Lego Batman - Under the Red Hood

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[Laughter] that looked like it really hurt you know what you're lucky if you were in the hands of someone else well you could have been dead maybe I wonder which end hurts that look like it really hurt let's do it again you do know that if Batman really care for you he probably would have been here by that heck I almost have mercy I guess I should let you go psych I'm just gonna keep hitting you with this I have to admit this has been pretty fun I'm sorry what go to hell as I was saying do me a favor and sell big old backside [Music] Jason [Music] [Music] dogs hot dogs get him lather up [Music] no please red hood talk I don't know anything I swear bro you're lying I'm not bro two days ago I saw you working with him trying to get control of cobblepot's men so either my vision is wrong or you are lying wrong answer okay okay I'll tell you everything I know good okay boys so Batman really wants this Red Hood guy card so we're going to do exactly that I don't feel good about this boss I mean Jeremy was looking to this case a week ago and now he's gone missing well signed him with this case he said it was a personal mission here's your Jeremy Batman what the he's one of red hoods men this Jeremy's been handing the Red Hood information so he knows where you'll be at the Red Hood gave me a good price an Inside Man to keep the Red Hood away from the cops have you found anything else on the Red Hood yet nothing yet Batman we only know that his name relates back to the old Red Hood gang former member was the joy I know you haven't seen that madman from a while have you no and I'm glad I haven't well you may want to look into that Red Hood day see if you could relate to the Red Hood in any way I will lock him up [Music] these goods that he is I've been tracking this guy for weeks now and I still can't put my finger on it you will you always do master Bruce [Music] oh he's in there hey I'm taking you in I don't think so we've been tracking you for weeks what makes you sure now take out the bad guys you're a criminal no I'm not I prefer the word vigilante there's difference either way I'm still thinking you win Oh Nightwing I was hoping for another team up but nope you stood out of line [Music] [Music] you're good [Music] how long will it take for you to understand I'm doing the right thing I will never believe and that would be your fall my friend you fight during it whatever works setting autopilot okay eject end of the line well consider battlefield I was just leaving no okay dick are you all right go Bruce finish him [Music] [Music] night wait are you in yeah I'm here first can you see him no can you he got away damn how for I have tried and tried so hard to find this guy Bruce I'm sorry I'm sorry you can't take someone beating you can you it's not over when's the last time you slept I can't remember I'm focused I don't have time for that first you need to rest okay wake up with an open mind and we can do this tomorrow okay at least he listens to someone yeah this Red Hood guy is infecting him it's whole Simon it's too much too soon we can only imagine what Bruce is going through right now Jason's death affected us hold he's changed hasn't he I see him sometimes taking out crime breaking bones he was never like that for me I can only hope we catch this guy and we catch him soon is that all I can do for you yes that's all Jane thanks Jade Jane are you okay Jade Oh Jade we're glad to see you're okay but you've got to answer when I call for you oh are you okay Oh no mr. mayor that's a shame I guess it's playtime for you [Music] feeling better Bruce a lot thanks that's good so did you find anything while I was out no sorry Bruce look you're not gonna like this but why not give this Red Hood case a rest for a bit I mean you've been going nonstop maybe help me out of it I've been tracking down and taking down some of us wolves at weapon dealing games and I think no I can't sorry but this guy I'm tracking the moves in everything he's well-trained he's been watching he knows every move I'm about to take before I take it he knows my identity Mike and let's some heart from run loose out there with my secret is that really adverse are you really concerned about your secret identity or is it the fact that that he's beaten you more than once look dick wait turn that up this attack took place less than 10 hours ago how come we're only just seeing this I'm not sure but we need to move gear up I wanna walk freak would do this sir this is Gotham good point oh it's YouTube all right everyone move out or Frankie tell Bullock to stop calling and SiC the wimp everything okay yeah feel free to do whatever you want yeah poor woman I'll bring the sick prick you did this to justice Batman over here Alfred let me know whose blood this is her head besides a father someone stabbed her in the back also it looks like from that point and angle of the blood it was only seconds after she fell the mayor got shot the angle of the bullet hole shows it was a hip action from that point the blood type is the mayor of course thanks over the couch the way it's rumbled up there's been a lot of movement on it signs of struggle that would also be why the pot plants match [Music] hey Batman I think we just found out who the killer is he's back in Gotham that is if he ever left whoa man you okay yeah he's fine it's just the last time he ran into the smug things didn't go so well let's hope we put the clown back where he belongs oh how could I ruin the Batman right here right now maybe if I kill this little birdie he could do me a favor and go AWOL I drop that or what what you gonna shove a crowbar in my leg now that would be funny yes it would be uh famous joke a gun you gotta shoot a flag at me do you really think that's all this gun is [Music] and the pain is only going to get worse [Music] man you may want to look at come on this this guy's good yeah look I put a joker I guy you want him me me Crime Alley it could be a trap that's not his style so he's willing to go and fight it off with you he knows I'll catch him maybe this way if he beats it out of a change my mind but you won't will you not a chance ah hello mr. mayor so this is where the trash was going to taught you now that's not nice is it get out of my sight oh and don't tell anyone about this or there will be consequences shut up I'm just playing along this isn't game isn't it yes it is yes it is now hold up kid I want you to tell me how it feels now let me say this you have good taste have we ever met before oh yeah we have but you're going to wish we didn't thanks for your help in everything dick but I think I can handle it from here you sure you don't need my help anymore I'm sure thanks for the help okay well there's anything you need I won't be far away just look for penguins weapons suppliers leaving already master Grayson yeah sorry Alfred I got to get back to my job look after him maybe you need to suit up on the contrary you're sure you don't need him I'm sure the next time Red Hood shows his face in my city it will be the last tonight the red oh it's done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for a second I thought you work on the show this what you're doing it all ends tonight nobody knows that better than me Bruce stop this madness oh we're only getting warmed up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Chris now I feel bad here let me make it up to you no Jason it can't be but it is it's not possible Jason I it's very possible not long after my death when that psychopath tortured me put me through hell Ra's al Ghul he felt guilty yes he was the one that made to deal with the Joker kidnapped me and his plan would go as ordered you do know Bane was working for us to take down Gotham Oh what's a long story and let's not get into it but yep the good old Lazarus Pit sure it messed me up but hey it's worth coming back and getting payback Jason I I don't want to fight you the Jason I know wouldn't have done any of this well that Jason is dead and joke her along with it Jason enough enough [Music] you know Jason [Music] Jason I'm sorry I couldn't save you but I am trying to save you now so would you think this is about had you let me die I thought you were the world's greatest detective Bruce I forgive you for not saving me but why on earth is this psychopath still breathing Oh bats this kid was a real winner he came all the way back from the dead to make this shindig happen you've got to give him credit why plan or I'll spill your brains out boohoo everything this man has done in the past the murder the torture it's on you because you couldn't do one thing simply end this filth there was you he murdered I would have done nothing but search the planet for this pathetic pile of trash sent him off to hell but you you didn't even look for him Jason a day didn't go by after you died that I didn't want to help bind him and end him but I could because if I allowed myself to do that with him what would I become I would be no better than him a thug or even the man who killed my parents if I did that if I allowed myself to go down into that place I may never come back why I'm not talking about killing Dan penguin Riddler or any of those other freaks I'm talking about him and just him because he took me away from you I'm sorry Jason but I can't I'm sorry too Jason no this is what it's all been about you need him if you avenge me why he did so now you have to make a choice now it's time you decide you don't kill this like cutting piece of the building well then I will if you want to stop you can have to shoot me right in my face but now is the time now is the time for you to decide I'm sorry I can't where are you going after this aside proves it's him or it's me do it now decide [Music] oh I have no idea how but you finished you won you got loving monster you always find a way to win and I love that it doesn't get much better than this oh don't spoil it out backseat is the great grand finale where we all go out together the best part I trusted you and you just let me die [Music] Jason I'm sorry this happening [Music] I've got no I'm sorry I was just trying to make this see a better place and I failed I tried to stop him I want you to know that I thank you [Music] well that should teach him a lesson do it [Music] you hello people of Gotham I'm Vicki Vale reporting in on the Joker case and it has officially been announced that the Joker has been sent back to Arkham with maximum security to make sure that an escape would be impossible as for the Red Hood status the case has been put to a close for the lack of evidence shown in other news report to me straight away if anything happens and I mean straight away sure thing that would all like dogs and keep eyes on him at all times I'm in it so what are you going to do about this when we die now well we'll handle it [Music] I failed him again I'm sorry sir don't deserve this none of us do [Music] ah I hate to be a pain master Bruce but we are we have a guest okay I'll leave you to them [Music] [Music]
Channel: Linkinpop13
Views: 2,035,038
Rating: 4.8307371 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: rE7PW_9d4oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2016
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