How To Keep Your Bike Safe From Theft | Best Electric Bike Security

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I think we can all agree that bike thieves are just about the worst people out there but that doesn't change the fact that they do exist and they will do this to your bike any chance they get so let's talk about how to keep your bike safe from theft especially your very very highly valued electric bike so before we break into how to best protect your bike from theft you guys I of course have to do a disclaimer so that I don't get doxed cancelled sued so here's my disclaimer well I would love to guarantee that the methods in this video will 100% keep your bike safe I can't there's a way through every lock and given enough time thieves will find it so be smart out there ok let's do this alright guys so let's start off with the most important part of the bike and that is the bike itself I would say that this is the part you don't want to get stolen the most so it needs to be the heaviest lock on these cable locks not appropriate do not use a cable lock don't do it chain locks I think some of them are kind of ok depending on the rating I'm not personally a big fan of them because the ones that are actually super secure Tang to get extremely heavy and they're hard to mount on your bike anywhere that's why I would recommend going with either an Avis Bordeaux folding lock you can get one with an alarm or I personally use on my bikes the kryptonite New York lock kryptonite and Krypton it also makes some great stuff to forget about it lock is fantastic you want something though that the company rates I would say you know 90% rating so 9 out of 10 or 10 out of 10 the reason we like these abus border locks for a bike specifically is it can get around most of the bike typically on a regular bike you would want to have try and get the seat post and also the rear wheel into that you lock if your locking up with a you lock but on an e-bike that's typically not possible because it's usually further away the wheelbase is a little bit longer so the seat post is further away from that rear wheel which makes it difficult to lock up both things inside the you lock that is where the folding locks really come into handy they are just as effective as a you lock but you can kind of more of a bike around it also sometimes with like if you're just doing it on the down tube or something like that the down tubes tend to be thicker on e-bikes especially if you still have like a Bosch power pack if you are going to put your lock around the down tube then you definitely want to have something to lock up the rear wheel separately you can use a cable I think that's generally okay most bike these aren't gonna cut through like a hefty cable just to get a rear wheel but I would more highly recommend getting a commuting bike that has a cafe lock the reason I like the cafe locks you can carry less stuff you don't have to like have it again a ton of locks in a bag it's already attached to the bike and it keeps that rear wheel safe plus you can use it if you're gonna have an eye on the bike - I don't know run inside grab a coffee or something real quick I wonder if that's why it's called a cafe lock cool yeah AXA Defender is a great one also Avis makes one as well that is really solid and you can't attach these retro actively to most bikes so check those out for sure of course that is still going to leave your front wheel and quite honestly a lot of other parts on your bike still vulnerable so what do we do about those let's talk about some component lock up methods my absolute favorite system you guys have probably seen me mention these before if you watch our life on an e-bike series is the pin head system they make a series of through axles quick releases saddle locks they make a hole basically bike security system I really really enjoy this system I am not paid by these guys I just use them personally and have never had any issues getting wheels stolen or anything like that so that is my highest recommendation you can get it for any bike check out pin head it's a great way to just again you're not having to carry an extra cable locks or anything like that the one thing you do have to always have on you is the special key just in case you get a flat that is going to lock and unlock the components on your bike but it's well worth it not super cheap of a set up but I promise you you will be happy you have it alternatively if you are not a person who wants to spend a ton of money on a system like that that's going to be a completely closed system that is gonna secure your bike cable locks are the way to go for secondary components on the front wheel you should be able to get away with a nice combo cable lock or you can even just get a regular cable that goes right into the folding lock or the you lock to lock everything together here's the other thing I like about pin head I have had this happen on more than one occasion I'll lock up my bike completely the cable lock will be around the front wheel and in the saddle will have a cable lock as well and still people were still a seat collar quick-release a wheel quick-release and then guess what I still am down a quick-release and I can't ride my bike home that night that's 15 $20 to replace that quick-release and also an uber ride home so think about it these pin head systems and things like that are pretty good ideas finally this is for ebike specific people if you have a display that quick release is off of the display mount just take it with you there are some systems like the Bosch and Tuvia can't lock on there but there are ways to get that display off that is an expensive piece that you do not want to have to be replacing on a regular basis I would recommend if the display comes off easily just take it along with you so those are the accessories you can use to keep your bike safe but let's talk a little bit more about general theory behind locking up your bike a lot of people have this idea that they want to like kind of hide the bike away and make sure nobody sees it here's the thing it's great if you can successfully hide it away and no one can find it but once someone does find it then you've hidden it so well that they're gonna have all the time in the world to just you know hang out with your bike cord it get it off that lock cut it up and then just take your bike home they're gonna steal your girl and I don't want them to steal your girl bike thief's are mister steal your girl so you want to so instead of hiding your bike away put it out in the open let people see it make it be around people you also want to make sure that you are locking to a truly a movable object by truly I mean this the best thing that you can lock up to is actually a proper cycle locking system right so that cities have set up what is what are those called yes it's a bike rack the best thing that you can lock up totally the best thing that you can lock up to of course is a bike rack that are put in by most cities it's super super thick they're totally a moveable no one is going wear anywhere with any of those another thing that's pretty solid to lock up to is a meter be conscious of you know people using these meters right parking meters they are still used but perfectly acceptable in my opinion to lock up to a meter some parking meters even have bike racks attached to them signs and pulls stuff like that so stop signs and all that are generally okay just be aware and make sure that it has a bolt inside of it and that you cannot just lift out the pole there are tons of things you can lock up to out there skinny tree for instance hey someone's fence those are also very cuttable I have seen too many instances of people locking up until like a private fence that seemed pretty a moveable you would be very surprised to see how easy of a time people have of just removing those poles and running away with your bike the last thing I would say on this topic is to just be smart just don't be dumb don't leave your bike out overnight don't leave it in areas that you don't feel safe leaving it I promise you if you do these things and you live in a major city something on that bike is not going to be the way that you left it so of course there are always new products being developed for bike security which leads me to GPS tracking so GPS tracking is something that we don't have a ton of experience with and that's because we haven't found kind of a catch-all solution the reason being there isn't a good like law enforcement solution like for instance something like tile is excellent but it relies solely on other tile users I've even heard of people who use tile systems and they actually have the location of their tile and it's like hey it's here and the cops still don't really act on it because they can't act based on that information alone so well it does seem like there are some cool GPS locks on Kickstarter and in other places I can't specifically recommend any yet because I just don't think there is a completely reliable solution so what should you do if your bike does get stolen first I would highly recommend ensuring your bike you can do with the renter's insurance homeowners insurance or there are companies who specifically offer bike insurance my bike currently is valued at about four thousand dollars and it was about twenty eight dollars a month only to get my bike insured from theft well that might not sound like the cheapest solution in the world if you are using your bike almost daily and you live in a metropolitan area I think it's probably worth it especially if you're relying on it as your sole mode of transportation other things you can be doing to help recover your bike if it is stolen track your serial numbers make sure any distinguishing features on that bike you have locked down you know them off the top of your head have pictures of them and the last thing I would do is just report it immediately get a get a police report file have people start looking for it make sure you register your bike on bike index comm you could say it's been stolen on there and yeah it's a great way to recover that bike so it really comes down to just doing everything you can to mitigate the situation so that is how to keep your bike safe from theft you guys if you guys have any safety tips leave them in the comments below and let us know and we'll feature you pin your comment for a little while so that other people can know how to keep their bikes safe also don't forget to like this video subscribe to this channel if you're interested further on starting to commute on an e-bike check out our series life on an e bike and also our top ten commuting e-bikes alright we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fly Rides USA | Electric Bikes
Views: 345,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to keep your bike safe from theft, locking your electric bike, how to lock my electric bike, how to lock your bike, how to lock a bike, lock bike, how to lock your bike with a u lock and cable, best electric bike locks, bicycle security, best bicycle security system, bike theft, bicycle theft, bicycle theft prevention, how to lock an electric bike, abus bordo folding lock review, pinhead bike lock review, lock your bike
Id: ancrSCzRRyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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