Lego Master Recreates My Food

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a lego master can create anything from legos full-size cars buildings and even food and today i was challenged by one of the world's best to a cook-off i know it sounds weird i was sent in the mail this lego statue of my beloved hamster pesto containing a note that challenged me and included a location and time i'm about to battle the lego equivalent of a three michelin star chef in a three-course cook-off only he'll be using legos and i'll be using food before i go we just launched this osmo everything bagel season regular and spicy let's go kick a lego masters out we are here now at the lego land discovery center in boston where i have met my opponent alan hi i'm alec post i am the global master model builder for legoland discovery center i came all the way to boston to compete against nick i'm used to working with over six million bricks at my workshop so we're gonna see how it goes building with lego is a lot of work so i brought in a little bit of extra firepower i've got my sous chef shawn hi alec thanks for having me today you guys that's not fair you'll do fine today's challenge will be three courses entree appetizer and a dessert wrong order today's challenge will be three courses an appetizer of entree and dessert the teams will have just one hour to complete all three courses are you ready my son yes i am i think good luck your time starts now the first course here is sushi so i've got a full king salmon my local fish dealer joe always knows when i'm up to something that's why you set this thing aside for me today i would say in an hour to make three courses it's pretty bold to have a full salmon it's a big fish but i have to win this competition we're doing more of an omakase we've got a few things laid out we don't have a fish monger but we have a lot of brick we're trying to bust out some little nigiris i didn't realize that we were doing salmon so this is tuna steer clear big tuna to start filling my salmon i'm just going to come right around the head and given i'm making sushi here i want to take only the best parts of the salmon i'm probably going to use the belly we are going to need some presentation so i'm thinking maybe a cutting board can you start working on that it seems a little unfair that you guys have a sous chef you have the judges on your side which is an unfair advantage you should see how the last cooking challenge turned out the winner of today's cook-off goes to koosh and the golden baller no hard feelings just like it wasn't it wasn't my favorite dish no it's fine it's fine backpackers didn't get out there seriously yeah we're using a lot of weird techniques this is literally called a snot brick studs not on top that's how we're going to get a lot of the detail on our fish here whenever you cook with not no that's pretty disgusting i don't know why you would [Music] all right here's what we have so far we've got a couple of tamago and some tuna nigiri now i'm trying to get a shrimp nigiri going and we're using some clip and hinge pieces to get that lovely little curvature and using the white sections for the clip which will make it look more realistic my goal is gonna be to get the nicest nicest pieces of salmon i possibly can to lay over some beautiful sushi rice that i have waiting next to me not bad right how's that just throw that in your mouth open wide how are you doing sean what are you doing i'm joking there's too much going on it's high pressure right now so our cutting board is coming together really nicely we've built two sides that are symmetrical and when we put these all together you create a really pretty looking cutting board beautiful i have my moments watch yourself can i borrow that you want this yeah i have so much i am continuing to just slice my salmon into beautiful pieces and all along the way i'm looking for the best marbling i can find we need to start waiting for the sushi yeah all right we've got our first roll we just need to cut it all right i'm on it there we go oh oh impressive cutting skills i'm so good i got that twice at once nick they offered me legos anything you can offer me i'll take it um we're putting the finishing touches on our sushi board and we can move on to the main course sean i did not bring vertical clips do you have them in red and red i'm gonna be right back alec so while nick might go to a fish manga or a supermarket here's where we keep all of our goodies all of our pieces in here are organized by both piece type and color so i know exactly where to find them looks like someone tossed an umbrella in here i don't know how that happened to assemble my gary i'm gonna wet my hands grab some nice sushi rice and lightly begin pressing all of that together especially since manny's the judge for this challenge and i lost the last one i have to make sure my sushi looks nice because i know manny loves his sushi at this point i'll slice down my nori make those thin little pieces that you hold your nigiri together with then i'll take my sushi rice lay over my fish and then wrap and just like that my sushi is finished on to the next course nick we already started on the entree for my entree i'm making a wagyu steak no shocker there but given this is a wagyu tenderloin straight from japan i can't mess it up my question is is their steak gonna be medium rare we're a little more limited with the color we're going for a medium rare on our steak as well we'll see if it turns out that way i need to hurry up time is running out faster i'm using a couple more of these snot bricks because we're going to put a little surprise in our steak nick is making away goo i think we should make a t-bone what do we need what do you call it a t-bone no what do you say next making a wagoon you put the wrong emphasis on the wrong syllable nick is making a wagyu i think we should make a t-bone and make it really big let's get that nice t-shaped bone going to start off by seasoning my steak i'll go with just a simple sprinkle of salt i don't normally do this with wagyu but today i want to have some extra seasonings with our steak now that my steak is properly seasoned time to drop in my steak we've got this lovely t-shape and a section of steak we're gonna pop it right on there and now we just have to add some sear and the rest of the steak this is so realistic they are literally searing their steak over here the real question is can i get the perfect crust on both sides judging by the sear of our steak versus theirs i think we might have the better steak today oh no it doesn't look too bad just a dab of butter i think we're good for dessert creme brulee they're already moving on to dessert and i'm still going on my steak but i am not worried and i'm starting with just a little bit of butter then i'll go straight in with some garlic and just a few herbs like i said i don't normally use this many aromatics with wagyu but i wanted to get creative to plate my steak i'll go in here with a little bit of mashed potato and then on we go with my fillet can't forget my chive manny's a sucker for a good garnish let's hope manny likes this the final course is creme brulee and i'm going to start by just breaking a bunch of my egg yolks into this bowl creme brulee is one of my favorite desserts and it's also very simple so the key to making a good creme brulee is having that top layer that will actually break so making that out of lego is a bit of a challenge because we have to build something actually that's pretty fragile which is not normally how we do it i've accidentally made a mistake here and put a piece down where i can't get it off well nick has all sorts of cool utensils we have a very special tool this is a brick separator and by putting it on top of rick i can push it down like a lever and pry things up so any mistakes i make i can fix just like that because we are at legoland i don't exactly have that many cooking tools so i have to be a little bit resourceful instead of a whisk today i just have a giant spoon but luckily creme brulee only has a few ingredients so what i've done is i've made a little trough here because i'm building this upside down i layered some smooth clear pieces on the inside and then put the colored bricks that will give it kind of a charred look and when we turn it over and flip it out we've got the top of our creme brulee a little hack that we use sometimes is just using loose bricks and they do it in sets this is totally allowed so we're just gonna fill this with a nice custard colored piece to give it that lovely color topper on there maybe some garnishes a little bit of garnish wouldn't hurt we are actually using hair pieces to be blueberries i'm going to put this onto a lego person's head doesn't that look like a little blueberry got some medusa heads too for raspberries i'm on the finishing stages of my creme brulee i simply have to cover it with that top layer of sugar and like alex said get that perfect crack with a spoon when it's ready the most exciting part of creme brulee the brulee i think it's time for the judging today we had three different courses we started things out with an amazing sushi appetizer which i must say both look fantastic then we moved on to an entree where both teams made steak i'm dying to see if they're gonna be medium rare finally we finish with the creme brulee which of course should have that nice crack on top time to judge we gotta keep things visual today in fairness because i can't eat anything so let's start off with the real sushi right here this looks great but i think nick could put a little bit more effort into this now moving on to the lego sushi i really like what they did they put a lot of variety in here the attention to detail is great so for the appetizer the winner is the lego sushi next we have our entree and most importantly they need to be medium rare i'm going to start off by cutting the next day let's see how you cooked it here's the moment of truth how did nick do it's good medium rare if i'm being honest rarely do i ever see nick mess up a steak so i'm not surprised time to cut the lego steak uh oh well on the pink side for me we want to milk that thing is so raw i think they could have cooked a little bit more hey i mean i gotta choose a steak now into dessert let's start with nick's creme brulee i don't have a spoon from nick so i'm gonna use a lego spin here we go oh my gosh look at that cracked perfectly now let's move on to the lego creme brulee here we go i hope it cracks it kinda looks good [Music] don't eat like it was a tough competition today and after careful consideration i think i have to go with team lego yes [Music] i'm gonna eat this creme brulee [Music] look boss i hope you're not mad at me like you told me to judge all this stuff i know are we okay like yeah we're good yeah all right pack your legos and get your fire yeah [Music] you
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 2,713,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, cookoff, steak, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: Izhu4f-fwLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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