Lectric XP Riding Tips | 5 Tips for New Ebike Owners

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[Music] what's up ebiker so today i want to do some tips around riding e-bikes uh and one thing i've noticed about e-bike buyers is that many of them are buying their first bike they've written in a long time and so there are some things you need to know about e-bikes specifically uh to make your rides safer and uh today we're gonna use electric xp to do that i'll show you some tricks on tips on how i ride my electric xp and give you some safety tips as well especially one that you're really going to want to know about about electric bikes specifically so let's get into it all right so first up we're going to talk about the throttle which is located on the right hand side uh in some cases you have a twist throttle like this or you may have a thumb throttle or you press your thumb on it but electric xp has the twist throttle which many people like one thing to be aware about this is that you can hit this by accident and you're not if you're not prepared uh it will move the bike so it's kind of a safety thing even if you're on well if you're on zero ps zero it does not work so only when you're in one through five will the throttle work at all so keep that in mind but there are two ways i use the throttle on my e-bike one is getting started and the second is crossing the street um and that's why i think this is a great feature to have especially if you're an older rider um and you just need that that little bit of pickup um starting the e-bike because you know these things can be a little bit clumsy to get started uh if you're not in the right gear and um you know so here's how i kind of do it on the ps3 i just hit the throttle then i start pedaling and get it going now let's go up here this hill here across the street and i'll show you how to do that real quick again it's to me the throttle is the number one reason i use the throttle is crossing the street it just gets you there much faster and of course that's a safety issue [Applause] this is uh main street where i live as you can see it's pretty busy right now mother's day morning now and get across the street i'm also gonna pedal but uh just help me get you started there and get you across the street faster so that's the first tip about riding these e-bikes is the throttle and i think getting started across the street uh the two best reasons to use this uh while you're riding all right so second thing we'll talk about today is the gearing so this has a seven speed shifter here on the uh handlebars as you can see right now i'm in gear seven uh so i generally ride in gear six or seven uh especially if you're on flat ground that will give you the most pedal resistance um overall but uh you know if you have a heavy e-bike you're probably gonna want to drop that down to like let's say three uh and uh that'll give you a much better way to get started down here so i'm going to start pedaling and you get a gear change there and it's just a much easier way to get rolling um while you're riding the bike so drop those gears down and uh be much easier to get going now also it's great for hill so i just turn onto a hill here i'm in uh gear third gear i'm in ps3 and uh i'm literally having no effort going up this hill so when you do go up a hill just drop those gears down until like three or four uh bump your assist up maybe one or two and uh off you go um that's that's the easiest way to use your gears and get going and uh getting up the hills faster so again if you have ridden a bike in a while and uh forgot how to use gears which people do that's how you use them so uh all right so let's talk about probably the most important thing you need to know about riding electric bikes which is cornering uh you do not want to engage the motor you do not want to pedal as you're going into a turn because if you do it's going to push you a lot faster and you're going to crash basically you can see i'm just coasting now but if i start to pedal into a turn it really starts to take off on you and if you're not prepared for that you're going to crash the bike so when you're at when you're cornering at speeds you know you want to you want to pedal out of the turn not into it so keep that in mind let's do a quick cornering up here i'll show you more you know i start the pedal now i'm really gonna it's gonna take the outside more um i'd rather want to just coast into a turn and come out of it with throttle or pedaling so i'll show you that up here so you come up to a turn you want to come out a little bit and then just coast into it now you can kick the throttle in and get you going when you're cornering at slow speeds it can really take off especially if you're in a higher pas setting people how about riding e-bikes is how easy are they to pedal without any assist so i want to show you that today these cars go by and the answer is on flat ground it's pretty easy actually uh if you're starting to go up a hill no it's not going to be easy it's going to be heavy especially depending on how heavy your e-bike is this e-bike weighs about 64 pounds so it's on the it's on the heavier side but it's not too heavy so that you can't use it so right now i'm in gear three i'm on no pedal assist and i'm just gonna start pedaling and we'll show you what the speed looks like just watch the speed and you'll get a sense of how fast i'm going [Music] so you can do eight nine miles an hour pretty easily with i would call it minimal effort i'm using it right now i am feeling it in my legs but uh yeah so i can ride electric xp at 7.5 miles an hour 8 miles an hour pretty easily on flat ground so great way to save on your battery now particularly if you're going on a longer ride and you have a stretch of flat ground coming up you can certainly put it in ps 0 and just pedal manually [Music] so not gonna get more than eight or nine miles an hour uh unless you pedal a little bit harder of course but uh yeah that's how easy it is you know it's not uh it's not like riding a 30 pound bike but it's doable on flat ground all right the last thing about e-bikes and electric xp in particular is uh it comes stock 20 miles an hour as top speed but you can unlock it some bikes you can't some you can on electric speed you're supposed to get up to 28 miles an hour with pedaling so i'm going to show you how to unlock it now and we'll do a speed test see how fast we can go now on my last xp 2.0 i only got 26 miles an hour so we'll test it again on this new one i got recently so you can basically click on the uh plus and minus buttons hold them down for a couple seconds and you go into your pas settings you're going to go to i think it's pas eight [Music] yeah there it is you can change 32 to 100 and that's it i just unlocked electric xp to 26 or 28 miles an hour they say well let's put that to the test and see how we do now we're coasting 26 27. that was a slight downhill i felt the motor kick up a notch on that last run there so all right well that's the end of the video catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Chris Crossed
Views: 103,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebike, e bike, electric bikes, electric bicycle, ebiking, ebikers, ebike riders, riding ebikes, ebike life, ebike style, types of ebikes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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