Lego Batman- Alfred's Revenge

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master Batman killer crocs getting away I'm going as fast as I can Robin but this car the 1966 piece of garbage it seriously got nine hundred and eighty two thousand three hundred and forty two point eleven miles on it well then why don't we even use this car well I got a great deal for it on Craigslist and I just couldn't pass it up man I just couldn't pass it up admit you don't make any sense you don't make any sense you're the one driving with no pants hmm I see your point Robin but it's also casual Friday so I don't think it matters I mean I'm pretty sure you're still required to wear you know pants on casual Friday you're just jealous because you don't have muscular thighs like I do although I admit your thighs have been looking quite beautiful lately I still think pants would be a nice fashion accessory I mean come on unless mannequins are wearing pants and they look totally way back up what did you say about my thighs no did you just say my thighs man look out beautiful don't worry I'm sure you can fix it you don't understand you do not understand our relationship this wall was everything everything I had left I love this wall okay this is kind of getting a little weird I love you Jason in the Batcave and hey Robin how are you feeling how do you think I don't know that's why I'm asking I'm great Batman how are you well I'm pretty fabulous myself actually well I figured you would be considering you practically used my body as an airbag in that car accident yeah your body fat was able to act as a barrier between me and the brick wall fighting to grabbed you and pushed you in front of me at the last second and I could have been easily killed or seriously injured at that right you seem tense Robin cheer up I brought some whiskey Batman I don't drink yeah I know it's for me this whole day has been pretty stressful on me like seriously I had to check you into the hospital then wait in line forever then I had to weigh in another waiting room for three hours watching reruns of two and a half and then while they performed a third degree heart transplant on you and then I had to wait almost six minutes in the line at the water fountain like seriously you have no idea what I've been through today that mean you know I'm the one who almost died three times today right oh my gosh Robin that's all we hear about is everything about you Robin Robin Robin that's all you care about I'm done with you Robin I'm not taking you out until you can realize that the world doesn't revolve around you Alfred dispense of my liquor at once oh no I'm gonna go watch The Bachelor and you better a fix your attitude by the time they vote Gillian off the show Robin have you noticed Batman being a little more abusive lately what do you mean he's just being Batman it's part of who he is yes but I feel like he's going a bit too far he closed the garage door on my arm last week then tased it and set it on fire I had to get it amputated like seriously this is a robotic arm yeah that's disgusting exactly Batman's a jerk oh come on he's not that bad well I guess I can see what you mean but he's always been like that so I for one am sick of Batman treating us like dirt even if father Thomas Wayne treated me better than Batman and he used a time in a lamppost and proceeded to practice his accuracy with a flaming bow and arrow so what should we do hmm [Music] intervention time yay what what yes well we feel as if you treat us like how you say dog poop so we were wondering if you could maybe treat us a bit better yeah and maybe feed me people food instead of fish food don't push it Robin yeah of course I'm not gonna treat you guys better like come on Robin you're an idiotic subhuman pile of diarrhea in spandex running around my billion dollar house how do you expect me to pretend that I like you and Alfred you're my Butler you're supposed to be there for me okay I'm rich okay I need a butler to yell at and hurl whiskey bottles out when I get bad you guys should be glad that such I consider a master to look up to come on Batman can't you just try to reason with us well later that day well I don't think I'm allowed to go home anytime soon and it's all my fault that man hates me yeah I'm sure he's taking it pretty hard I honestly don't care what that bloody prat is up to right now the main issue is that we can't let him get away with treating Robin and I with no respect I don't know he gets away with a lot I mean committing genocide is one of his favorite pastimes yes but he's not getting away with this he'll pay for what he's done we can't just let this happen why do you keep saying we as if I'm actually gonna help you wait are you are you not going to help me defeat Batman no I'll probably just end up passed out in the parking lot of a Mexican restaurant what but I thought you teamed up with everyone what of course not I'm not some sellout who just works with everyone who pays him I have a reputation to keep also I don't think I'm allowed to work with DC anymore so uh yeah I don't think I can help you out this time man and to think I spent all this time trying to act personal I miss the O'Reilly Factor because of you lousy kids meanwhile think Austin's giving Kanye West music advice that's right the new ben Carson mixtape is dropping right now only the worst mixtape ever now this is some quality TV but I could enjoy a much more Files drowning in my drunken tears of despair Robin fetch me a beer Robin Robin Batman you fired Robin and Alfred just this morning what are you talking about oh yeah funny Batman just face it you can't last three seconds without Robin and Alfred you can barely last three seconds with me what that's crazy of course I can't in fact things have been much easier since they left crime has actually gone down that's because you turned off the push notifications for the news on your phone that's none of your business wait how did you get my phone I'm just saying that you shouldn't have fired them you can't function without them you know you've been really pushy lately is it because I proposed last week what you know proposed to me yeah I did I bought a ring and asked you on the beach and you said yes you never proposed to me and who was that he's Superman Batman asked me to marry him what my God have mercy on us all whatever my point is is that you need a higher Robin and Alfred back I mean it's for the best Oh fine I'll go find Robin and Alfred but when I get back we're seeing that marriage counselor meanwhile sir do you have any spare change that I can't do you have any money to spit Batman it's you wait why are you even here yeah well I thought it over and I figured that I had been quite rude so I came to apologize out of the goodness of my hair you locked you out of the house again huh well yeah it's a it's mainly that well he says I'm coming back maybe I don't want to come back what if I like it here it's nice well then you can just stay here I mean I don't care I'll just hire a new Robin it wouldn't be the first time no no no no I'll come back I promise well maybe I don't want to take you back please please I'll do anything I'll work overtime I'll I'll even let you cut my paycheck in half half of nothing is still nothing please just take me back oh great now that the hot girl over there looking and if I deny you then she'll think I'm a jerk but but you have a girlfriend now boy please just give me my job back fine yay hey not in public now let's go higher Alfred back yeah but where is he whoa we have to defeat the Batman at all costs you know that's not easy we've been in this business since the fifties well it's time to put it into this madness let's just do this I'm getting prompt calm down man I'm here to establish a plan here no we do not let's just kill him okay is it that hard let's just walk up to him and shoot him okay is it is it really that difficult we never thought of that because you guys are all stupid man well that's life okay over my 496 years of living I have figured out the life that's unfair so you can just all get used to it dude you're taking this pretty seriously yeah way more serious than any of us take it yeah I mean this isn't even my full-time job I'm mainly an electrical engineer I just do this supervillain stuff on the side oh that explains why you bring a plumbing truck to these meetings you gather ridiculous don't you want to defeat the Batman thank you yes well I don't care well then we have to defeat him no matter what anyway according to this it says he's three miles away from the building we still have time to establish a plan here's Bruce a Bannon you just revealed your secret identity no I never said which Bruce I was by those standards I could be Bruce Lee Bruce Banner leavers Jenner Bruce Lee Bruce Jenner there are endless possibilities here Robin what but how are you here already the computer says you're three miles away we're using Internet Explorer yeah yes that explains it always use Google Chrome kids no matter you're still going to die no let me take care of him oh great now what are you gonna do old man hit me with your cane [Music] [Applause] [Music] what Robin did you buy those stupid Walmart brand grenades again it was to save money dang it Robin how many times do I have to tell you we used Target dang it target target brand grenades okay it's not that hard really [Music] alfrid Alfred Alfred no no no no we just ordered pizza do you want some yes [Music] barely beloved that we gather here today to honor the life of our very own ow Fred penny work it's penny pork it's actually penny worth nobody asked you now give me a refill and now we will hear a speech from one of Alfred's greatest acquaintances please welcome our very own Peter Parker you stink all right no one actually told me I was uh supposed to prepare a speech who died again Alfred oh yeah so Alfred he impacted the lives of so many people over the years mainly rich people actually only rich people and he had a nice skin complexion I mean it's gone now he's thought he's dead but he also had some nice hair I mean he was only balding a lot and then there was his laughs the one he didn't he didn't show us ever like seriously no reaction from that guy it was like talking to a fern but we can imagine what his laugh sounded like it just makes you think doesn't it but although he was tragically killed by his master and then fell from 25 story building he's you know completely totally utterly 100% dead he lives on in our hearts not in real life he's he's dead but uh no one can forget those dead shark eyes and his blank smile alfred penny torque will be deeply missed all right now where's the boost I think it's back there with Batman and now before we Chuck this bad boy into the ground Bruce has taken the liberty of creating a slideshow to honor our fallen but he said but her fallen Butler never mind just watch the stupid slideshow [Music] what happened well it appears I've recorded over Alfred's funeral flight so is last week WWE super slam Matt's hoes classic feet we're gonna hire a new Alfred what are we gonna do don't touch me in public you dirty swine although I guess you're right we will have to find a new Alfred um let's see let's look around here hey what gets Alfred from the animated series hey offers from the animated series I know we fired you seven years ago and replace you with Michael Caine but hey want to come back to the team well I suppose could I get free dental care this time though no Oh fine but you clean all of those snakes out of my room right sir [Music] you know I I feel like this entire episode was just written for the sole purpose of replacing Alfred voice actor no no of course not no no I know shut up Robin
Channel: AubreyStudios82
Views: 1,241,729
Rating: 4.8397436 out of 5
Keywords: lego, batman, alfreds, revenge, alfred, two, sequel, stop, motion, animation, video, comedy, funny, vs, battle, darth, lightsaber, the, fight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2015
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