LED Cube Kit - 12 Streams of Christmas #4

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[Music] [Music] [Music] that song was longer than it usually is was it longer than usual can you hear me mike mike on mic on mike's on hey everybody how's it going i can't believe that i had enough time i started the song i had to make a thumbnail and i made the thumbnail but i started the song before i had loaded it up or anything and i had to get it on there and um yeah how's it going everybody what a flippin day oh my gosh i'm sorry to tell anybody who was waiting for unos and quads oh you're all gonna kill me you're all gonna kill me i'm gonna go here i'm gonna look over here and see what's left i will tell you this guys uh we'll have to quindor is here quindor can tell you you can hear me oh good quindor can tell us be on for an hour won't be able to tune in until then oh ryan okay well we'll be on just about an hour i had a meeting just after seven o'clock and then another meeting at eight o'clock what a day i mean today wasn't even a work day i don't like being busy i like being i like just chilling tinkering anywho so uh if you didn't catch it we did get the unos and quads in stock and posted them on the site last night like late last night when i got home from work which was late and we had 200 data boosters they're all gone we had uh let's see what did we what do we have for unos and quads oh all of the quads are gone wow we had like what do we have 600 quads i think we had 600 quads they're all gone we do still have a few uno's and that's it we had i counted uh i i looked at the website over 700 orders in the last 24 hours less than 24 hours and we filled 500 of them and then we ran out of boxes so to get some more boxes to ship the rest so forgive me if it first for the rest of you if it takes a couple days oh we still have uh the regular unos that's good so we have regular unos in stock which used to be the most popular thing the uno external antennas i don't think we had very many and they're gone oh we still have uno's okay we still have uh uno's that are we still have 300 and some uno's both um uh ethernet and the wi-fi so we're good ethernet and wi-fi man building another hobbit hole that type of meeting i wish i wish how's it going nicolas um no my meeting at seven o'clock is about a a different permatrac a different permatrac manufacturer actually i i like what we've been making but um you know it's it's been taking its time but but i will also say i haven't posted it for sale yet but permatrack is here so i did spend a couple hours this afternoon we received the truck 500 boxes of permatrac most of it is white with bottom holes it is in the storage unit it is ready to go um my plan is tonight before i go to bed to put it on the website and post it up for sale so here we go okay so we're all out of quads we've got more boosters on the way quinoa is going to send another box of boosters and i've got some unos about 300 uh uno 300 of the wi-fi and 300 of the ethernet okay and uh i'm hoping to be able to get some more orders out tomorrow i do need to head up to the hobbit hole tomorrow and be there for the next couple of days maybe maybe we can have the kids maybe the kids can do some stuff new manufacturer cheaper option i wish nicholas no it's not the new manufacturer would be a more expensive option it's so we can discuss this i mean you guys are my you guys are my my reason for being so i'm happy to kind of bring you inside the bring you into the process so what we've been getting from china is um galvanized sheet metal and painted galvanized sheet metal it's fairly thick stuff it's like 20 something gauge 26 20 26 gauge steel i think or a galvanized sheet metal um and uh it's good that i don't really have a problem with what we're getting from china other than the sometimes the shipping like today we had of the 500 boxes we probably had 50 boxes maybe not quite 50 boxes that were crushed in one way or another and hopefully the track is going to be in decent shape but certainly the boxes aren't shippable as they are but it's the timing so this this other option is aluminum it's aluminum it's the same stuff that you that you have your gutters and your soffit made out of it's just bent differently and um i'm not sure if it'll like these these are not exact like there will be a machine that would bend it exactly they would be a little bit more v-shaped like this though like our current perma-track is not v-shaped like this so it would be kind of v-shaped like this and at least uh this this size i don't think we could fit the pixels in there sideways uh so we'd have to make it wider to put the pixels in sideways to have holes in the sides so but yeah this would be we would sell it for the same price our goal is to sell it for the same price but it would cost us um quite a bit more per per box to get it uh but i think we're gonna do it but it won't be available until next year but this if things go well we might be able to get our first batch of this aluminum stuff in like march maybe so especially when you pay way more and wait way longer for crushed boxes i know i know they've done they've done better you know incrementally better um as we've gotten more shipments i think this is like our fifth maybe shipment from china um and they've gotten better but they still just don't put a lot of care or thought into some of it sometimes anyways didn't mean for the question mark should have been an exclamation mark anyways all right so been watching oh in silence since football's on ooh who's playing bling who's playing who is playing i didn't get to say hi to everybody but hello y'all hello y'all so somebody did say you are brave to build an led cube i agree and but i've been wanting to do this for so long and and i found this kit and the reason that i got this kit this particular kit and the link is in the description but i can also show you up here um that's the stream schedule this is the this is the link um oh i guess i could just done that that's what that's for and i bought this this is not a um this is not one that i uh that somebody gave me this is 16 by 16 i think one two three four five six seven open eight by eight you're right it's eight by eight need support with shipment from china let me know when oh hey how you doing sachi where you been my friend where you been how you doing that's right man i haven't seen you in forever okay now it's back on when i move the microphone sometimes i pull it out yeah it's eight by eight by eight killed the mike i know how's it going justin um you know i mean our china guys are pretty good but i i i think we're gonna diversify a little bit and audio's gone anyways the reason that i got this kit was because instead of having uh instead of having like just the the leds all like bent and soldered together like some of them some of them they just like tell you okay bend the bend the the edge the wires and solder them together i'm like holy crap um instead of doing that this one has these little pcbs so it's got these led pcbs so i can do all this i mean it's gonna be a lot of soldering but i could do some soldering i don't know how much you guys want to just watch me solder but we could probably i would really love to get started on this at least kind of at least kind of uh hey baby [Music] oh somebody downstairs needs two digiunos yeah just regular did you knows yes the the regular the ones that are in the unknowns thank you and tell him to hurry home i'm on the street and he can watch thank you gracie did so good today oh i can't wait to have a pumpkin muffin gracie did so good today dawson was a super trooper i got dawson out of school today i got zach out of school today dawson worked his butt off for me he probably put in eight hours at least of just constant packing of stuff and then took him with me to unload the pallets of permatrac and then janice wouldn't zoe or zoe didn't help actually she's the one who didn't but zoe she hadn't been here uh grace and and uh holly and janice everybody pitched in today and helped him somebody just was at the front door to pick up their thing so there you go up on this channel in this button yo so what are you saying is you're cheating yeah how's it going rob that's right that's right play smarter play smarter not harder something like that right i think i can solder all of this stuff i think uh you know all of these all these things are sort of through board stuff so i'm feeling pretty good about this what if an led in the middle fails that would suck starting now want to see how this kit works okay let's do it you're the dad of the year getting kids out of school for youtube it works right you can see on my face that the boom boom the red light is flashing no you know what i need is some hot glue where's where's marshmallow man need some hot glue need some hot glue um okay anyways let's get to let's see if i can find this uh google this google uh drive thing here oh i could do it on my phone am i still muted need hot glue that i do it's an old old uh cord so yeah but it's i i need it because it's really long because my pc is actually in the closet it's not even next to me i'm okay now okay thank you all right let's see i think i linked this in my google drive so let's see if i did user user manual yeah this is it yes okay all right okay i got the instructions up here here's the instructions blah blah blah blah blah blah this is about the software where's the instructions for the kit oh shoot this is not the instructions for the kit okay go back to looking for the instructions for the kit i'm sure they're there hot snot for dave jones i don't know if that means no idea um user manuals oh software operation must be software operations how's it going buddy i just gave you all kinds of all kinds of props for being the super trooper why am i why why oh why can you guys just go shoot around [Music] assembly oh there's videos all right i want to share this and to start copy link that shortcut to drive my drive right there okay now it should be here my drive assembly all right this is what we got kids here's the instructions you want me to you want me to make that black screen so it doesn't burn everybody's retinas out thank you for subscribing by the way oh hey thank you very much got my first led strip deployed about a week ago and i have five more strips on the outside that i'm going to put up in the spring the raids have been invaluable as well as the digiuno thank you thank you thank you listerfiend thank you my friend that is mucho appreciated you like unicorns or planes so unicorns or planes if you don't know that reference because it's been a while that's uh that was what frank used to do on his streams if it wasn't unicorns or planes dogs or cats he would say do you like dogs and cats so dogs are cats and then he had these crazy little things what's up blade nobody even said node red i thought about doing node red tonight when i realized i wasn't gonna be able to go to the hobbit hole tonight i thought about doing another red we want the train blade wants to train uh do i watch this or go to bed watch this come on no choo choo kind of sounds like a train but then it does have a horn that sounds like a semi-truck all right all right ralph ralph bloom thank you for following 2 a.m juke oh my gosh i'm sorry okay let's see what we can find here uh okay d.i.p hole so this kind of just shows the front and the behind okay so there's a front and back to the board no surprise okay this looks like what they're calling the front okay they're calling this part the front i just recognized that little thing there in the corner so that's the front and so we've got these guys a whole bunch of these guys that got to go on there that's gonna be easy you just solder the crap out of those so i won't do that let's do some of these components that look hard shouldn't we let's do some of these things that look hard so the things that look hard back here okay because that's what's important is that i do the hard stuff while everybody's watching because because if i'm gonna screw up you know let's screw up on the big stuff that really matters because i never get distracted or have any lack of focus while i'm doing this just click the link in your description to the cube that's very cool thank you slang thank you thank you i'm up for node red but i don't think mine is up at the moment oh i guess start on one oh yeah this is number three let's start on one good point oh so that's all the that's doing the led the leds so this is interesting how this is going to work so these are not these are not individually addressable right they they are it looks i don't know i don't know how that's going to work i was i mean they they should be able to do different uh you know it should be able to do lots of different stuff like every every yeah every pixel can be a different color it's just how they're gonna do it i guess it's they're not like ws2812s or something they're different so interesting bit of soldering 512 512 leds and then that's not counting the components so what this says to start with is the leds should i start with the leds likely uses shift resistors to address them all oh man matrix addressing it's pretty cool stuff all right all right okay i'm definitely gonna need some glasses for this all right i can't put this on the wrong side right okay so it does have a little plus so if you look at this i don't know if it's going to focus very well focus on my fingers not on there but you can actually see see if i can get something else to point at it with you can see that that hole there has a bit more of a stripe to it okay so looking at the instructions that stripe corresponds to the plus on the led and if we grab the leds whole bag 512 i hope they wouldn't that suck if there was like 511 you get all the way done you're like one led short what all right and it looks like the way they've got yeah the way they show it on there it's got uh red and then plus and then gmb okay so it should go and there's got a little spot where it's supposed to stop i guess i'm not going to do 500 of these tonight though so we'll we'll do one of these and then we'll move on to some of the other components or at least we'll move on to to number two over there yeah we can't do this in there anybody else get snow today we got snow finally for the first time i guess uh according to the news it was like the first time since march that we've had real snow it's crazy okay put that guy on there real good like that poke it through there i'm gonna poke a bunch of these through yesterday or yesterday i was reading that two pin leds dawson will be an expert solder by the time you finish that i wish dawson would i wish i could get him to do it you fell down the stairs this morning who did you did blade you fell down the stairs dude too young for that did you break a hip no seriously though that's scary stuff man people falling down the stairs what were you doing just slipped wearing socks or something or missed a step i've certainly done that just like at the bottom fortunately though and kind of caught myself but still sucks if you don't catch yourself i can't imagine twice what oh no folks in oregon get ice not not snow here let's let's kind of bring this in so you guys can see i'm just kind of focusing on this while i do this my fat fingers in the way how long do you guys estimate that a kit like this should take to build look at that look at the product link for me dudes and see if you can se if you can if it says anywhere on there what they think do they give you like oh this should take you you know x number of hours to build because i'd be very curious i would be very curious what am i drinking you know but you weren't talking to [Music] me oh no you fell down those stairs like outside stairs oh dude dude all right well the longest pin here this is important the longest the longest leg on these leds and forgive me for the focus actually i think i can probably fix that give me a second when are you putting your patients to sleep do you distract them with an rgb lifestyle if they would let me i would hospitals have like all these rules and stuff oh where'd you go property stairs properties configure video camera let's do the focus sorry about my fingernails all right that's a little more focused on what we're looking at right when i'm holding it in my hands there okay seems to do better if we don't auto focus it so test if each of the leds works oh my gosh that's a okay let me get them in and then we'll see gosh so you're saying test them before you solder them huh oh my gosh 512. what were what were some estimates what did you guys guess on hours i bet you this would take you i bet it would take you 40 hours to put this thing together guy on your facebook page that did a elective controlled e led on the sweater nice nice i want the so what i want to do with this more than anything with this uh led cube is i want to make the eye of sauron so up there in aidandale hobbitville there is a big old sugar an old sugar mill and the old sugar mill has a really tall smoke stack and every time i go buy it i just think that thing would look so cool like painted black with a big led cube on top making the lights you know make sure you put them in the white right way around i'm i'm pretty sure but i will check them all before i solder them because this longest one the longest one here goes with the stripe there's a little stripe there so that's all i'm looking at and so the longest one goes in the stripe so hopefully that's doing it i'm kind of excited to do this by the way i've been looking at this thing i nice when i got it i put it out on my desk and i've wanted so bad to take some time and play with it and i'm like no i can't i have more important things to do must do responsible things and then here i am so thank you for giving me the excuse all right there we go okay all right eight down uh 504 to go when's the 2525 cube with ws2812 coming i would love it gary i would love to make a cube i've thought about you know making a cube out of pixels uh the trick would be we need some software that would run a cube does does wled run a cube what would be some software like these guys have something that i don't know if they wrote it or if it's you know i don't know i've not gotten into led cubes before but they're flipping amazing so i am going to be in the led cubes now maybe eventually i might be done by easter test the module after you solder it yep that's a good idea yeah i think once i get like each like this whole thing all together and soldered then uh then i can just test it it should be easy enough put a couple a little bit of voltage on them and see what they do make sure they all turn the right colors so you got to watch out when you're getting uh these cube kits because there are some this one was like 140 bucks and there are some that are like oh they're real cheap and and but what they do i think from what i could gather is they don't really do full colors like it's not like every led does full colors it's like you know that each led is a color and that's it it's all you get it's going to stay that color the whole time it's just whether it's going to be on or off does wld run animations for a matrix sean the if you watch the stream we did the other day uh we did talk about the wled fork the audio reactive led fork wld fork that that does have effects for matrices and then there's also a software called jinx and i think it's j y n x or is it j i n x i can't remember but it's called jinx and it is a software that you run on your pc and you can you can uh do um you can control matrix with it and i believe it does it through e131 as like x lights does so i haven't gotten to play with that in a while i did play with it at one point in the past and and liked it but i think at the time i was still struggling with the controllers that i was using and e131 we didn't have we certainly didn't have ethernet boards we didn't have um esp32s and so when i tried it uh i was struggling a little bit to get it to stay connected but um in fact i think it might have been a 12 stream of christmas thing from like two years ago maybe okay i got him just make sure that that that that that that yep yep uh-huh yeah oh yeah yep definitely yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep okay so i want to push them down all the way until they get the fat part of the led on there i guess i can do it this way turn them upside down and push on because there's like a wide a widening in the pin pin is it a pin or a pen it's not a pen pen is what you write with it's a peen the dr z stream i saw that on oh yeah that's right it's been done with strips but i don't remember what software hardware combo was used can someone link to this led cube nix it should be in the uh description it really really really should be in the video description i'm pretty sure i put it there in fact i know i put it there but maybe maybe it didn't show up i can't see all right now it is time to break out the soldering station i love my little ts100 we talked about the ts 100 when we were doing the nerd dad christmas list rob what's on your nerd dad christmas list oh i got the oculus quest 2 by the way rob i actually use it i don't use the rift but the oculus quest 2 in fact i'm trying to carve out some time tonight i don't think i will but i'd love to no i probably will if nothing else i've been like doing meditation on it before i go to bed that's actually kind of kind of cool okay all right soldering iron [Music] this is my ts 100 it says dr z's i love that favorite part okay that'll heat up in a minute here my solder is usually right there foreign gotta find some solder do those modules plug into the pc yes they do yes they do kiribi yeah that's the point is that uh you solder up a bunch of these you set up a bunch of these and then you put pins on the bottom down here put these kind of these things on there and then you put uh these on the pcb and so these modules just plug in should be pretty cute pretty cube okay we're having a bit of a crisis currently because i got a new thing of solder me and dawson were working on the we were working on the um we're working on the little go-kart and i think i took the solder outside foreign make an announcement hey dawson buddy can you come to my office i need some help i'm out here playing with lasers you should hang out i can come bring you something can you taylor you got some slaughter close by where are you at are you in highland somewhere close damn that's a real bummer hopefully he knows where it is or he he's gonna have to go outside and look for it it's probably it's outside it's covered in snow hey buddy remember when we did when we were soldering outside i think we left the solder out there have you seen the solder i can't find the solder i found i mean i've got my soldering iron i've got this little plate here but i can't find the solder yeah the actual like school is [Music] it's gotta be outside but we're downstairs you can ask mom if she saw it downstairs did you go see if if maybe mom saw it downstairs maybe when we brought that stuff in we didn't bring it in okay dawson's on the hunt what are we making for what purpose we are making we are making this an led cube and the only reason we're making it is because it's awesome uh that's a bum diddly um well we may have to just kind of put some pieces in the right places and then i'll have to solder them together so maybe we'll do that for now let's let's keep on moving here isn't that thing cool and that thing cool i can't wait to make one of those breadboard is a soldering jig it works actually quite well when you're soldering like the when you're soldering the esp32s and i could just put them right in there and put it on there and solder i wish my wife knew what solder was uh i'm not sure she yeah mine mine probably she knows what it is okay well i'm gonna unplug my soldering iron in for a minute because we are kind of on pause as far as that goes i'm very curious about some of these other components and uh one of the things i really like about this one of the things i really like about this kit is that it seems to all be through-hole right it's really made to be built by hand so all of these components are through-hole components so that's great right that's really cool i think we should try and put together some of these components well let's look at number two let's look at instruction page number two okay because somebody said i should probably follow the instructions i don't want to disappoint them okay so the other part of the instructions is you just put one of or number two is you take one of these you find it oh it was outside and it's probably soaking wet oh my gosh that is snow on top there's a i bought a whole roll of brand new solder though well anyways we're going to keep moving for a minute because that's going to probably need to dry and she has to peel off splashes of it off the hardwood floor i peel off flashes on my desk i came here from mark sutton recommended streamers he he's a legend my son has autism and loves tinker with things so i'm trying to learn so i can understand at least some of it mark sutton mark sutton does streaming what you just mean mark loves tinkering i love mark mark is amazing all of the days you pick to solder outside i guess it's you could pick the day before it so yeah taylor i we soldered um it's been like it's been a few days it's been quite a few days we soldered out there and i swear i i have this memory in my head of taking because i had both solder spools this one that's almost empty and then the brand new one were both on my little station and i remember thinking okay i'm going to take this soldering iron and i grabbed the power supply i left the jig here but i took off the solder spools and i took just this one outside and i set the other one down poof [Laughter] was in his recommended oh that's fantastic well mark's a great dude he was making toys for christmas kids with disabilities oh that's fantastic what a stud i'm not surprised not surprised mark is a stud all right so the next thing to do would be so the opposite side of the leds is where this thing goes oops you can't see that all right so the pins you solder on the same side according to that picture up there right so the front would look like that and the back will look like that okay so there's that i'm gonna put that over here and be careful i don't lose anything now this thing does have this like whole brain in here and i guess it doesn't have a remote or something it's got this thing that looks like an rf gotta be careful not to lose stuff but it's got this which looks like it's got some kind of an antenna on it right i mean that's typically i look at that and i think it's an rf antenna the unorganized tinker it's the it's the way our brains are too right okay so this is the usb ttl so this is how we're gonna communicate with our computer part of it this is a whole bunch of little that's nice that they did all that so all of the stuff that surface mount and soldered is already done for you so that's nice and then it just has these so we'll just have to put some headers in and we'll be able to just pop that guy on there okay beautiful thank you very nice very nice this is the bag that has me a little more worried uh i'm live on both yes i am live on both actually okay so let's see what we got here this seems to be just a usb cable so thank you that's fine got a few resistors here hopefully they're all the same hopefully they're all the same i just kind of want to look through this and see what's here some of it's some of it's not scary i'm not scared of these like this is just these are just time that's no big deal i can do those those are just time capacitors that's fine just make sure you put them on the right direction somebody subscribed and a boy thank you sir if you like unicorns or planes so unicorns or planes i said that last time and i didn't wait for an answer chris oh thank you very much text blue sky transmit blue sky i don't understand your restream bot what is it trying to say to go to youtube channel oh i see okay let's do unicorns how about that what is going on oh is this like a subscribe is like everybody resubscribing is this a twitch resubscribe thing thanks guys holy cow it's my favorite part and then because we had so many subscribes we'll do the plane too [Music] whoa it does the macro sd cards i'm gonna need an adapter for that it does macro sd cards so the sd card reader goes somewhere there's a usb thing see since all these are surface mount this won't be bad we've got a handful of resistors here which let's see get them oriented the same way and look at the colors and i would expect that they're all the same whatever they are okay who can look at that and tell me what the value is come on come on ready go who can tell me what the value is go okay this isn't too bad a couple of [Music] couple buttons are stuck together and then oh there is one surface mount component there okay i can handle that that's not too bad that's not too bad okay well now that we've got different train i don't have i don't have frank's train i do not have frank's train this is the only other one that i have are they 1.1 k 10k give me my 18-wheeler okay uh it looks like it is no it looks like it's actually a gold then red then black then dark brown that's what it looks like it might be orange it might be gold gold orange black brown that's what it looks like gold orange black brown it's 10 000 oh and because we keep getting more subscribers so blade gets his train i'm just having fun here where's that train where's that train where's that train there's a train it's all the front page there's a train gold is tolerance oh so gold is the tolerance okay good and then it looks like orange black orange black brown or red black brown well the good news is they're all the same so that's fine all right now i'm going to put these back in here let's look at well let's i can leave now i kind of want to those are the parts i really want to work on so let's let's let's go back to this instruction page number two number three okay oh they jump right in here and just tell you they want you to do all this stuff all right let's clear the path here let's get the soldering iron back out we do at least have a little bit of solder is it okay with everybody if i say solder oh let's see how am i going to do this okay that back in for a minute all right so this we decided was the front so this is the behind oh you know what the it looks like the uh the sd card slot is a surface mount as well okay well let's just keep on let's just start from the left and move over should we do that start from the left move to the right that way i'm not on oh you guys want some perspective i am very proud of every single one of you that was able to uh even give me a guess on that all right so first thing we got here this is going to be the the dec the power the power thingy power mcthingy all right let's solder on the power mic thingy there's only one way it can go you can't really mess it up crank up the soldering iron dry out the solder can you see it there yeah you can so should i you guys want how close do you want to be you tell me is that too close what happens when what happens with wet solder anything just go a little more sparky all right here we go soldering soldering this will probably be a fair bit of current so i am going to kind of load up on the solder on this okay what do you think too late straighten it out before you doing the second pin oh oh i see what you're saying it's on there like that now it's gonna be that way yeah it's pointed a little north oh is that what's it bb roy b oh my gosh so that is making something tickle in the back of my brain but not very much solder sod because isn't sod like something bad like to call somebody a sod i think it's bad right okay what's next next we've got a capacitor here we've got a 470 micro farad 16 volt capacitor let's look at these capacitors i've got three of them here this one's the 470 16 volt actually they all are yep that one is two so i think they're all the same 470 16 bolts so now what i'm gonna do before i solder something on here i'm actually gonna i'm gonna put it on here and then i'm gonna look at the chat for a second and give you guys a second to uh stop me from doing dumb things so how does that sound means like sad person oh really i'm saying in my head that's not socially appropriate to remember the order oh gosh okay so minus is this side and that is the short side that goes like that correct minus which is opposite of the plus now uh do you leave a little space or do you push it right down on the board what do you guys uh it's toxic i got a window open thank you terry i do have a window open and i got a fan blowing this whole fan you guys never hear it because i got my mic like filtered but i got this whole fan blowing dang it it's not even oh my gosh it's already seven all right i'm gonna have to push off my meeting i'm gonna have to push it off to 7 30. let me tell them oh my gosh i have 28 text messages what the heck okay 7 30. there push it all the way down that's what i would do i would like it to be all the way down i know it's bad for me i know okay there it is this thing cools off when you set it down for too long soldering is just not that hard once you've done it enough and i don't know that i'm like great at it know everybody's gonna say oh if you clip it after you solder it then you'll something something something sorry i'm gonna do it anyways okay done would you do that differently i have a fan i know it's bad especially when the pvc starts to burn i looked at the clock going seven but it sods five oh and he still does it i know it's bad for me and i still do it i'm i'm a doctor i'm the worst patient worst kind of patient okay so those four resistors we can do those four resistors there now the resistors they don't there's no there's no polarity right the resistors go here there's no polarity they didn't yeah good didn't align it after doing one pin again it's a perfect it's a circle it's perfectly aligned see that's perfect what are we talking about we talked about you know what it's good though it's good that it's good that quindor has that kind of you know he's that kind of guy right he's the guy we want designing the circuit boards because he's going to be precise like i'm going gonna be like yeah breadboard jumper is good enough you know resistors do not have polarity okay yeah great all right let's push all these resistors through then oh crap i dropped it oh here it is oh my gosh this is a good time i think we should do like we could do the whole all the 12 streams of christmas could just be me finishing this i should pick a project like this you know i do actually have a um i do have a matrix that's a put together thing like this too but it's not unfortunately it's not this they're not all through holes it's all it's all surface mount ew ooey and they're gone no this is a good kit man this is not a bad kid at all i think somebody with i mean you need a lot of time because it's going to take a freaking year to solder it all together but uh so far i mean they give you lots of space everything is marked really well you know it's all almost all through-hole stuff so it's pretty user you know solder friendly not gonna have to really hurt yourself oh look at that i just managed i just managed to get them all lined up rolls the chair over it i was afraid of that zach yeah i was thinking about that it really was oh man now my that capacitor is keeping me from having this thing go all the way up i really want those oh i guess i can just do it with the wires we'll do it that way they stay yeah that's good so should i so what do you want me to do quindora you want me to you want me to uh want me to do one side and then like straighten them out and then do the other side i could do this all night i seriously could this would be a lot of fun i know maybe i would get i would get tired of it eventually but i don't mind this is fun all right here we go [Music] i think when i was when i first started i mean i i saw her when i was younger but a few years back i the first little soldering project i did as an adult i did a little like game boy thing and of course i didn't straighten them out i did a little game boy thing with jackson our oldest and um i didn't realize at the time how forgiving it is it's actually now that i've done a lot more of it it's it's feel pretty forgiving really it kind of goes where it's supposed to go soldering is so fun see used to solder for a living really i would bet that if i had to do it for a living i'd probably hate it [Music] okay beautiful beauty beauty beauty beauty beauty winter time in michigan so i'll be doing more i guess you're stuck inside aren't you so sorry okay let's see what else we got here the key the key it says key and key key must be a switch that must be what they're talking about this is a key huh yeah okay these are those this is this once again uh if i don't line this up right it's gonna trigger quindor i think a little bit zen moment nice all right let's do it let's i will really try and remember this time to just do one and then straighten it out okay see that it stops now i'm gonna look at it make sure it's pretty lined up looks pretty good yeah looks dang perfect okay now that that's holding it there i don't have to worry about resting it on something quite so much it's not going anywhere the big key that i learned with the soldering is get the put this put the iron there and you move the solder not the iron so you move this and the iron just stays there to keep the peg hot that's it okay one key next for another key connector on the black boxes and airplanes no kidding made it to the last one to at least one of the 12 thank goodness fat daddy thank goodness you're here welcome welcome all right we are making oh these are this is bent oh goodness getting careful we are making an led cube this is an led cube out of a kit that i bought with real money not even like bang good i'm sure i could get one of these from banggood and actually if if i enjoy doing this maybe i will get a banggood kit just to see you can compare kits okay if i do one of these and it seems to me like the front ones are probably the actual electrical contact and the back ones are just for support that's what it looks like the mirror maybe the back ones are the ground i don't know okay looks pretty straight if i could do a youtube channel where all i had to do was just solder stuff all day don't do that talk and solder talk and solder solder solder solder solder i'd have to learn to say solder which is the right way to say because there is an l it does have now i bought it with patreon money i did actually yeah i could totally say that what kind of software does it run do you know i don't know they've got their slatter i don't know they've got their app on this um you know on the website so you could you could check it out the link is in the description of the video it's an aliexpress kit i don't know what software it runs my guess is there will be better software somewhere out there um but these are probably so unique uh in how they function that you you know there's probably other software for this particular one oh acrylic box i didn't get an acrylic box oh oh kids make that sound drives me nuts okay hidden alright so what's next we did the key we did the key i'm not gonna do the s i'm not gonna do the sd jack and i'm not gonna do the asm because those are both surface mount so let's do the four pin jack would you call that it would you call that a jst what would you call that anyone have the end part of an led strip just go wild won't go solid maybe connection not sure note mcu which end bob which end of it is it the far end like the the or the close end the end where it's uart really oh yeah that is that is i'm like where's my siren the talking internet show that's me the talking internet show okay i'm gonna do it quindora's way i'm gonna solder one and i'm going to straighten it out okay so double check sure nice and straight yeah okay straight enough anyways this is a good kit they this is a nice kit they do make a nice kit i gotta say because it's not like i don't feel like i'm trying to solder things that aren't really fitting together well or like it's in super tight spaces it gets all it's all pretty well done okay that looks good next all right let's go up and do the usb jack usb right here okay that actually fits in there nice and tight for a giant electronics company hated soldering small pieces on planes do you have this man you guys got those solder pieces on planes lucky i wouldn't like that if i i don't know yeah i like that i i am very very very grateful that i have things that i do that i enjoy that i don't have to worry about doing for money like i certainly try and take advantage of of uh you know youtube and whatever to earn some money during the time i'm already gonna spend doing stuff what are those other two holes for behind the usb jack it doesn't look like anything's going in those those must just be poke throughs where it's just changing sides it's just going from one side of the board to the other all right and these pins here again these are just the ground outside kind of thing so but they do also give it some structures if you want that to be good okay get that a little bit and a little bit just to dabble do you okay okay bingo lots of heat needed for those ground plane leads okay can't tell you which one oh oh i see that's what you did i got you i soldered in a super clean room wearing all the gear oh white suit finger cots booties and a hood big vacuum screen two feet away from me oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah i like just soldering in my my little man cave here with the window open all right we got another capacitor we do another capacitor up here we are got negative side goes with the white stick that right in there so this one i'll do so i'll do the quindor method and i will well i think i can just pull it tight basically yeah that's tight that'll do that'll do later my hope is to still be able to stream from the hobbit house tomorrow morning um and do like the walk through but also do um like all the solar and stuff go through the whole solar room that's my goal uh to do that and to make it to the time because i thought i was gonna spend the night at their night but to make it and and keep it on the same time as regular oh my gosh 105 degrees the underbelly of a c-130 in kuwait um best part was leak checking the work helium and liquid nitrogen either blow anything up um but i may have to i mean if i make it on time if there's traffic i'd be a little bit late all right um gosh okay well we're down to the oh there's another capacitor over here we missed but that this capacitor is not showing up on this kit if you look at these instructions they don't show that capacitor but clearly i've got a capacitor there's a hole for a capacitor here so we're going to put that capacitor on here right unless that's like part of the next next step or something which you cannot imagine it really is so you guys are all expert solderers i am like a total hobby solder like i didn't really do this i used to speak it better now i know how to say atenidos definitely not a professional solder okay good me and you william me and you with all these other guys lots of finger cuts blowing up dry ice and finger cotton tighten the knot oh my gosh okay well stirs what else we got okay we've got a few of these little spots here and according to this uh huh four hole dip well one of them is four and one of them is three so look at that this thing says 4 pin dip hold jack guess who's playing satisfactory oh hey i actually bought it i bought it i don't think i ins did i install it i think i bought it and was downloading it and went to bed so i got it and then actually today i was the um so rgb man mike's son was helping us unload today mike wasn't around and um he's helping us unload the permit track and we so of course i was with my sons and so they got talking about video games and um yeah they both mentioned satisfactory as well at least he did and then i did okay so these quindor i am definitely definitely definitely going to solder one and then straighten it out and solder the other one okay yeah because that is wampus [Music] good enough anyways good enough for good enough for airplane work i actually have um a lot of family that has worked in the airplane uh manufacturing industry in southern california for years and years uncle cousins of i guess he's a cousin in law so my my cousin's husband but now they're moving they're moving to some like i don't remember tennessee or something okay we're gonna solder one and we're gonna straighten it out especially if it's like way bent over i don't know oh you know what this is gonna fit this is where that's where this goes yeah that's where that goes that's why so you could put that in there and solder it just to make sure it's straight but i just put it in there and make sure that it fits and it does you see that that's this guy it's the home for this little dude right here okay and if you ever get you know you're not sure about a joint or it doesn't look quite good you just put the your spinal cord with tasmota you are the man can i replace your spine and your spinal cord with tasmota sure i've heard nine out of ten programmers that play satisfactory during the stream fall downstairs [Laughter] oh man poor blade poor blade all right so now it's these we gotta put these big old dip things in here now right why are they called dip what is what why dip i don't understand that vip i think what i'll do is i'll just do like i'll do one and then i'll flip it over and i'll do one and and then i'll go back and just like blow through them all you know they're all the same size right yeah and there's two there's two of these so or two rows you know so they should be they should be fairly stable once we get them in there and i'm resting this on my solder table thing you know so it's kind of pushing on that but it's actually not pushing on it very well like that just fell out so what do you guys use you guys use like a little bit of uh tacky stuff or something i know there is such a thing i i haven't used it really dip dual inline package oh what's up ryan been a while since i caught a live stream we are sure glad you're here tonight we are building an led cube rgb led cube which is going to be so sweet hopefully it'll work mucho importante i think that we straighten this up probably straighten it up and then put a do one more right should i do one more i think i should do two on these i'll do two like one at each end while i've got it like pressed all the way through because i don't want to bore you guys with just soldering 500 of the same thing anyways i put off my meeting till 7 30 and now it's 7 15. so we still got a little time oops sorry about that we'll get most of this done and then i can come back and do all the boring stuff still streaming only for about 10 more minutes what's up just want to hang out come hang out i can't get that one to go in there i have to do something a little bit different on this one [Music] i guess i could put a little piece of tape i just don't know if tape's gonna quite do it oh i guess i could do this at least for this one and that's off the screen so much it's in the middle tape time for some tape any updates on the bug hey ryan oh i walk by that thing every day i look at it even today i looked at it and said i want to drive that thing so bad uh but the update on the bug is just uh i have not fixed the the brakes the brakes the back brakes kind of locked up on me and i have not uh taken off the wheels and hammered on them to get them to break loose yet so that's that's what it's waiting on right now is for me to to do that and then because then i can put the new battery in and i can uh and then give it a test drive okay so this one i think is okay so we're gonna do one of these pins on this end somebody's calling me oh boy i better uh dang it i gotta get this hey cody what's up great yeah so i got the uh okay um okay [Music] uh i don't i would rather i would rather it not get done right now because um we've got a bunch of kids coming up this weekend and they're gonna they would potentially put a herd on it you know what i mean so if if you've got it all prepped and then we'll we'll be up there tomorrow with like 12 people so after work tomorrow would be a bad time anyways but i just assume you just waited until next week and finish it up [Music] okay okay [Music] yeah we'll have to we'll have to look at it and see but i'm sure we'll find something how's is the power everything's okay as far as power up there did you start the generator or are you just not using it yeah it's not set up to do it automatically yet unfortunately no that's okay that's it's it's so like half finished up there you know i was hoping to get to work on in yesterday and tomorrow or today and tomorrow but i'll have to try and get something done this weekend but we're getting there we're getting there so just yeah if you're going to run anything big just run the generator and then when you're done just turn it off uh next weekend next weekend it's the 18th oh sweet sweet yeah take the weekend off and go have a good time okay do that too that's great okay thanks you too cody bye thanks for your help bye so that was cody cody does a lot of work for us at the hobbit house and he's uh working on a few things um for us right now we have a big wallpaper a whole wall that is the um the um the map of middle earth it's like 15 feet by seven feet map of middle earth and i and janice is like i want to get that up i want to get it up i want to get it up this is more fun if others participate um the anyways i i'd rather we didn't get that up and didn't have it get a get torn while we have all these kids up there this week so uh just about to ask you figured out how to mount the battery so what i've done so far for the battery is i took a piece of i had just a piece of piece of steel i don't know where it came from an old swing set or something and i bent it on the vise and um and welded a couple of other supports onto it and then um i put it where the gas tank goes and and that's where the battery that i have is gonna go for now i think i'm gonna make it bigger we're suggesting the worst way to hold a component masking tape would suck yep hot glue what hot glue is amazing okay let's see so that's all for this that i mean it's telling me to put all of these 14 pin dip things on there let's look at these couple of other steps because i think i put on like most of those things i could do the surface mount ones and then with four yeah it just tells you to plug that thing in there okay actually i mean i'll do that just want to lose it so step four is just plug this thing in here i can't see without my glasses you guys those of you that use glasses that maybe and i don't know if this is your experience if you've always worn glasses i did not have to wear glasses until recently and now that i do have to wear glasses once i wear them for a bit to like see some things and then i turn them uh then i turn them and then i stop doing it um it like i need them like it makes it so i can't see without it why is what so expensive homemas why is it so expensive what is everything okay all right there's that um so the only other things i've got these couple of little surface mount components um which i'm not feeling brave enough to play with right now so that's five so six then is going to be a video of putting it together probably oh power make sure that works put that on there make sure that power's on power power okay great that's it okay so check the power is number six number seven is start plugging in all of these oops you guys aren't seeing that sorry sorry sorry kids that never stop wearing them oh the led thingy why is it so expensive so some of them don't do like like you look at a cheap one like this it may only be one color like like this even this one 80 bucks but it probably only does like it does these multiple colors but you can't have like part of it be one color and part of it be another color and part would be another color like these really cheap ones like here's one like this one says multi-color you know and they make it look like this this one is actually going to be programmable so it can do crazy stuff this one probably isn't this one most likely is going to just be it's going to be that color and that's it i don't know but i'm guessing it's just going to maybe come on and go off at that color can't tell yeah see so they've got red blue and green that's it there's no there's so you got what you got and those leds are always that color now some of them can turn off and turn on but that layer is always that color it's not going to change the difference is this expensive one the one that i that i bought uh it's got multi-color leds so you can have it be anything right so pretty sweet when i get it done we'll do just like this guy we'll hook it up to the computer we'll play around with it and we'll get it to do some fun stuff i can't wait okay i think we're done for the night what do you guys think what do you guys think i need to solder on those couple of things there i'll do that um but nobody's looking i gotta find my hot air gun i lost my hot air gun 140 bucks is kind of a lot but you know the one i reason i bought it and maybe i maybe i did one of those things where you know you figure oh it's it's more expensive so it's got to be good so that's what i did diy hvac thermostat recommendations arun this is what i do this is what i do you get a temperature sensor of whatever kind you like i use the zigbee uh xiaomi temperature sensors for the most part i've got a few other brands but mostly they're zigbee battery operated temperature sensors all over the house okay then you just break into your hvac unit whether that's your air conditioner or your furnace or whatever for us it's the air conditioner and the radiant heat and i even have that uh that whole house fan like an attic fan that just blows air sucks air through the house big big big fan and then you just do the logic and home system so this you break in into your air conditioning and your heating and you put in relays so you just mimic the old thermostat there's with the old thermostat there's going to be two wires that when you touch them together it turns on when you take them apart it turns off so you find those two wires you put those in a relay and you just touch them together you know what you activate the relay deactivate the relay activate the relay deactivate the relay and i did that with um with a d1 mini and some d1 mini and esp home and then it's all programmed through home assistant my whole my whole house all of the temperature regulation in my house is done that way i do have a couple of temp battery sensors that have gone out but this is this is my main home assistant page i don't do too much right now with it but this is my temperature control page and that's how it works so and then there's a little bit of node red in there whatever so anyways okay 88 000 nuts all right guys i think that's all for now let's see if we can call up the monkeys i don't know if this is working because last time it didn't work hacks probably needs to update no maybe this needs to update yeah home system coordinates not the full update okay anyways i can't get them to come up so let's do this make an announcement what's the announcement it's time for sign off kids come on up you're not cool until you have dead sensors i am so cool do dead is it does it count if i have like a whole bunch of sensors in my in my bin that i never use do those count as dead sensors hello babies oh my gosh you okay just excited oh i love you okay all right so it's time for sign off we've done santa claus sign off i've done a sign off by myself without you one time i'm yeah because i was by myself hey tyson's here what's going on dude come be a part of come be a part of sign off with us um and we did mrs claus so what should we do now should we do rudolph or something silly should we do rudolph oh it smells good you made something good all right i think uh zacky's head is cut off oh always is zachary doesn't have a head dead unused lost misplaced those all count excellent okay let's do it we're gonna do it like rudolph so i suppose that means we need to pretend like we've got a nose like this ready and always [Music] whatever whatever you get craziness around here okay hey thanks guys this is fun i'm excited so thanks for uh thanks for giving me a reason to get started on this and the plan will be tomorrow to do tomorrow we will do uh hobbit house stream again and we'll do power and stuff if i get if i get up on time and get up there it'll be at 10 it worst case it might be a little bit later so if i'm 10 30 or 11 o'clock forgive me all right have a good one guys there's their update yet anyone know there will be ryan and uh there's a conference on saturday so tune in there's a there's a home assistant conference on saturday so thanks guys
Channel: DrZzs
Views: 3,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drzzs, led, solder, soldering, led-cube, kit
Id: tvrNfx95xqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 8sec (5168 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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