Lecture 23: Biblical Hebrew Grammar I - Dr. Bill Barrick

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Boker Tov giving Kim all I heard a rah and I don't think it was a hurrah will pray for you that things improve in class okay today we want to first of all go over the exercise number 18 that you're turning in today I want to walk through that with you so that you understand what's happening I'll be grading that and turning it back to you on Thursday but let's walk through it and understand what's happening so first of all the translation for number one as we look at it there we have with Zack catty and the parsing for that is what Chad how did you mark your partisan sheet any prefix the WoW conjunction right well conjunction first-person common scene remember all first persons are common all first persons are common okay so first listen common sings there from the root here you saw Karzai in cop race and me remember all right so it's end I remember or if you can translate will remember or I remembered have remembered F the marker for the direct object billy the-- the here Akio suffixes first common singular pronoun no suffix my covenant as share the relative pronoun which they need the preposition Bain meaning between with a first common singular pronoun no suffix the here a key owed between me and literally and between you masculine plural second masculine plural on the chem but remember in English we don't translate it between an between we just translate one between between me and you and between call all or every nephesh soul hey-yah soul of life or living soul but call among or in all bas our flesh well lo and and this will have a negative not we'll see how that fits in and yon how did you identify verb number 2 there yeah yeah and notice that you have a note footnote number 4 has the same thing on a number on exercise part number three so number six is going to be identical to number two all right and then we have them that has to be and will not come again will not be again will not become will not happen again ode is again ha myung the waters let Matt boule this is belonging to the flood the waters of the flood the water is belonging to the flood less shaft hate is appeal infinitive construct to destroy from shaka 'the to destroy all flesh so this is the way the overall translation goes and i will remember my covenant which is between me and you and every living creature among all flesh and the waters belonging to the flood will not happen again to destroy all flesh okay now let me explain a little bit about urea because I'll accept whether you have B become happen occur come come about when you have the stative verbs in the perfect of stative verbs we have what we call a static state Eve the static state Eve emphasize a state of being state of being in the imperfect we have what we call the dynamic state Eve the dynamic state Eve is a state of becoming the state of becoming now there will be some exceptions with the perfect and that is when the perfect of hi-yaah is followed by a la mode preposition immediately by allah min preposition then that perfect can be translated as a state of becoming a lama is what makes the difference and if you take the time some time to read the article in the new international dictionary of Old Testament theology and exegesis by dr. Grisanti on hi-yah he will tell you the same thing that when you have hi-yah followed by the Lama de preposition it has the meaning of become that's especially when it's in the perfect the imperfect will always have that concept of becoming happening occurring it is in transition something we'll talk about further in the days ahead you'll hear it again and again so get in the habit now of translating the perfect of stative verbs with regard to a state of being unless it's hiya followed by alarming and the imperfect translate as a state of becoming so as here this would be the idea of the waters the flood will not come again will not come about again will not occur again will not happen again all right that's the idea of hi-yah in the imperfect any question Scott constructs the moment the llama is also used as a statement of the genitive the same as a construct state it is not a construct state it is in place of a construct state it's not in your textbook at this point you will find it you know later when we look at holiday at this point I would expect you to struggle a little bit and perhaps some of you come up with the idea of belonging to okay or just said waters of the flood because you said nothing else makes sense Jane David no it is not that is a noun so now many life yes if you have was at this point there's no problem I'm not gonna change anything there as I told you this is the first time you've heard this issue and no I'm gonna accept whatever you've given there in the in that general category no problem John so along this preposition after on a noun after high up meaning to be to become alright that so these are noun or an infinity and that could be in a perfect or imperfect correct but the imperfect already means become but the it this is primarily talking about after a perfect the waters again become oh that's fine it's not a problem the imperfect you got it right you got the imperfect correctly your translation may not be very smooth but you've got the correct concept and the correct meaning because it's an imperfect the imperfect is the dynamic state of which is the state of becoming something you can remember here and I'll it'll be repeated in the future for you but one of the arguments for this is the septa Junt and the way the Septuagint translators who lived in Egypt Alexander Egypt 250 years before Christ the way they translate Genesis chapter one they're very consistent there are two Greek verbs that are state of being verbs we have Amy Amy is the the verb generally translated as I am all right and then we have genome I genome I is I become the translators of the Septuagint in the book of Genesis are very consistent when the form of hi-yaah is a perfect they use a form of Amy when the form of hi-yah is an imperfect they use genome I they're very consistent they match exactly what we're saying here that the imperfect has become the perfect is be for example Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 we have well Haaretz hyah thud ohh whoo whoa whoo and the earth was without form and void now as you look at that hiya thaw is a cow perfect 3rd feminine singular from hiya those who believe in a gap theory insist on translating it as become notice two things number one it's a perfect not an imperfect number two there's no lawmen on Tohu Wabo who therefore it's not a perfect that means become number three the Septuagint translates it with a form of Amy not gentleman therefore it is not to be taken as the earth became empty and without form formless and empty all right that's not the idea of it at all there's no grammatical syntactical support for the gap theory in its insistence on translating that verb has became and it's fascinating because even the latin vulgate and the Syriac peshitta and many other translations of ancient translations of that text insist on the same demarcation they observe the same distinction that the perfect Phi Y is B the imperfect of hi-yaah is become all right and we'll be handling that a lot in the future and along with become comes the same meanings happen occur come about all right all right any other questions on number one Scott Nash is a soul so you have a living soul of soul of life nephesh hiya so we just say a living creature or a living thing or a living being okay yes all right so my M is correct whether you translate water or waters yes Scott yes how did you translate that with all or and all among them all among all flesh if you translate as iam that's not going to be a problem all right any other questions on exercise 18 number one Scott just about that Bieber no just seems like I've translated that azuz to me it means the same thing without any of being heard there at all the Lord will never again flood you had a fart would be there that the word will is a future farm of beat okay all right anyone else yes Scott Union transit as I will remember remember you don't have much context here so I will remember I did remember I remembered I have remembered I remember I'll accept any tense you give for it at this point perfect remember the forms the verb do not express tense right so you have to derive tense from context and context alone okay all right okay so any tense you give it at this point less it is really nonsense in the reading that you have sufficient context is going to be alright so don't get fussy about all right don't stress over it all right anyone else and I promise you I won't get fussy when I grade it alright number two number two key Tishman key can be translated as because for if when we have to term by context Tishman Jeff how did you parse Tish map on your parsing of sheet number name I Xin me Mayan listen all right notice the Pathak we have learned a hole in this place why is the path act there instead of a Hold'em Scott because of the guttural on the end what are the three rules the guttural guttural prefers a class vowels around it as well as below it and this is why it does it okay what's the second rule refuses doubling in the third and final rule prefers compound choise right keep those in mind they'll answer many many questions alright so this is either she listens or ru masculine singular listen the Col anytime you have Shama followed by a bathe the bathe normally indicates the direct object otherwise you translate listen in the voice listen with the voice or listen to the voice or obey the voice of Yahweh your God and to keep lish more Gus how did you pars number five the fifth verb on your parsing guide okay preposition this is prefix Oh cow infinitive construct and the root keep okay key for dart so we have here them thus far seems that the key has best probably taken as a four here or because if you have if or when I'm not going to object and it looks like them this should be taking as you because it makes more sense for it to be you rather than just she because or for you listen or will listen or have listened I again intense I'm not going to be fussy and don't expect you to be fussy over it at this point you don't have sufficient context because you listen to the voice of Yahweh your God to keep F is the direct object marker so it's not translated call all and then meets meet so Tao meet so tell you can tell by that that meet salt is plural that ow also confirms that it is a plural noun Commandments and the Wow on the end tells you it's his Commandments so it's if when indeed for because you listen to or or obey the voice of Yahweh your God to keep all his Commandments chat I was surprised by the preposition on coal why was that a favor the base is what is characteristic of the Hebrew Shama has followed by bathe interesting li you'll find the same type of situation in the Greek language that aku au can be followed by in yes go ahead question on that is what would be our clue the nets and the construct it's not construct are you talking about coal being in constantly the only is context the accent is a conjunctive accent a very minor one but I wouldn't expect you to understand what that accent is at this point so it's just context yes Jeff do you have how did you translate it how does it fit the context go ahead okay that's fine no problem no it's not all in the case and I would prefer to keep here because I think that it's the idea of talking about result or even purpose but that's a preference keeping here is not going to create any difficulty at all all right anyone else chat a little more question jessalyn myths whoa how yes okay the comments yeo-hwa is exactly what we've seen on masculine plural nouns okay for example if we take the word that we were used to forming from is soos if you want to talk about horses remember it's su seem if we're going to say horses of we take the MAME off this becomes to say if we want to say his horses we don't put a whole them Wow there it becomes su South and the strange thing is that if you go to the feminine and you're talking about mares you have su South and how do you add a pre-nominal suffix to the oat what happens is in the third masculine singular it does the same thing as it does on the masculine plural noun the feminine plural noun adds it to the oath so it becomes su so Tao and so meat salt Commandments meats allow his Commandments all right anyone else all right let's go to number three number three starts off verb number six which is identical to verb number two so we've already covered it it has no prefix on it it is a cow it's an imperfect it is 1/3 masculine singular from hey yo hey B okay M means if notice is spelled with an olive not an I on if we're spelled with an I in and be with with the Allah fit as if shah mola is a cow infinitive absolute so it's verb number seven on your parsing sheet it is a cow infinity of absolute how do we know that from the Comets and the Holum the Comets and the Holum why do we have a path act furtive under the eye on anyone well preferring a class valve that's the only reason for it all right and then verb number eight John Strickland how did you parse it on your parsing guide perfect that's still in plural okay from the root okay she name I am meaning here or listen all right so that's going to be you masculine plural listen and when you put Shah mola and Tishman you together they're both from the same root that makes them cognate therefore this is a cognate infinitive absolute and the infinitive absolute is put in the first position it's put before pre positive therefore it's intensive if you indeed if you certainly here if you certainly obey my Commandments here L is actually on tour into but as you're trying to translate that you say that doesn't make any sense in English that's that same thing again in Hebrew it's either in or on to or into used as a preposition preceding the direct object of the verb shall man we talked about listening to so if you use to hear and use listen you probably came the closest you could to trying to maintain L as something close to unto or into but it's the idea of to obey if you indeed obey if you indeed listen to my Commandments meet Soult plural feminine plural from meet swap meet soir and the AI Pathak Yoda is the same as what we saw on the masculine plural nouns with first common singular per normal suffix again it's added on to the strong feminine plural ending Dennis question that surely take heed - yes that's fine good translation yes Jonathan correct duration is when the infinity of absolute follows is post positive the finite verb is Tishman ooh a finite verb means a form other than infinitive a finite verb is a perfect or an imperfect okay an infinitive is not finite okay anyone else all right a share which enoki I meet sway I gave you the parsing on that a PL part a simple masculine singular from Sade Wow hey command which I am commanding you F Kim the F is the direct object marker not translated Kim ii masculine plural you hey yo m-- today today and then let acaba I gave you that one the parsing of verb number 10 was Cal infinitive construct from olive hay bait love to love F is again the direct object marker not translated it's the direct object of love to love Yahweh your God can't questions any questions you have on number three all right let's go to number four number four begins with the verb Roger how did you pars it pars it on your parsing sheet it'd be verb number e level all right listen her here okay good cow imperative masculine plural remember on the imperatives you don't have to mark person if you did mark person the second person just draw a circle around it and remind yourself not to give person when you're parsing imperatives alright I will not count it off I want to get you used to it get you in the habit do not give person when you're parsing imperatives okay so let's listen the NA here it could be a sense of urgency it could be please we'd have to look at the total context to see what's going on here we know if you look at footnote number six it's from Genesis 37 if you're familiar Genesis 37 you know it's the beginning of the Joseph's story you know that this is Joseph then talking about his dream and so he's speaking to his parents and his brothers he may have used please because he's the little brother and so if you use please hear no problem if use nothing here no problem if use now no problem but I would advise against it try to get out of the habit listen or please listen or hear the dream hack Colome and it has this so it's this dream please listen to this dream or please hear this dream which alum T Kelly how did you parse column D on your parsing she verb number 12 call the cow perfect first common singular correct and we'll be okay faith lawmen name dream good I dreamed which I dreamed okay any questions on number four yes first Eric fine form all's okay always switch a letter to a final form if it's the last letter in the route or the last letter in a word so this would be a final name be used here something I will mark on your sheet for you won't count points off but still once you get in the habit of always using the final form the correct final form John that's fine no problem that's acceptable to use the exclamation point in place of translating not okay Scott the key is the as the word following it has that whenever you see a demonstrative pronoun with an article that demonstrative program pronoun is being used as an adjective to modify a noun adjectives agree with their nouns in what definiteness definiteness and in gender and a number right and also remember that if you're going to have a interrogative that interrogative normally be on the first word of the sentence or you have the question and it would sound odd for him to say listen what is a dream or is this the dream something like that so try to avoid that could be very rare to have that change that way all right anyone else any other questions on number four all your questions are well asked and our excellent and our pertinent okay number five we begin with verb number 13 verb number 13 John MILCON how did you put it on your parsing she okay take receive could also be put there as the word for it either one alright so we have and you received or and you took me Dom from blood here be the blood of the bull them them there is in the is in the construct you can tell the construct because it's not Dom it's them it's in a pack it has a path act under it you could also tell it by the MU Ngoc strong conjunctive accent you can also tell it by context because it's followed by a noun with an article on it which immediately should be you should be asking a question that for noun is followed by a noun with an article then is the first noun in the construct and so you wouldn't need to have the accent to tell you that or even the vowel change to tell you that but you have three indicators of it you have the Pathak the vowel you have the conjunctive accent and you have the context with a definite noun following so and you took or and you shall take from the blood of the bull wet tissue k-- verb number 14 Michael what did you have on your parsing sheet cow counting perfect second and third person mescaline singular verb number 14 right yes Wow conjunction cow imperfect second masculine singular and third feminine Singh you remember this form fits both and of course when you translate you're going to determine which but for the time being I want you marking both of them so I can see that you recognize that both forms are the same okay and then later we'll stop doing that and we'll parse it according to the context but I want you right now to be marking both and if you did not please mark it that way now I'll give you that opportunity to change it without penalty all right and you shall pour out or you pour it out depending on how you took it in the tents in the context al upon Karen note is the horns of the altar Karen note is in construct with hab meets BAE AK again you can tell that because of the way that the vowels are formed on counter note and also because the conjunctive accent which I wouldn't expect you to identify or understand here or be able to identify but again is followed by a noun with an article so we have to ask the question then are these two nouns and construct yes they are and so it's the horns of the altar because when you have an article on the second noun remember it applies to both nouns in translation the horns upon the horns of the altar with your finger but let's BA Iike bathe means in with by and so here with fits the easiest and best smoothest what F call had Dom and all the blood here the F is the mark of the direct object is continuing the concept here pour out and you see that by Tisch poke that follows Tisch poke will be ID 2:14 except it does not have the Wow conjunction prefix and you will pour out and all the blood you will pour out ill on on - yes sewed habits BAE AK the base of the altar the base of the altar any questions on number 5 no you can use bowl or Gumbel both are adequate acceptable ok any other questions on number 5 alright let's go through the opposites on the second page we already did bath number 1 was parallel to H the opposite of H number 2 y H is the opposite of what Chad aim aim l ll let the letter L is aim ok the letter L is Ain so you have the positive of negative stating existence with regard to time is yes there is aim is there is not the negative so it's the opposite so the first is H the second is L the third bowl care is pair is the opposite of what Jeff era of evening and that is a ok the letter a number 4 James leave Yom is the opposite of 9 I the letter I lyla not day and night ok number 5 of Eric okay he's shot is the opposite of each woman is the opposite of man the letter O number six off campus the opposite of right ta name is mother so father the offices mother number seven Emma with an eye on Dennis okay believe without with opposite of without we'll see if that stands up here okay did anyone have anything different good wow I'm impressed number eight Yara James would Nassau means to lift yara means to go down won't be the opposite of go down go up let's go up allah the letter s the letter s alright number nine Roger hi-yah okay letter D moot hi as he lives he lived moot is to die so die as the opposite of live number 10 Scott by solo beef name okay right across from their leaf name means before in front of to the face of J means behind or after all right number 11 L number 11 L Franz okay from if L is on two then men is from the opposite letter F number 12 Kyle letter M aha okay al is above or a pond and the letter mate the letter M is tap hat which means beneath or below so above below upon beneath okay number 13 David Lee okay seeing is to place G is to lift to take up so wants to put once to take to lift up alright and number 14 not fan let's see Chad this is the opposite of Q on answer no okay Q is locked at you had a dyslexic moment there you reversed the cute and Rita P or you're I jumped up yes all right Kayla kak is to take to give or to take to give and take all right now fan give cute like a cake now some of you may have put na fan opposite of Nassau and then later said now what in the world do I do with la cache and so could you put la kak in place of seam yes in other words you could have number 13 and number 14 the exact opposite of what we just said all right because either one are acceptable you can put q4 one and you can put G for the other 13 can be G 14 can be Q or 13 can be Q and 14 can be G both of those are allowable number 15 Bo of John Strickland okay to go and to return what do you think yachts ah means to go out and bow means more than comet means to enter so to enter and to leave our bow and yachts ah so yachts I is actually the one that fits best here the N letter all right that's because number 16 ha lakh means go and shoe returned B is where the B belongs technically now if you you know as I look at this you know I I realize that it's not the perfect exercise and so I'm going to land allow some leeway so if you're close in the ballpark I'll let you get by with reversing those two as well but a technical form bow means inter means come as to enter to come in and yachts ah means to go out to depart to leave all right ha lakh just means to go doesn't mean go out of doesn't mean to go into it can be used of either one all right yes young well then why'd you do with mother later did you put her parallel with daughter even though in class we said number one with son remember we filled in number one together I did that to give you a hint yeah I'll allow it I'm flexible alright number 17 yah chef Gus okay our man yah chef is to sit he sat and amad is he stood are the letter our number 18 de bear Kenny okay anahi de bear he spoke he commanded uh nah he answered or he responded number 19 Melek Melek let's see who haven't I called on yet Scott Jackson okay that's terrible opposite of King you were looking for Queen I didn't give it to you all right and the last one number 20 edits okay let's see Kelly Robert are you doing that one for us yes opposite of Earth earth in heaven turn to the vocabulary for chapter 20 let's go over this because it will be form our final vocabulary quiz on Thursday the end of chapter 20 I'll begin up the upper right the form here has a faith llama de llamada notice there are no vowels on it because it does not occur in the cow in the Hebrew Bible in parentheses you have an N I indicating that is normally found in the NIF owl and that is normally translated as he polluted so Haythe llama dalamud is the root that in the new fowl is translated he polluted and all you'll be given is the Haythe la mad lawmen on the vocab quiz na faith again kana he encamped or he camped by the way let's go back we didn't have a pronunciation for the first one because it's not pronounced there is no cow for it to pronounce but this one kana we can so everyone na right the next verb is Michelle notice the faith again he regarded or he thought then we have a yo towel resh again we won't have a pronunciation here it's the same situation as the one above it it does not occur in the cow in the Hebrew Bible it occurs in the NIF fowl and has the meaning of he was left or he remained the next word is Tommy Tommy is a state Eve verb of the e-class notice that Sarah under the main he was unclean he was unclean mo ade mo ade is a noun meaning appointed time or feast time Mack can net this is from the same root as kana kana is the verb matka net is the noun so this is the camp camp mat ter notice the doubling doggish in the tape this means rod it can also mean tribe the rod is symbolic it's like talking about the scepter or the flown of England refers to royalty refers to the Kingdom and here the rod is used as synecdoche it's a word that is used to represent a tried and therefore sometimes translators tribe sometimes it's a rod literally sometimes it's a tribe mat a mattock we've had this one before already we're repeating it again means angel or messenger then we come back to another that just has the root letters the somme ik towel resh don't confuse it with a yo towel rash above it is found in the NIF owl and means he hid the llama death name to the left of it they're also the same situation in the NIF al means he fought it I can also mean he waged war he battled it's the idea of to fight as in a war and then we have mich paja as a feminine noun that means family family if I were to ask you yes leha mich Baja what would I be asking you yes means what is there okay or there is right and if I ask it as a question that's is there so there is or is there yesh Li llama preposition first common singular to me for me in other words do I have a family yeah Ashley Hamish prefer if I'm saying it to you I'd say to an individual like Kenny I'd say yes Lacroix second masculine singular have mishpokhe ha do you have a family it's a very common phrase used in conversation when you're meeting someone for the first time yesh lach ah Hamish bah ha ha mich Baha mich Baha is family lost shown lost shown is a feminine noun meaning tongue and therefore it is sometimes used of a language as well what tongue do you speak what do you speak the Hebrew tongue all right Hamas you've heard this word before haven't you the name of the Palestinian political arm Hamas the word means violence it's a terrorist organization and its name is well given well taken they applied it themselves that's indicative of their philosophy Hamas violence no one should miss that with type of issues going on in the world today if you're familiar with what's happening in Palestine the last word net line is e e is normally found in the plural rather than the singular it is the word that means Coast region or island Coast region or island ìiím the plural is Islands or coastal region rish own Rishon is the word first that's an ordinal number instead of a cardinal number Akkad is the Cardinal number one already shown is the ordinal number first first we shown it's built on the word Rosh which means head parad he divided he separated he spread mad at call notices based on the route Aleph cough la mode which means he ate so man a call is the noun food and we also have another noun they're given and this one noticed the first comets is in a closed unaccented syllable therefore it is a comet's hot tooth it has an O sound oak la oak la oh la remember the accident goes on a final syllable oak la also means food and there's no distinction between the two with regard to meaning it's just a matter of personal choice or a matter of the Hebrew mind saying certain words go together and one will be used with one as opposed to another any questions on the vocabulary for lesson 24 the vocab quiz for Thursday yes Kelly we'll kept quizzes in what's on are easy or is it what we're taking in these two days this was the exam excuse me there is no vocabulary quiz on Thursday thank you for asking next Thursday it's an exam for next Thursday and does that quiz only reflect these words or does it reflect these words the vocabulary the vocabulary part of the final exam will be taken solely from this exercise but you will have other vocabulary on the exam for certain translations so one of the things we'll be doing is reviewing some of the basic vocabulary but there will be a separate vocabulary section just like you've had for vocabulary quizzes that will be part of the exam and that will be less than 20 you do need to know your other vocab but it won't be as part of the vocabulary entry it'll be part of a translation okay anyone else and other questions there thank you for pointing that out though because I was thinking about giving another vocab quiz and my notes here say very specifically no this is for the final exam all right now let's spend the remainder of our time in starting the review for the final exam I handed you a sheet there of the imperfect song it's called imperfect because it's about the imperfect but it's also an imperfect song and I make no apologies for it because I intended it that way it's to the tune of there's a hole in the bucket dear Liza you know that song right there's a hole in the bucket dear Liza dear Liza there's a hole in the bucket dear Liza a hole right you remember that one how do you remember that song a few of you went to youth camp some time in your lives and sang it or you had a father at home that sang it and drove you crazy or you sang it in the car on a journey and sat there in the back saying I refuse to sing that song I know what happens all right this is the tune we're using but it's an imperfect song therefore we're going to use that tune imperfectly and we're going to start with an English side of it so you're going to get the idea of it and just listen to me learn verbs dear Joel dear Joel Oh Joel learn verbs now notice it's not exactly the way the melody went okay it's closed it's imperfect alright it's imperfect so sing it with me learn verbs dear Joel dear Joel Joel learn verbs and the way that matches up in the Hebrew is yiq told he told teague told teak tally-hawk toll alright you want try it triumph yay tall - tall - tall - Lee I'm tall now obviously you told doesn't mean learn verbs okay geek tall is the cow imperfect third masculine singular of qatal teak tall the first one is a cow imperfect second masculine singular the next teak tall is the third masculine singular teak - lee is the second feminine singular excuse me that should be the other way around the first teak toll is the third feminine singular the second key tolls a second masculine singer and then you have second feminine singular teak - Lee and then first common singular act toll all right sorry about that Gus all right go third third second second first okay third third third masculine singular you tall third feminine singular teak toll second masculine singular teak toll second feminine singular teak tally first common singular act toll all right now let's just say those five together okay Yeek tall teeth tol teeth tall teeth to leave act all alright you ought to practice that until you come up with that you told tik tok tik tok tik tok tall all right geek tall tickle tickle tickle ii act all one told you totally totally act all you know if you memorize that let me tell you this opens the door to all the conjugations in the Imperfects you've got to remember these though you have to memorize them okay so let's sing this whole verse together okay learn verbs dear Joe dear Joe Bojo learn verbs you told you told you told you to leave toll and we continue on it's so easy dear Solomon it's so easy dear Solomon it's done yet to lose teeth told Monty to lose teeth hold on eat tall it's an imperfect it's an imperfect song because the first verse has a slightly different arrangement than the second verse and that is so that the second verse matches the imperfect verb alright so let's try the second verse again it's so easy dear Solomon it's so easy dear Solomon it's done yet ulu teeth tol ninety-two Lutie told mommy tall okay not say the Hebrew side of it together okay yi de lu t told ma teeth - Lu teeth told Nick tall remember ye - Lu is the third masculine plural ticked olma the third feminine plural tked - Lu the second masculine plural ticked all nah the second feminine plural and neek toll is the first common plural these are all the plurals so then as you're going through you should have Yeek tõll tõll tõll teak tree at toll ye salute he told na teak to Lutie toll non neke toll alright all of them all together alright so let's try all ten of them in a row let's do it slowly and then speed it up in the second time okay ye told tea told teeth tol teeth to lead a toll you to loo tease me toll not teach you to loo teeth total not need toll and a little faster the next time you told take the total teeth told three and told geek to Luton teeth told enough teeth to loot teeth told not neatly tol got it all right you can chant this I mean it has a rhythm to it you can almost dance to it alright and if you practice this around your children I guarantee your children will have it memorized just like that and especially if you're singing it in the song they'll learn it in a hurry alright my apologies to anyone I may have offended by my composition it's an imperfect song by an imperfect being but I love to use things like that to help learn things if any if if anything can be used to help you to remember these things I'm game I love doing alright okay so let's put that away and I want to go back to this again all I need to know about Hebrew I learned in 503 remember we had gutturals and their rules gutturals and their rules it's very very important that you remember the gutturals and their rules it is going to come up again and again and again and again cattle rules and the rules the major accents especially you should have down the a snack which is the middle point you should have down the solute which is the end point together with SOPA souk self Basu car the two diamonds and the sake cotton the two dots above and the diamond above Rabia so those are and then the major conjunctive accent the moon ox so there are six major accents for to remember a snack marking the middle so Luke which goes together with sofas to mark the end of a verse you had Zack F cotton the two dots above to mark the quarter points and Revilla which also the is the diamond above that is also marking quarter points in fact it comes from our baja which means for Revilla means forth we had riche own first Revilla is fourth it's the ordinal 4/4 Revilla and then we had in addition to that we had the the excuse me I'm missing one because I counted one of them is just once you've got a ringwraith nack you've got to remember so Luke and you gotta remember Soph pursuit okay Soph pursue can salute keep them separate because those can be marked for you to identify both and remember the solute is the single vertical line that accents the final accented syllable in a verse but the two diamonds one above the other that looks like a colon that marks the end of the verse that's called SOPA souk self means n+ souk means verse into the verse so you have the ethnic you have a salute you have the softest ook you have the sock eighth cotton which the two dots above you have the Revilla which is diamond above and the sixth one is the conjunctive accent munna looks like a backward L those are the six major accents that you should remember and be able to identify for the final exam remember that the hay plus Pathak plus doggish forte in the following letter marks the article adjectives agree with their nouns in definiteness gender and number M is a masculine plural ending aa is a feminine singular ending oath is a feminine plural ending all right M ah alt it'll stand you in good stead not only for nouns but for participles to keep those in mind remember and the participles you have an alternative feminine form that has F a that Sarah yo'd is the masculine constructing act is the feminine singer construct so devrait his words of taurat is law of word order is verb first subject next object third modifiers follow what they modify personal pronouns make certain you go back over those Annie enoki at the at who he and also the plurals make certain you know them enact new Nath new at tim at penn at cana him hey ma hain heyno makes certain you've gone over those personal pronouns and have them memorized the cal stem all forms be able to write out for any constants that you're given to be able to write out a full paradigm starting with perfect going through the imperfect including the imperatives the infinitives in the participles and also remember the names the stems the seven stems cal NIF ow hit feel ha foul NIF PL poopoo al and hip I'll Eric yes no good question no you have the imperative in all forms the imperfect in all forms - Jesse the - cohort atif - why you told you won't include that in your paradigm either Kenny if you haven't been there in your textbook there your paradigm for your verb you can go back and you have several of them actually but the regular verb is given for you on page 200 you have the Cal goes down through the perfect the imperfect the plural the imperative singular the participle singular where's the whole thing on page 201 opposite you have all of them you have the participle Act even past see if you have all forms the imperative you have the infinitive absolute and the infinitive construct so page 201 is the best one page 201 gives you all of them on the cow forget about the state you just learn that first one under active learn that first one under active ignore stative I want you to memorize the active cocktail cut out catalá cocktail thought out cut out the Akata lou cat out Tim and remember if you memorize this you can insert any three constants in place of the cove faith and love it as long as they're strong constants without gutturals and i will not give you any form that has a guttural in it to do this so if you memorize this one all you have to do is substitute because if you have when i start up here if you have ecto l-- then you know that that's going to be then m lok you know what's going to be m shal whatever verb i give you it's going to be active any three constants i give you that our normal constants don't include any guttural it's the exact same vowels the exact same prefix so all you're doing is substituting different letters in the first place the second place the third place otherwise it's all the same yes Kelly no mi rectus to think that there are some verbs that are just our stated yeah he was small and then other verbs which are not naturally seen it can be unmade stated by being close to the student not necessarily not necessarily that is not an equation that you can follow all the way through okay there's no such thing as making a fancy verb stative it either has a state of equivalent or it doesn't but it cannot be made stative know if it's state even stated okay so you can't make a stadium herb into an active ER all right yes you will have a blank page in which you will write it out yourself identifying all the parts no you have to create it thank you for the exam so memorize the whole thing and memorize how you would mark it and be able to identify all of it because I want you to include the identification so as you're writing it out if you have this yet first of all you're not going to have to give Cal you're going to have to identify perfect this are imperfect excuse me and so you're going to have an imperfect remember to put an F on it because you have an imperative that is I am PV so put an F on it imperfect first common singular is all you need to put there for this but I want you to write out what it is what do you have there do you have a perfect perfect can be PF and you and if you have like Cottle then that's perfect third masculine singular just put the number and the letters plural is a P singular is an S masculine M common as a C and feminine is an F so all you have to do is just write down very briefly that way and I would suggest that with first thing you do when you get your exam is look for that particular part of it while it's still fresh on your mind and go right through and start writing it out the best way that that you find for you to work either go through and write out all the third M at the 3m s 3 FS 2m s 2 FS etc all the way down and then go back in and fill in your Hebrew or write your Hebrew in and then fill in the identification David yes I prefer to have it in the order that's on page 201 starting with third person but if you have already memorized it starting with first person no problem just give it to me that way all right some of you will find it easier to memorize it starting with first person that's why it's that way in the body of the textbook and in the back we put it in the third person order because that's the normal order you'll find it in most Hebrew grammars and textbooks yes and in all everything you see in that column the active column under the cow on page 201 everything you see there plus the identification to the left okay I will give you one of these words like Michelle or my lack or cut tab or a cat owl to give you it'll be and all you'll do is substitute those three letters for how you memorized it I would recommend memorizing cat owl because so easy to remember and all three constants are very clear and it's easy to say as much as you say you told Tito Tito to collect all than it is to say even shell teams shell teams show team Chile s/m shell for some reason
Channel: The Master's Seminary
Views: 12,024
Rating: 4.8677688 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Bill Barrick, The Master’s Seminary, Learn Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew Grammar, Hebrew, Old Testament Language, Bible Languages, Biblical Hebrew (Human Language), Hebrew Language (Human Language)
Id: AN96V_20CJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 43sec (4243 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2012
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