I Built A $25,000 Super Mario Castle For My Cat!

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I'm transforming this cat house into a Super Mario Castle we have the most insane things planned for this cat Mansion such as a Mario themed parkour moving robots and not to mention my friend's cat house has been needing a major upgrade this thing is so messed up oh jeez yeah let's destroy it just to make sure the cat house is fully destroyed think it's good now building this luxury Mansion is going to take a lot of work but first Ryan take my credit card and give this cat the best day of its life got it let's go are you ready to have the best day ever Mario we're going to build Bowser's Castle in five steps starting with the framing to frame our cat Mansion we need a lot of wood we want to transform our entire Warehouse into a Mario video game so first things first we need to add the Mario mountains as a back R after a few hours of hard work on our cat house we just made all of these walls now we can stand them up and turn them into the mountains for Mario so we started putting the frame together I feel like Super Mario wow you you don't need to worry about that cuz we're going to put a mountain in front of it are you ready for the best day ever Mario can I please have a cat Cho can I pet of course you can hi thank you so much okay we got your cat Chino are you ready is it good I think that's definitely a yes now that we've added our crazy Mario mountains it's time to start framing Bowser's Castle this is going to be the entrance to our Castle now that we finish framing we can start covering the walls every board on our cat Mansion is custom cut just like this that's a good cut good to go yeah I don't think it's good to go now it ain't coming down to give these Mario mountains the perfect curve edges just like in the video game we're going to be using foam it looks so much better up here now we can move on to the castle we can start adding our luxury brick finish to the top of it well let's jump into it get back hey oh oh oh ow that hurt now we're going to have to fix that who's going to fix it we're going to replace these broken boards with these two new ones yay all fixed now we can actually add the [Music] bricks yeah that'll do why are you smelling it cats are all about fragrance oh this is the entrance to our castle and we're going to be installing a draw bridge right here so far we've covered this wall this wall and that wall with our brick finished next we're going to add the second floor to our Castle this thing's about to be massive and it's all for a cat now me and Mario are going to get luxury massages take a deep breath I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am Mario that is so cute he is having the best day ever right now I think you're going to sleep really good tonight Mario this is the roof and now it's time to raise the roof get it boys let's go no oh wait wait wait wait not yet not yet yet now we can raise the roof okay here we go this is crazy almost there and stop now that we have the roof lifted into place we can bolt it in using some wood this is looking crazy we're going to add a giant Mario wart pipe right here that'll also act as a slide you know where I am where I'm on the mountain meow see he gets it we designed the top of the castle to look exactly like Bowser shell but we still need to paint it green and add the spikes we have a lot of work to do before we can get to that though we're moving on to our next step and that's standing up the pillars to our Castle to give it more of a 3D look unfortunately these Castle Towers are extremely heavy and we have to bring it all the way over there don't let it fall okay this thing is so just I think it just has to go that way a little bit perfect now we just have to do that three more times now we're getting ready to add a cat parkour all the way to the top of the castle so the cat can get up there I'm surprised that actually worked I'm just going to throw him in I've never seen a cat do parkour to the top of a castle before but we will at the end of this video this cat climbing wall is just one of the crazy amenities that we're going to be adding to this Mega Mansion for a cat however it's looking extremely Bland and boring and that's why we're going to start painting this is going to be a lot to paint I'm incredibly stressed out that we're going to mess up the paint job but luckily to relieve some stress this video is sponsored by Better Health we're starting off by replicating the paint job from the Super Mario theme park at Universal Studios let's go we're even going to have the coins and characters moving just like they do at Universal Studios because we're building robotic animatronics better help has made starting therapy less intimidating and more accessible than ever before wow wow that's satisfying they showed me that therapy isn't just for crisis moments but for challenges we face every day oh um this is all wet pain I think I just trapped myself oh gosh I'm ruining my shoes oh something I love about betterhelp is how easily it fits into my crazy lifestyle now that we painted our mountains we can start painting the castle whether I'm building a Mario Castle or juggling multiple projects I can schedule a therapy sessions at times that work for me choosing from video call phone call or even messaging so I can be as relaxed as our cat friend Mario when we finish our Castle the front we'll have a giant Bowser head and the top of the castle is Bowser shell so we're painting it green with better help I was matched with therapists from their network of over 30,000 LIC professionals tailored to my specific needs and preferences right now I'm adding some extra colors to make this look as realistic as possible better help has been a game changer for me and this paint's been a game changer for the build it's looking amazing now we're going to be painting on some rocks for extra detail join me in the over 4 million people who use betterhelp click the link in the description or use betterhelp.com sbeam for 10% off your first month thanks betterhelp our luxury cat Mansion is looking amazing we have our Mario mountains the gigantic castle but there's still so much left to add so let's get to our next step this is crazy now that we have our homemade we can cut it out and transform it into a hidden gaming room I know if I was a cat I would want that Glitter box is going in there too it looks really bad in here so we're going to start off with a fresh C ofate then we're going to add some LEDs and a gaming setup for our cat it's going to be incredibly hard to paint in here this is an automatic cat feeder he's absolutely going to love this let's see if it works this is the most futuristic technology that youve ever seen for a cat no gaming room would be complete without Minecraft subscribe to my new gaming channel beam gaming would it be Super Mario without the iconic question blocks and that's what we're adding next it's going to sound just like that too this is my brother's Daddy nailer I hope I'm doing this right ooh I need to make these question blocks and it should just be as easy as smacking them just like Mario let me try this out perfect now that we made some progress on the build we're going to be adding Mario blocks just like this one on the back of the wall so the cat can parkour just like Super Mario I have my brother's credit card here so you can get anything you want in the store Mario oh he see something over here definitely cats like catnips they love catnips okay let's get it then is he interested I think he is good enough we get all those I love it Mario you like the catfish huh you want to do some catfishing come on Mario we got some more cool stuff down this way do you want that over there it sounds like he wants that but just get the whole thing he's definitely going to need a comb what do you think he is loving the birds Jee Birds aren't loving you I think we got everything Mario time to check out all right your total is $ 49250 perfect there you go thank you anything for you Mario good job buddy we're getting ready to install our Mario blocks unfortunately this one goes all the way up there and it's very heavy woo that was a lot of work get up this looks so good adding all these textures to our mountains is really bringing this to life we just added in our Mario Parkour we still have to add all the little robotic effects but we want to do a strength test first let's go oh it works if it's strong enough for him it's definitely strong enough for the cat we're about to install a foam pit right here in case we fall off the parkour we're going to need a lot more blocks we spent $55,000 just on these foam [Music] blocks this is the coolest thing that we've ever done right here we're going to be adding a door that doubles as a draw bridge so we can enter our Castle we're getting very close to hitting 6 million subscribers and we give away $1,000 every week to subscribers so subscribe right now now [Music] real we're going to be painting a giant cat pow print on the front of this door so everyone knows this is a castle for a cat this looking so great I could just high five it this is so extra and it's all for a cat I love it this is the nicest sushi restaurant in our entire area and we rented out the entire place for Mario I'm never making the sushi for the C before full Mario welcome to Tas Sushi we make this boat specially for you Mario theme with your Castle there's so much on there he doesn't even know where to start this looks so good I cannot believe that all of this was made for a cat oh my gosh he's loving this I can tell this is his favorite fish while Mario was eating lunch we were preparing something special for his dinner this is the world's biggest bowl of cat food and it's time to add some more this is build with over $3,000 of cat food I really hope he likes it it wouldn't be a luxury mansion without a crazy slide and it wouldn't be a Mario build without a luxury W pipe so we're going to be combining both of those things right now and I'm going to test Noah's catching [Music] skills oh that almost land in the hole that was a perfect toss can you turn me that drill yep well that's the good thing about having a slide this luxury Mansion is looking insane we have a giant cat food bowl a Mario wart pipe slide and we're still not even finished but I think we should test the slide first here goes nothing that was epic after going down the slide it was clear our build was missing some life so we're going to be using these foam blocks to sculpt out all of the characters from Mario so we can make them robots moving around for the cat to play with with the power of editing I'm going to turn this foam block into a goomba in like 2 seconds all done now that the characters are sculpted we can start painting just finished one glomba three more to go I'm painting The Rock but not the rock you're thinking of while we were busy painting our cat was also about to become an artist now we going to get a professional painting done of Mario so you can hang in his castle are you ready hi I'm Lily I've been painting for about 10 years never done a life painting of a cat before Mario can you help me mar you did such a good job think this is your eye color oh that's a yes honestly I've painted with a lot of models but I think Mario is by far the best one this is the final touch the M for Mario finally finished my first cat portrit is a success this is definitely going to be the focal point of the entire Castle I can't wait to see it so far our build is looking incredible but it's obviously missing some key details what are the characters really glad I caught this or we would had to rebuild it we're actually going to be adding some wiring so these can actually move back and forth like robots if we do this right every single thing we add should move but we're going to wait until we we install all of it so we can press the button and see everything move at once we just installed all of the Mario characters it literally took days to wire them up hopefully they actually move if we wired everything up correctly I honestly have no idea how we did this well we started by doing I was actually talking to the guy who did it oh so we started by reverse engineering all the game mechanics from Mario adding a ton of these motors behind everything all powered by a Raspberry Pi and it's all controlled by this button oh everything is moving those coins actually look like they're floating from here yeah I kind of want to go grab one do it okay I'm playing Mario in real life I got to jump over this Goomba I'm already short I'm the short Mario got the coin now our Castle is missing one key detail and it's a giant Bowser head that we're going to be placing right there we just finished building this crazy massive Bowser head now we can add it up there this is definitely the Crown Jewel that the castle was missing now that the head is installed it's perfect to scare away dogs from our cat house everything is looking incredible I just got a text message the cat's going to be here any second so we can surprise them so I just need to add the last details every luxury Mansion needs custom art and that's exactly what this is we're going to put this one right here perfect now that we're adding all the details in here it's truly looking like a piece of art this is all stuff that Mario picked out himself there's so much stuff we're going to put this cat tree right here as the entrance to his hidden gaming room we're going to use this custom oneon-one painting to hide the hole I think everything's ready to go it's looking amazing in here it's finally time to grab Mario and surprise him I'm excited to see his reaction he's on the other side of this Minecraft door right here let's surprise him Mario we built you an entire cat Mansion this is the final result Mario's luxury dream cat house mansion complete with the most insane amenities he's going right to the castle he's sniffing around everywhere I don't think he's ever seen this much food in his life he up Mario there's so much stuff for him to look at he's looking everywhere right now we're about to give Maro the entire tour of his brand new mansion Maro do you want catnip or cat toys I think he just wants to sit there he just did the parkour he just dug a hole in the foam pit he loves his foam pit and so do I the cat was absolutely loving the house he checked out our Mario mountains and even tried the parkour wall this is definitely his favorite spot right next to the Goombas what do you think I think it's safe to say since he's pretty much sleeping that he loves this subscribe if you love cute kittens bye bye for
Channel: Matthew Beem
Views: 2,584,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mbeem10, matthew beem, beem team, matthew beam, cat house dream cat house, luxury cat house, cat, golden retriever, $25000 cat house, dream cat house, brent rivera, ben azelart, lexi rivera, heated cat house, best cat houses, Luxurious cat Houses, cat houses, crazy cat houses, building a dream house for homeless cats, Brianna, barbie dream house cat, dream house for cat, i built a dream cat house, kitty, aquarium info, cats, super mario, mario, super mario movie, mario castle
Id: WOKyb3OW0do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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