Lectric Ebike Battery - 5 Things You Need to Know

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electric nation so if you're new to electric e-bikes there are certain things you need to know about these batteries i've got five important things to say next on crisscrossed [Music] okay so first thing you need to know about these batteries is that voltage equals a range so uh when you charge these batteries you'll see on the display it's uh it tops out at 54.6 volts okay that's the max volts you can put into this battery on the opposite end when you're about to die when the battery's about to run out it's going to be a little bit below 43 so that is my red line for all e-bikers on the electrics once you dip below 43 and it stays there you're in danger of losing the rest of this battery at that point you may only have a mile left even at that level 43 you're going to see a huge reduction in the speed and power coming out of the motor because there's just not enough juice left in this battery at that point so you need to keep an eye on that uh you can't you can't go by the energy bars on the uh the bike because they're kind of notoriously uh unreliable sometimes you have to go by the voltage that's the exact measure of what you have left in these batteries so here's how i do that when i'm writing take a look at this okay so here's your display here's your uh energy bar up here my battery is fully charged right now and uh this is only kind of a general guide you can't really go by this in terms of you know exactly pinpointing where you are from the battery standpoint what you have to do is you have to switch down here on the mode by pressing the power button to the uh the voltage and you saw that here actually i'm at 50. so it's 50.78 and you'll see it fluctuate there and as you're riding that's going to go down the more ps you put in and the more throttle you use you can see that number drop kind of in real time as you ride the bike now so basically this is what you need to look at when you're worried about losing your battery at that point and again 43.0 is kind of your red line once you start going past that you're headed for danger in terms of losing battery so while you're riding you want to keep an eye on this and the way i do that is i'll just coast i won't use the throttle or pas and i'll see what that voltage jumps back up to as i'm riding the bike so that's the way to check it or you can stop wait a minute and then the voltage will uh kind of go up a bit and tell you where you're at when you do stop the bike and get off of it to check it but yeah this this is how you basically check the gas tank of your of your bike is the voltage a lot of people don't know that and they go by the energy bar instead but you can't do that this is very unreliable as far as where you are has wild fluctuations in its um display there and you have to go by the voltage that's what the vol means so again 54.6 is full right now i'm at 50 about 75 percent when it's around 50 and change so keep that in mind all right the number two most important thing about these batteries is i think these have a lifetime 700 800 charge range so you can charge it 700 times and at that point it's going to really degrade on you so if you think about that that's good for basically two years if you charge every day which i don't think most people do at the most i'll charge this twice a week so that's about 100 times a year and if electric says you're going to get 700 charges out of that that badge is going to last you seven years i bought a second battery and uh that means i'm going to get even more longer life out of this battery so i'm going to have this battery probably for like 10 years long to take care of it right but so these are pretty long lasting batteries you're gonna get plenty of life out of them uh unless you ride every day um which maybe you're commuting things like that but um yeah i expect to get pretty decent life out of these batteries overall all right number three thing to know about these batteries uh when you're buying any e-bike i think what you want to look at is how many amp hours do their batteries have if i had to guess right now if you look at some of the major e-bike providers out there the average amp hours on a typical battery is probably around 14. that's the one i've seen the most it's 14 amp hours i've actually purchased a 14 amp hour aftermarket for put electric butt dumb these are 10 so they come in a little bit less than average as far as the size goes but that's what you want to look for when you're buying an e-bike is how big is the battery the amp hours is essentially the gas tank of your your e-bike right the more amp hours you have in your battery the longer you can go that's the general rule so that's why you always want to look out for amp hours when you're looking at e-bikes and looking at buying one and determining how much range you can get out of that battery itself number four thing you need to know about electric batteries you can buy more of these you can buy from electric or you can buy from aliexpress now there's been a lot of talk about the uh the midstep xps having batteries available on aliexpress while the step-throughs did not well i just looked at aliexpress yesterday and if you search the keyword electric step through battery they are there they have a pointier end uh on aliexpress now so i believe you can buy these for the step through now on aliexpress in the 14 amp hour format so i'll try and put a link in the video description to aliexpress uh you know you're buying from china so um you know buyer beware but i had good good experience of mine it took about 30 days to get here it cost me 350 bucks it's in here right now and uh didn't have any problems with it it's the exact same battery just without the electric name on it so so it looks like you can buy the step throughs now step two batteries and aliexpress um i did a quick search and i saw them on there so um you know i got my cue off the facebook groups initially saying that they weren't available but um either they just put them on there on aliexpress or they've been on there all this time and we didn't know it so uh but uh that's good news for those of you who have a step through who want to get the the bigger battery and um you know i do think it gives you more about five miles more total range overall roughly something like that so yeah that's number four on the list and number five is um to get the long life out of your batteries and to treat them well electric says to charge them up to 75 percent which means charging them to about 50 volts like you just saw on my current battery so that what that means is you have to go out maybe about three hours after you've charged it plugged it in go out and check about three hours later see where your voltage at you should be around the 50 range roughly speaking right so about three three maybe three and a half hours but then unplug it if you know you're not riding a lot of miles the next day just do that and it'll last longer for you as well i'm not a battery expert but they say you're not supposed to top them off all the time so when possible just charging to 75 percent which is 50 volts and you'll get a longer life out of these batteries so that's the tips you
Channel: Chris Crossed
Views: 166,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebike, e bike, electric bikes, electric bicycle, ebiking, ebikers, ebike riders, riding ebikes, ebike life, ebike style, types of ebikes, AliExpress, step thru battery, XP battery, Lectric XP, Lectric xp 2.0
Id: fsI2w4VtpGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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