Lego Mario enters the Nintendo Switch to Save Baby Yoshi ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐ŸŽฎ Super Mario Odyssey Story

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Mario has to enter the Nintendo switch to find baby Yoshi. The baby is crying and needs help. Can Mario save the little one? Please Mario. Hurry up. My little baby will starve out if you don't save it. Quick take the green pipe into the Nintendo switch console. Alright I will do that. But wait a minute Yoshi. Don't you want to come and help me? I'd love to Mario but I can't look. I have to look after the little baby Yoshi egg you know? Oh yeah. Okay. Of course. Then I will set off on my own. But if there's anything just call me Mario. I'll help you where I can. Thank you Yoshi. Okay then. Off into the green pipe with me. Baby Yoshi. I'm coming to save you. Alright here we go. I have to climb the whole mountain once to save baby Yoshi. Hopefully I will succeed. Let's go then. The only question is how do I get up there? It's a long way up. Over all the rocks and behind the mushrooms. Okay I will find a way. And I'm sure there's a shortcut through the green pipe that will take me right to the top of the mountain. Wow. What are all the Chain Chomps doing here? I have to be careful. No no. Please don't. Please leave me alone. I don't want to end up as a Chain Chomp Food. That was close. Get out of here. Baby Yoshi where are you? What's the fastest way to get to the top of the mountain? Okay. Uh oh. It's a dead end. There's a really high mountain here. How do I get up there now? Oh no. That's not possible. Even this jump won't work. Oh no. I need a power up. A catbell for example. Yoshi. Huh? Did someone just call me? That must be Mario. Quick. Hey Mario. What's going on? Yoshi I urgently need a power up. Maybe a cat bell or something. Can you throw something into the pipe? Yeah. Okay. I will see what I can find. Wait a minute. Mario. A power up? Well let me put it this way. I see apples but. Ah. Over there. Just take that. I bet a tree is super handy for overcoming any obstacle. Okay. And here we go. Mario. I'm coming. Look what I've brought you. A tree. The tree will help you get over this steep wall. So good luck and find baby Yoshi. Huh? What? A tree? Yeah. Okay. Not what I wanted but it's actually helpful for getting over this high wall. Thank you Yoshi. Let's quickly continue past the jumping mice and through the green pipe. Let's go. Oh wow. Now we've suddenly landed in the lake kingdom. But I wanted to get to the top and climb the mountain. There must be another pipe somewhere that can take me even higher up. Okay. I don't think I should go through the water there but through the tunnel here. If I remember correctly the pipe was down there. All right. We'll just have to give it a try. Through the water tunnel all the way down. The next pipe should be down there for me. Very carefully and. Oh no. Are you serious? So many Cheep Cheep? How am I supposed to get past them? Yoshi! What's up Mario? Yoshi I urgently need a power up. But not a tree this time. A real power up. Okay? Look how beautiful the fish are. Now. Get me a power up Yoshi. Oh okay. Just a moment. Hmm. I can't find a power up here. Alright then I have to keep looking. Let me see. Oh up there. Perfect. A question mark block. Let's see which power up is hidden inside. A fireflower. This fits in wonderfully with Mario. Let's grab it and bring it to him. Mario I found a fireflower just like you wanted. I hope this helps you in your fight against the Cheep Cheeps. Greetings to the fish and good luck Mario. Hey great. A fireflower. Thank you very much Yoshi. Okay now I have to fight my way through the Cheep Cheeps somehow. That shouldn't be a problem with the fireflower. But it's not easy. Where did the Cheep Cheeps swarm come from? Out of nowhere. They've surrounded me. I have to be careful. Oh no. Don't let them hit me. Get away quickly. Last second rescue. Okay let's get out of this place quickly. Through the next green pipe. Suddenly in the lava world. Okay I really didn't expect that. Let's go. Then maybe this is the path that will lead us to baby Yoshi. I can only hope so. Oh wait a minute. I think I have to defeat this lumps of fire first. So that I can continue my journey with the star. Namely to the next mountain here on this fire planet. And over with you. But be careful. Don't take a wrong step or I'll end up in the lava. And I certainly don't want that. And done. There's the star. And now we can travel on. And let's go. Karabam. Bam. Next area. Oh wow. There's a lot of fireballs buzzing around this planet. I should hurry and straight to the next star. Don't waste a second. Let's go. Wow. There's a big puzzle waiting for us. Okay. Here it's important to collect the individual star shards. Five of them. That's the only way I can create the next star. Which I can then use to travel on again. And don't forget. I have to hurry. Little baby Yoshi is waiting for me. Alright. I have to trust my skills. We can do that. And here is number two. Number three. And. Whoa. Almost landed in the lava. That was very close. Two more to go. So that was the last star shard... The star is waiting for us out there. Move on quickly. So far everything is going like clockwork. That is perfect. And well. No. Don't fall off the platform and backflip to the star. Here we come. Whoa. Watch out. The excitement continues on all these platforms... Jump over carefully. And now we have. Oh no. A brick wall right in front of us. What could I do? I can't get it pushed. I need help. Yoshi. Yoshi. Please come quickly. Mario. What's going on? Oh I see a brick wall. Can't you get through it? No not at all. It's completely in the way. Quick. I need a power up. Something special so I can destroy the brick wall. Alright Mario. I'll be on my way immediately. Give me a second... There was a question mark block up ahead. Perfect. Okay. Let's see what's inside this time. Oh no. A bomb. A Bob-omb. What am I going to do now?.. Quick Mario you don't have time. Here's a Bob-omb. Arm... Bob-ombs? Okay. Waa. It's not easy to handle but I can manage it somehow. So away with it. The walls. Far too long and too big. The Bob-ombs don't help me there either. Yoshi. Mario. What's going on? Oh more walls. More brick blocks - You say so. Please bring me a power up. And no bomb this time. Okay. I will see what I can find. Keep your fingers crossed. Please don't put a bomb in there this time. And hey. Great. A hammer. The best tool for Mario. I'm sure he can do something with it. Okay go on Mario. Here's the hammer for you. I hope it helps you break the brick blocks. Here you go. Great. That's exactly what I needed. Yoshi. You could have given me this from the start. We will get through the wall this quickly. Oh man I'm bored. I want to annoy or pester someone again or. Hey wait a minute. Over there. That's Mario. I can annoy him. This is my chance. I'll flatten him. That's how I make my dad proud. Mario. I'm coming to stop you. Let's go. So we are finally through. Ah so many hot heads. That hurts. Now I've lost my power up again. Anyway let's move on. Mario. You weren't expecting me were you? I'm going to beat you now and head you over to my dad. Bowser Jr. I don't have time for you now. I'm on a big rescue mission. Baby Yoshi's waiting to be rescued. Gotcha. You're too weak Mario. Bowser Jr. Is stronger than I thought. Luckily I got the mushroom and now I have to. Can you see how strong I really am? Take this. We did it. And he even had the key I needed for this door. Awesome. Off we go through the pipe to the next section. What an ice world? Yeah. Let's go down then. What a long ice slight. Wow. Hello Goombas. Aren't you cold? We were just in a hot lava world. And now we are here where it's bitterly cold. Well at least we have a big iceberg here. I think once we've climbed this mountain we should finally reach baby Yoshi and be able to rescue him. Baby Yoshi. Don't worry. I'm on my way to save you. It's so cold. I have to get out of here immediately. Oh no. I've been iced! No no. Please leave me alone. Go away already. I need a break. I can't take anymore. Oh what I'm going to do now. Yoshi. Yoshi. Come quickly. I need your help. I need a power up. Huh? Mario what's wrong? Oh dear. You don't seem to be feeling well. What do you need? I don't know. Bring me something. Okay I will take a look. I'm so curious. What's in this this time? Let's see. And hepp. An ice flower. I wonder if that will help in any ice world. Mario look. I've got an ice flower. An ice flower? What am I supposed to do with it? I don't know. I'm sure you will think of something. So good luck with it. And please hurry don't forget to bring baby Yoshi back. Perfect. An ice flower. Alright. Let's see what I can do with it. Now I'm ice Mario. Hey that's right. I can walk on ice water with this... Okay. Yoshi has definitely saved the day. Now I can overcome any obstacles. But be careful. A targeted wall jump is important here. It's the only way to reach the star and move on. Very good. And over to the other side of the mountain. Wow. Where have we ended up now? Well if I can climb the whole mountain. We are almost above the clouds near the tall mushrooms. Baby Yoshi I'm coming. Once over the three stones and here I'll get to the top with a wall jump and. Yeah that shouldn't be a problem now. I can already see the clouds. Oh no. That's not possible... How am I supposed to reach the clouds? Yoshi. Yoshi come quickly. I need your help. Oh dear. Oh dear. I can see you have to get out there. That's right. Do you have any idea how I can do? I will have a look. Please bring us something good. A propeller. Should Mario just stick the propeller in his hat? I have no idea. Well he'll know what to do with it. Hey Mario I've got the propeller. I hope it helps you somehow. If not let me know and I will find you something new. Yeah a propeller mushroom. Very good. Okay I will grab it and then we'll fly up the clouds together. Let's go then. Yeah. That's how I overcome these obstacles. Baby Yoshi we'll be right with you. Don't worry. Oh hammer brother. Careful. And. No that can't be true. He's got me dead to rights. Anyway. Let's climb up quickly. We're above the clouds. Wow. Up ahead. Great. There are the mushrooms up ahead and. Hey baby Yoshi. We finally reached you. I'm saving you. You don't have to worry anymore. Hey Mario. Thanks for coming to rescue me. Please be careful. There are lots of enemies lurking on the mushrooms. Don't worry. I will get you home safely. But wait a minute. Not so fast. Come over here. 401 00:15:05,737 --> 00:15:04,891 It's better when I carry you okay? 402 00:15:08,035 --> 00:15:06,304 What's wrong? You have such short legs that you can't jump. And we should be careful here. Mario I'm hungry. When we get. What did you just do? You ate a Goombrat again and again. I'm hungry. Very hungry. Because it took you so long to save me. Come on. It was a long way to get to you. Yeah I know. Okay. Oh dear. I'm really hungry. Don't keep whining please. I want to eat berries. Berries? Where am I supposed to get berries? I don't know. Think of something. Oh just a moment. Yoshi please come quickly. I need your help. Hey Mario what's up? Oh there's baby Yoshi. You found it. Thanks Mario. I really need some berries. The baby is hungry. Just a moment please. I can definitely find berries here. Here at home. Right here. On the tree. The most delicious berries for Yoshi. Hang there. And hep I've got the berry. Great. Mario here I come. These are the best berries I have. They taste so good. Enjoy your meal. Great. Okay wait. I will hold you. And now open your mouth. Nicely fed. Okay that's enough. Now we can continue our journey and you can carry on singing. I can even fly now. How can you fly now? Because I ate super berries. What do you mean? Wow. You see? I can fly. Since when? You can do that? I do it all with the super berries. Oh that's why these berries grow on your tree. That's right. But I'm still hungry. I will just keep eating. Yeah. Do what you can't stop doing. And thanks for your balloon support if you can call it that. Okay. Watch out. Hey up there. There's a lot to discover. Yeah. And look a question mark block with an Up. Great. We are making good progress. Be careful. Don't worry. I'll get us safely to the other side. And we did it. Wow baby Yoshi you really were a big help. And with that we saved you. Now let's hurry home to yellow Yoshi. Yay. Yay. I don't want to say anything but you really grew up after all this food. Yes that's right actually. Hey Yoshi look. I saved baby Yoshi. Okay now it's a grown up Yoshi. It has to be said. Thank you. Thank you. You did it. Come here. We're finally together again. Yeah. Now that we're together again we can. Oh look over there. The Yoshi egg is hatching now. Come on Mario. Make it hatch. Yay. Yay. Our Yoshi family is getting bigger and bigger. Yeah you said it. We should go on a vacation to the mushroom kingdom with all our family and friends. What? Vacation in the mushroom kingdom? But that's not possible. If you want to see 100 Yoshis hibernating in the mushroom kingdom for two weeks click on this video. As always stay katztastic!
Channel: K. Tze โ€“ Friendly Gaming
Views: 1,704,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lego Mario enters the Nintendo Switch to Save Baby Yoshi, Lego Mario enters the Nintendo Switch to Save Yoshi, Lego Mario Nintendo Switch, Lego Mario Yoshi, Lego Yoshi, Lego Baby Yoshi, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Odyssey Lego, super mario odyssey story, k. k.tze super mario, k.tze mario, k.tze super mario odyssey, k.tze mario story, k.tze, k.tze lego mario story, Lego story, k.tze lego mario, katze lego mario, Lego mario odyssey, lego mario video, lego mario geschichte
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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