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[Music] [Music] I'll flatten him and I talked to booth what's the matter time there was a car accident my mom and dad hey car don't worry my dad's in there I'm that are gonna be just fine you swear stick a needle in my eye thanks Bros Tommy come here son I'm sorry Tommy I did everything I could I'm really sorry no no no they're not gone I'm going in there to see them Tommy my dad said he did everything liar you promised you swore what'd you do that for Bruce be quiet why you have to tell me everything's gonna be okay Bruce Tommy I'm sorry [Music] you [Music] you you it has officially been reported that other super criminals has escaped from Arkham Asylum we have yet to know who was responsible for the breakout [Music] what's the status over four armed thugs sir and do be careful killer is also in the warehouse but I can't seem to locate him I believe he's in the basement or the sewer beneath the building don't worry our main priority is the hostage I'll deal with croc later when I get him to safety very good sir you guys hear that don't worry boss I'll go check it out [Music] okay okay okay he's in the basement they doing come on I'm gonna get you out of here yes grab on all right look out Sherman come here this doesn't involve you why are you doing this drug I need the money since Georgia [Music] [Music] good work Batman but this is weird I've never seen croc kidnapping people before me neither kidnapping was never croc style too many variables could go wrong doesn't matter now as long as a kid and the money is safe wait where is the money somebody took it during the flight what but how we secured the whole building nobody could have slept in or out don't underestimate her Jim her you mean Catwoman yes I thought she quit stealing what happened she's back at it again I don't know but I'm going to find out heinous cat rubenesque Oh [Music] dang shows them you inverse a joke night kid master Bruce are you alright master Bruce master Bruce well well well we would have fallen to hell you got the money yes what about a Batman you couldn't keep up it doesn't matter give it to me [Music] hey yo do you think his death I don't know I heard that he's not even human what do you mean he's bloody bleeding how did you know it's even humans blood let's take off his mask and see what he's human or not alright I have enough of this crap go to hell freak do you mind if I join a party boys it's Batgirl time to die ah come on he all right miss Gordon negatives offering he feels are broken I'm not sure whether he can morph or not yeah I'm getting him back to the kids now with our friends no one would choose to live thought he had all the goods can we get some light in here did you get it yeah is that my half yes what about Catwoman she's not a problem but Batman don't worry about him after all he's our main priority master Bruce I'm so sorry if you can't hear this but I'm afraid I can't help you there is too much damage for my particular skills your skull is fractured and Alfred at this contact as a Kim Sophie she may be able to help I'm begging your pardon miss but I don't think that skull surgery is dr. king Sullivan's forte she got better all right very good then we'll have to make an arrangement to explain master Bruce's condition I could rack up the course and the rest is up to you pennyworth hold on I'm getting some sort of involuntary nerve response from his left hand uh perhaps involuntary Alfred is that Morse code Thomas oh dear he's recollecting his father oh wait I was wrong it's Thomas le oh it's Thomas Eliot pennyworth someone whose name I have not heard in a very long time [Music] good evening Gotham is Vicki well from GCN it's been reported that playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne was threat to Gotham general due to a car accident earlier this evening is unknown at this time if Bruce Wayne was wearing a seatbelt on our and a surgeon is none other than a friend of him dr. Thomas Elliot come on people there's nothing to be worried about it just a skull surgeries we have done it for hundreds of times already Hey Bruce I don't know if you can hear me or not but if you really want to meet me you'd have to hurt yourself you know you could have just called you can't beat me captain Elliott's tell me so sure about that kept it away not again what's the matter Bruce how come you always beat me in this game because you always attack without knowing your lawrence weaknesses you get a thing like your opponent order to feed them you know come on let's play again how go easy on you this time don't you think it's wonderful how they never really argue absolutely they're brothers actually Martha all the brothers I've known arguing all the time you know exactly what I mean to us I'm very happy to finally see our son have a friend best friend you know the kind you have your entire life [Music] alfrid master Bruce your wake how long have I been gone about two days sir so what did I miss nothing very important sir aside from the board meeting what do you think you're doing Master is I'm going to the Batcave not in this condition sir I'm fine Alfred sir your skull is fractured and your leg is bloody broken you are crippled master Bruce the only thing you should do is rest no Alfred all the criminals are back on the street The Joker Riddler two-face and not to mention that croc just abducted a child two days ago and Selena is back to stealing there is definitely something wrong here sir you're in no shape to fight you can barely stand I don't care our fur but I do two days ago I thought I'd lost you if it wasn't because of dr. Elliott I wouldn't be here talking to you right now I have buried enough Wayne in my lifetime in the last thing I want to see is a gravestone with lawn name on it I promised my father I would protect this city with my life and I intend to keep that promise gross dick what are you doing here well I think you might need some help since you know you're injured all right so what do you got for me I've been tracking Catwoman for quite a while now and we finally got her coordinates Botanic Gardens well that's strange I know right believe it or not she hasn't stolen anything apart from the money two days ago and not to mention a kid that Killer Croc abductor is the one who was carrying the money strange do you think any of this is related I'm not sure but I'm going to find out wait hold on you're going out Bruce you can barely walk don't worry about me I already have something for this situation a new suit how is that going to help this suit will put my bones back together ah fair enough I guess [Music] Selena Batman why are you doing this I was under control of Ivo a little long so IV is a part of this do not only just IV also croc and all those freaks speaking of croc abducting a child was never his diet what is going on here all I know is there is a meeting after the break out all of your biggest fans were there including the man who broke us out and who was that I don't know the last thing I remember before being controlled by IV was the word hush hey if you really want to know about all this why don't you just go ask ivy herself so tell me where she is then I heard she's moving to Metropolis ma'am mmm-hmm and I thought he didn't have any superpowers good evening Tommy hello Alfred it's good to see you good to see you too Tom I mean dr. Elliott no need for that Alfred anyway I come here to check up on impatient of course only master Bruce isn't home right now nothing too serious I hope quite the opposite sir he said he is going off searching for a lady Oh Alfred as a surgeon is our friend tell him something for me will you of course so this is dangerous game he's playing this going on about when he should be in bed alone dangerous I will tell him tell me mr. Wayne why don't you tell me you gonna drop by don't worry I'm just here to see my friend alright so do you need to ride this toy it's ok I'll call a taxi [Applause] [Music] Bruce Tommy what are you doing here mattress boots you know just dropping by to see some friends and by friends you mean ladies is father your reputation it's true do you remember the first time we've been here how could I forget you still remember where we stopped rose you boys stay right here while Alfred and I go register right here you understand yes Father you got it doc Bruce is the flash we're come on follow me my dad said you always listen to your dad Bruce come on this might be one of the lifetime experience I heard a sentiment from this world are you crazy he's human do human run that fast Bruce anyway I think we should go back or else what did I tell you to do boys to meet by the car and to write so what are you guys doing here we were just not in Gotham Bruce not only responsible for you I'm responsible for your friend as well and since neither of you can be trusted you'll spend the rest of the weekend in your hotel room things change things were so different here back then city I meant it's rice and flowers I was talking about people in it anyone in particular I'm sure that Alfred tell you I came by the house yesterday and I was sorry to have missed you money Never Sleeps dummy money see my patient Bruce you have a fracture scowl I took a bone chip off your head I'm grateful I'm not interested in gratitude Bruce my only concerns in your health I take good care of myself I know you do but you need time to let your body heal you're not Superman after all I'm fine now don't worry about me this is my stop nice talking to you today tell me meet you Bruce and hey next week we have this dollar and Gotham Hospital I think we should be there I will tell me I will Bruce what are you doing here We Need to Talk right it seems that poison ivy just recently moved to Metropolis I see what is her business here I don't know but we're going to find out wait are you are you asking me to help you daily planets rooftop 10 p.m. you're late sorry I had to put John to sleep speaking of which where is Damien isn't he usually you know he's dealing with some stuff baguette got them huh I figured anyways let's get on with our works then so what's your lead on Ivy she's always bringing her plants with her one of them is Aztec Julia they are difficult to grow indoors and from knowing ivy she also needs a big space for her plants as well well I have just the place no my baby you're coming back to Gotham City ivy I see you brought a friend so let's see how well you can handle the power of Mother Nature destroy them Batman Ivy's getting away not on my watch what do you want from me Batman aren't you supposed to be back in Gotham dealing with the breakout I need to know about the money you stole and what if I don't want to tell you then I burn every plant in Gotham how dare you then talk all right the money is just a distraction to keep you away from the real plan what plan it started with a meeting after the breakout the guy who broke us out said he has a plan he said that he could wipe you out and we could have gotten the guy who broke you out who is he he called him so hutch he said he knows you well so what now I figured Nina right back to Gotham Batman no thanks what a fancy ride you got there thanks for letting me help you Batman hey what are friends for what are friends for [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen and Vicki Belle from Gotham City news today is the Honda Thea anniversary of Gotham general many kisses are here today including everyone's favorite playboy millionaire Bruce Wayne it's billionaire you always got it wrong hey it's good to see you Bruce it's good to see you too Tommy so I heard that you just got promoted as the new director of the Gotham hospital indeed I am well congratulations thanks Bruce anyway I gotta go make my speech now all right good evening ladies and gentlemen I'm really happy that all of you can make it to the party today as a new director of this hospital I would like to thanks all of you for your kind donation for the hospital and I hope y'all have wonderful night enjoy thank you telephones not allowed at the party chump now let's see what we got here doc don't sink Bowl listen you have the right to remain silent doctor give it back finders keepers if you want it back you gotta come and take it from me what is it Tommy my mom gave it to me Bruce is the circular that's mean life goes on or something like that looks like a life saver you gonna swallow it give it back give it back Bruce I'll hurt you so bad here take it i sorry Tommy I was just fooling around all right let's bring down the house belch oh look who we have here B man and blue bird too bad I can't play with you today I got cash to pay it's night now whatever let's lighten up the mood shall we I wonder what you stole from me back and people in ice water want help but that doesn't mean they're gonna get it give it back [Music] no Batman stop me if you earn this one before Batman I'm innocent you see I didn't kill this guy I'm choking it that's see ya check nice gun nothing stand up and put your hands in the air the next shot I will drop you you have to think about what you're doing who and what made you who you are your role models the beliefs they installed in you and think of how the Joker could never understand that it's what makes him who he is think god help me you have thought this through I wouldn't let you do this when he shot my daughter killed my wife I don't know how I could stop you but I won't let you throw your life away you and I have seen more than our fair share of tragedies and thirsted for revenge if Batman wanted to be a killer he could have started long ago but it's alive on one side we believe in the law on the other sometimes the law fails us maybe that's why I've understood you allowed you to help protect this city Batman if you cross that line if you kill the Joker tonight I will lead to hunt to bring you to justice in the eyes of the law in my eyes you'll be no different than him how many more lives are we gonna let him ruin I don't care I've all let him ruin yours [Music] we live in a violent world dr. Thomas Eliot used his skills as a surgeon to save the lives that others would have taken away unfortunately there was no one skilled enough to save him I wish I knew how to sum up a man's life in a few cells but as for those who know me I can attest when it comes to the craft of the word Smith I'm something of a failure so I thought it best I read something that Tommy would have enjoyed Oh captain my captain our fearful trip is done the ship has weathered every rack the prize we sought is boiled eggs old o shores and rare belt but I with mournful tread walk the deck my captain lies fallen cold and dead sleep well Tommy [Music] [Music] Bruce you have been working on this 56 hours straight you should have some rest I appreciate your concern for my well-being dick it's not just me Alfred Barbara Damian I just lost a friend dick you know we haven't seen each other in a long time now but you've got the bad guy that Joker is now in Arkham The Joker didn't kill Tommy what it was a setup I saw what I meant to see heard what I meant to hear it even got to me I almost killed the Joker I honestly wanted to the most important thing is that you didn't do it whoever is behind this will catch him soon guys I think you might want to say this what is it Barbara well I did some digging it seems like the boy who got abducted by a croc was the son of a billionaire named Edward feeling but that's not important the most important thing is the money is for an auction and what are they bidding for an old painting called steal what does it mean it means hush in German I hacked into the bidding site and this is what we found it seems like that Edward villain paid half of the money directly to the sellers bank account and the other half he led the boy delivered to sell himself which I think it's all a setup so croc could kidnap him what is mr. Edwards ID code what the ID code of the bidding account is three eight one nine eight seven why it might not be a code and what could it be a date and what exactly happened three years ago Bruce what is friend a seagull so definite in two parties who are you and what do you want from me we should behave to our friends as we wish a friend to behave to us I'm not your friend Evo draw men together a game ends tonight the Jade pendant where did you get that liked a jade pendant life come back around his self Dustin I told you what's to give it back I would hurt you so bad you don't get to peek behind curtain yet why hide their face who are you do you think it was by coincidence that we are here on this bridge on a rainy night you heard that story but Thomas Wayne did everything he could to save us yes just like you promised a shoe so this is what all this is about a child broken promise tell me Bruce do you ever feel like you've been living the living nightmare but the only thing you could ever wish your sister back my future but different between me and you he said even though you thought you lost everything but in reality you still have everything you never have to fight for anything in your life after the death of your parents all those money became yours why after eight years spent years struggling to achieve all this wealth you on the other hand spend years living happily on top of the foundation of Japan left behind your family destroyed me way they took everything from me and my friend my best friend abandoned me when I needed most why Bruce why Tom Tommy no you're going to pay for what your family did to me Bruce put your hands in the air and get down on your knees now so I see you brought a friend what the hell is that gets an old friend thanks for saving my life Jim what are friends for I can't believe it was Thomas Eliot the answer has been there all along but I couldn't see it sometimes the detective work is like glasses Bruce there's always the last place you look by the way how is he even still alive he never died the body I found in the alley was Clayface but the thing that keeps bugging me is how he found me in Metropolis and other places I know I was being watched I think he might have done something when he operated on me I need to use her x-ray and microscopic vision on my head there is something at the base of your skull it's tiny a tracking device possibly burn it but I could hurt you it Bruce I just want you to know no matter what happens I will always be there for you thanks Clark no need to thank me Bruce being there for each other is what friends are for [Music] you
Channel: EsperOgami
Views: 264,207
Rating: 4.8911567 out of 5
Keywords: Lego, Lego Batman, Batman, Superman, Lego Superman, DC COMIC, Justice League, BrickJin, TheBrickJin, Lego Justice League, Lego Batman the video game, Batman Hush, Lego Batman Hush, Lego Batman 2, Lego Batman 3, Lego Batman movie, Lego stopmotion, Brickfilm, Batman the animated series, Lego Harley Quinn, Lego Nightwing, Lego The dark knight rises, DC, Lego superheroes, Lego DC Superheroes, DC universe
Id: lsLzmDPVvds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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