Left 4 Irish Lads

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oh dude i'm so excited i i'm so excited for this this is exactly like left 4 dead it it's basically left for dead i believe it's the same developers as the first one who have since left valve fanny pack i got a fanny pack i'm sorry oh my god oh yeah i don't are you wearing a fanny pack you're wearing like a utility boat okay we'll call that a fanny pack friendly fire is not on is this you're not getting the penny pack no give me the funny pack oh god oh no that doesn't feel bad what happened how did you trigger that i got some firecrackers with that one goof now you have done i just shot through the door all right oh god let me ask them let's [Applause] name oh my god i'm going into the horde you're a psychopath you're a psychopath you're you're unreal dan you're unreal oh big boy big boy oh i feel like this one might be a bit limited for ads no you mean all blood could get me limited ads it's gone away oh i i i i'm just oh why have you done this [Music] oh my god he's huge yeah oh no i've fallen down i shouldn't be here it's okay it's okay oh big guys should i should i kill the birds oh [Music] i'm not the one down oh i am now oh it's screaming all right i'm picking you up picking me up health is very low oh no it's that spinner over there it's the spitter over there [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh you're [ __ ] me well time to give up can someone free me again give me one moment i'm busy i'm kind of busy kevin i believe this is something last time you just stand in there oh my god this is so much oh my god do you guys like plum pudding do you like uh minced face [ __ ] no oh lovely you're just trying to get like like practices for christmas yeah i like christmas it's trying to be relatable oh this is lovely oh there's someone screaming i hate the god of vomits dude look at that are you alert to snitch let's just close the door and ignore him oh careful birds can alert the horse don't go left oh yeah i see them okay yeah walking near them alerted but shooting everything right behind if we just quietly shoot our guns it should be okay they're custom noises they've got silencers on them and i'm in danger please help me we can climb back up kev by the way just saying okay come up here oh okay so this is lovely up here it's true why are everybody getting higher chance hitting the helium a bit too hard [Applause] you're covered in blood from head to toe oh i'm stuck i'm stuck oh i'm coming oh my god where did he come from is it from let's go oh i'm pinned i'm not in the house right now oh my god thank goodness the stairs i got no i'm pointing in there i gotta wait i gotta just fly low [Applause] kevin you thought you could go in here but look what the sign says that feels good you respect a good sign right you can't hide oh you can't hide kev we did it to be fair we survived now who who was the better person i killed 246 can i kill this guy who's hiding behind the desks oh i didn't even know there was someone in here there's someone in here he doesn't die okay you're hitting me now hold on let's just relax oh he's scared oh it's getting ugly real quick oh [ __ ] wow he's got good at him oh jesus could you keep it there now striked again someone's gonna [Applause] oh no okay okay i'm back here you can definitely pick me up distract him run interference but you're shooting me oh sorry what was that i thought that was a zombie you're covered in blood oh lord have mercy on our souls guys come in the door you should have watched the trailer what's in the door i want to play the game my way not what the developer showed me but i don't have a [ __ ] [Music] oh oh that hurts him quite badly thank you thank you thank you thank you oh oh you're so sorry oh no i didn't see that run run run run the set room is not so safe anymore where's the safer you're not in the safe room all i see is the danger room die run down i'll hold them off you're right you're right yeah you're gonna do them i'm nearly there oh i'm gonna die i'm nearly there dude i'm down oh lord wait i was the first one in here you were the guys going down downstairs back jack he's just sleeping on the stairs that was great yeah that was fun three stars there's no pain if anyone wants them i can now confirm that yes friendly fire is on because i have a car that says gain 100 friendly fire resistance kevin i'm sorry all those times i shot us that's all right let's go let's go my fellow high iq irishman thank you thank you that's just campbell you're being a bit too kind now yeah he's been a little bit late i've actually been way too nice to kevin tonight yeah he's way too nice [Music] got him nice this is the thing we're the most afraid of the birds the birds it's like a zombie apocalypse on her doorstep [ __ ] is that a crow what the trailer shows you to be scared about what you should really be scared about i'm just taking a gravel shower oh it does it's the only thing that makes me feel alive i don't know kevin was dead before the apocalypse began yeah nothing can hurt you when you're dead inside please oh no okay i may have went in too deep we're coming in [Music] that guy just sucks like he wanted to stay away [ __ ] me i kind of want to get zombie kills so i can get on the leaderboard higher it's time to think about things are going rather smoothly this was good just because he spent like 10 extra minutes outside killing yeah and then he complains when he's about to die and we're not getting him you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] me oh baby explosion time can i hit it with my machete and see what happens yeah go up go first i think we just need to focus on running yeah yeah yeah oh god yeah there's too many there's too many just stop and like clear the pot a little [ __ ] no i fell off the bridge after all that oh my god gas tank and then he jumps off the edge on a mad light okay are we not picking this up picking up white this mini gun oh kevin's standing in it kevin kevin you got to use the gun let's go with him follow him you might you might want to look behind you in a moment sean no no no no this is happening do not look for oh god oh i'm i'm this is ggs boys oh all right we have no continues remaining though so if we die now we're it's back to the beginning oh [ __ ] so we have to make it okay you're kidding the stakes are high i'm not going to try hard not to fall off the bridge this time what that sentence is twitch are really uh careful about the words they're using now so you just don't want to get mixed up you know like a different meaning of it yeah yeah it's simple don't be insensitive if i see where you were going okay so we're going oh my god before we went wrong last time he placed the gun wrong that's what it was oh [Music] all right we're we're coming back okay daddy we may have to leave i'm trying i need kevin to [ __ ] try dude i'm on the minigun i see literally only one person okay you're okay we're oh rub run run thank you my hero [ __ ] oh my god no i'm stuck i'm stuck no come back for me come back i'll get you kevin do something you useless [ __ ] i'm gonna stop on the minigun now and you're gonna see how hard it is you're gonna see how much work i've been doing not appreciated can you do something please big guy right now kevin oh there's two of them we're just [ __ ] kevin is the guy that doesn't do [ __ ] during the group project oh my dude i can't believe it i thought i was doing grand dad he went down and then dan ran into the middle east 56 how many did you kill kevin what's your ridden kill now christmas is cancelled dad and dad are getting a divorce 200 more than you yeah legit on my end it did not show that kevin was shooting anyone like the animation was broken or something i mean i don't think it shows any bullets coming out but i heard him like whizzing by unconsciously i didn't hear or see anything and that's why i was just so upset because i i thought he just took screaming at me i thought you just took it again i thought i thought you were taking the gun and were just sick you want me to be mean oh no that's enough for the year now i think i've had my dose we could actually just speed run the [ __ ] out of it is pretty pretty quick yeah should i just open that door i think that's i don't think we have to beat it down ah but would we be men if we opened it real men kick down the door oh no i shouldn't have punched that one that one's alarmed sorry lads i think we could just run past all this yeah we can just might be right for sure can we just skip this bit in the level just keep running just keep running there we go here we go how did we complicate that so much last time ignore our problems deal with them later no they won't catch up to us it's okay oh guys okay run oh my gosh i have to just keep punching get punching i'm punching right now lord [Laughter] before now right we made and we didn't lose any continues this time too okay there's two bombs at the end two people have to take a bomb each we need to get downstairs there's no zombies down here they're starting to come up here on the deck they're in the middle floor oh i am come on kevin christmas cheer for awesome thank you very much boom okay one minute one minute we gotta get off the ship get off the ferry get off the ferry let's go back up just keep running up front up oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh just leave me no we're going back i'm fine with death i'm going back oh lord no that was bad come on kevin that was a lot of them there's no zombies here actually come on kevin we gotta get off the ship quick oh oh dear run dead i'm done i'm done it's all over there [Music] get off the boat [Laughter] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh come on reloading [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] hit me no oh no what the hell jesus where did he come from you've got 20 seconds wait do we go back just leave me just leave me just leave me wait i will clear this already on it oh i'm not going to make it just run into the horse run into the horse oh no just run past them [Applause] oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] running across we did it we did it [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 624,310
Rating: 4.9787354 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, back 4 blood, left 4 dead, left 4 dead 3, back 4 blood alpha, back 4 blood gameplay, back 4 blood pc, back 4 blood game, left 4 dead 3 news, left 4 dead funny, left for dead, left 4 dead funny moments, irish lads, jacksepticeye, callmekevin, nogla, rtgame irish lads, irish youtubers, back 4 blood 2020, back 4 blood funny, lfd, lfd3
Id: DjkGHp86mxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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