Legit - Don't Worry, God Will Take Care of You - Peter Tanchi

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my name is Ike adhara I grew up in a religious family even though we would regularly attend church every Sunday our lives did not reflect a relationship with Christ back then our family had problems my dad taught I Ching was unemployed addicted to drugs and gambling because of this we lived miserably but God in His goodness and grace moving in our life when my dad received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior we saw how he repented from his sins and pursued a life that would glorify God which eventually led our family to Christ my dad's passion and heart for service encouraged me in my spiritual walk whenever we would encounter trials as a family he became my constant reminder that God will never leave her forsake us in February 2016 I was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia a type of cancer in the blood when I heard the diagnosis from my doctor I was devastated but it was my dad's trust in God that we assured me at the hospital my dad would always wake me up early to have our daily devotion we would sing songs to God even though I felt weak he showed me what it meant to trust in God after months of confinement my health did not improve I had more infections and complications to the point that my doctor told my family in secret that I only have about a month to live as my health deteriorated hardship came in my life when my boyfriend of five years died in a car accident when I heard about it I was broken into pieces seven months after John's death when it seemed that things can't go any worse we learned that my dad also had cancer it was worrisome to know that it is now the both of us who need to be can care of I worried about how we are going to make ends meet and where will we get the money for both our treatments but more than that he was my source of strength and seeing him suffer as he fought for his life was more difficult I thought of giving up but my dad reassured me once again that God is with us after two months of battling cancer he passed away it was my God's grace that I was able to respond well when I heard about my dad's death despite the series of heart-wrenching loss I remembered being grateful to the Lord for allowing me to experience all of that in a span of one year it was through trying and life-changing times that I felt his presence overflow in my life and learned to depend on him I also knew as my dad would teach me that eventually God will use these things in my life so people will be led to Christ it was in January 2017 that I started attending in CCF the Lord ministered to me when I heard the wife of Pastor leaky sorry to miss Aggie share her life experience with battling cancer after that I decided to regularly attend and join a small group it was in that community that I was able to share my life story with others hoping that truly they will find encouragement and hope I was also blessed when my life story was featured in mmk when they showed the episode thousands of people started to message me I took advantage of that and shared Christ to them hoping that in their trials they will seek the Lord by God's grace and goodness I am now almost two years in remission I am thankful to God that he used my life as a platform so people can find hope and encouragement even in the most difficult situations - God be all the glory what's the message that Sunday serve God remember you cannot serve two masters serve God well today is a continuation of Matthew chapter 6 it's about worry do not worry for example I did the research in Google what people worry about would you like to know what people worry about from the state's to the Philippines all over the world here are the common denominators can you guess perhaps just part of your worry number one money how do I pay my bills how do I pay off my debt is that your worry okay next they worry about half they worry about their family's health from cancer to all kinds of sickness they worry they worry about their career their future and if you are single they worry about getting married will I have a life partner and thus and those who don't of Jesus they worry about how to get out of marriage and those of us who are believers praise God we are married and happily married but the truth is one of the number one worry is death they are afraid of dying are you afraid of dying you know Jesus is so amazing the more I read the Bible the more I'm so amazed at the genius of Jesus one of the reasons why I believe in the Bible is what we gonna learn today look at what Jesus tells us what's the message today everybody let's read don't worry God will take care of you can you tell your neighbor don't worry God will take care of you now there's a big difference in worry and concern concern is not a sin in fact concern will energize you to take precaution concern is valid the Bible talks about being concerned Jesus tells us who among you when he wants to build a house when he wants to build a tower does not compute the cost it's okay to think ahead it's okay to be concerned the Apostle Paul said I am concerned for the welfare of the churches so concern is okay but when does it become worried concerned is when you do something about it you do it the best of your ability and then you leave it to the Lord that's valid that's concerned it provokes you to take preventive action that's good what is worries worry is you are not only concerned you always think about it morning noon and night you are not able to sleep you're not able to impress there is fear there's anxiety therefore it becomes your preoccupation you lose you lose your energy you are so fearful it is now becoming a from concern to your worry if you a new lib things out of God's hand worries when you try to take things under your control by the truth is you cannot control everything concern you control what you can control and you leave the rest to God worry you control what you can control and you try to control what you cannot control then you begin to worry for this reason I say to you do not be worried about your life as to what you eat what you will drink or your body as to what you will put on is not life more than food and the body more than clothing do you know of any King the Yoon of any dictator do you know of any government do you know of any precedent that will issue a law that makes it illegal to worry do you know do you know of any religious leaders that will tell their people it is a sin to worry I don't know only in Christ only God tells us do not worry do you know the grammar of this verse if you study the Greek language this grammar is very emphatic it says for this reason I say to you do not be worried do not be worried can be translated as follows will stop boring stop boring meaning they are already worrying just like you just like me and God is saying stop worrying this is not a suggestion it's a command and I discover something about God when he issues a command it is always for our good let me repeat when God issues a command it is not to make you unhappy it is not too restrictive it is for your own good they have discovered worrying is bad for your health have you heard of dr. Charles Mayo the famous Mayo Clinic according to doctors has male people do not die because they work too much or they're overworked they don't die they die because of over worries the solution is this learn to meditate more about God and medicate less about worrying we take a lot of pills with it a lot of medicines to overcome worry medication is not a cure it's meditation you think properly so how do we think properly everybody let's read this verse one more time for this reason I say to you do not be worried about your life as to what you will eat what you will drink nor for your body as to what you will put on is not life more than food and the body more than clothing ok every time you see the word for this reason what Matthew do it can be because therefore you must read the previous verse what is the previous verse everybody that's it no one can serve two masters either he will hate the one and love the other he will be devoted to one despise the other you cannot serve God and what Jesus is saying no one can serve two masters he's not saying it is difficult he's not saying it is hard he is saying it is impossible you cannot serve two masters because you cannot serve must two masters you should choose one and he's telling us you must serve the right master you serve God if you don't serve God you become insecure and you begin to worry therefore he is saying because you cannot serve two masters only serve one master and who is that master Jesus God and not money you cannot serve God and work in some of your translations it is mama the word Mammon is the name of a pagan god Assyria God meaning money wealth you cannot serve money or serve any other thing without worry why because money cannot guarantee you security money cannot give you safety only God can give you security my friend told me what happened to his friend his friend flew from the states to come to the Philippines why to collect inheritance to collect dividends worth almost three hundred plus million pesos when the guy came from the states to collect the money one week later before he could collect the money he went to the hospital who died before he could collect the money my friend money cannot give you security I heard of another friend of my son he did such a successful business venture he made over five hundred million dollars not pesos dollars he told his partner protect this money guarded carefully his partner remitted this money to the Middle East because their business in the Middle East to discover after a while that country were here emitted the money is under bloodless by the other Arabic countries he could not touch the money the money is trapped my whole point is this if you serve other things he would be full of worry thing about it you will not find security that's why Jesus tells us no one can serve two masters therefore everybody now read for this reason I tell you do not be worried do you understand the connection if you don't serve God you serve something else you will have reason toward so the only Bible teacher the only scholar the only Savior the only guide the only leader that I know that makes worry a sin is Jesus so my friend are you worried tell your neighbor do not worry God will take care of you you know it's one thing to tell people don't worry the problem is how do you not worry so he gives you reason why you should not worry number one reason it tells you look at the birds of the air look you're gonna learn something what can you learn they do not sow nor reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feeds them are you not worth much more than they you know what Jesus saying look at the birds of the air I take care of them do not worry God will take care of you you know why God is our Father I never understood the power of this truth that God is your father therefore he will take care of you until I became a father and then I got involved in CCF then I saw many many young people singles married they all had problems not all but many of them had problems with their parents especially with fathers and they cannot relate to this verse don't worry your father will take care of you you know why why discover many fathers are not responsible I discover many fathers are irresponsible and because of your past you may have a hard time not worrying so Jesus is saying don't worry God will take care of you you know why God is your father can you tell your neighbor don't worry God will take care of you now if you have a hard time understanding that he tells you a lot of the words everybody how many of you had never seen a bird raise your hand you know I was asking Jesus why did he choose the picture of a bird I discover something the you know bird is always singing after a heavy rain after a typhoon what do you hear the birds will be what singing have you seen a bird worried what we like it no and I praise God one of my friends Raymond he gave me the following pictures these are all philippine birds understand and many of them are uniquely found in the philippines alone look at the bird the picture that he he took this personally do you know what kind of bird this is blue Cape Kingfisher when I say endemic many times only found in the Philippines that's why it's called endemic what about this bird who that Peter birds are not lazy they get up in the morning and they work so when the Bible says don't worry the Bible is not saying be lazy birds don't open their mouths and say give me warm don't do that my friend if you're lazy you should worry be like a bird work hard but trust God now let me ask you how many of you worry I think you're worried about one or two things raise your hands okay those of you raise your hands may I remind you you're committing a sin it is the most committed sin among Christians we give excuses after excuses we don't realize God commands us be anxious for nothing do not worry why because worry is a very serious sin you are telling God I don't believe you you are telling God I don't trust you you are telling God I don't believe you are good you are telling God I doubt you so do nothing worry which is not sin it is serious and that's why it's need it's good to listen to the sermon on the mount by Jesus a true Christian when understand God is his father God is our Father so the Bible tells us look at the bird by the way you want one more bird picture all right this is called a leap back flower pecker amazing in the Philippines so if you cannot see this you know why because we live in Manila what birds do you see in Manila sparrow I have verses about sparrow you know sparrows look at what the Bible says are not five sparrows sold for two cents sparrows are so prevalent they are so cheap five for two cents in other words it's less than one cent per bird you understand it's so cheap and yet Jesus a lot these birds not one of them is forgotten before God God takes your birds indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered ladies how many hair do you have compared to men is that why God loves you more the very your the very hairs of your head are all numbered now what about those guys with no hair God still loves you okay no problem but the point is this do not fear do not fear you are more variable than many sparrows God is saying if I take up the birds why are you always worried sing about it God is telling you today what are you worried look at the birds so may I suggest if you begin to worry about your future your job your career Jesus saying don't worry I will take care of him if you don't believe him look at the birds of the air then he tells us you are more valuable this is what you call the argument from lesser to greater if God will take care of sparrows so cheap so common we did not take care of you his child you are a child of God you are precious look at the Bible what it says everybody read he who did not spare his own son but delivered him over for us how will he not also with Jesus freely give us all things friend do you really believe God loves you he loves you so much he gave you Jesus if God gives you Jesus and he died for you why will you not trust him for other minor things if you are willing to entrust your eternal soul to God why don't you trust him your temporal body for him to take care of you and my friend many Christians faith in trusting God that's our root problem we don't have joy we don't have peace we're always fighting why because we are always trying to control events because you don't trust God the Father when I became a father I began to understand how much God loves me my five children I love all of them in him and if I can love my children and I'm a sinner I'd love my five wonderful children how much more my father who is in heaven the perfect father how much more will he take care of me would he take care of you friends think about it some earthly father's love their children but they don't have money to take care of their children not gone some earthly father love their children but they are incapable because the physical sickness they have limitations but God is without limitation so gaudy things don't worry I'll take care of you don't worry God will take care of you did you sing that song what a friend we have in Jesus do you like that those words everybody want to sing with me say there Robin to the sparrow I would really like to know why those anxious human beings Russ and War II so together said the sparrow to the Robin I think it must be so they have no Heavenly Father like the one who care for you and me that's the problem why I am NOT a song leader you understand I make up my own song along the way if you are worried will you sing this song I have another song for you in the short way what's the message today everybody was a message don't worry God will take care of you you know some people do the opposite who I pray when you can worry wi-wo' don't worry God will take a few do you know there was a bishop he's full of worry this true story a bishop he's always worried that he will get sick because war is universal he was worried that he's gonna be paralyzed so he got he began to mumble you know what paralysis you don't feel any more he began to mumble oh no oh no I cannot feel I cannot feel and then the lady who was sitting beside her Your Honor you are pinching my leg if you don't get the job you have a problem it's an annuity of your story I could not feel I could not feel he was not pinching it's like he was pitching the girl's leg of course he cannot feel Oh missing not getting that okay some of you keep worrying and worrying and worrying the Bible says which one of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life in other words worries useless tell your neighbor what is useless not only useless it's bad for you boy they've discovered when you worry your corpuscles your cortisol level goes up when cortisol goes up it affects your immune system it's a facial digestion system you develop ulcers it develops high blood pressure and that's why more people die not because of problem because of worry so when God says don't worry it's for our good so what he's saying is this how many of you by worrying can make your life go longer you can it's totally useless worrying is like sitting on a rocking chair it gives you something to do but it does not bring you anywhere and now some of you have to worry you know you have to worry because you worry if you don't worry am I correct don't worry stop worrying okay why are you worried about clothing observe how the lilies the worldliness in the Greek can also mean flowers of the field grow they do not toil nor do they spin God is saying look the world look at the lilies they are not as valuable as you I take care of them look at the lilies I look at the flower are they nice Wow you know according to Jesus he says I say to you not even Solomon in all his glory clothe himself like one of these God is saying if I take care of the ladies and you think Solomon is rich the leave is just better than Solomon and then he says if God so clothes the grass of the field which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace will he not much more clothe you O ye of little faith even God is saying you are more valuable than the birds you are more valuable than the flowers they're only temporal they grow today tomorrow there uses stuff for burning you are more valuable why are you worried it's the heart of God is saying why don't you trust me so he tells you our problem is this we really not much more take care of you o ye of little faith know this word o ye of little faith was used by Jesus four times every time it is used it talks about don't worry about death don't worry about life I remember when the disciples were on the boat there was a bad word and they were a friend jesus said why are your friend oh ye of little faith when Peter was drowning it was afraid Jesus said o ye of little faith I'll take care of you when the disciples are arguing food will give us bread probably we need jesus said oh ye of little faith you know why faith is the key to solving the problem of worry but I submit to you the root problem of worry is not always faith the root problem of worry yes lack of faith but the reason why you lack faith is because you don't know the Lord so the root problem of worry if you don't know the Lord think about it you tell people trust God I tell you to trust God why would you trust him you don't know him I tell you today trust Jesus why will you trust Jesus you don't know him that's the difference between true Christian and counterfeit Christians a true follower of Jesus knows the Lord he knows his faithful he knows he is loved my friend you know the Lord if not you cannot rush him it's normal to be afraid but when you are afraid is a trigger both a mustachio so when you are concerned boom is a trigger it tells you misplace your trust is misplaced you are trusting circumstances you are trusting people you are trusting your company don't trust others trust God that's what the psalmist said Sammy said when I am afraid notice when from time to time you become afraid it is a Racine but you got to process it what must you do I will put my trust do you see what I'm saying when you are afraid it's a trigger why are you afraid I am focusing on problems put my trust in him if God whose word I praise not this anchored on God's Word I have put my trust I shall not be afraid do you not be something grammatically TRUS afraid if I am afraid I will trust solves the fear problem if I trust I will not be afraid in other words in your heart today you cannot feel and trust at the same time you can have worry and trust at the same time if you worry that means you don't trust if you trust you not worried are you worried if you are the solution you process it our transfer my focus on circumstances on my problems for example do you know seeing us for they worry most singles singles way but me singers just say hi to me see you know what you worry about you worry about the future will you ever get married I am Telling You you are so blessed if you are single you know why yes praise the Lord praise the Lord of what you don't know what you missed I married happily but some people I better be careful with my job because I was warned I don't want to think marriage is bad but the truth is this without Christ people worry how to get out of marriage they want to get out people who are out of marriage they want to get in Gulu Gulu target and town my friend don't worry God will take care of you amen so what must you do when you're afraid that much you do taps and never new tasks you don't have to be afraid question how do you grow your faith how do you trust how no shortcut faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of grace in other words no shortcut you want to grow in faith but as you do nobody read the Bible how many of you have read the entire Bible raise your hands higher higher higher put it up higher put it up because I'm looking at some people who have not raised their hands now you young people here why don't you commit to read the entire Bible next year if you commit to read the entire Bible next year you see us and roll your name I'll give you a gift seriously last week two weeks ago somebody came to me in our Bible study group Peter finally I read the entire Bible we all Club you know why when you read the Bible you will come to know Jesus more you come to know God more what makes you think you will grow spiritually without reading the Bible what are you thinking that you can come to know God without reading the Bible is that what you are thinking you can know God just by by coming here on Sunday and not reading the Bible that's not possible I try to read the Bible and I read the Bible once every year now I'm in the last part I read the Bible every day as much as possible there are times I miss but I read the Bible almost every day I meditate on it every year I go to the Bible why I want to know him jesus loves me I want to love him how do I love him read the Bible how do I know what he wants me to do read the Bible one more time I wanted to make a commitment to read the Bible if you want to be a healthy Christian you want to please God you've got to read the Bible coming here once a week is never enough are we communicating what's the message today don't worry God will take care of you let's read do not worry then saying what shall we eat what shall we drink what shall we wear he tells us other reasons why you should not worry the Gentiles eagerly seek all of these things the pagans the unbelievers they run after money food clothing shelter for but he said your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things he's saying don't copy the unbelievers why they don't have fathers in heaven you have a father in heaven don't be like them don't be a Christian atheist who is a Christian it is you claim to know Jesus but you act as though he doesn't exist you have no George you have no peace why you're a Christian it is who is a Christian it is they claim to believe in God they claim to believe in Jesus but you act as though he does not exist he says don't be like the Gentiles why can you and I trust God why why why can we trust him he is our Father whose responsibility is it to take care of children the father do you have any baby worrying hungry a baby that's a baby worried yes or no you ask yourself when did he begin to worry at what age did they begin to worry you know I discovered worried is something wrong the day you began to see your parent worry theyíve got their classmates worried you begin the world you see well you were born in this world you have a childlike faith you believe somebody will take care of you but as you grew older somehow you experience realities of life you begin to worry my friend I'd like you to go back to childlike faith don't worry God will take care center with me don't worry God will take care of you amen so he tells us not to worry no other promises of God anybody with my God will supply what does he say Sam Sam my God will supply many many no my god will supply almost no my God will supply rather all God will supply all your needs all according to his wishes according to his riches not yours his let me give you an recession of how God can supply all our riches all our needs based on his features do you remember our Sierra her name is Eike her father was problematic before the father cancer she has cancer her boyfriend of five years passed away and yet she survived beautifully why her faith is in God he will supply all of your needs notice let's do this one more time my God will supply all your needs not what she's different needs versus what if God knows you need a car we'll give you a car yes but insists on Mercedes Benz understand does God know you need a half yes but don't insist on a packet but can God give you a palace of course he can if he wants to let's find out how God supplies are you from we know the story of Elijah when there was a famine and God told Elijah Elijah the war of the Lord came to Elijah arise go to Sarah fat which belongs to season stay there I've commanded a widow to take care of you God told Elijah there's going to be a famine there's going to be no water no food you go to a foreign country called Sidon and there a widow a poor widow will take care of you you know Elijah must be thinking God has a sense of humor well will he go to a widow gosh he will take a she will take care of you so he wept and when he saw the girl the window he asked can you please give me food why Widow let me tell you I read off in the Bible are the poorest of the poor they don't have social security they don't have government support system a widow is left alone no more husband so will take care of her that was her predicament God told Elijah you go see this Widow as I did and Elijah told her give me some food give me some water you know what the widow said the widow said sorry sir I had no more food I had no more water in fact this what she said she said I am gathering a few sticks that I may go in and prepare for me and my son then we may eat and die you see she said I have no bread only a handful of flour in the ball and a little oil in the jar she's saying I'm so poor I had nothing to give you do you understand her situation does she have to worry yes she's worried about her child the son will take care of him who'll take care of us where will we eat that's a problem and now she has additional problem and I just said feed me look at her predicament and I just said do not be afraid go do as you have said but make me a little bread cake from it first bring it out to me and answered and afterward you may make one for yourself and for your son in other words Elijah said no I know you don't have bread I don't know I know you have enough flour but make one cake for me first in Tagalog how do you describe Elijah topple kappa arab nahi Rahman Ali Abu Saud mova you know God is teaching Elijah something when I ask you to do something you do God is teaching this Reed or something you trust you know this video you know what she did before she did it Elijah gave her the Word of God thus says the Lord God of Israel everybody read the bowl of flour shall not be exhausted nor shall the jar of already empty until today the Lord sent rain in other words God was telling this girl listen your ball of flour in a jar of oil will not be consumed trust me do what I want you to do now if you are a girl what will you do you look at the ball to blame myself it's only good for one person you look at the jar no more oil how do you do my God shall supply all your needs you know what you did remember faith comes from hearing the Word of God well let's find out she went and did according to the word Elijah she and he and her household ate for many days everybody with the ball of flour was not exhausted nor did the jar of oil become empty according to the word of the Lord my friend this girl this family will never ever experience the sufficiency of God until they move out in obedience through faith there are certain things in your life you will never know what God can do until you obey Him and many of us do not know God you know why you know him in the head but you never know him experientially one was the missing link this is the missing link seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you you see God gives a condition to experience God's efficiency here is the conditional promise of God seek first the word seek first is a command number two it is in the present tense meaning continuously put God first he must have first priority seek first his kingdom what is the meaning of his kingdom his kingdom simply means the lordship of Jesus in any Kingdom we have a king and you have subjects we have a king and you have followers without a king fine father if there's no kingdom understand so the kingdom of God is described in the New Testament hundred fifty times over 130 times by Jesus in the new in the gospel what Jesus is saying is simply this the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven is when Jesus becomes king in your heart in your life that's why the kingdom of God is described two ways one is in your heart the other one it's coming again his future when Jesus will come again and reign literally but the kingdom of God is not about geography it's not about realm it's about his lordship question Jesus or King it with your king that's his kingdom is my king Jesus king of your family in Jesus king of your business the Jesus king of your entire life that's the meaning seek first his kingdom Jesus has become my king therefore my daily agenda is Lord what is your will because my role is to obey the king seek first his kingdom you be concerned with this agenda and this agenda is to tell people to recognize him as king you see today in the Philippines there are many people who go to church but Jesus is not their king they have religion they may think of Jesus as their Savior but they've never surrendered their life to the lordship of Jesus the kingdom of God simply means you've recognized Jesus as your king and my job is to tell people that Jesus is king commit your life to him this week a lot and the opportunity to sit beside somebody on the airplane I just came from Taipei Friday night I share with this person beside me I said God loves you very much I said we sat together not by accident I said God loves you so much he told me to give you a message and I share the gospel my friend seek first his kingdom that's my job what is God's job provide for all of my needs seek first his kingdom and his righteousness what is his righteousness what does his name and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you what is his righteousness his righteousness it's the way he wants you to live the righteousness of God is given to us we are declared not guilty are you clear we are declared not guilty righteousness has to do with your relationship with God you live a life that's pleasing to God his righteousness is happy with your life positionally when you come to Christ all your sins are forgiven but experientially you need to live it up you need to practice you need to seek His righteousness meaning you need to do what you want you to do with your life that is the meaning of this promise seek first his kingdom is agenda his righteousness you must live righteously live in accordance with his will that's putting him first and that's what we did he won't believe this this week I got a group of people and when they Bible study in Taipei we were in this hotel we asked for a room and they go they gave us a room down seven Bible study do you understand we arranged the chair but after we arrange all the chair somebody came and told us sorry you cannot meet here you need to go back up no you got to remember we just came from upstairs looking for a Bible study room and the manager said you go down and after fixing the chair down they told us excuse me you need to go back up and I was thinking what in the world are these guys doing but then I remembered we are representing we are representing Jesus how can a Bible teacher get angry so we all reminded ourselves we are ambassadors of Christ we are representative of Christ seek first his kingdom and his righteousness so we all smiled okay in my heart lah-lah need but okay what's my point put God first in everything you do with your family what's his promise and all of these things will be added unto you can I tell you in my own life years ago my faith was in man you have to understand our paths coming from our family my confidence was in money my father owns the largest textile company in the Philippines at that time we have 5000 workers my faith was in the business and then God did something what God did I got kicked out of our own company our company was taken over it was martial law when I was thinking how can that be and I was telling God what to do I gave God three options understand Lord for me to glorify your name so I can teach the Bible effectively option one option two option three comprende Lord you know God did not listen to any of my prayer requests he took them all away then I discovered why I discovered when God takes away certain things it's because he was my hand to be what ready to receive something better God took those things away and he gave me something better honestly I said look Bob the best thing that ever happened to us to my family it's what I became jobless and God gave us another business do you realize you can never do outperformed God do you realize the many pastors in CCF today they are like me self-supporting we don't receive a single cell phone she's here but you know why God has best many of us my favorite verse Matthew 6:33 let's read it together seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you what are all of these things food clothing shelter it's got good yes of course that is good question how will you know God can provide you will never know until you obey Him hundred percent most of us cut corners most of us chipped you are me you are not able to experience God's efficiency you know why because you are afraid to trust him you are always worried you want to take shortcut I am Telling You today God's Word he promises and he keeps the promises because God is faithful amen so my friend is God telling you to do something today some of you you need to give up whatever you are doing some feel you need to surrender you're always worrying let me tell you something I say close let's read this together do not worry about tomorrow tomorrow will care for itself it's day that's enough trouble of its own don't worry about tomorrow you know two days you should never worry number one don't worry about tomorrow number two don't worry about yesterday you try worrying about yesterday you try it again worry can you change yesterday all the stupid mistakes I had made I admit I cannot change it tomorrow can I control tomorrow no today is my time with alone amen so don't worry you know why God is in control how many of you have heard of JCPenney j.c penny have you heard of JCPenney his father was a pastor let me close with this amazing story he put up a store called the golden rule stores golden rule store got prospered him he put he kept putting up different branches from a poor family JCPenney he became so successful in the 1920s he has over 500 he had over 500 JCPenney stores and then the crust came the financial crisis in the state he began to worry he began to get sick they rushed him to the hospital you know why he was dying there was no cure the doctor couldn't find out what's wrong with him until he heard a song that's all I wanted to hear the song that's you're here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now I wanted to sing that next toss that together ready together [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] well Jesse Benny heard this song in the hospital chapel God spoke to him God said why are you always worrying I will take care of him when he heard this song miraculously he got him JCPenney began amazing philanthropic work for the Lord because he knew God is his father friends some of you are worried today I don't know what you're worried about I have one message for you do not worry God will take care of you the Bible tells us be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to them some of you are always anxious God tells us do not be anxious in everything by prayer with Thanksgiving have you surrendered your worries to the Lord I like us the bar heads and I'd like you to speak the Lord if you are worried today why don't you cast your burden to the Lord tell him between you and the Lord you say Lord I'm anxious for this I'm anxious for that whatever it is what are you worried about is it money family members your house give it to Jesus tell Jesus Lord I thank you thank him for the problem thank him for the solution in advance in everything thank you as your heads are bowed down there may be some of you here there just may be some of you here you're saying Peter I'm not sure if God is my father I have religion I know there's a god but I don't really know if he's my father I don't really know if he loves you today I want to experience Islam you want to experience God's love you want to experience God being your father will you raise your hands I'll pray for you higher if that's your desire higher I want you to pray this prayer with me okay if you want experience God as your father you need to pray humbly with your hands raise up you pray something like this Lord Jesus I have never surrendered my life to you I always wanted to be in control I don't even know if God is my father but I know there is a God but I don't know it is my father today Lord Jesus I receive you by faith I surrender my life to you I accept your gif of forgiveness I accept your gif of eternal life come into my heart be my Savior be my Savior thank you for dying on the cross for my sin and now Lord Jesus I surrender to you all my worries all my anxieties I cast them upon you Lord Jesus in your name we pray amen and amen god bless you
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 119,250
Rating: 4.7883816 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: oiFVVpnGlow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 57sec (3777 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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