Integrating WLED into xLights - The "TechTurtle" easy way! - 12 Streams of Christmas #8

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[Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah failed right off the bat how's it going everybody welcome welcome i think i just finished uploading the uh the the thumbnail or should be a thumbnail now yeah it looks like there is okay that's beautiful that's beautiful i do still need though to get the chat up so two more seconds here song was a little too short today oh that's me okay here we go pop this chat out all right how's it going everybody welcome welcome to the annual watch dr z's fumble around with x lights video [Laughter] i think actually this is gonna be it's gonna be better than it has been in the uh right tech turtle right in the title it's gonna be better than years past probably hopefully hey quindor is here fantastic jonah roberto justin zees father time how's it going haven't touched the bug dude but i look at it every day and go man i wish i could drive that thing how's it going all right stops thank goodness home assistant junkie is that what that means is that h.a home assistant junkie alrighty so hey chris all right good we got uh we got i want to get right into this because most of the time when i start to do this stuff i warn them in the zoom you might be coming most of the time when i mess with x lights i i i mess up i did this last night okay i played with it last night and and the big thing that we're doing today is we're going through the process of using a controller that is running wled as part of the x lights sequence the show so you've been able to do that for a long time wled's been able to do that since the beginning so two years ago you could do that but the process of importing information from the wled controller the digital or digiquad whatever has gotten a lot more simple so that's what we're going to do today okay so if you want to follow along go get your x lights there's this link should be in the video description but just in case it's not there you go rg3 is here oh fantastic how's it going man i loved you when you're at baylor [Music] made it on time today mc liam fantastic hit that freaking like button that's right you tell them stubsy all right so go down go go get x lights okay go get it 100 wld so much easier now right chris right trying it out on twitch today it's working it's working i see your chat okay now in the title i also am i going to use xschedulerffpb uh no right now i'm just going to use i'm just going to use x lights today that's all my that's my plan for today that should be enough no real reason to use x lights so you say huh um using esp32 and syncing x lights as well as ethernet option two you'll be happier y'all got my friend in a permatrac we're going to install soon yes we've got plenty i think i don't know now actually i haven't checked in a while we had 500 boxes i know we've had at least 100 orders and actually most orders are probably going to be two to four boxes so maybe we're running low already that's possible all right anyways go go grab x lights and then the other thing that you're going to need of course is a controller running wled preferably one that is set up on your house and that has um like segments set up why are my segments not set up i know i set up segments last night um did i just not save it after i set up the segments let's see if any of these have segments i bet you that's what happened that's what happens when you when you're working all night there it is oh no that's not going to be the right one i bet you let's see yeah yeah yeah oh boy all right well we're going to set up new segments okay because these segments are not right so this is what we're going to do to set up the segments i did this last night how did it not save i guess it's just because i didn't save it as a preset okay these segments are wrong so we're going to get rid of these segments so um all right here we go we're going into my led preferences and i already have the three different outputs actually on this i've got four outputs set up but i don't actually have this output um this output is not used oh good good point tech turtles good point let's let's start okay let's start from the beginning in the in the led what are we even calling it now it should be called pixel head channel but we already have a pixel head channel so in the um led lighting diy channel which is where the pixel heads spend most of their time um there is a pinned document a pinned post from tech turtle that's how tech turtle got in to the title today um besides his other fantastic contributions he put together this little list which is actually a pretty nice little because i walked through it last night it worked it was it told me everything i needed to know so we're going to go through this but it's also pinned there and it's also in the video description so you can see it there too so here we go first thing you got to wled version 13. all right i did that last night on this one it's on i'm running the 13 beta 6 and sometime in the next week or so probably we're going to have we're going to have the new official version 13. so that'll be awesome but until then we're going to use the beta what's this now i'm sorry snowball oh i got distracted already so fast to distract him so fast to be distracted okay back to this how's it going okay so first thing you got to do is make sure that you're on version 13 of wled okay version 13 wled primary though there we go next uh x lights in the control tab so here we're gonna open up x lights and i apologize in advance oh my gosh that's bright x lights does not have dark mode on windows what the heck does it automatic it's got it's got it on mac but not on windows so sad we'll give them a fail for that but everything else they do on x lights is like freaking perfect so we'll give them a pass okay in the control tab so this is the controllers tab see that there i can't make it any bigger either probably i don't know if i cannot you know zoom in that's not zooming in on this so that doesn't make these control buttons any bigger i wonder if i can control plus probably not nope that doesn't do either okay well that's as big as it's going to get so but anyways we're in the controllers tab we're just going to keep doing it like that we're going to just go back and forth between these two we're going to go the instructions we're going to go back to x lights which means our eyes are going to like constantly be be uh adjusting and we're going to have uh like one pupil all dilated one people all constricted by the end okay xlite's control tab excellents there it is control tab we're going to do add ethernet there you go add ethernet okay is this going to be easy we're going to shrink this over here so we can look at this and x lights more or less at the same time right right okay add ethernet on the right choose vendor led so on the right vendor over here over here wled great next step see how easy this is piece of cake we gotta bug him about that yeah don't give him too hard every time all right [Music] model uno or quad okay model right here i am using a quad but there's uno's or there's quads or there's i guess just plain wld what happens if it's plain wled is that like if you just had a node mcu or something that you're using all right we're going to use a quad because that's what i got all right luna or quad auto size checked auto size checked auto layout checked auto layout checked so easy tech turtle you're amazing make sure the ip address is correct all right so the ip address i know for my controller if you can see it it's 192.168173 just to make sure it's correct i'm going to copy and paste it and just get rid of all this other stuff because you don't know this other stuff you just need to i p address like that all right okay make sure the ip address is correct change it from e131 to ddp now this is why you have to have version 13 right guys this is why you have that version 13 i think because prior to version 13 you didn't have ddp save for them wled bulbs or other integrated ability devices all right it usually gives you three outputs generic esp gives you 8i all right make sure that ib address change it to ddp and uncheck the keep channel numbers keep channel numbers we're going to uncheck that go to the layout tab make a single string set the number of pixels in the string in the bottom left click save now here's where we're gonna have a little bit of issue because i already have these things set up so i already have these lines already set up for my house i'm assuming that's not going to mess this up too bad but i don't know exactly how bad it might mess this up so for now i'm just going to leave it because i think i can go back in here in a minute and i can put look at this has the old controller stuff in it and and so we're gonna have to change that but i think that'll be okay save save save save save save save save save save okay now go to the layout tab make a single line set the number of pixels go back to the controller tab click the visualizer controller tab visualize aha this is it this is fantastic okay so the entry the front or the top now let's go let's close this again for a second i because i already have on my layout i've got these three i've got front which is here in front of the house i've got entry which is above the entryway and i've got top which is up here at the top all right now in my on my controller if i go here to visualize port one on the wled controller this gives you five since i have a quad so it's giving me four plus the extra bonus secret super secret so the entry one let's see the front one is gonna be number one so i just grab it and i drag it over there front one is number one the entryway is connected to number two could not calculate that's fine and the other one goes to number three and i know that because of how my my wled controller is connected so when i look at my led preferences here so the first port the first connection on my quad led number one the connection led number one is this one and it's going to the front so the front of my house i'm going to close this for a second and then we'll look at the front we'll go back to visualize but can i go back to usually i don't want to go visualize i want to go to layout that's it so this is the front okay so that's this all right that's this that's this port here the next one is this entryway one here so that's this port here and then the top line here comes off of port number three or connection number three output number three on the quad right here okay guess what extra lights is going to write all of that overwrite all of what okay it's gonna overwrite whatever whatever the um because i already have it laid out or whatever yeah that's fine i already had it laid out i guess we'll have to maybe we'll do it again we'll delete it we'll put just a line and we'll do it again we'll see is that what you mean keep in mind you can chain runs together like you can move the top line the entryway if it's a chain prop it's going to overwrite all the wled settings hey joe how's it going all right here we go go to the layout tab set the strings in the bottom left save go back to the controller tab visualize we did all this drag and drop to the drop and drag and drop to the ports we did that close the window hit save on the controller tab and the layout tab everything in your layout must have a home on a port or you will have channel overlaps do so that's this it's going all to that stuff so it already did the start channel stuff for us automatically and channel stuff for us automatically it's just saying it's going to that controller and it's number one number two number three okay great everything is saved fine total tabs hit uh upload go back to the controller tab hit upload outputs controller tab upload output oop uploading not responding what's not responding my controller i didn't that's funny i don't think i hit upload outputs last time configure the strings pixel count segments and start channels probably because i didn't just do a straight line i should probably just go back and do a straight line give it a minute are they turned on good question let's make sure they're turned on yeah they're on it does that just give it a minute not responding is normal why wouldn't it be um it should work if they're turned on or turned off either way it'll work i did this last night at work um and it worked great and i was actually able to watch it should have worked by now you have figures i wonder if it's um maybe we can stop it do it again oh bang x like just went crash ah it worked so beautifully last night are you on the same network as the controller yeah i only have one it's all turtle's fault did you know ethernet connect art net neither signal is flicker live demo crashes are the best it's the only way we do it around here it's the only way we do it all right let's see where we're at layout we're still connect we're still all good there so let's just go back here here and upload output down look at that just like that it was just done are we going to cs c uh ces i don't know probably not i registered for it but i don't think i'm gonna go most likely okay so that's good so we did that part and then that's it and now we're done done with the can done it will configure strips pixel counts segments and start channels free sequences you can download okay so i'm going to go over here to the sequencer now and i'm going to start a new sequence this is probably not the way you guys would want me to do it but that's what i'm going to do i'm going to go 40. all right so now it's got all of my my uh things here together and it gives me a little tiny preview it's so tiny see itty bitty i'm gonna change i'm just gonna get rid of this i got a little bit more space still so tiny i guess i can zoom in a little that's good that's a scroll wheel to zoom in a little bit that's all bring this in a little so you can see the whole thing okay blowing stuff up almost almost now let's map a sequence you might need to reboot after upload you might need to reboot wled after upload really well let's let's see um i i did it last night and it worked pretty well now this is going to show my complete ineptitude so we we've gone through this part pretty fast um so i think we'll go oh i can stretch that good so i think we can go uh we'll we'll try and actually like import a sequence here in a minute too but for now we're just gonna do what i know how to do which is grab a an effect from up here and just drag it down to a part of the house okay that's all i know how to do you can add some colors to it all right so that's what it's doing on that part of the house now let's grab a different one and put it i don't know what's a good one this one put it on the front of the house oh gosh why is it only going to like that little tiny bit of the house a little bit of the front look at that it's just going that little bit maybe it's because that's the wrong effect to use let's not use that effect i don't want this effect anymore oh what's another good one i don't even know that's the thing fire yeah sure okay so the front of the house is doing a fire effect kind of lame but okay fine and then the entryway is going to do a different effect let's have it do this color wheel one how's that uh still only doing that one part this is this is because i don't know how to make a sequence and make it cool did i use this one already oops pinwheel okay well fine pinwheel will work for that and let's do this one oh yeah that's the way that's the way uh-huh uh-huh okay so here we go we're gonna make this we're gonna stretch this out i don't know it's not stretched out too far like that all right great so can you see they're doing different things in my little preview there it's doing different things change the render style in the top right render style i probably need to get one of you guys in here in a minute i don't know what render style means top right layer rendering change the layer style on top right layer of entry [Music] oh layer layer blending layer settings render style oh look at that render style default per view single line as pixels line segments layer setting i got you thank you call this a rehearsal for setting up the hobbit hole right hoove it hole okay anyways all i want to show right now is that it's that it's doing stuff okay so now we can uh let's see what is it we need to hit is it play oh output the lights we gotta output this to the lights and then we're gonna open up the camera that should be pointing at the front of the house that one this it worked last night so of course it should work today okay good oh it's actually working you can already see it so the camera's not really aimed very well at the house but you can see that the lights are doing little bits of things and they're doing it's doing different little things all right well uh that was easy let's do something else let's do like one effect that does the whole the whole house for a second so we'll let it do that for a minute and then we'll do it all on the whole house like this now we need something that's going to go that's going to make it like big let's go big this one does it i like this one yes so one of the awesome parts about this is there you go look at that uh-huh uh-huh okay sweet so now if we hit this it's gonna it's playing it along there we can watch it on the camera let's go back hold on stop stop we're gonna go play and then we're gonna go to the camera i see stuff happening but it's too bad it's not dark outside i'm trying to just tell myself it's doing the right thing told you excellence isn't as scary as you speak not even close can you imagine that look at that that was like 20 minutes and not only are we like got our x lights or our wled thing connected but we're already playing with sequences and it hasn't even been a few minutes it's amazing color palette to render oh maybe it didn't render it was doing something used pinwheel on a whole house and my place looked like a horizontal holiday barbershop poll that is awesome yeah it's way easier i can testify to that all right so let's do hit this again play and we'll go look at the house it's hard to tell it's doing something different or not because it's so light outside we should have done this in the dark i mean but it's definitely doing stuff you can follow the light across here and it's coming together there and it's going across there so i mean you can see it's doing stuff i'm sure it's doing the right stuff so amazing right amazing amazing amazing who do we get to thank for this is it keith pinwheel is great just make the arms thicker so if we go to pinwheel and now we need to change some things about it right we do that in here effect this is where my my uh naivety oh here it goes brightness contrast hue saturation that's not it that's why i just need to import something so let's just import something now where you were left panel down here okay can i just i'm gonna close that i don't need that down here go here effect type pinwheel start and select reset effect time [Music] i shouldn't be messing with this like let's just get us let's just get on with the importing a sequence what do you think great x essentials video that explains how x lite's renders the different models and how to use the layers more effectively i am i want to be thank yona good job good job yoda group your elements together you guys and you guys are so much better at this than me so that's why all i'm here to do is say look how good you can do it with x-lite with wled let's just get it let's import a sequence come on let's just do it uh import effects how to import imports try importing stub sequence and see how long rendering takes shoot me your sequence where do i find it pixel heads pinned docks nope oh yeah oh boy all of these oh no that was from the what do you guys want me to use give me something shoot me something does so many things breaks down songs to bpm pinned where where did you pin it did you pin it in the in the led lights google drive today yesterday just now just now there it is okay here we go here we go all right so where do i need to put this and you put this in my x lights folder probably very deep learning all the ins and outs is a forever process it seems amen well what just happened something crash okay i need to unzip it i assume this was always a little tricky too it was like [Music] loading in a new sequence because you gotta like map it still how's that process go click new sequence okay new sequence sequences are closing with unsaved changes i don't care right i don't care this card changes and then which one is managed to catch one of the 12 streams thank goodness animation 40. i love it i love this it's great keep going stubs keep going quick start or more options oh dear oh yeah import let's try again i messed that up new sequence discard changes animation 40 where's import oh now go up here to import now i'm just going to follow you import 40 then done new mp3 is immediate tracking import the effects doesn't help that i'm behind so is it when do you do wouldn't you do the uh pairing of the like matching the things matching the things to the things is it because i get rid of them oh then pick important oh gotcha import import effects and then pick one of your files got you i'm making this harder i'm making this harder by doing it this way instead of just having you on here i didn't i didn't export it though did i stop stubs come on get in here you ready come on you ready to just get on discord chat let me go let's just do it this we're going to be we're going to be so much happier if we just get you in here trying to find your has it been that long since you sent me a message no way there you are calling i hope you're ready are you okay for a voice call i probably need to change this so people can hear though oh hold on okay i hear you now can everybody else hear can everybody else hear stubs and anybody else here stops good oh i hear myself nope nope nope okay okay let's do it this way input let's do it this way gosh i don't want to hear myself okay good i don't hear myself but everybody else i can't hear you i'm trying to stream on you really okay let's try [Music] okay how about that no hello can you hear me now still know [Music] uh what is your what is your your discord output set to [Music] i'm not even like lighting up how you are now well it's hard to tell it's pretty much yeah okay we're gonna do this there okay can you hear me at all now okay still no why so much trouble so when i in discord is my little my little circle's not green can you see my little circle green when i talk and discord this little guy am i just too quiet this is the microphone i'm on if i change the microphone to this that should be the stream microphone now you just hear me in the from the stream like i hear myself again this shouldn't be the hard part oh he's gone hello we'll get him in there we'll get him all right look for the zip file oh i hear myself delayed oh and he's gone we'll get him you call me stubs you call me see if that works okay in the meantime what was the name of that file it was something something ah these are some other ones we've played with in the past this one idle effects oh okay wow okay so now i gotta decide erase existing effects import okay um now do i that i even broke it down into other little parts i drag these i just click the ones that i want i don't know what some of these are do i just get them all so this is the part that sucks so i was just all excited that i was getting some things in there penguin belly oh so now i'm like i'm like uh just putting a few things on i don't know whole house no matrix oh let's let's do the whole house no matrix up there this isn't going to work we're going to move on to something else but um top left and right okay fine whatever auto map no without saving your mapping changes you protruding force yes okay what's this gonna do render and play and it's all red not doing it not doing it i don't know what happens thubs you gone how about tech turtle tech turtle you out there you can do this as many times as you want do the whole house on your all group okay well that's what i did man let's get rid of these oh i see with this stuff here it messed it up that's doing weird stuff so import import effects let's go down i did this one before let's do this it's this oh yes where's the music though [Music] where's the music oh incoming call hey there woohoo okay sweet oh yeah sure there we go one [Music] okay all right yeah right i have a pretty simple layout so you guys can't hear stubs stinking stinker okay let me fix that i can fix that i can fix that i can't fix that and okay now i think everybody should be able to hear you just turn this down so we don't get too bad at echo all right now can you guys now can you guys hear him everybody except me okay so what do you think i should import here hold on they still can't hear you godly it's been a while since i did a call like this so it's uh i don't have all the settings done up let's see yeah very faint because what you hear is um yeah audio output capture let's try this discord how about that sing some oh that sounds horrible let me mess with this device we're so close we are so close [Music] hey must be this one okay can you guys get anything now okay which one i don't know if anybody can hear you're not we're just gonna go for a minute and if they they'll tell us if they can't hear you okay so which what should i man this is lame sorry guys it's been too long um [Music] what's that oh yeah it's been a while see this is the problem oh yeah that was fun that was fun um maybe let's oh i'm having such a having such a hard time right now so what happens when you do things with the way i do them all right let's see can't uh i don't understand why it's not working mp3 out of the zip and create a new medical sequence got too many outputs and inputs here from ease vice ah got it that should do it okay that should do nothing okay yeah it's a little crackly and i can hear myself myself but i think we got it outside stream now okay uh all right so tell me let's see i'm gonna try one more thing just try and get it to monitor your output see i hear myself like i hear my echo that's probably because it's your microphone is picking up your speaker i'm just using the built-in laptop microphone so it's fine as long as i don't talk okay all right let's just do this for a couple minutes because obviously we have some serious technical difficulties so the input stuff you just talked me through this okay i'm not going to say too much more um no no no i'm having trouble seeing your screen oh because i pulled up this other window that's still there it's buffering let's see how many ways we could screw this up not better than just this it might because i've got like six things all running at the same time and probably because you're still uh rendering a sequence on your writing all right oh wait a minute yes oh hold on i'm actually i'm actually figuring things out oh there's nothing there that's just the beats okay let's try one thing for effects there it is oh what happened it was there before [Music] now i can't hear you at all now are you talking there we go i don't know what this is gonna do it worked a minute ago this is lame guys i'm gonna have to stop i'm gonna have to just move on [Music] i need to get rid of this but we i mean we got it right didn't we say this was the annual uh watch dr z's fail at doing x lights like that's we did it [Music] anyways i think i lost stubs i think stubs is gone i can't hear anything now all right well thanks for trying dude i'm sorry that was a fail that was a major major major fail that's one of my worst fails ever okay sorry stubs i'm uh i'm back here uh disconnected with my phone can you hear me go green um but that did some things i would did some things render and then we play so i just need to do something else here for some reasons i don't know let's try and import some more stuff uh new sequence discard changes musical sequence beat your competition i don't know what that is let's try that it's a song 40 quick start okay i'm going to go to import i don't even know what song that is we're going to go to import effects we're going to just grab some crazy thing uh we'll do this idle stuff don't stand so close to me by the police or the coronavirus rhapsody this is probably because we did this last year uh we're gonna do that there and that there and that there this is how you would do it like i have like nothing on my house right my house is like nothing so this is really kind of silly to do this the point was just to do the wled so we're going to do this for another minute or two and then okay whatever anyways audio is very quiet my audio or the audio from x lights my audio is probably all screwed up now too dang apologies apologies friends i'm gonna stop this stream i guess sorry stubs the music is really loud sorry okay your page is not working either anyways okay uh mike is lower than music from x lights okay anywho the point of this really was not to try and do a sequence i got you know i got excited because we had some time so i thought oh let's do a sequence and then everything exploded in my face kind of like this ears and actually it was almost like this and some of this oh well what are you gonna do what are you gonna do but anyways uh the point of this really though was just to do um just to do a [Music] mapping uh or i don't even know if you want to call it mapping but just the the part about taking a wled controller like i have right here just my regular that i can go to and turn on my oh so this is saying it's receiving ddp data from my computer um actually because i've got this set to output to light so i got to turn that off now probably when i go in here yeah now it's not doing that anymore now it's just doing what i actually wanted to do here right yeah okay cool cool um let's go check out the camera again you know what this does though because that was so because that was so easy i gotta go there and straighten out my camera but because that was so easy yeah it's doing those things uh i can actually leave it connected now yeah this is definitely um this is definitely the easiest way to get i mean it's there's no there's no there's never been a way that was this easy to use a wled controller but then when you want to use sequences you can use x lights and do a sequence like that was pretty easy to get x lights controlling my my layout on my house now if you go out and look if you go back and look at some of the um some of the stuff that we needed or some of the stuff we did before like last year the year before it was so hard to just get the basic stuff about the the oh my gosh universes and starting and blah blah blah blah blah so probably what we should do maybe i will spend some time in the uh in with the pixel heads and you guys can we can get a group thing going on the discord not when it's live even just do it so that we can you guys can teach me a little bit and i can um make things a little bit better i would love love love love love to put some more lights up on the house i just don't have time generally it's also wled effects built in too so if you were running it off of ffp or fpp instead of wled you'd be fine with pi makes year round scheduler and player how do we do the gpio on x lights to send to wled does anybody know what to tell fluffy programmer how do you do the gpio on x lights to send to wled um so we were following were you maybe fluffy programmer was just getting here so in the in the video description there's some instructions about how to get this started and uh i just followed that at the beginning and basically you set up a controller here and it walks you through this all these steps it really does walk you through what you need the the important things that you need are you need to be running version 13 of wled uh you need to have your um i guess if you have segments and things set up like for me i had three segments set up so three different segments this one this one this one all right and those were all set up in here you don't need to have that i guess you can do that differently um and you need to know the ip address but that's it you don't need universe numbers don't need universe numbers anymore um stop by discord sometime we'll get you going there you go see the pixel heads are awesome by the way pixel heads um i boxed up a bunch of things for you today santa came to my house he he dropped some things at my house that belonged to you guys i guess so it's all boxed up we get it in the mail tomorrow who knows when you'll get it especially some of you guys that are on the other side of the world it puts the gpio to one and two yeah when you have it set up it basically what it seems to me to do and the pixel heads can tell you better than i can but what it seems to me to be doing is it takes your whatever you've got set up in here and like i've got well i have four four outputs set up i actually deleted whatever but i got three outputs set up here and uh so when i go to match the controller the wled controller when i go to tell x lights about the wled controller it knows that and when i go here to like visualize it gives me these ports and so then i can take my stuff from my layout and i can drag it to the different ports so that it gets the right outputs and it it's working gosh that was horrible that was such a horrible stream it started out so good and then it just went so bad so fast ah if you go to the x lights github and look at the controllers file it has the pins it uses there you go man okay what else can we do um we can do something i can only do a few more minutes because then we're going to a movie for miss my little zoe spent the last two days going through your troubleshooting and installation videos so we got somebody here lots of issues with the digiuno just got there any way i could get some help feeling salty feel salty i need my own zoom room discord chat is poopy voice chat i mean yeah quinn quad to answer one and thank you for others we'll pop into discord soon and play more you have your roof leds broke up into different channels a quad or all in one line you asking me i have them on a quad broken up into different channels like this so this is on one of the outputs for the quad this is the second output for the quad that's the third output for the quad that makes sense i actually don't have any segments they have any set up for segments thank you chris is that what somebody was asking talk about my little project if possible oh sure sure so alex alex w alex welch for you guys that uh maybe we've seen him pop through discord a time or two he uh it has been working on trying to solve a problem that we have talked about before and that is how to get your favorite team calendar imported into home assistant so you can have lights go on when your team is playing this worked a long time ago when when um espn had a nif this than that thing you could do and you could get some information um so check it out i'll share with everybody you guys check it out give it a try and give alex some feedback okay let him know if you get it working or if you have trouble i have gone as far as reading the instructions i have not tried it myself i wonder if led numbers on each pin has to be accurate versus guessing good question good question it's probably better if it's it prob my guess is it won't make a problem if you are wrong about your number but it probably won't it would be better if they were right oops sorry um anyways i'm excited to try this out so i'm going to give this a go at some point and see what happens even if you're not into sports it probably you know uh i think once you get the second half of this i'm assuming once you get the google calendar going um this part is what you is is doesn't matter what calendar it is so if you had a calendar that was like uh your school district like we have a thing that says like when vacations are for the school district they've got a google calendar you can subscribe to you know there's a million other things that have google calendars you can subscribe to so once you subscribe to the google calendar maybe you can use the second part of this to bring that information into home assistant in a way that you can use it to trickle things trigger things the x-lite changes gpio in my segments is what i'm saying oh even though i set wled on its own with correct gpio oh excites about everything connected to the controller wled needs to have more segments i need 16 max out at 15. 13 does have more hanger yes in fact um if you look at the i think he said if you're using a if you're using an esp8266 you can have 16 outputs if you're using a 32 i think you can have 32 outputs it's kind of weird i don't i don't think it matters first day using exercise yeah it's my first day using x lights ugh okay works calling me too we're gonna have to wrap up i'm i'm sorry sorry sorry let's let's uh wow nobody's coming back for the next stream i i would not blame you if you didn't come back for the next stream this one was so bad so bad so so bad so so bad all right um i gotta call work okay so where are we at we're on stream number 9 10 11 and 12 and we don't have any topics set up let's do um so i've got uh something fun we can do tomorrow oh wait what's this no that was last week so tomorrow morning 9 a.m we'll do a stream and actually got you know what would be kind of fun i got a box from switchbot look at this oh it's heavy oh my gosh look at this oh oh man 9 a.m mountain time rg 3 mountain times will be 8 a.m pst so i'm gonna open that we'll go through that tomorrow what do you think notice wld has power draw even if the leds are off yes it does does anyone know of a good way to reduce the power draw went off yes we do shark tamer you use a relay connected to the relay pins on well what there's a variety of different pins but you connect them to pins on the uno or quad and connect the wires to the leds if you have a separate power supply you do that way or if it's just the power wire to the leds run it through a relay and then when you turn the leds to off i need to do this actually mine outside when you turn the leds to off it will turn off the relay we did a we did a stream we did it on a stream sometime way back in the who knows when but yeah you can do it and that's the way to do it okay i love when it fails i'll be back oh you guys are too good to me well thank you stubbs and and tech turtle and all the pixel heads thank you so much um sorry about the technical difficulties and sorry about having to kind of run out i feel like we we started so good and then we um we spent the rest of the stream trying to get the audio working and failed but uh try out alex's thing if you've got wled which most of you do and you haven't tried x lights yet now you know how okay and go see the pixel heads in the led channel on discord they are fantastic they are definitely on santa's nice list so that's it should we call the kids let's see if anybody's available i think alekka is working again yeah it's working thank you for forgiving me i mostly want to apologize to stubs he was so willing to come and help and uh i failed him so i'm a part i'm sorry brother sorry sorry oh here comes somebody i hear some stomping upstairs because we're going to see spiderman about 10 minutes you guys are making a bunch of noise on purpose all right what do you guys think sign off like spider-man how do you do that as always thanks for watching until next time i don't know anyways thanks for being here everybody we'll see you tomorrow morning 9 a.m we'll open up my switchbox box switchbot box
Channel: DrZzs
Views: 3,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Automation, Home Assistant, DIY, Electronics, smart home, hassio, esp8266, iot, nodemcu, drzzs, wemos d1, home automation, automation, tech, drzzzs, dr zzs, dr zzzs, hassos, home assistant, home assistant automation, iot home automation, tech hacks, technical hacks, esp32, iot automation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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