World's Largest Sushi (Official World Record)

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We're going to make the world's largest sushi roll and it all starts with a lot of ingredients. 2,000 pounds of well-seasoned sushi rice, 500 pounds of sushi-grade salmon, 500 pounds of fresh cucumbers, thousands and thousands of sheets of nori, and millions of sesame seeds. Here's me for scale. This roll weighs the same as 45,000 regular sushi rolls. Go subscribe so we can catch Gordon! And really quick, if you won't subscribe for Gordon, when we hit 10 million subscribers, I'm going to pick three random subscribers to break a Guinness world record with me. You could be on the title, so go subscribe. Together we hold three world record titles. The world's largest cake pop which weighs about 100 pounds, The world's largest chicken nugget, which made international headlines, but failed to impress Jimmy Fallon, They made a chicken cake. Yeah. And the most fast-food restaurants visited in 24 hours. We visited 69. Today we're attempting our most difficult record yet, the world's largest sushi roll. We'll be judged today by none other than Andy, who did our fast-food record with us. And we also have Dennis, a health inspector who's going to make sure we follow those strict Guinness safety protocols. Before we begin, there are a few safety rules from Guinness. The record is for the largest sushi roll slice in terms of diameter at the widest point. The sushi roll slice must be roughly circular, and the roll must include cold vinegar-dressed rice, nori seaweed sheets, and at least two different fillings. Now it's time to break another record. And to begin, we already have all our ingredients laid out, but there's just one problem. We have lots and lots of salmon, and these babies aren't going to fillet themselves. And that's why we're going to warm up for today's record with another record attempt. The fastest time to fillet a 10-pound fish. And here's the best part, guess who the current record holder is? That (beep) Gordon. None other than the king of all food himself, Gordon Ramsay. Gordon, you better watch out. Nick knows how to fillet a fish. You rarely see people attempt two records in one day. Bold move, Nick. The current record to beat is indeed set by Gordon Ramsay, at 1 minute and 5 seconds. Good luck! Cooperate, Mr. Salmon. Nick needs all the help he can get. Alright, Andy, am I good to go? On my count. Ready? Yeah. Three, two, one, go! One minute exactly. Curtis, today you're serving as the independent witness, and I have verified that you are indeed a fishmonger. The rules for this record are as follows, there must be a minimum number of 15 fillets and each portion must be at least 40 grams. Okay. Let's see what we've got. 120, 113, 127, 146, 124, 69. Why are you guys pointing at me? 120, 140, and the bonus portion, number 16, weighs 144. We're in business. Great job, Nick. Nick, you've just completed an official Guinness World Records attempt for the fastest time to fillet a 10-pound fish. We've had the fishmongers present and we've confirmed that you made at least 15 portions of at least 40 grams each. Now as you know, the current record stands at one minute and five seconds set by Gordon Ramsay. Nick, today you achieved 1 minute and 0.29 seconds. Congratulations, it's a new Guinness world record title. Frick you, Gordon! Another one for the record books. Nick, this is your fourth record. Congratulations, you're officially amazing! Great work today, fish! Now that we're finished filleting our salmon, it's time to get going with the main event. Lynja, where did you get those chopsticks? What? We're making a big sushi roll. In front of us is our giant 7-foot sushi mold. The first step is to toss on our booties. Because we're going to have to be walking inside this thing. What are those? We'll start by layering in our 500 pounds of cucumbers. Given how big this sushi roll is, we can keep these cucumbers whole. We needed a lot of helpers for this, so we've got the whole team in town today. This is the most cucumbers I've ever seen in my life. The forces on the sushi are going to be so extreme that we're going to put rice around the side to lock everything in. So, should we be putting rice around it right now first? Yeah. I think that makes better sense. Okay. And what would happen if we filled too much of one side? The whole mold could fall over, or burst, or any number of bad things could happen. If that happens, Manny's getting fired today, I know that much. What? So, to start out, we're going to put some rice all around the edges to sort of give a nice foundation around the ring that's in the middle here. I'm adding a little bit of vinegar and oil to this, which will not only make the rice taste better, but it will also help us to fluff it up a little bit more. Nick, don't squirt on Lynja! Where I'm standing right now is where all the sushi-grade salmon is eventually going to go. All those boxes behind me, that's all sushi-grade salmon and that's not even all of it. Once again, we have 2,000 pounds of rice here today. That's probably more rice than a sushi restaurant would need for the entire week. At this point, we'll begin taking our first fillets of fish and look at how beautiful those are. I'm going to carefully layer all the way around the center of our mold until we have all 500 pounds of it. The one thing I'm learning about some of these world records now is that it often turns out to be more of a workout than anything else. Don't be such a baby, Nick. You have to bribe Andy. For how much money do you think it would take? 500? $500? You think he's going to do it for that? Nick, Lynja, you guys are off to a great start. You got the nori, you got two fillings, and you have the cold vinegar-dressed rice. Well-seasoned, too. Compliments to the chef. So, the cooking equipment was sanitized in accordance with the 2013 food code. Samples were taken of the rice, and as far as the city is concerned, the pH is 4.0. The sushi-grade salmon was frozen to negative 31 degrees for a minimum of 15 hours. So, we're good. Damn, I'm really hungry. As you can see, our sushi roll here is starting to take fantastic shape. The whole first layer is all set. We got our rice, our nori, our cucumbers, our salmon, and we're continuing to season all the rice and fluff it up so that we can make sure it's nice and light. The same way you'd have in a normal sushi roll. You've got to massage that rice. Andy, this is looking pretty cool. What are some of the coolest food records you've ever judged? Well, of course, this one and the most fast-food restaurants visited in 24 hours, Naturally. are some of my favorites. I've also seen the longest charcuterie board and the longest marathon cooking. How long was it? I believe he cooked for 48 straight hours. Oh my god. Keep in mind that if you subscribe, I'm going to choose three random subscribers when we hit 10 million and you'll be a part of that video and be on the next Guinness world record title. I will fly you in from anywhere in the world. I want three of you to break a Guinness world record with me. After a little lunch break where we had some Chipotle, we're back to layering all of our rice. The salmon is dangerously close to the top of this point, as are the cucumbers. So now it's all about just finishing strong and shaping this into a full mega sushi roll. This thing is getting so big at this point that we're just going to go around the whole thing with some tape to really reinforce it and make sure that the thing doesn't split right open, pouring all of this sushi, rice, salmon, and cucumbers all over the floor. Emergency! Emergency! We've run out of rice vinegar. Not to fear. We're going to make some more. Start with a whole bottle of rice vinegar. Wow, this is slow. Gosh darn it. A nice pinch of salt, Osmo, of course. And then a bunch of sugar. And maybe a little bit more. Maybe we have to supersize this thing. And then we have to heat it to dissolve the sugar. If you haven't liked the video, we've got a problem. And subscribe! It's time to pour our new rice wine vinegar solution back into the bottles and send Lynja on her way! Thank you, Nick! It's hot. We've got to keep the rice moist. We're at the home stretch here. We're trying to fluff up all the rest of this rice to make it fit evenly around the fish and the cucumbers. But one of the biggest challenges of today is going to be pulling this middle ring mold out. Our hope is that it all stays in place to make a perfect sushi roll, but anything could happen. Oh, and here's the last tub of rice. My back is really starting to hurt from carrying the team all day. How's it looking guys? It looks amazing. But it's not yet officially amazing. Oh, come on Andy. Now that we finished building our sushi roll, the next step is to take the center portion out. That's going to be tough. Our best idea is to take a knife and shove some holes through the side, which we can hopefully use as handles to pull it all out. It's definitely going to be hard to pull. I'm going to go all around the side of the mold making a few of these handles and then it's going to be a big team effort. All right, we're all going to pull together on three, two, one, pull! That's amazing! Wow. Look how clean the edges are. Engineered to perfection. Let's give a quick round of applause to the engineer! Ah shoot, Nick I wasn't filming. To finish things off, we're going to layer these cucumbers all the way around to make a nice, pretty pattern on the top. This thing's going to look as good as it's going to taste. Before Andy comes in to judge, regardless of whether or not we get this record today, just take a look at how truly massive this sushi roll is. You could fit one hundred Lynjas on this thing. Today you guys have just completed an official Guinness world attempt for the largest sushi roll by width. I've looked at this very beautiful roll and I've verified that you guys have used cold vinegar-dressed rice, nori seaweed sheets, and at least two fillings. And it is a scaled-up version of a single piece of traditional sushi roll. Now the record to beat was 2 meters which is roughly 6 feet and 6.74 inches. I'm measuring to see the diameter of the sushi roll at its widest point across. Today you guys achieved... 7 feet and 1 inch. Congratulations! You're officially amazing. Lynja, Nick, this is your fourth and fifth Guinness World Records titles and I cannot wait to see what records you'll break next. One more time, don't forget to subscribe. Three of you could be on this record title next! This entire sushi roll will now be picked up by my teammates at Farmlink and donated to a homeless shelter in Boston. None of this food will go to waste.
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 6,073,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sushi, Guinness world records, world record, Nick DiGiovanni, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Chef, Recipe, Kitchen, TikTok, Food, Salt Bae, Uncle Roger, Knife Throw, Knife Drop, MasterChef, ASMR, fillet, fish, seafood, japanese, salmon
Id: lIoY8lmJ9iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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