I'm Staying | 13.06.2021

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welcome to react live broadcasting live from our kilburn location you can listen to and watch this service on ruac radio ruach's youtube facebook and instagram channels plus our app and website welcome to live everybody welcome welcome to react live welcome thank you so much for joining us we are your lovely presenters for today i am nero and i'm stefan and we are so happy that you guys are tuning in what a day today the sun is shining out great weather it's been yeah it's been it's been a great week actually your weather how's your week been um you know it's been it's been really good actually um you know just like i said enjoying the world you know got to go to the park with a few friends yesterday my birthday on monday so oh wow give me a birthday shout out come on guys and happy birthday happy birthday um but yeah we won't guess how old you are yes we'll leave that tell us in the comments where you guys are tuning in you know the drill tell us guys we want to greet everyone streaming and watching us via youtube facebook the ab radio as well you all yes tell us guys what location you guys are from as well birmingham um philadelphia as well our birmingham locations yeah i know some of our locations are also in the building as well yes um i think um bishop john francis is going to be with him in the birmingham location so wow it'll be great for them amazing yes yes yes i'm sure i'm i'm not sure bishop been in them quite well it'll be great for them to have bishop with them today absolutely um well today we've got past the penny and we are past the penny so we're both blessed exactly exactly exactly and we've actually got the message title yes we have the interesting title should we reveal that to them all right guys so the title of today's message is called i am staying i am staying here guys as well i mean i can't wait to see how pastor penny breaks it down you know she always loves to break down the word exactly exactly good teaching you know that we will need so that's right guys please that's correct share this video share it on youtube share it on facebook tell your friends and family we just want to reach an even wider bigger audience guys we can't keep this to ourselves exactly tell everyone about you don't know who you can reach you know just like one share on facebook that's exactly you know that one what's that message you don't know who's gonna tune in and you know you don't know how goes that it's a form of evangelism as well we've gotta we gotta reach out so guys please also subscribe guys yeah so you don't miss out any other videos uh you can tap the notification bell so you know every time we're on yes and also um on youtube you can uh hit the thumbs up button you know we can go up into algorithms and we can you know we can show up on more people's timelines and things like that so you know it's all a help right that we could do exactly yeah we've got loads of youtube comments coming here yeah yeah i've got a few facebook assault you wanna youtube jesus keeps shout out from london watching from london welcome amen philip henry saying blessed afternoon everyone amazing to you phillip here by whitney d saying greetings to everyone great welcome thank you everyone for coming on have you got anyone offering yes i've got um pauline richards she's a killer knight shout out all my kilbernates we've got kitty bonnie hello hello well done young ministers god's blessings thank you so much yes god bishop on here as well good morning everyone i've also got hilda campbell says afternoon saints yes um so yes it's just a blessing to have everyone on line with us in this time of fellowship and you know what it definitely feels great to be in the building you have one hand it feels really good so i'd encourage you all guys if you could be in the building with us please register register register register kilburn and birmingham are open so guys please if you can get to either one of those locations join us join us join us because it's so great being here yeah so we have a few announcements that we yeah i just want to share with you yeah so um our first one was a discussion yes that is the discipleship class which is going to be taking place and if you think this applies to you so if you have just given your life to christ and you want to find out more about god about bible about the bible about learning how to read the bible study the bible this course is definitely for you it's going to be a 12-week program so it's going to be on zoom every thursday at 7 00 pm 7 pm and you know even if you just want to um grow a bit more in your walk you know if you have questions you know we have a great discipleship team yes who are also you know always welcome to questions there's no questions that's a silly question we'll ask you a question yeah a very supportive team very very very very supporting and you're just going to be going through basics fundamentals in the bible also learning how to fast and pray as well so there's so many things to cover as a new believer so it would definitely be good help yeah definitely so that's the establishment care uh every thursday 7 p.m okay guys please if that sounds like you register on our website and get going yeah yeah we're looking forward to seeing you definitely definitely shall we shout out a few more people coming online okay um come on guys uh jeans swabby from she says um afternoon brixton she's from the brixton location welcome welcome um i've got winsome says good afternoon good afternoon to you winston yes um i've got anyone coming in on yes yes we've got people saying i am staying which is a title message so they're buzzed excited they're ready they're ready for the word ready for the word it's good to hear it's good to hear yes we have got cai and lindo greetings from brixton greetings thank you so much for tuning in we've got some birthday shout outs coming in wow thank you guys so much thank you for the love you know that's family love family love lovely we love to see it blair hello everyone greetings greetings okay i've got a few more coming in uh i've got great uh tracy angel says good morning family good morning to you yes uh tracy i've got um i've got cheryl hey uh cheryl hales says good morning brixton in the house and she says um she's in church okay so fantastic okay excellent i've got any more coming on right youtube come on guys it seems like the facebook gang is really cool come on guys i need your help coming through come on my youtube family help me out here we haven't got any new messages okay cool um so we've got a few more announcements just uh just to go through um so our next announcement is about the men's conference um so next week we've got our men's conference that is um going to be uh going on it's um starting on i think it's the friday the 19th i think so 18 19 yes on the friday next week and it's going on from uh friday saturday sunday and the the theme of the conference is um to uh cross over yes so yeah it's just gonna be a great conference for the men yeah going through all the stuff and also how how men can overcome struggles as well i think it would be great also for the men just to gather together touch base on stuff read the bible together study the word it's always important yeah like you said uh just the men coming together as the bible says you know iron chopping if i am yes you know just that come together as men because yes there's certain you know things just we have to communicate communicate as yes yes struggle the certainty we have to communicate together yeah i think this would be a great conference definitely yeah and also during this you'll have um they'll have an opportunity to ask loads of questions yeah speak to some elders as well any questions you have they will all be answered guys and so many workshops are going to be taking place it's going to be jam-packed with a lot of stuff so you won't want to miss it men so we've got a video that's going to show you more some more details about it so we're going to play that and we'll be back after that it was a time where my finances were depleted my jordan today was definitely um depression lack of motivation during lockdown it was really difficult just to even like get out of bed most days and i was in a place i didn't know what to do i didn't know where to go like what was the point like it was just the same thing every single day not being able to see family not being able to see friends i cried and i mean i mean cried and somehow the spirit said to me be patient i've found that the bible allows me to understand to take a step back and to apply god's faith in my life i would definitely say that without god it's not possible without faith it's not possible without discipline is not possible all these things enable you to be able to understand why you need to cross over and enable you to do so since crossing over my life has changed dramatically crossover means to me as a man a time of transformation transitioning from one place to another i got married i went on missions overcoming a challenge as i mentioned earlier my finances were depleted not rich but i'm not depleted moving up stepping up overcoming things are good life is good the patience paid off your faith comes by patience as men you may have suffered from mental health unemployment addiction and unhealthy relationships can have you a place of darkness a place where there is no responsibility but it's a decision that you don't have to stay there now is the time to overcome so join us between the 17th and 19th of june for our virtual men's conference and let's cross over together wow wow wow how powerful will that be powerful powerful something to really look forward to excellent i'm definitely looking forward to myself of course of course of course yeah so all the men we want you involved um so remember it's from thursday the 17th of um of june to the 19th um and remember uh this is a virtual conference so um most of the sessions are going to be on zoom yeah um so if you want to be involved i would like to be you to be involved yes register online yes um to go on the ruac website to register and we'll give you all the details of all the zoom logins and everything that you need um to be involved so yeah there's gonna be a lot going on gonna be a lot going on different takeovers in the morning as well six a.m with bishop on zoom yeah i mean so much so much so much there's also a workshop i think on a saturday at 1pm yeah so that's going to be another fantastic um just uh thing that's going on so yeah as you said there's so much going on yeah and also elder thesman is going to be delivering a word yeah a powerful word to the men as well i believe that's on the main service at 7pm so guys there's so much so much so much so make sure you register and yes we will see you then um right so let's just check back in i've seen some some comments on coming in on on facebook yes yes sharon hall has wish me a happy birthday love thank you very much i appreciate it we also have another birthday um elder louie is shouting out his wife minister vanessa happy birthday minister vanessa um god bless you um i've just got another comment from um i'm trying to get this yeah trying to get the name yeah okay from mccarla all right says grace and peace to everyone happy sunday watching from india oh wow okay so we've got so amazing wow amazing so welcome from india yes on youtube come on guys we have got yvonne clark just saying good afternoon everyone good afternoon greetings to you all joy is saying good afternoon bishop co-pastor penny leadership all family members god bless you god bless you thank you so much right right so i think i think i think it's that time that time is that time that we're waiting for yes yes i know all of you been sitting this whole time and waiting for you where's the quiz when is it guys don't worry it's starting right now we're going straight to it right now we'll go straight to it guys um if you're at home pen and paper yeah yeah your pen and paper i'll get your family around definitely um you know this is for everyone exactly and you know over the last few weeks we've you know we switched up a little bit you know we've been doing our quizzes based on uh the sermons you know guess the title of the sermons yes um and we want to know come on let us know what do you think about these these new quizzes are you enjoying them are you liking them yes yeah yeah we want to know yeah your feedback is very important tell us guys what you're liking yeah yeah what we could do also cool um all right so we've got um a few um videos so once again we're gonna play the video then we're gonna go to try and guess we want to write the comments yes who or what is the title of the sermon there might be a few little little hints in there you gotta really listen might be a few little hints yes um but yeah we want you to guess the title of the question of the sermon sorry and then we're going to you know reveal so um we're gonna go into the first video light has such power to penetrate darkness it penetrate darkness so hard that darkness can't comprehend it oh let me explain it darkness says wait a minute how comes i disappeared how comes i fail to exist the reason why because light has the power to dispel darkness so if i am light it doesn't matter what obscurity chaos foolishness are happening in my life when i turn up everything negative must be dispel darkness does not understand light light is visible because it's a thing i said this some time ago light is a thing what do you mean bishop it's a thing darkness is not anything darkness cannot be produced light can be produced you're seeing me here because they're in in this place right now i've got some lights that's shining on me it's illuminating me it's revealing me now watch this there are different types of light there's the sunlight there is the camera light there's all kinds of light but light watch this is a thing why do i say it's a thing because you can produce it you can make light but you can't make darkness and when light comes in darkness is confused darkness says i don't know why i disappeared and that's why he didn't say you are the darkness of the world he says you are the light of the world because ladies and gentlemen you're about in this season to dispel every chaos you're about to dispel every confusion everything that satan is trying to do i want you to know you're going to be moving from chaos to revelation someone shout hallelujah wow wow wow wow what a word that was i remember that bishop yeah that word was so encouraging yeah so powerful powerful powerful powers just again reinstating that we are the light we are the light we have been called to be the light of the world and whenever light turns up the darkness has to flee it has to explode chaos can't comprehend exactly you know um you know and you're saying how the light has so much power you know and as you said we are the lights exactly we have that power yes and then just how god is really just going to be moving us from chaos to revelation and that is so encouraging especially if you're in a situation right now and your situation may look so chaotic like a lot is going on but you know what god is going to be moving us from chaos into revelation into their life we are called to be the light right yeah so encouraging guys we want you to guess the title yes what do you think the title of that message was yes um so you know especially was talking about you know the light what is you know bishop always talk about what the light means you know so there's a little clue in there you know what what does the light mean small small hints in there that you guys are here to catch on to your eyes so yeah let us know in the comments on facebook and youtube what do you think the title of that message was um such a message there let's check yeah what you guys have been saying so i think you know as bishop said you know when if we were to place it in a place of darkness talk about darkness darkness is not a theme yes you know darkness is just the absence of the light exactly you know so when the light comes in that's when you see you're saying about you know the darkness doesn't know what to do yes you know pure confusion yeah so any dark situations yeah when we step into it with the light and yes the light of the words yes you know that you know that dispels all the darkness exactly everything you know because we are the lights exactly and we are the light and every situation we step into darkness has to flee it has to move to the side it has to it has to so that is just again so encouraging just really reminding us how powerful we are and how what god has said of our life all right absolutely amazing right we're gonna get to the answer yes okay so oh we've got a comment from bishop say he doesn't even remember himself you know you preach too many messages too much words you know you can't remember all of them so we've got some answers coming youtube okay let's go campbell says turn the darkness into lights okay yeah that's tammy chin says from chaos to revelation interesting interesting have you got any on facebook i haven't got any right now so now the youtube gang are struggling come on facebook don't let me down okay um so i think we should reveal the title yes so the title of the message was from chaos to if you revelation got that congrats to you guys take that off take that off um yeah give yourself a point exactly exactly so i think it's time to move on to the next um yes question so once again watch the video and then you know listen for those little hints there might be a few little hints in there and we want you to comment in the in the chat what do you think the message of the um the title title of the messages yes okay so we're going to play the video second clip right now she said sit still my daughter until though you know how the matter will fall for the man will not rest until you have finished a thing this day sit still that's what she said to her and jesus even when he was talking about the end times in luke 21 and verse 28 he said look up and lift up your heads now i know i can hear you um pastor penny some of them have got more than two or three words but i think you get what i'm saying they are clear instructions um direct for god's people clear calls to action and they require obedience on our part so one of the things i realized about a call to action you cannot get the benefits that come with a call to action unless you practice obedience you cannot so you can look at that button on the website that says click here till the cows come home but if you're only looking at it you're not going to see the benefits that come with clicking that button or or tapping that um screen until you obey what they're telling you to do what the call of that to action is so you have to be obedient type that in the screen type that in the chat are you obedient my goodness okay okay again what a word again what a word from pastor penny right there and once again we wanna um know if you can remember what is the title to that message that powerful powerful powerful message yes you think you guys know pop it in the comments yeah if you're watching from facebook or youtube pop it in them and tell us what you guys think the title of the message i mean yeah there was just so much in that in that even in that small clip that you could just take from it right you know just talking about that specific call that specific instruction that you know god gives us and you know and it's you know about our obedience to that call yeah that is just so important yeah obedience in this season is so important we've got to move in the spirit and when god tells us to move yeah we've got to move yeah so i think it's just really understanding that when god tells us to move we have to move and that obedience and hearing the voice of god is so important yeah yeah definitely what's getting we want to see what you think if you can remember if you heard those little hints in the message yes um and you think you know what the title that messages we want to hear from you right i think i've got some youtube oh we've got some coming in where's all the where's the facebook crew yeah i told you i told you the youtube gang are strong brooks that says a call to action quarter [Music] specific instructions and one of one of the things that blessed me about that was she was saying that you know you could uh if you think about the button yeah you can look at the button all you want right right right if you don't press that button press that yes there's nothing that's going to happen oh my god um yeah so i think we can check in the comments but i think we've got most of people saying a call to action action so shall we answer all right okay so the answer was but yeah it's been another blessed time of fellowship with you all and you know we're just looking forward to the word from pastor penny today exactly and you know i have to you know give yourself a few minutes to get ready yes we pray you are blessed by praise and worship and the world coming up soon thank you guys again i've been there and i'm stefan and thank you for joining us we'll see you soon [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] we cry to the god of heaven inhabit this sanctuary i lift up the woman of god your servant passed a penny let there be a fresh anointing upon her the breaking anointing the glory of god the breaking forth of your anointed rest upon her fill out in a name of jesus with revelation [Music] let you be destroyed in this service and on the line let every sinners bow to the lordship of jesus christ smear your anointing upon your servant we declare by the power of the sovereign god mountain shall be moved you shall be destroyed i declare sickness and disease will bow to the lordship of jesus christ for when the glory is anointed there must be deliverance father be glorified i'll be upon your daughter anoint with fresh oil let there be evidence and manifestation of your glory let jesus be glorified in this sanctuary let everybody clap and stomp your feet and just give the lord glory and honor for the breakthrough oh we bless you jesus we bless you we bless you you can do better than that come on we just wanna we want to welcome you if you tune in with us on facebook we want you to share share share share glad to have you today if on youtube we want you to subscribe on the wreck radio whatever social media you're using to connect with us and you're a visitor as well welcome to rural city church to our resident elders elderly need from the bricks pastor penny from the killer location come on bless the woman of god elder clinton dr jose from the walthamstow location elder simone and the elder landry from the permanent location dr andre from the philadelphia location i want us just to worship and to bless the visionary of this house bishop francis and call pastor penny come on let us give god praise and honor for the man and woman of god praise the lord god has been good and gracious to them we want to continue to lift them up now we want to give the king of kings and the lord of lords the one that was triumphantly from the dead the one that said i am the key of that and else jesus christ the son of the living god come on let us worship this ruler clap your hands stop god bless you as we go in a time of praise and worship let us continue to lift up the glory of the order for god god bless you [Music] hallelujah are we excited to be in the house of the lord this afternoon amen come on are we excited to lift up the name of jesus we serve a great body man come on i need you to lift up your voice come on let's lift up a sound i tell you every week you have the activity of your limbs your inner your right mind you were able to push through everything this week and make it into the house of god so let's lift up our voice hallelujah you're coming at home i need you to lift up your voice the name of jesus is lifted high i said the name of jesus is lifted high i said the name of jesus is lifted high hallelujah hey [Music] come on and clap your hands come on and clap your hands the name of jesus lifted high lifted high lifted high the name of jesus [Music] is [Music] this way [Music] shall be saved shall be saved shall be saved sons and daughters shall be saved [Music] 600.00 [Music] release your glory on us and now honestly honestly now release your glory on us [Music] take release [Music] your glory [Music] [Music] hey can we just pop our hands [Music] i hear the sound of an army rising i hear the sound of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is is this place [Music] is the name of jesus lifted high lifted high lifted high the name of jesus place so release your glory on us now on us now on us now release your glory on [Music] come and release your glory come and begin to lift up your praise how many other praises your weapon come on lift up your voice come and even at home lift up your voice hallelujah hallelujah we serve a great god he's an awesome god he's a magnificent god and i've decided in my mind that no rock is gonna praise god for me i said no rock is gonna praise god for me he's done way too much if it's just the fact that i can pick up my legs and pick up my hands and i can see and i can talk i'm giving god praise i'm not gonna wait until the enemy tries to inflict my body to give him praise but i'm gonna lift up my voice and i'm gonna make praise my weapon and i'm gonna literally let the enemy know he should have picked on somebody else the fact that i came in the house of god i'm gonna give him appraiser is there a praise in this building is there a worship in this building is there a praise online come on lift up your voice hallelujah hallelujah he's a great god amen we serve an awesome god and he is a lion and a lamb and we're grateful for him hallelujah hallelujah no one can go before him no one can stand before him [Music] hallelujah oh jesus he's harming all the clouds kings and kingdoms will bow down [Music] every chain will break [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] here come on lift up the name of jesus [Music] the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] that we know that one day every knee will bow before the king of kings and every tongue will confess that he is in charge that he is lord hallelujah we decree and declare it that's what the word says hallelujah oh yes [Music] who can stop the lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] everyday [Music] sing heavy [Music] [Music] wow what a great picture hallelujah that we have a god that roars we have a god that's not intimidating we have a god that stands on our behalf amen hallelujah what a great god he is one awesome god he is an awesome god that can put the stars in place an awesome god that can put the sun in place an awesome god that can design the trees i don't care what they say in the science but listen there's not nothing greater than a god that can literally orchestrate a world to me the way that he is and then even be so great enough and old enough to place you in the earth with all of those things that's the kind of god we serve he's a great with even a million stars in the sky he's the brightest one he's the great god hardly we bless your name jesus [Music] i will never get tired lifting up the name of jesus he's great he's great he's awesome there's none like our god there's not like our king can we just take 30 seconds and lift up the name of jesus come on we don't need a song i see you at home worship him but just begin to lift up the name of jesus [Applause] how great is your name [Music] your poor creation declares your face [Music] there is none like you no millions in the sky or the brightest [Music] [Music] you are [Music] creation is [Music] for this is your desired [Music] yes oh [Music] [Music] and they testify of your great love so we lift our hearts in praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] see my [Music] over every circumstance [Music] you changed my life [Music] he changed [Music] say you're so great [Music] greatness away [Music] my [Music] you gave me you changed my life [Music] you are in this building you are [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] see you are great how many of you believe he's great lift up your voice you're grateful for life and you know you serve a great god if you know he's a mighty god if you know he's a great guard if you know he's an awesome god if you know he's a god who delivers if you know he's a miracle worker if you know he's a god who kept you if you know he's the one who woke you if you know he's the one who's watching you if you know he's the one who covers you if you know he's the one who's with you come on put those hands together let you know there's a god in heaven who's looking out for you put those hands together like you know there's a god in heaven who loves you put your hands together like you know there's a god who is gonna deliver you out of every trouble heal you in your problems sir take you out of the circumstances and put you in a place to stand on solid ground come pack the hands one more time and give him praise he's worthy of the grace he's worth of the glory is worthy of all the honor and we magnify his name we bless his name we make him big in our circumstances we say god you are bigger god you are greater god you are larger god you are more than he is not a small god he is a big god and he is the only true and living god and so we lift him up and we bless him and we glorify his name cap your hands one more time and bless him he is worthy we want to thank god to be in the house of the lord another sunday we blessing because he is worthy to be praised if he did nothing more he's still worthy of the praise if he did nothing more he's still worthy of the praise amen amen amen we want to welcome as we have before all those who are tuned in by the live stream on social media listening by ruach radio we want to make sure everyone knows we know that you're there and this message is just for you as well it's for everyone you are included in the number and so we bless the name of the lord i can see your hallelujahs i can see your clap-hand emojis i can see um all of you praising someone's got tears and they're glorifying god and praising god for the time of worship that we have just had and we it's so awesome to praise god isn't it so awesome to lift up his name so awesome to just give him thanks it just makes you feel good even if you didn't feel good when you came in by the time you started to just lift your hands so there's a gratitude that comes in your heart no matter what kind of a week you've had or what kind of a morning you've had or what kind of a journey you had to the house of god just to be in his presence and to lift up his name he is worthy he is worthy it makes you feel good amen bless the name of the lord i want to greet our bishop who is um in birmingham today he popped up to birmingham to make the birmingham brethren feel good as well for those of you know not all our locations are open and our walthamstow and brixton locations are not open but the birmingham location is open so he's gone up to and we kind of got used to being in church together and sitting next to each other usually we're all at different locations but he's gone up to the birmingham location so we want to pray his strength and we know they're going to have a blessed time um in birmingham bless the name of the lord and we want to thank god for all our elders in the house and our ministers and our leaders all the teams working and serving in your respective places we and bless the name of the lord um thank you all for your greetings on the chat bless the name of the lord bless you all too we're getting to the word amen we're getting to the word and we are in our focus scripture for this month which is found in first corinthians 15 and just one verse there verse 58 that i'm going to read for you first corinthians 15 and verse 58 and it says therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord that's the king james version but i'm going to read from the new century version it says so my dear brothers and sisters stand strong do not let anything change you always give yourselves fully to the work of the lord because you know that your your work in the lord is never wasted amen see it's it's nice when you read it in a more modern version isn't it because yes your work is never wasted so um as you take your seats some of you may already be seated on the chat but i just want to give you this as my theme for today and these two words i want you to put your hand on your chest and say i'm staying and if you're in your bubble you can look at them and say i'm staying and you can say to them i hope you are too and you can take your seat and you can put it in the chat but i'm staying i'm staying and so um we're in the book of corinthians first corinthians chapter 15. um it's part of a letter that paul was writing to the church at corinth and in this particular chapter he teaches and encourages on several points a couple of points throughout the chapter um he starts off with the good news of jesus christ if you go back to the beginning if you have been studying it you will see that he's mentioning the good news of jesus christ and so he's i'm telling them i want you to remember the good news in verse one that i brought you you received this good news and continue strong in it and you are being saved by it if you continue believing what i told you if you do not then you believe for nothing so he's basically talking about the gospel of jesus christ and he's letting them understand that you have to keep believing you can't believe and then just carry on you have to keep believing you have to be consistent in your belief in jesus christ and his teachings you have to keep applying them to your life on a daily basis amen and so he's letting them understand that you can't just believe and let it go you need to continue and then he goes on to teach about death and some of them have been um doubting and asking questions like um will they rise again and so they were wondering if they would be raised from the dead um and uh he he says in verse 12 now since we preached that christ was raised from the dead why do some of you say that people will not be raised from the dead um and so he was giving them the teaching giving them the foundation so that their questions would be satisfied so they would stop asking those questions and stop allowing doubt into their minds and so in verse 20 he says but christ has truly been raised from the dead the first one and proof that those who sleep in death death will also be raised and then he says death has come because of what one man did but the rising from death also comes because of one man in adam all of us die in the same way in christ all of us will be made alive again so he's letting them understand that death is not the end for us and he's letting them understand that they have to hold on to the teachings of christ hold on to these foundations and they were continuing to ask questions so they were asking questions about what kind of body they would have when they um are risen from the dead they what kind of body would they have what will they look like um and so he says in verse 35 but someone may ask how are the dead rays what kind of body will they have so he then goes on a discourse about the corruptable and perishable bodies that we have now our bodies are corruptable they're perishable they break they have pain come on am i talking to real people you don't even have to do much you know and and you you feel like a care or a twin chair our bodies are corrupt or they're perishable they will rot away but we are not just body flesh we are body soul and spirit amen so we can't behave or act or live like this body is the end of it all so he was trying to teach them about the fact that um our corruptable perishable perishable bodies will be incorruptable and eternal bodies and the fatality of death which is replaced is going to be replaced with the immortality of an eternal life so he was teaching them that and then at one point he actually um says to them behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed amen uh just look at your neighbor in your bubble and say we shall be changed type it on the chat we shall be changed it's exciting to know that this is not the body we end up some of us are more happy about that than others just especially we'll be talking we've been told me and bishop been talking about the covid weight it's a and i saw this advert on the tv that said and when you've been to the fridge for the 20th time for the day like and i was like you know that come on padlock that cupboard it's like we lost our self-control and some of you've been blessed you've been able to have that discipline and i'm still praying for that in jesus name and so um some of us are going to be so happy when we get our new bodies we'd be like you know yes lord you've done me good you don't come on penny behave yourself okay all right so i'm just trying to help you that what you see now is not what you end up with yeah our bodies will be eternal last forever yeah no gray hairs no changings in your body we are going to be changed once and for all in a twinkling of an eye all right yeah and now i hear you come on unchecked they're beating you in here today okay and so paul then at the concluding of this chapter he says therefore so after he's given all this teaching in this discourse he says my beloved brethren be steadfast immovable they were asking too many questions there's nothing wrong with asking questions but he knew the spirit which was behind it and the church at corinth had issues yeah they have most churches have issues to be honest if you want to see if you want to feel good about your church read corinthians that's what i would say read corinthians because they had some issues and so paul was addressing the issues in the church and this particular chapter as i said was dealing with some of their questions but when he comes to the conclusion of his teaching he says therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast i've given you the teaching now be steadfast immovable and always abound in continuing the work of the lord because you know that your labor is not in vain or what you are doing is not wasted in god's eyes so he's letting them understand that they need to stop allowing doubt to invade their minds and don't question the validity of christ's teachings be steady in your faith that's what we need to do especially in these times be steady in our faith type that in the chat maybe you can say it to your neighbor be steady in your faith and so i was looking at um the word steadfast and as i was looking at the word steadfast it means resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering firmly fixed in place immovable not subject to change firm in belief determination or adherence loyal so we can get an idea of what this word steadfast meaning means and so paul was saying don't let the doctrines of devil so to speak interfere with your belief system don't listen to the lies of satan don't listen to the manipulations of the enemy and the fabrication of others that's making your christianity look like it's false doctrine and trying to throw you off course and trying to shift you off the path and trying to uproot you from your good foundation that he you know he had given them all this teaching and and if you look at corinthians is one of the longest books in the new testament there's first and second corinthians there's a whole lot of teaching in there and he was saying all of this teaching i've given you and you're allowing the enemy to shift you out of place to move you off the path and in the name of jesus i decree that no slander lies from the enemy is going to shift you out of the kingdom mandate that god has for you in jesus name and if you believe that say amen give god a praise and so when i think about it when we look back especially over the last 16 17 months i think we can all say that at times we felt shaken i'm talking to real people right when we've seen the news when we see what's happening in our families our loved ones seeing the tragedy seen all the different bad things that are still happening on top of the pandemic because i still don't understand how people can be dying and people and be suffering and people are still killing each other it it it baffles my mind that we have a worldwide global pandemic and man is still seeking to do evil so you know the world is in a terrible condition and where are we we need to be the light we cannot be shakeable in our faith but truth be told it's been a shaking experience am i talking to real people some of us have felt pulled out of place some of us have felt a bit uncertain in the pandemic some of us really feel that we've stepped off the path that some circumstances really just shook us to the core and so yeah maybe some of us have been shaking have really struggled struggled in this pandemic but paul is saying stand up again he's saying don't stay down there don't wallow in that give yourself a shake and say you know what i'm staying yeah he's saying be immovable be unwavering in your path and even though the enemy is trying to get you evicted from the kingdom you need to answer him back i need to tell him you're staying even though the enemy is trying to move you out of your destiny and move you off the path like god gave you need to tell him i'm staying and and you need to you need to just be honest i said yeah my situation's a bit messed up right now but i'm staying i might have some craziness going on in my life right now but i'm staying i i've got some bills that i need to be paid but i'm staying and i need some prayers answered but i'm staying i need you just to say with some confidence and just let the devil know that you are staying come and say i'm staying i'm staying i'm staying yes in spite of everything god god isn't bothered by your mess he can help you deal with it and i really just came to encourage those of you in here today who have told the devil you're staying have told that circumstance you're staying that when you felt like staying in your bed you said no i'm going to church because i'm staying in the kingdom and when you said you know what church is open i i'm a bit uncomfortable with the mask i'm a bit uncomfortable with coming out i'm a bit uncomfortable with this this is not how i know church but you know what i just need to get to the house of god because i can't afford for the enemy to kick me out the kingdom i can't afford the enemy to entice me or seduce me out of what god has planned for my life because there still is a plan inspired the pandemic there still is something that god has for you there is still a place that god has for you there is still a purpose that god has for your life there is still something that god has for you to do in the earth and it may look like you have come off keelan off center but god is about to recenter you on his potter's wheel he's about to say yeah it's a bit marred in my hands but i'm gonna make it again i'm gonna make you again i'm gonna mold you again i'm gonna move you again i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna shake this and i'm gonna make sure that you're in the right place in me again and so for those of you who have told god that you are staying i just wanna help you to understand that this is the place that you need to be and i wanna dare you i wanna dare you i wanna dear you to let the devil know with a firm voice it don't have to be a loud shout but let the devil know with the firm boys that you are staying yeah yeah yeah i think that rocks satan right now and there is a blessing in being the father's children there is a blessing in being his children because when everyone else has kicked you out the door when everyone else has said you've gone too far you've done too much wrong god is saying come back come back come back he says where are you going you're my child let me set you straight and truth be told there may be some crushing there may be some chastising there may be a bit of correcting and pruning some fiery trials and tests but you're going to come out as gold and if you stay in the father's hands and it'd be like the westerners said i never sent you anywhere let me retract it will be like the father that says i did not send you anywhere i did not tell you to go but sometimes we feel so condemned we feel so much that we've done wrong that we walk out of the father's will we say how could we stay in kingdom how could we stay in god's house how could god really want me after this and that's the lies of the devil whispering to you because god wants you in your kingdom because your mess is about to turn into a testimony i'm going to tell you again your mess is about to turn into a testimony job said this in 23 and verse 10 but he knows the way that i take and when he had tried me i shall come forth as gold yeah that's despite all what's been going on you know you can come back home you know the father will welcome you back i want to speak to every backslider out there that might be listening that's doing the fake christianity life right now and that's okay if it's carrying you for a moment but you can't stay in that place god says i want you back for real he says i don't want the fake praise i don't want the fake prayer i don't want the fake i look okay i want the real you nose running i am dropping and mouth-watering and saying you know what god i am a mess will you take me back i know my life is crazy right now but will you have and he's saying yes jeremiah 3 and verse 14 return o black siding children says the lord for i am married to you i will take you one from a city and two from a family and i will bring you to zion he's saying no matter what the circumstance he says i want you back i want you in my family you are my child hosea 14 it says i will heal their back sliding i will love them freely for my anger has turned away from me everyone is gonna i think god's angry for me his anger is but for a moment he is not angry forever and what we do is we walk in condemnation the bible says there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus so i want you to understand that god wants you back wherever you are and you've been struggling and thinking you know what i can't make it i can't do it it doesn't matter whether you're a leader it doesn't matter how hard you are how low you think you are god is saying i want you back in my family i have a plan and a purpose for your life i want you to look at your name and say god wants you back type it in the chat god wants you back and and the trick of the enemy is to cause you to walk away from what god promised you but you need to know that god wants you back and the next time the enemy is telling you to leave you need to look him in the eye look him in the face whatever he looks like and tell him you're staying make sure you say again make that declaration i'm staying amen i believe this word is reaching in jesus name and what you have to realize is that you're planted that's what you have to realize is that you're planted elder audrey you know you're planted there were times you mostly wanted to leave and just say you know what this ain't worth it this too painful after all that i've done and all i've tried god are you really there but yes you're planted and the truth of the matter is at times we feel like god what are you doing but we are planted in the house of the lord and his word is there to ensure that we do not get tricked out of god's kingdom by the enemy we don't want to be like ephesians says ephesians 4 and 14 that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine by the slight and cunning men and the cunning craftiness why whereby they live lie in weight just to deceive we don't want to get caught out be like the children toss to and fro and so i realized you know what the enemy knows that you're planted it takes the the thing about it is he he has to try a few times and if you're really serious about god he has to the enemy has to try a few times he has to try a few tricks but for all of us there's there's a trigger am i talking to real people there's a trigger there's a way that he keeps coming at you am i talking to real people you know the bible says we are not ignorant of his devices yeah so we know his tricks but we have these triggers we he knows how to come of us so we have to realize yes we are planted it's going to take a lot to uproot you out of god's kingdom and i've started to think about the analogy that the bible uses for the righteous man when he's referring to god's people he lacks us to palm trees and to the cedar tree and so he says in psalms 92 and verse 12 the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree he shall grow like the cedar in lebanon those that be planted in the house of the lord shall flourish in the courts of our god they shall still bring forth fruit in old age they shall be fat and flourishing so that tells me this is what the word tells me i have to stand on the word that's what we have to do stand on the word so if the word tells me that i should be like a palm tree and i should be like the cedar in lebanon and i'm going to flourish i'm going to do well in the course of our god and then no matter how old i get i'm still going to flourish i'm still going to look good you know that the older west indian folks they say oh you look good you know what they mean it means you put on weight i always say i don't want no old mama west indian to tell me that i look good because usually when they say that it means that you put on a bit of weight and you're looking ripe and round and you're like okay praise the lord on the treadmill tomorrow but the bible says that you're gonna look good even in your old age you're gonna do good you're gonna be flourishing you're gonna prosper so when you see certain things happening you have to say what does the word say because if you're not careful and you listen to them stuff you're gonna have one foot at the door but i let i came to let the devil know we're staying [Music] we are staying no casualties of war in this season we are not losing anybody in this season in the name of jesus say amen so psalms 92 makes that statement compares us to the palm tree and to the cedar tree so that it tells me that when you're planted in god's house have an expectation for certain things there are certain things that should come with being planted so it says that we're going to be flourishing so i expect to flourish i expect to prosper i expect to do good have an expectation to do good because you are trying to live the life that god has given you to live you're trying to do the right thing you're trying to read your bible you're trying to make sure that you're living if you are an aptitude to live the life that god has planned for you you are behaving like a righteous man and that means you should expect certain benefits and blessings that come with it amen thanks for those 20 amends i'm decreeing over your life and you don't even realize it those that are planted shall flourish and if you know you have been planted you shall have an expectation that you shall flourish you shall excel you shall be successful you shall see the good and you shall be blessed in jesus name no matter what happens no matter what different things happen if whatever happens he turns it around for good to them that are called and then that love god if you know you're called and you know you love god then you expect the good even the bad has to turn around for good even a bad situation god has to bring something good out of it a painful situation god us to bring something good out of it a messy situation god has to bring something good out of it a terrible situation god has to bring something good out of it it doesn't matter what it is god has to turn it around before he's good because for your good because that's what his word says amen i say amen to that make this statement i'm staying and i expect to be blessed amen amen clap your hands and give god praise so the righteous man in for instance that was psalms 92 but the righteous man is talked about again in psalms 1. that's where most of us um know about the righteous man blessed is the man that walking not in the council of the ungodly nor standing in the way of sin is not sitting the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord the delight he's delighting his word and in his word does he meditate day and night at least read your bible in the morning and read it in the evening at least yeah i was talking last week it is medicine for the soul so you know if you don't read your bible bible every morning every evening if you miss one you feel out of sorts so make sure every morning every evening lunch time some of us have some situations that we're reading it on the hour because we need god to do something we need god to stand by his word so the bible says that he says let us contend together if you ain't reading his word you're not even given an opportunity for god to work with you because he works through his word he stands by his word in fact the bible says he's placed his word above his name so if we use his word speak his word pray his word he has to come in alignment with his word so if his word says you're blessed when you go in and bless when you go out he has to come in alignment and make sure you're blessed when you go in and blessed when you come out amen so the blessed man and hell i'm going to get to and he shall be like the tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever we do does shall prosper so when i was looking at this they are like trees along a riverbank bearing luscious fruit each season without fail their leaves shall never wither and all they do shall prosper so the analogy is here is that we are planted by a riverbank yeah in other words we're planted by a place with a plenty supply of water and so we have an unending supply of water so the leaves do not wither nothing about us with us and whatsoever we put our hand to it shall prosper in jesus name can i hear an amen so the the psalmist put it that way but jeremiah does it another way he says blessed is the man that trusts in the lord and whose hope the lord is who's trusted in the lord right now who's hoping in the lord right now okay most of us fit the criteria i'm gonna check i'm gonna do it again who is trusting in the lord right now because i'm about to decree a word over you so if you weren't trusting get that trust in right now who is trusting in the lord right now it should be like who's hoping in the lord for he shall be this is you as a tree planted by the waters that spread it out the roots by the river and shall not see when heat cometh but our leaves shall be green and shall not be careful in the year of drought neither shall cease from yielding fruit now you have to understand what that's saying is that your roots shall reach deeper into the water you shall be a tree not bothered by the heat nor worried by long amounts of drought your leaves shall stay green and you shall go on producing luscious fruits there is no tree that produces fruit all the year round so i am decreeing and you shall produce fruit january february march april may june july august september october november december and then start again because you are tapped into the water supply of god's word it cannot fail you cannot fail you shall be a success because you are a tree planted in the word of god in jesus name if you believe that clap your hands and shout amen what am i saying in these difficult financial times trust in god's word because what you are planted in is a place of success that's how we're to behave that's what our mindset has to be is that we are planted i have a supply a source of supply and it is not boris johnson it is not the labor party it is not the conservative party or any other party that is coming up but my source of supply is jehovah jireh my provider the source of my supply is the almighty god who lives in heaven our father which art in heaven hallowed is his name his kingdom come this will be done in earth as it is in heaven what is god's kingdom will concerning you it is not that you fail it's not that you fall even when the righteous man falls seven times god lifts him up is there anyone here who is holding on to the word of god trust in the word of god let me hear you say yes [Music] [Music] we're planting we're planting we're planted we're planting and let me tell you devil we're staying if that's you shall amen so we don't follow evil men's advice we ain't backbiting and making fun of the church we're doing what god wants us to do meditating on his word thinking up ways to follow him more closely how much more of my bible can i read how much more of his work can i take in oh yes sir that shall keep him in perfect peace who his mind is stayed on god how much more can i focus on him on the bus on the tube what can i play in my car while i'm driving maybe i can find my audio bible and before i put the music on play the scriptures sir oh no that's not cool when people walk in your car they're going to hear the bible verses i don't care if they hear the bible verses i'm not here to be cool i'm trying to survive i'm not here to look hip and look like you know i've got it all together i'm just trying to get myself to the place in god where i can see the blessings that he promised me i'm not bothered about what you can hear coming out of my car or my bedroom or all the toilets i don't care what you can hear i just want to know that god hears god hears and he answers i'm looking for god to do just a bit more i'm looking for him to just stir a bit more shape a bit more shift some things out of the way a bit more and if that means i have to do some things that look crazy to the world i'd rather look a fool to the world and be wise in christ is there anyone here want to join me today let me hear you shout yes clap your hands and give him praise he's worthy and so we behave like the one who's planted we behave like the one who is staying yes lord we're staying uh we got a bit shaky at a time when we got a bit messed up and we went around the corner and came back round again our satellite kind of took us on a journey our fleshly satellite our fleshly sat nav took us on some deep dark dark places and took us around some bends took us in a cul-de-sac and blocked us away but let me tell you this uh i got myself i just got myself reconnected the signal came back the signal came back the signal came back is there anyone who knows the signal has come back who knows yeah i can see the path clear now i gotta turn right here i gotta turn left is there anyone here who realizes you know what yeah i took a wrong turn but the wonderful thing about it when you use a set love it just gives you another route i may not gone quite how god said but i'm back i'm back i'm back [Music] because the devil wants you to think that your mess is the end he wants you to think that that failure means it's finished god says now i can use that god says oh i can take that because someone else is going down the same path that you went down i need someone to understand when you come to them and not judge them because of where we came from from the pit and from all those crazy things we didn't end up in the palace just like that we know what it is for your home to be repossessed we know what it is for your car to be repossessed we know what it is to walk and patch your shoes with cardboard and newspaper and pray don't remember talking to real people we know what it is to stand in the benefits queue and people say oh pastor francis can you pray for me while we're there waiting to get some money from the government [Music] but he didn't take us through all that so that we could stand up here in our high tutties and carry on like we ain't been through nothing he took us through that so that when you come to us you won't feel judged or condemned that you'll find arms that open you and welcome you and say don't worry about it i know it's a mess now but we're going to help you walk through i'm trying to help someone who's been super messed up some of you've been through some messy divorces and some messy situations i'm sticky situation some of you've been in prison and just cause you've been in prison don't mean you're like we got testimonies in here that can tell you about prison at the end one thing ruac is known for and is how the church should be and how the body of christ should be that no matter what your message god can make it a testimony and and yeah you confessed your sin you didn't confess your sins so people could know your business you confess your sin so someone can help you and you confess to someone coming after you can know you can make it look at your neighbor and say you can make it someone need to say hear that because they ain't in my notes so if i don't if it's on the live stream or if you're in here feeling condemned because i'm keep coming back to this i want you to know you don't have to feel condemned everyone has sinned that we are working on everyone has challenges everyone has issues and we need god to help us by his grace thank god for the holy ghost thank god for the mercy of jesus christ who is up in heaven interceding and telling god don't no no don't be too hard on her don't be too hard on her he's sitting at the right hand of the father interceding on our behalf i was there jesus is saying on the earth i know what it's like to be in pain i know what it's like to be hungry i know what it's like to be thirsty i know what it's like to be betrayed don't be too hard on them i know they cussed a bad word and i know they punched a person out but don't be too hard on that we can get them back we can use that soul we can use that soul we can use that soul there's something in them still i can still see their calling i can still see their destiny it's not over for them until it's over but it ain't over look at your neighbor and say i'm staying and you need to say with some confidence and you will be welcome and let us know someone who said you can't stay because that's not the body of christ and so psalms 92 it lets us understand that they'll be planted and god is letting you understand this because the truth of the matter is that some of us god has to fix us in place yeah some of us he has to fix us you know like the bible talks about the husband man and the and the the vine and talks about how the husband man the vine dress addresses the vine and tends to the vine and if you understand how the vines go how the grapes go you they have to twist the vine as it's young around a stick when you're young in the faith that's why we're telling you come to bible study pray read your bible do praise and worship because that's when you're tender and we can help you to learn the way of christ and as you get older it's hard to break the hard stick if we if we bend you too much you crack we can work with you but we have to be careful but when it's young and tender you train it round the vine and then it grows around the vine and then he fixes it with string and got us to fix some of us in place to help us in the early days so that we don't go back and so he has to fix us in place and some of us got fixed in place thank you jesus thank you that you didn't listen to me thank you that you didn't let that bus come thank you that person didn't answer my phone call when you might have been going to do something you wasn't meant to do and god blocked it because he was fixing you in place bible says amos 9 14 15 and it says i will bring again the captivity of my people of israel and they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards and drink the wine thereof they shall also make gardens and eat the fruit of them and i will plant them upon their land whatever god has promised you as decree in the name of jesus even if it seems delayed even if you're getting no's and even if you're getting setbacks i decree in the name of jesus that god will plant you in what he promised you in jesus name they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which i have given them save the lord whatever god promised you you shall not be taken out of it in jesus name he promised it to you it belongs to you and he says you shall not be pulled out of it in jesus name and that word there it means to pluck up by the roots the enemy is trying to uproot you out of your destiny and your purpose he's trying to uproot you out of what god promised you but i decree in the name of jesus that what he promised you you shall have you shall walk in it and listen this building sold three times before we stepped in it i'm trying to help you to know that what god promised you even if it looks like it can't happen it can happen because there is nothing that's impossible with god the impossible shall be possible in jesus name in the name of jesus yes let me hear you say amen jeremiah 31 i'm trying to encourage you today he has a dream and he wakes up his sleep he says the sleep was sweet to him verse 27 it says this he says behold the days come save the lord that i will sow the house of israel and the house of judah and the seed of man with the seed of beast and it shall come to pass that as i have watched over them to pluck up and to break down and to throw down and to destroy and to afflict listen right there's some stuff that god has allowed in your life yeah this is so now when things happen in my life i said god you know what i don't turn around and say god how could you let this happen this is not right i don't deserve this i'm a thai payer i give my money i give my time i serve no no no no no he allowed it so if you say god is sovereign in your life and he has allowed it god i don't understand why you allowed it but i believe you have a plan i'm in pain i feel betrayed this don't make sense but you are sovereign you know what's going on this is not a surprise to you god it was a surprise to me it was a shock to me but god you are never surprised you are omniscient you are all-knowing you are all powerful and omnipotent you are only present so you were there when everything happened so therefore god you are sovereign i don't understand it but i'm trusting you and he says in the same way that i allowed things to be destroyed and allowed you to be afflicted and now allow things to be thrown down in your life and allow things to break in your life and to break up in your life he says i will watch over you to build and to plant save the lord so what he's saying this is not the end of it that he is going to bring you to the place where things will turn around in the name of jesus he's going to bring you to the place where things are going to turn around i see you doing it by favor and if you i i like us if you aren't at your home wherever you are if you have to stop the car and turn around in the street but i dare you just turn around just turn around because he can turn it around and so as we do it in the natural social we see in the spiritual in the name of jesus sanctioned heaven in the name of jesus we plant the heavens with our words today we plant the heavens with our words today we plant the heavens with our words today and we decree that every situation that doesn't make sense in our life nor god according to your sovereign will or god we await and have an expectation that it shall be turned around in jesus name in jesus name and if you believe it shout amen a place in a chapter in a window of proclamation and so god is causing me to proclaim in your life right now and one of the things that you're meant to do is proclaim the word proclaim the good news so you're meant to give the good news so what i'm doing is giving you good news i know you don't see it right yet but i'm giving you good news i know it hasn't happened yet but i'm giving you good news i'm proclaiming it and i may not look so good but like it may not look so good right now but if you look in your future you can see how you're gonna be i decree in the name of jesus but you're gonna get excited about your future the next cinema the plans that you have drawn up the journals that you've written in kimasu to rubber the dreams that you've been having the business the plan that you're submitting to the bank in the name of jesus you're gonna have every funding that you need for every vision there's gonna be provision in the name of jesus everybody say amen and in these moments in these moments in these moments what you have to do is when you see these unctions when you hear these anxious you have to put your own unction in with it so whatever you hear the lord saying you have to say that's me that's mine i receive it and proclaim your situation proclaim your business proclaim your score proclaim your house proclaim your healing whatever it is you have to proclaim it in the name of jesus and everyone say amen and so god lets you understand in these difficult times of pandemic ezekiel 36 this is before the dry bones verse 34 and the desolate land shall be tilled whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by i speak to the prolonged situation i speak to the dead situation i speak to the situation that has been going on for so long for so many years that people just look at you and think oh that's just how you're going to be as far as they're concerned nothing can change about your situation the things that people walked by and see that has been desolate in the sight of all and they say that this is what god says it shall become like a garden of eden and the waste and desolate ruined cities shall be fenced and inhabited i decree that god's presence is going to come in your situation whatever that thing has been going on for months and for years that you don't even talk too much about to it to god about it i raise up your hope and i raise up your favor i raise up that you shall talk to god about your situation again i decree that it hasn't been too long if you're still alive then god can still do it if you're still breathing god can still do it that means he still has an opportunity to work there is no repentance in the grave there is nothing that changes in the grave but while you're here and you have breath in your body that means that god can do it that means that god can turn it around if you still have hope i heard someone say that to live in hope is to live in pain i understood what they were saying they were basically talking about the fact that it's it's painful to hope in god when every day you see your situation not changing but the bible says heartfelt in god so i still have to keep hoping i still have to keep believing is there anyone who is believing god that the desolate situation will turn around if you're in here today i need you to stand up and give god a praise praise him like it's happening crazy like he's doing it praise him like it's gonna change oh yeah in the name of jesus let me hear you say amen let me hear you say amen i agree coming to agree with you on the chat do it lord do it lord out of virginia i decree in the name of jesus that god shall do it while there is life there is hope yeah hit the like button there's a whole lot of people that need to hear this message and let me tell you i'm not finished and then he says the heathen that i left around about you shall know so for all the people [Music] that laughed at you that mocked you that said god has forgotten you that said you're still going to church then they shall know that the lord builds ruined places people said you've been ruined you've been messed up nobody's going to want you nobody's gonna like you nobody's gonna trust the devil is a liar they will know that the lord builds ruined places and plants that which was desolate the lord has spoken it and he will do it and save the lord god i will yet for this to be inquired of by the house of israel to do it for them what is he saying he says i want to be inquired of tell me to do it tell me to do it he wants to be inquired of what is the desolate situation what is the messy situation what is the situation that they said nothing can be done god said inquire of me tell me and i will do it in jesus name let me hear if there's someone who believes it and say it man [Music] oh god my time my time is gone let me close with this let me close with this what god has spoken he will do what god has spoken he will do you are the planting of the lord he has fixed you in place and i decree in the name of jesus that nothing shall shift you nothing shall move you nothing shall pluck you up or pluck you out in the name of jesus i decree that jehovah god the almighty el shaddai has fixed you in place i decree that you shall flourish i decree that you shall grow because you are planted in god's house and you are staying and if you walk in the epitome a picture me and the symbolism of the palm tree i decree that you shall flourish like the palm tree and you shall be like the palm tree that shall grow and like the cedar in lebanon what does it mean for the palm tree to grow basically it means that you if you look at the palm tree you can cut if you cut the tree trunk if you cut the first layer of a tree cut just cut into the you don't have to chop it down but if you cut into most trees the tree will die but if you cut into a palm tree it will not die because it has layers and layers and layers that grow i want you to understand this that you may have been cut you may have been wounded and the enemy thought he was going to take you out by decreeing the name of jesus you shall heal from your wounds in jesus name i decree that whatever was cut into your life that is that was cut to take you out that was cut to wound you for good it shall not work in the name of jesus but you shall continue to grow you may have the scars as your testimony but you shall continue to grow in the name of jesus make this declaration i may have been wounded but i'm still alive and i'm staying i may have been wounded but i'm still alive and i'm staying the other thing i want you to know about the palm tree is that it has the constituents of napalm which is a flammable liquid it's used in warfare the palm tree is equipped for warfare it contains a natural defense system and so the enemy doesn't realize that just because he sees you on your knees crying just because you cried all night he thinks it works it ain't gonna work but god has given you a natural defense system his word he is also giving you the praise the praise and worship in your belly that sometimes you can't even remember a scripture but you can remember a song and even if you have to grow [Music] and if you get to moan whatever you have to do until the song comes out of your lips you have a natural defense system against the enemy you shall praise him beyond your circumstances oh yes you will praise him or you will speak his word but you're gonna do something this battle isn't yours it's the lord's and i decree victory in your life today in the name of jesus i want you to understand this that the devil thought he could take you but he can't take you because you decided to stay understand this that if you remember in the bible when jesus came into jerusalem everyone surrounded him with palm trees the palm tree is a sign of victory you have to be victorious you have to prosper you have to be greater it's in your spiritual dna if you're a child of the conquering savior then you have to do good and your root system stops you from being pulled up nothing shall uproot you what am i saying one of the things about the palm tree it says they shall bring forth fruit in old age they shall be fat and flourishing the palm tree grows from 30 to 80 feet it doesn't even bear fruit for the first six or seven years and people are looking at you and wondering what's going on when you're like don't worry about it don't worry my fruit is coming my fruit is coming i know they're looking at you like what's going on with you it's all right my fruit is coming but the bible says that once the palm tree i mean the facts say that once the palm tree starts to bear fruit it don't stop bearing fruit slowly and steadily and the average crop is about a hundred pounds per year and it bears for over a hundred years what did the bible say you shall be like the palm tree you shall be flat and fat and flourishing in your old age come on the science bears witness with the word in the storm let me help you because some of you've been through a storm in the storm in high velocity wings where other trees will break and crack and fall over the tree trunks of a palm tree will only bend and so the enemy sees you bending but i'm coming back again as bishop would say i'm like a jack in the boxer you can push me down but i'm popping up again you may think that i'm finished but i'm coming back again once the storm is over i'll give myself a little shake and i'll come back and say back to jesus i'm still here i'm still alive i'm staying i'm staying all the sharks may be circling but i'm staying the vultures may be circling but i'm not dead yet i'm staying there may be mess in my workplace but i'm staying oh can i study you are still here long covered in your body but you're still here you're staying cancer diagnosis but you're still here you're staying you're slaying is there anyone here who can tell me that you're staying let me hear you shout yes [Music] elijah wouldn't come down elijah wouldn't come down so we ain't coming down the israelite army defended that barley field when the philistine soothsaying spirit was trying to take it from them whatever god gave you defend it with the word whatever god gave you defend it with a prayer whatever god gave you defend it with a praise the enemy ain't taking what god gave me i don't care what philistine devil is coming after your blessing but in the name of jesus we rebuked her and tell it to god for whatever the circumstances understand that you've got to stay ruth stayed with naomi elijah wouldn't leave elijah until he got his blessing i wanted the devil to hear today that we are saying and we will not be moved we are staying and we will not be moved and in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we are staying flat-footed planted in the house of god no one is taking us out in the name of jesus and if i'm coming out it's because god called me home because you ain't taking me out on your terms devil i'm coming out when god says i'm coming out that's what you have to tell your boss at your workplace sir god didn't tell me to go yet so i'm staying all what they're trying to do to get you sacked trying to get you to hand in your resignation stand where you are stay where you are and look them in the eye i am spaying [Music] you don't leave until god tells you to leave mama time is completely gone but be encouraged because you take not used to youth discussion isn't your discussion you've got youth discussion after this so i don't want to keep that sub but i feel good about this word i pray you do too one of the things i see is that god is doing it but you need to stay you need to stay because he still has a plan and purpose in this season he still has it for you there's a song that says we shall not we shall not be moved like a tree that's planted by the waters we shall not be moved and i say i hear that that's right baby you praise him there's a little baby on his dad's shoulder just that's what i have to do sometimes disturb the atmosphere the lion king movie they thought the lion cub symbol was dead and so when pumbaa and was the other one demand came up they were poking him to see if he was that's what the enemy's doing poking but i wanted to know we're still here we're still here i might look like i ain't got no life the life may have weighed me down just a bit but i'm still here and i'm staying until the lord says otherwise i want you to look at about two or three people tell them in your bubble say on the chat i'm staying i'm staying i'm staying some of you came in thinking you was leaving but you're staying in jesus name we are staying yes yes amen we will not be moved he will not be shaken [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] we will not be [Music] we will not be rude [Music] we will not be [Music] we will not be shaken [Music] we [Music] hallelujah put your hands together if you are making that decree today declaring that in the atmosphere that you will not be shaken and you will not be moved because you're staying and we believe god for his word today i pray that his word has touched your life i pray that he has impacted you in a way that you will stay for a little while longer and see what god does in jesus name bless the name of the lord and as you take your seat just speak to yourself and say i'm staying bless the name of the lord and i just want to just give an opportunity because there may be someone here doesn't know the lord jesus christ as their lord and savior you may have come into the service today at an invitation or maybe just walking off the street and you're listening to the words that were preached today and hearing us talk about jesus the savior he is the savior of the world i want to give this invitation to you may be connected by the livestream maybe listening on ruach radio but however you are listening to the sound of my voice i just want to give you this invitation an invitation to accept jesus christ as your lord and savior the bible lets us understand that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever should believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life this is the promise of jesus christ he probably died so that we could have life not just live and exist but to have life more abundantly and if you're hearing the service today listening on the live stream however you may be listening i want to give you this invitation jesus wants to save your soul if i could do it i would love to save everybody's soul but i can't do it the only one who can save your soul is jesus and we need our souls to be saved so that we can be related with the father the bible says that all have sinned and fall short of god's glory that means we fall short of god's standard the only way to come up to god's standard is to accept jesus christ he has paid the penalty his blood that he shed covers our sins covers our wrong doing so if you're in the service today you say you know what i want jesus in my life he really is the friend like no other friend he is the one that is closer than a brother he's the one who will never betray you always be with you and if you're here today and say you know i want to know about this jesus i want to ask jesus into my life i want jesus to be a part of my life i need i know there's something missing from my life and i realize that it's jesus if you're here in the service today i want you to raise your hand so i can see that you want to accept jesus in your life today if you're on the chat please write in the chat that you want to accept jesus you want to give your life to christ today i just want to say a simple prayer with you is there anyone who wants jesus just raise your hands and i'm sorry i could see i've seen that hand coming back give god praise is there anyone else who wants jesus in their life in their life today let me see your hands let me see your hand let me see your hands don't put it down till i've seen it and i've acknowledged it is there anyone else we thank god for the one hand over there is there anyone else who's saying they want jesus in their life bless the name of the lord let me see your hands let me see your hands let me see your hands bless the name of the lord [Music] i want to thank god you may not be confident confident enough to even raise your hands but i just want to pray with you anyway if in your heart you're saying you know what i want jesus in my life i want to give my life to christ i want you at this time to just say this prayer with me and the congregation is going to help you to just repeat after me and say father god i know that my sins and wrongdoing have separated me from you i am really sorry and i want to turn away from my past sinful life towards you please forgive me and help me to stop sinning i believe that your son jesus christ died for my sins was raised from the dead that he is alive and hears my prayer i invite jesus to become lord of my life to rule in my heart from this day forward please send your holy spirit to help me to obey you and to do your will for the rest of my life in jesus name i pray amen and it's as simple as that welcome to the family of god amen and what we're going to ask you to do is when you before you leave the service today you can can i see where all the prayer counselors are just wave your hands so they can see okay so you can see them here as well okay and what we're gonna ask you to go on the website so if you're tuned on the livestream or go on our website fill in the details they're gonna give you some information about the decision you've made today and we are so excited about you we want you in our family go to the new believers section and we'll get you connected with other believers so that you can not be just doing this but walk in the way that god wants you to walk and enjoy a new life with christ can we celebrate our new believer one more time can you wave your hands one more time sir so i could they can see wonderful wonderful wonderful bless the name of the lord we thank god for the soul that god has given and i'm not sure because i ain't got my glasses on at the moment so i can't see on the chat but whoever has done that please go to the website please go to the new believers section and on there fill in your details and we will connect with you we don't want you to be missed out and so we thank god um for his presence in our service today we thank god for being with us and we're going to ask you at this time we're getting ready to prepare our hearts to give to the lord and so for those of you you may have enveloped so if you've using envelopes today that's fine you can write in them as you normally would put all your details and and fill in the envelopes as you normally would and then when you're leaving the service today you'll be able to put them in the offering and buckets you can also use your devices to give um as well at this time so we just encourage you you can use your devices there's so many different ways that you can give thanksgiving bank transfer and there's all different ways and we're going to ask you at this time those who connected by the live stream everyone who's connected you can now um just watch this video and all the different ways that you can give today bless the name of the lord we're about to participate in giving in our services today and if you've been blessed and you'd like to join us also you can do so we know that god will bless you and he will favor you as you give the lord loves a cheerful giver and we know that when we give to him he gives back to us press down shake together and running over we want that blessing for you also so if you would like to give today follow the instruction video that you're about to see how to give by bank transfer if you would like to set up a standing order or make a direct payment to iraq city church for your ties or offering please use the following details account number zero three zero eight seven two four zero sort code thirty ninety six zero seven how to give online go to the ruac city church website and click the giving tab at the top of the page select your chosen offering type for example your tithes all you need to do now is enter the amount it's really simple follow the instructions on screen to complete the transaction we hope you have a blessed day men so we're giving you opportunity to just finish on your devices then we're going to ask you to stand at this time we want to pray a blessing on our giving bless the name of the lord so whether it's your tithe or you're offering or you're sowing a seed we know that god will bless it and we're going to do our ruach decrees so you can say along with me or just say amen after each um sentence and so let's start it's according to god's word in job 22 28 the things we decree shall be established in jesus name amen we decree that 2021 is our year to stand and in agreement with ephesians 6 11 we put on the whole armor of god so that we will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil in jesus name and we decree that in 2021 we will walk by faith and not by sight we decree that when we hear bad news we will stand firm remain steady trust god and stay focused on his word in jesus name in 2021 we will be steadfast immovable and always abounding in the work of the lord and we're standing on god's word as givers and tithes so all financial curses are broken off our lives therefore we decree quick progress in our money business health job property education and all that pertains to us in jesus name and we decree that in 2021 god builds a hedge of protection around us and our families in jesus name and we decree that everything opposing our success will be completely destroyed in jesus name amen in 2021 we will rejoice always pray continually give thanks in all things in agreement with god's will in christ jesus and we decree that in 2021 we stand in the power and authority of the name of jesus and we decree that we will have victory over all the schemes of the enemy principalities powers and the evil rulers of the unseen world in 2021 we will stand in jesus name let everybody say amen and so father we a prayer blessing on everyone as they give today as they give up their ties as they give their offering as they sow seeds we pray a blessing on every giver lord god connected to the livestream connected through ruach radio connected it even here in the sanctuary as we all give together and one accord father we pray a blessing on this giving and we pray father that you're multiplied that he meets every kingdom need and more we pray a blessing lord god and and all give us lord god and pray that you will give them increase in the name of jesus 30 60 100 times more and father we pray a blessing even on those who are not able to give today we pray that lord you give them a blessing and provision lord that they will lack nothing in jesus name and we decree that this offering is blessed in jesus name and let everybody say amen amen amen just give god praise right now and then you may take your seat at this time bless the name of the lord we're going to um at this time we're getting ready to go but before we go we want to give you information about the weekly activities so we want to make sure that you have all that information and that you're able to know what's happening and taking place with us and throughout the week and the upcoming month so we're going to ask you to draw your attention to the screens at this time [Music] ruback city church activities partnership class every second and third sunday of the month online at 3 p.m register via the website wednesdays access life application bible study at 8 00 pm thursdays discipleship care sessions take place every thursday at 7 pm on zoom register today on our website this week is youth discussion week join the discussion and voice your opinions share ideas discuss the bible meet new people and step outside your comfort zone join us in sharing experiences and talking about the future of 2021 register on our websites to attend in person at our kilburn location or you can simply join us through zoom youth discussion week this sunday the 13th of june at 3pm there was a time where my finances were depleted my jordan today was definitely um depression lack of motivation during lockdown it was really difficult just to even like get out of bed most days and i was in a place i didn't know what to do i didn't know where to go what was the point why it was just the same thing every single day not being able to see family not being able to see friends i cried and i mean i mean cried and somehow the spirit said to me be patient i've found that the bible allows me to understand to take a step back and to apply god's faith in my life i would definitely say that without god it's not possible without faith it's not possible without discipline is not possible all these things enable you to be able to understand why you need to cross over and enable you to do so since crossing over my life has changed dramatically crossover means to me as a man a time of transformation transitioning from one place to another i got married i went on missions overcoming a challenge as i mentioned earlier my finances were depleted not rich but i'm not depleted moving up stepping up overcoming things are good life is good the patience paid off your faith comes by patience as men who may have suffered from mental health unemployment addiction and unhealthy relationships can have you a place of darkness a place where there is no responsibility but it's a decision that you don't have to stay there now is the time to overcome so join us between the 17th and 19th of june for our virtual men's conference and let's cross over together at city church we are looking for people to join our team and become a presenter we will help you craft your skills and you'll be working with an amazing passionate super fun team if you're nervous about what to do don't worry we'll show you the ropes if you're interested please contact us at admin rehabilitychurch.org are your children missing church do they miss talking to other children about god and life well welcome to the rap kids online sunday program where they have their own dedicated service which includes singing discussions and games with the guidance of rhapsody church elders for more information please go on to the react city church website or you can email us at admin at [Music] realitychurch.org are your children missing church do they miss talking to other children about god and life well welcome to the rap kids online sunday program where they have their own dedicated service which includes singing discussions and gains with the guidance of correct city church elders for more information please go on to the red city church website or you can email us at admin at [Music] thoracicchurch.org [Music] hello everyone hello and welcome to rack live i am stefan and we have i am nero and we are going into the deep dive yes oh see that's it that's it yes what a word that was what's a word lord have mercy god again uh participating never fails never never never feed us with the words i am staying i am staying you know i think we just need to to declare that again you know yes tyler in the chat yes and you know once again as we discuss we want to hear from you we want to hear in the comments on facebook and on youtube yes you know what really blessed you yeah about the world today there was there was like just so much that you know so much how you guys can also implement that into your daily lives as well because everybody has has got something different from the word so what really ministered to you and spoke to you guys tell us in this chat tell us in the show definitely um i mean for me again there was just so much so much um i think one of the things that really touched me and um it's funny it was i was having a conversation about this with someone earlier this week about you know when you know that you're the father's child i know and you know you know when we think about that relationship with the father and you know he's a good father and you know it doesn't matter how much we mess up as the children he's not going to you know throw us away and but you know like participating was saying sometimes the enemy could creep in and say you know you know how can god still be with you if you've done this and you've done that and we tend to you know walk away ourselves yes you know but you know as pastor penny said today you know we've got all really understand our words you know when we say we're the father's child you know he'll never leave us not forsake us so we have to be in a position that we tell the enemy that you know we are staying um so i thought that was yeah that was so powerful yeah that was interesting even the links between the last couple of messages they've all been linked to standing and having to have your feet planted as we remember bishop preached a word saying you can't stand alone i don't know if you guys remember that amazing word again and how you know we just have to remain planted in the word of god and then he preached the message saying don't mistake me don't mistake me for being subscribed right so i'm just being steadfast don't mistake me for being stubborn again similar link in terms of we have to keep grounded yeah you know we have to stay in the world and then also i remember weeks back elder charlotte her access granted message yeah she preached the word also saying that you know we we have to stand on the word of god we can't stand yes we can't stand on false doctrines we can't stand on what the world says we have to stand on the word of god so this whole message of standing having to stand is so strong in this season and clearly god is really speaking to us about that yeah that's it yeah it was declared yet to stand all these yeah are really really coming together and entertaining together absolutely guys i've got a few comments coming in on facebook so uh richard gabriel said what a word my soul is blessed i'm still here i'm staying amen and amen amen to that we've got jesus keeps saying that word was so empowering wow yes empowering god we got fiona burrell she's declaring it she said i am staying um we got uh josephine she's saying you know hallelujah she knows she's been blessed by that word um i've got i think it's iguala says powerful word with some fire emojis yeah and uh god bless you pastor penny so yes um as you can see so many people just feel people have been blessed here on youtube colin miller said we are we are not walking in condemnation amen amen yes so many people it's clear that it's been blessed by us we've been blessed by this but we really hope that you guys have been blessed by this word as well honestly and i would encourage you all just to keep going back to the message don't just watch it now just watch it again during the week again and again and as you watch it you'll get different revelations from it yeah i mean as pastor penny was saying um about you know the constant feeling of the words you know she was taking talking about like taking doses of the word you know some in the morning some of the eating yes yes so it's really about you know taking in that word just constantly that's what's gonna help us all in the season to to stand and to uh and to stay where we are it's a constant process once in a while we have to constantly it's like breakfast if we don't eat breakfast we don't eat lunch dinner we won't survive exactly the word of god keeps us yes it's amazing so guys really how i'm going to be implementing this into my life i think also it's been a wake-up call for me to even to spend a lot more time with god yeah sometimes in our lives we can get a bit busy and stuff happens but just to always come back to god because he is our source and just remember that we have to stay planted yeah and absolutely like pause penny just gave us so many examples of how we can you know spend more time with god yeah even throughout the day because as you said you know as we get older you know adults know we're busy we've got work we've got our children we've got you know got to cook the food there you know we've got to do all these things and we've still got to fit that time with god so you know you might be you know in the morning early in the morning lunch break in the car there's so many um opportunities if we can find them yeah to spend that time with god yes yes so important i've got some more youtube comments yes what they say yeah jesus keeps i said one thing i will forever hold on to is while there is life there is hope amen said that my gosh yes your pain also says i am standing because i am planted by the rivers of water in jesus name amen amen yeah and there's no so like she was saying uh pastor penny was talking about being the tree you know the tree planted by the river right you know and you know that's such a powerful analogy of you know of the tree that's plot by the river as she said that we should come with expectation you know that you know if we plant the tree in the right place by the water we should expect that tree to grow eating about the tree flourishing and um bear through even an old age you know i feel like you know sometimes you can get older and think you know oh you know it's over for me i can't bear any more fruit i can't do it as we were saying we gotta stand on the word he's saying we will bear fruit even in the old age yeah that's what brings us life yeah exactly yeah wow yeah absolutely such an encouraging word yes again please just go re-watch that definitely soak in it guys i am staying what a while i'm staying declare that in your home throughout the week just declare that to yourself i am staying i'm staying um i've got a few more comments coming in um josephine says indeed what a word hallelujah i was so blessed and uplifted and encouraged um and she said i'm standing strong in the kingdom amen amen amen amen thank you so much for tuning in to the deep dive we hope you've been blessed by today's service honestly we've been blessed i've definitely been blessed yes yes thank you so much for tuning in again i have been there and i'm stefan and we pray i have a blessed week and we'll see you back here again next week so take care bye-bye [Music] blessed by our webcast today please be sure to visit our website wwe to find out more about us don't forget to subscribe to our youtube facebook and instagram if you would like to help us as we help others through our ministry efforts and endeavors you can visit our giving page at [Applause] www.griloccitychurch.org forward slash giving we hope you can join us for our next webcast until then it is our prayer that you stay safe and stay well god bless you [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ruach City Church
Views: 4,055
Rating: 4.8120804 out of 5
Keywords: Church, God, Faith, Gospel, Sermon, Christian, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Id: EQ079eVV3wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 49sec (8629 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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