Sound Reactive LED Matrix - WLED + DigUno + Mic = Awesome!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] look what i got there it is that's my audio reactive matrix okay stream's over thanks for being here see you later no just of course i'm kidding oh i forgot to grab the chat i can't see what anybody's saying but let me do that right now how's everybody doing thanks for being here so uh sir good enough in his wonderful way of he he takes care of me that dude takes good care of me um encouraged me to make a thumbnail so i made a thumbnail of this and i made it like just now if you couldn't tell if you look at the thumbnail it's of this and me sitting here pretty much just like this so um thank yous are good enough for the reminder for the encouragement oh oh stop all right here we go pop out chat now i've got chat now i can see what everybody's talking about oh how's it going whoo well i'm back home we got some great work done at the hobbit house for the last couple of days gonna go back up on thursday morning and stay for the weekend so that'll be pretty good i'm happy about that mucho mucho happy happy all right so this is it wife apri oh she appreciated the scream hello mrs sowens how do you say your name sons what martin how did you what why do i not recognize your last name i've been looking at your same picture for years anyways how's it going darn you missed it you missed a bit all you missed was me kind of screaming we're gonna do a dang good stream tonight we're gonna do a dang good stream tonight yeah got a couple things to tell you though one it's gonna be short because i can only do so long when i'm doing night streams like this but and not probably an hour but number two is travis digiblur travis is also gonna stream i guess uh in like a half an hour so we're gonna overlap the streams we're gonna cross the streams no i know ghostbusters jokes if you haven't seen the new ghostbusters by the way you should it's pretty good and you should definitely see the old ghostbusters before you go see the new one you'll appreciate it a lot more i mean you guys probably all seen it a million times but definitely take your kids if you have if they haven't if they haven't seen it they have to see the old one first have to it's a must it's a must all right so let's talk about this bad boy right here okay should i turn it off so is it distracting well let me let me tell you what it is okay we're gonna go through a matrix okay not the matrix a matrix so a matrix uh if it i mean you guys all probably know what it is okay right but it's a bunch of leds in a box in a square okay so instead of just a line of leds you've got multiple lines of leds and if you use the right software you can make it do spatial things in 2d instead of just in like a a single line right yes bill murray is in it spoiler i'm just kidding it's not a spoiler he's not in it very much though it's not really about him which is but but they do play a little part it's kind of fun um okay so matrix this matrix here is made up of ws2812 leds you can make a matrix out of anything and you can make them in a whole lot of different ways uh people use that coral board stuff and drill holes and poke pixels through you could buy a matrix already finished uh i've had some of those um with mixed results depending on i guess which one and they're they seem to be expensive to me it seemed like it was expensive but maybe it's not i don't know um you can make it out of pixels like this now what i did for this one is i took pegboard so this is regular roll like home depot pegboard right we're going to go home depot pegboard i guess it doesn't have to be from home depot everybody makes other people do hey let's look at lowe's not sponsored should be but not sponsored turn off the camera for a second okay so just regular old pegboard like this so what i noticed was this here this distance between these two this is why i did this the distance between these these holes is just about the same it's not quite the same but it's just about the same as the distance between leds if you do 30 leds per meter oh can you set it up as audio visualization or just sound reactive audio visualization as in um like frequencies and stuff george yes in fact that's what this is doing this is doing like frequencies and volume so it's not just like bouncing to the music or bouncing to the sound it's actually this is a band so it's different bands depending on the um i don't know whatever the frequency of what i'm saying and the volume the microphones over here see that so you can't really see the red over here but it does so the microphones here and it is reacting to the different frequencies in the volume so it does pretty it does different stuff it certainly does more than just bounce to the music all right i got four 12-inch matrices of four 256 pistols for like 24 oh my gosh okay you bought the right well you did it the right way jacob i did not travis started early that turkey that turkey okay well we're gonna go for an hour and then we'll we'll raid travis's stream does he stream on twitch too i haven't raided anybody in a while uh you're at right right rin you're asking about the you're asking about the uh microphone i'm guessing right uh this is the microphone it's the max 4466 is the one i'm using this is the mic look at that says i purchased it right then june so this is the one i'm using so we'll talk about that in a minute let me get through some of this other stuff first i'm being i'm distracted although we're actually focused it's just out of order okay so i've got this i had this pegboard and i actually had some ws2812 strips and i had a bunch of them there's 10 here so this matrix is 30 leds long and 10 tall and the only reason i did that was because i had 10 1 meter led strips and i had bought them at the time i bought them from different brands i wanted to see like if they were different brightnesses if they're different colors and you you guys can't probably appreciate it from there but i can tell that some of them are different colors the problem is now it's been so long i don't remember which ones were which the final result of my of my uh testing a bunch of different brands of of led strips like years ago on my own before i and i never made a video about it was just get btf lighting that was kind of what it was just 30 minute pre notification oh okay good does it go dark if you're quiet i wouldn't know i'm never quiet sorry i'm pointing at the matrix and not and and i've got the low screen still up so i'm 10 leds tall and 30 wide on this uh these are all different strips from different manufacturers so i i took these and i'm gonna flip it over because i said that the distance between the two the holes on the on the pegboard was just about the right distance as the space between the leds if you're doing 30 leds per meter oh boy i can't eat right now but thank you so much mom said feeding now she wants yeah i'm like hyped up guys i am hyped up on sugar i've had nothing but caffeine and sugar [Laughter] and then i don't smoke i promise that's just good old-fashioned secondhand lung all right hey quindor is here fantastic okay so what i did i took these uh leds and it turns out that the holes in these in the pegboard here the holes the diameter of those holes is almost exactly the same as the corner to corner distance on these ws 2812 leds so that means you push them in and they just kind of stay right there i know crash imminent right i will crash but but the good news is i won't crash for probably at least 45 minutes so it's about the time i'm about the time i'm nose diving we'll be done with the stream for tonight anyway so it'll be perfect best stream ever okay i'm gonna flip this over and show you what it looks like on the other side because i said it was pretty close to the distance between those pixels not exactly the distance see if i can do this without shorting it out ah nope there goes just this oh the microphone is connected okay so this is what it looks like on the back it's kind of rippled you see that because i did have to kind of pinch it and kind of bend it to get it to fit in there but it's not so bad and then i used where's marshmallow marshmallow here he's going to show up in a minute just like when we say node red and blade shows up when i say hot glue marshmallow man shows up so i used a lot of hot glue so i used hot glue but i actually used hot glue on the other side important point about a matrix and we'll look at the software in a minute we'll look at the wled settings when you have a matrix or when you make a matrix you got to know the order that your leds are going in alright so what i did here was i did them in serpentine which i think would be i would expect that almost every time that that's what you're going to do there's probably some reasons why you wouldn't but um and maybe it depends on if you had a special controller like for a maybe for a mega tree because omega tree is really just a triangular or maybe a cone-shaped matrix really right that's what a mega tree is it's a matrix it's just shaped like a cone skinny at the top and it goes around the tree uh instead of you know in a rectangle um in fact the the the mega tree that i made a couple years ago when i when i was like let's make a mega tree in a day you know one of the 12 streams of christmas i i took all those uh strips of of pixels and i just turned it into a big matrix i haven't done anything with it but it's that's a big nature okay so this is in serpentine meaning it starts in the corner here and it runs down this way and then back this way and down this way and back this way um with these strips it's kind of nice i didn't have to do any soldering all of the wiring you can see is just an ugly mess down here it needs a bit of a frame i had a little 3d printed thing i put on there but i took it off for this so i could kind of show you so you do need so serpentine back and forth back and forth back and forth which is really nice with this kind of connectors because i just connected them up no big deal uh i did do power injection definitely have to do power injection i think one of the things that we that i personally at least underestimate when it comes to a matrix like this is the the actual power consumption because this is a lot of leds we don't think of it as a lot because it's it's such a small package but this is 300 this is 300 pixels and when who was it that was was it uh was it john jacob jacob was saying yeah jacob was talking about four matrices of 256 leds and i've had a matrix that's like this big that has 256 leds so when you're when you're putting it together you definitely need to have power injection and you got to make sure you got the right size power supply that matrix i had that little one that i had like this it was from aliexpress it was um it get it got hot it got hot like it was it was in fact i i stuck it i had it with some double-sided tape and i put it on the wall and it melted the tape so without the way um oh good chris is here we can start now thank goodness how's it going chris okay uh so what i did as far as power injection because of course it gives you these extra these extra wires here i just connected it so it's got this it's only power wires you know it doesn't do when i say power injection i did it all from the same from the same source so i didn't go back to the power supply every time i'm running this off of i'm running this off of a dig uno with the ethernet controller and this is the this is the the wire that popped off the microphone so i'll put that back on we'll zoom in on that and i'll show you the connections on that in a minute i'll put this led the matrix back together so i got the power source coming in it's three wires just coming out of the the digiuno and then it's you know running down in order here but then then the power wires i'm going about every third one i think i think i power in here here and at the end so i've got a power injection in like three places um and that's it hot glue the crap out of it and then the funnest part and i think to me that what makes this matrix look really cool is the on the front side i put all this these glass these glass beads so i bought a big old bag of glass beads from amazon or whatever and i just hot glued them all the way down and it does a couple things because i put the hot glue in the hole and then i stuck the bead on top so it sticks the led in the hole and it sticks the the glass bead on top and the glass beads make a pretty cool diffuser they actually really do make something cool if you were going to try and do like a like a picture if you're going to try and make a a a cartoon or image or something on there it probably wouldn't be so good to have the glass beads because it kind of reflects the light in funny different ways but just for the cool color effect this is this is pretty neat so this is pretty neat do i have quads available yet not yet barry but they're coming they should be here any day in fact i was kind of surprised when i came home today that they weren't here because like i said i did i did the duty i paid the duty dues on saturday i did the duty dues so and it'll be uno's and quads i'll have them both i will have them both how can i make a matrix to behave with the music as an equalizer let me show you saw you are in the right place okay so what i'm what i'm running here let's let's talk about the controller for a second so i i've told you i've got the dig uno here and we can look at the pins but i've got it connected to for the microphone i guess i should say the special part that you need of course here is a microphone so this microphone i told you it's the max 4466 or whatever it's a very simple little microphone in fact i have a hundred of these so i'll probably list them for sale in the store here before too long um so i i this simple little microphone and a few jumpers it needs ground uh three volt 3.3 volts i think you can take 3.3 or five so whichever but on the digiuno here you've got pins for both and then you need the information pin the data pin right that sent that that is the input it goes microphone to the uno and i think i use pin 36 we'll double check in wld here in a second but that's where the connections are just right there on the side it's just a few jumpers and that's it we're done right it's and it's pretty amazing now i'm going to put this microphone here so this thing will really go crazy when i hopefully really go crazy when i talk i don't know how directional these microphones are how close you have to be to them it certainly seems like it if i'm facing it it does more than if i'm away no maybe it's not yeah see it definitely does it doesn't get quite so big when i'm facing away as it does when i'm facing towards it maybe it's not so much anywho okay now let's look at how we make this happen they're called what cabba chons they're called kabat tones never heard that word before my life but i like it that's a good word i should use that word all the time can is it all right if i call my kids that you cut my tones get over here it sounds like i'm cussing in spanish [Laughter] 2022 christmas next year dr zees has an entire light show with custom coral designs that makes tom betteney shells look weak oh i don't think so sweet like squeak steals audio yeah close asking me for my number to confirm it's the right user oh for me oh my gosh my discord number oh boy are you on my discord server i should just be there should be able to find me i don't know what my number is somebody somebody find my number for him uh it is it doesn't show up on my own profile it'll be there in a minute okay thank you so good enough all right so here's what we're gonna do uh could you turn it off aux or bluetooth if you didn't want a mic you can't if you didn't want a mic oh i see what you're saying uh that's a great question that's a great question yes i believe you can let's look at wled so we're going to do this we're going to turn this off i'm actually going to turn the microphone the display off for a second so it's not totally flashing in my face all the time hello baby how are you back there are you stealing my doctor how are you love you hey you're so wonderful she was downstairs i don't know where she's for sure i'm streaming you're live say hi to the say hi to the game hi okay have fun all right what's up michael ray uh you can but you have to match the signal level bluetooth for audio i don't know for sure okay so this what we're gonna do we're gonna look at the wled um audio reactive version okay i put links for this in the description and i didn't bother reading this i don't know what it says or why it says it but if you search for audio reactive wled you end up with this so i'm just going to go to the original url i don't know why why it goes there and i didn't want to read is a lot of words and here we are so the great thing about the sound reactive version of wled and i believe this is all thanks to andrew tulin johnny five canuck so he must be in he must be canadian right he must be canadian of course he's canadian he did something awesome all canadians do awesome things i wish i was canadian i do canadians are just better all right here is where you get it uh we're gonna go to the code and there is a latest this is the version 12 but that's not the one i'm using i'm actually using uh the one of the beta versions i haven't updated it in a while i wonder which version it is security and updates this should tell me what it is i'm using 13 beta 3 13 beta 3. so if you want the beta go back here under this and dev i think and that should give us should get us to the beta no there's the beta guys oh there it is sorry over there under compare um so there's beta 3 and beta 4 so i i'm using beta 3 whatever so you go here and there isn't anything to compare oops i didn't really want to compare i just wanted to go to the actual okay so if you just hit releases forgive me forgive my my ignorance of github it's not like i have been using it for years all right so we grab this we can grab our uh we can grab the why can we not grab the i'm just trying to get the bang for pete's sake pre-release [Music] there oh sorry click that there it is good gravy all right so i am using the uh an esp32 with ethernet so that's what i grabbed but for most people it would probably be the esp-32 okay i don't know if you can do this for 82.66 it does not look like it look at that it's all yeah it's gonna be only esp32 i know assets are you making fun of me [Laughter] ask another dumb question with a comma both the sound reactive and the beta 5 are available through online installer too oh that's true that's true air pig so how do we get the um i've seen the that was painful sorry tech turtle oh it's good it's good for you it's good for me all right anyways uh yeah only only esp32 is no 8266 okay so we're gonna we we go through the install process blah don't need to tell me about that everybody knows how to do that right right of course right now we're going to go to the actual 179. [Music] here it is okay first thing you'll notice is a whole lot of new effects okay there are effects that uh have a little sound symbol on them that means it's audio reactive it also has all the regular old effects like these which are not audio reactive there's no little sound guy the little little thingy and then they also have all these 2d excuse me i ate a jalapeno so the 2d frizzles for example will do a matrix so anything that says 2d is a matrix and and it will do something special on a matrix if you have just a strip you can do audio reactive wled or sound reactive wled with just a strip of leds that's okay too you can do it if you select any of these that say 2d it will just flash red okay so um it might as well just make a matrix if you've got a strip of leds just make a matrix for heaven's sakes i don't know why there are some of them that have uh you know this uh two notes instead of just the one note i don't know what the difference is there but there are some fun ones here so they do some things like um like frequency map frequency matrix um and then there are some that are some that are seem to be more just with maybe that's what that means i don't know for sure we could have to go through and look but maybe it means um you know some of them are more just kind of bounced to the sound and others are more attuned to the frequency and volume those kinds of things i don't know but it's cool as heck and you could sit here and play with this thing forever oh this is what i want to show you look at this so if you don't know uh the the logo for wled is named akimi i don't know if that's how they say it or how anybody else says it or how air cookie says it but that's how i say it what's up from canada hey jason is the two notes mean stereo maybe it does i don't know we could probably read the wiki and see that's what i would do but one note is simple analysis of audio two notes are more advanced analysis of audio such as equalizer bands etc yay i guessed right wow ooh 3d effect for your upcoming pixel cube i sure hope so kingfish i have my pixel cube kit here i'll show it to you maybe if we have time i would love to build that thing it's tempting me it's sitting here on my desk tempting me but i 500 and something leds and you have to solder each you have to solder four pins on each one so what is that two thousand pins oh my gosh air cookie has aircraft ever said when or if the audio fork will ever be official release i don't know that's a good question um my my guess would be no i think he would maybe maybe though maybe maybe eventually i shouldn't speak for him i'm not even gonna guess i don't know probably anyways what we've got here is you can't hardly tell but this is a kimmy and the reason that you can't hardly tell is because this matrix is kind of squashed right my this matrix is very long and and short but this is the little pixel guy and he's got little hands over here these are his little hands you can't see him because i can't zoom out any farther than this but anyways akimi the the sound reactive 2d akimi is right here and now maybe he's supposed to dance with the sound i don't know but um when i first turned this one on i was like oh oh look at that when i knock on the desk different things happen i don't know he does cool stuff if he was on a better matrix he'd probably do even more cool stuff separate forks yeah probably no plans to integrate audio reactive directly into the base wld there you go there you have it hey my secure gift how's it going canadians canadians are so good canada's the best he dances that's what he does circuit enough oh awesome he dances sweet well this was the effect that i had on initially this is center bars there are a lot of things you could do this one is a 2d funky plank so it's like if it's quiet it just kind of does this little bit of things dropping but then as you make sounds it drops in the colors you can have so much fun with these things you just put them on the wall you play around with the different effects the kids come in they sing songs they they have so much fun just watching this thing change when they talk how many pixels in this matrix josh 300 300 okay good michigan beat nebraska excellent in basketball uh let's see what are some of these other ones that do the 2d equalizer oh somebody was just asking about an equalizer here you go and you can set the colors so right now i've got the colors set to i've got the color set to rainbow band if you go to default it'll just do whatever the default you know whatever your color is i suppose you could do multiple colors does it do anything with this one no it doesn't look like it does pe that does something different oh oh there you go look so now it's like a different color when it gets up to the top you can't see because it's so bright but this thing is awesome right this is so much fun so much fun to play with um turn this back to black turn that back to black and just pick and pick a good uh just pick a good whatever here one of these um palettes and then you get a nice you know variety of colors on here i love this thing benjamin finally caught a live stream thank goodness how you doing buddy good to see you wearing your mask don't touch your face uh have i ever tried calculating 3d coordinates of leds i have not banana what in the world is happening in your thumb in your picture i have not but and i'm i'm curious to see what happens i don't know wled when i get this matrix done i don't know if it's gonna not the matrix the cube when i do finally get this cube done i think we're gonna have to just run the software that it comes with we'll play with it but i don't know if it's gonna i don't know what kind of leds they are they're four pin leds so i don't think they're just ws2812s or something else but we'll play with it and see but regardless this is super fun all right you may also notice back here in the uh in the settings up here when you select different um different effects the sliders change so you see this number of bands right so you can increase the number of bands so now the bands if you look at this the bands are skinnier because i put more bands if you do less bands now the bands are going to be bigger and it's only like one or two bands it's only two bands the whole thing is two bands okay so each one of these effects kind of does a different thing up here this bin map doesn't do any oh that's so cool so cool so cool i could nerd out on this forever [Music] just i mean i say the kids love it let's hui kid near i love this thing this thing is a lot of fun uh okay so what else oh gosh nothing really started lighting up what which effect am i on i like this one plasmoid so fun doesn't it's just kind of like glimmering in the background and then when i talk it does whatever crazy colors so fun everybody should have an audio reactive matrix it should be like let's go back to yesterday and put it on the nerd dad the nerd dad christmas list okay new to this is starting to put mine together in a new year any tips put it together on the ground before you put it on your house that's what i'm saying jason absolutely number one absolutely in fact i have somebody here that's asking for help and it's i like i don't wanna i it's so hard it's so much harder to troubleshoot stuff when you've already put it on your house and it and the and the frustration level is exponential you know if you if you put something on your desk and you can't get it to work you're kind of like darn it you know if you spend like a whole weekend putting it up on your house and everything and then it doesn't work now you're ready to kill somebody right now you're like mad and and it's my fault and i don't want it to be my fault all right ooh for the perma oh awesome p-track oh that's fantastic um ooh how about that matrix we can trigger with hive i'm all for it i'm all for it blade because it's in home assistant or at least it should be let's see if it is or not [Music] sound reactive firmware yep this is it sound reactive restart okay light sound reactive matrix right here so that means we can um that means we can set up a uh we can set up um whatever you call it web hook kind of thing like we did with the other alarms and have it do crazy stuff all you need is a web hook i can make a web hook i can do it i can do it i can do it that'd be fun well i would love to put this thing somewhere where i can see it i've had it over here on the wall actually for a long time and it wasn't always working because i didn't have it hooked up to an awesome digi uno with ethernet and i didn't have and the other thing i didn't have was an appropriate power supply 300 leds i think i had it on like a 2 amp power supply yikes and i didn't have a microphone because that was befores all this blade matrix triggers whenever we post a bad word in discord what you post bad words in discord shame on you shape when you kingfish play music and show it okay let's play music and show it um i know what music we should play um actually let's see if i do that [Music] oh i know what we'll do we'll do it this way we'll do this we'll go here we'll go to um ben sound then sound good sound and we'll play happy rock we'll play a song you all know and love oh it's turned off [Music] we go through all the different ones it's probably too far away from the microphone that may be a thing with some of the microphones may be different yeah i might have to turn up them i might have to turn to music oh you can make it more sensitive oh yeah let's do that we're going to go into the configuration here we should play with that [Music] we can change through we'll let's cycle through a couple effects oh 2d swirl this one's weird i don't know what this one really does oh it kind of goes back and forth waverly oh cool yeah it's not loud enough okay so we're going to go into the config we're going to go into sound settings and here in sound settings you can change the squelch and the gain agc i don't know what agc means do you guys know what agc means it froze oh no what froze crank up the music okay well i think we can do just if we turn if we turn down the game does that do it no we turn up the game yeah turning up the game did it [Music] okay time to start the stream [Laughter] uh there's another this is a fun one [Music] oh automatic gain control oh sweet [Music] oh now he's dancing oh he's all squished [Music] i'm having so much fun christmas is awesome [Music] so many options [Music] the beads do work well for this don't they kingfish this really is fun i would love i think what i need is more i think i need one that's bigger don't you think i think i think 10 by 30 is not big enough i need bigger i need like a whole wall of this like bit looney's got his ping-pong balls i'll do my what did you call these [Laughter] um okay let's do this we're gonna pause the well let me let the music play i think i have a couple more of these to do rock divs [Music] oh that's just solid sorry [Music] okay that's pretty good all right let's stop the music for now that was fun that was quite fun put me in a good mood i was already in a good mood but that put me in a really good mood okay by the way been sound royalty free music love it use it all the time kabba shones it's pronounced kabachons thank you very much so good enough cabba shawn's nissan needs an hd matrix william says you're dang right it does actually i could put i would love a big flat matrix like this it would take a bit of soldering one of the fun things about this was that it really didn't take me very long to put together i mean i already had the pegboard i spray painted it black and then i just stuck the leds to the back side um connected them together and then glued these all on and i actually had um dawson and one of his friends help me with this i would be like just dabbing the hot glue and they would be putting on the putting on the cabachones cabochons and we finished the whole thing in just a couple hours or something i think the the what took the longest was probably waiting for the paint to dry rip the camera image sensor yeah no kidding right okay boom turn that off we'll turn this off for a minute now somebody asked a question and this is important when you do need to talk about this downloaded satisfactory yet no i didn't but i did look it up we'll start it downloading in the background i asked my son asked zach if he wanted to play satisfactory because i told him i want to play something with him okay somebody said the question was which pins in the ditch uno okay yes absolutely for you martin anything buddy anything for you my friend all right so we're gonna go here this these are these things are all the same wi-fi setup is the same um the led preferences so when you're doing the led preferences okay when you're doing this uh when you're doing audio reactive with a matrix you go in here and you tell wled that you have a strip versus a matrix first of all i have a matrix so mine is set to matrix when you when you set it to matrix then it's going to pop up this menu when you just have it set to strip that's not there when you have it set to matrix now you've got this in this you set the width and the height they really make it pretty easy now panels if you had multiple matrices i guess you could i guess this would be something you would do i don't right if i was gonna stack these and i think um maybe the way that maybe uh who was it josh now i can't remember jacob right jacob that had like the four 256 led matrices um he maybe has multiple panels like if he was going to do this he was going to connect those panels together he would probably say multiple panels and then you know we'd go we'd go uh we'd use this setting i don't know what that is it's fine this part's super important too super important right here where is the first led so the position of the first led let me blow this up a little bit the position of the first led for me it's in the bottom right corner over here where's my hand can't see it it's over here it's in the bottom right corner what did i do want this anyways it's in the far right corner bottom right corner though that's where it is um we're gonna do some celebration with some people who have subscribed [Music] okay great thank you for subscribing and following and everybody who's joining for the first time welcome welcome all right the next thing so bottom right corner and then which way is it oriented right you we talked about width and height so which way is it oriented is it horizontal or vertical mine's horizontal the other thing is uh serpentine is it serpentine back and forth back and forth mine is so back and forth back and forth i don't know what transpose is i'm not sure what transpose is uh maybe it's it maybe it's mirrored maybe if you wanted to show it from the front maybe that's like mirroring it you know as if you're a projector more like instead of um instead of looking at the face of it i'm not sure we'll get to the we're going to connect the audio bearing just a second um the rest of this is about the same uh this is because it's the beta version so you this is the same you'll see on wled version 13 now you can change a lot of this stuff for different buttons and things um let's see is it here nope it's not here okay great all right so that's all there fine and good now there's a whole new menu here with sound settings all right we looked at the squelch and we looked at the gain i'm going to turn this back down to where it started i like that automatic gain i'm going to try that this is where you set the pin that you're going to notice me senpai hello marshall vision nice to see click transpose and see what it does that's a good question that's you know that's completely legitimate we can do that just to say um all right so the input i guess so this microphone that i have this is the max 4466 it's analog you could have a digital mic which maybe would that mean somebody was asking about like a bluetooth mic or like an audio jack from something else maybe this is what you would use i squared s is that what this was i squared s and the sd and the ws and the sck so if you have a different kind of a microphone uh maybe this is what you do let's look at the dige uno pin out because that's going to be easier than me trying to show you uh a close-up of the board oh my gosh can't type where's that sugar crash it's coming it's coming i can feel it it's getting it's starting need some dr pepper all right here we go [Music] um so on the dig uno gpio 32 which is the pin that i'm using for the for the microphone right here analog input pin 32 so that means gpio 32 it is labeled on the board as q4 okay um let's see if there is a close-up picture of the board these are the older ones probably yeah that's the older ones you got a new picture of the of the uh the board it shows where q4 is this is a motor board too well you know what i do have is plenty of other did you know it's probably handy four foot by ten foot jacob wow wow uh when you look at the board when you look at the digi uno you can see quindor has done a fantastic job of labeling why using queen q4 and not a0 the broken out audio pin because i'm different let me be me uh that's a great question um because i found q4 i think you know what it might have been it may have been that this was set to 32 by default and so i just went looking for 32 on the board martin you're amazing making one this weekend yes share some pictures when you do martin you're too kind to me by the way one of my best thank you migo merry christmas um i'd like to do a matrix that covers my garage door maybe next year that would be sweet that would be sweet uh there are lots of ways you can do that martin where do you want do you want unicorns or planes martin unicorns or planes i miss frank's streaming does anybody else miss frank streaming i do that was fun good times good times probably the kind of wire end he had oh for me might have been uh really been wanting to recreate super dangerous lifex tiles oh super dangerous um all right let's see what were we talking about the ao pin i don't want to disconnect this i don't want to drag it all the way over here let me look where the ao pin is first i need my old man specs oh there you go discord for a detailed picture at the bottom of the board thank you that will help perfect thank you bingo all right oh my gosh that's a big picture too wow okay wow that is a detailed picture okay let's see it's almost too big so what i connected to was q4 right here q4 now i did mess up a little bit and like when you swip when you flip the board over you got to make sure you got the right in the right spot so i did need to i did need to adjust that but this gives you um a ground pin there's a 5 volt pin there if you wanted it there's a 3 volt pin there if you want it and then this is the ao pin that quindor is talking about if you do ao i guess you go back let's go back here to the pin out guide and ao is io 36 or svp so then in in wled if we were going to use the ao pin right here then you would set the pin here to 36 instead of 32. right lifx tiles are super notorious of basically catching fire which i think is from an underpowered power supply trying to fix my friends which yeah basically caught fire holy crap would it work on a ditch quad yeah yeah digiquad has all uh has at least the same pins right quindor does it have more pins or just the same pins quad it would totally work with a quad let's see quinn led version two and version three great right here so you still have 36 as ao so you can still find ao q4 is still 32 so yeah you're golden you're golden and you could actually you could connect the microphone to any of these outputs like these other led outputs you wouldn't need to i guess what would that do quindor because you have like the resistors and stuff on there would that be a problem to connect the other to connect the microphone to one of these whether you could do it or not do it i guess it's academic right because you have the pins available you can use you can use ao you can use any of these other cues that are available here um might as well just use ao since that's what it's intended for anyways but there you go so you connected it's the pins are right there on the side of the board do you have the top side too quindor since you have such a nice image there do you have a top side view of it too shoot as a top side view too if you would portfolio it has to be configured for input not output oh okay well i think that would do it do you thinks are good enough if you if you set it here it would probably do it i got lucky on the gpio32 yeah okay use ao don't use 32. use the ao it's labeled ao on the uno in the quad and it's pin 36 on here not 32. don't do what i do do what i say something like that i don't know so my parents used to tell me do i have any information about running large steppers from an esp32 josh the answer to that is going to be esp home and i don't know about large steppers i don't think it matters as far as long as your driver is appropriate right you still need a driver for your steppers and then esp32 i would use esp home and it does it probably taz mode has some has some for it too all right here we go there we are okay good good good good good oh my goodness so zoomed in i can't even zoomed in on your keyboard and you got some high quality camera okay here are the pins when you really really zoom in so this is the five volt up here three volt down here oh that's button and that's ground one two three six twelve wait a minute here is that where i connected or i connected up here yeah you don't want the lower ones you want the higher ones you want this one's up here oh my gosh so so so zoomed in there we go okay now this side this side of the board so it's the side that has the single strip where you could have the temperature sensor not the side that has the double strip okay so i guess if you're looking down at it if the fuse is at the top it's the right hand side okay if the fuse is at the top it's the right hand side this bundle of four pins right here you've got your ground you've got your five volts if that's what your microphone needs or three uh the three volts is actually here right and then ao is here is that true that's what it looks like to me hey chad i'm actually you're actually joining a live stream thank goodness thanks for being here i know you don't want to hear this but do you know when the ditch quandary wasn't i love you sam i love everybody i'm so sorry that it's been so long but they're coming i was surprised they weren't here when i when i came home today they will be here they will be here very very soon i expect that we will post them up for sale on thursday and i'm going to be out of town for a couple days we'll be up at the hobbit house i've seriously considered taking everything to the hobbit house and packing orders from up there but um when i get home on sunday we will me and dawson will be packing orders like mad men we will probably my guess when i put on the uno's and the quads and all that for sale my guess is i will have several hundred orders to fill sunday evening holy crap so i will go as fast as i can and try not to make too many mistakes and i appreciate everybody's patience i'm so sorry that it's been so long okay all right so we've connected it here okay we've connected so we built our matrix let's go through this process now we built the matrix okay we we we got our wled uh the appropriate version the sound reactive matrix version doesn't have to be matrix i mean it's the sound reactive version is also the matrix version so you could have you could do a matrix that doesn't react to sound and use wled sound reactive version or you could do a strip of leds that you want to react to sound it doesn't have to be a matrix but that one version that one fork of wled does both at the same time uh we connected we connected that up we put the microphone on there and we've been playing around the settings right we know where to connect the microphone um it does give you the same kinds of information as far as power supply goes here this says 17 amp this is 17 amp power supply six amp i think mine is a three i think it's three that's why i used the uh where is the this one the limiter i set the max to three but that's plenty bright plenty bright finland's watching with his eyes crossed oh no wife and lynn what's matter happy tuesday weird to see you on a non-sunday i know nicholas but it's the 12 streams of christmas number three by the way are they gonna be out of stock like in two hours i don't think so not in two hours but probably within a week if i had to guess george probably within a week there are how many quindor um several hundred of both so there will be a lot there will be a lot and this will be the last batch we'll get before christmas certainly and we should be able to get them out to everybody and pray that the post office does a decent job of getting people there right or getting things to people so you're very welcome p1217 okay anything else about the matrix that you guys want to know about i think we covered everything i think we covered everything we we talked about in the sound settings the squelch and the gain and the automatic oh i didn't save it i'm going to save it you can do an analog mic you can do a digital mic um so this beta version and i think actually the 13 point anything on wled whether it's this branch or the or the main branch um has these user mods i don't know what they do yet it's mucho secret huh mucho secret so there we go don't send the ps5 bots his way oh not to me all right that was pretty fun i am i love this thing let's turn it back on and we'll set it to something fun and we'll turn the camera on and we'll let it go and we will um we'll chat for a few more minutes does anybody know of quindor can it be synced to other lights it certainly can atricus it certainly can if you do uh you know the same way you sync it to um you can i mean you can set up the sync groups and you can sync it like you normally would or you can also do um you know the e131 stuff with x lights so yeah you could totally do it so that it's x lights sometimes and then sound reactive matrix other times yep absolutely just like other just like wld otherwise and that reminds me what day is it that we're doing what is it that we're doing uh let's look at the calendar let's look at the calendar so we did stream number one i can't remember what we talked about stream number two was the uh the nerd dad the nerd dad christmas list uh and and sound reactive matrix is now top of that list by the way which pixels are these these are just ws 2812 um ip30 whatever not you know non outdoor simple 30 led per meter strips they're just on the back they're stuck through pegboard so like the pegboard that you hang your trees oh the christmas tree was number one thank you very much so shiny so pegboard like you put in your workshop to hang your tools on i just lined up the pixels on the back poked them through a little bit and they kind of stick right in the circles that are already there the holes are already there and then i hot glued these cara chonus why am i the only one that is that just didn't know that word already everybody already knows that word uh stream one was the topics for the stream correct yeah stream one was well stream one we did do the we talked about the christmas tree and i labeled it as number two and today was number three but i actually put us put a [Music] thumbnail on today so that was you know stepping up and i did it like at the last minute gaba johns cabachons although an osu fan i'm hoping michigan and cincinnati pulled the championship go big ten thank you chad thank you thank you thank you i i would if you weren't there i would be rooting for anybody but alabama and georgia pete's sake somebody please stop alabama goodness sakes they're glass these are just glass these are these are i bought a bag of these on amazon for i don't know whatever 10 bucks and it's like 500 of them or something they're just glass beads they're kabachonas so number one was the chris pixels on your christmas tree number two was the nerd dad christmas list kabachon is french oh cabochon so i'm saying it like it's spanish so the next stream we're gonna do uh faux beams and lumen cache fixture that's gonna be fun so we will be up at the hobbit house i'll be there by myself again so we'll do a stream from the hobbit house and uh we'll talk about the faux beams which we just put up yesterday which are super cool by the way and we'll talk about how you have to wire a lumen cache fixture we'll see if i can get some of my lumencash fixtures to work illinois student go big 10 all right sam go big 10 is right and then on on friday morning so that's going to be seven uh well six o'clock is what i wrote here six o'clock on thursday is when we'll do the faux beams and the lumen cache stuff again at the hobbit house and then 10 a.m the next morning we will do the walk through and i will probably stream that from my phone i'll probably do the whole stream from my phone okay and i will walk i'll finally finally finally go through like the solar setup the batteries you can see the battery pack to generator i'll go through the whole mechanical room and we can look at the geothermal heat exchanger we can look at the lumen cache panel um you can see where i've how i've connected up the ethernet stuff in the house we'll do the whole walkthrough okay of the hobbit house that'll be friday morning that was blade's request specifically so we'll do that and then on saturday we're not actually counting this as a as a live stream but on saturday is the state of the open home which is the home assistant annual conference and i'm meeting with paulus here after this is kind of what we got to get off in a few um he's asked me to help host so i get to be part of the conference and do a little bit of stuff in between sessions and everything so in between talks so tune in tune in it's going to be a lot of really cool stuff some neat announcements uh not just home system but also wled specifically christian's going to be on there air cookie he's got some announcements about what uh some cool new ways you can uh when you first program your wld controllers ways you can interact and stuff it's really pretty pretty awesome stuff so stay to the open home um if you don't know the you know the time based on your time zone you can just go to and there it is it's 11 a.m pacific time okay my house will be full of teenagers or the hobbit house will be full of teenagers so that'll be an interesting thing and then on the 12th let's see oh yep home assistant update okay so on the 12th which is the next day sunday we'll stream early in the morning it'll be like 9 a.m in the morning for me and we will talk about the day before a little bit and we will talk about the finally the hobbit hole assistant because i have some very specific things that i need to do and most of it has to do with managing the power the generator and getting feedback and some of that stuff so we'll have to talk about that and then what other topics we have wld features deep dive that'll be fun on the 17th oh that's where we're doing it this is what i was looking for when are we going to do the x-lite setup with wled we're going to do it on the 17th okay and then i think that's all i have for topics and that leaves us with one two three four to fill in the topics for sound good and digiblur is live so i think it's time for sign off what do you say let's see if she does it this time come on come on help a brother out why science not working it usually works no not working not working no working or working okay one second [Music] make an announcement it's time for sign off you cabochonas [Music] [Laughter] oh that node red yeah no we got to do a whole stream of node red what am i talking about it isn't node-red why isn't it working i don't know if it's not working because that i think it's probably the audio it's probably the um it's probably the um we're gonna do node red one of these days the 18th or 19th or 21st okay don't you think this thing is so awesome you just burp yeah you silly goose hi babies how are you all right you guys ready what are we gonna do for notifications on rival breaking news yes node red we're gonna do chris we'll do and blade we'll do a node red stream we'll do it blade you tell me 18 19 or 21 whatever you say all right what do you think how do we want to sign off today [Music] like mrs claus like mrs claus okay ready as always thanks for watching until next time adios wear your hat and your mittens okay all right everybody go watch digiblur oh we should have we should have uh attacked him on twitch let's attack him on twitch let's do that right twitch we can do it yeah let's let's let's do this let's add it i don't know let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see login what oh dear enter the code you found your authenticator app oh my gosh all right well bear with me while we uh while i sort this out which authenticator app i use for this don't twitch okay everybody can see this right [Music] submit okay now we're back now oh my gosh no thanks how do i do this again i need to do i need to find his channel and then rate him or is he not on twitch oh what are you saying so good enough he doesn't do twitch okay oh well okay well anyways uh go see digiblur let's let's go to youtube i will go there let's go to youtube oh he's probably showed up if in my if i go to my home he's probably there nope not this one should be where is he [Music] i sent somebody there he is here we are [Music] thank you very much so good enough here we are we're gonna tell them we're gonna we're rating stream raid oh wait that's not like what is that what happened i was trying to put in a bunch of like emojis what did i do that all those are blocked oh when you join yes yes yes monkeys we're gonna do monkeys and we're gonna do these creepy guys and these creepy guys okay that'll do and now i'll turn it back on so we can hear okay everybody i'm ending the stream
Channel: DrZzs & GrZzs
Views: 11,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drzzs, led, matrix, sr-wled, wled
Id: erJwmd7WP3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 34sec (4054 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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