Leave The Door Open | Pastor John Gray

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[Music] let me love Timmy when nothing else could help love lifted me [Music] lift it me Debbie when nothing else could have [Music] go ahead and be seated go ahead and be seated love a word that comes and goes but few people really know what it means to really love a love though the tears may fade away I'm so glad your love will stick coz I love you and you show me Jesus what it really mean to [Music] yeah it's the love revival when something is dead or looks dead you can't just shock the brain you have to shock the chest and inside the chest are the lungs that allow the oxygen to get to the different places in the body but the heart has to pump and the issue that we have is the church has a heart condition because the church not this church but they're the global church parts of the church have atrophied and it becomes very cold towards the very people we're trying to reach and we don't have a messaging problem we have a marketing problem because the wrong people have had the mic and they have projected an image of Yeshua that is not in line with the Bible for those who say while you keep saying you're sure well that's his name we call him Jesus it's the same thing but I'm saying it that way out of honor and reverence because I feel that there's something significant that needs to happen in the next 25 minutes I am overwhelmed for the opportunity to be here with pastors Ken and Tabitha Claytor who I believe are two of the greatest gifts anywhere in the body of Christ if you believe that God has positioned them not only here but in Orlando and around the world can we celebrate pastor Ken and Tabitha later [Applause] he's one of the most brilliant communicators of the gospel what are the greatest teachers of the gospel and what I love about him is his example is so fragrant because the life he lives away from this platform gives him authority on it the way he loves his wife and his kids I love him I love him because he's balanced he understands that the house comes first I love him I don't know how many haircare products they have in their house cuz between between his jheri curl and his wife's locs and all them kids they keep wild greens open but what I'm saying is this he's my friend and he's not just my friend in my face he's my friend when nobody's looking and I'll tell you more about that in a minute but I want to talk about this idea this is a love revival and yes yes little baby give that baby some Cheerios or a fruit roll-up or everybody say love revival that guy that's the one you're somebody's pretty loud like he's he ready he got his cross like I love Jesus to Pastor Jones and your lovely bride Nona to my to my family my sister I'm very grateful you guys got world leaders all over this place go to Luke chapter 15 Luke 15 I am gonna ask Pastor Ken if you would prayerfully consider extending my clock by a few minutes since my preliminaries were a little more elongated than I anticipated Luke chapter 15 there's a story here and while you're going there I want to give honor to my bride aventure gray my wife of all mo nine years she's an amazing woman she is the mother of all two of my kids my seven-year-old son and my six-year-old daughter she was going to be with me I shared with the Claytor family that she was going to get on the plane with me but our son had a moment where he said mommy please don't go daddy don't go and and it was something different in his voice and I don't want my son resenting the church because of my assignment so my wife determined that it was better that she stays back and just loves on him so that he doesn't feel abandoned and and so please accept her love to a live church and to you Ken and Tabitha but I love her very much but this love revival thing is messing me up because the church the church needs to wake up to what Jesus intended for his body and what it is he wants us to do if you'll stay with me for a few minutes I think we're gonna go somewhere we might shout at the end but I just want to talk to you all as leaders if you've sewn into this conferenced and I want to give you something to take away if that's all right it's a parable here of a lost son and it starts in the eleventh verse this idea of love the first thing we got to get out of our minds is that love is an emotion emotion is emotion love is love and if you read first Jonathan you know that God is love and so whatever love is it must look like God it must reflect God which is why I tell people that you must hold up the standard of what someone is saying based on how close it is to what God would do so young lady if a young man is trying to pursue you and he's like come on baby let me just let me just get a look come on you know I love you what he's saying is I got you or I will do to you what God would do to you if he were me and if what he's saying doesn't line up with the word then it's not love it's something else I'm just trying to help you don't mistake lust with love don't mistake passion with love they are elements of love but they are not the substance of love for the substance of love is defined by the person of God and so when we deal with love we must deal with an absolute because now we live in the age of live your truth and you can do what you want and live how you want and drink what you want and smoke what you want and and and and define yourself as you want and all of that is fine but what you really need to know is whatever you do there is a consequence if you do right there's consequences if you do wrong there's consequences you can define yourself how you wish but the Word of God is true and every man is a liar this idea of love something that needs to be restored and awakened in our lives and in our marriages and in our homes and in our singleness self-love understanding that you are not defined by the validation of external individuals get free from circumference validation syndrome what is circumference validation syndrome when you need the people around you to constantly applaud you to tell you how great you are or how good you are when you know who you are in Christ Jesus if they applaud great if they don't great but I am NOT moved or defined by the external validation of other people I know who I am I love that the Bible says Jesus didn't commit himself to men for he knew what was in man when he was saying is whether you celebrate me or crucify me I know what my assignment is I know who my father is and I know who I am love love here in the eleventh verse Jesus is speaking a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that falls to me so he divided to them his livelihood and not many days after the younger son gathered all together journey to a far country and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living but when he had spent all there arose a severe famine in that land and he began to be in want then he went and joined himself to a city of that country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine and he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods at the swine eight and no one gave him anything this is one of the moments where I wish that the body of Christ would understand culture context and customs to understand that Jesus is painting a picture an illustration he is the original illustrated sermon master he would he would talk to people in the middle of a field with no microphone and no Facebook page and no Instagram and no social media and thousands of people would show up with no lunch because they knew once he preached he was gonna hook him up with a fish sandwich but this idea that Jesus was able to masterfully communicate truth and to introduce people to the love of a Heavenly Father with no microphone in the field that he had the attention of people he enraptured them in this moment and he took their imagination and brought them into a reality that they could all apply to themselves which makes it fascinating to preachers who try to be above the people they're speaking to you want to be so deep and so big and so bad that no one understands what you're saying what that ain't what Jesus did Jesus understood that I'm talking to farmers and I'm talking to an agricultural society so when I start talking about pigs and swine and pods they would understand what I'm talking about because unclean was the name for the swine you wouldn't even touch it and the fact that you went from being wealthy to living among swine and feeding them and even considering eating what they ate shows the depraved nature of his fall it was not just a fall it was a tremendous saw and he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods to swine ate and no one gave him anything but when he came to himself he said how many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger I will arise and go to my dad and I will say to him daddy I'm sorry I've sinned against heaven and before you and I'm no longer to be worthy to be called your son make me like one of your hired servants and he arose and came to his father but when he was still a great way off his father saw him from a distance and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him and the son said father I've sinned against heaven and in your sight and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son but the father said to his servants bring out the best robe put it on him put a ring on his hand in sandals on his feet bring out the fatted calf the one that's been over there eating all the grass are you playing oh this is crazy kill it and let us eat and be merry for this my son was dead and is alive listen Amy our church he is alive again alive again means he was dead but he's alive again which means somebody refi I kind of held 16 people in this premium church he was he is alive again he was lost and is sound and they began to shout and at the pool and they turned up and they began to be merry is there anybody that will turn up right now before one last person gets found knowing that we need to practice just in case somebody's broken in here they need to know that if they walk to the front in 20 minutes they're going to get a celebration not judgement the title of my message is leave the door open leave the door open Matthew 24 Nona says that in the last days there will be earthquakes wars and rumors of war nation against nation Kingdom against Kingdom pestilences in various places and this is the beginning of birth pains it's funny that Matthew 24 is happening in our lifetime I hope you understand I'm not against enjoying your life and having balance by all means go to the movies enjoy yourself go watch Netflix do that go go to the fair with your kids go watch your team that's finally good again and [Applause] [Applause] I forgot what I was saying there there the end of days is beginning in your lifetime which means of all the generations that have been hungry and waiting for Jesus to crack the sky it could happen in your lifetime y'all are missing the signs there are things that are happening every day that are propelling us towards the end the earth is in tumult nation against nation Kingdom against Kingdom we got drama with Syria drama with China drama with Iran and Russia is doing whatever Russia is doing and the world is not as big as you think we've got to moat in our own government on every branch from our legislative or executive and our judicial and so many people are worried about who's in what office and who's the senator and a representative and who's in the White House and on the Supreme Court I need you to understand that this is not the government that is upon his shoulders the Bible says the government will be upon his shoulders and of his kingdom there will be no end so stop worrying about who's got what power when Jesus said all power and authority has been given to me I need you to get that in your spirit right now Jesus cannot be voted out of office because he is a king and he's still on the throne I wish I had some help in here [Applause] I need a four-second praise break from anybody who knows that God is still in control God is still in control and God is now positioning people to have influence who are believers this is the season oh it just shifted this is a season where God is elevating people who will be uncompromising when you get in front of people in power that you won't sit there and cower down but you'll say what the Lord has put on your heart so you need to be anointed but you also need to be skilled so be excellent in your vocation but be sensitive to the Holy Ghost because God is positioning you to be able to do both why am I saying this because this past weekend I left a room and in that room I prophesied to presidents and I'm sitting there with all of the people that you see on TV and I looked at all of him and I said I don't want to be anybody in this room I'm sitting in here with with President Clinton and and Secretary Clinton and and Denzel is right there and Beyonce and jay-z you're right here and then then all these other Oprah's over there and all of these people and my first assignment after being in the presence of all of them was this my own church didn't get the first fruit of what I just walked out of but this revival did which means whatever is on me now it's supposed to be transferred here now I don't know who's supposed to get it but it needs to be somebody with a kingdom mindset that says there is no room too big for me God is going to open the door for me to walk in and when I walk in whatever is on me is what the room needs I'm not gonna act like I don't belong I absolutely belong in the room I belong on the platform I belong in that place because God has anointed me but you're not getting in those rooms if you don't have love for broken people and you won't get into those positions if you prejudge people based on what you think you know about them help me Holy Ghost cuz even the disciples when Jesus told him go out two by two they came back two of them said listen Jesus they rejected me should we call down fire from heaven on them should we kill them the Bible says Jesus turned and looked them and said you don't know what spirit you're up for the Son of man has come to save men's lives not take them if they're broken why in the world would you just start the conversation you know you've got to go to hell by the way my name is John Gray nice to meet you never saw in this Bible where Jesus saw someone caught in a sin and he broke him further the only time Jesus went off was to religious elite demons Pharisees Sadducees but when she was caught in the act of adultery he was like come on get restored go and sin no more lepers he touched him and then he healed them Oh y'all miss that sea church folk want to get you cleaned up and then take credit but if you're really a part of a live Church then you'll walk with them while they're dead until the name alive becomes a prophetic declaration of who they are I once was dead but now I'm alive I need a price break in this place [Applause] people known today soap they were so mad when you took a picture with this one in that one you just all around them people they not even say well what else am I supposed to do you just want me to sit around church folk all day and be excited about my salvation and wait to die to get to heaven or am i fighting for every soul like somebody fought for mine if it's a love revival then you got to love them when they're unlovable you got to love them when they don't know the song you got a level when they not say you got to love them when they're drinking when they're smoking and when they're lost leave the door open tell somebody leave the door open when I was a little boy I go visit my grandmother sometimes it'll be almost time for folk to go to bed my uncle to stay up I didn't have a key to her house but if I went out she liked don't knock folks sleep but I'm gonna go ahead and leave the door open you come on in you close it behind you getting ready to help somebody in here there was a father he had two sons one of them was faithful one of them was like turn up where's the club what's the club that everybody goes to in the city the what the go room you she said I don't go I just heard about it I just heard some of my friends said it's called the go room I serve here in the parking lot ministry but it was raining so I just came on in it's muddy but it's called the go room that's what I heard but I love Jesus and so that's all I know here's the thing at some point the younger brother was like hey Dad this is nice you hooked us up got a nice house got a lot of money you know what I don't really like this I'm bored sometimes being saved the enemy will whisper to you that this is boring yeah somebody got to be honest with me only got a few minutes but he'll whisper to you look at you look what you miss it everybody said to go wrong but the goal room is to stop you it's designed to catch you off guard catch you slipping you need to be out there look at what all you look at that you'd really want to live holy that girl is fine holiness is dumb don't laugh because I know I'm talking to you you nasty Oh coming here I'll tie her he said give me the portion of goods that falls to me do you understand how disrespectful it is to say to your living father give me my inheritance cuz as of now you're dead to me the father said here take your stuff and he went away and it's funny because when I used to read this I was very judgmental of him we always call this the prodigal son story but it's not because the Bible says that he was caught up in prodigal living how I live is not who I am and I need us to understand that there are people that need the love of the church and the love of the local church and the discipleship of the local church and the celebration of the local church because what they do is not who they are and you and I weren't defined by what we did we were defined by the love that was shed abroad for us seven people that's okay then some of y'all been saved your whole life you never fail you never saying never did anything but for those of us that God had to come get us there's one there's two if God ever had to come get you out of a situation come get you out of a relationship come get you out of bad theology bad thinking a bad habit an addiction if God ever had to come get you then you need to be the loudest one in the room Foca go over there to that stadium and be loud on Saturday for a team that doesn't even know them and then coming here and golf clap your wife while she's prophesying deliverance into the atmosphere we golf clap God but cheer for a football team we need to turn that around and we need to give God a praise for snatching us from the flames of hell snatching our soul from the grave you all know this story about this and caught up in prodigal living I don't want to talk about him I want to talk about what was going on at the house once he left any of y'all ever had a loved one that got caught up in some mess I had a cousin named Rex Rex didn't have the best opportunity he's my my oldest aunts son he was a twin his sister he and his sister were twins and Rex got caught up I don't know all the story I just know he got caught up drugs and bad decisions and fighting for his identity we all went to the same church it's one of them uppity churches I'm glad alive is not like that it was one of those churches that if you shout it too loud that seriously the ushers would come and escort you out because we don't need praise disrupting our regularly scheduled service and isn't that just like the devil to see if your mutual praise in front of the people that need to hear it because we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony you gonna be loud about your devil and will be louder about my Jesus I was a handsome loud sing real loud loud because he was my big cousin he was my father wasn't around and he was the cousin closest in age to me he was cool to me I didn't know what he was struggling with and eventually found out that he was sick this mid to late 90s he got sick and I was HIV positive and by this time I was singing with Kirk Franklin and the family I was a background singer for Kirk Franklin and I remember coming home to Cincinnati one weekend and I was driving in my mama's car down one of the worst streets in the city and I saw my cousin Rex he had on a pink sweater he was killing he was he was slaying he was killing y'all and he had on his pink sweater with pom-poms on the shoulders and he had a clear bag with his clothes in it he was talking to himself and I kept driving in the Holy Ghost said you're gonna drive past your own flesh and blood I'm going somewhere what's the title of the message leave the door see because sometimes you think you graduated from your own family we real quick to be missionaries to Africa but we won't even speak to our cousin you go to Thailand but won't go across the street to your aren't we quick to forgive everybody except the people in our own house you shouting here but won't speak to somebody on the other side and you think God honors them I turned the car around I said Rex get in the car and the smell of his journey help me holy ghost I'm trying to get through it because if you don't if you've never been with somebody when they're at their lowest and this won't apply to you but Jesus was making it clear that this young man had had reached the lowest point I said Rex where you going he said I'm going to the laundromat can you take me by the way do you have any money I need some quarters back then they still had the coin laundry I don't know now you got to swipe or put your brain on it and they did you know I had a $10 bill and got some change gave him quarters and he was still talking to himself and and and and I said I love you he said I love you too john-john and he got out a couple months later he started going downhill they put him in Hospice my mother was praying praying over him on his bed now I told you we went to this kind of uppity Church and she would bring him to church people knew his story because you know people love to see you broken they won't say nothing but they talking about you when you you fall don't ask me how I know told you I'm getting ready to go there if they're gonna get free I'm gonna get free in front of y'all but let me they would look at a neighborhood whispers my mom sit right here sit right here and sit right here next to me how can you graduate from grace how can you look at broken people and be so cold in your heart that they don't fit your Country Club mentality and you don't let them in we need a revival clear we need to rub the paddles of grace and mercy and put it on the chest of the broken clear because he cleansed us from our sins and as far as the East is from the West he cashed our sins and remembers them no more clear I'm trying to help somebody because when he got up we got up clear trying to help somebody there's still not a post I wish somebody would understand that we've got to keep pushing on the chest of the broken until they realize that greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world and I'm gonna walk with you till you get up clear I need somebody to hear what I'm saying they were judging him because of what they saw but what they didn't see that is he was abused when he was a little boy abandoned by his father even abandoned by his mother who was in the same house but didn't have anything to do with him and so he had to fend for himself and church people are very quick to throw people away that don't fit in the safe church box there's a lot I could say right there but I'm gonna leave it alone but as he was dying my mother prayed said Rex why don't you go ahead and give your life to Jesus he loves you right here right now and on his deathbed kenchi led him to Jesus and so this pink sweater wearing hiv-positive sexually miscreant by the standards of church in society gave his life at the last possible moment people are so quick to throw folk away but you don't remember that Jesus stopped dying on the cross to save the thief next time leave the door oh you don't know when God's gonna save somebody so don't judge them just leave the door open leave the door open because you don't know when the Holy Ghost is gonna get ahold to somebody how many of y'all got kids in here how long would it take for you to give up on one of yours imagine while the Sun is out there living how he wants imagine the father if you a real father you don't ever really get good sleep if one of your kids is out there and you don't know where they are I'm trying to help somebody in here even now my daughter and I don't let my kids sleep over folks house I don't know people either who's coming over there who's gonna stay where I need to know everybody not know other adults I don't know them they nasty no cuz I will in your life if you mess with one of mine I'm just saying I'm saved but I will go to jail and I'm cool I don't sleep good if they with family but imagine your child is out there living how they want you don't know what's going on imagine when they're setting the table and if your father hey put another plate daddy but why just in case your brother comes now see if I was TD jakes in the church with a shout it right then you gotta set the table oh yeah somebody needs to don't put the plate away comes the story tabatha doesn't say how long the son was living his own life he thought he was living his best life but the premise of the story is however long he was out there the father was still thinking about it Oh help me Holy Ghost every night cuz in this culture when when the Sun Goes Down you locked the door nobody gets in when he went to sleep leave the door open father anybody could come in yeah but your brother could too you want to keep people out of them doors but you didn't die for anybody leave them doors open I don't care who walks through the door I don't care if they smell like we crack liquor and last night leave the door open because the love of Jesus will do what judgment could never do leave the door open religion says shame on you relationship says shame off you and this church exists to fight for souls it doesn't matter who you are and I know I know the heart of your pastor see because it's easy to preach about the prodigal son and it's easy to be shaking your head until you the one on the outside y'all just gonna tape the whole thing you could get the DVD after church I'm going over here you ain't even don't find me I was about to throw my life away two years ago because of unresolved pain I was abused as a child find upstairs neighbor four years old never healed so I don't trust anybody including my wife and because I saw myself broken I started trying to communicate with people who reminded me of me but what's funny is they knew who I was when I didn't and they saw my brokenness as an opportunity for their come up be careful who you can fight in see people think Delilah is a sexual spirit it's not it's a trust spirit Samson told her his secret I'm just trying to help y'all I can fight it in the wrong person because I was willing to throw everything away because the pain was so great who leaves their father's house and squandered their inheritance if they're right in their mind no one would do what he was broken and while we're judging the prodigal the reason why the Bible was written is not for you to look at them and say pour them it's for you to find yourself and until you see yourself in the story you haven't been reading properly but I was the outsider who was trying to throw it all away but my friend came to check on me he got on a plane his name is Ken claytor first one are you all right I love you God is with you he's not forgotten what's going on in your world let's get you healthy let's get you home this is a year and a half ago when I was like I want to throw ministry away I want to be a preacher I don't want to do none of this I want to be um I want to be invisible and anonymous he said that is not who you are and he would have never told you out there so I'm telling you because he's such a real friend you wouldn't have never known that he was there in the pods with me I don't want friends and Sandip out in the palace find me friends that's in the pods that's my friends when everybody else was slamming doors he was like you can come here you can heal up we're gonna fight for you I'm like I don't want to be nothing I don't know how to be a husband I don't know how to be a father he said it is and you greater you're greater than this moment you're better than this moment I don't want to make this real clear in my worst moment he grabbed me and put his hands on me when everybody else was walking the other way which is why if there's ever a time that you call him a be terror God used him to show me mercy and grace and here's what's deep almost all the stuff people were saying was a lie I ain't never slept with nobody but my wife but church folk we're the ones that took the lie and said it my point is this if you ever find yourself on the outside and I pray you never do but if you do you at the right church [Applause] how many sleepless nights did the father have waiting on his boy to come home how many nights did he sit on the porch just looking some of y'all don't notice I don't care what you've done or what you're doing your heavenly father is just looking waiting for you the Bible says he came to himself dirty filthy but what he smelled like in what he looked like didn't change what he was it is DNA cuz I'm still a son whether you see it or not I'm still a daughter whether you recognize it or not the dirt doesn't change my DNA Oh what I'm covered in doesn't change my DNA Bible says he would have been unrecognizable to most but when it's yours you know who they are oh yes you do anybody got anybody who's ever put their child at Chuck E Cheese and you heard them crying over everybody else God can hear your cry your cries distinct and your father can hear you and he's coming to get you leave the door open the Bible says he saw him he said that's my son and before he could open his mouth the father ran to him he didn't say go find the cow he said kill the fatted calf which means he had been preparing for his son to come back I don't know who you are or what you've been through but the father has been waiting and preparing for you to come back he's got a ring he's got a robe he's got sandals and he's got a cab and it's time to turn up because this is the love revival and if you were dead you can now be alive in Christ Jesus and it doesn't matter what you've done or how long you've done it God has left the door open and this is the finding characteristic of love that we leave the door open because you don't know when you'll need to walk through heads bowed eyes closed [Music] father I pray for all the people of God that are here thank you for the lives of every person that is under the sound of my voice the lesson from the son caught up in prodigal living is that no matter what he did or how he tried to define himself or run from his own calling in his own identity he had a father that was unwilling to let him go even restoring him to fellowship in relationship which he could not have done in this culture on his own the father had to pay for him to come back into fellowship he said my son who was dead is now alive father I thank you that a live church exists to bring people who are broken and disconnected and feel marginalized into a safe place where they can encounter the Holy Spirit and wise counsel and and biblically accurate teaching I pray in the name of Jesus that tonight you will win souls father I pray all week that the door would stay wide open and that the love of Christ would compel young men and young women into the presence of the Jesus who died for them saved him and on the day of atonement which is tomorrow a shadow of what Jesus had to do because the Bible says in Leviticus you are to afflict your soul but what God did is he put our punishment on Jesus which means we're good with God he put our punishment on Jesus and it Bible says it pleased the Lord to bruise him he chose to beat Jesus so he wouldn't have to beat us he chose to turn on Jesus in the way a lo I love our my Donnie my God my God why have you forsaken me well Jesus is he's our you for three days or them for all eternity and I chose them love in action the blood of Jesus has left the door open jesus said I'm the door of the Sheep Oh help me Holy Ghost the door is open because Jesus arms are still wide open if you're here tonight and you need to give your life to Jesus if you need to go ahead and say God it's me I need to get it right with you if you need to get saved or you want to rededicate you want to be a member of this church heads bowed and eyes closed if I'm talking to you and you need to get it right with Jesus on the count of three I want you to lift your hands one two three I see hands all over this place heads bowed and eyes closed keep your hands up keep your hands up if you want to rededicate or you want to be a member of a life where you need to get saved for the first time you put your hand up meet me at the front of this altar right now come right now we're gonna celebrate as you come right now don't be ashamed don't be afraid come to this come to the front say I'm getting it right I'm rededicating I'm recommit II I'm giving my life to Jesus the door is open leave the door there were more hands don't be ashamed whether you're saying I'm recommitting or I'm letting some stuff go I'm getting free and I'm never looking back leave the door open there were other hands don't be afraid is there anybody else [Music] come on let's celebrate there others who need to know if they come up here for any reason God is celebrating them rededication salvation could it be a part of a live church the reason why I'm loud pastor Ken is because I know how much blood it took to save me the reason why I preach every message like it might be my last is because it might be the only chance somebody has to hear the truth so I got a preach it like it's my last time [Applause] and when I was ready to throw my whole life away God threw me a lifeline my friend came to check on me you know how many preachers are committing suicide now because people think somehow we got a secret sauce that you don't have but the devil do any of us preachers will tell you the enemy will always come and say you're unworthy you don't deserve the mic here's the truth I know but he made me worthy who God called he also qualified so you don't make me preach the devil take it up with God and I need to say this is somebody else stop letting the devil talk you talk back it is written it is written it is written and then when you get finished get behind me Satan to every pastor and leader that's here you're exactly where God's called you for this moment in time you have the anointing for the region you're in and may the lord give you the strength and internal fortitude to keep pressing forward in spite of obstacles let me be the example from the guy everybody used to invite I still get invites now but in that season when everybody thought that it was over God says I just needed to show you that whether you are based and abound you need to be content in all things can you worship now when nobody thinks it can you worship now when nobody's checking for you am I still good am I still God and here's the other thing can you take responsibility for the areas where you failed instead of blaming other people and blaming Devils yes God I can he said then you've learned the lesson let me clean you up let me give you a ring let me give you a rope let me give you a mic and Here I am the night before the day of atonement speaking at a live church and it was raining on the way and if there's rain then that means there's harvest [Music] so my time is up but your worship needs to get started leave the door open no matter who they are leave the door open no matter what they've done leave the door open no matter how long it takes leave the door open let the Holy Ghost save soul but let us love people until the work is finished man wasn't that a great and amazing message by Pastor John Gray now if you accepted Jesus Christ for the first time today or you recommitted your life we just want to connect with you so text the words saved to the number on the screen and we would want to celebrate with you and welcome you to the family now many of you have reached out to us can ask how you continue to give during this time and so we want to encourage you that you can go to my alive church org /give or text the word give and the amount to eight four three two one and those are ways that you continue to be generous in this time we want to thank you so much for being a part of our service today we can't wait to see you next week
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 6,487
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: jW5tjxa_oO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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