Lecture 15: Biblical Hebrew Grammar I - Dr. Bill Barrick

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you're told mash smoke em some of you're still trying to make up your mind whether it's Tove or raw or whether it's Tove MIT old or Romney old all right Rock Kyle says three weeks before his wedding we're gonna have to talk to Stephanie about that all right today we want to go back over again on lesson 12 we were going to be looking in a minute at work at the workbook exercise the 11:00 but I want to go back over 12 you were to have read it for today and you're to do the workbook exercise number 12 for this for Thursday so we want to take a look at that chapter and go over the personal pronouns one more time they're very very important later today we'll get you started on verbs and you're going to find out how very important these pronouns are when we get to it so when we talk about personal pronouns we've got to talk about person number and gender what persons do we have in the Hebrew grammar third what else 2nd and 1st 3rd and 2nd third second and first persons what numbers do we have available in Hebrew grammar singular and plural there's also dual for some noun forms remember and what do we have for genders masculine feminine and common correct so as we look at these the first person singular and plural the second person singular we're going to look at here the first person is the common gender in the second person is masculine feminine and we have an e on no key everyone pronounce it Annie on okey what does it mean Chad first person common singer how do you refer to yourself I okay it's I so Annie on okey I in the Ten Commandments one of the Ten Commandments short form is on okay yeah that means I am Yahweh I am Yahweh alright then in the plural we have a neck new or neck new everyone an app new name new alright what does that mean France oui oui the plural first person is we first person is I and we second person is you third person is he/she it and they alright so the second person masculine singular is at pas and it's also pronounced or the same way for the second spelling at the one has the Komets hey one just has the comments everyone pronounce it at and at the they're both pronounced at tah then we go the feminine singular and it's at everyone at all right so as we look at these try to keep these in mind they're very significant very important one of the rate ways to remember the I is it has the e on the end of here Akio the Yoda is the equivalent of a Y and the here ik is a I class vowel so you have a here a code is a long I class file so it's the I just think of it as the i-word Annie in enoki I can't help you out so well on an afternoon that way or at pas or at there's not the simple conventions there to try to remember them you have to figure out other ways to remember them alright let's look at the second person plural in the masculine at Tim everyone in the feminine we have at Cana and at 10:00 everyone at Cana at Penn alright those were both be translated as you the same as the singular czar because in English we don't make any distinctive difference between the you that is plural and the you that is singular and then we have the third masculine singular pronoun who everyone who what does it mean Scot basil--oh he alright and the third feminine singular is he everyone Dennis was it mean she now you'll notice that there's no it here that's because depending upon the gender of the noun that is an it then that will be the one that is used if you're talking about the eyeball the eye that is a feminine noun and so if you're referring to it specifically and you want to emphasize that then you would use he the feminine because the noun is feminine even though we think of it as an it the eyeballs and yet not a he or she and if you're talking about a stone Evan if you're talking about it specifically and emphatically then since stone Evan the noun is a masculine noun then you would use the masculine pronoun to refer to it and so you'd use who with it Scott and making a pearl and we don't know what gender it is is there a tool to help us with that they're called vocabulary lists in the back of your textbook and lexicons dictionaries no you have to you have to learn how to form those yourself but you find out by knowing the forms that are used and then you just find out the gender of your noun and your vocabulary list or lexicon gives you the gender the noun then you can know how to form the plural they're given to you in the cases where it is significant and important to know and so you're not going to be asked to create words that you don't know you always will know like for example Melek King is obviously master you don't need to be told that if a if you're not told it's going you can assume it's a masculine because the feminine czar normally marked for you okay and the mass comes are unmarked nouns they don't really have an ending okay so if it's if there's no marking you can assume it's masculine all right and then if we go to the third person plural masculine is Hema and hame everyone Hema and Haim what's the meaning of it Roger they they all right and then the feminine is Han na and heyn heyn heyn everyone Haina and hain George what's the meaning they in English notice they're both translated the same they masculine they feminine but it's the third-person plural it's a third-person plural remember third-person is he she or it because referring to a person other than yourself someone who's remote and not someone's direct second person is you first person is yourself and that means I I and we especially there's plural there okay so those are our personal pronouns very important and significant force to remember and to learn now before we leave off here I want you to take a look at exercise 12 that you are to be doing for a Thursday I want to go over that with you notice first of all that you are to translate the Hebrew phrases and sentences into smooth English and I want you to be certain to pay attention to any of the footnotes that might provide any additional information that is important for you the biblical references are not given to you in order to have you go look it up first that's just to let you know you're translating scripture as you're translating and therefore to ask you to be a little bit more careful and how you're translating I can remember being a photo type setter at eizember on someone's working my doctoral program and we received an article was written by Moshe Hilton built stein to be published in the biblical archaeologist which I was typesetting and along with it came a note and the note said please add to this article the following warning and so we put it in there you can go find it in the library you can find that issue and then look it up it was on the aleppo codex and there were photographs of the aleppo codex of the Hebrew Bible primarily from the book of Deuteronomy and as we were doing that and publishing that the note that he wanted us to add was remember that the text you have here in photographic reproduction is Holy Scripture therefore treat this article with the same respect you would the scriptures themselves and that is the Jewish approach I mean they are not going to put a Bible on the floor they're not going to burn it they're not going to allow it to get coffee spilled on it or things like that they're going to take care of it and so he wanted to make certain that we told the readers that because they were looking at photographs of the biblical text they should treat it as such with respect I thought that was fascinating and it gave me quite an insight into the way that the Jewish people look at the treatment of Scripture but anyway I'm not telling you don't such a coffee cup on your workbook but I am Telling You you know you are translating Scripture so try to do your best try to make it sound smooth and try to be take care for accuracy and then your to translate the following sentences the Hebrew the man who dwelt in the great city is good now when you're dealing with a sentence like that I just talk through this for a minute I want to just just have us think about this what is the first thing you're going to look for in this English sentence as you're starting your translation Jeff a verb why all right verbs are first in Hebrew order so look for the verb now we find that in this sentence what is our verb no that's inside a relative clause it's not the main verb the main verb is is now since the main verb is is that tells us that perhaps the verb is not going to show in Hebrew right because noun clauses have is was will be understood now look at the sentence and let's look for the second thing and this the what we're doing here is what I want you do for every one of them it's correct first look for the verb it makes certain it's the main verb the main verb okay and we'll come back to the relative clause in a minute all right now look at that sentence again we've looked the verb we found the main verb as is so we've determined it's probably going to be a noun clause in which we don't write the verb is it's going to be understood what do we look for next or look at next a subject and what is the subject Scott ba solo the men okay the man is the subject now what is said about that man Chad okay he is good now what what have we learned about that what what we call that pardon no it's not the object remember an object is where you have an action committed against or on something that okay it's a predicate but what is it a predicate what predicate adjective now what about the rule of predicate adjective Dennis what are the rules what do you know about predicate adjectives George Yan attributive adjectives follow the noun predicate adjectives go where normally predicate adjectives occur first all right and predicate adjectives we also know do not what do not have the article okay so if it goes first and the verb is this understood then what is our first word in our Hebrew sentence tove exactly right we're going to put Tove in here so now we've we've begun we've got is good out of the way but now we have to put who is good so who is it that's good the men okay now you have two choices of words you've learned in vocabulary used for man right ich and Adam so let's try it with both of them so what is the form for if we put in an article on each what's the article on each okay ha ich and if we use a Dom which I'll use up here on this one what article do we use this nama Pathak you still got the olives so it's the same form isn't it ha ha Dom but you also have to put a little myth egg there remember okay so we have the man is good what else do we have in the sentence relative clause okay now what do we do with the relative clause what's the first thing in a relative clause in Hebrew I share the relative pronoun I share and so a share comes next then alright notice that this relative Clause is an adjective clause that modifies the men and so it follows the word it modifies I'm gonna move high-ish out of the way because we'll need some room here the men who alright notice we don't use me here me is when you have a question alright so we have a share is the relative pronoun so we have Tove ha Adam is Cher the man is good who what's next said about him who dwelt who dwelt David Lee what's the word for dwelt Kelly alright good see that's what you got to do you've got to look it up alright he's gonna look it up we'll let him look it up there okay you can use shock can and notice here we're just going to use the third masculine singular form that we've learned in our vocabulary because this is third masculine singular it's the man so you refer the man with he alright so who dwelt we could use shock can and what else another verb what other verb can we use that we've learned did I hear it yo shav yo shav means to sit or dwell either one of these will work all right you can use either one so we've got it we've got two options here and we've got two options here now what are we next told about the dwelling where did he do well in the city Gus how do we say in no that's on to John the bathe preposition all right so we can have a bathe preposition and what's the word for city Eric ear remember that's this way all right now it's in the city so we have to put the pointing for the article here what's the point in going to be Mike a comments right because be hot year so it becomes BA year all right in the city is there anything we're missing great city now city in your vocabulary is marked for gender what's the gender feminine feminine so if it's feminine if we're gonna say great how do we write what do we have to do here we have a definite feminine singular noun so our attributive adjective has to be what definite feminine and singular so we're going to know that there's going to be an article here what's the word for great god dole and we're going to look at God dole here and how do we make it feminine singular God hola all right now since we have this added thing here what are we going to do with the vowel that was here shorten it to a schwa a schwa all right now how do we point the article Pathak anything else a doggish and the gimel okay it's not a guttural it's not a guttural Kyle I'm really struggling with the accenting it just it's destroying me so okay we're not talking about accents here well not backs the value the valise okay well first of all to make it feminine we had dad comment say and we add that comet say that means that the gaw dole this was originally a comets here is the third main vowel back and it has to be shortened in this situation that's all of this yes because if you put a path back here you have a path a cat an open syllable because the Dolloff has to go with this vowel the spout can't be here alone and has to have a constant so the dolls is going to go with this vowel so this would have to be in a open syllable on the Pathak short vowel doesn't stand that way an open syllable and so we have to instead make it a schwa and the gimel is doubled and so it's actually pronounced twice the first time this is silent next time it's its vocal so this is the vocal shop swash waa beginning the syllable good ole Godot no it closed it because you have half of it there yes because it's really this way our cache washed and alone and what do you mean by that it can but that's not the case here if there is no article here and if this was in a city it'd be this way a vocal schwa to begin it get though la remember you shorten that third syllable back as short as possible and this is the shortest possible okay but since we have an article here we have to have an article here that help Kyle alright and again you can try to remember the rules but the one of the best things to do is go back to the charts in that chapter in your syllabus in not supposed to the textbook go back to the textbook go to the chart that shows all the forms and goes through them and says okay this is what you do and also in your workbook exercise on the adjectives if it's a path back then it goes to comments you know comments is a long thou comest goes to a path back if it's not going all the way but you want to try to make it as short as possible and that that goes far beyond this this is as short as possible all right yes Scott you just have to memorize you have to that's why you have to memorize it with the ha a Dom you have to put that there alright okay anyone else alright so now you've got the answer to the first one see I've already helped you with some of your homework and you should have it right if you copied this down you know correctly all right but notice how you do that you look at the sentence you realize the verb is first so you look for the main verb when you find the verb and if you find it is you say oh well this is going to be a noun clause so then look at it again you find out there's a predicate adjective the rule about predicate adjective it's always stands first or that's the normal position anyway it doesn't always end up that way but it normally should be first and it does not have an article on it and so you take the agita if you put it first without an article on it and then you put the noun which is the subject next and then the modifier for the subject is the relative clause and the relative pronoun is a share and it's always first in the relative clause and then inside the clause you just proceed with whatever words you have and you just move on down through it and make certain that you have agreement between any adjectives and nouns that are involved and make certain your articles are there if you need an article there okay any other questions all right I trust you'll enjoy that notice also you have a little extra bonus there you have a Hebrew crossword puzzle and notice the little note in the box says omit all vowel pointings and final forms must fit both directions so if you can use the final form it has to fit in both directions both down and across so watch that carefully because some of those won't fit that way because then it the final form going across will be the first letter going down so don't make it a final form in that otherwise you get confused so I'll just do that all right now let's go to our exercise for the day notice that you had a table a supplementary table of construct forms supplementary table is given to you in order that you might have more examples than those two given in the textbook itself to help you work through the issues some of the questions that for example Scott had and others have you had to hear about various words and how do I know what form to use we try to provide you with as many different pieces of information possible and hopefully sufficient information for you to be able to do the exercise in other words there shouldn't be anything in your exercise that is not in your textbook or given as additional information in your worksheet we're not expecting you to be diviners or extra sensory perception let's try to guess at something you know we've tried to provide you with exactly what information you need and so if you look at these charts you should have everything you need to do the exercise so let's begin first of all by translating the first Hebrew phrase there at the bottom of the page well check out beneath the home and let's start with yan okay darkness upon the surface of the deep darkness upon the surface of the deep and you can transit that way or you can transit it's a noun clause you might just remember from your memorization of Genesis 1:1 and 2 this darkness was upon the face of the deep but whatever you put here remember to home goes with Pinay surface of or faces of the deep if you just put deep or a deep because you didn't see an article on there that's fine you can do that by context in the first mention of such things that's understood to be definite even though it doesn't have it but you don't have a context here all right Eric question you can ask okay so you could translate this darkness and and darkness upon the surface or faces of the deep or a deep alright can be used there any other questions so do you have any other translations you want to check on this one now it's not deep darkness to home doesn't describe Koscheck the home stays with Pinay alright alright number two number two Greg we can go ahead all right to get high on the fish of the sea the fish of the sea why do we say the fish anyone because C is definite and in a construct chain if the last word is definite then the whole chain is definite the fish of the sea all right any other questions on that one yes David the fishes of the sea no it's singular here okay it's a feminine singers it's not the goal its to get feminine singular why is the sea definite just as we often speak about V ocean but here it doesn't matter why it's just the out language example so you just translate what's there okay number three Gus okay you're gonna read the Hebrew force to how you're gonna get away with it real fast notice how quick you came out with English rock Shay Kothari right right okay everyone let's read that together rachet yeah I mean one more time rush a heavy okay and it was the what how about plural rachet is plural the heads of the mountains or the tops of the mountains or the peaks of the mountains all are acceptable okay Sarah Yoda's always plural Sarah Yoda is always plural all right number four John Milken excellent okay all right on to the place of the altar which he made there and this one works out in the exact order it's given in the Hebrew place has to have the article it's in construct relationship with a definite noun have meats back remember in a construct chain if the last noun in the chain has the article then they all must be given the article in translation okay any questions on this one any other alternative translations that you have there that you want to check out all right let's go to number five then number five James Lee heeey at the wrong okay Ben F he Avram all right what does it mean the son of the who of Abraham ah yes what as opposed to the brother of Abraham the son of the brother of Abraham that's lot right and so a son of a brother could also be translated what nephew so you can translate this either as the nephew of Abram or the son of the brother of Abram Chad it is definite because Avram is a proper name proper names are definite so if it's the end of the construct chain is here then the whole chain is definite the son of the brother of Abram okay it's wrong if you don't have the definite articles alright that's the purpose of these worksheets is to teach those rules and remind you of them sometimes it's painful to be reminded of them you pay a penalty in but as you pay the penalties then you start remembering when it cost you something George Abrams brothers son it has to be the son of Abrams brother if it's the son of Abrams brother yes I'll count it alright because in a possessive like that you can do that okay so it's you could have the son of Abrams brother or you could have Abrams brothers son all right or the son of the brother of Abram or the nephew of Abram if you have Abraham's nephew Abraham's nephew is all right that's correct too Abraham's nephew is correct all right and don't be too concerned there because we go over these might Thomason by the way just had the baby Mike Thomason is my grading helper for 5:03 and so he looks at your sheets before I do and then I go back over him again and I correct anything he missed and then I also make the decisions on things that he says well I don't know if you're gonna count this correct or not so I go through and I I'm the one who calculates the grades so he just helps me by marking them first and so we have to checking this as we go through try to catch everything besides you doing a tomb and I found a couple of you sometimes either didn't mark it right or you marked it wrong when it was really right and so sometimes that's just because in our conversation in class you didn't ask a question to ask if that was right if an alternative was right you just accepted what I said is being well that's it if it's not that then it's wrong well there are sometimes several options so if you have something different always ask okay I don't want to have anyone penalized unnecessarily all right number six ah James Wood we haven't heard from you for a while why don't you read the whole thing and translate okay Oh tore out all right they separated themselves okay from the peoples plural ma of the lands unto the law of God alright questions chat people is plural then we just say from the people of the land let me explain something about it and answer your question at the same time in Old Testament Hebrew the word am people refers to ethnic groups it's not a general word like people that we use in English since you would not have known that I will not penalize you on that but try to keep that in mind the future then whenever you have an innocent of Perl it's people's because they're talking about people groups ethnic groups like Hittites amirite s-- parasites key Knights all right and so always translated as the Pearl peoples if you didn't this time no problem because you have not had that explanation usually that's just the word min in Hebrew okay any other questions on that sentence remember more not to count it wrong if you just have people without an S on it but also maybe make a note there to yourself or for the other person that this is always referring to people groups and therefore should be translated as peoples in the future okay anyone else no other questions on it alright then let's go to Part B rewrite the following words in there construct form if the word is singular give the singular construct if plural the plural construct in others just maintain the same number that's already there so number one what's the construct here let's just start that's what we just had James do that Scott the solo what's number one what's the construct of cold Coley did you look back in the textbook and check to see what the construct is that works better doesn't its cough comets lawmen call is the short shortened form of coal why because this is a comet's hot tooth it's a comet's hot - if you say but wait a minute that's in one syllable but you notice that in many places there's a mic a written there that is because the fact that when this is put in the short form it's always considered construct and therefore it's always going to be pronounced together with the following word and the Mach F is sometimes used to indicate that as a reminder not because the Mach F is a sign of the construct but it's a the most immediate way to say pronounce this with a following word if you have that word standing by itself but you know that if it's this way it has to have another word after it it's an genitive relationship with it and it has to be pronounced together with that word therefore this will become an unaccented closed syllable with the comments it's a common sawtooth and that's a short vowel as opposed to the Holum being a long vowel all right so this is the construct form of coal is called all right Roger number two all right and that is spelled remember with a hot if Pathak and this way calm all right questions it's there because of the guttural gutturals prefer compound truss the rules of the gutters all right yes why doesn't this comments become Pathak uh it can become a Pathak depending on the word that follows it how many syllables are in that word if you have a path back there that's fine yes comets are Pathak either one yes Eric yes is pronounced a call it's not as long as the coal but yes okay all right like that okay all right and then number three number three Dennis okay remember when we have a duel like this yeah dying is there a dual construct is there a dual construct no no there is no such thing as a dual construct so we have to move to a plural construct all right so to get the construct we have to get the main constants of the noun which is yad and we're going to maintain the yo'd because that is what introduces the plural we're going to take the maim off of that and we know this is going to be at sorry Yad because masculine pearl is always sera Yoda and then of course this is reduced as short as possible so it's a schwa so your day is the construct of ya die ya dying okay yadayim is your day okay number four George and then that Cerie becomes a sigil that sari becomes a sigil been alright number five yawn okay good the God doll becomes good ol alright number six Mike no change Tove remains Tove it's an unchangeable long vowel it's going to say stay so there's no change in it at all no change in dolls like ear in the feminine on your examples and Roche head it has a long vowel and does not change alright so let's go to number seven number seven tom yad yad okay the comet shortens to a Pathak so it's yad all right Kyle number eight you're speaking Aramaic it's not duh it's uh yes Saheb Saheb Zion with a schwa hey witha Pathak and a bait all right when he said to have Aramaic changes the Zion to a Dolloff and so an aramaic if you're reading the book of daniel chapter 2 on the head of gold its to have that's used there the head of gold so you're you're ahead of the game you're already into Aramaic okay so Franz number nine okay torah is the construct of torah all right and campus devar een okay deve they D fray why do we have deve there anyone all right oh yeah should be a swap excuse me yeah and you all should have a dot doggish in the dolphin all right D for a d3 why is this I hear you at the beginning can't have to choise that to be at the beginning of a word can't have to choise the beginning of work all right then your translation translate the following phrases into Hebrew the house of the king the house of the king Greg I think we're up to you the Emily okay the house of the king babe yeah Melek all right betta Melek notice there's no article on house because in the construct relationship the article cannot be put on the noun that is constructed it must be written with the last noun in the chain and thence understood to go with all of the nouns the change so it's bate Hammel ik alright Chad you're supposed to do yes and when was exceptions because the exceptional word correct but you did exactly what you were supposed to do okay Tom I'm a case connecting them if you did no problem just don't get in the habit of doing that because you're getting the habit of thinking every time you have my cave you have a construct state in this past weekend as I was grading papers for third semester Hebrew on their syntactical analysis of their passages I put a lot of errors and took off a lot of points for those guys who saw him a cave and said oh this is construct and they had a verb and construct with a prepositional phrase they had all kinds of weird stuff because they looked to my cave as being designed the construct it is not the sign of the construct it merely says that two words that are connected by are to be pronounced as one word that's all it says and it just so happens that in the construct state you have that same situation but it doesn't demand the use of my cave you'll have many many many constructs with no mckay if anywhere in sight and you'll have many many words that have a ma cave that are not construct so don't get in the habit of a equating the two or riding and always with two the accent conjunctive accent and also the change in vowels the change in vows okay questions John first but that's not always true I mean what I want to get you away from is always thinking all my case or constructs that's why I want to wean you out of okay but you know how to write the vowel change the vowel change can be used without the accents and without my cave all right so I want you to never never never get to where you dependent upon my cave for a conjunct for a construct that's my point okay because if you do you can end up like those fellas in third semester that are identifying these weird relationships as constructs that are not construct at all all right Scott at this point all I'm expecting you do is make certain you have the vows right forget about the conjunctive accent you know you know one conjunctive accent you can always use and that's mu nach that's the one you've learned and you could use it but don't it always goes next to the vowel that's in that state the only value can you can't put it on a half out and so in all those that you have it have to be right here that's the only value have so you'd be putting it right here that's another one that's not the moon ah that's another contract of accent okay not the moon yes you don't need to put there but in the Hebrew it is sometimes put right okay just like in Greek you sometimes have half that oz but you don't need to have five fellas all right other questions there John but if we went from the lights before I try to make a construct you would end up in all kinds of weird things and we get the question right mm-hmm that's right that's right I have to go back and look at your forms given in your vocabulary and the references given to your in your textbook on this okay all right let's go to the next one then we have the man of God let's see where we were yet that's see Mike did you do that last one who did this who did this last one up here on beta melech Greg okay so we're up here to Ken either Kenny you do the man of God then the man of God all right each Elohim any questions Scott correct you may put the article on there or you may leave it off both are correct just don't have it on each you could also have a dahm dahm in the construct Anoush you just leave it as a no Schiff you have an oh Sh just like that all right great remember this is not the noun and construct this is the noun and construct all the noun construct changes the last one stays in its normal form okay all right the son of God then we're over here to Gus okay then Elohim or Ben ha Elohim okay just make certain that this is the bend here all right and then the next one is the words of the priest John daiquiri happily all right but if it's going to be words of you're going to have to have deve Ray words of dear a d'Avray okay dear a hack Co hain alright the mayor's not ma y ou RS mayor's of the daughter Jeff okay Sue's soaked yeah excuse me here okay so soaked habit sue so doesn't change in the construct doesn't change the construct alright the name of the city Scott alright shame ha ear now is it shame or is it but remember it has to shorten Shem just like Bane been shame Shem alright Shem shortens Shem shortens yes no single there might be one or two rare cases where it changed to a hearing instead but almost always it depends on their situation some change to a Pathak so we'll just have to leave that for where it comes all right all right shem ha ear and all of the nations all of the nations Eric ok hagg Oh Eve and it's comet sawtooth right call hey going alright and then number eight the brother of the woman James Lee all right the he hottie char remember brother is one of those that takes a very strange ending the hurry code for the end of it he ha ha questions ok David Lee the hands of the good servant you don't ha Evan hat tove or what else besides your dote anyone yet day either of these are acceptable remember it's an irregular noun it's actually a feminine noun but you dying in a duel is a masculine duel and sometimes you'll find the form following the masculine duel form to become your day and you'll find others that will change and make it the feminine plural you don't so both are acceptable you don't hi Evan hat ov or your day hi Evan hatov the cities of the great land the cities of the great land we're down to at sea you did that David okay John MILCON yes ha aras remember changed and the great land would be hag you dull la ok II wrote ha audits had give the law and that's none one writ to memorize that Eretz changes to our it's when you put the article on there's five words like that in Hebrew yes Eric your ear ear is the singular construct / plural city of and this is cities plural you can do to all right this is the same situation you have here you have those that have ah they that's okay all right and you should have seen that on I think an earlier lesson we gave an example of the exceptions that take place okay if you have your old I'll counter correct if you have odd a account correct the one that Kurt occurs most often is Adi Adi all right now let's go to Dee Dee circle the construct form in each group which is pointed incorrectly and explain why and that's see we finished with John Milken Kelly take number one and choose the one that is pointed incorrectly and explain why all right correct you should be reduced to a comet sawtooth it should be written a cough with a comet's and Lomb it instead of written with the hole all right to be all of number to come back up Scott by solo and it should be alright now there are two possibilities here what's the other possibility anyone shame for shim alright so you could do either one here you could have this one with a key or you could have shame being Shem all right number three James would a third one why okay it should be am instead of arm all right number four dentists okay third one are should be hair mountain of Roger the last one number five okay you can either correct it to DeRay devrait or you could say that it looks like the attempt was tried to make a singular and that it should not have the last ending on it should be just de verre so there's two ways for you to correct that to take the serie DAF to say that it's an incorrect singular form or you can correct the first vowels to show that it should be the proper plural form so whichever way you correct it because the way it was written it's lies though someone started out trying to write it from the singular and ended with the plural ending so whichever way you corrected it but you should correct it one of the two ways okay any questions on that one should be either it should be devar in the singular it should be devrait in the plural you should have one of those to indicate where the statement is true or false if the answer is false edit the statements though it is worded correctly number one yon okay what words bound together by McKay are essentially considered one word but are not always in a construct relation true anyone who gets that wrong you're gonna be plagued by that that's why I emphasizes so much don't depend on my cave for a construct relationship all right number two Mike yes correct are some long vowel situations like Roche where you do not lose it Tove or you do not lose it there are many situations where you can't like Melek you can't change it now they all do lose the accent but they don't all lose the long vowel it's it's false each noun construct lose its accent and it's long vowel if possible or you put and normally it's long vowel but it's not true that they all lose the long vowel okay number three Tom pulse okay this how would you correct it to be full letter bowels cannot be reduced what I have here just kind of take off the normally it's actually true normally full letter vowels cannot be reduced however occasionally they are shortened when they occur in a noun and contract only occasionally occasionally look at this we had an example of de that we're reading we had rosh rosh is a long valve that normally is not reduced but we had an example where it was reduced to roche remember that was in the first part of this exercise in one of the examples in hebrew the tops of the mountains it was reduced full letter vowel that is it's a full letter there or full valve okay full letter valves cannot be reduced now if you if you felt it was false just because it said normally and occasionally they are shortened with no yeah this has got to be false excuse me I was looking not thinking a full letter full letter valves that's like if you have toe that's a full letter valve and you have I'm Sam again I'm gonna waffle a little bit here because I'm gonna tell you something here we just had another example didn't we alright that's I'm gonna because when I start thinking about these things is that a full letter vowel the here he cured and what did we do I'm gonna go back the same thing I said before back to true all right the problem with true and false in these Hebrew things is that for every rule there's an exception in Hebrew probably even for that rule yes Scott we just we just saw them reduced however yeah I have to go back and look at that and see if maybe I need to reword that like I said every rule you make in Hebrew can have an exceptions have to be very cautious how you word them I will not count this against you all right if you have true or if you have false I'm not going to count it against you all right all right that called situation ethics the problem is is that that's just the true case of it guys there's just so many exceptions that try to state things exactly is just very difficult and and you'll find if you go to some of the other Hebrew grammars they'll say the same thing we said and yet there's all these exceptions that's what drives Hebrew grammarians up a wall is trying to reduce the language and at the same time trying to account for all the exceptions doctor booze Nets have to sit down and discuss that and see what we're going to do about the wording of the text we're trying to finalize it for publication electronically with Lagos so we've got to read some decisions okay number five in the Hebrew Bible the Constructors always attach the absolute genitive in quotes that's the set another name for that absolute noun remember with a ma cave true or false oh good now you see that we had number one in there and now we have number five treating the same issue just tricking you to see if you're going to bite one way or the other but number one is true and number five is false okay number six just just just cross out always on number five in the Hebrew Bible the construct is sometimes attached the absolute gently with a my cave sometimes oh did we skip four okay the noun construct is normally translating the way that joins two nouns in the constructs relation with the english preposition of that's true okay number six when the word in the absolute or the genitive is definite the word in the construct also has the article written with it in Hebrew since they must agree to or false false it's not written with it it's translated with it but not written with it okay that's false number seven when an adjective qualifies a word in construct the adjective is attached with the mock F and inserted between the construct and the absolute true or false false that she follows the noun that's absolute number eight when a word with a dual ending is in construct the pointing is identical to a plural masculine noun in construct true there are some exceptions of that like we saw with yad but basically that's true basically but yes now if you gave an exact example of it and decided to answer it as false then that's fine I will consider counting it Kelly number eight all right so there's two possible answers for number eight okay pass those forward please you're to read chapter 13 for Tuesday I want to start on it now because we're going to have a review on Thursday for your exam that will be Tuesday so I want to get a start on this because this is something that will need repetition a number of times and so verb conjugation very quickly here in the last two minutes of class here verb conjugations in Hebrew we have what we call simple verb conjugations like the cow and the NIF owl those are called simple conjugations the causative conjugations are like hip feel and hopf al those are the names for them and the intensive conjugations are the PL pou al and hip pile if you're looking in your textbook this is in Chapter this is less than 13 less than 13 and what we're talking about is given to you on page 92 page 92 all right so we're looking at this these are the names of the seven verb conjugations in Hebrew seven conjugations kal NIF al he feel ha foul PL pou al in hip il let's read them together Cal NIF al hit feel ha foul PL poo Al and his paw Hale now when you read these and the names are derived from the ancient hebrew grammarians practice and usually these were Arab grammarians wrote the first Hebrew grammars of choosing the verb for the paradigms pal pal in Hebrew means he did he worked he made it's similar to a saw and so they derive the names for them this way you can you don't see it with the Cal Cal is a short meaning it means to be light to be quick to be rapid and so the form of the verb that is unencumbered by any changes it's the light form is called Cal and is the basic verb form that you've learned already for your vocabulary I saw he made he did cut there he wrote Malak he rained he ruled zavok he sacrificed cod - he was holy that is a Cal form that you've been memorizing the cows the basic simple form so pal would be the verb in the same notice that all these have aa aa aa aa aa aa Hamer he kept pocket he visited just like you had all those others ok Kadesh shellac Malak ah as the normal form sometimes we have a hay on the end like I saw then you have 2 common TSA's but this is the normal form here to have these pas al he made Hamer he kept pocket he visited then you have an if al and notice the NIF al is exactly the way it sounds myth ow he was made nish mare he was kept NIF CAD he was visited the NIF al is a passive of the Cal the Cal is active the NIF al is passive and notice that if you can pronounce the hebrew word you know the hebrew conjugation the name is NIF al listen to the sounds of the words NIF al nish mare NIF CAD all right NIM Lac they all start with Nia and they have the same vowels the same pattern the he feel he feel he caused to make that's why we call it caused Eve he schmear he caused to keep if he'd he caused to visit notice again if you can pronounce the name of the conjugation he feel the sound of the verbs the same him leak he caused to rain he sleek he caused to send heath keyed he caused to visit his mere he caused to keep the same sound that he and then the internal e the hear Akio Havel is the passive ha foul he was caused to make Hashmi R he was caused to keep HOF CAD he was caused to visit and then the so-called intense C's but please don't tie yourself too much the intensives they're not always intense even meaning PL he made Chimere he kept P Cade he visited we already had D bear he spoke is a PL key dish he sanctified or he was holy in the peel the poo Al's the passive poo al shoe mayor poo CAD notice this vowels are the same as in the name and on hip il you have hip a tail he made himself he stammered he kept himself you'll see a transference there of the two letters we'll talk about that later on and his pack ade so the hit pail has the hit on the beginning of it and it has the same vows if pale he if his Tamir his pack aid if you know the seven names you can identify any of the perfect forms of any of these verbs you don't have to memorize seven different paradigms for every verb you only need to memorize the first paradigm the cow to know the names correctly so you know the characteristics and you know all the rest of the perfect forms
Channel: The Master's Seminary
Views: 17,777
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Keywords: Dr. Bill Barrick, The Master’s Seminary, Learn Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew Grammar, Hebrew, Old Testament Language, Bible Languages, Hebrew Language (Human Language), Old Testament (Religious Text)
Id: CbtXPY5yc0Q
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Length: 75min 19sec (4519 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2012
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