraid he's right the correct term would would be hyperdrive cuz we exist in the Star Wars Universe Star Wars Star Trek what's the difference I'm sorry I can't be friends with you anymore all right we will be ready to fire in exactly 3 days 3 days but the laser is fully operational yeah but we need to give the rebels enough time so they can prepare and there will be a huge space battle with explosions and stuff and we can watch and eat popcorn well have you considered that the rebels might blow us up ah that'll never happen later not a word Lego my Lego EG wait a minute what does this joke even have to do with Star Wars um I kind of just wanted to put this joke in a video but I couldn't find anywhere else to do it it wasn't even that funny you Stormtroopers are really pushing my buttons literally a dude this one translates everything into Spanish dude press it oh wait don't touch [Music] that so Phil same thing as usual yeah just take a little off the sides you've done it again again my friend well this is awkward I'm hit I'm hit somebody get some ice for this guy the ice is what hit me you [Music] idiot here's your [Music] pizza [Music] keep the change thank you sir it's the enemy they've Advanced up to our front lines tell them to fire the stud shooter oh man not again here sir try a cough drop give me that hey I think it really works um isn't your lightsaber supposed to be purple wow wow I see how it is so just cuz of my skin color you automatically assume I'm M Windu well it's just no I'm done with this you know what she can be the Jedi now for all I care take a squadron of clones and wipe every Last Jedi from the temple as you wish my master man killing a bunch of defenseless children really takes a lot out of you no way I killed a Jedi I'm probably going to be promoted for this I think you just shot Vader dude no no he would have had a red lightsaber I'm afraid not his was still blue he hadn't changed it yet well I'm dead if you only knew the power of the [Music] dark [Music] yes Misa finally in a Star Wars video and didn't die not on my watch buddy
Channel: FlapJack Films
Views: 6,858,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lego, Star Wars, Stop motion, Animation
Id: csVqeJodPSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2016
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