Best Super Mario Bathroom Gadgets! Awesome DIY Tools to Use by Gotcha! Hacks

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wow Teddy Mario is ready for a fancy bath chocolate a fancy and sweet bath it is all that chocolate syrup is making me hungry sprinkles too I might need a snack after this bath don't forget the M&M's of course and the best part mushrooms the concoction is ready Teddy Mario turned into a real boy my son come out oops Aiden doesn't like the water splash Mario Mario oh come on it was Mario's bath time but of course Aiden must come first I don't like the water splashing isn't that so I have an idea we need the brick to yield a special item for us there it is an anti-slash powder let's go we have to pour all of the powder into the toilet to make sure no splashes will happen are you ready give it a try it worked it didn't Splash this is great thanks Mario way to go Bowser he's faster than Lightning McQueen uh-oh not the toilet no Mario Mario is also in the middle of a Mario Kart race let's hope he doesn't land up in the toilet too Mario I need help what happened those are landed in the toilet I know come here are you going to hit me silly I just gave you a toilet SE the racetrack what a smart invention it's time to keep the wheels turning y well Mario also needs to get back to his Mario Kart race he has a trophy to win I think Aiden's overdoing it with the toothpaste and he doesn't even want to use it wo what is this Aiden you're supposed to brush your teeth but the toothpaste smells too minty how about a tiny Bowser cap on the toothpaste when you feed him some toothpaste he'll poop it out for you funny right now go on to brush your teeth I don't want to Mama M I want to eat Nutella that's it give me that I'm going to make a Nutella toothpaste it's a perfect now Bowser has chocolatey diarrhea try it m it's like mint chocolate all those mushrooms he ate are a little bit hard to let out hey who's been stealing all the toilet paper it's empty there are no more rolls left except for one over on the bathtub oh no it's Bowser you evil turtle Mario even the piranha plant heard the distress call what's wrong I'm out of TP you don't need TP what is Mario planning to do he you have a gadget in here a bad plan get off me okay let's try this again aha I found it wow this bedet comes with a pump and look how easily it cleans balloons you're done don't worry about flushing you can simply throw the water away it's a very easy using the toilet should be a relief except when the toilet seat is too cold will Mar you be able to help watch the Rus I'm freezing the toilet seat is too cold is that so maybe the heat of a hair dryer will help nice idea it's making my butt all warm and cozy as for the toilet seat is that a Mario squishy I know it's time to assemble all the Squishies good thing they come in stickers so I can put them all over the toilet seat and keep it warm hey Aiden your toilet seat is ready this is so comfortable and Squishy and squish all you can while you're at [Music] it wao this toilet seat is too high for Aiden he can't reach it [Music] Mario hi here a distress call oh hello what's the problem I can't reach the toilet seat what can we do oh what's the brick for you can use this as a stepping stool climb on up wow I feel so tall I love Ito ug somebody get this boy a tissue or better yet wash your hands in the sink but we have a problem Aiden can't reach the boset eh I'll just wipe it all off on the sink what's going on Mama Mia thing a shampoo bottle I forgot it what is Mario planning to do let's clean up the slime using the squishy toy he's full now and I'll use the shampoo bottle to make a bridge for the water to flow closer what a genius you we finally got rid of all that slime good job and it's about time you finish that shower nothing is more relaxing than bath time oh no the soap is too slippery uh-oh watch out who knew Mario had skateboarding skills he's about to finish the Mario Kart race o ow my back that must have hurt we need to do something about this soapy situation is that a giant nose even better it's a smoke dispenser I wish it was this easy to sneeze out a cold that was easy and no more skateboarding accidents there's no better game to play than Mario Bros it's King Buu the controller just took a toilet dip that means Mario also got drenched and it's game over I didn't mean to drop the controller that's a nasty we have to prevent this from happening again are those Mario's tights it seems they also fit the toilet seat well and to make it more convenient cut a hole in the middle let's give this a try you it didn't fall in how about a squishy duck nope still safe not back to the game I have a feeling Aiden's winning we must wash your hair properly ow I got soap in my eyes oh no I'm so sorry what have you done to my boy here I'll let it off it's okay you irresponsible man it seems something else has caught Mario's attention what is he planning to do with a crown wow it's a crown-shaped shower cap that's a useful Gadget to prevent soap from getting into Aiden's eyes there the rug is all clean M uh-oh is that an earthquake everything's shaking muddy shoes huh no no no stop vroom vroom so close to the Finish Line stop the cart no way I got it I'm coming no pH just in time to put a balloon under your shoe yay that looks cool now Aiden won't spread mud all over the rug good job Mario huh what's that noise is someone over there I don't see anything hello monster what is it where is the light what's wrong there's a monster silly it's just a pile of clothes go back to sleep don't leave a flashlight eh and a pipe oh let's go cut the pipe into sections and paint them green just like a my side gather all the parts and assemble them together then set it on the night stand make it tight add a mushroom and finally the lamp is ready good night son good night Dad sweet dreams Aiden can sleep peacefully now it's Aiden's birthday come on Aiden hit the pinata ouch I got a splinter wo that was close oh no our son got a splinter I know what to do let's use the wrench to pull it out I'm scared silly Mario do something helpful and hit the block over there I got it now that we've got the coins I'll use two of them to pull the splinter out all good wow that's such a smart hack [Music] [Applause] yay it's crafting time uh-oh scissors no I have to grab something really quick done almost there Outlet guards to save the day that was close huh put down that knife Aiden oh no I got to make a knife out of paper voila Mario arrived just in time for Aiden to use the paper knife instead he deserves a yummy slice of cake oo delicious bye dad he fingers my get slice like sausages Mama Mia good thing I have these door stoppers woohoo phew no more slamming doors uh this snot is so gross oh dear both Mario and Aiden are sick they're spreading snot and germs and candies everywhere what's going on here gross oh my poor boys are sick let me check your temperature my you boys are hot I think you need a warm blanket there super cozy yay I know they'll also need to drink cough syrup let's pour half of the cough syrup into a cup drink up buddy ew you're right it smells awful lollipop M I'll take that dip the lollipop into the cough syrup and Aiden won't don't even know I love lollipops it worked [Applause] yay uh-oh my lollipop maybe it tastes better with sand huh no it's dirty a piranha plant I have an idea I need a green cup with a straw in the middle then I'm going to cut out a figure that looks just like the piranha plant this one doesn't bite it's a lollipop holder and it pops out like a real piranha plant wow here you go this is so cool I won't drop my lollipop anymore good job Dad okay son you're ready for school let's go wo there's a strong stor outside somebody forgot to check the weather forecast pH we are not going to survive out there we need an indestructible umbrella wait this one's already destroyed what now I need to think of something oh a shower curtain pry please I'm going to cut holes in the shower curtain then fold it like this then heat at the edge is to laminate them voila it makes shift the raincoat try it on wow nice I made one for myself too now they're ready to Brave the storm time to brush my teeth wo it's like lemon candy Ken that's not right you put too much toothpaste aha this cute toothpaste dispens will solve our problem slide in a tube of toothpaste and fill up the toothbrush with the right amount of toothpaste cool smells bad oh come on what else can we do oh hello give me that what if we put Nutella together with toothpaste sweet Wow Let's replace the old toothpaste with a Nutella version chocolate really solves everything [Applause] Yay good job son and good job to you dear this sausage is so hard to cut hard this is a job for [Music] Mario these Band-Aids will help keep your sausage in place one Band-Aid holds one end of the sausage and and one the other now try cutting it the sausage is still moving I give up I won't time to pull out the big guns let's nail the sausage to the plate Mario knows [Music] best there try it it worked Aiden's cutting the sausage why has that poor sausage been crucified let me handle this with a sausage cutter watch this put the sausage in the middle and press down on the cutter like this you can even eat it right off the [Applause] bat so yummy keep your eyes shut sweetie ow the shampoo got in my eyes oh dear Mario huh what's wrong my son is in trouble I can do this hey you made me miss my shot time to make a hole in this cap huh a visor cap wait a minute I know the visor will prevent the shampoo from running into Aiden's eyes let's try this again how is it no stinging in my eyes yayay ha you're so poor stop it you're not funny oh are those mushrooms looks like a treat more like a trap y Savory ew you're eating food from the ground it's so delicious I want more I think it's leading to the pipe over there the biggest mushroom I've ever seen I've got you now h ha you're trapped huh one kid down one more to go Mario gotcha huh the chloroform isn't working is that all you've got I have a knife give me that where's your bravery now that you're all tied up thing help me what the her wig no don't expose my robot brain that's it come with me I got the girl yes kidnapping success let's go build the evil robots Aiden where are you huh Aiden's mushroom Wednesday's doll's head this means they got kidnapped oh no Aiden and Wednesday have been taken to the evil lab stay still I'll will have to tie your hands then now don't move no you need to get tied up too this is the impossible knot easy peasy huh that was easy how did you okay let's see if you can get out of these chains then pH I bet she can't get out of those I took them off what a piece of cake aha I know what will work a unicorn t-shirt that's scary this should teach you a lesson it's too tight and pink now that they're secured let's begin the invention we need to get out of here Wednesday look we could use those scissors to cut the rope oh yeah hold on I'm going to scoot over there hurry up I'm trying Aiden where are you Aiden huh Bowser he looks so suspicious he must be behind all this I have to follow him where did he go hold it right there where's my son give him back I don't know what you're talking about aha you kidnapped all these people Aiden let us out please where is Aiden I really don't know never mind looks like none of you are getting out after all how do I find him aha Mario my brother Luigi I need your help look Aiden is missing let's put up missing posters around town oh dear don't worry I got you bro let's It Go Aiden where where are you Aiden come out Aiden oh oh wo Aiden huh hey I'm not a wall why on me whoops sorry Aiden where are you a shoe this must belong to Aiden is he inside the pipe ah a piranha play Aiden Aiden where are you it's pulling me in oh my how can I find my son Luigi where is he I can't believe he left me alone aen who's at the door it's a cop you called for me what's the problem my daughter is missing her name is Wednesday she looks like the girl on the wanted poster no she doesn't I don't need your help anymore bye-bye pH pH that was close Lurch I need your help knock knock yes ma'am take this remote controller what is that for go on do your job all right the helicopter is ready time to make it Fly here goes nothing wow a flying missing poster being Rich sure makes this easy oh my so many dangerous weapons Wednesday really likes to display her toys my sweet girl where are you this hand reminds me of her oh mortia is having a vision Megan and Dr Eggman they have Wednesday and Aiden I'm getting closer to finding them the whole town should have seen the banner by now look it's thing it seems he found a trail of footsteps could it belong to Megan and Dr Eggman I'm almost there I'm so close to the scissors not so fast ha you can't fool me child get back over here no more moving we need another plan huh it's thing thing he's going to save us he's going to get the scissors finally we're getting out of here go thing oh no oh naughty little hand aren't you guess you're getting locked up too no let's get back to work we're getting so close I present to you the robot laser machine oh my gosh when I shoot you both with a laser we'll get evil Wednesday and evil Mario robots oh no help Aiden where are you you my son what Wednesday's missing poster is covering Mario's unbelievable you stop blocking my posters ow how dare you don't touch my posters or I'll fight you huh look at that robot look what is it what's that toxic thing in her hand wait I know her I saw her in my vision she took our children then let's follow her wait I can't run in these heels and my dress is too tight what's the hold up I can't run fine pop up good hurry up Mama Mia you're so heavy I need a break we can't take a break our children are in danger let's go let me think look hold up mister I needed to borrow your scooter get out of the way please I'll handle this how about some cash wow it's a deal let's go hop on kids we're coming can't you go any faster the final ingredient is ready this Serum is the final ingredient to create the perfect evil robot will rule the world oh no that's enough hey go watch the door hurry up fine the machine is ready to go I just have to press the start button oh no it's over for us there's no Escape for you kids nothing can stop us now oh no will their parents make it in time is this the place look Megan is heavily guarding the door how are we going to get inside aha a pipe we can slide down the pipe to get in ew no way am I going inside a dirty pipe suit yourself I'll go by myself Oh my he really went in it smells like a sewer I'm mean it's so gross at least my plan worked oh no but incoming abort ah what a relief the plan failed you need a shower who's that what is boxy boo doing here see you later boss good work oh I know what to do uh-oh what are they planning this time take that oh no Mario I got this what are they going to do to boxy boo time is running out foxy Bo didn't you just leave Mario and mortia are inside controlling boxy boo I forgot something I need to go back in h suspicious can you let me in I really need to get that thing I forgot you're acting weird the mystery box we have to kick it yes we got a fireflower for you my lady you're so sweet I love it okay you can go in nice how a plan worked let's go I knew he liked me I hope no one saw that this is it stop turn off the machine boss okay I'm stopping it uh what's happening to you it's so tight in here ug your armpit stinks are you okay boss stop moving wait that's not boxy boo Mario and mortia oh shoot it's the parrots Megan you handle those two fight you wait I've got an idea how about I pay you a million dollar money I know you want it now's my chance to break this machine it works I'm getting you out of here too thinging oh well I guess I can take the money now is Mario's chance to let the kids free hurry up guys go hide uh-oh I got to run let's hide here hey you fooled me not so fast you have to go through me first please don't hurt me how about a bath you stinky robot water I'm malfunctioning it worked good job Mario watch out no everything's ruined that's it I'm going to get you mustache man don't hurt me get away from me hold on I wonder what this toxic serum does come here Mr Eggman stop running this just turned into a game of cat and mouse so close gotcha oh my butt oh no not the poison what's happening will you look at that Dr Eggman turned into a real egg you saved us yay our kids are safe let's get out of here kids finally Mario and mortia are going home with their kids will they finally get along take this doll I hope it will give you nightmares a thank you for the gift why are you hugging me I guess we better leave wait I want to apologize for fighting with you before oh it's okay how about a makeup kiss really Mama Mia I think I just fell in love it's time to go back home food I need food what do you want I'm hungry not my problem what's that behind your ear gold coin eh wow yeah yeah now go make me food Tada I'm going to make you a special Mexican dish is that a giant piece of meat on the jail bars looks tasty let's fire it up the match is not working is fire all you need just go okay I'll let you handle it fire breath nice the meat is cooked well done [Music] wo it smells so good I want to cut it into strips and make a taco this special Taco looks delectable eat up M I can't wait to taste [Music] it it's perfect nothing beats a good old popsicle snack that looks so delicious I'm a jealous I want a popsicle too oh a fruit painting uh-oh Mario's up to something let's see I'm going to take the Apple got it those fruits look familiar he took them all from the painting decorate the jail bars with fruits and freeze them up with the ice flour next should do it time for a taste test M it tastes so good just like a real popsicle oh no my tongue is St on the eyes oops you might have overdone it with the ice don't move I'm going to lock your cell door now oh shoot the chains don't fit in the lock what's taking so long you you know what I'll handle it use my golden chain instead I'll feel better if everything here is made of gold wo this is quite heavy it's a perfect fit thanks pal you're welcome H something's odd officer come here what do you need what watch this carefully the jail bar is dirty unacceptable well aren't you going to do something about it I'm on it nothing some golden spray paint won't fix what the wo it's so shiny you deserve a gold coin for your work nice is it real it is I need to check the quality of this gold bar too it's as real as those gold teeth please let me out I'm innocent W the wind is coming in what did you say I didn't hear you nothing nothing just close the door it's so cold okay okay I'm closing it you I thought I was going to get blown away I'm fine now welcome to your new cell I'm sorry please take me back to my old cell oh how the tables have turned no Princess Peach is visiting the prison today what is Bowser planning to do what is it I'm here sir what's the plan prepare a fancy date for me and Princess Peach I'm on it a fancy table setting and a candle perfect I hope she likes it I'm here I'm here for my date hi Princess Peach no he's not my date wait what wow Bowser's having a relaxing warm bath hey time's up shower time is over I'm not done yet here can a few gold coins extend shower time ooh certainly it seems those gold coins also come with a massage and a special mushroom bath bomb let's throw it in it's like a Jacuzzi wait bubbles oops too much air what's that smell I miss a Princess Peach wo she's visiting today I must prepare a gift what to do just cardboard and hay I know what is Mario up to I just need the cardboard time to show off my art skills I'm going to cut this and this it's the perfect gift phew I hope she likes it Bowser is so scary huh Mario I got you flowers I love it oh you're so perfect I need to get out of here is that the key if only I could reach it I have to try come on so close I can't fit through these jail bars good thing I'm strong enough to bend them I did it ha time to get out got the key I have to go back in and pretend like nothing happened now to put these back in shape es [Music] ape yes I have the key to escape let's see it worked I am so close to freedom I did it if I put the lock back on they won't realize I'm gone Oh shoot what do you think you're doing huh I know what if I give you some cash I bet you'll let me go what I have no money that's it you're going to the PO cell I need to find a way out of this prison what can I do the pipe of course I can go through the pipe it's so dark inside I hope I don't get lost where should I go I think the exit is to the left oh my these pipes are complicated will Mario make it to the exit oh no wrong turn he just missed the exit he's going back to jail am I outside wa this place is fancy he landed in Bowser's jail cell I'm living the life who is Bowser calling for he's here is that a tattoo artist where would you like to get tattooed I want it on my arm no problem take a look at our designs for cool guys spiders and dragons no it's too much we can browse some more I want Princess Peach it's too complicated though I can't do that I'll give you a gold bar not enough more H I guess I can make it work we have a deal then oh my that tattoo needle is so sharp G I hate needles oh no I thought you were supposed to be cool oh I have a better idea I'll just use stickers give it a good lick and it will stick perfect I better leave before he wakes up two gold bars for a sticker that doesn't sound fair it looks so delicious let me have a slice M it tastes so dreamy that's because it was all just a [Applause] dream ew is he eating his hat hey wao what oh man it was just a dream you can have my donut wow thank you oh it's so sweet and fluffy I love it must secure the gold excuse me what can you give me a tattoo of this girl I want it on my wrist another Princess Peach you got to pay up though what's inside his shoe it's here somewhere aha found it it's a star power up what am I going to do with this I wanted gold oh well let's start ow ow ow it hurts ouch woo can you be quiet ug that artist should have left minutes ago hey we're done here I'm leaving bye weird guy what's up if you must know I bravely got the tattoo of Princess Peach you mean princess stick that guy scammed me please don't put me in here I'm innocent yeah yeah just shut up and get in your cell please don't oh no I'm officially locked up forever and is that a rat slimy bucket tattered sheets and poop this is not how a princess should live I'm having a panic attack deep breaths Peach that's right I have an idea cherries it's a power up am I seeing things or are there two peaches hi self we can help each other clean the cell I'm in where do we start I'm not sure if I should call this teamwork or Independence all done we did such a great job thanks girl bye-bye see you there's just one thing missing let's get spray paint painting what is she planning to paint there golden jail bars now my cell really looks like a palace you like it don't you baby wait here I'm just going to unlock your cell don't move hey slowpoke what how did you just uncuff me now okay one second where's the key to slow I'll do it myself huh how did the handcuffs transfer onto me silly cop what ug the cell is full of pink and fluff and softness I can't stay here a bomb is she going to blow the whole place up here it goes oh a transformation bomb black and white just like how my baby and I like it Princess Peach is ready for her ultrasound let's see looks like her baby Mario's in the middle of a Mario Kart race mushrooms I'm winning mommy Yay good job baby the banana peel uh-oh this is bad I'm losing control uhoh that didn't sound good what happened to my baby I crashed my cart it's because of the banana peel you made me lose take it back No Bananas while I'm racing oops sorry I just got really hungry it won't happen again Wednesday is about to have an ultrasound are you excited to see your baby I'm going to start scanning your stomach now with this gadget why is nothing appearing on the screen it's just blank sorry I'll fix this might need a little tap this is useless what's wrong with this thing I'll handle it with a defibrillator no you might electrocute your kid too late I can't watch huh I can't believe that worked You Bad Doctor take this the baby just electrocuted the doctor good girl hi Mommy I just want to relax with my baby today A pregnant belly we just can't help but rub it you guys are making me so uncomfortable get off hi there baby I know what to do I'm going to swallow a power up a superstar PowerUp once Peach swallows this her baby will be unstoppable wow a star I want to eat it no I've got a boxing gloves I'm ready to fight please work please work hiya ow my eye take that ouch who punched me sorry ladies that baby's going to grow up a fighter let's get out of here my baby is so strong ah what a relaxing day not for long two inmates seem eager for some belly rubbing wo it's so soft stop touching my belly G thing come here I'm here what do you need hurry up and get my bat I need to get these people off my belly your bat is right over there the cop confiscated it oh shoot get off me let me assess the situation real quick the cop sleeps like a bear he won't notice a thing now's my chance to pass through the jail bars wo how did she fit got the bat now I just need to take off the spikes what is she planning to do with the spikes I'll gather them all and stick them all around my belly let's see if you can touch it now ouch that hurt well that is one spiky belly a mystery balloon Princess Peach is having a gender reveal party I'm covering my eyes wow a special pin to pop the balloon me me I want to pop the balloon here you go Yahoo it really is shark let's not wait any longer blue confetti means it's a boy he's going to be Baby Mario woohoo there is it going to be a mini me I knew it Wednesday's about to reveal the gender of her baby through archery but I don't think wearing a blindfold is a good idea my favorite cookie here goes the first bite huh the cop got hit in the butt with an arrow who did this oops wrong target so that means there's no gender reveal yet oh well guess I have to try again who's going to be the poor sacrifice it's a girl yes I'm going to have a little Gothic princess strawberry porridge for lunch there's so much pink in this food I'm not going to eat this disgusting thing no way let me think oh is that blue cheese just lying on the floor lucky me I know what to do with this cheese and a mouse trap let's go catch a mouse hey what are you [Music] doing Turn Around show me what you're hiding she's eating a mouse uh you've got something there oops the tail delicious I'm going to puke my baby oh no what's this a squishy thing it's so soft no now I need to pee gross I'm not going to use this dirty toilet is that Mario looks like he went down the wrong pipe I'm here my savior can you please clean the toilet for me no problem this is an easy job let's wipe off the stains add flower gels and a superstar bath bomb some foam makes everything better and gold and glitter too flush it down and voila wow it smells like a flower field that's better ah I'm so relieved I really need to poop I can't hold it in any longer ah thank gosh there's a toilet right here oh my somebody's spitting out so many black candies the toilet's about to get clogged concentrate phw that's a relief wao look at that my stomach is pretty impressive I better flush this now uh-oh the toilet's exploding too many bombs have been dropped today oh well oh no Oh Baby Mario is feeling restless how can I calm him down is that cop listening to music hey over here ug what is it this time what do you want can you sing for my baby please sing I love singing give me one second how about some country music no no no it's not working sing a different song hurry up how about rock and roll oh yeah I love rock and roll baby sing it it's too loud another one Baby Mario go to sleep let your mommy rest and don't weep break it down hush do you hear that it sounds magical I think I know that voice Mario a Mario is serenading Princess Peach and and their baby how do I make my baby hear it plastic cups I'll tie a string to the bottom of both cups and use it like a telephone sing louder listen baby it's your dad it's working he's falling asleep nope that's not strawberry juice Princess Peach's water broke oh my I need to sit down for this wo take deep breaths what just happened Peach the baby start pushing sweetie it hurts I can see the baby's head keep pushing oh finally why does the baby look like Bower oops H I think Bowser might have been the father Wednesday's water broke she's about to give birth oh no my water broke what's going on I heard a scream you're giving birth hold on I'll call 911 here talk to [Music] them really why do I have to do everything here G let me see if my baby bag is all set baby weapons and clothes check I'm ready to give birth one two thing I need you need a hand yes I need a hand to squeeze give me is it over looks like she's got everything handled I better go stop huh what pull my baby out oh come on I thought I could get out of this so do I just go under the [Music] blanket I think she's out that hurt she's here what a beautiful Gothic baby my baby oh we look so much alike Princess Peach is about to have an ultrasound I'm a little nervous it's a me Mario hold my hand dear let's start the procedure why is it not working come on broken eh let a Mario fix it just tightening the bolts here yippee it worked thanks man their baby is in a Mario game too it's a me a baby Mario look I'm a rainbow oh my baby is so amazing what hurry a jump jump Yahoo Wednesday is also here for an ultrasound she's so annoyed it seems the doctor has a little buddy in his pocket huh choo choo I'm going to hit you Barbie help me here comes the choo choo wait that's my doll give it back what you're safe now oh no girl oh no here come the pregnant belly lovers to annoy Princess Peach Mario help me Mama Mia what to do oh a Barbie I know what where are you going don't leave I'm going to make a pregnant Barbie I'll put a baby on her stomach and cover it up with some belly shaped clay next I'll pour glue on her new pregnant belly keep pouring until her entire belly is covered in glue and add glitter to make it fancy done huh a pregnant party okay the see if you can go belly wait for me thanks my hero of course Enid can't stop touching Wednesday's pregnant belly either go away G huh thing is here to join in on the fun that's it Lurch yes get rid of them now care for a bomb Oh I like the way you think so soft m M huh where's the belly 3 2 1 ah there's nothing like post explosion air wo what just happened to us you guys pressed the wrong button there where did this slime come from huh Mama Mia I sneezed a lot what's wrong with you I can't sleep lying on my pregnant belly is so uncomfortable I see well first wipe off all that slime please now let me find you something for your belly what to do think think w I'm okay Mario is tough a floaty I've got it so uncomfortable I'm back stand up first will you I have an idea what's up with him lie your belly on the floaty wow I'm so comfortable now wooo time to go back to sleep I'm sure I can squeeze in here wo okay then a dog bed it is I'm ready to sleep coffin is ready there it is just going to fluff up my pillow what the coffin won't close her Bell's in the way un unbelievable Lurch what's wrong do something about my belly should we cut it off go for it is he really cutting her belly oh you he's just making a hole in the coffin there now your belly will fit genius now that's a comfy way to sleep top it off with a blanket and you're in for a good night sleep I needed to poop finally hurry up Mario I need to pee huh oh no push there it goes yay I got the flush [Music] now look eat the S so bad oh my you made a GI giant mess I need to clean up toilet brush oh no I broke it this is bad ow stupid brick Oh it gave me a star not just a star but a toilet bomb great timing the star can make the toilet all sparkly again wow but a star is not enough we have to add fun colors and foam what's taking so long Mario I'm going to add lemons too way to go now it's ready to be flushed out [Music] yay you can use the toilet now too late I already peed M Mia got a toilet bomb left to clean the floor suspicious let's see I knew it it's stinks thing just left an explosive mess how much can a hand digest I know what you need a gas bomb gas mask on no I'm going to light this thing up take cover [Music] stop now we wait looks like everything went well let's see ah fresh air I can finally poop peacefully now that will teach thing not to leave another poop bomb you going to do this it looks like there's an emotional monster on the other side of the room I must go in quietly hey there huh that was close I have to rely on my tools wrench nah Hammer no oh I know flowers tissues and mushrooms lastly chocolate let's go it's Mario against an emotional pregnant peach easy there look take this chocolate easy there chocolate this is so good I want more now for the tissues while the pr is secured now is my chance flowers a for me me electrocuting Barbie Wednesday would enjoy this show huh what what are you doing to Barbie oh no thing already pressed the button hey that was close don't hurt this precious doll you monster but you usually like this it's raining tears Wednesday's hormones are all over the place might as well make the most out of it and gather all the tears in a watering can success good thing I have toilet paper earrings clip them on the [Music] earlobes what is this nice I can easily wipe away my tears now this is perfect good job Lurch happy baby shower we brought presents wow could it be pink baby clothes I better open them then I'll open the pink box first wow huh just a plain clear baby bottle what's wrong a plain white onesie no you don't like it what's going on here I think it's best if you guys leave [Music] sorry tell me what's wrong look at this plain boring gift I want colors I know come with me why are they heading to the toilet wait and see don't cry I'm going to fix this look watch carefully as I roll the onesie and TI it with the rubber bands double the loop to make sure it's secure there now let's drop it in the toilet then I'm going to add a colorful paint just like a rainbow then I'll add a foam for an extra kick and some golden powder lastly I'll wrap plastic over the toilet what now just do you wait let's close the lead and flush it's done let's unroll it voila a tie-dye onesie what did you say this is amazing So Many Colors plain bottle nah sparkly bottle yes oh my gosh this is the best Mario really knows the best tricks I got you a gift Wednesday thanks I guess hugs where did you go oh there you are open it all right a stuffed toy and a pink onesie what really do you like it do I like it I do like carving it open and taking out all of its stuffing then I'll put a battery inside him along with some wires going to patch you up now buddy just going to do a little tweaking check it out hi as for the onesie I prefer it black and edgy and for the pacifier I like them spiky the pink toy is a big no a spiky bat is more like it wo Mario is in the middle of a fight with Bowser watch out ouch my wife needs me what happened my water broke I'm giving birth Mama Mia deep breaths Mario grab the birth bag hurry up hold on I just need to breathe H I'll do it myself you can do it but the m maybe don't squeeze my hand so much please let me go ouch ouch push I'm trying great catch quarterback your baby is safe oh my boy this baby looks more like Luigi what then the father is how's the the baby oops oh well what the my water broke I'm giving birth Red Alert fret not I've got the wheelchair quick take me to the hospital let me stretch for a bit on your marks set go I didn't expect them to be that fast wao you surprised me lie down while you go into labor I'll be back no need I can push the baby out on my [Music] own what I got her I got her easy peasy let's go home my independent girl but but but how
Channel: Gotcha! Hacks
Views: 3,325,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario, Toilet Paper, Toilet, Princess Peach, Toilet Hacks, Nutella, Bathroom, Anti-Splash, Bathroom Gadgets, Soap, Fun, Cleaning Hacks, Toilet Seat, Bowser, Trends, Comedy, Relatable, Awkward Moment, Tutorial, How To, Simple, Easy, Life Hacks, Hacks, Tips, Tricks, Do It Yourself, DIY, 123 go, RATATA, Cool Tool, Multi Do, Troom Troom
Id: bwHUvu2GVJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 47sec (4007 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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