Lego Batman- Time Travel

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we now join our heroes passed out in the aftermath of a bangin inaugural party for president Donald Trump located at none other than stately Wayne Manor what a way to start off a presidential term who knew Mike Pence was such a freak his thighs are to die for got Robin what happened last night also who took my kidney i think ben Carson sold it on eBay dang it that was my last one luckily I got plenty more in the fridge [Music] do I want to know no wow if I do say so myself right here in this very moment I do declare that looks like a bona fide time machine Robin how much did you drink last night almost three whole cups of milk you know how lactate gets me going so what exactly is this time machine for are you bringing back Hitler well how else do you expect me to avoid that parking ticket I got yesterday well is your meter maid Jewish or something wait hang on so you're building this time machine just so you can get out of paying a parking ticket I mean yeah is there a better reason your stupid Alfred how dare you master Tim go to your kennel and think about what you have done fight me old man well that sucks how come no one's ever arrives when they have something clever to say Wow holy dirty weenie water Batman Richard hey nobody beats my Robin except me Great Scott Harriet I told you to make me a sandwich I don't see a sandwich I see two idiots standing in my kitchen don't make me get the belt wait a minute vintage catchphrases misogynists and behaviors Betty White on the cover of Playboy what year is it 66 did anyone ask you to speak woman Oh flippers Batman looks like we ripped a hole in the space-time continuum um in English please I don't speak a Japanese the time as she must have screwed up and sent us back in time to the night tape Sexy's oh sweet does that mean I can chew JFK three years too late for that so you're saying Martin Luther King jr. is still on the table then correct I mean gee willikers Bruce I sure can't wait for our fishing trip this weekend just as long as the authorities don't find out young Ward hmm Bruce young Ward this is vaguely suspicious wait where are we you are indeed and stately Wayne Manor are you not gonna make me those nachos less talk more guac woman what's gotten into you well gosh aunt Harriet you're darn ovaries must be acting up again wait a minute Wayne Manor who that's my house give it back Batman you don't understand II well no but on the plus side I broke my record of hitting nine blunts before we got here don't you see the time machine must have not only sent us back in time but also into a parallel dimension where we existed in 1966 double ganger x' did the Riddler send you I use this thing it's got more holes in it the Batman's parents oh the flashbacks all right you know what uh maybe you are pretty cool I'd rather have you as a friend than a foe plus you're a little scary yes commissioner Robin thank heavens I was able to reach you oh I must be looking out for me well that's swell commissioner but what seems to be the problem chief O'Hara has informed me that Mr Freeze is in the midst of stinking up the discotheque as per usual it's out of the police's hands you fruits can count on us Bruce do you think our new friends can join us of course my faithful ward to the Batcave a man I don't consent to this that did not feel natural Wow how do we just teleport here the magic of 1960s editing my friend stop calling me that we're not friends thanks honey looks like you got some pretty nifty stuff down here you bet your buttered briefs Chum this computer state-of-the-art complete with almost two kilobytes and a monitor hey you've got a homeless guy living under your house too oh that's my faithful Butler Alfred he lives down here cleaning bat poop and doing my taxes he loves it please get help he works me like a slave he won't let me leave what's that the costumes are ready you say you guys have costumes oh do we oh no fair Batman never lets me wear a g-string in public it's very liberating lots of breeze in my Batcave if you know what I mean no time for cave exploring now there are white people who need saving quickly to the Batmobile facing time why won't this thing work okay Alfred you can do this you figured out how to build a time machine was the help of Yahoo Answers so I should just be able to rework the wiring by backtracking to the original post all right let's see here how to club a baby seal how to lead a crusade ah here we go how to build a time machine wait this post has been removed by the US government curse you trop wow this is surprisingly a really nice car Thanks unlike my wife she's a keeper well that'd take a turn wait Batman wait what is it pal we can't park here we're in front of a fire hydrant yes I see you're right thank you for taking those safety precautions seriously lad but there aren't any parking spots left well then I guess we'll just have to loop around the parking lot until a kind soul departs from the venue what are you talking about that doesn't even make sense everything makes sense when it's for the sake of justice wait for us here my compatriots and put on your seatbelt son click-clack front and back to finally find a parking spot that wasn't a handicap safety starts with an S but begins with you the 18th time you said that Iggy's us to see you again hey don't worry you're talking about the other one Hey I'd prefer it if we could break the ice before we killed we're on to you freeze now tell me what kind of dastardly ploy do you have cooked up for today only my most chilling plan ever to know how people like to use their refrigerators to refrigerate their refrigerated food products well I shall steal the city's refrigerant supplies to build my own refrigerator lair a genius plan indeed if you try to stop me I'll give these hostages a cold shoulder wholly based products of their Batman you just shot him in cold blood he was taking too long I can't say I agree with your ethics but I can't argue with the results Batman a strange man wearing a green jacket told me he gave you this note thanks random bystander whose sole purpose is to move the plot forward green suits this must be the work of the Riddler Vegas wife sentiment or him that dastardly fiend I don't know what any of those words mean it says congratulations on defeating our cohort with a heart of ice if he defeated you alone it would have been nice now riddle me this I come in many shapes sizes and colors I stick to many surfaces but I am in fact not sticky at all what am i sticks to surfaces but isn't sticky at all well like BlueTEC how about magnets Robin you're an idiot Robin you're a genius but there are dozens of magnet factories all over Gotham stemming back to our colonial roots which one do we investigate wait if Mr Freeze was dispatched to take us out then by golly gee it must be the refrigerator magnet factory on low shoulder and 42nd Street wow what a swing in town this place is why are you laughing nobody even said anything funny yeah we were just conversing on the continued prevalence of polio in this day and age I can't help it I suffer from chronic pseudobulbar disorder every day I pray for the sweet release of death but God continues to torture me yeah penguin you should know all about disorders hey come on man you try living with Tourette's I'd hate to interrupt you fine gentlemen but I'd like to inquire on why I haven't been paid as much as any of you speaking women can't be trusted with that amount of money they don't have the mental capacity to quantify numbers larger than seven hold on just a minute ha I see the thoughtless baby maker could hold an attention span longer than a minute we need to have serious conversations about appropriate workplace manner Wow it's the sixties touch right you know I think you're good for is draining a hard work man's bank accounts what oh okay so that's how you want to do it and what is it with these Dutch angles I'm starting to get vertigo come on Batman please mister control your digestive system look I'm sorry I have really bad motion sickness and stuff like car trips and it's the teleportation early is it my strong suit after three seasons in a feature-length film you get used to it old chum glad you could finally join us Batman well hold up now these are your henchmen and who are you supposed to be I'm your worst nightmare wait a minute what's that what's that pedostache yeah going on there man it's fitting in it's a work in progress what are you like a 40 year old baseball coach that's hideous shave that off before Chris Hanson gets a holding a my god that's it Gotham Oh God we just transition am I tied up with ropes am i having that dream again rise and shine bocce no with all of you captured we will finally be able to reveal our secret plan wait so we're not even going to question why there are two Batman and Robin's we're cousins huh you wish silence this would have been easier mr. freeze was successful you see bad breath trying to steal all of the refrigerant in Gotham was a mere front for a confrontation with you for where he would easily freeze you in place leaving you vulnerable to our secret plan by Scott what could you Jolly Devils possibly have in mind this time we have combined forces 2d mask the Batman these are your villains I know pretty conniving aren't they one of my villains once decapitated the cupid ambassadors and sold his head on craigslist for a pack of gum and an uber card wait so your only plan was to unmask that man like on television or no we just want to know what he looks like just curious now we won't tell anyone right you're ruthless monsters gosh I just don't see how this day could get any more outrageous [Music] you're not master Bruce for I have come back in time to save you with the help of the trusty FBI Wow was not expecting that Dutch anger okay all right good to know Alfred aah is that your version of aunt Harriet an elderly eh get him boys [Music] I'm worse Batman look out got you right where I want you bad see and what are you gonna do with me now you temptress you owe nothing that'll hurt you too badly try me I assure you I can take whatever comes my way hold up there beer belly I gotcha oh are you okay that looks powerful don't worry my curious kitten I'm more than okay in fact come in closer I need something what do you need my love you that is the fourth most intriguing thing I've seen today well this has been quite a time and a half but we really should go nice meeting you son remember staying drugs and don't do school kid bless you 2017 Bruce Wayne bless you ah what a day almost as good at the day I found out Aquaman was dying of cancer I couldn't Kerr but I must ask sir how do we get back to present day without the likes of a time machine why the magic of 1960s everything of course so he got the FBI to help you out huh James Comey complied after I threatened his entire family with poisoned Trump steaks also known as regular Trump steaks I'll drink to that how wait by the way did we ever replace that kidney I lost not to the extent of my knowledge No Oh Robin fire up the time machine [Music] so what can I go home now no but Batman I have a learner's permit that's not good enough for the law you're staying here Chum but Batman I said stay here
Channel: AubreyStudios82
Views: 1,528,690
Rating: 4.7740684 out of 5
Keywords: lego, batman, time, travel, lost, in, future, 1966, classic, adam, west, stop, motion, animation, video, wayne, funny, comedy, darth, lightsaber, clone, vader, trooper, parody, vs, fight, dc
Id: g3fIUSh0zAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2017
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