Left in the Arcade CRUNCH!

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Superman [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to games act this time we're talking about arcade games you know Dave arcades are kind of like the movie theater as a game and you know a lot of games would appear in the arcade first and then be forwarded to the home where people can enjoy and love them forever you're exactly right Joe definitely the arcades were a wondrous awesome place I used to love going there because I could look forward to a game that I really like there to come home on the Home console yeah but not all games came to the Home console yeah so that's what we're talking about today are games that were released in the arcade but never made it out of there so yeah so yeah unfortunately we don't have all the arcade boards that the games we're going to talk about today so we're gonna have to resort to emulation it's something that we don't like to do we like to show you games running on the actual Hardware but you know emulation is the only way that a lot of people can even play these games anymore so yeah the emulation is a dirty word anyways but uh we do have a lot of games to take a look at so we should really get going [Music] gangbusters by Konami is a cops and robbers overhead Run and Gun you take control of some freaky haired Punk cop throwing the deadly streets to catch criminals if you catch criminal in the act you can tow them behind you once you get to a police van you submit all the prisoners you've caught in order to send to jail to earn points pretty cool concept of course all the other criminals you simply shoot dead no jail for them I'm wondering why you're even bothering to catch some criminals in the first place why not just shoot them off I mean there are a hundred of them shooting at you [Music] when you shoot an eligible criminal he starts crying for help what's going on with this is he asking you for help or is he calling for help from his buddies the graphics are kind of bland in this one and overall so is the game yeah and you can say the same about the music too this game could definitely use a strafe button but overall I really didn't care for this one I'm pretty sure I would have passed the game up in the arcades for something much better the game gets really difficult in the upper levels too oh [Music] [Music] the brilliantly named psychonix Oscar is a very interesting little game basically it's a run and gun with a selective power-up system looking at the game it kind of makes me think that they took turrican and gradius and smashed him into one game it's pretty damn hard though you can't take a lot of damage before you die and when you do die you get sent back this game wants to challenge you as a player rather than being all about the quarters okay I guess it wants your quarters too as you will be spending a lot of them to learn this game but once you get powered up a bit it really feels like you're unstoppable but if you die and you will you start out really weak again to be honest if I saw this game in an arcade I'd probably Overlook it I think that a lot of people might it's a shame too as it's pretty fun for the most part and the challenge only helps make it more addicting laughs [Music] I like this game lots of solid action in the gradius style upgrade system works well I'm sure I would have dumped at least ten dollars into this game over his lifetime in the arcade [Music] foreign Devastators by Konami is a run and Gun Game I guess yeah right it's actually more of a walking gun basically you take control of a Rambo wannabe and run into the screen defeating your enemies and progressing into new stages this game was in a convenience store near my high school so I played it a few times there at the time I was impressed with all the scaling going on this was well before systems like the Super Nintendo or the Sega CD came out so hopefully you can see how I thought this was kind of neat still it doesn't really compare with the earlier Sega arcade games which had much better scaling it hasn't really aged very well the graphics are kind of bland the music and sounds aren't very memorable and the game moves slower than tepid fudge as Dave would say the game could have been better paced I feel and your guy can only shoot about 10 to 20 feet ahead of them yeah and it looks like he's shooting at the ground too you do have secondary weapons like grenades and also a rocket launcher which can be used when you see the crosshairs on an enemy vehicle I think it never came home because only the Neo Geo could handle it and Konami didn't make games for the Neo Geo oh well fine by me it's a nice effort by Konami but like Joe says it didn't age well it's just too slow and not very exciting foreign [Music] GI Joe is a spiritual sequel to Devastators and it's also by Konami of course as you can see they've vastly improved the graphics and gameplay here the pace is much faster the scrolling is now automatic and it keeps the action coming you now have a Crosshair to use to shoot and you also use that to pick up power-ups and whatnot it kind of reminds me of dynamite Duke with a Crosshair action but instead you're going forward instead of side to side anyway you can choose from four Joe's but Snake Eyes really doesn't look anything like the Snake Eyes I remember plus he even speaks you know I'm not a huge fan of GI Joe and you don't have to be to enjoy this game all you have to do is keep your crosshairs pointed at the enemies and pull the trigger it's just fun and mind-numbing I like it there are only three stages in this game but the first two are pretty long you just keep going and going see that building back there we'll eventually get to it see now we're closer take a moment to notice how tall it is now we're going inside and up and up and up wow sure a lot taller inside than outside now what the hell is going on here there are boats and splashes in the dirt and I guess that's water on the ceiling yeah I think that's supposed to be the other way around this is one of the reasons I don't like emulation you just can't trust it to give you the true experience but overall this is a great game with cool scaling visuals and cool music it never came home because I don't know any home system at the time that could handle this plus it's extremely short it would have made a great Saturn game for ten dollars though GI Joe did appear on the NES in a couple of games but as you can see here they're a side-scrolling platform games and not a port of the arcade a fun game for sure and it feels a lot different than anything on a Home console [Music] [Music] here's Superman the arcade game by taito to be honest I don't think there has ever been a truly great Superman game some may have been decent but never truly inspired this arcade version is no exception it's almost as if they didn't really care about it when they were making it you basically punch and kick enemies in the air or on the ground and then take off flying upwards and punch and kick more enemies you fight a quick boss and then you find yourself playing a horizontal shooter where you shoot down floating rocks with your eyeball lasers then wash rinse and repeat there's not a whole lot of variety here with the same enemies again and again and they have no problem defeating Superman while you're doing this you must listen to a horrible version of the movie soundtrack as rendered by taito's awful sounding arcade board [Music] the graphics are pretty bland too just another mediocre game by taito of which there are many yeah this game sucks it's very Bland and the action is too repetitive to be enjoyable [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tecmo Knight is a game that I loved in the arcade I have fond memories of playing this game a lot with a good friend no it wasn't Joe because he's just an average friend the truth hurts sometimes Joe I know oh yeah well ask your girlfriend what or who she was doing back when you were busy playing techno night then we'll see who's average you're dirty and low God anyways at the time I was into gory games like this and even the super awesome time Killers is still a very enjoyable game as you run around beating the hell out of everything until it turns into a bloody pulp or loses his head you can ride three different beasts in this game a tiger a giant and a dragon you know I always like the giant the best because you can jump on top of enemies shoulders and pound their heads a straightforward beat him up with a special appearance by King Kong every now and again once you beat up King Kong's hand he goes away well yeah he has to grow a new one so he can appear later on the music is pretty good some good melodies for the most part but also there are some utterly forgettable Melodies this game must have consumed at least thirty dollars of my parents money back then does this kind of look familiar to you right here yeah I'm not gonna really elaborate on that though this game is crazy hard in single player mode because it sends you back when you die playing it with two players is really the only way to get anywhere overall it's a decent game but not likely something I would have played more than once in an actual arcade foreign [Music] Presto is a vertical Shoot Em Up oh boy another shooter yeah I kind of get that feeling here too you choose one of three different ships with shoot bullets have their own unique special weapon and can lock onto enemy weak points similar to galactic attack however this game is nowhere near as good as galactic attack it's not bad but there's just really nothing special about it I do like some of the graphics like these layered rocks which kind of remind me of thunderblade or it's a scaling ground when the boss takes off for the sky the music isn't bad at all but it's pretty quiet other than that it's a completely average shooter that's fairly Relentless because it really really really wants your quarters home consoles definitely didn't need any more of these I really can't tell the difference between this and a lot of the other Shooters out there although I'm certainly not looking very hard shooter fans will like it but I'd pass it up in the arcade [Music] yeah Joe I'm not so sold on Macros you know I mean it just looks like another shooter to me yeah well I'd like to see personally a lot more beat-em-ups like Tecmo Knights I thought that was great more beat em ups oh yeah we can definitely do that but we're gonna shove in a few other games in there too if that's okay oh yeah why not let's do it let's do it [Music] Cadillacs and dinosaurs by Capcom has a beat em up you'll like it Dave you wanted to see more beat em ups here you go it's based on a comic book or a TV show or something of that nature I've never seen either but you can select from what I'm guessing are four of the characters from that series you'll notice many similarities to final fight not only because it's a beat em up the game seems to borrow many assets from the final fight series that have been reworked for this game from the characters to the attacks to even the bricks in this wall seem to have come from final fight one character looks and moves very similar to Cody for example you know it's okay if Capcom wants to rip themselves off this game is good enough to overlook that I like how you have to fight dinosaurs every once in a while once you smack some sense into them they turn green and go on their merry way who knew a dinosaur could be calmed down just by beating it up a bit Capcom knows way more than me apparently yeah I can vouch for that the graphics in this game are pretty good don't forget the music Joe which is actually quite good it's not the normal Capcom synthesized trumpet Arrangement there's quite a few good Melodies in here geez Dave I wasn't gonna forget the music okay it's good it's good stuff but I really don't know why this never came out to the home system a game called Cadillacs and dinosaurs did come home to the Sega CD but as you can see here it's an FMV driving game that I guess is based on the same universe or something but it has nothing to do with this arcade game and it's nowhere near as fun either I really enjoyed this game quite a bit I like the different stages characters and enemies thank you [Music] that's good gate of Doom by data yeast is an interesting isometric Style game you choose one of four characters wander around defeat enemies in the such but it seems to stand out amongst other arcade games simply because of its perspective it does kind of take a bit of getting used to you have a main attack and you can supplement your abilities by picking stuff up which can make you move faster have more strength or defense and cool stuff like that when the gauge near the edge of the screen fills up you can use various magic until the gauge runs out I like the floating Medusa head which turns enemies into stone the graphics are fairly good in this one I like this game the music is pretty good and I like how it develops through the levels you do kind of flail your weapon around and hope it hits something in his path it really doesn't give you a great feeling of control but oddly enough it works [Music] Spider-Man the video game is an arcade Exclusive by Sega Sega made a lot of Spider-Man games back in the day each of them being different this one starts out as a fairly standard beat-em-out without anything really too special about it yeah where are my spider webs well after a bit the action zooms out and becomes more of a platform game which is almost like a poor man's Rolling Thunder here's where you can shoot some webs in a limited capacity get past this portion and you zoom back into the beat em up action what's up with the graphics they're not very appealing and it looks like some of this price have been blown up to huge proportions oh so when there's blocky Graphics all over a Super Nintendo game it's okay but not a Sega arcade game I see how it is that's a damn different theme for you that's completely different and you know it yeah well I generally do agree with you about the lackluster Graphics Dave but I've got to admit I'm a sucker for scaling like this especially back during that time I like that effect too but it's not enough to keep me interested well one thing that's almost interesting is that the more quarters you put in the more life you get so you can have a huge amount of Life instead of Simply continuing again and again though you can do that too if you want to switch characters this game is okay and not tremendously fun but definitely worth a try not want to sega's best efforts Iowa to save my quarters for something else Willow is an action platform by Capcom based on the movie you run around shooting things and Gathering money to spend at a shop to improve your abilities and stuff like that you eventually even get to be Val Kilmer and he can slash with his sword and jump around level to level like the monkey he is I've never seen the movie so I can't really say how close the game represents it but since Val Kilmer is in here I imagine he's probably in the movie as well well I saw the movie a bunch of times it was highly enjoyable back when it came out the game follows the movie pretty closely you even get to see cutscenes with all the characters this game is pretty fun and it's also extremely tough even after you power up your weapon regular enemies can take dozens of hits before they die if you want to get anywhere it's really just best to plow through them is there are a lot of checkpoints in each stage you're on your own for the boss battles though the graphics are great and the Music and Sound are definitely fitting as well the graphical style and action kind of reminds me a little of ghouls and ghosts and the shops definitely remind me of Forgotten worlds that's cool because I love both of those games but when all is said and done Willow doesn't quite live up to either of them I really like this game the control is great and the graphics are really colorful and well drying giving the game a great atmosphere I enjoyed the game for the most part but the sound effects are too shrilled just the way Capcom likes it [Music] [Music] thank you metamorphic force is a beat em Up by Konami you take control of people who have the ability to turn into animals to increase their powers in fact it's almost like a super turbocharged Altered Beast reformatted as a beat-em-up I really like the pacing of this game it's fast and fun you don't stand around forever fighting enemies who have life bars over two miles long though there aren't really that many different kinds of enemies in the game at least the game knows I have a short attention span and it respects that by keeping things moving for the most part a lot of items are dropped by some monkey looking guy and sometimes you take off in a super frenzy damaging everything on screen there are only two buttons an attack and a jump but you can do a special move if you press both of them together though it takes five points off of your life there are five stages in the game and you get one life per credit I think the graphics are great and I love the music this would have made a great Saturn or PlayStation game there's really no excuse for this to remain only in the arcades yeah what the hell why didn't this game get a Home console Port the game is very fun and it does have some really well drawn Graphics there's lots of variety in the enemies and even in the backgrounds the music is just how I like it good Melodies with screaming guitars here and there all right our type Leo by Iram is a horizontal shooter just like all other R types well actually not exactly like all other R types this one is very upbeat and has a faster Pace than the other r-type games the first thing I noticed about this game was how smooth the control was even at your ship's slowest speed it feels very responsive I really like that you collect similar weapons to other r-type games but gone is your Droid thingy which you could position either in front of or behind your ship new are two options which can be charged to attack nearby enemies when you hold the fire button down it definitely makes it feel more like an offshoot to the series rather than an official r-type game but it's still our type through and through it may seem like an easy game at first but it's not now while I didn't die until I got Midway through stage three I found myself going through the exact same learning curve I went through with other r-type games you know it's every bit of satisfying figuring out the patterns and finally getting into a new area I really like the challenge here the game really does give you everything you need in any given situation and you can only really blame yourself if you die you can't just pop another quarter in to continue your way to the ending foreign backgrounds that are a treat to look at the enemy Sprites are great too however some enemies and bosses aren't quite as cool as our type 1's organic designs I would have enjoyed this game very much on the Saturn or Dreamcast this is definitely one of the best horizontal arcade Shooters I've played yep definitely a good game here I felt like I had a great atmosphere and I was drawn in by the great graphics music and large player and enemy Sprites I would have definitely played this between a couple of slices of pizza at ShowBiz Pizza or maybe even between fights at Chuck E Cheese's back golden ax the Revenge of Death Adder proves that Sega were a bunch of retards in the mid to late 90s they have this totally Kick-Ass golden ax game eating quarters in arcades all over the world and what do they do they give us rusted ax The Duel oh my God yeah yeah and although golden ax The Duel was an arcade game it's a one-on-one fighter instead of an awesome beat em up like revenge of Death Adder is they could have brought them both home not just one of them they chose the damn wrong one I'll tell you that I can't believe the stupidity in not bringing this game to the Saturn it would have been a perfect fit and the Saturn would have had a true golden ax game alright now that I'm feeling better I can praise the game for what it is as you can see this is just another installment in the truly awesome golden ax series there's nothing drastically new here but that's okay while the characters are all new I guess the dwarf is in here but he rides piggyback on some big guy's shoulder there's also a centaur chick with a horse body and legs which magically disappear whenever she rides one of the many insect creatures in the game now how does that work where does all that go it has great control and you can do this awesome team up move on enemies yeah it causes a ton of damage a ton there's new magic spells like this awesome skull breathing death breath that turns enemies into stone there are no longer multiple levels of magic but if you collect enough potions you can use the magic as long as you can I like the imaginative enemies in the really cool levels I don't know some of the enemies seem fairly repetitive to me well yeah but they're really cool though the only thing that I don't think is as good as other golden ax games is the music don't get me wrong it's still good here so I'm not going to be complaining but not being able to play this game on a Home console is definitely worth complaining about thanks for thinking of your fans at home Sega you ass wipes [Applause] [Music] and so those are a few of the very mini games that never got brought to the Home console yeah and Joe looking at the ones we've talked about what were one or two of your favorites well you know Dave I'm gonna have to say golden axle revenge of Death Adder I mean it's from Sega it's awesome it would have been great fun to play at home and I'm gonna have to say our type Leo because that one was awesome if it had been Faithfully translated to a home console I would have loved the hell out of it you know oh I wouldn't want a bad translation no but anyway anyway what would you like to see most at home out of what we talked about um well of course golden ax the Revenge of Death Adder is the top of my list also I mean that game just screams awesomeness um I'm also going to put in there Cadillacs and dinosaurs yeah it definitely yeah that Capcom did a really really good job with that beat him up I had a really good time with it yeah it's not as good as our type Leo in my opinion but I see where you're coming from so anyway what games that were arcade only releases would you like to see us talk about in the future if we cover the subject again let us know and we'll see you next time [Music] oh [Music] all right Joe great episode man um it's really put me in the mood to play some arcade games I'm gonna head on down there right now yeah uh but I was wondering if maybe I could just borrow some money because I don't get paid till tomorrow oh fine have an arcade game on the Joe Meister with a quarter I'm not having anything on the Joe meiser have you heard of inflation yeah yeah I'm sorry my bad I've been worried my friends have gone up in the last 20 or so years yeah you really have and you know what they've even gotten up a lot more than a dollar is gonna pay for I can't do anything with this you got some money there yeah there you go share a little bit geez 20 bucks is good but you know what that's the only gave me one gameplay and you know I'm a great gamer and all but I'd have to one cc that thing which I can't do so maybe if I could just grab this thing right here and I'll see you later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you hello and welcome to game sack that's right it's time to take a look at some more arcade games that were never ported to a home console yes it is and most of these games that we're looking at today were suggested by you guys so thanks for that yeah a lot of these games I've never even heard of before I wish I had a chance to play them in a normal arcade yeah you're not the only one well anyways enough of that let's get on with the show all right Osmond is a side-scrolling platformer by Mitchell yeah I've never heard of him either you control a very acrobatic guy as he runs and jumps around to save the entire world from a deadly cult most people compare this game to Strider and they're definitely similarities into level design and the way the character controls in fact the director of this game previously directed Strider oh man yeah there are multiple times in here where I had to almost Deja Vu moment and Strider pops into my mind but really I see this as its own unique game which shares only a few elements Osmond punches and kicks his way through the levels whereas Strider uses a sword for instance you also have a special attack you can fire off [Laughter] however I do feel that this game isn't as good as Strider I feel the overall level design of the game could have been better it's very hard to avoid getting hit in a lot of circumstances also the enemies and the levels they're just not very interesting [Music] have some good graphics and the sound is certainly possible but I think the music could have been better overall I'd say this is a fun game to play but it's certainly not a triple a title aliens by Konami is a side-scrolling run and Gun or maybe a walking gun actually I had a fun time with this one yes based on the movie of the same name sometimes I can't even tell if I'm playing the game or watching the movie everything is just so similar Ripley even has the same short blonde hair as she does in the movie I guess they got that wrong but at least you fight the same purple and pink aliens what no they got that wrong too oh well at least you can fight in the mechanical lifter as you're walking aliens come at you from all over the place you can shoot a low shot or high shot with different buttons there are a few weapons you can pick up along the way the three-way shot definitely helps there's no jump button in this game and I kind of wish there were there's times when you feel you need to jump out of the way of an alien but you can't so you just take a hit because you walk kinda slow the boss battles are fairly entertaining as a lot of them are in the background and you're facing them as you fight between the levels you're riding in a vehicle shooting aliens coming at you I don't understand the parameters of this as I couldn't control the speed of the vehicle I think you're just supposed to shoot things so the vehicle keeps it speed up instead of running into stuff and slowing down oh that does make sense the music in here is really enjoyable it's a fun quarter muncher that I think you might enjoy [Music] dead Connection by Tito is surprisingly enjoyable basically the mob murders your girlfriend and you're not too happy about that so the only reasonable solution is to get bloody Revenge you play each stage on a non-scrolling screen and your goal is to kill a certain number of people before the time runs out you can pick up different weapons for better Firepower and the environment is very interactive and of course destructible you have absolutely no moral issues with shooting up a hotel lobby or ruining a garden party as long as you're able to shoot a whole bunch of people you even call it a bloodbath party look at that after you're done you just let the House burn in the background gotta keep that anger in your heart after all the number of people you must kill increases in pretty much every stage and you have absolutely no problem with that since you are one evil son of a by the time the game is completed you've murdered well over 400 people the locales all look good and even the music is good definitely a joy to play this game is there aren't many out there similar to it if you like playing as a sadistic detective then this game's for you damn it Alien vs Predator is a side-scrolling beat em Up by Capcom it's generally a fun game to play but after a while I just started to get kind of bored yeah that's the curse of beat-em-ups I think they've got to be pretty special to retain the player's interest past a few stages yeah I can definitely see the difficulty in programming something like this but it seems that you're fighting the same aliens over and over so fighting gets pretty monotonous in later levels you actually fight against humans which helps change things up yeah and here the mechanical lifter even makes an appearance and you can choose from four characters two different Predators a man or a woman I personally like playing with the Predators more than the humans I agree but the big guy as clunky as he is is pretty tough the music is pretty toned down for Capcom it sounds good for the game but overall is pretty unmemorable this is a decent game with a great concept but I think I'd rather play final fight [Music] [Music] next up is Michael Jackson's Moonwalker now you may think that this game has a ton of Home versions on European computers and the Genesis but this arcade version is completely different than those as you can see this version features an isometric perspective whereas the Genesis version is a side-scrolling platformer the goal is the same though stop Mr Big and Rescue all the children that you find I guess Mr big is building a Sinister machine to rule the world and it uses little children as fuel or something so Michael takes it upon himself to rescue him you shoot short laser bursts out of your hands to defeat enemies you also have a super dance move which forces everyone to dance with you even machines they just can't keep up with Michael's slick moves so they die risking the kids can give Michael more dance moves or extra health his monkey bubbles appears from time to time and he turns Michael into a murdering metal giant whose heart is as cold as his iron skin you know I really didn't like the control in this game as you might know I'm not a huge fan of isometric games as they all seem to suffer from aiming problems it never feels natural to aim your laser or whatever it is at an enemy I can't wait until we talk about Super Mario RPG yeah but that's different yeah yeah I know anyway the graphics are okay and the music is based on Jackson's music obviously you think the graveyard scene here would have Thriller but no Jackson actually didn't write that song and it doesn't own all of the rights overall the game moves pretty slowly and it only has five rounds even though Michael was proven innocent it's still very creepy that he's rescuing little kids I almost feel the kids are better off with Mr Big so which is better the arcade version or the Genesis version well the arcade version has this but the Genesis version has this wow both are so awesome I'm just kidding not really [Music] Dave I've talked about three unique games so far and what have you done you've only talked about answering the aliens franchise yeah I know and I'm not even a big fan of aliens are you serious yes well I'm not but what come on they're good movies oh they're all right I like them you know but they're not like I don't have them in my collection anyways I've got this great game coming up what's that it's called gun Force 2. here's gun Force 2 or geoforce as it's also known looking at this game your first thought might be that it's a metal slug clone well the team who made this left Iram informed Nazca who of course went on to make metal slugs yeah even the Sounds in Metal Slug were lifted from this game some of which were even in the first gun force game which was nowhere near as good as this one so is this game fun hell yes it is it's loaded with brake Graphics that have lots of detail the control is good but I did have some problems jumping to Upper levels and dropping back down to lower levels it can also be difficult to aim your weapon while running climbing and generally getting around there are lots of vehicles in this game that you can assume control over just like metal slug the music is generally pretty good it's loud and blaring like an arcade game should be [Music] a great game from a great development team that went on to even better IPS you know I think I may enjoy this one just a bit more than the metal slugs I'm not sure but it's pretty awesome [Music] ninja baseball Batman is an interesting beat em Up by Iran wait where's Batman well you are the Batman attacking enemies with your bat yeah the first time a viewer mentioned we should take a look at ninja baseball Batman I was picturing Batman hitting a home run in a baseball game I was very happy that wasn't the case you and up to three friends fight tons of baseball related things like baseball gloves baseball bats and yes even baseballs themselves the character designs are just awesome they kind of remind me of a cross between the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Arizona on the turbo graphics 16. everything in this game is just so full of energy and you can tell the designers had a ton of fun making this one for example you even find a plane while inside of another airplane and a truck that attacks you with kisses honestly it'd be really hard not to like this game fortunately the game itself is quite fun like most beat em upset can get a bit repetitive but this game just has too much charm for me to care about that the graphics are very colorful and well drawn the music is strange but you know it really does fit the game this one would have been right at home on the turbo Graphics 16 or the Saturn and there's no justification whatsoever for not bringing this one out but it's the best baseball based game ever so screw you Tommy Lasorda I'm playing ninja baseball Batman what happened the Cliffhanger Edward Randy is a very strange arcade game I thought the background in every stage scales away from you as if you're racing towards the screen you spend the majority of the game fighting on very small platforms like boats biplanes and other vehicles your weapon in this game is a whip and is kind of frustrating to control actually yeah tell me about it sometimes I couldn't even tell if my whip was making contact with what I was trying to hit you got that right Joe and there's times when you're trying to whip somebody and you actually end up attaching your whip to a platform and you start to swing it's very annoying and can cause your character to fall off the bottom of the screen you don't die though as you have a life bar also the screen never seems to stay still it's constantly swaying back and forth and that makes it hard to stay on the platform or time certain jumps the music is decent and tries to make you feel like you're constantly in an action movie and there's some repetitive voices too they came super short though and it can usually be beaten about 20 minutes so you won't waste a lot of money on this one to get to the end yeah fees continue is 25 cents I probably spent about two bucks to beat it now that's a cheap night out overall it's a fun experience and you could play worse I can understand why nobody ever ported this one home though foreign [Music] the out foxes is the game by Namco which supposedly inspired Super Smash Brothers you choose from seven different characters and your mission is simple you are enemy yep do whatever you can to defeat your opponent within the confines of the stage the game Zooms in and out depending how far apart you and your enemy are there are random weapons lying all over the place and even the stage itself can be used as a weapon yeah I sometimes had a hard time picking up the weapons for some reason though I just couldn't do it on my first try each time there's also a time limit and the stage will start to crumble if nobody's won after so long the game has a great sense of humor especially in the characters one of them is a chimp who is a contract killer that works for bananas another is a pair of twins you know it's kind of disturbing playing as two children murdering other people but okay it can get really hectic especially in the stages like the circus where there are tons of other stuff going on the scaling is cool but honestly it detracts from the game for me since it's constantly going in and out and it makes it really hard to keep track of everything I often can't even find my own character I think this is a cool game though but it should have spent a little bit more time in the planning stages of the zooming in and out kind of detracts a little bit for me well I thought this game was really fun I had a great time running around trying to kill my enemy gun [Music] Wild West Cowboys of moo Mesa is a game based on an animated TV series it wasn't very popular as it ran only two seasons before it was canned but somehow it got an arcade game in the form of this action platformer right away you can see that it's a fairly fun game with lots of bright colors the control is really good and the music is fair for the game you know it reminds me a lot of sunset Riders and I'm sure the game uses the same engine but hey that's a good thing right no no you are right but I really wasn't attracted to the characters at all in this one the only thing that attracts me to a cow is a nice steak or hamburger I have no idea why anyone would have thought this would be appealing anyway throughout the game you're shooting tons upon tons of cows or bulls I guess is more like it you can get power-ups and special type weapons by shooting birds which drop them when they die this game has a ton of action but it does derive most of its challenge by throwing a ton of enemies at you and the boss fights are crazy because each boss has what appears to be a small life bar but they take about 100 shots or more before they die overall it's a fun game but doesn't hold any interest for me because the characters are boring I'm sorry but Cal 1000 bowls are just boring no matter how human you try to make them look I was able to get past that just like I'm able to get past Mickey being a filthy rodent in Castle of Illusion this is a good game and I think it could have found a nice home on the Super Nintendo [Music] well there you have it 10 more arcade games that nobody cared enough to bring home well I would have cared if they brought some of those home especially games like ninja baseball Batman yeah and anyway thanks to your guys's suggestions we have enough games that probably cover two more episodes like this but if you know of a game that was left in the arcade let us know anyway and if it's not on our list We'll add it that's right we love those arcade games yeah and speaking of which maybe we could do an arcade to home conversion again sometime oh arcade versus home conversions or two homes yeah yeah comparing the console to the arcade sure okay well yeah we should do one of those again anyway thanks for watching game sack and we'll catch you next time thank you Hey Joe come here for a sec I got I've got some new ideas for maybe some shirts we could wear some new logos and uh what's wrong with the motto no no nothing's wrong I actually really like these a lot especially this Nintendo one this is the best one but anyways I've got a couple ideas let me just show you just kind of just wait here I'm gonna go in the other room and put the first one on okay you know okay and tell me what what you think I'll just wait here yeah yeah okay I'll be right back all right here's the first idea okay that looks very cheap uh support our sack game sack I don't know what else you got [Music] all right number two my sack your sack game sack you have anything else Dave all right this is my personal favorite Joe at my sack game sack I don't know Dave and what do you think I I like them all but let's let the viewers decide [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] we are once again talking about games that were in the arcades and they were never ported to a home console ever and you have stuff to say about that don't I do it's kind of a Bittersweet episode because it's great because we get to actually do a show topic on this but it sucks because none of these games came home to my Super Nintendo indeed but you can play them on maim as we are doing here and uh well I'm going first and let's get to it [Music] we all remember DJ boy right of course we do it was everyone's favorite game of all time okay maybe not but it was okay you basically just played as a hip and happening dude beating people up while roller skating it was even ported to the Sega Genesis but kaniko made an arcade only sequel called b-rap boys for one to three players this is a crazy beat em up as far as I can tell your main goal in life is to rap but then these fools bust through a billboard and well you ain't having none of that that must have been your favorite billboard or something because now you're chasing them on your bike and you're beating the crap out of them yep each and every one of them until they are dead this game is a lot more fun than DJ boy it's especially fun when you're on your bike fighting the bad guys and when you get knocked off your bike you're back on your trusty roller skates to Kick-Ass DJ boy style I wonder how he rides the bike with the roller skates on oh well but being more fun than DJ boy isn't really saying a whole lot one thing that frustrates me about this game is that there are so many enemies on screen at once and they all take seemingly 100 hits to defeat they surround you so it's hard to get a kick in edgewise I think if they had life bars it would probably be a bit more tolerable but as it is now you have no idea how much damage any enemy has taken and they take a lot I feel that they could have refined the gameplay a bit more in this area and you had better make sure you defeat every single enemy before you try to advance otherwise you can get stuck because the screen often won't let you scroll back to get them apparently they didn't test their game very well it seems to me like there probably isn't any more than 10 different enemies in this game not counting the bosses also I sometimes find that it's tough to turn my character around and instead I moonwalk this makes it tough to Target the character that I'd like to attack I really do like the graphics for the most part as they're a huge step up from DJ boy the music is full of early 90s style rap not licensed stuff or anything but original rapping for the game I've got to admit it is kind of catchy and it definitely helps raise the energy level [Music] probably not something I particularly want on my iPod though it probably never came to a home console because DJ boy sold very poorly on the Mega Drive in the Genesis [Music] Battletoads was released in the arcades in 1994 and this would actually be the last game in the series there's lots of blood and cruel deaths in this game which makes this the most graphic version of Battletoads I've ever seen actually I don't mind this as it's not over the top and most of the deaths are given out to rats who nobody likes and big fat pigs who probably wouldn't taste very good anyways the game has some really long levels and the action is non-stop this game was developed by rare and actually was released by Electronic Arts you choose from one of the three battle toads with the always great names of pimple zits or rash or if you're lucky enough to have two friends you can play three players chances are though you'd find this game in an arcade before you're able to find two friends I'm proof and as you know Joe is my friend and I really don't have any others besides him don't pity me though cause I'm okay with this well I'm not okay with it anyways it's a fun battle toads game where your fist feet or head turn really big when you land a huge hit I really like the scaling enemies as you kick their butt towards the screen I never get sick of seeing this this game boasts a whopping six stages and for the most part their straightforward beat em up levels except for the last stage in this stage you have a gun and are sadly stuck on the back of a small spaceship for the entire level the music is pretty enjoyable and is even catchy at times [Music] I'm guessing that Battletoads rana's course and that people felt they put as much money into the properties as they're willing to and that might be why we never got a home release it's a great game that should have been brought home somewhere and who knows maybe it will come home to some sort of Virtual Console someday foreign [Music] Mystic Warriors is an oriental Run and Gun by Konami in this game ninjas are on the cusp of Conquering the entire world I don't know that doesn't sound so bad ninjas are pretty cool right well some of the bad ones capture your fellow ninja friend and you've gotta rescue his wimpy ass and you guessed it this game uses the same arcade Hardware as Sunset writers you can have up to four players at the same time man things get chaotic enough in single player I can't even imagine what that'd be like plus I only have one friend so what am I gonna do you can choose your character when you start the game or continue each of the four characters well actually five characters seem to have the same abilities from what I can tell one might be faster or slower than another but I was hard-pressed to tell any significant differences you can power up your Shots by opening certain boxes these boxes also contain screen clearing attacks or give you a temporary Shield you can even replenish your life and get bonus points from these boxes the boxes are your friend basically the game plays almost exactly like Sunset writers so you know it's awesome it gets quite addictive as well and I always want to continue when I die the the graphics are done in kind of a cartoony Style with lots of vivid colors and everything is really well drawn there's plenty of Parallax scrolling and a bit of scaling here and there I like how in the beginning at this stage you can see the plane crashing in the background that you were just fighting on I love little details like this you just look at this game and it makes you want to play it or at least it makes me want to play it but I'm already playing it the music is excellent it has a very Asian flavor to it I mean it would if you could taste music I guess oh the sound quality overall is also excellent the bosses are kind of Chatty and they say goofy things before you fight them this is a great game and I'm not sure why Konami never brought it to a home console it's too bad too because I think the world could always use more Sunset Rider style action stop [Music] [Music] Bucky O'Hare is a great game by Konami released in 1992. this one is a beat-em-up and it's completely different than the NES version that you may be familiar with [Music] the gameplay similar to the other beat-em-ups by Konami at the time like turtles X-Men The Simpsons and all of those if you don't know who Bucky O'Hara is that's all right because he's kind of obscure he was a comic book character in the late 1970s and had a one-year run as a cartoon in 1991 but what's important is that this is a great game you can play as one of four characters in your attempt to beat up and destroy all the Toads from taking over the annivers eight long levels are here for your enjoyment and they all play fairly similar for the most part the graphics are super colorful with lots of nice detail there's not a lot going on in the background graphically but you know what that's all right is you don't want to be distracted from the ways of enemies being constantly tossed at you in between levels you're treated to some really cool cutscenes that piece the story together and they're all done by the original actress from the cartoon no why sucking slimy croaking piece of sludge toad is taking over Planet punk I really like the music in this game and it has a nice space adventure feel to it a fun little fact is that most of the game designers went on to be part of treasure who as we know have released lots of quality games I'm not sure why this game never got a home release Turtles 4 worked really well on the Super Nintendo and this could have been another great beat-em-up to go alongside that one sadly it was never meant to be so it just ended up being shown on a lame ass episode of Game sack [Music] [Music] Blood Brothers is an interesting game by Tad Corporation remember Tad in this game you stand on a single screen shooting down anything that moves Cowboys Indians horses pigs it doesn't matter the environment is all extremely destructible and it's really easy to bring down entire buildings your goal is to Simply kill enough bad guys to deplete the foe meter at the bottom of the screen you have four scenes per stage and the fourth scene has a boss fight you have a shot button a button to lob grenades and another button to roll in order to dodge enemy shots you can get weapon upgrades and all that sort of good stuff it definitely ramps up in difficulty quite a bit once you get to stage two or three so yeah plays very similar to cabal which I'm sure some of you have played okay maybe a lot of you it's made by the same people so I guess that should be no surprise anyway you're supposedly trying to hunt down some big Outlaw in order to do that I guess you need to destroy entire towns I don't know to me it seems like you're on a rampage to kill and destroy and the good towns Walker just trying to defend themselves and their town but you're just hell-bent on killing them and destroying everything they ever built yeah to me that just feels more right I think my favorite part of the game is when you win a stage and you run off into the distance you're just so damn happy that you destroyed everything and you get to go and Destroy something else the graphics are good and I like the details in each scene and how much of it can be damaged by your shots the music is okay but it rarely changes and it sounds pretty wimpy for an arcade game released in 1990. I really did have a good time with this one and it probably didn't come to a home console because they thought people wouldn't have been impressed since it didn't have any fancy scrolling but who knows I like it more than I like cabal I'll tell you that all right man those were some five awesome games that would have been Kick-Ass on my Super Nintendo those were some five awesome games but I think it would have been highly compromised yeah they probably would have been long it's like a Saturn however I think they would have been really really cool yeah that's true I would have played them on the Saturn yeah anyway we've got well we've got five more so don't go away [Music] foreign which is based on the movie of the same name there's lots of Home console versions of Hook by Sony imageoff but this one is a bit more fun than any of those it's your standard arcade beat em up and I really had a fun time playing this game you know I was never a really big fan of the movie Hook but I really like the Peter Pan animation by Disney being that they're based on the same character and story they obviously have lots of similarities in this game you can choose to play as Peter Pan Rufio or three of The Lost Boys all of them play the same but have different attacks and special animations you know Peter Pan should have been the only playable character why would you want to play as anyone else they're probably there for multiplayer I feel sorry for player two the fighting is fun and there are a lot of weapons treasures and Life to pick up along the way from barrels and treasure chests I like this spear that you check at your enemies it looks like it sticks in their heads as it pushes them off the screen that's awesome there's some large boss fights here and of course a battle with Captain Hook and you know what he's just as you would expect him to be the Cowardly dirty fighter even Mr Smee is here that blithering idiot it's a good looking game with some decent music which makes me wish this game came to a home console I'm not really sure why irim didn't bring this one home but if I had a guess I would say that the game was unpopular enough to spend the time and cash on a home release also Sony probably owned the rights to any possible console versions laughs [Music] Boogie Wings by Data East is a really cool game that came out in 1992. at first it appears it's just a horizontal shooter with a biplane that takes place maybe around World War one that in itself is pretty cool as most Shooters simply have you flying around shooting things in space but no your plane has a grappling hook and you can pick up bombs and other objects and hurl them at the enemy you can pick up almost anything but not everything causes damage some things can cause a ton of damage like picking up tanks and tossing him into the bigger enemy also if you press the fire button quickly you generate a lightning bomb type of weapon that briefly envelops your plane if your plane gets hit well you're not done yet you jump out and continue on foot like the total badass that you are you can run every bit as fast as you were flying and jump almost just as high your Sprite is super tiny and for some weird reason I kind of like this as you're running around you can still shoot your gun and also jump into many different vehicles or even on a horse it almost reminds me of metal slug but with teeny tiny Sprites instead you can even get on a pogo stick but that doesn't last long the game doesn't take itself seriously at all and I always like that in a game God I miss Data East I really wish they were still around the graphics are great with tons of small details everywhere like The Blues Brothers or how about this little dog that's following you around and it can't be destroyed I love stuff like that everything is really small but again there's something really appealing about that for some reason and no get your mind out of the gutter I'm not making excuses for myself leave me alone the music is great too I probably wouldn't listen to it outside of the game but you can tell this game is all about having fun the music is just so happy while you're blowing the crap out of everything you see him really should have come out on a console because it was unique and there wasn't anything really like it I have no clue why it didn't companies had no problem releasing shooter after shooter where you just fly over a boring black background so why couldn't we get more unique stuff like this so if you can please go back in time and convince Data East to bring this out on the Saturn thanks [Music] foreign [Music] here's a nice little beat em Up by Data East called night slashers this is a great zombie apocalypse game that came out way before zombies were cool you can choose from three different characters but I think my favorite is this vampire Hunter guy I like his moves and he seems a bit quicker than the other characters speaking of moves each character has their own melee attacks special moves and super special moves these are all great but as is the custom with arcade games using your super special moves will drain your life bar this of course makes you dump in more quarters these special moves work great in Upper levels when you're being swarmed by enemies and actually can save your life even if you have to give up some there's not a ton of different enemy types here there's lots of zombies and just plain evil people as well graphically the game is pleasing there's some nice level designs characters and enemy Sprites I like when you defeat some of the Boss characters and their skin melts off of their bones this is a really nice touch I also like when enemies turn into a pile of goo it's these little additions that help make a game feel more complete what's interesting is that the Japanese version which I'm playing here has lots of blood in it the US version just has green slime because we just can't handle blood in our games the music is really enjoyable as well it has some really eerie Melodies all with a good tempo [Applause] [Music] I only have a few complaints about this game firstly when you pick up an item I really really hate the off-key whistle that accompanies that action [Music] I just can't believe they couldn't have found a better sound effect for that secondly whenever you're button mashing and fighting an enemy you can't just stop at any moment you need to wait before you can turn around and attack another enemy who is coming up behind you this happens in a lot of games and you know what it's really annoying other than that this is a really fun game and it would have been a great one for our Halloween episode why Data East didn't bring this bad boy home to consoles is a crime [Music] [Music] Nitro ball is another unique game by Data East this one is an overhead run and gun that looks kind of like mercs and is also a pinball game yeah the pinball part doesn't happen very often though so it's mostly a run and Gun the game has a very smashed TV feel to it you're on a game show and as you shoot certain things they spit out prizes for you to collect there are a total of five different areas based on certain themes for example the first area is called strange football where everything is football themed only strange then there's also the combat field Ghost Town aliens world and the space station between rounds you have what they call a match chance if you time your button press and match the red number you get to play a bonus round which you basically just run around shooting things to collect more prizes and like real TV game shows each level ends in the boss fight the action is pretty fast and intense and it really takes a lot of skill not to get hit it's definitely a quarter muncher and you'll be dying quite a bit I like all of the different weapons you can collect they can make things easier at least temporarily sometimes the game will give you a goal like destroying all the tanks within 10 seconds if you can do this then you get even more prizes oh you know the IRS is going to be up your ass over all this stuff I think my favorite stage is the ghost town mainly because I like that kind of stuff and the boss is really cool too the graphics are all pretty good and the screen is vertically oriented though I don't think it's necessarily needed in this game The Sound and Music are both great if it exists I really need to get the soundtrack to this one [Music] a five-state ages the game is pretty short I was able to beat it in less than 20 minutes but that was with constant continuing probably the best thing about this game is that if you win you get to be president what other qualifications could you need besides winning a TV game show this would be a good game to have on consoles but I think it needs to be a bit longer [Music] [Music] [Music] Thunder cross 2 is another great shooter by Konami as far as sequels go Thunder cross 2 delivers in all areas the first game was pretty good but it did get a release on the PS2 in Japan so we won't be talking about that version graphically the game is beautiful with bright colors and some nicely detailed backgrounds multiple layers of Parallax scrolling add some really nice depth to each level the sound is great with some awesome music it's really upbeat and has that Konami feel to it some of the levels have branching paths which is nice and it has quite a bit of replayability the web and power-up system is pretty standard when you first start out or respawn your first power up is always an option the second power up is always a speed power up and after that is the weapon power-up and personally I like the lasers the best you can end up getting a bunch of options for your ship which is nice there's also a power up that makes your options super huge this power up has a life bar and the power is returned to normal after it empties this is a nice touch but the only thing that I don't like about this is that your options are stationary in this mode it's not a big deal but I would have liked to have been able to put my options where I think they would have been most useful the game isn't super difficult I suck hugely at Shooters and I was able to do fairly well and I didn't even die once fighting the level 2 boss I'm so proud of myself this is a great shooter that Konami should have brought to the PS2 I guess they wanted to focus on the gradius series so we got nothing [Music] and there you go more awesome arcade games that never came home to the Sega Saturn where they belonged no why would they come home to there I mean well if you want to do a proper you're just going to go ahead and buy the arcade cabinet and bring that into your house Well yeah if I had room I mean if I had like more than a studio apartment maybe well yeah but you could always I don't know storm in my house and you can come over and play them whenever I guess that yeah um anyway uh let us know if there's more arcade games that we haven't covered in these three left in the arcade episodes that you'd like to see in a future installment of this and they have to be awesome and we don't want any like uh you know Clacks or something like that yeah clocks did come home though anyway in the meantime thank you for watching game sack thank you [Music] all right man I'm down to my last quarter Joe and I'm gonna go play me some Pac-Man Oh Come On Dave I've been funding your arcade experience after every one of these arcade episodes I think yeah since we've been making and it's awesome I appreciate it but I'd like to play an arcade game now there's you know plenty around here I'd like to play and come on how about you give me one of your quarter Sports I play a game all right I guess so but yeah I'm not gonna play Pac-Man what do you think I should play though oh you know what uh play afterburner I just played it the control is awesome it's just like it came right out of the freaking warehouse this thing is awesome sweet I'm gonna go play me some afterburner yeah yeah hey that's my quarters I put my initials in thank you [Music] the buttons don't work they can't fire what the hell [Music] Dave Pullman to play a game that doesn't even work I gotta get them back [Music] [Applause] thank you hello and welcome to game sack once again we're talking about games that did not have a Home console release but they were in the arcades yeah and another great patch it's I think we could do tons of these there's so many arcade games out there that would fit this mold yeah and Hell let's just get right on into it what do you think I agree all right [Music] Dyna gear is a side-scrolling run and Gun Game by Sammy in the year 2993 two battling spaceships fall through a timehole that sends them back 65 million years in the past the evil Gustav quickly turns the dinosaurs of the planet against you there's also a wolf-like clan that gets involved and wants to get Gustav off the planet so it can return to normal as you start the game you choose from two characters Roger who was battling Gustav in space or a wolf from the planet where the two ships crashed both of these characters control fairly similar with slight differences in their speed and jumping attributes honestly you won't really notice a big difference between the two characters as you'd expect every level is filled with these dinosaurs who have been turned evil man Gustav must have talked some serious trash about you to get these dinosaurs all riled up I guess I'll Overlook the fact that they have so many different dinosaurs from different areas at once I'm sorry but the stegosaurus was not around at the same time as the Tyrannosaurus Rex and neither of those were around in the same areas of fire-breathing pterodactyl or the floating enlarging saitania duh I mean anybody knows that you learn that in first grade anyways as you fight your way through each level you'll come across many treasure chests these mainly hold different weapons most of the weapons you find are effective but I found the ball and chain to be the most fun to wield it's fun getting that thing going top speed and just pummeling enemies most of them are just pushovers and will die pretty quickly the problem is that they simply disappear and have no chance to become fossil fuels for my car in the future the bosses on the other hand are not so easy and that's probably why they're bosses it's really hard to get your timing done while fighting a boss when your weapon goes on auto and you can't really control it very well that's when a boss seems to get you it's really hard to keep from button mashing but you've got to slow down a Ted and learn the pattern for each boss but that doesn't mean you'll be safe I died many times fighting these bosses but it didn't matter as I had another continue ready to go if I needed it after fighting a boss you'll be able to collect coins that are way too big for anybody's pocket I honestly don't know where the dinosaurs were holding coins of this size and did dinosaurs actually have currency at first glance I thought they were coins of the Mortal Kombat logo but there's no shops to spend these in you just collect coins for points and of course points are only important if you're going for a high score the game flows fairly smooth and you do have a double jump feature which can help in sticky situations or if you have a chance to get up higher you can also climb walls and fight while you're on the wall I like this feature be on the lookout for places to climb as several levels will have branching pass you can take I also like the graphics in this game the backgrounds are quite detailed as are the Sprites I like how when you kill some dinosaurs in the first level they turn into skeletons all the dinosaurs really do look pissed off so you won't feel bad about killing them playing this game I don't feel too sad that it didn't make it home from the arcade but it still was a fun experience what would you guys think would you like this on a Home console [Music] foreign [Music] this one's called JJ squawkers and it's from a company called Athena the game starts out with some vandals throwing rocks and things at your house while you're sleeping well you're not happy about this at all so you're on a mission to destroy pretty much everything you see you're a bird whose name is of course JJ squawkers actually it's Annie but I call him JJ you throw tomatoes and other types of shots to take out your enemies you can shoot up and down as well as left and right kind of like Ghouls and ghosts if it was on crack you can also jump of course and the game has a very quick Pace to it actually the entire game is off the wall crazy I mean just look at some of these backgrounds they're completely nonsensical some of your weapons are pretty crazy as well like this Slinky type thing with shoes on it that walks across horizontal surfaces this is actually my favorite weapon to use you can also power up each weapon if a certain item is dropped which it rarely ever is you can take multiple hits per Life thanks to your life bar which is something that's pretty rare to see in an arcade game when you actually do die you sound like a cat being crushed with an Xbox maybe the developers didn't know that birds and cats make different sounds I don't know anyway when you do Die the game sets you back to a checkpoint which usually isn't tremendously far away that is unless you're fighting a boss then it resurrects you right there well unless you need to continue then it'll set you back before the boss fight unless you're playing two players then one of you responds right there just as long as the other is still alive that is unless wait I think that covers it the game itself can be pretty tough since there is so much crazy crap all over the screen at pretty much any given time there's a bit of slowdown here and there but it's not too bad overall the game is fairly short and despite its difficulty you can probably plow through it pretty quick I feel sad for JJ's squawkers having to live in this messed up LSD world the graphics are extremely colorful maybe too colorful I mean if you look at this game for too long you might even get a headache what's weird is that the first level is so normal looking maybe as you progress through the game you're seeing what JJ is seeing as a sanity begins to slip away I do like the day to night today transitions in the first stage though that's pretty cool the sound in the music is it's okay the music is just kind of there and sometimes it's almost annoying remember some of the sound affects our cartoony and that makes them cool [Music] so why the hell didn't this game Grace home consoles well for one it likely was not very popular I mean have you ever even heard of this one I hadn't until someone recommended that we include it and even if it was in every arcade in the world I doubt too many quarters would have been dropped into it still it's a fun game and it does have some unique charm [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] all right well there we go um I don't know Joe playing these games on Meme is it's cool and all but there's something missing I don't know what it is something's just not feeling like the original arcade well that's because you're playing on an emulator yeah so that's true maybe maybe if I got a arcade stick USB it might help a little bit but I don't know anyway let's just get back into more games I agree [Music] a lot of you have requested that we check out out Zone this one is a vertically oriented run and gun game from toaplon you've got two count them two different weapons to choose from I don't even know if I can count that high anyway you'll come across C icons and this will let you switch between your two different weapons one is a purple shot and you can shoot in any direction the other is a three-way spread but unfortunately your character completely forgets how to turn around when using this weapon so basically the weapon system was designed with trade-offs in mind personally I like to stick with the three-way shot as much as possible as I feel it helps defend me much more you also have a limited number of bomb blasts which cleared the screen oh and you also have a constantly depleting energy meter if you let this run out then you'll slow down stop moving and fall over dead fortunately this is extremely hard to let happen since there are so many e icons all over the place which replenish your energy just be sure to grab them when you can and you'll be fine the goal of this game is really more about staying alive rather than just killing everything I say that because it's extraordinarily easy to die since your character is a complete pansy he explodes when getting hit by any single bullet why he doesn't invest in body armor is beyond me especially when he's heading into such insurmountable odds all by himself or with a friend in two blue I know and oh man is the enemy Relentless many of them will hide behind Corners waiting to shoot you as you walk by but you can't turn to shoot them because you're carrying the three-way shot not like it matter much if you could anyway because there's usually another enemy over somewhere else that'll take you down in these situations you really just need to use your bomb to clear the area fortunately there's lots and lots of checkpoints in fact usually whenever you see a c icon there's probably going to be a checkpoint right there if you run out of lives and need to continue they're going to send you a lot further back though there's also SP icons that'll pop up once in a blue moon these can range from a shield which lets you take an extra hit to different weapons like a flamethrower or a spinning ball thingy that's pretty cool the boss fights can be interesting often you'll be tempted to use the bomb to defend yourself from the incoming bullets but that's probably not going to harm the boss that's because their weak point is only exposed for a second or two every once in a while but if you use the bomb when this happens then you're gonna make short work of him no problem then you just keep on walking as the entire game is just one single scrolling screen it's awful nice of the enemy to pack everything into a convenient area that doesn't vary more than 20 feet or so in Latitude the graphics are fairly nice though really nothing too far beyond the capabilities of the game consoles at the time the music has some nice Melodies here and there but the sound of this particular FM synth is kind of abrasive it's not too bad though I'm surprised this didn't come out for any home consoles in Japan and if it had it would have never been released over here because companies wanted to give us stuff like green dog instead overall it's an interesting Take On the Run and Gun genre that's definitely worth a play [Music] yeah but wait two years later toeapon came out with fixate which is a spiritual sequel the gameplay here is the same basic concept two different weapons with the spread being locked forward instead of C icons you now have a rainbow Square walk across this and your weapon type switches but you can walk across the same square again and again if you want to keep switching your weapons back and forth this one lets you select from eight different characters but they all play more or less the same even though their weapons are slightly different there's now question mark icons which will give you something random like a speed boost or a special weapon you still have your bomb blasts but this time they only clear the path in front of you instead of the entire screen some parts of the game even play like a vertical shooter these parts are really only okay and when you die you respond right there instead of back at a checkpoint so this game is much much easier despite coming out two years after out Zone the visuals look much more grainy and far less refined I think in fact I'd say it looks more like an earlier rather than a later game there seems to be a lot more slowdown as well I wonder if they lost a lot of their good staff before they started work on this the audio is pretty bad but I'm going to chalk that up to bad emulation [Music] foreign as someone who owns some arcade pcbs I can safely say that Mame has never really been on the Forefront of accurate arcade sound emulation anyway when it comes down to it I'd probably rather play out Zone over fixate but you should try them both [Music] [Music] this is kengo by Iram the game starts out with you witnessing the bloody murder of some woman most likely your significant other your character arrives a moment too late to save her life from here on out it's quite obvious that you're out to get revenge for this woman whoever she is the game looks like a lot of other ninja style games out there at first glance it looks very similar to say revenge of Shinobi but maybe that's just me your character has a sword for a main weapon you can hold down the action button for a couple of seconds and this will give you a powerful Blast from your sword it will also defend you from weak attacks from enemies the attack is actually very handy and does a lot of damage so you'll be using it a lot if you don't then it's going to take you a hell of a long time and a lot of lives to defeat bosses enemies come at you constantly and mowing them down with your sword feels good I do miss having some throwing stars and these would have made the game a touch more enjoyable I think one thing that I don't really like in this game is jumpy instead of having a dedicated jump button like normal games you jump by pushing up it works fine but damn I'd much rather push a button to make my character jump in each level there are breakable items such as lanterns and boxes which will give you health and money health is a must-have as this game is tough it's tough because you really do take a lot of hits and every time you get hit it takes a lot off your life either way you'll be dying a lot and that's okay because this is an arcade game and you're meant to die a lot and keep pushing quarters into the cabinet throughout each level if you waste too much time killing enemies or gathering hidden goodies from breakable items an air will come up telling you to get your ass moving I've got to say that this is the most annoying part of this game it seems that this stupid Arrow comes up way too quickly and you don't have a chance to scavenge for Treasure did they really think that the player won't figure out that he needs to keep moving every level you fight in has a mid boss and a final boss once defeated the mid boss will usually drop a sword power up this is great and helps a lot while it lasts the problem is that once you take a hit it's gone and you're back to your basic sword before you know it boss battles are tough and I died many times fighting bosses the combination of pushing up to jump and trying to avoid these bosses makes the game difficult I really do like the level designs in this game and they all feel like feudal Japan which is what I hope the developers were going for I also like the explosions after you defeat a boss the more explosions the better I'm surprised it didn't show up on the PC engine since irm loved porting just about everything there but alas it didn't to be honest this game really didn't win me over sure it was fun for a short time but overall it wasn't enough to keep me interested what do you think about this one [Music] foreign [Music] ly we have box Adventure arcade version from canico that's right Bonk got his very own arcade game as far as I can tell this one was only ever released in Japan and parts of Asia let me know if you know differently right away you get to select from 21 different stages this one plays a bit differently than the Bonk that each and every one of us without exception know and love firstly you can't keep spinning in the air once you press the attack button in the air you're committed to landing on the ground or an enemy with your head also the power-ups work differently as you become a bunch of different kinds of things now like here he's skeleton Bonk looks cool but I really don't know what this means each enemy takes at least two hits to disperse and you can't chain attacks like you can in the home releases the goal is to basically make it to the end of the stage as fast as possible and the stages are very short as a result you can collect the smiley faces but this time they attach to your head which is pretty weird and looks even more weird but think of it as making your head bigger this can be pretty handy for attacks it can also be used to block some enemy projectiles but when you get touched they all fall off and you need to go and collect them again and of course since this is a bonk game there's lots of footballs basketballs and soccer balls around if you like Bonk you like sports period I mean they're like the same damn thing you carry balls for some extra points and at the end of the level you can make a sweet basket touchdown or goal unfortunately the game just isn't tremendously great there's just so much random chaos going on all the time that it's really more of a chore to try to enjoy it after each third level is complete you get your choice of one of seven bosses to fight and as you might guess I don't really care for the majority of these boss fights once again there's just so much random crap going on that is really hard to focus on what needs to be done each boss needs to be hit 15 times which sounds a lot easier than it is they throw a lot of other enemies to attack you Each of which take multiple hits to Die the boss fights just aren't as fun as they should be [Music] after the boss is defeated you play through three more levels of your choosing anyway the graphics are really really good with multiple layers of scrolling excellent artwork and great color the music is also pretty good though fairly quiet in comparison to the sound effects a lot of it has been arranged from the original games [Music] this is definitely the best looking Bonk game out there but also the worst playing and honestly the least enjoyable it's no wonder that this never came to a home console because we already had better Bond games there I appreciate what they tried to do to bring some freshness to the formula but it just didn't really work I wonder how much different it would have been if it were made by red or Hudson I guess we'll never know [Music] thank you [Music] and there you go there's some more games that did not get a home port and you know some of them almost kind of good we're yeah I actually I really like Trio the punch that was one that surprised me I just liked how the flow of the game went it was really fun you know why did you get the good game I got stuck with bonk's Adventure and oh my God because I'm the good guy that's why yeah anyway uh let us know of some more games that did not get a Home console Port if you can think of any um well there are a lot of them out there so and what are some of your favorite arcade games that did not get poured at home and in the meantime thank you for watching game sack [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you Hey Joe you know I hate playing main games on my computer yeah well this is the answer we're going to be playing some arcade PCB games what game is that it's party time gone to the diver too I hear it has pretty women in it let's play okay [Music] take games like this Tate you mean Tate whatever who cares yeah I agree hey are you gonna let me have a turn why because you got the last girl naked oh come on I like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello welcome to GameStop this is left in the arcade part five if you can believe it or not I can't believe it Joe this is an amazing series of episodes that we've got going on and I always hate it because I like these games a lot and I hate it because the games never got released at home that's that's why I hate it that is true and we've got quite a few games to show you that never got home port on any platform and with that said what do I always say let's get into it yeah let's get into it [Music] oh this is Marshall Masters released by IGS in 1999 in Taiwan and over the next two years in Japan and North America this one-on-one fighting game lets you choose from 12 different characters right away I'm taken aback By the Fantastic 2D graphics and animation and really you should be too they're very smooth and animate in a similar manner to Street Fighter 3 which was also released around the same time and the controls are quick and responsive despite the many frames of Animation the characters all look really good the backgrounds look fantastic but there is no Parallax scrolling oh well I guess not everything needs to have Parallax scrolling actually yes it does this game reminds me of both the Neo Geo and also the Capcom cps2 Hardware it's like the Neo Geo because there are four action buttons a light and heavy punch and a light and heavy kick it also has those flickering Shadows beneath the characters like pretty much every Neo Geo fighting game ever but it also seems like the Capcom cps2 arcade Hardware mainly because of the non-square pixels this game runs at a very high horizontal resolution of 448 pixels wide compared to the Neo GEOS 304 pixels actually the cps2 is only 384 pixels wide so this is even more extreme anyway most of the characters control pretty well but there are some like scorpion here which are downright odd I guess this adds some charm to the game but he's not really a character I'd want to spend any time mastering but the game is fast and if you want to master anyone you're going to have to learn quickly otherwise you're going to get pummeled the moves and also the special moves are fairly easy and fun to figure out and pull off repeatedly you've also got stuff like being able to recover from an attack before you hit the ground or Flash attacks where you can push your enemy away when they're trying to beat your ass these help but I couldn't always do them reliably regardless I always have fun with this game even when I'm losing it's a fun fighting game and it's probably one that not a whole lot of people know about I think that if maybe more people played it in the arcade then perhaps it would have gotten a Home Port unfortunately it couldn't quite compete with Street Fighter 3. still this would have made a great game on the Dreamcast but sadly for everyone it never happened thank you [Music] here's crime Fighters by Konami and it was released in 1989. this is a side-scrolling beat em up which is cool since I do like the genre I also like the stories in these types of games because they're mainly also very similar you're not going to believe this but somebody's been kidnapping girls and it's up to you to rescue them all while kicking some Street thug ass all along the way the fighting in this title is both good and bad it's good because your character has some cool moves as you can punch kick throw and use weapons that he's taken from his enemies but it's also bad because the hit detection is off and if you're too close to the street Thug that you're trying to take out you can't hit him your character also doesn't have a lot of reach when he's fighting so you have to find the right spot to be and to land your attacks the other bad thing is that if you're using a weapon that you've collected from your enemy and you get hit it's gone it would have been nice if it just got knocked out of your hand and then you could retrieve it but nope it just disappears another thing that I've noticed about this game is that there's no hidden items like health or weapons and background objects usually games of this style have these things but this doesn't and it feels pretty weird it's okay though since the game is still pretty fun without all of that there's lots of funny things that happen to you as you're playing things like getting electrocuted if you happen to touch this neon billboard or when you see a hooker in the background and try to talk to her you get flattened against a wall these are just a few of the many funny things that I noticed while playing the game has a sense of humor and it works and this is good because it's not an easy game there's times when you'll have lots of enemies on screen and you'll get pummeled left and right and then thrown against a wall and it'll take a long time for you to clear that area luckily though you start off right where you die even if you need to continue all in all this is a pretty fun beat-em-up with lots of colorful levels and the soundtrack is surprisingly good at times I enjoyed this one and you should try it if you can [Music] [Music] here's battle circuit from Capcom released in 1997. this beat-em-up was only released in the arcades in Europe and Japan you can choose from five different characters in up to four people can play simultaneously I've got to say that I like this one a lot more than I like most beat-em-ups that never got a home Port this game is just so weird and crazy basically you're all bounty hunters and you're going after well you know what this story is extremely nonsensical so just know that you need to beat everyone up I mean that works each character is based on a color you've got your normal character with cyber blue here but honestly the rest are anything but normal there's Captain silver who's kind of a stretchy guy and he can even turn into a cannon yellow iris is an animal-like woman who's probably the second most normal character you're gonna get pink ostrich is exactly that a pink ostrich with a little girl riding her and finally there's alien green who appears to be a vicious living plant who the hell would hire a friggin plant as a bounty hunter oh well I guess if he gets the job done you have two buttons to worry about your attack and your jump that's it and really that's all you're gonna need if you press both buttons at the same time you'll do a special move which can cause some good damage but of course that's going to drain your life part fortunately there's food icons all over the place to help you refill it there's another move which provides status effects that you pull off by jumping and pressing both buttons and up all at once this depends on your character so you might be powered up for a brief time increase your defense for a bit get some health back on your life meter or even increase your speed and you can usually only do these twice per credit also on the ground all over the place are coins and other forms of money collect as much of this as you possibly can in regular games these would just be for extra points but in this one you get to spend it between rounds powering up your character with new moves and effects it's pretty cool the game plays well and it feels very fluid no matter which character you choose to play as I like this a lot as you never feel burdened by bad designer control well I don't know if the plant guy is really fluid but yeah he works I often get board with arcade beat-em-ups due to the repetition but really not this one the enemies and the characters are funny even if they don't make a damn bit of sense the graphics are incredibly good with fantastic colors the animation is also very nice everywhere you look to top it all off the music is fantastic and makes the game that much more enjoyable it's a tough game of course and you'll find yourself dying a lot it's sad that this was never released for any consoles or even arcades in the US but since it came out in 1997 it's not tremendously surprising the Saturn was almost dead by then and the PlayStation was fully immersed in 3D still I'm kind of surprised that Capcom didn't give it a japan-only Saturn release utilizing one of the ram carts if you can go to a Japanese or european arcade today or tomorrow and play this one or just use Mame whichever is more convenient [Music] [Music] Ring Of Destruction slam Masters 2 is the sequel to Saturday night slam Masters it's a very arcadey wrestling game from Capcom which was released in 1994. all of the characters from the first game are back along with some new ones I do like the character design and the variety in wrestlers and a lot has changed since the first game for example you can't move all around the ring like the original and you're stuck on a single plane like a one-on-one fighting game also you no longer pin your opponents after they lose all of their double life bar it's the end of the round the game still has a lot of grappling moves which is what wrestling is all about but you have lots of punch and kick moves too in fact there's even moves you can pull off via Street Fighter style inputs like a fireball or Dragon punch motions come to think of it this game feels a lot more like Street Fighter than a wrestling game it's fine though because the game is fun the fighting is what you'd expect from a Capcom game and that's precise I really didn't have any problems pulling off moves and had a great time that is until the difficulty ramped up the game teases you and lets you win the first round very easily come the second round it's a very different story and your opponent wakes up and blocks and counters a lot of your moves I mean you really can't expect an arcade game to be easy right it's frustrating but not to the point where you want to give up and stop playing being a wrestling game all of your matches are of course in wrestling rings Capcom did their best trying to have a lot of variety in the backgrounds and each character has their own ring which is nice but the problem is it's a wrestling ring and not a street fight so the variety isn't amazing it's a shame this game didn't get ported to a home system it's definitely challenging but at the same time it's a lot of fun it's totally worth throwing a couple of bucks into it if you ever see it in real life which you won't [Music] ESP raid is a japan-only bullet hell shooter from cave this one is unique from other overhead Shooters and one amazing way you control a flying human being instead of planes or spaceships isn't that incredible okay not really but it is kind of sort of unique I guess this game takes place in the year 2018 so if you live in Tokyo go outside and look up you just might be able to witness this game happen live you get to choose from three different individuals each with their very own hopes dreams and yes ESP powers and in order to make those hopes and dreams come true you gotta blow things up with your ESP lots and lots and lots of stuff each character has slightly different weapons but they more or less work exactly the same you have your normal rapid shot which you'll spend most of your time using if you hold this button down your character will move around a little bit slower and that will help you navigate through some of the chaos kind of the next button over is sort of a limited condensed shot thing that drains the outside meter at the bottom but it refills almost immediately the last button can be held down to generate a shield around you which makes you invulnerable and also gets bigger and bigger as long as you hold it down and once you let it go it releases a powerful shot with four beams you can usually do this three times per life or more if you hold it down for Less each time you do it I don't think there's a way to refill the blue meter at the bottom because I can never stay alive long enough to find out the easiest way I found to refill it is just to die and get a new life the game controls well enough but it's a bullet hell shooter and that means there are tons and tons of colored bullets all over the place your hitbox is super tiny much smaller than your character maybe only a few pixels in size same goes for the bullets themselves I don't know where these hitboxes reside in each Sprite but it makes things very confusing when things overlap and nothing happens it's pretty much the opposite of what you'd expect I mean if a bullet touches any part of me I should die or at least take some damage as a result I never really understood the appeal of the bullet hell sub-genre I mean if that's your thing then yeah you're gonna like this one I've got to say though that I didn't care much for this game at the beginning but as I got more and more used to it I did begin enjoying it more and more in fact one part I really enjoyed was murdering all of these chipmunk women with my vicious ESP Powers I mean just listen to him die foreign [Music] the graphics are all really really nice when you can see them and by that I mean when the screen isn't covered in bullets there's tons of detail here that you'll probably never see unless you want to die immediately oh and everything blows up really really nice there needs to be more Parallax scrolling though come on Cave don't wimp out on me like this the music is decent from what I can hear and that's hard because the sound effects are all Extremely Loud and they're constant giving the Mayhem on screen amazingly this one never came to the Dreamcast back in the day like you'd expect it didn't even arrive on any later consoles as part of a compilation and honestly that's because it was released in the arcades by Atlas And there are some issues bringing it home without both atlases and caves consent still if it had shown up on a Home console would you have bought it [Music] [Applause] all right Joe there's five games that could have easily been ported to a home console somewhere yeah but they just weren't damn it all but we've got five more foreign [Music] force from technos is a side-scrolling beat em up that stands out from other games in the genre in this one or two player game you can pick from four completely different characters they each have their own attacks and specials so it's really fun to try them all and see which one you like the best the game boasts a six button control scheme which is a lot for a game of this style there's a jump button two buttons for weapons two buttons for kicks and the most interesting button lets you possess an enemy character you can take control of a lot of the base enemies that you fight not only that but you'll be shown how to do the special moves of the character that you just took over this is a really cool feature that adds some depth to what is just an otherwise run of the mill beat em up and if you don't like the character that you possessed just push the possess button again and you'll switch back to your normal character this is also a good way of quickly defeating an enemy in the beginning the game lets you pick what level you want to start on and then it takes over from there all the characters have a decent variety of moves and there's even screen clearing detects that come in handy a lot of times one feature that this game has that I like is the ability to block by pushing backwards on your control pad another feature that I'm not sure if I like or not is your character always faces your nearest enemy it's a really good idea but it feels just weird at times since I'm used to facing whatever Direction I want to there's all sorts of items hidden in breakable containers such as health and extra points but there's no weapons unless your character already wields one as far as the graphics Go the game looks great there's tons of color and lots of variety in the backgrounds you fight on and who doesn't love the huge technos billboard that takes up over half the screen I know I love it I mean as technos who doesn't love technos the music on the other hand feels pretty weak it really didn't do anything for me and I barely noticed it when I was playing still I had a fun time with this game so I think you should try it out you'll be happy you did [Music] oh [Music] let's check out guardians from band Presto this one is also known as dungeon Makai 2. the first dungeon Makai game was released in Japan on the super famicom but the sequel here was arcade only obviously I don't need to tell you that it's a beat-em-up even though I kind of just did you can choose from a total of eight different characters which is pretty damn generous for a game in this genre the mission here is to defeat your enemies without being defeated yourself so pretty much just like every game ever you have three buttons you can press to help you out one is your normal attack which is usually a punch or slash type action depending on the character then there's a special button which in most cases will be a form of projectile attack this depletes your power meter which is below your life meter and of course you also have a jump button if you press the jump and normal attack buttons together you get another special attack which damages most enemies close to you this will also eat up your power meter the weird thing is is that even after it runs out the power meter will recharge itself fairly quick so you'll rarely be unable to do these kinds of attacks but the recharge will cost you a sliver of your life bar despite this you'll still find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer amount of enemies on the screen at once all trying to kick your ass it can get pretty crowded at times finally each character has a big super special type of attack there's also items to pick up for points life refills and even some melee weapons the characters you control are all pretty unique and some like this guy are pretty weird and the boss he's fighting here is just as weird in fact a lot of the enemies are weird looking in some way that's cool though I like that it gives it some uniqueness the visuals are pretty nice often having lots of Parallax scrolling and you know that's all I need in my life there's also fun stuff happening in the backgrounds here and there like this guy back there who's quickly painting the band Presto logo on the wall or these guys who are precariously balancing cards on a table and then you burst in and ruin their day or how about these guys who saw down the trees so they fall forward and Crush you and what self-respecting beat em up would be without an obligatory elevator stage the music is kind of weird and it doesn't really fit the game at all in fact I'd say that it brings the overall experience down a notch it's not bad music I just feel it could be a lot beefier given the game itself it's still fun for the most part and I definitely recommend trying it out if you can I'm a bit surprised that it didn't get a port to the super famicom but it need to be compromised quite a bit if it did [Music] okay [Music] here's Joe and Mack returns from day to East released in 1994. this title Strays from the previous side-scrolling games in the series and is now a single screen platformer in the vein of Bubble Bobble my first thought was that this wasn't going to be a good game at all but you can't always trust your instinct because this title is actually very fun the gameplay is simple your character has a club that shoots some fire along the ground the Fire doesn't kill but instead stuns your enemies if you don't do anything after that they come back to life but who would just leave a stunned enemy alone right once you walk over to them you bag them then you can take the bag and shoot it across the screen killing another enemy if you're good enough and can stun two or more enemies you'll get them in a big bag that can wipe out a whole platform it's easy and it's fun to do and you know what that's what matters every level has a trap cave grill that you need to rescue you do this by just walking by them and they'll be so grateful that they will give you lots of food and points and sometimes a weapon make sure you don't hit the cave grill with your club because they'll push you away and you won't get anything since they don't like that kind of treatment but yeah enemies also drop lots of food for points and a lot of Yummy Sushi they also drop power-ups from time to time when you collect it your cave guy yells out I got a power [Music] these power-ups can range from moving faster having a bigger Mallet or being able to shoot projectiles another interesting feature is an enemy generator that you'll find on some stages it's reminiscent of games like Gauntlet as it keeps spitting out enemies until you destroy it and of course what game like this would be complete without a boss battle at the end of each area none I tell you no game would be complete the boss battles are fun but overall pretty easy between levels you're treated to a cutscene that usually involves a cave girl accidentally being liberated from her clothes and the cave guy is gawking at her it's really too bad that this game never got a home release it's hugely colorful and looks amazing and I would have been all over this game back in the day not to mention the music is really fun as well with lots of sampled voices and instruments oh well I guess if it did get a console release I wouldn't be talking about it here have you played it tell me what you think all right [Music] this is pirates from a company called NYX and it came out in 1994. in this extremely obscure cabal rip-off you play the role of a pirate in search of some treasure basically you can run back and forth in the foreground you have a cursor which you can aim as you fire and shoot stuff you also have a limited number of grenades you can toss anywhere the cursor is pointed the enemies definitely fire back at you and you can shoot most of their bullets down before they get to you but if you can't the last button is a dash move that will save your hide as you slide right through the bullets unharmed you'll be murdering tons and tons of people who are trying to stop you from getting the treasure but hey this is money so lives do not matter you have some pretty damn powerful guns too if you can destroy ships all the way on the horizon back there with your little pistol I mean damn there's also some strange stuff that flies in from time to time like this noisy witch shoot her and she'll drop an item like an extra bomb you can also get gun power ups which have a faster shot and a wider range and even with all this you'll still find yourself dying quite a bit most of the levels have destructible backgrounds and you know it's always satisfying to watch the homes of innocent people crumble on my quest for the gold damn them in each stage there's also a slightly hidden bonus prize that's worth a ton of points and at the end of every third stage you get to fight a boss and these fights are pretty fun the graphics and the sound are both pretty primitive for an arcade game released in 1994. this may be one reason why it never came home because it would have been a huge step backwards to what was already being released on the 16-bit consoles at the time another reason might be that publisher Nix was extremely small and couldn't afford to Port it that's okay because it's not even the best of the cabal rip-offs anyway Plus Wild guns would be released the following year on the Super Nintendo in North America and the year after that in Europe so honestly it's not really a big loss that this one never came up but if you actually see an operational Pirates machine in real life give it a play because you probably won't see another foreign [Music] this is Gandara a two-player vertical running gun game by bam Presto released in 1995. it seems some sicko out there has taken all the children from a village and you need to get them back safe and sound the fighting takes place in many different but typical locations like Jungles and whatnot it does make things interesting since you don't do all of your fighting on your feet the second level for example has you riding a motorcycle killing lots of other dudes on motorcycles which is pretty fun your character is equipped with a normal gun but can quickly ditch that for something better in fact trying out the new weapons was one of the most enjoyable parts of the game for me there's quite a few and I really haven't found one that I don't like since they all look really cool and do a fair amount of damage many enemies take multiple shots to kill and that can kind of slow down the pace a bit Honestly though you'll hardly notice it besides your normal weapon you have a special weapon that can be used two times while you're alive these of course are pretty powerful and can get you out of a tight spot quickly I always try to save them for boss fights since that's where they're usually most useful oh and there's a third button here that lets you kick your enemies I'm not really sure why this is here as I never got close enough to an enemy to actually put my foot in their ass but it's there just in case you want it rescuing kids is interesting as they're usually tied up to a 50 gallon drums of who knows what it's not gasoline that's for sure I would have blown those kids Sky High trying to rescue them with my gunfire and you can't miss them since they all yell Mammy or something like that and are all dressed in the same yellow uniform thank you [Applause] the boss fights are kind of fun but they kind of have a slight bullet hell feel to them the game itself looks pretty good and there's quite a bit of Animation to everything that's going on in the background and the game isn't easy especially the bosses if you run out of lives and continue the game puts you back so you can't just piling credits to get through this one it's a fun game but really I think it'd be better with two players as then we could have more of a Fighting Chance rainbows [Applause] all right there you are 10 more games that we never saw at home and like you I'm disappointed that the Joe and Mack returns never came home that was fun yeah that should have been brought home I mean that was actually really really fun and a lot of good beat-em-ups didn't make it home oh yeah a lot of beat-em-ups tend to stay in the arcade what's up with that yeah and then they release crap like puzzle games jeez you like puzzle games not all of them know anyway what are some more games you know going back and checking our previous four left in the arcade episodes that got left in the arcade that you'd like to see us cover let us know and hopefully they're not all like Shooters yeah um I like to include a few shooters from time to time but I don't want an episode swamp with them because they're half the play especially For You especially for me since I'm horrible at him but anyway let us know in the meantime thank you for watching game set [Music] foreign [Music] what the hell are you doing I'm looking through your games here Joe I mean we've done five left in the arcade episodes and I'm afraid we're running out of ideas so I'm just looking for some games in your collections for some ideas like Daytona USA did that ever come home [Music] yeah I think it did Dave you sure yeah how about how about Sega Rally Championship now that never happened at home yeah I think that one came home dude how am I supposed to believe you because you're holding it I am aren't I well how about all right how about burning Force this never got brought home did it I don't think it did Dave no it didn't no I'm going to cover this one then this is my first game so you do that all right I'll see you later you see what I have to work with here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to game sack it's time once again to take a look at some arcade games that were never ported home or included in any compilations it's been a while since we've done one of these and there are a lot of great games in this episode but even the ones that aren't so great are still interesting at least they are to me anyway let's get into it this is a b cop or air bike cop from Sega released in 1990 while it was published by Sega but it was actually developed by Icom best known for developing Pulstar on the Neo Geo and also May fat conspiracy on the NES is that how you say it may fat knowing my luck it probably isn't in this game you play a righteous policeman on an air bike dispensing justice as you see fit on the streets which are full of crime it plays similar to chase HQ in that you need to hunt down the bad guys and your main method of attack is ramming into said bad guys during the normal part of the stage you have a set number of lowly enemy air bikers that you need to kill these are all marked with an arrow simply Ram into them and they'll blow up but each subsequent stage needs you to Ram into these guys more and more times before they die there will be an occasional enemy which seems to take fewer hits though to catch the enemies you have a turbo button which works most of the time but if you overuse it you need to wait a small amount of time before it works again you also have a jump button which enables you to clear obstacles and also makes your attack better if you can land on an enemy while using your turbo but only for that one hit you can only jump a set number of times but you can pick up more jumps with the blue J icons after those guys are all dead you fight the boss and he shoots stuff at you you can jump over it but I suggest that you keep him as close to you as possible he has a life bar so you can see how effective you are trying to kill him actually the bosses don't die they get to go to jail unlike all of their Minions that you just killed speaking of dying you're Invincible in this game that's right no matter what happens to you it only slows you down and it doesn't cause any damage so what is the challenge the clock it is not generous at all if it runs out crime wins and Justice fails you only have one life so if the timer runs out you need to continue and if you do I like how airbike cop thanks to coin for saving his life the good news is is that the stage has its own time limit but if you make it to the boss he has his own time limit as well so you can just keep continuing from him well except for the final stage which is mostly a Boss Rush with only one timer so good luck this game is actually pretty fun and it made me want to keep trying as it is quite challenging the graphics are pretty good for a 1990 game though certainly nothing that we hadn't seen before at the time there's plenty of fast scaling provided by the Sega export which is the same Hardware used for afterburner and thunderblade unfortunately this game never exceeds 30 frames per second which honestly is kind of surprising The Sound and Music are pretty good and basically it sounds like a Genesis certainly nothing wrong with that I can kind of understand why this game was never ported as it's quite basic and by the time we had Hardware powerful enough to do it justice it just didn't have enough content still I would have loved to see it on the Saturn bundled with the other Sega games that I'll be talking about in this episode on the single CD I mean wouldn't you [Music] here's desert assault by Data East which was released in 1991. you know I could have sworn we covered this game in a previous episode but nope we were also gonna do this for playing with sax using a friend's arcade PCB but we didn't do that either not sure why is this is a really cool overhead running gun it reminds me a lot of capcom's mercs you can choose from four different outstanding human beings in the beginning each of them starts out with a unique weapon but any character can get any weapon each character also has a unique bomb style attack as well sadly they all share the same exact voice you have a life bar which is a good thing because it's really easy to get hit one of the things that makes it easy to take damage is how slow a lot of the enemy bullets move you think they'd be easy to dodge but they hang around on the screen for way too long and not all of the bullets move at the same speed you can refill your life bar a bit by grabbing food Coke milk or things like that you can even run around by double tapping in the direction you want to run the weapons are all fun to use even the shotgun I normally hate shotguns in games because of their limited range you can even get in a few different types of vehicles to wreak havoc in and some of them are huge that's what she said there are only five stages here but they are all pretty big and they seem to get longer and longer the further you get the good news is is that you won't get bored playing them sometimes there are searchlights that you need to avoid getting caught basically just freezes you for a second fortunately it's not a stealth Mission like metal gear or something I mean everyone's already shooting at you anyway so come on they know you're here the graphics are really good with lots of variety and some cool stage designs Data East also really liked using their single layer transparency effect in this one it's especially effective when you go into rooms which allows you to see through the walls the music is awesome and that's pretty much the case in most Data East arcade games you've got some cool synthesizers as well as some real electric guitar that's right it's real oh my God is this game from the future [Music] so how does it compare to mercs it's pretty close mercs feels a little bit better when it comes to the control and as a game this falls behind but not by much I'd also say that shock troopers on the Neo Geo is a better game still you can't go wrong here as it's very enjoyable this would have been a great game to see on the Genesis or the Super Nintendo though it surely would have had been downgraded or maybe even the Neo Geo since Data East made games on that can you imagine the Neo Geo getting a port of a non-neo Geo arcade game what a trip that would be the transparencies would have to go away though the Saturn or the PlayStation could both do this game perfectly but by then I guess customers weren't really interested in 2D games at least according to company Executives check this one out if you can right on [Applause] [Music] this next game has been requested a lot but I've always had issues capturing the gameplay well thanks to my really big brain it's no longer an issue it's a pretty fun game so check it out [Music] a lot of people request that I talk about Carnival which is a light gun game from Midway that came out in 1998 and they requested often well here it is I'm finally getting around to it you guys hyped this one into the stratosphere so I expect nothing but the best nah I'm just kidding anyway you're in a group tour checking out some spooky stuff from the token takers estate I guess and he's dead since you're an idiot you take his token and plop it into the Jester's mouth now the carnival is awakened again in us trying to kill you jeez that's the thanks I get for waking you up you have weapons somehow and you need to kill almost everything you see it plays pretty much like any other light gun game except that this one is FMV based kind of like area 51. however here it's all rendered graphics with real polygons on top of them you have a standard ration of Six Bullets and at any time you can reload to replenish your capacity if you're like me though you'll often find yourself shooting in at the screen with an empty clip for a second or two before you realize that you need to reload keep in mind that my IQ is barely even in the 50s though of course there are various gun power ups if you're quick enough to grab them but honestly they don't last very long at all my favorite is the extra capacity clip with your basic weapon which will last until you die there are four stages and you can choose the order in which you play the first three and only after defeating those first three can you see the final level each level is pretty big my favorite one of course is the haunted house it reminds me a lot of House of the Dead only a bit watered down and crappier looking if I'm being honest still there's a lot to appreciate in this level my next favorite is the Christmas theme level I love all the different music in this one foreign then there's the circus level and if you're afraid of clowns then it might be scary for you I guess personally I just kind of think that clowns and circus things are kind of dumb so I didn't get much out of this level the graphics are decent I suppose the FMV backgrounds are kind of grainy the polygons aren't much better than Nintendo 64 quality and their textures are so-so and since this game is FMV based the frame rate is pretty low running at around 18 frames per second most of the time when the camera moves fast it can be pretty ugly and you feel like you don't have very precise aim as a result compare this with House of the Dead 2 which came out at around the same time and it looks even worse House of the Dead 2 has a completely polygon World twice the resolution and runs at 60 frames per second overall this is still a fun game I'm surprised that Midway didn't release it on the Dreamcast or the PlayStation 2. [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] a game I've always wanted to play is Arabian fight from Sega which was released in 1991. this is a beat-em-up and right away you can see why people might want to play it the visuals are incredible for its time everything moves in and out of the screen and it all scales smoothly all the characters and all of the backgrounds look great and there are even some really cool animated scenes which look like they hired an actual Animation Studio to do them as far as the story goes it turns out that the princess has been kidnapped and now you need to rescue her talk about motivation that's all the story any video game ever needs even racing games up to four players can play and that means there are four characters to choose from sadly this one doesn't play as good as it looks for one the characters are all pretty big and it can feel a bit claustrophobic even with just a single player I can't imagine four players with a ton of enemies on screen at once it'd be Mass confusion as a result of the tight space you'll sometimes get knocked completely off of the screen which is quite frustrating anyway you have a punch and a jump as well as a special attack which of course removes some of your life bar pretty basic stuff here but sometimes you'll find a genie lamp if you grab it you'll get the option to do your special attack to do this you have to press the attack and jump buttons at the same time it doesn't always work the first time you try it but when it does it usually kills every on-screen enemy unfortunately the screen flashes a lot when this happens and it's super annoying and what kind of special attack you do seems completely random but it actually depends on what area you're in the game is slow but at least each area is pretty short even with this though the game does start to get boring which is something that plagues a great majority of beat-em-ups towards the last part of the game I just decided to stop playing as it was so repetitive I didn't feel like seeing the whole thing through to the end was a good way to spend my time I think if I were playing with a friend or three I'd probably put forth the effort to see it all the way through though it really takes a special kind of game design skill to keep beat-em-ups interesting the entire way through and that skill wasn't at work here sadly like I said the visuals are fantastic and obviously the best part of the entire experience it's not all peachy keen though the enemy characters move around the screen in a very jerky and kind of unsettling manner the music is fine with lots of Middle Eastern flavored stuff [Music] the sounds are mostly okay though I find the noise that most of the skeletons make kind of odd as of the making of this episode the video emulation for this game isn't perfect yet I'm assuming that the sky back there is probably supposed to be blue I can see why this one didn't get a home Port is honestly aside from the graphics there's really nothing special about it the Saturn Guardian Heroes which is similar in a lot of ways but is so much better all around still I wouldn't complain if this were on a compilation with lots of other arcade games foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] this next game has also been requested a great many times for some coverage but I kept confusing the title with night slashers for whatever reason it's not night slashers but you know what it is I think it might be my favorite arcade beat em up of well ever [Music] violent Storm from Konami is another beat em Up This One released in 1993. now this is how you do a beat em up right not gonna believe this but your girlfriend was kidnapped for absolutely no reason it really doesn't matter all you need to know is that hundreds and hundreds of enemies are gonna die as a result you can choose from three different characters Wade Boris or Kyle I really like the energy in this game everything moves around quite fast as you fight the control is excellent and never feels sluggish in the least not only that but most of the enemies die quickly and you're not left hanging out in the same place forever before moving on this is a great way to make the game feel far less repetitious there's only a few enemies who take a lot of damage and you can usually them in maybe 45 seconds or so as expected the bosses are a lot tougher what's interesting about these guys is that they have two life bars a big one at the bottom of the screen and the smaller one near the top where all of the other enemy life bars show up seems kind of redundant to me I don't know why they did that but I'd just say that I'd rather have too many Boss Life bars than no boss life bars again this is a standard beat em up with an attack button and a jump button press them both at the same time and you'll do your special which once again takes off a chunk of your life bar you'll find yourself needing to do this a lot as you constantly get surrounded at least in single player mode of course it's no big deal since you have unlimited continues which is actually kind of interesting for a Konami arcade game usually they limit the number of continues you can use the graphics are bright and colorful for the most part certainly nothing to complain about here everything looks a tad cartoony and that fits the game's high energy level then there's the music which is responsible for 80 of that energy it's crazy with three of the stages having super cheesy songs as you fight [Music] break online there's also some rockabilly stuff and this game kind of reminds me of playing anesan on the PC engine as a result [Music] [Music] as goofy as the music is it really does make the game even more enjoyable it makes me feel as if Konami had a good time making this one I certainly hope that was the case this is another game where the emulation isn't quite perfect yet I'm not sure what's off about it though as I've never played the game in an actual arcade overall this is a fantastic game and I had fun from beginning to end and I can't wait to play it again I'm pretty upset that this one never came home this one would have been perfect on the Saturn or the PlayStation maybe Konami figured that this game was too old to Port by the time those systems came out it's really too bad be absolutely sure to play this one all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay for this last segment I want to mention a few Sega arcade games that never came home starting with our rail I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that correctly I'm sure you'll let me know this was released in 1990 and developed by West Stone West one this is an overhead tank game that feels a tad primitive for an arcade game released in 1990. basically you pilot a tank and can shoot in eight directions if you hold the fire button you can't move but you can keep moving if you tap the fire button over on the left is a power meter when this is blue you can press a button to wrap a shield around you in order to fill this meter up you need to collect P icons even if you already have a shield active you can activate another one if you have enough power and once the first shield takes a hit the second one is automatically there for you you can also get a little option thingy which orbits your tank but it doesn't feel very helpful most of the time it is still kind of helpful though eventually you'll work your way inside and the view changes to a first person mode here you just need to shoot down enemies and collect P icons make it through that and now you're at the last part of the stage working your way to the boss at the top this game is tough like crazy tough it would take a lot of dedication to get far in this one you often stand no chance at all with enemy Fire coming at you from multiple directions all while you're trying to shoot those same enemies down you're constantly looking for more P icons just so you can have enough Shield to survive weirdly the first person tunnel segments are extremely easy the graphics are fairly good but you probably won't see much of them same can be said with the music I think the reason that this one never came home is because it wasn't very popular likely because nobody wanted to spend 20 minutes in a ton of quarters just to get past the first three areas and defeat the first boss [Music] I'll be ready [Music] [Music] next up is F1 exhaust note which was released in 1991. as you can see this is a dual screen F1 racing game honestly aside from the head-to-head dual cabinet I'm not sure why this one was even made it's nowhere near as good as either the arcade or the home version of super Monaco GP which showed up in the arcade's two years prior the track is far less interesting though if we're comparing the arcade versions this one is just as difficult I've tried this one many many times but I rarely even make it to the final lap of the first four lap race I imagine it's a little easier if you're playing on the actual arcade machine the graphics are average for the time and so is the audio but hey at least the scaling is nice otherwise it's just another generic F1 racing game foreign the next year Sega came out with an update called F1 super lab this one adds an official F1 license woohoo it also allows you to choose from three different drivers teams right away you'll notice the track is more interesting and Visually impressive though I still like the track in super Monaco GP better you can now cycle into a cockpit view if you'd prefer it to be a little bit more like super Monaco GP this game also adds an overtake button which will give you a boost of speed unfortunately this doesn't really seem to help much at all at least it doesn't help me no matter how many times I tried I couldn't even make it to the third lap regardless if I use the overtake button or not again I imagine this would be easier on the actual arcade cabinet overall this is a better game than exhaust note but it can't touch the gameplay of the Genesis version of super Monaco GP I can understand why they didn't bother to Port these rather two basic racing games home [Applause] thank you [Music] finally before am2 made Virtua Fighter they made burning rival here which came out in 1992. this is a one-on-one fighting game that's clearly inspired by Street Fighter 2. you have the same range of weak and strong punching kick attacks of course each fighter has special moves and attacks for you to discover the gameplay feels very slow but of course in 1992 it probably didn't seem that way as a game it's decent but if you're playing it in single player mode the computer lays it on pretty thick very early on in the game not giving you much of a chance to learn your character for example good luck even hurting Arnold at all when you get to him even if he's only your second fight he's nearly Untouchable with some rebalancing this could have been pretty awesome I do love how this game looks though for its time it had better animation than any one-on-one fighting game in the arcades and the characters all look great as do the various backgrounds unfortunately the characters themselves aren't tremendously exciting the sound isn't so hot there's a loud Bell like a boxing match that you'll hear constantly which does doesn't take long to become annoying I can only imagine arcade employees hearing this every few seconds for the entire day oh man that would get old also the stereo separation is weird with some of the sound samples being hard pan to the laughter to the right God this is yet another one of those games where the emulation isn't perfect yet and I'm wondering if this is a result of that still this is an interesting game that clearly failed to gain any momentum in the arcade so it's no surprise it never received a Home Port and yes am2 made this though you Suzuki doesn't seem to have been directly involved they probably did it on his day off [Music] oh [Music] and there you go more games you can't play outside of an arcade without emulation or actually obtaining the arcade hardware and despite there being six of these episodes there's plenty more where that came from so what would you like to see or maybe you know of a game that I don't even know exists let me know in the meantime thank you for watching game sack [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] to play with your friends even when your mom says they can't come over only the X-Men uses the unlimited power of Alexander Graham Bell's telephone concoction to let you bless aliens together this is awesome I'm playing with my friends from across town today for as long as you want for only 12 dollars per level come on pay you don't want to be a loser thank you let X-Men take you and your wallet into the future get the power of x [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] hello and welcome to game Tech and welcome to left in the arcade 7. in case you didn't know this is the series that focuses on arcade games that were never ported or officially brought home I don't want these games forgotten well actually I wouldn't mind if a couple of them work anyway let's start with the beat em up there are a lot of those that were brought home [Music] back in late 2017 we reviewed konami's crime fighters from 1989. it's an interesting little beat-em-up that of course was never poured at home well it got a sequel in 1991 called Vendetta but it's known as crime Fighters 2 in Japan this beat-em-up fixes most of the issues that crime Fighters had and it's a lot more enjoyable guess what a girl has been kidnapped and you have to rescue her you have a punch and a kick button there isn't any jump button but if you press both attack buttons at the same time you can do a special move which often includes a jump kick fortunately when you do this it doesn't take any health off of your life meter I'm honestly surprised that it doesn't you can knock down enemies and keep pounding on them while they're down which is fun because you know they deserve it yeah that'll teach you to be evil if you get knocked down you'll stay down for a few seconds but the cool thing is is that you can still attack when you're down if there are any enemies nearby you can collect lots of weapons that are dropped or found in crates or other smashable items they're all fun to use and unlike in the first game you can pick the dropped weapon back up instead of having it disappear forever there's also plenty of Health items to find which weren't in the first game a lot of the enemies do perhaps take too many hits which means it can get a touch boring when you're just waiting for an enemy to die so you can move along but fortunately this isn't a huge deal the game is a touch short with only five stages plus a Boss Rush after that I really like the graphics in this one there's lots of color and the detail in the backgrounds is always fun to admire there's a lot of graffiti in this game and some of it doesn't make a lot of sense slimeballs rule okay I like this one that says Vince's innocent pigs like the cops are going to read that and say oh okay I guess maybe we should ease up on Vince a little this one that says graffiti died is interesting because it itself is graffiti could be dead graffiti though I guess you can't pet the dogs in this game but you can definitely shoot them the sound effects are perfectly fine and the music is out standing which come on it's Konami what did you expect bad music get out of here [Music] Vendetta is a fun and interesting beat-em-up and while it's not a long game I would have loved to see this one come home on a compilation with other Konami beat-em-ups that were also left in the arcade [Music] here's Kung Fu Master this game was never ported to a home console wait a minute this is the wrong Kung Fu Master game what we want here is the Kung Fu Master Jackie Chan by kaniko released in 1995. kaniko caneco I don't know who cares this is a one-on-one fighting game featuring well Jackie Chan choose from a huge roster of six different characters I can't believe they fit so many characters on this selection screen after that you can choose who you fight notice that Jackie Chan himself is nowhere to be seen here you have to play as one of these nobodies actually they're not nobodies they've appeared in various kung fu movies so you may in fact recognize them the game uses four buttons two punch and two kicks holding back blocks kinda the gameplay is very difficult and the CPU can figure out everything you're trying to do immediately you have to play very defensively let the computer attack back up and then hit your opponent right after the attack playing offensively will get you killed very quickly I was able to have them most luck with the character known as Kim Marie who's played by the actress named well Kim Marie her Victory screens are something else just look at her face she is so happy that she won after you win a few matches you can actually choose to fight Jackie Chan An Eagle is to say he's practically Invincible the game reminds me of way of the warrior on the 3DO only a bit sharper looking like that one this has stages that zoom in and out it also has fatalities but they're pretty tame as Jackie Chan doesn't really like things too bloody or gory the graphics themselves aren't anything special for their time and honestly probably a bit dated for 1995. the sound is a bit shrill but otherwise fun to listen to oh yeah I might as well mention the follow-up call Jackie Chan fists of fire which was another 1995 game from kaniko this is more of an update to Kung Fu Master than anything you have the same selectable characters but many have been tinted one color or another for some reason I guess players in the arcade loved the hell out of that and are more likely to pump in some quarters if your guy's skin is tinted blue that's money in the bank my friend what's more is that now you can select three different versions of Jackie Chan to play as they all basically play the same from what I can tell and I'm betting the only reason there are three of them is to make it look like there's more than seven characters total Jackie even shows up as a regular opponent and you can easily beat him of course he practically acts like he let you win you get it better the gameplay has been rebalanced and yes that is some good news unfortunately the game is also a lot slower the same stages are here but again they've been tinted with some colors now so you'll pump in those quarters The Sound and Music seems mostly the same overall this is definitely the better of the two games but neither is as good as the Jackie Chan games that showed up on the NES and the Turbo Graphics 16. I can't say I'm sad that these never got ported home oh foreign [Music] okay so far we've had to beat him up in a couple of fighting games but what about run and guns and Platformers yeah up next is the generically named Crime City Crime City from released in 1989. yes that's how the company's name is pronounced this is basically a side-scrolling run and Gun where you control a plain clothes cop who shoots down bad guys with his gun and other random guns that he picks up on the street the gameplay immediately reminds me of eswat Shinobi Rolling Thunder outrun okay maybe not outrun why did I even say that you have a life bar but don't get excited you'll take damage if you touch enemies or get hit by a car but if a single bullet or other object tossed by the enemy touches you it's instant death you can jump and if you hold up while pressing jump you can high jump you don't have unlimited ammo so you need to pick up more by grabbing the gun icons you don't have any special moves and there's not even any ninja magic only you're training as a highly decorated police officer each level has you foiling some type of crime like a bank robbery all along the way the criminals are out to get you I like how in this stage a helicopter lowers you down onto some cars so you can platform your way across of course there are thugs with guns waiting on top of almost every car you see that's right they're just casually waiting on cars speeding down the freeway for a hot shot cop with a chip on a shoulder to come wandering by I'm kind of curious why the helicopter couldn't have just taken him directly to the bank no it has to drop them on a speeding Highway a couple of times you'll actually face towards the screen to shoot enemies down in the distance this can be a bit weird but it's nice to see a bit of variety the gameplay itself controls well and it feels great but this is a huge quarter muncher it quickly becomes quite difficult to avoid bullets and you need to keep track of so much different stuff all at once if you hope to beat it on a single quarter the graphics are decent but by 1989 standards they were already dated everything looks and moves a bit stiff and there's no Parallax scrolling to speak of which is quite odd Shinobi had arrived two years earlier and it blows this one away graphically in fact East Watt and rolling thunder all preceded this one and I feel this looks the worst of them all still kind of decent though the music isn't bad it's by taito's pop sound team and the game sounds close to what you'd hear on the Sega Genesis [Music] alas it's in mono unsurprisingly the game offers up six stages so it's not the longest if you just plow your way through I'm a bit surprised that taito didn't bring this home to the Genesis they seem to want to bring everything else out for the console and this probably would have done well though for home play I think they should have implemented that life bar for getting shot as well maybe take one hit and be mostly okay and then the next hit kills you unless you find a power up it would have also been nice if they added a parallax layer or two in a few of the stages which home players expected by that point I don't think this game would have been compromised very much if it were a four or eight Meg cartridge oh and this is another game where you can't pet the dogs but you can shoot them [Music] this is DD crew from Sega which was released in 1991. this one is a beat em up and I'm going to be real with you it's one of the worst beat em ups I've ever played the characters that you can choose from are all uninteresting the enemies that you fight are all boring you have one attack button plus a jump not to mention that the control is laggy and just all around bad it's not enjoyable at all to play and honestly I couldn't play it for more than 15 minutes because it's just so bad and not in a good way that said there are a few good things here unfortunately none of that involves the gameplay I like how you fight the first stage boss on this amusement park ride as it keeps going around and around that's a cool idea it would have been even cooler if the physics pushed you a bit back and forth as it swung around after that you're fighting inside of a gondola now you're out on top of it and it looks kind of cool oh and most of the music is completely sampled [Music] hello the music itself though is only okay and there's not a lot of it as you'll hear the same tracks in future stages not sure why they spent such a huge memory Budget on the game's music ultimately even the music is completely ruined by The Game's awful sound effects this is what you're going to be listening to the entire time you're playing no no no no no no no no yikes let me tell you that is unpleasant and yes there's an elevator section Sega is often praised for their amazing arcade games but you never hear about their bad ones they seem to have a lot of arcade games that are just bad as much of a Sega fan as I am the truth needs to be known stay away from this one oh foreign [Music] here's magical cat Adventure from wind techno released in 1993. this one only ever appeared in Japan in Europe this is the only game that the Japanese company when techno ever made that I can find anyway as you can see you play as a cat and this is a platformer you walk on your back two legs because hey that's what all cats do since you're a magical cat on an adventure you can shoot projectiles there are treasure chests flying around and if you shoot one you can get a different style of projectile attack most of them feel pretty weak in fact the only one I really like is this one because it's not super small as you play you'll find yourself changing weapons even if you don't want to you can collect coins and sometimes gems for some reason I assume the coins give you an extra cat if you get 100 of them but I've never been able to hang on to that many I'm not sure what the gems do for you they certainly don't give out extra continues only your quarters will do that actually they won't since this game wasn't released in the United States but you know what I mean the stages can be pretty long and eventually you'll make it to a boss fight the control troll can feel pretty laggy at times almost a quarter of a second of lag from my guess this doesn't help the game at all on top of that it takes a cue from Sonic and features very strange momentum based controls that means if he starts out on an incline he can barely move at all just like Sonic's weird physics he gets going pretty fast and good luck reacting in time with this laggy control all in all the gameplay seems rather generic I really do like all of the color and Detail in the graphics though at least in the backgrounds you gotta admit it looks pretty nice all in all I'm rather surprised that this is an arcade game especially one that wasn't ported home it just looks and plays like a home game you don't usually see stuff like this in the arcade but hey it's still 30 to 40 times better than Bubsy yeah I'll die on that Hill don't you hate that saying [Music] thank you all right we've been looking at a decent variety of genres so let's continue to diversify with one of the rarest racing games ever made [Music] thank you this one is called slipstream and it was released in 1995. this F1 game is interesting in quite a few ways first of all it's from Capcom Capcom isn't exactly known for making racing games secondly it's a Capcom arcade game that uses Sega arcade Hardware specifically the system 32 board that's the same Hardware that runs golden ax revenge of Death Adder next this arcade game was only ever released in Latin America though some sources say it was specific to Brazil the menus feature a mix of Portuguese English and Japanese this is an extremely rare game with only about 150 known units that existed Daytona and Ridge Racer already existed in the arcades at this time so it was interesting to see a 2d based racing game like this that doesn't use polygons the gameplay is fairly straightforward choose a mode choose one of eight different cars and race you have a shift lever to select between high and low gear if you ride behind one of the evil enemy Racers you charge up your turbo meters and then get a boost of speed when you move out from behind their car but the enemy can do the same to you and even each other different cars have different amounts of turbo for their slipstream this is a rather difficult game that just barely gives you enough time one wrong move and you'll be retired as your timer runs out even if you're in first or second place place first and you move on to the next track and there are a total of four there's also another mode where you have to pass a certain number of enemies within your two lap race the good news is that you get to worry about the timer too this mode is pretty fun but again it's pretty tough then there's another mode where you can choose to race on one of the four tracks against one other opponent you'll likely be boosting past each other a lot during these races overall the game is super fun but the unforgiving difficulty might bring that down a hair for some people I'm pretty sure playing on an actual arcade unit would be a lot better but good luck doing that the graphics are really good and they still look great even in the age of 3D Racers made of polygons everything is super fast though here it looks like I might be getting a bit too close to the Opera House in Sydney or maybe the water in front of it The Sound and Music are both full of energy and super fun I like what they bring to the game sad that this was never included on any compilations from Capcom just because hardly anyone has ever heard of it doesn't mean people wouldn't enjoy playing it come on Capcom give us more compilations of your arcade game similar to what you were doing in the PS2 era and include this one on there all right foreign [Music] [Music] ly we have a weird one called the crystal of kings and it was made by brezasoft In 2001. This is a beat-em-up that plays a lot like golden ax it's another fairly rare game that was only ever released at arcades in Asia and Australia despite that it's all in English there's not a lick of Australian text anywhere go figure probably a good thing because I can't read Australian anyway now just who the hell is or should I say was brezasoft it was a small company made up of X SNK developers they made this game on their own arcade Hardware but the company would later be purchased by SNK Playmore they thought they could Escape SNK get back to work they'd eventually work on Metal Slug four and five anyway like I said this one plays much like golden ax you have a choice of four different characters with their own attack Styles and Magic attacks the generic sword dude isn't bad but the generic blonde chick is even better because she's a bit faster oh and just like golden ax she has the best magic the other two characters still a tad useless in fact I just kept killing myself as this guy just so I could play as someone else anyone else I probably wouldn't do this though if I were actually spending my own money to play this game in an arcade the magic is also similar to Golden ax and that you collect vials to fill your Magic Bar the more full it is the stronger your magic attack is along the way you'll find fairies which you can free and then collect they'll help you in various ways they can attack the enemy constantly give you life points or magic points and stuff like that be careful though because there's an evil fairy that will reverse your controls for about 10 seconds oh and get this you have status effects it's kind of weird seeing these outside of an RPG the controls are okay but the gameplay itself doesn't feel anywhere near as smooth as golden ax the graphics are chock full of pre-rendered Sprites and backgrounds it definitely has an interesting look I am really surprised though that they went this route pre-rendered Graphics were all the rage in 1994 through maybe 1997 or so but this was 2001 the PlayStation 2 is already out so it was an odd choice this has got to be one of the last if not the last game to use pre-rendered Graphics like this until actress or Resurrection came out anyway still I do kind of like how it looks on a lot of places especially during the boss fights the sound is a bit tinny and it feels like maybe the sample rate is rather low [Music] not a big fan of how it sounds though you do get used to it after a few levels still the game does try hard to do its best Yngwie Malmsteen impression during this boss fight it's no wonder that this one was never ported home it was made by a small company it had a tiny run and is not a tremendously exciting game our only hope for it to come home would be if SNK released some collections of their non-neo Geo games but they already did that and guess what it wasn't included no big loss really [Music] all right [Music] there you go that was eight more games that never made it home at least not yet I do wish my emulation abilities were a little bit better because there are a lot of more visually complex games that I could show you but as of right now I can it's not just about the hardware but more my lack of interest in getting the emulators and ROMs all working together and running properly that's just really not my scene but if it's yours there are a lot of cool games that you could try so what are some other games that have been left in the arcade that perhaps I haven't covered yet let me know in the meantime thank you for watching game sack [Music] [Music] thank you do you want to save your games to a memory card but you're sick of swapping it out with a rumble pack I sure am well then just quit swapping them out and leave the memory card in there but I still want the Buzzy Buzzy well did you know you could attach the memory card to the console itself no it's true just power your system off take out this dumb thing and insert your memory card now throw that dumb old thing away you're good to go power up and have fun nothing happens that's because you just broke your Nintendo 64 you idiot but you told me that you just listened to any random disembodied voice that shows up out of nowhere telling you to do stuff yeah then you deserve this won't somebody help me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] turn around hello and welcome to game sack a lot of you have been asking me again and again to make an episode about the arcade game for China and by a lot of you I mean one of you still I gave it some thought and figured I could make something enjoyable out of it and as you can see I've already failed anyway let's take a look at how I'm able to play Arcade games at home arcade games come on big scary pcbs like this and if you didn't know PCB stands for printed circuit board this is more than just a glorified game cartridge the entire Graphics audio and logic Hardware are all built on here each board is its very own system to play these I hook it up to what's called a super gun a super gun basically takes the audio and video from the board which is already an analog form and routes them to an output it also allows you to connect power and joystick control to the board in one handy hookup called Jama which is a standardized connection that the arcade industry eventually came up with I use the Haas or has super gun I'm not sure if there's a correct pronunciation or not but I find this to be the best one available it outputs legal video properly attenuated at 75 ohms this means that it has the necessary circuitry to safely match the signal and impedance of consumer grade equipment like your TV or a framemeister or what have you it comes with two db15 joystick ports which work great with a Neo Geo joystick you'll also need a proper external power supply like this one so you can dial in 5 volts down to the T from there you connect your RGB cabling to go to a compatible monitor or transcoder if I use an RGB to component transcoder I can play on my Toshiba CRT here and it looks amazing I also sometimes play on my P via monitor [Music] there you go a very oversimplified explanation of how I play Arcade games at home now as a part of the show where I show you each and every one of my 11 arcade pcbs in action and all the video game footage in this episode has been recorded from said PCB so without further Ado let's get into it [Music] of course I'm going to start out with Shinobi from Sega which was released in the arcades in 1987. looking at the board we see that this is a system 16b type since my super gun is Jama I need an adapter so it can be powered controlled and monitored by Jama equipment that's right system 16b is not Jamma we also see this eprom which is labeled Shinobi A7 sound fix with the z80b what is this all about well when I received the game it had no sound at all it turns out that a lot of Sega games use what is called a suicide battery as a form of copy protection when the battery is removed or dies the game stops working or at least part of it does in my case it was the sound since the z80 CPU is what was affixed to the battery so I had to change out the z80 CPU and the sound ROM to accommodate it which cost me a total of about twenty dollars which the seller over the board happily reimbursed me for for those of you outside of the United States who are confused and perhaps a bit angry when I say z80 just pretend I said z80 awesome we're good anyway now the game works perfectly this is called phoenixing as basically you raise the board from the dead what's funny is that there are some super snobby people out there who would never dare play on a phoenix board because it's just not the original experience screw those guys I want to play my Shinobi forever anyway you play as ninja Joe Musashi and you're on a mission to rescue kids and take down the evil Zed Corporation or Zed Corporation outside of the U.S you have to rescue all of the pink kids before you're allowed to exit the stage I've told this story before but this is the first game I ever played where I learned to jump up and down between different levels the first time I was playing stage one I couldn't figure out how to get back down and some dude standing nearby told me to press down and jump at the same time I tell you it was like a whole new world had opened up to me I love how I can throw shurikens almost as fast as I can press the button each stage also lets you use ninja magic once and who can forget about the amazing bonus stages which are super fun if you win one of these you get an extra dude but really you'll probably be losing most of the time doesn't matter these bonus stages are still crazy fun though once you get to the final set of stages you can no longer continue even if you've inserted tons of quarters the graphics may look kind of plain today but I always thought that they were super cool I love how fast and responsive everything is the music is amazing as well making great use of FM synthesis I especially love the game over music [Music] [Applause] and the voices are really cool as well Mission four you can definitely hear the difference in quality here versus emulated versions like maim Mission want finished welcome to bonus stage mission one finished welcome to bonus stage this game is a blast to play in one of my favorite arcade games ever I'm super happy to have it in my collection and it's probably the arcade game I pull down to play the most thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ICS from jalico released in 1989 or as steinx I guess that's more accurate but less fun to say this is completely different from the NES version but it has a similar play style and it's from the same designer and that Designer is tokohiro takamori he first worked on the legendary ax for the PC engine and turbo Graphics 16 and astonics plays similarly basically you have a weapon that's tied to a bar on the screen the bar refills as long as you're not attacking if you attack when the bar is full your attack is super strong your attacks are weaker if you're attacking quickly and the bar doesn't have time to refill much the board itself is quite large and has a hefty daughter board attached what's weird is this adapter board attached to the business in I'm not sure what this is all about but it looks to be made by jalico themselves it seems to be a straight pass-through board with some resistors applied for one reason or another there's really no reason for me to remove it so of course it stays I also received this arcade Marquee with the game this is pretty cool and it's also the only arcade Marquee that I actually own the game itself is pretty fun if a bit unremarkable you can play with a friend or even a total stranger and you're both on screen at the very same time what will they think of next basically you just work your way through the stage killing enemies like giant mantises or maybe even some skeletons at the end of the stage as a cool boss and usually they're pretty big and detailed okay well not always big you also have a couple of items that you can collect the little winged Shield thing will give you a big magic attack which can be powered up if you collect more the rounded Shield gives you some temporary defense the game is pretty short and you can blast through it in about 20 minutes with unlimited continues this is par for the course with a lot of arcade games though the variety in the stages is nice but in the final stage you're fighting aliens this seems so out of place the graphics are pretty good and I like the color in most of the areas the music is okay at best but you won't be hearing much of it instead all you'll hear is the constant grunting of your character each and every time they attack it's fine if you're the one who's playing but if you're just watching then wow does it get old fast all in all the game isn't Amazing by any means but it's not a bad time I've never played or even seen this one in an actual arcade well maybe Galloping ghost had one and I passed it by or something but I certainly never saw one when it was recent I'm honestly not sure why I bought it it must not have been very expensive but you know I don't regret it [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I don't just happen to have side-scrolling action Platformers right I have to have more variety well as it turns out I do have two games that definitely do not fit in that mold not by choice mind you but anyway check them out many years ago a viewer sent me two cheap arcade games that I think he gotten a lot and had duplicates of either way he didn't want him so he sent them to me despite me telling him that I had absolutely no way to play them however it prompted me to take the dive into getting the stuff I needed to play Arcade games at home the first of these games is Premier Soccer by Konami and it was released in 1993. this is a cool little soccer game or football for those of you who don't say soccer please leave your angry comments about how horrible the United States is for saying soccer below and how we should all just die anyway the board itself is pretty modest but it does have a connection for stereo sound just be sure to flip up the dip switch here to enable it anyway your team represents an entire country and all of its inhabitants so if you win everyone in your country is a winner yes that's how it works no pressure you then choose the size of your Playfield basically this is how far zoomed in the camera is you can have it way zoomed out which lets you see a good portion of the field or way zoomed in in this mode the scrolling is insanely fast and it's really hard to keep track of anything one of the middle settings is usually the best and it defaults to the second option when you're on defense you control the player that's closest to the ball and this can mess you up sometimes because the control keeps switching around and suddenly you're running away from the ball you have two buttons pass and shoot there's also a single penalty you can get pushing you're booked direct free Kick the graphics are pretty good if a bit basic it's sometimes difficult to tell which is your team and who is the enemy if you end in a tie there's a touch of scaling and rotation when you settle in to do your penalty kicks but unfortunately that's as flashy as this game ever gets the stereo music is pretty good though I wish there were more musical themes overall like I said not a bad little soccer game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dog the other game he sent is a 1995 title called party time ganta the diver 2 from Mitchell the board is pretty simple and unassuming I don't know why this chip is all marked over though actually look quite a few of them are what the hell is going on here this is a tile flipping game where you reveal an image also it's the only arcade game that I own that happens to be in tape mode [Music] anyway you are gotta or at least I assume you dive into a tile and can swim underneath everything and then re-emerge at any unflipped tile all the while there are things wandering around the board to make your life difficult there are also items to collect and honestly I don't know what each of them do because this is maybe the second or third time I've ever played this you see you're revealing images of cartoon women as you progress further the ladies become less and less equipped with clothing and eventually fully nude Honestly though it doesn't matter what the images are this game is pretty boring but I had to show it to you since it's an arcade PCB that I have glad I didn't pay for it [Music] thank you foreign from taito another one of my favorites from the arcade and that was released in 1987. looking at the PCB it's pretty simple with only one layer and a fairly clean look one thing that you should know about this game is that it absolutely requires the negative 5 volts from your arcade power supply if you don't have that well you won't have any audio this is currently the only board that I have that needs a negative 5 volt line connected at least that I know of anyway I really like this game and I was super happy when it came home to the Master System you play as a Conan the Barbarian rip-off and you hack and slash your way through the stage eventually you'll make it to a door go inside and you'll wander around a decently large Castle get through that and you'll meet up with the boss but he's not the boss of you so just kill him this game is super tough and I'm not kidding at all when I say that there are plenty of checkpoints and you have a life bar but this game will still make short work of you I don't think I ever got to the first boss in an actual arcade back in the day thankfully though I have unlimited quarters playing at home there are some icons you can grab which can refill your life give you more power temporarily or even take some of your life away so be careful there are also a few weapons to grab like the ax which is more powerful than the sword there's also the mace which extends your attack range greatly just like a real mace or my favorite the Flaming sword I like this because it shoots a little ball of fire just like you'd expect any sword that's on fire to do I guess the hilt of the sword is like one big oven mitt or else rastan would drop it as soon as he grabbed it either that or rastan doesn't have time to feel pain see what I did there I took a line from Predator but changed the words around so I made it like my own so it's not like you know yeah let's move on this is another one of those games where the final level doesn't let you continue at all even with the difficulty and slightly stiff controls this is really fun I like the graphics even though I feel there could be more variety sometimes since things begin to repeat themselves a bit this board of mine also has some really bad video quality I'm not sure why it does but if we zoom in here you can really see it see those vertical jail bars maybe it needs new capacitors maybe the PCB needs some sort of RGB bypass I have no idea also I can't fit the entire game on screen as it goes beyond the normal overscan of any of my monitors I can fit it enough to make it playable though I love the music in this game but the same three Tunes play on each stage one for the outside one for the inside and the other for the boss fight I'm glad to have this one and it's fun to play even though I'm quite sure I'll never be able to beat it [Music] all right [Music] this next game I didn't even know existed until we did our side scrolling Run and Gun episode that was episode 20 and this is episode 268 for comparison I covered a game and I was told by you guys that you should have covered it SQL because it's way better and you know what you guys are absolutely right and I'm finally glad that I can say I own it foreign [Music] this is gun Force 2 from irem released in 1994. this is the sequel to gun Force One which itself really isn't worth talking about because this game is leagues better this has never been ported to a home console but it is available for the Iram Arcade Hits for mac and PC this was developed by the same team who would go on to form Nazca who are famous for the metal slug Series in fact in many ways this game could be called Metal Slug zero the PCB itself is typical of Iram at the time featuring two layers with a larger board on top I always used to have issues with this game freezing but since I started using the half super gun in my current power supply it's been nothing but smooth City you play as a dude either alone or with some other person and the game is a run and Gun like I said it's very similar to Metal Slug your default weapon looks kind of like a blue version of the heavy machine gun from Metal Slug and you can even power up each weapon a bit and speaking of other weapons there are a few others like the laser beam or the fire you can even get into a ton of different vehicles with their own Firepower being in these will protect you from enemy fire for a small period of time you even rescue hostages but instead of dirty guys they are sexy women they don't give you power-ups when you rescue them just a nice little noise to make you know that they appreciated you touching them one thing that this game doesn't have that metal slug does are grenades you just have your main weapons here and that's it of course at the end of each stage you fight a crazy boss between each stage you can go up and rank and also increase your pay grade all depending on how many women you rescued and whatnot but honestly this isn't something that matters much unless you're playing for score the game is super fun and you'd think it would be repetitive but surprisingly it's really not bad in that area at all the visuals are outstanding just like you'd expect from this team everything is hyper detailed and well animated explosions are going off all over the place and it makes everything feel super intense the sound is great as well and it reminds me of metal slug the music is just as good though each stage doesn't have its own unique theme speaking of stages there are only five of them here before the game loops still this one is insanely fun and I'm happy to have it in my collection [Music] [Music] speaking of metal slug here's Metal Slug 5 from SNK released in 2003 that's right this is one of my arcade pcbs I didn't even know that SNK produced these at the time but hey apparently they did it's a tiny little thing and basically a miniaturized Neo Geo without a cartridge port it was quite a bit cheaper than a Neo Geo mvs cartridge of the same game at the time and way cheaper than an AES cartridge so I got this and hey it's metal slug though at this point Nazca wasn't really a thing anymore Instead This was made by noise Factory this takes place after Metal Slug 7 and you're supposed to just know that even though Metal Slug 6 and 7 hadn't even been made yet for some weird reason you can't jump down from a higher level like in Shinobi and gun Force 2 but you can do a sweet new slide move there are only five stages but there are a couple of areas with branching paths so you'll need to play it two more times if you want to see everything still there's some fun vehicles to ride including this crazy spidery one in the second half of the game other than that stuff pretty much everything here has already been done in the previous games it's still cool though the graphics remain excellent with new backgrounds and awesome animation the music is real instrument streamed in mono with low quality but I like it nonetheless [Music] yeah however a few of the sound effects can have some distortion if I recall correctly the real Neo Geo versions do that too this is a fun game that I got fairly cheap so I feel it's a good addition [Music] Ghouls and ghosts from Capcom is a phenomenal game that was released in late 1988. the first time I had heard about the game was when it was announced as being one of the first games for the upcoming Genesis I learned that this was the arcade sequel to ghosts and goblins soon before the Genesis came out a local game store called buyback games rest in peace got the arcade I noticed it when I went in to rent some games I played it once and I thought it was really cool and of course once the Genesis version came out I fell in love with the game and it's still one of my favorite games to this day so it's only natural that I'd want the arcade version in my collection looking at the PCB it's a little odd first of all it's a Capcom CPS one but that's not what's odd at all for whatever reason the previous owner decided to put little Ghouls and ghost stickers on all of the eproms I'm guessing he liked to pull out and switch games around to play different things on this board whatever this works great so basically at the beginning you head out to get some food or something and get lost three years later you find your way back and everything you know and love is under attack time to set off and rid the world of demons again this game is about 50 or 60 times better than ghosts and goblins maybe 80 times better there are many more weapons the stages are much cooler and you can even shoot up and down I can pretty much blow through this game but I'm not immune to dying however a lot of my deaths come from committing suicide because it's the only recourse over getting a bad weapon like the sword I don't want to be stuck with that I generally stick with the default spear flying disc or the dagger once I get the dagger I stop looking for weapons you can also get magic armor for some special attacks these are all different and depend on what weapon you currently have and yes you need to go through the game twice and I wouldn't have it any other way unfortunately this is the US version of the game why is that bad because it's so easy there are tons upon tons of checkpoints in every stage in the Japanese version there's only one checkpoint Midway through any given stage and no this isn't because I'm playing on a board where some guy like to switch games out and put labels on the aprons that's just the way the US version is even on its hardest dip setting this can be verified in may still I'm in love with everything about this game otherwise like the amazing organic looking Graphics or the memorable music with different themes for each and every boss and of course the tricky gameplay which is amazing this is Far and Away my favorite game in entire ghost and goblins slash Ghouls and ghosts series [Music] one of the arcade games I absolutely had to get was shoplifter from Sega released in 1985. this is one of the arcade games that convinced me to buy a Sega Master System and it's also one of the first two games I bought for that console the board is insanely huge but at least it only has one layer this is running on sega's system 8 board and it was made before Jama was a thing and because of that it needs an appropriate adapter to run on my super gun anyway Sega bought the rights to make an arcade version of Dan gorland's computer game and in the process they made it about 36 times more fun and interesting maybe 37. the premise is that the enemy has 32 hostages being held in every stage you need to rescue 20 of them it doesn't matter which 20 so long as you get 20. the other 12 people they can just go straight to Hell here's the thing though you can only fit eight hostages in your helicopter at once what are you gonna do well you need to find the bases where the hostages are being held blasted open and collect them and then fly back to your base and you'll need to do this multiple times thanks to the aforementioned limited capacity of your helicopter if you get shot down you lose a life if you get shot down with hostages in your helicopter those hostages all die if more than 12 hostages die then you can no longer rescue 20 of them so the stage resets and you try again as long as you have a life left you may Notice Me bouncing up and down as I collect hostages doing this prevents the tanks from coming you can only kill tanks and other foreground objects by pressing the button so your helicopter faces the screen I learned this by playing the Master System version that version also taught me to fly backwards in the caves but sadly it doesn't work quite as well here this game is absolutely Relentless it will kick your ass six ways from Sunday you will die a lot there also aren't any continues the Master System version is definitely more balanced than this one however the arcade has an exclusive City stage after the Cave the Master System game changes us to a nighttime version of the first stage both games loop after that the graphics here are pretty good considering it's running on their 8-bit Board of course I've always loved the Parallax scrolling the music is also pretty good and I absolutely love the crude yet really cute voices [Music] this game isn't for everyone but it always makes me smile [Music] [Music] [Music] man I'm so glad I finally got to show off my chop lifter PCB I love that game anyway I've still got two games to show you I wonder why I wore this shirt today hmm [Music] ah yes here we have golden ax the Revenge of Death Adder from Sega released in 1992. this has never been released for home consoles in any way as of the making of this video however arcade 1up has announced a version of this so be on the lookout but it's not gonna be cheap the board is sega's system 32. that's right it's 32 bits and it's pretty beefy with a very large daughter board on top it has a label on it that says gold necks too despite coming out after the Genesis golden X2 one of these two games is lying this is a beat-em-up or perhaps the term hack Em Up would be more suitable you can choose from four different characters and up to four players can play at the same time the characters are one of the few very minor complaints that I have about this game they're kind of weird I just wish that in addition to these characters we could also have the original ones from the first game here I mean I guess we have the sword guy but I'm not sure he's supposed to be the same person the dwarf is kind of here but he's writing on the back of this big dude oh well as you hack your way through the game you'll sometimes be able to choose your path which adds to the replayability I'm lucky to have the US version which has all of the levels in it I'm also lucky to have gotten it for the price I did which was right under 300 and that was insanely cheap even at the time it's still the most money I've ever spent on a single game though still this game is crazy awesome and I love the close-ups of the enemies getting absolutely wrecked when you use your magic you should have just stayed home today pal the graphics are great and even feature some full screen system 32 scaling here and there the Sound and Music are also great and are presented in stereo the game does get a bit repetitious after a while though as you'll find yourself fighting way too many of these guys too often [Music] unfortunately some arcade pcbs aren't really built to last mine no longer produces any sound I had to resort to an older recording I thankfully made in 2016 of this game for this episode if I do the memory test ic16 comes up as bad ic16 is sitting right next to the z80 which is responsible for handling the audio apparently this isn't an uncommon problem with the system 32 board however as of right now I haven't been able to find a way to fix it people have replaced the ic16 and even the z80 check the traces and everything else and still no audio and it still comes up as bad in the memory test this is definitely one of the downsides about collecting arcades as they can be extremely fickle anyone in the Denver metro area know how to fix this anyway regardless this game is one of my pride and joys though honestly I'm not very proud to no longer have any audio [Applause] wow foreign [Music] ly I was able to acquire X-Men vs Street Fighter from a viewer recently well kind of recently this Capcom game was released in 1996. this uses the Capcom cps2 system in so far it's my only cps2 game basically the top comes off and you can swap out the games like giant cartridges there's also a suicide battery in these things and once it dies I'll probably get it modded to have all of the cps2 games in it if I can figure out how when this one is powered on it's crazy loud because the fan in this thing just wants to move all the air in the world [Music] yikes this one also needs to be connected to what's called a kick harness which allows for six button support Gemma officially only supports three buttons per joystick Port so this extra setup lets you control the kicks hence the name I also use my Saturn pad adapter for this one since I don't own any six button joysticks that fit into the Neo Geo controller port anyway this one-on-one fighting game is phenomenal you have some Street Fighter characters and some X-Men characters you pick any two and your enemy also picks two you can switch between them at any time during the match trying to keep at least one alive whoever defeats both of the other two characters wins the match it's exactly like the Saturn version with the exception of the loading times there aren't any loading times here but it's not a huge Advantage because a Saturn version still loads super fast the graphics are amazing and I love the animation in this one same with the music and sound this one has Q sound which means you can hear some fake surround sound but only if your head is smack in the middle between the two speakers even then the effect isn't amazing but it still sounds good [Music] some of the voices are so silly I love them overall this is a fantastic game and I'm amazed that it hasn't suicided itself after 24 years I'm glad though good looking [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] well there you go that's all of the actual arcade games that I happen to own I didn't talk about the Neo Geo mvs cartridges that I own because well that's kind of a gray area for me anyway and I don't think there can be another one of these episodes for a very very long time because it takes a while to get all these and they're not cheap they're going up in price and that really really sucks well maybe I can cover one of my friends collections who knows anyway do you own any arcade pcbs how about full-size cabinets I wish I owned full-size cabinets but they take up a lot of room and then you have to worry about maintenance on the CRTs and all that stuff so that's really not for me unless I just had one or two anyway let me know in the meantime thank you for watching gamestack and you but not you [Music] foreign [Music] tastic arcade game I love playing it a lot however I feel that the Master System version is slightly more balanced so let's play that [Music] all right [Music] well this is a good game but I wish the graphics were a little bit better it just doesn't have the power what should I do foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know this was a dumb joke but they can't all be winners
Channel: Game Sack
Views: 161,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sega, nintendo, turbografx, gameplay, videogames, retro, genesis, snes, nes, msx, crunch, game sack crunch, arcade crunch, mame, pcb, arcade pcb, arcade, metal slug, golden axe, revenge of death adder
Id: W0R9xeeNFuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 50sec (11750 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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