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hello my name is green we're gonna be playing some build battle Pro Edition which means there's ten minutes instead of five so I've got more opportunity to build but I can't go in looking like this they'll all recognize me and either vote for me just because I'm a youtuber or vote against me because I'm a youtuber it can go either way so we need to disguise ourselves and come up with a brand new nickname so let's go ahead and do forward slash Mik and then I understand the rules let's go VIP and then I want a random skin and I'm going to enter a name let's go for instead of whole-grain we're gonna go for whole Granite no one will know and he's a hero Brian of course let's do this what nightmare oh my goodness oh my goodness there's only one thing for it the theme is nightmare I didn't even check I didn't even see what the theme was but we're gonna do what I think you know I'm gonna do now this has been a bit of a meme on the channel for a while so I hope you guys are ready we're going to be making Elmo the original if from my drawing series badly me and tortoise today jiz ago we basically had to draw things from memory and I ended up drawing Elmo but it didn't really look like Elmo it looked like a to Claude lobster monster from hell so let's try and replicate that shall we but we're gonna need a few things such as banners we're gonna need some banners and we're also gonna have to make some banners ourselves if I can remember how to do its banner build a white die what why does it go straight to black that's silly okay so we're going to make a pretty hideous looking monster and we've got a good eight minutes now I wasted like two minutes trying to make banners work but yeah not not so not so good and the great thing about nightmare is I can make some really disgusting looking things I can even put some wait why is that now what is going on why is this black why are all my banners black I guess he's gonna have black toenails but that's really annoying maybe it's something to do with my settings I don't know maybe it's the version look horrible horrible horrible looking thing anyway we'll have to just deal with that so I'm gonna go for some like two feet claw type things this is really gonna look horrible by the way and I can make a pretty disgusting looking organic build so we're gonna go for two feet and I'm also making my build right at the edge here so that it's like a backdrop if you make your build directly in the middle it's hard to look at it there we have two horrible looking feet now I've got to be really careful not to go too high up so I hit I've done this before where I hit the top of the limit and that is not a good thing so the real key here isn't so much the the torso I need to mainly just make it look horrific in the face and I yeah I've made a fair amount of disgusting style builds I kind of learned this technique from dom rau and gareth back in the day but it's been a long time since I've made anything quite like this so you're gonna have to bear with me right so let's make this sort of pear-shaped if we can so we can get the torso right now making any kind of body whether it's monster and hideous or not it's not easy it's definitely not easy so we're gonna go and try and make something higgledy-piggledy and gross lookin and I don't know if this is actually going to work like I don't know if the people playing right now are gonna take to it because it's kind of an internal meme like everyone on this on the channel will kind of remember Elmo sees in my drawing series is in building your comments he's you know I'll just you know here's a picture of him so you have context this is the hideous thing that I drew and this is what I'm making now so let's try our best to replicate this so the other theme is nightmare so it's like I'm giving them a nightmare rather than actually drawing somewhat having a nightmare which at least is somewhat creative I'm hoping to see some really horrible monsters this round but I will definitely get to see that so let's give it big old claws I've done these loads of times in build swap let's give big old claws and don't forget the thumb so I can give him fingernails I can't give him fingernails cuz the redstone doesn't work I'm messing around too much with this cousin look at that look at that how frustrating ok just the Redstone on the on the handle do how annoying I can't use redstone it's all not even to activate trapdoors now we need to make a sort of we need to make a neck that's going to sort of extend all the way over and come down a little bit over here this is gonna be oh this is awful this is actually hideous I don't know I don't know what I basically if Dom realm will message me and say I'm proud of you then I will be happy alright now we've got to make a big old face here and we've got to give him a hideous looking smile and we're actually gonna need one of these and we're probably going to need some quartz to make the teeth because for some reason my banners are all black coloured even even when I choose another color so I got no choice here so I want to try and make this face as wide as possible because I'm gonna give him a terrifying smile and the smiles going to go like so and I'm gonna give him a big old schnozzle big olden nose to go with his weird weird weird face like giving him only got two minutes left so hopefully this will work out oh my goodness this is this is nightmare fuel hold on right so that's his mouth and I'm probably gonna make that a bit thicker because it's not actually going to stick out like this in particular I'm gonna have to like make a make a chin maybe the chin comes up all the way over here and then the mouth is actually gonna have to go all the way around hopefully this works because I don't have time to change it if it doesn't I'm sort of freestyling here it's been a long time because I've actually stopped doing the building your comment series and I haven't done it in a long time building this kind of thing I've I may I may be out practice here building these monsters and there may be totally out of practice especially about the banners I kind of rely on the banners and then they're silly they're silly ways of winning so these are gonna be the teeth let's see if we can make that work one here and then another one here excellent excellent excellent if we give in like really defined cheeks over the top that should help a lot it's all about the balance of the monster here and we haven't got long now one minute remaining so we're gonna have to do our best to make the eyes and the eyes are some of the most important parts of this so oh my goodness oh my goodness right so I'm gonna set this one block back because that always helps and then I need to take very quickly this will do for now because I can't find the one I wanted some massive eyebrows and actually no so massive eyebrows are they're gonna go all the way over the top of that oh no it doesn't quite work if we go over like that delete delete some of this we want to try and create yes it's hideous and a big old nose big old nose that's what we need don't forget the schnozzle don't forget the schnozzle okay so this one's gone for a more literal sense of the word nightmare so this is obviously someone in bed they've got a lamp I'm gonna go for good I'm gonna go for good that's pretty nice it is a very literal sense of the word but I've actually gone for a monster that you might encounter in your nightmare is this okay I think where is everyone gone everyone's vanished I'm I'm only gonna go for okay yeah someone pointed out they have ten minutes they've planted some trees and there's one gravestone I guess they tried to create a nightmare scene and you got to give it to them they've thought of you know some lightning and that kind of thing but the flowers kind of make it seem a bit better I don't know we've got a Steve now I'm gonna have to just go okay because bearing in mind the first one had a lot more details to it so you got to give it to them that this is not quite as much as the first one this is just someone sleeping yeah there's not even a nightmare part of this legendary I love it oh I absolutely love this face it's just gross like a legendary yes thank you guys thank you so I guess a guy in the bed and dreaming of a mmm what do you reckon that is guys why is it I'm like tilting my head round and I can't I can't work out what that is oh we got a legendary okay okay oh yo this one's cool who did this oh this is epic this is really epic this is a proper this is a proper nightmare and they've gone for the same thing sort style it's mine they create something or I could have done so much more than I did this is really cool well okay I'm guessing he says Scandinavian or Germany so it's like Scania I don't know I was a little cute ghost that was it's a cute ghost I'm not even I can't even call it a nightmare but it's cute it's really it's like little blob he's like a slime ghost I love it he's even got the one two three eyes and a mouth there I'm gonna go for good definitely better than some of the ones we've seen today oh we won a whole granite one whoo we won yeah I get over this is so silly it's so silly what a comeback round that was fun so it was me green of the whole time thank you very much for watching everyone and I have actually been considering doing a full hour of build battle pro I already did one hour of build battle two hours of build battle one hour of build swap so maybe it's time I completed the series if you really enjoy watching me play build battle then please let me know if I should do the one hour version okay thank you very much for watching and good also let me know what I should name myself for next round I'll let you choose the name [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,442,227
Rating: 4.9364491 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, build battle, build battle pro, grian build battle, minecraft build battle, build, battle, batle, battel, bild
Id: _RnuXSs_HyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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