Legacy Conversations | Youth Takeover | 25.04.2021

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welcome to ruac live [Music] broadcasting live from our kilburn location you can listen to and watch this service on ruac radio ruach's youtube facebook and instagram channels plus our app and website hello everyone and welcome to rock live i'm stefan and i'm teacher and we just want to welcome you all today to our work live um we just want to shout out everyone we want to welcome you wherever you're tuning in from from facebook uh youtube if you are watching or listening online on the radio we want to welcome you all um i'm gonna be shouting out some people from facebook yeah whilst you get your facebook ready yeah we are in our cuban location it is great to be back we are back in the building we are back so once again stay where you're from this is our youth takeover service you've taken takeovers the best it's always the best shout out to all our youth and particularly if you are new if this is your first time watching with us please do write in the chat news that we can connect yeah and we just want to welcome you so we're going to go ahead and see where you all are tuning in from okay so i'm going to welcome some of my facebook family we have evon moa says a blessed morning a blessed morning to you too we have philip henry says good mor good afternoon everyone we have rev colin francis says good morning all um so yeah keep your comments coming in we want to welcome you all um let us know where you're from let us know if you're if you're you know coming to the building today yeah you're coming in because our kilburn and our birmingham location is actually open so do let us know on um youtube we have jesus keeps welcome good afternoon it's good to see you lisa good afternoon samantha good afternoon thank you for tuning in for us and once again thank you for tuning in for our youth take over shout out to all of our youth again we love to see you all with us i've got uh corrine campbell says good morning from lutum that's my hometown we've got um izzy izzy from brixton welcome we got um jennifer white says greetings we're at family and viewing friends um we have jeans swabby says good afternoon um so wherever you're tuning in from we want to welcome you all uh we want to welcome all our you know friends and family from across sea yes absolutely we know we've got a lot of you know friends and family from the u.s [Music] i think it's amazing to see how far you know the word of god can travel as you know um the word of the god is is alive and it travels far we just thank god for the opportunity to be able to be here and have you like tuning in with us and share this experience it's awesome isn't it yeah i mean i think i'd rather be in the caribbean than than here right now but you know we thank god once again i mean unless you've got 5000 pounds of quarantine i mean you but as we start this route live we want to um just talk about what happened in our last you takeover yes so if you remember in our last youth takeover we had a wonderful wonderful session and it's all um about legacy um we was discussing um you know bishop and elder edward el dornier elder we're just discussing lots of things about legacy about yeah just what legacy means and um more about how we connect with the young and the older generation so with that being said what's one thing you you took from last session um stefan what's fun one thing that really stood out to you um one thing that really stood out to me is really just the importance of being prepared absolutely prepared to you know pass on the baton and being willing to pass on the ban to the next generation um it is there's lots you know we could you know i could say about it and talk about absolutely but we have um a clip from um our last legacy conversation so we're going to play it for you and we just want you to really join in in this discussion let us know what you think about the clip let us know your thoughts so let's play the clip and let's see what you think this um i know you said you had some thoughts um you know we hear often scriptures that talk about um the old because they um are strong and they're young because they know the way are we gonna start with that one i think we should start with that one that's the first one that came with our mind well because we we both made a discovery you made a discovery and i remember reading that because you know what bishop one of the things that i think we find in church is that we hear scriptures and you taught me this which is a part of legacy was back in those days a lot of them couldn't read and write so they would just repeat what they heard and i think we still suffer with that in this generation and so now we hear scriptures and we just repeat what we hear but we found out the scriptures don't quite go like that yeah because i grew up here and and how many of you grew up here in this world yeah did you you just came did you hear it as well i'm sure you never heard it okay so we heard young man some people say i write on to you somebody's a young man i call upon you because you're strong and i called the older man because he knows the way scripture don't go nothing like that and it doesn't mean what people say so let's hear what it says actually in um i think it's first john 2 14 it says i have written unto you fathers okay because you have known him who him is talking about god that is from the beginning i have written unto you young men because you are strong here's that word and the word of god abideth in you and you have overcome the wicked one so then it suggests to me there was some manipulation in scriptures there to try and hold young people back i think what do you think that that's nice what do you think so i mean we used to hear that scripture and it was like you you don't know the way so you wait until i tell you this and that and i think there is an aspect of it of waiting to hear certain things because i do believe that the generation before us have gone through life yes of course a lot longer than us but i do feel like it was a bit of a hold back situation of yeah i know the way you you're strong but me know what i'm doing exactly wow great clip that was such an awesome clip there's a lot of a lot of pattern there as well i don't know if some people understood what else the extras were saying but you know maybe we'll have the the translation next time um but um so teacher what did you think of um yeah what they were discussing i think i really love the point that bishop raised in terms of he was helping us to understand that people couldn't read and write back in those days and so they would speak scripture as well and oftentimes as people we can get used to just saying what we know without researching it ourselves and i think one of the take home message in that was it's very important for us to go back to scripture and seek that interpretation from god not saying that it's negative what they're telling us it's just having that whole revelations that we can apply it to today's times as well because when you look at today we're we're driving cars you know they were riding horses so imagine you know you're applying something to a horse that's not gonna work we're in a car you know we've got roof we've got our windows we've got ac we're a bit modern nowadays so yeah yeah i think i was really powerful yeah definitely what about you um for me and you know those online let us know what you you think of all what you think about um this discussion so far um for me one of the things that i really took from it was um you know how people can be in in a certain mindset and um obviously this is not everyone and i do believe like ezra said the older generation have a lot of wisdom to give absolutely um but when you're in a place of you know in a place where you know kind of i know everything you don't know nothing you could kind of miss out on you know you know being in a place where we learn from each other yes um you know i think as well as um the older generation have a lot to give we also have young people who have a lot to give and a lot to you know we can we can definitely learn from each other um so yeah that's the one thing i uh learnt from it so yeah online let us know how you actually know with that being said stuff like um i think should we let them know how it makes us feel in terms of that where you mentioned the older generation saying i've got the wisdom you don't know much i think if i speak for myself personally i think sometimes it can be a little bit disheartening um because i think myself i've been in situations where they say i'm wiser i already know when in fact we have our own experience although we are young we still experience things differently and if we now share we can actually where i can tailor to this area you can tailor to that area we come together what about you i'm going to check the comments as well guys do let us know your thoughts and opinions on that clip while brother stefan tells us how he feels yeah i mean i think that um yeah like i said um there's you know we both have a lot to give like yes although um you know people are older now yes they were the young one at once upon a time once upon a time and i think you've made a visit once upon a time but the times are different now yes yes they haven't been a young person in 2021. that is so good i like you know you know we can share our experience so what is it like to be a young person now what struggles what struggles are we facing now and you know um you know they we can you know learn from each other in in that sort of way so i think yeah both both the young and the old have to be in a place where we're open to learn from yes that's so true so yeah definitely um so we've got another clip for you in a moment but before we get on to that we just want to give you some information um so we have our discipleship care program this is a program for non-believers new christians or people just want to really grow in their faith our sister teacher is part of the discipleship care team so yeah absolutely so just a bit of a background on it um so we do have it every week on a thursday and that is at 7 pm and it is in small groups and i want to say the testimonies that we've received already is amazing just to be able to be in a space where you can ask questions and no questions a silly question and i think often times people feel so oh where they say i've got a silly question but actually it's not bring all of your questions because it's a safer environment where we just learn a bit more and through conversations and we learn different topics we have introduction to the bible growing in the word of god so we do cover a wide range of topics and the whole aim is to help you to become equipped to then study the word in your own personal time and it's very interactive we have videos we also have quizzes as well we get our disciples to also share their personal experiences because it helps us to be relatable for us to see and even those who are facilitating um we often share our experiences and actually it helps us to show we're in this together you know we're in this together no one is above anybody or betting anybody it's just that we want to help you on your journey with with our experiences yeah so do sign up absolutely sign up it is online please go to the website and sign up it's there on our website and someone will contact you once you sign up and give you further information if not call the office and they can give you further information on our discipleship care program definitely get in contact if you know you want to go along this journey with our distinctive care team um as you said every first day seven o'clock on zoom and you can register on the website um so back to our laptop to our legacy should we get back in so we have another clip for you and once again we just want to once again open this dialogue this conversation we want to let you know we want to um ask what do you what do you think what do you feel about this whole legacy conversation we want to hear your input so we're going to go to this clip and we'll be back after that in the past yeah and you know what that's so good this comment literally said um elder sonia hogg said we also have to remember we were young when we started in forget ministry i think a lot of people forget that you know what i always say this and it sounds well i i always say i hope the younger me is not upset with the older me wow that's good say it again that was good i said i always say i hope the younger me is not upset with the older me i hope this younger me is not saying oh my god this older me is doing the same thing that they did but you know what you in saying that and that's so important because one of the things that we realized straight away was when we saw what we had to go through we were like we're not going to do this so even when we started our locations we were very intentional about not making it built around us as individuals but putting people in place um learning how to literally um give people um opportunities to show themselves when we did things like exaltation or moments i remember when we had like passed this pic we dread it but it taught us to learn our word it taught us to get in our bible and i think that's so important because um when we're now looking at we're now elders but now we're looking at who's going to be over the youth who's next because to wait is too late my problem is wow that was powerful when i tell you bishop really blessed my soul with that comment he said i hope the younger me is not upset with the older me i think that's a principle we can apply in our everyday life think about it as young people um sometimes we could be so in the moment and think about i want this now but if we have that mindset where actually i want the old the younger me to be happy with the older me that can really tailor towards how we behave how we engage and how we connect with relationships what are your thoughts on that yeah it can like you say you can go both ways you know us as the younger self can think to the older self and yeah the older self can look back at the younger self um so yeah now it's definitely powerful definitely guys we want to see your comments and while stefan's getting ready to read some of the comments on facebook on youtube tell us what you thought on that clip and your opinions yeah definitely um i got one comment from um sonja she says communication is key and it's important for the oldest to listen to the youth whether they agree or disagree respect each other's views um yeah absolutely like like she said um you know sometimes we can be in a place where you know sometimes we agree sometimes we disagree absolutely but it is being able to have that open conversation being able to be in a safe place where i can express my opinion and i think that's key what you said you can so it's having an opportunity yeah absolutely and i think it's good that she mentioned respect because once again we're all individuals um i may like the color blue but you don't doesn't mean that we can't get on we just come to a common goal of some sort and i think that's very key and i think as young people we can definitely learn that that our parents and elder people may tell us things and sometimes we may not agree but also having that grace where sometimes they do know and have experienced it so maybe taking on their wisdom and their experience and saying actually i want to add this into it as well um so i think that's really key for us as young people yeah definitely communication is is key um once again let us know what you think in the comments um on youtube on facebook you want this to be a conversation absolutely um and one thing i really really took from it um what like what bishop said is you know a lot of them in ministry now they started when i was young yeah and i feel like um there's kind of lots of benefits to you know getting into not even just ministry just anything to do with life when you're young you know when you're young you've got kind of you've got time on your side as in you know you know most of us you know i think you should put a disclaimer in there not to say if you're of an older age you know because god still can use you 100 but i think when you look at it practically the younger you are you have a bit more time yeah just a small disclaimer you don't want any old folks you don't want any of those feelings we love you too absolutely of course of course um but yeah we most of us don't have children or you know maybe we don't have a wife or kids yet maybe you're not paying any bills yet that's due to come so enjoy your time now save your money because when it comes when the bills come you know um but you know all these things can you know allow you to focus on you know what you need to do now more focus on the ministry more absolutely you know you can you can you're allowed to make mistakes you know you're not expected to get everything right and you know it's through the experience of just doing you know is the probably the most most valuable experience you can get so so before we continue with more legacy conversations we're about to show you a quick ad regarding our rcbi short courses so have a quick watch ruac city bible institute's short courses are now open head to our website and find courses for your personal and spiritual development we have courses to help you manage your finances and be financially literate we have courses to help your prayer life we provide sessions teaching you to become a better more effective and more engaging street evangelist equipping you to answer and respond to questions workshops to improve your essay writing skills reaching a high level and courses teaching you how to study your bible a supportive team will assist and encourage you every step of the way this is the year to invest in yourself and build a strong foundation register now www.ruaccitychurch.org [Music] okay so that was our rcbi short course um you know we have lots on lots of courses that you can do um we have uh courses on spiritual development we have courses on finances how to handle your finances um you also cover prayer in there we have uh things like you know essay writing skills so you know there's there's lots of things that we have courses on you know it's not just about you know god god yes of course we want to increase our things to help us in our everyday life which can also be impact how we live as well of course absolutely um so to sign up for our any of our rcbi courses you can register online uh react chess.org and you'll find them there um so we're gonna go into our last clip on our legacy conversations once again let us know what you think let us know in the comments um what you think about and getting involved yeah your opinions how you feel um and maybe something you learnt from it as well will be lovely to see your comments and we're gonna go straight into the clip now ended up leaving succession means basically you prepare this generation and the generation before is prepared now to be the chairperson to be the direct doesn't mean they stop preaching doesn't mean they stop doing what they're doing but they walk alongside you how many people are willing to say i'm gonna take on one of these young people and i'm gonna walk them through life and make sure that they become what they're supposed to be and the challenge is um i'm trying to i'm glad for this all of this is changing mindsets wow karen i'm going to go to you what does this session look like for you so you're an elder at this point um you are a youth pastor at this point what does that look like for you for those coming up behind you what does that look like for you i think very much uh similar to what bishop was saying but in terms of having that walking someone through with you um and giving someone access as well i think sometimes i think in a position of leadership you might want to kind of close off a little bit sometimes and not allow people to see certain parts of your life and i think um it's allowing people allowing someone that you think could potentially be someone who would take over from you to have that sort of access to you um and be able to kind of as i said come into those places you know where bishop maybe would have taken you guys to to preach with him and those sorts of opportunities give them opportunities to to um be with you in those sorts of places and also give them opportunities to use their giftings so creating spaces for them to okay you open up in prayer or okay you do some you do something because you've seen me in the same way that jesus did it with the disciples and it's he showed them they walked with him and then he was like okay now you go and do it. he was still around yeah and he gave them authority and those sorts of things but it it was that okay you've seen enough now it's your turn to okay you feed them with you you give them the bread and the fish you divide it he gave them plenty of opportunities to do that whilst he was still with them so for me succession looks like that where it's you're still around but you're giving someone that access like jesus gave access um you know the eating the the closeness the fellowship but then also giving them the opportunities to do what they've seen you do can i say something to just add to that i think just to help some people out there because some people feel that they're not even qualified themselves to do it yes you are but that's you know and some of us was not taught to do that you know when i got saved you got baptized you got took membership next day and then just through you we didn't have discipleships in all of these classes and so some of us are still stuck in that mentality that you know um you must find your way no we must walk you through another powerful clip wow which was really lovely to see and this is from melanie she said i wouldn't know how to navigate the world as a young person i respect i'm proud of young people and i love people young people and i want them to love us as much so wow we we just thank you for your comment we love the fact that we really gravitate and you know we're respecting our elders as well um so before we wrap things up yeah we have a part two coming up we've got the part two coming up okay so very soon our party of legacy is coming up coming up so be sure to engage as we are in our discussion you'll see a completely new discussion regarding legacy so be involved write your comments let us know what you think what you feel that'll be amazing um we are due to come back in five minutes time five minutes this is your time if you go get your cup of tea and then we will see you in five five minutes sir i'm stefan and i'm tisha thank you for joining us and we'll see you soon [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we are sweating i decree the joy of the lord be your strength in the name of jesus we thank you right now because we recognize her that your glory is in this pleasure we recognize that your power is in this laser father we decree declare miracles signs and wonders miracle signs and wonders shake this rule with your glory shake this room with your power shake this room with your anointing we decrease that you might need creature in the name of jesus coming at home as you welcome into this atmosphere and there you lift up your voice i dare you bless his name i dare you to pray and declare that this will be the day that we'll give the lord's praise for this is the day that the lord has made and i will i shall i will i shall rejoice and be glad in it come on lift up your voice come on lift up your voice come on lift up your voice lift up your voice i see you at home i'm here to declare and declare god is gonna do something you never expected today i know we're having a panel but i decree declare god depression is moving off of you at home i decree and declare joy is coming to you right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i dare you at home jump right there in the building come on lift up the name of jesus hallelujah we serve a great god we serve an awesome god we serving a magnificent god come on come and i see your home coming up to your home i see you i see you sharon i see you nika i see you jesus keita this is the day i said this is the day this is the day that the lord has made and i will rejoice after i rejoice i command my body to rejoice i'll be glad in it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we decree this is the day that the lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it if you're just tuning we welcome you all the locations throughout city church we bless god for you to our youth take a service you take over service i believe it's gonna be absolutely awesome i see you guys coming in do me a favor and hit that share button let someone know that we are live i need you to share on youtube i need you to share share share if you're on facebook i need you to share tag someone in the comments and let them know that we are live i believe god is going to do something amazing this afternoon we want to thank god for our brixton location our cuban location our war from snow location amen our birmingham location and also our philadelphia location we thank god for all our elders elder enid el simone they're having their service in birmingham as we speak we thank god for obviously co-pastor penny who's over kilburn amen and obviously our overseeing bishop francis and we thank god also for pastor andre and his wife we thank god for elder clinton and dr assad we thank god for their wives amen god is amazing how many came to worship god today i say how many came to worship god today at home how many came to worship god i believe god's about to do something amazing he's going to do something magnificent so as i said i know you're in the building but remember you can worship you can jump you can lift your hands as bishop says it's not the alarm clock that woke you up this morning but it's by the greater mercy of god that we have life amen so i want you at home you need to push your coffee table out the way if you're in your car you might have to be careful okay wherever you are let's give god praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god come on let's just begin to praise god come on don't stop now give him all the glory and the honor that is due unto his name hallelujah hallelujah this is our first youth takeover back in the building i don't know about you but i'm excited team are you excited and we're about to get into the time of praise and worship amen hallelujah god is good amen come on if you know this one just sit along with us and clap [Music] it was my two [Music] [Music] till i met you [Music] glorious day hallelujah amen we're walking in the glorious tell the lord see now your mercy now your freedom is all i know [Music] now your freedom is all i know [Music] [Music] you call my name [Music] [Music] is [Music] i need a rescue my sin was heavy but chains break at the weight of your glory i needed shelter i was an orphan but you call me a citizen of heaven when i was broken you were my healing now your love is the air that i breathe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen he's calling us out of the darkness so i'm about to take your old school come on guys i'll show you we can take it old school amen hallelujah we're going to make a declaration that we are free in jesus name [Music] i am free praise the lord i'm free no longer no more chase holding me my soul is resting it's just a blessing praise the lord hallelujah i'm free how many believe that free there's no one chance holding us amen praise the lord i'm free no longer bound there's no more chains holding me and my soul is resting it's just a blessing praise the lord hallelujah i'm free i'm living in the lifestyle i'm living in the light now you save yourself right now [Music] is [Music] hey come on just clap that cards hey man we're gonna do it one more time hey man come on i need to hear you guys saying that you're free in jesus name amen i am free praise the lord i'm free [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i feel like praise is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the lord's been so great haven't he been faithful hasn't he been good he is [Music] but the lord saw fit [Music] he kept me alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah if the love be good give god surprise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on let's just give one some praise come on just give us some praise hallelujah but he didn't make it to see 2021 but god kept us here amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god is good amen hallelujah amen come on guys don't get tired come on we're about to go to the next one we're gonna need to dance romans 28 says that all things are working together for all good amen if you believe that let me hear you make some noise [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everything's working for myself everybody [Music] come on are you ready [Music] bye everybody [Music] is [Music] [Applause] everywhere [Music] [Applause] what the [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] is feel like screaming [Music] everybody [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] amen all people are working together for our good in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah amen amen god is so good church god is so good i'm just grateful i don't know about you but when i look back at the pandemic and how many people were affected how many people lost their lives were put into hospital i'm grateful because i'm still standing i may not have everything i want and need but god is good and i have air in my lungs i have a roof over my head i have clothes on my back and that's just some things to be grateful for amen amen i just need the lord to pour me out amen less of me i'm more of him hallelujah [Music] is [Music] me [Music] if you believe that who you are is his just sing with us hallelujah amen cause all i have is this is my favorite part surround me with your glory and fill me with your love till i [Music] need you to overflow me but i need you to [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] it was yours from the [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] all i have is yours let's feel more [Music] is god yours i am is you let's just repeat that just keep saying all i am is lord all i [Music] am [Music] is hallelujah come on just give god some praise come on give him some praise give god some praise if you belong to him and you really believe it give god some praise amen hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] all i is is yours sing all i am [Music] yours [Music] and begin to speak well of your king come and i said begin to speak well of your king if you know you belong to the most high god come an idea you wave your hands clap your feet jump under one spot do whatever it takes to tell your god that he's amazing god we love you hallelujah hallelujah we glorify you we bless your name jesus god is awesome he's awesome he's awesome he's awesome i'm telling you the iraq youth praise team just made my day today i don't know about you but to see them worship god i'm telling you some young people that have died during the pandemic have lost their mind and i'm grateful that ours are still in the house of god giving praise if that's not enough to give god praise i'm telling you as a you pastor i'm grateful if it's 10 of 20 of them i'm grateful that he's kept them from danger seen and unseen i'm grateful father i thank you for sparing our youth god i thank you for sparing our youth god i thank you i thank you i thank you i tell you if you're you fast at home thank god for the youth that you have if you're a past at home common elders come on parents come on let's give god praise hallelujah hallelujah we serve a great god amen hallelujah we're about to start this panel you can take your seats those at home we're excited we started off with them and legacy's conversation um that we had and it was absolutely um amazing we didn't expect such feedback so we decided we'd do a part two if you guys want to assemble yourself let's get ready um and it was absolutely amazing just to see how um god responded and um just how things just kind of manifested like we had a lot of conversations from um pastors youth pastors people from even overseas and just to see how god literally um spoke through the conversation it was absolutely amazing so we're gonna do a part two today um don't worry you're still gonna get a word our elder ezra is gonna give us some a closing word um after we filled the panel and those at home um but i just want to shout some people out while they're just assembling themselves we're seeing some people saying it was a great worship and again we're going to keep an eye on the chat if you've got questions as well today's focus is more about solutions so you know we talked about some of the challenges that we have but now we want to think about how do we move forward amen how do two generations coexist how do we operate from not just a church perspective but a kingdom perspective how does the world um connect the two generations so i hope that this is going to be fruitful and um we enjoyed this conversation so i'm gonna get myself praise the lord thank you um grab a seat and um i can sit next to them they're my bubble and so we're going to really go into the the dialogue today so let me introduce everyone just so that we get an understanding so um we have we have elder ezrick who's on the corner here um he is over the brixton youth location can we please god for him and then we've got elder karen who is over the walthamstow youth location amen and then we have also elder charlotte who's with us as well let's give god praise and then we also have elder louis who is also with us as well so we're having a bit more of a diverse conversation this time and obviously we have our bishop bishop john francis who's with us and then co-pastor penny as well this time is also with us amen so we're going to have a dialogue i'm going to kind of shoot straight into it if that's okay with you guys so we can get as much we can talk as much as possible um so last last time we were talking about succession we were talking about the next generation and i want to kind of bring it out of the church for a second and let's talk about the educational system so one of the things that we saw during the pandemic if you guys remember um was while we were with the pandemic the educational system literally um struggled we saw different situations taking place um in the sense of even i remember even with the lunch that the government said they were gonna provide um and we didn't see it um well some of us saw what the lunch i don't know if you guys remember and it was like a banana or a tomato a loaf of bread and that was supposed to last an entire week of one of the things i saw in the post was like um is this world thinking about the next generation they focus so much on um what's going on right now are we thinking about setting up the younger generation for what's next so i'm going to put this to um elder charlotte just because i know you function in the educational system what are your thoughts how can we better ourselves when it comes to solution and education wow um first of all i think what we did see over the pandemic was how we cope during times of change and transition and um when we find ourselves in moments of crisis sometimes we can neglect the next generation and we are busy trying to continue the status quo and maintain what we have that we're not always thinking about how we can develop what's coming up and that's what we saw in the pandemic we saw people who were in doing their best to invest and sustain what we had but neglecting the generation that was coming up and so you saw people who were burdened to bring change societal change you saw people like marcus rashford manchester united footballer who came up and i just had to put that in there for my manchester united game but you saw people who were burdened to bring change and who then became leaders of societal change and so i think that even amidst our generation there are people who are going to be thrust forward people who are going to see the burden and see okay we need to be thinking about this next generation and actually being active in bringing changes i love it um elder ezrick what was your thought you work with some of the troubled youth in um this community and one of the things you did even with your prayer you raised money to help feed some of those young people who were struggling some of the families who were struggling to feed their children and what's your input you see some of the the young troubled every day what is it like now being in church and also outside um i think one of the the incredible things was there was a lot of people in the community who came together as elder charlotte were saying so when certain things wasn't happening from the government or the council we saw a lot of people in the local community who were knocking on people's doors and giving them vouchers for supermarkets and things like that um so in my field of work one of the things that i noticed a lot was it's easy to tick a box and say okay we're trying to help them but there's not really much um support that is going out there so on paper everything looks great but the support that families actually need they they weren't getting so one of the things and the company that i work for and we advocate for those things so we go into court we go um into certain meetings with social care and and the youth justice service to say these are the things that these young people need and in efforts for us to move from a place of um retaliation we're actually thinking about prevention um if we can get in there early enough we can stop these things from happening so that we don't have to fix something once it's damaged so and that's just one of the things that um practically that i'm doing at the moment is just looking at um how people are growing up their their family dynamics um some people are offending because there's no money in the house and they're seeing mum struggle with three children and and there's not a father around and so selling drugs or getting involved in criminality is actually the source of income for the family so um it's just looking at the why as opposed to what they're doing i love that and one of the things i want to go to bishop at this point before we move on is you talked about one of the things you're doing is getting in there before the challenges take place and obviously one of the things i'm sure you guys can attest to and i'm sure online is that we tend to see pictures portrayed of young people as a negative it's very rare that we hear some of the positives that are happening with the with the young people one of the things that bishop you've always tried based with young people and youth that want to be one of the first churches to pioneer youth services having youth days and things like that how important is it for us to start in the church and being mentors in the um home so that these challenges don't take place you know um can i just go into what elder charlotte was talking about i think one of the challenges with our generation now there's a lot of of them trying to survive just trying to survive and so in the pandemic i don't think most people wanted to leave out the next generation but when you're dealing with something you've never seen before never experienced before you go into this mode of survival and survival means if you're in my way i'll do whatever i need to do to survive and i think that's what's happening right now so within the church again this is something that um is dear to my heart only because i keep remembering my youthful days i remember when i was young and the struggles that i had growing up the things that i had to fight to become where i am today i'm doing a documentary i'm looking back on my life and i was also seeing um a presentation this very week of um a podcast that's about to come out and they were talking about me and i was quite moved by the things that were being said but the point that i'm trying to make is that um god has allowed me to be a leader of this generation and what i'm trying to do is i get this generation or my generation and talking about my age group to think about how we struggled when we were young think about the things that we wanted the change rather we wanted to see and one of the things that's bothering me right now is because i think a lot of people because we look more younger than what our parents was and we have a lot of um chemicals that we can use to help us look a certain way notice the truth okay in my head i keep thinking i am a certain age but my body tells me i'm not okay when i tried to do something okay that i used to could do then i realized you know what i am not as young and i think what i'm trying to do is saying to the church we have the responsibility um especially our church is a major community this is where people come this is we are the people that should set the standard of change and so what we have to do as people we have to start with our homes we've got to look at our children we've got to invest in our children we have to have conversations i think this is something that's we have lost because of the culture the culture is everyone goes and gets um take away and where have you and everybody's doing their own thing one of the great things about this pandemic um it could go right or left depending on the family right is that everyone was forced to be in the house and i hope that while they would be in a house like what we were it made us have conversations yeah it made us address things that needed to be addressed and i think this is so important why you laugh i don't know no it's true it's true because we couldn't go nowhere we could go nowhere um we were told we were in a lock-in and i think it's so important right now that we keep the conversation going now everything is opening up and we have the conversation with our children elder ezrak is saying there are this generation are going through things that i didn't go through and i want i want the elderly and the adults to really understand we think because of technology things are easy um we had to go somewhere to sin this generation don't have to go nowhere to sin they can be in their room and sin big big time because of technology so we have to think that the temptation is stronger the the the the the oppositions are stronger the influences that are out there and if we don't speak and have these conversation and also be transparent about our pain and about our um history tell our history and i think that's the way the generation will um see change i don't know if i answered your question though you did you did you did um i want to talk to um pastor penny at this point were you talking about and we're going to go to elder louis as well because you guys have stories about home life that may be different to the average person who grew up in the church one of the things that um and you talked about conversations that we we knew about was around the kitchen table it we started to realize that when because of our our work life and our school life and everything we end up having these conversations that started around the table and you kind of done that even with women's ministry and different things taken on that mindset how important are those um conversations being what with what you went through personally growing up in your home some of the challenges that you shared with um ruac and maybe other people don't even know you know people see co-pastor penny and don't realize that was not your story um how do we deal with that and how have you changed it you know one of the things i can say as a child is that you took certain things about making sure you were home if one of you were gone you made sure one of you was home and how important that was because some things you experienced so talk to us a bit about that how important even when kids say they don't need their parents how important is actually for their parents to be home um i suppose you mentioned about around the kitchen table and um i know that growing up there were lots of conversations that happened in the kitchen so like if um mum was cooking or you know preparing food then you would have those conversations would just come up it would just be impromptu and i did i know that you mentioned about women's retreat so i wanted i was trying to do a version of that in the women's retreat and it was interesting because we had quite a lot of young women attending the women's retreat that year and um when i i set up the group so i've had married women single women young women and when we set up the groups they could they they were told to go into the group that were um basically they identified with and i remember before we even had the session like a couple of the young people came to me um wenita included um and said um why have you put these old people in our group and and what are they gonna tell us like we've got this person i'm not gonna say who they said we got this person and this person and um it was interesting and i said look just trust me trust me on this and i'd actually mixed it up so that the young woman session actually did have um young women in there but they also had like the older elders the older female elders in there and a a sort of a few like different ages when they came out of that session they were like wow i didn't know elder so-and-so did that and it kind of made them seem more human and actually the ladies came out saying you know i would go to one of those elders now and talk to them and share with them and i i know i could get some help so i think perception is one of the things and like i say to my my my girls i say look you might not take on board what i'm saying now but i'm going to talk anyway because when i'm in the grave i can't talk so i'm going to talk now and you can bank it so if it might have some use for you later in life you might not want to hear it now but i'm going to talk like in our day there was talking and beating all right so but i'm not doing the beating but i will talk and i said um when i finish talking um bangkit do what you need to do with it so yeah i think that um the conversation across the generations is important and necessary for um the future and um and even for now i love that um and yes she i was one of the ones and it was but we were pleasantly surprised and i think we formed so much relationship with those elders after that session a lot of us young people had to repent for that so but it was it was a good lesson elder louis i want to bring this to you and there's a question because i think you can answer this that came in um on youtube and if you guys could look on facebook and keep an eye um one of the concerns that we have is and we love we had from the last legacy conversations i think we built a report a lot of us youth with you guys with you elder louis and one of the things that we realized was because of your experience you changed that when it came to your own daughter and things that you were doing i remember when you came to us one sunday was like look i got the skinny jeans on and we were laughing and we were like yes elderly um and you know because back in those times you know we've you couldn't wear skinny jeans i couldn't even wear these rip knees thank god for deliverance my god oh but no seriously that's some of the challenges one of the questions is that um that came in was it's a concern that young people listen to their friends more than their parents nowadays what's your thoughts based on what you brought up how do you deal with your daughter and what some of the things that you can say to parents who are struggling with that well so um very good question um i mean it's you know coming from a a two-sided background so to speak um grew up in jamaica um you know i came here probably 21 years ago and got saved in jamaica so i've seen church both back home and here and um obviously growing up in jamaica you know the the parental um situation you know you can't do certain things and you don't know why you just you're just told don't do x y z and if you do it then you know what's going to happen praise the lord and so forth so so it was a struggle when you know i know um become old and you know having a family myself and so forth and i realized i'm trying to do the same kind of parental um you know bringing up my child in the same way um you know and and i noticed it just wasn't working you know and and i had to have conversations with um you know my my peers and and people who have been there before me and said hey this but what is happening is it's a totally different generation totally different generation and as adults we have to realize this that you know the way that we were brought up we cannot think we are going to do the very same thing and get the same results with these generations technology has increased there are so many things that and and they they tend to my daughter listen to tick-tock more than or should listen to me trust me and and um all this kind of cooking recipe online and stuff like that so when i'm telling her no you need to do this she said no no no no and she's telling me this is the way and it's quite frustrating as an adult you're thinking listen i'm telling you this is and a lot of times i have to say you know how much years i said how old are you she said i'm 14. i said put 14 and 14 together how much is that and she told me 28 and i said put another 40 and i said you still don't get to my age yet and i'm trying to you know but i have to do a lot of adjustment in my parenting and um conversation which we didn't have back then and to speak and to try and to speak and to speak again and so forth so i think as parents um growing up we have to um learn to do this kind of a adjusting in our parenting so that we can accommodate and facilitate um the the the elder generation the next generation i love it i'm going to bring this question out to everyone one of the things that we notice over the pandemic and i think is going to be very important and when it comes to succession is the mental and wealth and mental health of young people and we saw a lot of depression a lot of people who are committed to suicidal had challenges and one of the things i think people didn't realize that you know i remember one time i was dealing with a young person and the mother said what she got to be depressed for she got food in her cupboard and i was like there's so much more happen in our days that as much as yes having a roof over your head should be enough to some of the young people that isn't they're depressed because their studies are not well they're depressed because they don't have friends they're depressed because some people are being bullied and their parents don't know um i want to go to um elder karen what's your thoughts how can we um get young people to talk what has worked for you um as an elder and i'm gonna also and then anyone can just chime in what do you think are some of the solutions that we can bridge the gap in communication because what we're seeing and i think we've all just said it really in in all of this dialogue is there's a communication breakdown we were not able to really get either young people to listen to older people or elder people um to listen to young people so what are some of your thoughts on that yeah i mean i think um kind of going back to what has been said already in terms of that communication those conversations that need to be had when young people feel that they can approach their for example you've mentioned bullying you've mentioned you know certain things if they feel that they're safe and they can talk to their parents about certain things they're more likely to open up there are i i do know that there are some young people that do have really great relationships with their parents and they do have these kind of conversations and it seems to make a really big difference when they have that connection with their parents but i think it is also based as we've been talking about that um sharing when your parents are sharing that you know i went through these certain things i've experienced this sort of thing and they're open and vulnerable i think it's the vulnerable part because then your kids feel like they can also share those vulnerabilities with you also if they've always grown up seeing a strong parent and you know they always you know they work their way through it but they don't share certain things they sometimes will take on that same mentality that they must just get on they must just continue and then in terms of seeking help if they're not told that you know seeking help therapy counseling is okay um then again they'll you know they'll turn to we've been talking about internet they'll go to youtube they'll go to the internet they'll go and look and see what other people are doing and they'll be finding out information from other young people other people who are dealing with suicidal thoughts and sometimes the stuff that they're finding on the internet you know stuff about how you can commit suicide yeah rather than the solutions or how you can um you know people who have experienced bullying people who have experienced certain things but they're dealing with it in in the not so healthy ways so i think it does go back to that kind of communication when they feel that they are able to speak to teachers those people in authority parents but then also knowing that seeking help is normal it's okay it's healthy to do these things and it's not just you have to be strong because i think a lot especially in our community that kind of you know you must be strong and just continue and you continue to do things while you're hurting whilst you're still bleeding is seen as you know we just we just get on with it but if we share and let them know that especially this generation who are as you said dealing with so much more than perhaps what some of the older generation dealt with and now if something goes wrong it gets viral on the internet all it takes is for a child to do something and it gets recorded and it ends up viral and that's why they end up with those mental health situations and wanting to do um harm to themselves so yeah i think going back to the conversation and feeling that they can you know seek help can i um put a little um caveat on a lot of things that i've been thinking about i've been dealing with a lot of um parents and who having major struggles with their children one of the things that's different from when we were growing up a lot of us our generation had families it was husband and wife we're dealing with a lot of single parents now or divorce and one of the things that's becoming a major struggle because the one parent family is working so hard sometimes they don't have the time they don't have the energy to even engage with their children and this is some of the challenges that's happening now whilst in their mind i'm working hard to prepare a better life for you but they don't just want what you're going to leave for them they want you and the challenge is what i want to say to a lot of people that's probably watching now or single parents who are growing up children don't get so caught up being so busy that you forget your child needs to hear your voice if they don't hear you your voice is so important if they don't hear you they will hear another voice and whatever voice they hear that which will they become and so i think we need to have these conversation because i mean as parents are like beating up themselves because they don't have a relationship with their child or for example they find out something that's devastating about their child and it was like well why didn't you come and speak to me but you weren't there for me to speak to um and that's not a problem that's not that's not me having a dig at the parents because it's a demon we're trying to it's a curse you're trying to work so hard to try and build a life but at the same time once you're doing that though the child is is is needing communication mentoring needing conversation and so i want to say to a lot of people out there this is the challenge and then we have different curses that we're dealing with i say curses in terms of we especially people of color we're taught to hold things in yeah whatever happens in our house keep it in our house and um it's a slavery thing that's happened where you we we say to ourselves we are strong we can deal with this we don't need to talk about it i don't need nobody to help me i can go through this i can handle this and the truth of the matter is we think we can handle it and then we get to a point where we just absolutely fall apart therapy is not a bad thing yeah we were brought up to think you don't need no therapy counseling is is not a bad thing you don't need no counseling jesus is the wonderful counselor hello um i found out that every now and then your bishop i remember i went away on a health health situation can i just share this real quickly i went on a health situation because i was having all these kind of funny feelings in a health retreat health retreat and in that wealth health wealth praise the lord health and wealth in that health retreat i receive it i i was there and and they they literally were detoxing us for that whole week detoxing us externally and everywhere and we were having pure greens this and and what you call it they were um juicing everything and um but there was one point i had to sit down with a therapist and you know i thought you know i'm the bishop sit down here and she was taking me through this thing of telling me to relax and everything relax and i was relaxing and everything and she goes close your eyes and close your eyes and then i was like then she says i want you to have to be honest and even you had a bit of an attitude no i had a bit of an attitude first she's ready to throw me under the bus it's all right i had it attitude all right so all right let me be transparent i was like why do i need to go through this but i paid my money as a part of the package let's just do it so she was like close your eyes and this is where it got funny she goes now i want you to imagine you're inside your body i was like oh for god's sake inside my body and so all right let's do it and then she was talking about just imagine organs and all kinds of stuff and i was like what is this is this demonic you know your spiritual what's going on here anyway then she started to tell me to go through my body and everything and then she said um look at an organ and i and i imagined this organ inside of my body funny enough and then um all of a sudden i i kind of jumped the organ like i had something put and poked it and then all this blood came out in my imagination this whole imagination i weren't spiritually taken away i was all right but i was going through an imaginational therapist so so when she said she goes um what does that mean to you so i thought you mean what does it mean to me and literally this lady took me to a point when i got married before i got married now just a little story before i got married um with to pastor penny um i had a situation with my wedding clothes the person who was making my wedding clothes because my wedding was so sort of popular she was making clothes for a lot of people and i gave my money ages ago and i was supposed to pick up my clothes i went there to pick it up it wasn't ready that time penny's mom was making all the wedding clothes it was done months and months yeah and she kept asking me about my clothes and i felt so embarrassed i couldn't tell her because yes all right man it's safe it's cool and um on the day before my wedding i went and saw a piece of material on the bed and i thought this can't be my clothes this can't be my suit and it was and i had to keep myself calm and everything all right just to give a story um my wedding was was it three three four hours late how many hours late it's three three hours late and we had a bet a wedding was on a boat um i'm richard branson's boat it was a big posh thing and everything and the whole thing got messed up the point i'm trying to make i didn't know i was carrying this resentment for this lady i did not even know didn't even think about it because in my mind is you must almost messed up my wedding and what have you i only had two we only had an hour on the boat and we paid for four hours of the boat and we only had an hour because we were so late and i was carrying this resentment all of a sudden when she's talking to me i'm starting crying you know the bishop crying and i'm like and i'm like i'm so sorry because no it's all right because no i'm so sorry i felt like a fool i was like i am the bishop of ruac city church international i'm on tbnbt i'm on a word network i'm on god tv and this bishop is sitting down there crying like a baby about a wedding what i didn't realize that i'm holding in something go on with my life years gonna have children and these things and the reason why they were taking us through this therapy because they were saying it's not just about what you eat it's about your well-being and for the first time i had a detox of things that i was carrying i didn't know i was carrying and then i realized counseling and therapy is important when you're filled with the holy ghost and speak in tongues and prophesy and have word and knowledge you need to go through therapy that's good that's good that's good i think that's that's that's a great story and i'm seeing people laughing and saying what happened to your clothes did you get your clothes bishop sorted well you don't want to know that this the truth of the matter is the suit and everything was quite the pictures look really good pictures look good but i think it was did you tell me that it was held by safety people safety pin on one point we had to safety pin it nobody noticed and the pockets were inside out it was it was a disaster yeah but nobody knows it looks really good from the outside and the way we held it all up and praise god but you know that's kind of an analogy bishop maybe sometimes we're held together with safety pins and and we look good on the outside wow but there's a lot there's a lot going on inside and we found safety pins in our life that help hold us together um whether it's things that were said to us be tough be strong you know i mean for me i think i would say i my formative years were in a single parent household so i would say that when i looked at when i looked at my mum she was a hard worker and i think i took that on so she was a very hard worker i can remember on the sewing machine when we got up and we're getting ready for school she was on the sewing machine when we went to bed she was on the sewing machine she was um she was like a dressmaker and she had a shop and she was running a business and she was a very hard worker and i definitely took that on board all our family like me and my brother my and my sister we're all hard workers and um you can work hard and not realize that there's other things that need to be taken care of and so i remember um talking to her and wanting to ask her questions she said don't worry about that that's not important just get on with your education um and um i remember as well i think it's your mum that used to say this um if i was born big i would have killed my mother that's my dad if if i was born this size as an adult i would have killed you you know my mom would have died within me coming through the birth canal and what he was saying is that basically i was young too and i think if we um i learned with my daughters and they i'm a hard worker so i'm always working and but what they've learned to do now is say mom i know you're working but can i have a can we have a chat and i've learned that you know what every now and then i have to put the laptop down i have to stop and remember that there are other things that need to be dealt with because i'm very tasked and work focused and i think what you have to know about yourself like analyze yourself and realize how you prior to prioritize your life and then when you've got people who are dependent on you then think okay i need to bring a bit more balance so i definitely especially as the girls have got older um they have sort of interrupted me and and said can i have a talk can you come to my room i want to just have a talk listen oh my gosh i family don't have no challenge interrupting us we could be in the bed 3 a.m in the morning and they were coming and i'm like what what what what what and then you know i had a bad dream i like lord jesus but the the the the the report we have now is so important that it didn't happen no it didn't happen people know this didn't happen overnight it there was definitely some rough times people there was some right can i say i believe the change started when juanita had been sexually abused and we had to learn just a quick story um she had gone through abuse and when she had went through abuse um we had to go to court we didn't know a lot of stuff but what the worst thing was when we were in the case the newspapers were more concerned about me than the case they kept talking about rex at your church and what have you and the bishop and everything and we had to we had to move house we had to go in hiding um and stay in in stay in the park an apartment we didn't have and and um we were in a place where yeah it was in croydon in this one bedroom it was a two bedroom two bedroom because my mother was with five of us yeah my mum was with me so my mum was in one room and you know it was in the sofa room with your boyfriend he was in the sitting room yeah and we were sleeping in the sitting room and because of that every day they had to come here you had to have a call conversation because the tv was your bedroom yeah so it was like we kind of have to be there now yeah and now you get a bit jealous don't you why like if like the other day the other day right um and you have to understand this is a long journey we've been on because you know because listen the bishop said no but this helps yeah we can laugh now but there's been a lot of tears there's been a lot of not talking to this one or that one for days um there's been a lot of all weeks or a year and there's been a lot of misunderstanding and um if you're brought up a certain way and you think your way is the right way is our very old school very strict school very very strange very strict you know we're collectors i am a product of my dad my dad was a very strict person a no-nonsense person you were nervous of him you were frightened of him and i thought that's how a father should be until um certain situations happen that change anyway yeah because i was going to divert you yeah basically what i'm saying is that um your children or anyone that's around you will come and talk to you if they feel safe to talk to you which is a bit about what um elder karen was saying and a lot of the times our intentions was to have a good conversation and then it would just go left it would just be like i'd be like what happened and it would just be your perception of what rudeness is your if someone asks a question what kind of the way the question was asked the way the body posture all of these things like maybe to young people is nothing but to old school is like you know you're out of order you're rude you're facing get out of my presence kind of things you know what i mean and so there was a lot of rough times um but we definitely you can turn the corner but i think your young people in your home need to know that it's safe to come and talk to you and the way that they know they're waiting for the story oh yeah so no no so basically this is what i'm getting to the story so they need to know that it's safe to come and and talk so when we've got to this place now and the other day i think when you came in and said oh can you just come to my room i just want to have a talk a catch up so i was in a room i think i was there for about an hour maybe 45 minutes an hour i'm like where's my wife and so i came back in the bedroom and he goes oh so where was it oh when he just wanted to catch up she just wanted to talk she was oh i'm sorry do you think she wants to catch up with me knocked on her door and came and spoke from my perspective so imagine i've just finished airing myself like i'm good i'm feeling good i'm like yeah i can get out of my day and then i hear a knock at the door but it goes hi do you want to talk too i was like what is going on but we i didn't even have anything to talk about but i was like because he wanted to and he was so happy about it i was like let me just say again then but i think you know what i realized like they said it it's taken time like we've not always been that way one of the things he talked about for me and not to make it about us but one of the things when i went through molestation when you go for true trauma i wonder things and because of the case it was not talking so i was used to holding everything and then going off or exploding and so i had to learn unfortunately in my form of years what i should have been talking i wasn't so i had to learn how to communicate again and so something as simple as just having a conversation with my parents was like a meltdown for me every single time and so learning like now when i can get into a place that's like i actually can communicate and say i want to talk today i'd like to share this i want to say this and then feeling safe like they said so i think it's so important i want to go to elder charlotte on this one and then we're going to kind of wrap it up with our last thoughts um some of the people are saying you know what do you do when you've not had the background or if your experience of parenthood may be not what you expected um now you're older you're in your 30s so someone is saying they're in their 30s how do you deal because obviously some people didn't get the result maybe what they expected you know we can help this generation that's still coming up but for those who didn't have it um you know from your experience with education and also your personal experience um what would you say to those who are already in their 30s struggling with some of those challenges i think you know the sentiments have been shared today and i think um the whole conversation about being vulnerable does not come easy for everybody for some people they can't have a conversation with their child like you said because they're still carrying the trauma from past pain so to talk about that area with your child or to allow yourself to become vulnerable can be a painful moment for some people so i would say that it's important for people to be self-aware where am i at what are my challenges and to sometimes be able to align yourself up with someone that you do respect as a role model someone that you do see that you respect and honor and to sometimes come alongside them and just begin to build that rapport and that relationship because it means that they can you know there's a sense of accountability there there's an opportunity for them to mentor you or to counsel you and sometimes i think we get to a certain age in our 30s especially for us millennials where you kind of think you need to be independent and have it all together and so the moment when you realize that you don't you feel less than and that can be something that a lot of people are carrying i feel less stand because i can't be strong for my son and my daughter or i feel inadequate because i don't have what the world says i should have as a parent or i feel less than because i'm because i'm not strong and i'm still dealing with drugs and alcohol until trying to deal with past trauma so i think we have to be self-aware know that we are not whole completely healing is a journey it's not a destination and that we can come alongside healthy people god puts us in a church like this for us to come alongside people who are healthy still on that journey who can support us and i think we have to see one another as structures of support in order to make those transitions wow that was great that was really really good as we wrap this up um i think it's been so healthy i don't know what facebook is saying but i know youtube has really been um just commenting so much and i know that you guys i'm sure are enjoying um some of the dialogue that's taking place um in our last box and we're going to go to everyone individually now we're looking at solutions we're looking at this next generation is not coming anymore it's now you know and are we really ready and what can we do to make sure that this generation is ready what do you think young people need to hear what do you think the elders need to hear these are your thoughts and i'm i want to make sure that we're not just talking about church but as a community as kingdom um so let's go from elder ezra can we come back around so other israel yeah i was literally just going to say one of the questions that i saw um somebody was asking i think it ties in with your question um what how do you navigate in a family home if there's a single parent for example a single father that has daughters or a single mother that has sons there's certain things that their sons might not want to talk to their mum about um and then the certain things the daughters won't want to speak to their dad about so um i think it's a question more to the people should we ask that first and then we'll go to your comments what are your thoughts on if there's not uncles for example when there's not brothers older brothers how does a single mom um really get her sons or a single father how does he get their daughters into the position where they need to be but you know without stepping that boundary with male to female if that makes sense i think if there's no um adult that they can identify with um i think this is where um the church helps or there's other community organizations out there ngos that actually are there to support young people who may be going through different situations that because they're the female but they have an adult male they don't feel they can talk about and vice versa but also i know that in what i've seen in ruac is that a parent will actually contact us and say can you um get this a male elder to speak to my son or can you get a female elder to speak to my daughter so i've seen that happen so i think that would be the way to go really if there are no adults within the family that they could disseminate that sort of support from anyone else i mean for me i i and um sitting up and listening to the conversation and everything um i think one of the things that the church struggles with is is transition um passing on the baton and so forth and um in my reflection i'm looking back at you know life back home here seeing um what church was like back home and and i'm talking about you know just um on a whole the body of christ um back home you know how church was is say a person that the lord has blessed me and they've started church and it's that one person if they're married just that two individual running the church um being everything and there is no preparation or there's no training to transition to to the younger generation so you would have that pastor being he's the financial controller he's the pastor he's the counselor he's the everything in the church and and there was this struggle to to um to prepare people for transitioning to give and coming here and seeing church here and seeing the change it was like what's going on is is this the same thing going on here you know you see this kind of a freedom in trying to bring up the the bridging that gap so to speak between the the the older generation and the young younger generation so there's a bridging of the gap and and and for me you know when i um started ministry you know in rural accent church and and um you know i would probably ask just i mean i was over the singles ministry and sometimes i would be asking for stuff to be done and normally i think you know you know let's just do this let's just do this but then i get a break sometime nope you know and i'm thinking who is stopping things and i hear about the trustees and i'm like what is that you know trustees and and the accountability and the things that has to happen and i'm thinking oh my god so it's not just you know a one-man band yeah and stuff like that so there is a there is a structure that is in place and that question has to be answered and i have to learn i have to adjust to know that okay if i'm going to request to have an event i'm going to give enough time to make sure it goes through all the different structure before before you know i get to go ahead to have an event and so forth and i used to see that as a you know like what what you know they don't like the singles ministry what's going on they don't like us though what's good but then it's is is to to you know you you get to understand that there is a structure and that there is um a transition our training our you know and when i see youth ministries happening here and the youth at the freedom to do what they're doing and and we're training of the youths and stuff like that then it gives me that kind of confidence to say you know what i can see you know that the body of christ doesn't you don't have the church just dying with one person the past that god goes and then the church is is you know in in up war or stuff like that so it is good to see that structure and it's good to see i don't know if i answer your question but i just wanted to touch that to say you know that's what you know um seeing this and seeing this change and i think it's good to have this conversation in church it's good to to to you know have huge services and you know adults should come and and be a part of that so that we can you know share and transition well today to the younger generation and to show them that we are supporting you especially those that are in church in in in the house of god i remember once we were having and i finished with this one before i started i remember we were having a a elder's meeting and and there was you know a lot of conversation was i mean the young people are doing and they're wearing this and now your bishop is i'm so glad they're in the house i don't say what's special great on the boat i'm so glad they are safe you know and and it's so good to you know because and that was the focus back then the focus was you know being like a chastiser for people don't wear this don't do that don't do that and don't this and so forth and young people you run away young people but you know once you're in the house and be and they're here we're glad they're here none of us are perfect yes i mean and um we have to do our best so the bishop was i'm just so glad they're in the house i'm so glad they are safe you know and and that's where we need to be it's not so much more about the clothing or how we look i mean i had to transition my my because my daughter decided no daddy you're not wearing that house you're not going in that change put on that put on that hoodie and all this kind of thing so i'm kind of like looking like you know what you've got praise and i see the change the change is happening amen can i just say um thank you louie i just for those who are listening to us and didn't come from our background don't understand um pentecostalism where the the sort of the church was birthed out and holiness was about how you dress how you look um we were taught that you had to look the certain way and one of the challenges we had well especially in our church um we were told we couldn't have jewelry no makeup no this no what have you but the confusion was we were connected to an american church and the american church they could wear jewelry and makeup so it's like when they came from america over to our conventions it was like it was all right for them but if we did it it was like sin and we were like well why are we a part of that organization if that's headquarters and then they were like don't argue with us this see you can see sin is in you lot yeah and i was like hold on and it was really weird because these people would have all these jewelry and makeup and the same people who were like telling us about how to dress they were like when they were preaching they're like crying and speaking into oh what a powerful self did you feel the holy ghost and i was like well according to your doctrine they're not saved you know um and i remember having arguments with my father about all of this and i used to say to my dad i said dad it does not make sense some of the things we're saying the bible doesn't actually say it like that and you know it doesn't and my dad says you know what john i've been preaching it this way for years you will have your own church you do your own thing so i thought oh wow but my dad said that his biggest problem was because of the culture at that time and i think what we're dealing with now the church is coming out of the culture the culture the west indian culture yeah because some of it you know when you go to india and you preach in india they're going to have their saris and their bellies out so what they're not saved they're not going to heaven that's their culture and so i think we've got to think to ourselves some of the things that we're going on about is it that important right it's not doctrine it's not biblical doctrine it's some of our own personal tradition and culture and that has to we have to make it a distinction yeah i think that's important because i think what young people are realizing and i'm going to go to other show for your last thoughts and then we'll we'll round off with elder ezrick but i think what people are what people fail to realize is young people are readers now they've got access to information so they're getting understanding going wait a second well the bible doesn't quite say that and you know pulling us up there's days when we do our q and a's and i remember it was maybe a couple of weeks back and i think um you know people like so what about this and what about that and we were like let's read up on this again because the questions that are coming out nowadays are just beyond sometimes what we're remembering what we used to see the great thing about your generation you were allowed to question don't question us don't question god don't quit to question god it's sin and then i read in the bible if any man lack wisdom let him ask of god oh i can ask of god i can question god yeah that was the culture yeah and i think that's important is also having an understanding of cultures and boundaries because i remember my first trip to brazil and the the the pastor there was serving communion in shorts and i was like at first i was like that can't be right it's communion where's this clergy but then when you think about it's like 30 degrees who's wearing a clergy in 30 degrees and i really had a challenge at first because again i realized my culture even as as what i thought was liberal as i was in brazil was finding it difficult that this pastor was handing me communion in shorts and so i remember i came back and i was doctor shots that was like it took me a while to really focus my mind so i think even with young people we even still have moments where we have to say to ourselves is this what we've also been taught or is this actually in the word of god and i'm grateful that you shared that because a lot of people even in the comments were saying it's so important to be honest to say you know what i actually don't have the answer and i think that's also that doesn't happen sometimes so it's like you know what let me actually look this up let me reread this again um and you talked about i saw a comment in the chat that said um catch the fish before you scale it i like that so i think it's so important oh charlotte last thoughts what are we what can we do for solutions what's your heart when you're we're thinking about this topic and then we can wrap this up um i think we've we've spoken about quite a few solutions here but i think we're having and we're creating this forum for exchange and i think that's what's important for us to continue to create that culture of exchange i want to learn about your culture i want to learn about your background i want to learn about your humanity your history as much as the gospel but to see you in your fullness you know and and we have to start to to allow people access to us i think elder karen was saying that earlier to see us in our fullness and and not in the park you know sometimes we hide ourselves from people we don't want people to see all of us you know but god says he wants to see all of us you know he's not judging from the outside he's judging the inside so i think creating this culture of exchange is important um i'm listening to the rich dialogue that's coming out today bishop and in the back of my mind i'm thinking wow wouldn't it be awesome now don't judge me now um to have an awesome kind of leaders emerging leaders summit where you have the young people and the more mature people sharing that rich wealth of knowledge and experience and exchange and we just all on the same platform and we're doing it here but that was what was in the back of my mind whilst we were talking um and just one other point you know bishop was talking about the histories the histories that we're coming from and most of our histories talk more about inheritance than they do legacy inheritance is about what i can give you in terms of physical acquisition legacy is about who you leave behind what you've left in who you leave behind you know but those people just online just need to remember that you have something you can deposit there's something you can share from your goods and from your beds and we've got to help to create that that culture of exchange i love it i hope that you guys have enjoyed this conversation i'm seeing the comments and again i want you guys to i think one of the thoughts before i hand over to elder ezrick is that i think it's so important and again i want to encourage you guys who are here to have the conversation if there's nothing that you haven't heard echoed throughout today continue to talk continue to have conversations have conversations across the generations hard conversations conversations that won't always end well but at the end of the day one of the things i can say from being in those conversations again young people can act like they don't hear but they do they bank it and a lot of the times they may not say thank you straight away it may be like two weeks later or a month later but know that they're listening and again even with the elder generation again be patient know that they are trying their best there's so much going on out there the things we hear today um as bishop said they can sin from their phone um at the the constant vocabulary that we're having to update ourselves with because things are just changing overnight um you know even simple things like pornography the challenges that people are dealing with um you know that go beyond some of the our remits honestly in our training and it really does take the church community and i think the last thing i would love to point out is that one of the things that i realized especially when i came over kilburn location a lot of our young people were coming out of homes that were unsaved and you'll be surprised how much the church community they valued so think about it this if they're getting abused at home and then they come into church and you tell them how their clothes are tight and they're this and they're that remember they're leaving an abusive home to come to a community that's meant to spread love and they're telling them something that is wrong with them so i want to say that because that happened a lot and i would literally break when i'd hear some of the stories sometimes we had to call i remember one time i mean ezra was on the phone talking to her dad because a dad of a child because the dad thought that child was lying i wasn't coming to church i was going to a club or something and we were like no it's true my name is elder when he uh what do you mean you're an elder you know because our age and stuff like that and we're having to communicate culture to him because he thought his child was lying and this is some of the things that they're dealing with just to come to church just to come to church can you imagine before you even get out the door so i really want to encourage some of the parents and even those who don't have kids if you see a young person encouraging them tell them they're beautiful tell them they're amazing speak life you don't know how little those little things means is so much to them so i just wanted to round up with that point i want to again thank everyone for your contribution today with the um discussion and all those online um thank you so much again i want to encourage you even when this is over make sure you share share with your young people maybe have you know one of the things i love someone said they did this last time they sat with their children and watched it together and then had a dialogue so maybe try that again if you've got a parent maybe you don't know how to communicate why don't you watch it together and then have a dollar ask them one of my things my dad used to do is go do i do that it was like yeah and he wasn't you know he really didn't deal i didn't think oh god i'm sorry did i really do that again sometimes in the moment we don't know what we're doing so i think again that could be another way of doing that um absolutely thank you again elder karen can we just give them a hand and again also to elder charlotte and to elder louis and to bishop amen and to co-pastor penny um i think we're going to just stay here for time but if you want to just um he's going to close us out with an exhortation um on purpose and i believe that god is going to just really um cement what he's been doing again we hope that you've been encouraged by this um as we transition amen god bless you come and put your hands together one more time can we just stand to our feet just for a moment come on stretch your legs and let's you know you want to move out a little bit we've been sitting for a little while you want to stretch a little bit it's all right you can stretch you know within your bubbles don't not too much amen we just thank god for everything that has been said and done this afternoon in this conversation so i'm just going to share a quick word with you let's jump into ecclesiastes verse chapter number three um verse number one um ecclesiastes chapter three um we're going to read just one verse um and i won't be before you long thank you um i won't be before you long i promise i know you'll be getting nervous when preachers say that but [Music] um ecclesiastes chapter three and verse number one um to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven i'm going to read that just one more time to everything there is a season a time for every purpose under the heaven father we thank you for your word and for this short time we have to hear what you have to say to us father i pray this word will come forth with clarity and precision in jesus name amen you may be seated i don't really have a title per se for this message but maybe by the end of it you'll have one um so where where as we've just had a great conversation about legacy um one of the things that came to me straight away was to look at purpose um to look at seasons and to look at time um and this is a great scripture and el dorado will know i was trying to find i was trying to preach something else but this thing literally just wouldn't leave me alone and then on friday if anybody was i'm tuned into the night of prayer elder clinton and elder louis then jumped on this same scripture so i knew god was was saying something so in the natural when we look at seasons um it speaks of spring summer autumn and winter you know in in the uk we can have all of those seasons in the space of five hours um but most places in the world have them seasoned separately um so we uh the when i studied this and when i looked at it it says that the seasons are actually governed by different weather patterns and then it says that the out the daylight hours are what really change or cause the change of the season it also talks about the kind of the position and the proximity from the earth to the sun so this is what deciphers the seasons how close the earth is to the sun so you would notice when it gets towards the summer months it stays lighter for much longer in the winter it will get darker around four or five o'clock is is dark like proper night time in the summer sometimes 7 8 going towards nine they're still like and so i looked at this and i i just started getting excited because um elder clinton mentioned this on on friday that what we are currently experiencing what we are currently dealing with is not going to last forever something something somebody ought to get excited i don't know about you but we've been in a rough situation the last 13 14 months but not that thing is a temporary assignment it has a temporary purpose but the issue is if we don't learn the lessons that we are meant to learn in that season or in that time that's what causes the season to be prolonged if in in the education system if you don't learn what you're meant to learn in the period of time allocated you then have to repeat the year because you didn't learn what was allocated for that season and so some of us the reason why we're frustrated is because it's almost like we're repeating a season so i looked at the next thing the next thing that the scripture mentions is time and we we know that seconds minutes and hours that make up days and and weeks and months and years and time is something that some of us have good time management some of us have bad time management some of us are the people that will rather be early than late some people want to turn up fashionably late so you all can show off your outfits and situation everyone's sitting down by time you turn up so time is time is something that is a process us time allows us to go through what we need to go through and we're talking about legacy now and as as pastor penny referred to uh some of us have had more time on the earth so if you're 50 60 you've had a certain amount of time which means you've been able to process things for a longer period of time and that's why a lot of the older generation get frustrated with the younger ones because it's like you just got here and you're telling me how to do something when i've been here for a long time so i looked a little further times and seasons they're almost similar but what i realized is god lives outside of time the bible says he knows the end from the beginning and so sometimes when he speaks something to us regarding our purpose he has spoken it from a place that is not restricted by time so right where we are right now the season that we're in the times that we're in we cannot see how this purpose is going to come out because right now this the struggle or the issue is quite bad is anybody here what we're dealing with right now is quite i never forget i was talking to a young person and they were saying to me the reason why i'm frustrated is because you always prophesying to me and telling me i'm going to be traveling and the lord has called me to something international and i'm going to be going in between countries and then the lockdown happened where we can't travel did anybody get them kind of words where some you get a word from the lord you would jump in you shout in and then something happens that is like an oxymoron something happens that's like the opposite of what god just told you is going to happen but the issue is if we do not learn the lesson while we are in this season what should have happened yeah let me leave that alone i believe some of the reason why we're in certain positions now as a nation is because maybe some of the lessons we was meant to learn about this thing in 2020 we did not learn so we had to go back into lockdown because we didn't learn certain lessons we didn't put certain things in place and so one of the things i've got three points and then i'm done the first thing that god said to me ezra i need you to to release in the house this afternoon and for those of you watching online is that the tables are turning i did i need somebody to write that in the chat maybe you put your hand on your own chest and say the tables are turning we spoke about tables uh in the in the conversation where tables were are created for for fellowship for unity to have conversation tables are also when you look at it are for official where official meetings take place i know because of kovid you know we do know these meetings on zoom and microsoft teams but before people were sitting around a table anytime people gathered around a table it was for an important meeting something official but a table is also where official documents are signed where certain laws are passed they're always there's always a table present and sometimes in this season if we're honest with us it looks like where these things are happening the tables uh the the round table meetings that they would call it these kind of things that are happening look like they're against us the decisions that have been signed off on some of these tables have been against us the decisions that have been signed off has afflicted us but i've came to prophesy to maybe about 15 people in here i don't know who the 15 are but god says the tables are turning that means what was working against you now has to work for you i want somebody just to decree that the tables are turning the second thing that god dropped in my spirit i told you i've got three points and i'm done he says tell them you will not miss another moment i said god what does that mean he says some of us have been doing the right thing at the wrong time but what god is saying to us in this season i am positioning you at the right place at the right time so this time whatever didn't work last time it would work this time he said to me ezra many of us have been stuck over this pandemic not sure how we're going to get out of it not sure how long it's going to last not sure if the promises of god concerning our life are going to come to pass but he said those of us that are stuck we are are being unplugged today it's like it's like you know when you're in sync at quicksand it says the more you struggle it's the more you go under but in this year the uh the bishop declared that this is the year to stand and so it might it might not make sense to you but the struggle is over there's no more time to struggle because the more you're struggling is the more time the more time you're spending getting in the sinking sun but god says in this season i want you to stand don't tell nobody tell yourself i won't miss another moment the last thing is and this is it i'm done for real god says to me tell them the anointing i'm releasing in this season is that of the sons of issachar according to first chronicles 12 and 32 the sons of issachar had an understanding of the times this speaks about discernment now those two points that i i raised that the tables are turning you will not miss another moment this is only going to come when we receive that anointing to understand the times that we are in that that's only going to work when we understand that i think elderly said it we cannot do what we were doing before and expect a different result we cannot do the same thing i think it was einstein that said that's insanity when you're doing the same thing expecting a different result but i'm here to tell you today that god is releasing an anointing where we will understand the times that we are living in and the bible lets us know in that scripture that i read if you go on a little further in ecclesiastes chapter number three it lets us know that there's a time for everything under the heaven that means there's a time to sow and a time to reap a time to give and think and you know you know you know the story if you don't you can read it after this but what i'm trying to help you understand is this that god has set the time before the foundations of the earth 2020 did not traumatize god neither did it concern him because before the time was set he knew what 2020 would look like he knew what 2021 would look like and here the word of the lord comes to us is i'm giving you the ability now to understand the times so you know when to trade so you know when to invest your money am i talking to anybody in here you know when it's time to plan you know when it's time to move on where to where it's time to stick with what you're doing and while all hell is breaking loose you will have an understanding of the time so i want to decree three things to you and i'm done the first thing is that the tables are turning in your favor the second thing is you will not miss another moment some of us have been struggling because moments have kept passing us by and we feel insignificant and we feel invalid because we've missed a moment but this is the last time you will miss a moment god says i believe the scripture says time and trust happened to us all and i don't know who i'm preaching to today but there's a chance coming to somebody there's a time and a season coming to somebody where what was a bet against you has to work for you i guess somebody to decree to yourself it's gonna work for me it's gonna work for me and the prerequisite is this you've got to stand on the word of god what did god tell you what did god promise you what did he show you in your dreams what did he show you in your vision that's what you got to stand on and so ezrick what are you trying to say i'm trying to tell everybody in kilburn i'm trying to tell everybody watching on youtube listening on d.a.p watching on facebook watching via the rack app all the lights are green every to every place where there was a red light that you were stopped and you was hindered and you couldn't progress and you couldn't advance and you had to slow down to let somebody else go the lord told me to tell you all the lights are green ezra what does that mean where there was a note there will be a yes where they would say that there will be success when there was lack there will be abundance where there was defeat there will be victory what am i trying to say what the enemy meant for evil god's gonna turn it around for your good i know where social distance is but right in your seat i tell you just to turn around because as you turn it around showing the natural showing the spiritual all the lights hungry [Music] so he says tell them tell them what was against you now works for you according to the purpose that is in us and so i want to encourage you i'm done for real god says the anointing i'm releasing in this season is that you understand the times some of us are frustrated because we're not sure when's the right time to do this thing when's the right time to make this transaction right time to leave that job when's the right time to start my family when's the right time but the anointing that god is releasing this afternoon is that you understand the times why so that the purpose that is in you may be fulfilled bishop always teaches us about that word purpose he puts the place in you before you arrive at that place and so i decree in the name of jesus some of you that are going to interviews the person interviewing you is going to say i feel like i've seen you somewhere before maybe that was that i heard one hallelujah that's one person that received it i said they're going to look at you and say where have i seen you before [Music] thinking that it's been in the natural but you were there before you got there your spirit has already experienced this thing your flesh is just trying to play catch up [Music] but it is according to the purpose that god has put in you now i know this work plan can someone um get bishop and mike please i know i know we didn't plan this bishop but i know you have to know where you are spiritually and certain things the father of the house have to release amen come on it comes with understanding the times and so bishop i just want you to pray and release that anointing to understand the times please hallelujah everybody stand if you can you at i really believe keep that flow the lights are green let me say that one more time the lights are green your days have been stopped has come to an end [Applause] father we just thank you we hear you today we know you have spoken to us thank you for your servant that has released this word and we now embrace the word that has been released to this house we decree and declare in the name of jesus that we are now under the spirit of issachar understanding the times knowing exactly what to do our days of confusion is over i decree in the name of jesus that we will walk in the assignment that you have called us and we will know what to do we will not be thinking of what to do but will you know that we have walked into our season and i'd agree every demonic power then will try to stop you will no longer be able to stop you i command in the name of jesus that you will be pushed into your season you will be pushed into your destiny i decree that the doors will swing wide open you will walk in confidence and that which god has spoken over your life will be manifest in the name of jesus and as you clap your hands i decree and declare right now that we will be rejoicing for the things that god has spoken we will see manifestation and it will follow after us we'll be blessed in the city we'll be blessed in the field we'll be blessed when you come you'll be blessed when you go blessings will overtake you in the name of jesus and as you clap your hands and shout one more time i decree every wall every hindrance everything that blocks you is about to come down now in jesus name amen amen come and put your hands together and let's give brother praise the word of the lord has come to the house that all the lights are green whatever was he during you in your last season is over it's over some of you when you get to your house you've got to declare it it's over it's over my season has shifted my season has changed and now i understand what i'm in i understand what i'm dealing with is there anybody that's excited about this new season hallelujah there's somebody watching online there's somebody that may even be in this building that you might not know the lord jesus christ as your personal savior and some of you will say well preacher i hear what you're saying but there's something that is missing in my life you may have all the money you may have all the things that you want and need but there's something that is missing in your life we wouldn't dare close a service without giving somebody the opportunity to say yes to jesus today we wouldn't dare close this service without giving the opportunity to introduce you to this man called jesus who is this man that was without sin took on sin paid the price where we were guilty he would say i'll take it for them and he died on the cross just for each and every one of us and the bible says if you believe in your heart confess with your mouth the lord jesus christ then you shall be saved i'm going to ask you all to just be seated that are in the sanctuary at this moment and if that's you you're in this house and you want to give your heart to the lord i'm just going to ask you to stand just right where you are right where you are we're gonna ask you to stand if you're online right where you are in your home at work in your car wherever you're listening to this broadcast from god can save you right where you are and so we're asking if there's anybody in this building that today you want to make that commitment maybe there's somebody that stepped away walked away from god and you're saying today i want to come back to him i want to recommit my life to christ right where you are just ask you to stand and those of you online [Music] you can participate in this too in fact there's somebody that's watching me right now you on the verge of giving up even this week it's like bad news after bad news after bad news after bad news and you're saying what's the point of living anymore but in the name of jesus i speak life to you i speak life to your spirit i speak your spirit shall be revived i speak you will come back to your first love i send the holy spirit who is the comforter to you right where you are he knows you by name he said i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you and so i speak life i speak strength that speaks peace into your life and we're going to say this prayer it's called the prayer of salvation as i said if you believe in your heart confess with your mouth the lord jesus christ then you shall be saved and so we're going to pray this prayer of salvation if you're watching online i'm asking you to repeat this prayer after me and the information will be on the screen of how you can connect with our website there's a tab called the new believers we want you to click on that and connect with us we want to give you information we want a fellowship with you any questions you may have you can ask them in a smaller setting where we can break down the word of god to you so everyone i want you to repeat this prayer after me say dear lord jesus i come before you now lord i know that i'm a sinner and i need you to be my savior lord i confess that you are lord of my life now satan i do not belong to you i belong to jesus and i am now saved in jesus name amen it's as simple as that if you said that prayer for the first time please do go to our website uh where we will be able to give you some information welcome to the family of god in fact if you're online i want you to say i'm saved just write in the comment section i am saved on facebook youtube just right i am saved in jesus name god bless you elder karen is coming to us at this time in jesus name receiver oh elder william it's me can we give god thanks for the word of god amen now let me tell you something elder israel i know you i know you you're in the holy ghost i'm gonna tell you something that happened that was really i didn't know you know some things happen to you you don't know that it's happening to you until it's happening to you does that make sense right so when i was on my way here right i was driving like i do on my way and i was coming around towards edgeware road and they were having a car boot cell right so they had you know boots open and tables and in the middle of this this table just literally turned over and came in the road and as it turned over it came in the road i heard the words the tables are turning but i just thought i mean it's literal yeah okay and i ignored it and i just waited for them to move the table out of the road and i started driving and then weirdly enough i get to you know as you get to the top where edgerow road and you're turning right into kilburn high road and you're coming towards our entrance and the car park is on the right right so i'm coming down the top but you get to that light and what happened was the light was green but you know some people they keep walking anyway i said my windows down and the guy goes stop stop her light is green then he gets here and he says the tables are turning as i was going in there like what this happened to me on my way in the car and i was going to ignore it because i didn't think anything of it so i really believe god is literally saying that the tables are turning literally and you will not miss your moment i need you to hear what he said the tables determined you are not missing your moment and guess what you will understand the times i'm telling you i don't care i saw a table in the middle of the road that was good enough for me [Music] um when he was saying that i literally said to myself and i said okay god i hear you and i want i want to challenge us i really want to challenge this i've given my time already i do it by direct debit but i want to challenge us to give today i really believe that there's a special anointing on today and i felt it from this morning and many of you've heard um i don't play when it comes to things like this but i really felt like god was saying to me on the way when i was literally um um praying about today one of the things i heard god saying he said this to me said there's going to be major entrepreneurship happening in the body of christ and when he first spoke to me he spoke to me about america but he brought this back to me and i said to my dad this scripture you know when the bible says that the israelites and i want you to hear this online the bible says the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew you guys remember that the bible says literally the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and i thought when i first heard it i heard it from america like i said i was praying for them and i thought it was just about you know what's going on in the black community but what god literally spoke to me said when he is bigger than does that it's about the kingdom of god he said literally the enemy has been after the church for so long but he doesn't realize he's not learned the lesson that the more they afflicted them the more they multiply and grew and if you look at the scripture remember it ends with them leaving with egypt with the gold from the servants and stuff on their backs remember the bible if i'm not mistaken it says they put them on their children it put them on the generations and what i realized was god says even your affliction you're about to walk up with more than what you came in with you're missing what i'm saying he said to me in this season the kingdom of god is not going to have to go to banks and beg people anymore that in fact what i'm going to do is raise up a generation with wealth on their shoulders you're missing what i'm saying at home i need you to hear the prophetic word i'm not talking about i know we're used to it where it's like the churchy thing let me worship and shout and it's great now i need you to hear specific this is this is what he said the more they afflicted them so listen this if you have been afflicted in this season this is the prerequisite if you've been afflicted in this season in any way especially in your finances god said to tell you the more they afflict you the more it looks like you can't pay your bills the more it looks like you can't make ends meet is the more i'm about to multiply it and allow it to grow and so god gave me this word and i want you to join me today i need you if you can young people i'm going to challenge you because let's not lie we buy our yeezys we get our hair and we spend good money when we want to look good okay but i want to challenge my young people today i want you to if you can and i'm not talking about let me do it today and then i don't pay my times next week no that's not what i'm talking about i want you to get a special seat today if you can join me with 50 pounds because i believe god is about to literally cause businesses to open up i believe the tables are turning some of you that have struggled to get stuff off the ground he's going to do it do you hear me but not online i'm telling you i really believe that god is going to literally cause us to walk into generational wealth i said it to my dad and i know sometimes i say things but i really believe there's going to come a time that whether we collect often or not it doesn't matter you know to have that faith i'm saying wouldn't it be great that we can just do things and we don't if we collect an offering or not it doesn't matter because we have it in the house i believe that that's what's about to take place i want to challenge even those at home i want to see i'm looking at your comments i want you to comment if you're going to say i'm going to add to my offering and give 50 pounds i believe that god is going to do some great things and again we've got so much vision for our young people we want to do so many great things with this this pandemic ain't stopping us young people is it pandemic is nothing we want to do great things we want to put on shows we want how many want to see stuff happening with the younger generation and so i believe that when you so when you partner with us when you do things we will see those things manifest but i'm telling you i literally i want to challenge even if you're online and you're a business owner maybe you're not even a christian let me tell you business owners understand the law of seeds they tithe they may not talk to churches but they type you know so we've got to understand that when we give when we sow when we when we put our seed in the ground it's good ground how do we know that breaks been good ground right see i know some of you at home can't see you the hands are up iraq is good ground i can say it for myself i've been there when i've not had money when i've not had finances and i used to tithe to have the money i get from you know job seekers and it was universal credit now and and i'll be like god come on man and i watch god open doors i've watched god literally put money in my hands i mean one time i was sitting there and i had literally no money in my hand and i thought i remember bishop said so a special scene i saw 20 pounds before i put it before i even put it in the pot some woman came up behind me and put 40 pounds in my hand i got double what i was about to sow i'm trying to tell you god is not a god to be mocked in this season i'm telling you he's going to help you to understand the times and i believe as i said the more they afflicted them the more they multiply they left with more than what they ever came in with they left they went in as slaves but guess what they came out with gold on their backs that's wealth that's well so i want to encourage you to sew those at home i want you to get your seed i know we're doing online giving so you can sew literally by direct debit you can sell it by online transfer um you can do um i'm forgetting all of the ones now that they can do thanksgiving um literally you can sew um there's so many ways to give now and i want to encourage you as i said i want those who are gonna if you're gonna join me and give a special seat today i just want you to wave at me just wave at me thank you thank you because i'm gonna also pray over that seed too i believe that god especially if you're someone who wants to start a business i believe i'm telling you this is the perfect time this is the perfect time especially if you're on furlough and you're trying to figure out write those proposals write those things down write the vision make it plain some of you are good with your hands write the vision at home write the vision i believe god is about to do something we're going to draw us our eyes to the screen for the information on how to give and we'll be right back after in giving in our this today and if you've been blessed and you'd like to join us also you can do so we know that god will bless you and he will favor you as you give the lord loves a cheerful giver and we know that when we give to him he gives back to us press down shake together and running over we want that blessing for you also so if you would like to give today follow the instruction video that you're about to see how to give by bank transfer if you would like to set up a standing order or make a direct payment to ruac city church for your ties or offering please use the following details 9607 how to give online go to the ruac city church website and click the giving tab at the top of the page select your chosen offering type for example your tithes all you need to do now is enter the amount it's really simple follow the instructions on screen to complete the transaction we hope you have a blessed day but thank you guys as it showed on the screen there's all those ways to give we're going to read our decree amen we're going to say the decree together um so you can stand we're going to decree over this offering if you've got your seed if you've got your phone you'd get by your phone you could just hold your phone up or however you ought to give and i know we'll be collecting the seed at the end for those who are in the building but we're gonna decree this um decree and afterwards i want you to say amen okay um it says according to god's word in job 22 and 28 the things i decree shall be established in jesus name i decree that 2021 is my year to stand in agreement with ephesians 6 and 11 i put on the whole armor of god so that i will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil in jesus name i decree that in 2021 i will walk by faith and not by sight i decree that when i hear bad news i will stand firm remain steady trust god and stay focused on his word in jesus name in 2021 i will be steadfast unm immovable and always abounding in the work of the lord i'm standing on god's word as a giver and a tither so all financial curses are broken off my life therefore i decree quick progress in my money business health job property education and all that pertains to me in jesus name i decree that in 2021 god builds a hedge of protection around me and my family in jesus name i decree that everything opposing my success will be completely destroyed in jesus name in 2021 i will rejoice always pray continually give thanks in all things in agreement with god's will in christ jesus i decree that in 2021 i stand in the power and authority of the name jesus i decree that i will have victory over all schemes of the enemy principalities powers and the evil rulers of the unseed world in 2021 i will stand in jesus name now i want to read this scripture because this is what the lord gave me when i was in the car we said this over the youth um maybe probably about now two years ago and he brought it back to me and i this is what i decree is going to happen to all those who are so especially online um if you're sewing online especially i want you to say that's me come on right in the chat that's me and for those in the buddha who said i'm going to show i'm so a special seat today this is what i want to decree over you it's amos 9 and 13 is in the message translation it says yes indeed it won't be long now god's decree things are going to happen so fast your head will swim one thing fast on the hills of the other you won't be able to keep up everything will be happening at once and everywhere you look blessings blessings blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills i'll make everything right for my people israel they will build their ruined cities they'll plant vineyards and drink good wine they'll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables and i'll plant them plant them on their own land they'll never again be uprooted from their land i've given them god your god says so so i decree in this human season that amos 9 will be over your life even online i speak and declare that you will see blessings so much that your head is going to swim i decree you're going to be so blessed that you'll have to bless others i decree that the more the enemy tries to inflict you in your finances is the more your violence will multiply and grow i decree i said that the more the enemy tries to afflict you in your finances is the more you'll see your finances multiply and grow i speak prosperity i speak vision i speak increase i speak business opportunities i decree and declare you'll get the grant that you need i decree declare that the finances will come i decree the business partners will come in the name of jesus i decree that everything your hands touch will be blessed i decree the blessings of deuteronomy 28 over your life you'll be blessed in your coming and blessing your coming and the queen declared that you'll be blessed from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet i decree your children's children will be blessed and we to create that if you believe it cut your hands if you're home i dare you to cut your hands or put the fight emoji if you decree and declare you believe that the more they afflict you is the more you multiply i speak multiplication i speak multiplication i speak multiplication in the name of jesus hallelujah in the name of jesus and we decree it done i really feel that i speak multiplication i speak testimonies i decree by tuesday morning someone's gonna work wake up with money in the account that they didn't expect i decree and it's not money that they're gonna say i need to take it back i decree it's money that you'll be able to keep in your account i decree things that have been held up and delayed money that's owed to you will be in your count i speak even the things that has happened from family and you've been waiting on it i decree money will find you in the name of jesus i speak my young people who own properties that you will not be in a place where you can't get on the financial ladder i speak that you have houses i decree that you'll have apartments and you won't go broke i decree in the name of jesus you'll break the statistics and you will own things in the name of jesus i speak over your life that you have cars and you can pay out in cash yes i decree i speak of the young people that you will not lose your mind i come against every depression of your mind i speak that your walk in the fullness of what god has said i decree that you're walking the limit of relaxity church which means when bishop gets blessed you get less also i decree that what flows from the head down will hit your life we capture every curse of your life that's been in your family and your bloodline we declare a blood transfusion in the spirit realm you will have the dna of ruach in the name of jesus i bring fresh life into you i speak fresh life into you i capture the assignment of the words of your parents the words have been spoken over you you will live and not die you will prosper you are the head and not the tail i speak to young people at home don't think you can't come back you are welcome back we love you the same no sin is great no sin is great no sin is greater than the love of god he loves you regardless he loves you even in your mess he loves you even in your skin i speak of returning and the queer returning at the korea returning of young people i call you home i call you back i call you back satan you will not win section you will not have them we call you back we call them we call them back we snatch them from the principality of hell and we call them back [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i don't care what the news say about young people you will prosper you're attached to greatness you're attached to greatness let me tell you as bishop said we're not perfect none of us are perfect we may have let you down through the pandemic we may not have done everything right but we love you trust me we love you we're praying when you don't even know and i'm telling you we're rooting for you to win whether you stay here or not whether you go about your separate ways guess what we're still rooting for you to win you will win you will prosper you will become you will win you will prosper you will become [Music] in jesus name sorry i just have to flow with what i felt my spirit amen thank you jesus i decree up i see this blessed in jesus name amen um we're about to wrap up but before we wrap up we're going to just get some announcements and i just want to thank those again for all those who have been online um and just been connecting with us i believe that god has done something great today hasn't it been fruitful have you enjoyed yourself it's been absolutely awesome to be back i've missed our youth to see them worshiping god trust me i needed that this morning definitely cheered me up and so let's go to the activities and then we'll hear from our bishop to close us out in prayer rumak city bible institute's short courses are now open head to our website and find courses for your personal and spiritual development we have courses to help you manage your finances and be financially literate we have courses to help your prayer life we provide sessions teaching you to become a better more effective and more engaging street evangelist equipping you to answer and respond to questions workshops to improve your essay writing skills reaching a high level and courses teaching you how to study your bible a supportive team will assist and encourage you every step of the way this is the year to invest in yourself and build a strong foundation register now www.ruaccitychurch.org [Music] the rap store is now open where you can read bishop john francis's book titled walking in your assignment what is your purpose and destiny why does it seem that something is missing inside your life and how can you satisfy the deep yearning the restlessness inside of you you can also read when choice and purpose collide when tourists on purpose collide is an essential read for anyone feeling trapped by life head to the right store now and be blessed if you want your book to be seen by thousands and added to the store please contact us at admin react citychurch.org and receive more information on how to join the rock store is now open are you looking for a place to advertise your business do you have a product the world needs to see well partner with rock radio rec radio is back bigger better and stronger than ever we have shows talking about relationships faith business and much much more and of course we have shows dedicated to new and classic gospel music to partner with rural radio please contact us at admin citychurch.org [Music] at we're at city church we are looking for people to join our team and become a presenter we will help you craft your skills and you'll be working with an amazing passionate super fun team if you're nervous about what to do don't worry we'll show you the ropes if you're interested please contact us at admin repsitychurch.org [Music] are your children missing church do they miss talking to other children about god and life well welcome to the rap kids online sunday program where they have their own dedicated service which includes singing discussions and games with the guidance of rap city church elders for more information please go on to the right city church website or you can email us at admin at throughout citychurch.org [Music] at city church we are looking for people to join and volunteer our growing social media team join us in creating amazing content for our thousands of followers across facebook instagram and twitter this role will provide you with social media and community building experience you will gain a wide range of social media management skills you'll also learn how to monitor campaigns and develop vital social media and digital marketing skills for your career to apply please send your cv to admin citychurch.org all applicants must have some professional media experience bonnie clap your hands one more time amen hallelujah we want to thank god for a wonderful service we give god thanks again for our youth let's put our hands together for them thank you um for a wonderful service to um uh elder ezrick what a word and we received that word in the name of jesus well just want to say to all of you are watching us online thank you for joining us do me a favor share share share share and if you can press the fun button if you're watching us on youtube that would be nice that helps us in the logarith algorithms i understand um just share this message with somebody and allow them to be blessed by the word of the lord we're here next week we're here on wednesday for bible study don't miss this time in the lord amen give god praise as we say bye-bye to our audience right now that is watching us may the lord bless you may the spirit of the lord encourage you clap your hands one more time [Music] hallelujah god bless you we're about to allow you to webcast today please be sure to visit our website www.ruapcitychurch.org to find out more about us don't forget to subscribe to our youtube facebook and instagram if you would like to help us as we help others through our ministry efforts and endeavors you can visit our giving page at www.thereworkcitychurch.org we hope you can join us for our next webcast until then it is our prayer that you stay safe and stay well god bless you you
Channel: Ruach City Church
Views: 4,187
Rating: 4.9515152 out of 5
Keywords: Church, God, Faith, Gospel, Sermon, Christian, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Id: L4jhpu26U_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 28sec (9928 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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