Get The Door | Lakewood Church

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[Applause] I'm a way for y'all to finish giving your offering and your tithes I want to say hello to everybody who was watching online we love you we are grateful that you are connected and I believe that the word that's getting ready to be released is for you in your household as well so turn the volume up turn your Netflix off DVR your favorite program because the Holy Ghost is about to come into your house your dog is about to be filled with the Holy Ghost when you are finished with your offering I'd like you to do me a favor and I'd like you to give God a pre-emptive crazy praise in expectation of the world all it'll take us 10 to 15 seconds if you are a first second or third time visitor feel no obligation but if you are still on that word from last week if you still feel God telling you to put your hands up if God has done a miracle for you in the last seven days I want to see a couple of hands of some things to folk that have seen something supernatural break out in your life I know you're already high-fived a couple people how about two more people and just tell them I'm hi I'm Heidi Steve she had her hand up you didn't even gonna play her some 24 starting at the seventh verse says this lift up your heads oh you gaze and be lifted up you everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in who is this King of glory the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battle lift up your heads o you gates lift up you everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in who is this King of glory the Lord of Hosts he is the king of glory say live it means pause think about it for a minute revelation chapter three seven and eight and to the Angel of the church in Philadelphia write these things who is holy he who is true he who has the key of David he who opens and no one shuts and shuts and no one opens I know your works see I have set before you an open door and no one no one know no enemy no family member no habit no hater no one can shut it for you have a little strength have kept my word and have not denied my name Revelation chapter 3 19 to 22 as many as I love I rebuke and chasten therefore be zealous and repent behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me Jesus wants to come eat some food with you to him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne as I also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne doors three scriptures everlasting doors then we have open doors right and then he says if anyone hears my voice and opens the door so there's there some doors that you got to speak to than there some doors you got to grab I'm going somewhere stay with me there's another scripture I just want you to grab this little part now about that time is this Acts chapter 12 verse 1 now about that time Herod the King stretched out his hands to to harass some in the church if anybody's messing with your piece anybody's messing with your joy anybody messing with your family if the devil's just coming after you you need to be encouraged this word is for you Herod couldn't stand this thing called Christianity so he started killing Christians second verse he killed James the brother brother of John with the sword because he saw that it pleased the Jews he proceeded to seize Peter also and it was during the days of unleavened so when he had arrested him he put him in prison and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him intending to bring him before the people after Passover he was going to wait till their big church service said he was going to kill Peter he was going to either behead him like he did James or he was going to get the kid crucified Peter was therefore kept in prison watch this but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church there's power in prayer I know we're not used to prayer meeting when I was growing up they had prayer meeting was Tuesday night and it was normally to church mothers in there and they had the longest skirts in the world and they still had an oily over the kneecap you couldn't see they kneecaps you just knew they had kneecaps but they were they were too holy to show you meet a barely showed you ankle and and so prayer meeting was sparsely attended you might have 15 good Saints in prayer meeting now when there was food or there was a picnic everybody would come people we hadn't ever seen they didn't even come at Christmas but let somebody put some ribs on a grill and let there be some uno cards and all of a sudden everybody get saved but there's something about prayer that moves God's heart and also puts the devil on the run somebody say constant prayer constant prayer was being offered by the church and when Herod was about to bring him out to kill him that night so I'd say that night need you to catch this man Zachary this is that night some of y'all caught I'm gonna rewind I'm gonna come over here I'm not preaching a general message I'm preaching a message for somebody to get free tonight somebody's about to get a breakthrough tonight somebody's miracle is here tonight and I believe that God is about to release a word that in the next 15-20 minutes what you've been needing to hear what you needed released in your life is going to be released not tomorrow but so can somebody give God a praise watch this in here Peter was sleeping I need not to get killed and he's a I might as well get a good night's rest if they don't kill me in the morning do you know how much faith it takes to go to sleep I don't know who this is for but you need to take a nap I don't care what's going on in your life you need to take a nap I don't know what they're gonna do my bills you know it was just blessed garden Lord although what you gonna do you see you in the morning yeah cuz he weeping indoors for the night button I'm trying to help somebody in here we gonna start this thing up in here tonight he was sleep bound with two chains sorry I didn't know rappers were in the Bible that's amazing he was bound with two chains between two soldiers and there was a guard before the door there's another door Scott there's always a door to enemies always guarding the door because he knows if you ever understood what was on the other side of the door he wouldn't ask permission you push him out to some stuff you don't have to move out the way some of y'all below - too nervous scary guys looking for some some bad some some folk God forgiving somebody to just pump the dead get up wait devil get behind me devil get out the way and my purpose devil get out the way of my door stop asking permission from Devils don't get what God has for you eat that devil out the way stop worrying about what people are saying what they're plotting what they're planning it doesn't matter it's not their door I feel if I said your praise right right there that night he was sleeping between two Chang's with two soldiers and a guard by the door now behold an angel of the Lord stood by him and the light shone in the prison watch this and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up and said arise quickly translation get up man and it's changed fell off his hands I don't know if you realize what I just said you might have come in I don't know what your bondage is I don't know what your issues were but to make something point and you'll say there that's why you can lift your hands cuz they change their color can somebody give God a chain breaking free the angel said gird yourself and put on your sandals and he said put on your garment and follow me now the whole time Peter thought this was a dream long story short let's get down let's get down to the twelfth verse when he had considered this he came to the house of Mary the mother of John whose surname was mark and many were gathered together praying and that's Peter knocked at the door a girl named Rhoda anybody named Rhoda in here is your name Rhoda stand up Rhoda Roeder a miracle just hit your house you've been faithful you've been praying you've been serving you've been sowing and the blessing is that just for you and sprinkle whole family and God has unlocked it this night and the lever that is next to you it touched him as well and anybody on that road because when God blesses he doesn't localize the blessing anybody near you gets blessed and the people who celebrate you can't bless [Applause] I need a crazy praise break from the front then our miracles breaking out in this room we interrupt this regularly scheduled service to declare that the miracles have arrived the Bible says Peter not Rhoda Caden the answer when she recognized Peter's voice she was so glad she didn't even open the gate they had been praying the answer arrived she got so excited she forgot to open the door she runs in and tells the rest of the people who are still praying for Peter to get delivered Peter's at the door the same girl hush that's crazy father we pray right now said Peter free Jesus loose here definite let it go I'm telling you he's at the hush it's not him we're praying leave us alone I came to announce that what you've been praying for Fendi on which they can understand what I'm saying what you've been praying for us the title of my messages get the door you ever been comfortable in your house eating your food everything that's right to play this hot you got your bread you got your Hawaiian rolls you warned you for about 12 seconds in the microwave you got your food right you got your lemonade with a little bit of sweet tea you know some of y'all are vegans whatever so you drink that free water and whatever rice cakes whatever you do bless your heart everything's right you watching wheel of fortune you know that you know the puzzle you know it don't ask for tea don't ask for tea next person gets it and and and and then you get knock on the door it's inconvenient because you're living your regularly scheduled life but I need you to open the door because God is about to interrupt your life with your destiny that's your destiny at the door that's answered prayers at the door tell somebody get the door lift up your heads o ye gates be lifted up ye everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in God sent me here too to let somebody know who has the faith to believe and this is a prophetic word that there have been doors that have been shut you couldn't get in if you tried and they're not just regular doors they're everlasting doors stuff that people in your family been believing for generation grandmama had faith for it didn't happen in her lifetime mama had faith for it didn't happen yet here it is and it's in your generation and God says now I don't know who this is for but I believe it's for somebody but what you've been waiting on is not coming later it's coming but there are some things that require a push in the spirit and it says lift up your head only gates the word gates is symbolic of principalities powers authorities rulers that have been trying to hold your destiny hostage and the declaration was lift up your heads o ye gates which means get out of the way daesil God is looking for some people that will declare in the atmosphere for the spiritual hindrances that have been attacking you to get out of the way now I know you want to act like you're sophisticated and you're not weird so you don't want to say things out loud but you can live your regularly scheduled life or you can go after the supernatural life and you can start speaking into the atmosphere and say I find every pebble every word every witch everyone every curse open heaven Oh [Music] we everlastin towards gates and doors now in ancient cities you needed both you needed both Trey you needed both you needed a big old fence big old wall and you needed us take meeting because you didn't want the enemy to get in challenge is the same laws that keep the enemy from getting in also stops provision from getting in that's why I like this scripture it says lift up your head only gates and be he lifted up ye everlasting doors who's coming in the king of some of us have been hiding behind walls self-imposed walls rooted in fear we don't want anybody getting in we want nothing going out we have learned to live isolated but God is saying I'm getting ready to lift up not only the gates but everlasting doors and it's for the King of glory God is about to bring his glory into areas of your life that have been shut off for years some of you have suffered a major heartbreak and you said you'll never love again I declared before the end of this year the love you thought was M we'll be knocking on the door of your heart and your heart will have healed enough to receive it is there anybody that believes God for that everlasting doors those are doors that cannot be opened by natural means there are some doors you need to speak to you need somebody to speak to that you need to speak to it and some of y'all you you you are at a crossroads in your spiritual development to play it safe and play it cool and or you can start declaring the Word of God out loud at weird times and locations walking past the bag you gonna give me alone thinking like what nothing I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the bank maybe you have a spouse that's not on fire for God just walk home you are filled with the Holy Ghost just walk put a little oil on on your finger just girl what is she doing nothing he watches her bossy [Applause] what's wrong with you you got a TIG no I got Jesus and you better get into [Applause] there are some things that have been held up in the spirit that God has declared the time for it to be released is right there are a couple of people in here right who are in this service that God did a right now miracle God did it right now miracle right can you just you'll have to tell him you can just put your hand up and testify that he did but right now miracle I just okay so let me tell you all about Peter because because Peter was getting ready to die Herot was gonna make an example of him because he was allowed Christian he was an unapologetic Christian and what better way to instill fear in the baby Christians than to kill one of the leaders see the reason why so much comes against you is because of what you carry see there are some people that have popularity you got influence I wish I could help I like that ma'am I don't know what that is but that was awesome she just rounded up did you hear what I said there are people who have Authority then there are people who have influence as parents you have authority over your kids they don't want to dress like you they want to dress like the people that they are influenced by so you can have the money to buy the clothes and you have the authority to say yes or no but the influence for their choices comes from their peer group the reason why the devil can't stand you is because whether you know it or not so many people are watching you and secretly admiring you it's not hate they don't know what to say why don't she speak she can't speak she doesn't know what to say she's trying to figure out who you are and what is that light that's on you and they never understood that it's something God is doing he's using you to draw people to him some people don't know what to say so they say nothing but you have influence stop selling yourself short stop minimizing your anointing stop walking around afraid be everything God created you to be walk in there with Joe Bible in your computer don't be ashamed of Jesus everybody talking about the latest power episode at the water cooler why don't you tell them where the real power is tell somebody get the door Peter pastor Clayton he was he was as good as dead it was over it was like a red rose rifle he was gone and what did he decide to do I'm going to sleep [Music] he didn't take it nap because the Bible said he had his garment off he had to put on his garment and his gird his loins that maybe took his pants off he was just in his boxers in jail shoes out feet smelling like vinegar corn chips and middle eastern prison justice but while he sleep in the church was praying I want to encourage you why you've been worrying somebody's been praying and God heard their prayers and he's sending an angel to come unlocked the door and get the chains off of you some of the stuff is generational it's coming off of you it's coming out of you things that have been held up are being loose you're about to get free and you're about to give birth you're about to produce fruit God is giving you double for your trouble summer God even get excited I said double for your trouble the pastor Johnny some things require an immediate response when God prompts you you got to move right then so tell somebody right now vassilisa this was deep to me the Bible says the angel the light shown in the prison the angel came he didn't gently caress his face mama Dodi you know in the movies the Angels always come up fear not for the Lord is with thee wherever how Cullis this angel was from the fifth war he had treads and a crimp [Applause] he rolled in on some twenty fours sitting on spinners some of my suburban like what is that I don't even but I don't even know what our spinners that's a group from the 70s I really like the angel didn't gently caress him he didn't nudge him on the shoulder the Bible says he struck him we got the code none of this messes with me because if God is setting me free why do I have to rush because some miracles are time-sensitive Thank You danger nobody else please did you hear what I said some miracles are time sensitive that's why you had to get here tonight do about 14 minutes away about 13 minutes and 57 seconds away get that four minutes away that angel struck him on the side said get dressed you don't have any time to waste you have a limited time to get through the door and the only way to door was open is because somebody else was praying you need to you need to intensify your prayers over the next seven days because there is a supernatural door that is about to open and it is time-sensitive literally you gotta as soon as you hear God say now get up and get dressed in if he says drive out to the neighborhood now touch the house now walk to the bank now get to the store now don't get your business license now get your spouse's right now put the oil on the kids now go to the college go to the financial aid office now go now now now there's a time-sensitive miracle the door is open but you gotta get over [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I feel the Holy Ghost there were other prisoners Cindy in the prison but only Peter got free because it was his door there's some people who can't stand you and they've been watching your life and they're gonna see the door and they gonna try to get through because they know if it happens for you it's got to be good but God is telling you move quick so by the time they get up I wish I had some jumpers in here I had a couple spinners and then give me rowdy was in the back I see water way in the back high five at the house high five at the house oh man oh man oh laughs this is why you can't get upset with the people that got cut what he's doing in this season he's doing suddenly he's moving folks suddenly relationships turn overnight suddenly it was perfect and then it wasn't suddenly and it's not the devil is God getting you free because even if they look good there a chain some chains are attractive but they're still changed some chains feel good but they're still chains some chains are familiar but they're still trains and God is sending his work to statues [Applause] tell somebody it's my door this is so important doors are for three things you got to write this down this big for you Steve Oh doors are for assignment alignment and announcement actually assignment alignment an appointment how many ladies are here get their hair done if you don't get your head just tell a story in here I'm sorry Jesus yes yes your ear just like you love you let me ask you something I don't care what you got going on if you have a good hairdresser you better be on time am i talking right if your appointment is at 5:00 and you show up at 6:15 you might miss yours but it's funny because women don't often miss hair appointments and it's spiritually because the Bible says the glory of a woman is in her head you don't even know it but what you're really saying is I don't want to miss the glory but if you could take what was natural and translated to the Spirit God is saying if I could get you to understand woman of God Who I am making you who I am fashioning you to be if you've understood that the appointment is not for an external expression but an internal work if you understood that I'm trying to produce glory out of you that I'm getting you there's an appointment scheduled oh my god I'm trying to help somebody in here the doors are for alignment assignment and a point the doors got is opening now our doors of alignment the things that have been incongruent in your life they're gonna start working themselves out but then their doors for it's time to tell somebody my assignment area but it's my assignment say that's my something you know don't get mad at me when I walk through my door it's my daughter I want you to walk through your door because my door is my assignment people didn't understand that still don't understand how could you walk through certain doors that's my son everybody's assignment is different that's why you got to get an alignment God what are you saying what's the purpose and then let me walk through my door the frustration in your life is you keep trying to bring people through your door that don't sit your assignment they don't sit and it ain't about size it's about fission it's about purpose if they don't have the right purpose vision then they don't need to be walking through your tour doors are for assignment alignment and appointment Psalm 102 and 13 you will arise and have mercy on Zion for the people of God for the time to favor her yes the set time has come tell somebody it's time and it ain't just time it's the set time I wish I could get you to understand what I just declared you just stepped in to the set time the door has been opened and it was open by Jesus himself assignment alignment and appointment I have an appointment that's my door I'm gonna walk through my door and everything on the other side of that door has my name on it anybody ever expected a package at the house but you knew that you had to be at the house because they weren't just gonna leave it at the door you had anybody in here gone through too much to just leave your miracle at the door now I'ma wait right here till I see the Lord bringing it I'm gonna open the door myself I've cried two minutes no bringing it outside nobody else no that's the wrong house this house that miracle is from me am I talking to more than 247 people that are responded so they grabbed these principles because doors do a couple of things doors draw distinction demarcation and destination doors draw distinction demarcation and destination every house has a different door my house is distinct my calling is distinct therefore the door that I walk through is distinct don't let people treat your door common because they don't understand your journey I believe that there are some people in here you're in a relationship with somebody who treats you common and they say things like don't get too big for your britches don't get ahead of yourself oh you think you all of that those are the people you need to say goodbye to in this season because you are all of that and the bag of chips and some seasoned crab legs with the drawn butter and the potatoes [Applause] thank God receiving and I'm hungry they'll get this big faster I don't fast I slow stop letting people talk you down from the miracle you are you are distinct and stop letting people paint over your door don't let people imprint their their biases prejudices and insecurities onto your door you're distinct stop dumbing it down and minimizing who you are being less artistic and less creative and less funny you're not allowed to tell all your dreams because you're afraid of how they're going to respond why are you limiting yourself to people who can't see you getting treats from these people the Bible says the fear of man is a snare don't be afraid of anybody in this season God has made you distinct that's where you got to be careful who you let in your house the door is the doorway to your house your house is your heart and your heart is a house of love wait a minute that's a movie as five heartbeats of y'all didn't catch that Oh daddy we gonna watch it tonight baby when we go out if they never see that movie is good office hours are from 9:00 - okay let me get back you got to be careful John who you let in your house because you paid too much for your house don't let people who treat your your journey and your miracle come and walk into your house and leave your door oh they don't know what's valuable in your house they'll just let people come in and treat your holy things cometh your heart is not common your tears are not common your journey is not common so don't let people walk through a distinct door treating you like trash when I was growing up my grandmother my mother paid for my grandmother to get central air used to have fans just put the fans in the window any better remedy some of the kids here like what's a fan anyway just y'all get on my nerves we remember just putting fans in the window to blow more hot air in some of us had those ghetto heaters in the winter they were so high you kept the window open in winter anyway anyway it's another sermon but when she got central air she made sure that people closed that door because what was inside was so valuable that we didn't just want it escaping it costs too much let somebody lead at door but in that air conditioner running you better close that door you letting all my good air God is saying some of y'all have left your doors hopeful and too many people are receiving the fragrance of your hard work but if putting nothing in on it you need to close the doors turn off the phone say bye-bye start covering yourself because you letting all your good air so doors are for distinction demarcation and destination demarcation mean you draw a line in the sand tell somebody to draw a line tell somebody that you need to draw a line in this season when you understand your value you're not gonna let people cross the line I love you but you're not gonna say whatever you want to say to me I'm anointed you're not gonna just do whatever you you're not gonna treat me any kind of way I Know Who I am the lamb is in the sand you crossed the line this relationship is over this friendship is over bless you as you go but I'm not putting up with people who don't understand my value there is a line in the sand goddess over the door for my life and then finally adores for destination tell somebody I'm going somewhere see in this season the doors not to get to another room it's to get to another dimension I'll say it again for people who have faith you're known for one thing God's about to release favor for you in another thing I said they've known you for one thing but they're about to release favor God's gonna release favor in another thing they just think you wanted a nice people that comes to work every day they don't know that you have a multi-billion dollar business in your mind and in your heart and before 2018 is over God is gonna establish what was impossible last year who will walk through the door this year you get ready to get yes you're getting ready to get invited you get ready to make the team you get ready to get the scholarship you get ready to get that promotion you're getting ready to get the resources God's about to open the door because he can trust you once you walk through it God says I'll establish you if you promise to give me glory so then don't wait to give him glory give him glory right now I see you mama that show baby and you still giving bull she got the baby on her lap and she's still give it glory don't let her get glory by herself there's some people that God is trusting you in the door that nobody else could walk through it is a door a favor a door of influence a door of increase a door of power adora prominence a door of authority a door that unlocks multi generational wealth it is a door that only you could walk through that's why you had to live the life you live what's the friends who lost and lost the relationships you lost because God had to take you through world he loves you too much Matt to make sure you were ready what's he open the dog lift up your head oh he hates me pit up ye everlasting to [Applause] Devil's will trough see stone they gonna try they gonna try they try they gonna try it bread when are they gonna try me it gets nervous Scottie when the devil's looking at your blessings through the fence you know people are looking may not even say that they always somewhere just while she got all how come he got that I can't stand him you couldn't stand me before I had this is a season God is just showing you who everybody is God showed me who everybody is if you couldn't celebrate me now Oh God just show just just marketer like that lady on but here's why I'm not afraid Scott of Devil's speaking through defense because when job and Satan were having a conversation God said you considered my servant job is it does he fear God for nothing you put a hedge of protection around all he has which means the enemy was walking around the fence and he was looking for a way here what the Holy Ghost told me two days ago he said Devils can't climb fences they can look all day but they can't climb into your blessing the devil has not been given permission to touch your miracle so they can look all day but they can't touch this I wish I had a MC Hammer dancer pant on right now because you can't touch it I pray too much I've cried too much I've been exceeded too much and you can look all you want you can hate all you want but you can't touch what God has ordained for me that's my door that's my miracle it's my time take tested kay tested [Applause] [Music] stop it holy goes cold so hard make me say oh all right stand up give God okay touch this prayers if you know the enemy can't put his hand on anything that God has put I tell you to give God I can't touch this prick I dare you to find somebody on your road and worship [Applause] he can't touch your miracle you rejoice your miracles not going anywhere you put a smile on your face the door is open saver is on you everybody did what you do you would still get the job cuz you've not safe [Applause] I know it's late and you gotta get your kids ready for school hey but tonight God is open the door so you might as well breathe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] father the door is open the time is now doors are for assignment alignment and appointment doors draw distinction demarcation and one more destination Thank You pastor Craig because the destination is the set place where the influence and the authority that I've been gifted will be necessary God is not wasting your experiences in places and people who couldn't receive it he's putting you in rooms you couldn't walk in if you tried only God could do it that's why only God can get the glory father bless this church and those watching online I declare by the power of your spirit that tonight when we leave this church some of us don't get in the car roll my windows down and start praising some of us I don't blow our horns in the parking lot i double-dog dare you if the Astros won the World Series and the Rockets won the NBA title which they will this year John would be screaming blowing horns gone confetti but the miracle you've been waiting on and the door that's been held up the devil had to let it go and I love this we're praying in the answer was at the door [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] see this world and unlock miracles for every person and every family in this church and those watching online if you were here you've never given your life to Jesus this is what I want you to do this is gonna take 15 seconds if you don't have to leave them you've never given your life to Jesus where you need to rededicate your life to Jesus on the count of three you remain standing everybody else sit down 1 2 3 Salvation Bream dedication [Applause] [Music] God is doing miracles locking doors I see the card is unlocking doors [Applause] welcome home my man welcome home sis come on if somebody experienced and they shake their head telephone call while you're standing I want you to say this prayer Lord Jesus it's me I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord thank you for the blood that paid for my sins you are my Savior and my lord my life is new and I thank you that I'm walking through the open door not by my works but by your blood and then empty toe it is so in Jesus name Amen we believe if you prayed that simple prayer you just got saved [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John Gray Ministries
Views: 42,224
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Id: lfAJYp3Say8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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