HOW TO perform a TAKE-OFF in a BOEING 747? Explained by CAPTAIN JOE

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dear friends and followers welcome back to my channel and lovely greetings from the fly 747 simulator here in benheim near Frankfurt Germany captain olle and I want to show you in this video how to perform a takeoff with this beautiful 747 simulator we'll focus on the procedure the FMA mode changes and Sops to familiarize yourself what is actually happening behind the scenes during a takeoff today's video is brought to you by fly 747 believe me when I say this is the best privately owned 747 flight simulator I have ever sat in all switches and buttons are original as the cockpit used to be an actual Boeing 747 which olle had cut off and then converted into this beautiful Sim so if you are preparing for your next Sim check or Airline assessment or if you just want to experience a fun flight with Ollie into 747 go and check out his website in the description box below okay let's get right to it so olle and I have lined up and run with 31 left at JFK airport there's going to be a leftand seat takeoff meaning Captain Ole is the pilot flying and I'm his Pilot monitoring so during this takeoff I want you to better understand the flight mode annunciations you will see on the PF now throughout the takeoff and the initial climb phase they will change and I need you to understand what they mean so as we look at our PFD we have the aluto throttle modes on the upper left hand corner in the middle you have the roll modes and on the right the pitch modes So currently in this picture they are all green which indicates that this mode is engaged below you see in white LNF and vnf indicating these modes are armed and when a green box appears this shows that there has been a mode change so let's go to the starting position we have no Auto throttle mode engaged at the moment as Ole hasn't Advanced the thrust leevers yet yet then we have toga so take off and go around for the roll mode now this means that the flight directors will command Wings level and in our case lnav is in white meaning it is armed to guide us along the departure route as soon as we are airborne next to that we have the pitch mode which is also in toga and this will help you after rotation to aim for 15° pitch but more than that in a minute so we now have our takeoff clearance and olle has released a parking brake and then he will say my controls and I will respond your controls and olle will reply setting takeoff thrust and I will say checked as he advances the thrust lever to 60% then momentarily allows the engines to stabilize and then pushes the toga switches by doing so he activates the auto throttle system now you as the pilot monitor can see that on the FMA thrust ref has become the active mode as indicated by the green box around thrust ref so what is thrust ref thrust ref is the reference thrust limit you have calculated on your onboard Performance Tool and then inserted into the FMC on the thrust limit page during the B4 start procedure so in our example we selected derated takeoff thrust with an assumed temperature of 40° giving us a reference thrust limit of 10.6% on N1 as you can see on the upper IAS meaning as Ole pushes the toga switches the thrust levers will automatically advance to 10.6% N1 and not more at the same time Ole puts some forward pressure on the control column by doing so you increase the nose will steering Effectiveness is especially during strong crosswind and after CG conditions simultaneously Ole is using the rudder to maintain on the rway center line and a yoke hence the aerons to keep the wings level during acceleration we will focus on R and Aeron inputs during crosswind takeoffs in another video okay now we can see the air speed is gaining on the speed tape with a trend indication going in the right direction now the first Mod change happens at 65 knots by now thrust rev has advanced the thrust levers to the required setting and then switches to hold mode once hold enunciates the auto throttle cannot change thrust lever position anymore but you as the pilot can move them manually at the same time it protects against thrust lever movement if a system fault occurs so very simply put hold mode briefly puts the auto throttle on standby mean meaning you as the pilot could manually add more thrust if you wish to but you can't reduce the thrust below the thrust ref except for a rejected takeoff by doing so your first action is to simultaneously close the thrust lever and manually disconnect the auto throttle more on RTO in a future video next up I will call out 80 knots thrust set and get confirmation by olle replying with checked now important to note there are five main reasons for the 80 knots call out first it's an airs speed indication check are all Air speeed indicators showing the same speed secondly both Pilots check that the required thrust setting has been automatically set by the auto throttle system or does it need manual adjustments this is the point where the pilot flying should relax any forward pressure on the control column to the neutral position fourth it reminds the pilots that they are now in the highspeed regime of the takeoff rle and should only reject a takeoff before V1 for the following reasons fire warnings engine failures predictive windshield warnings or if the airplane for any reason is unsafe or unable to fly and number five the pilot monitoring needs the checked confirmation from the pilot flying as it also is an incapacitation verification at 100 knots you you don't really see any difference except for the wind and ground speed reading in the upper left hand corner on the ND and internally the FMC records the barometric altitude as the airplane accelerates through 100 knots now this altitude is then used to activate Ln and vve enables Auto throttle activation after 400 ft if it wasn't activated before 50 knots commands acceleration for flat protraction and sets climb thrust if an altitude has been selected from then on nothing really changes so we continue then comes a very important call out the V1 call out at your previously calculated and entered V1 speed so the pilot monitoring calls out V1 or the automatic call out on the 747-8 does it for you the pilot flying physically removes their hand from the thrust lever to the Yoke and from now on it's a go decision in case of an engine failure fire warning unreliable air speed Etc neither pilot shall command or initiate a rejected takeoff as the remaining runway length could not be sufficient to stop the aircraft in time and secondly the pilot flying has to have both hands on the Yoke or control column to rotate and fly the aircraft especially during Gusty crosswind conditions or in case of an engine failure I did a whole video on takeoff speeds you might want to check that out next up is V rotate the pilot monitoring calls out rotate at the calculated rotation speed okay this is the point where a lot of things can go wrong especially for Pilots with little experience they might over rotate pulling too harshly on the Yol potentially risking a tail strike or rotate too slowly leading to an increased takeoff distance and decreased obstacle clearance so this is where good simulator training is key to Ace the rotation so the ideal rotation pitch rate is approximately 2.5 de per second lift of attitude is achieved in approximately 3 to 5 Seconds depending on airplane weight and thrust setting okay what does it mean liftoff attitude if you look at this video right here here you can see that at rotation speed the nose slowly comes up as the pilot firmly is pulling on the Yoke now let's count the seconds until the main gear lifts [Music] off approximately 4 seconds now if you apply the ideal rotation pitch rate of 2.5 de per second that would result in 10° pitch after 4 seconds which is the correct liftoff pitch attitude so take a look at the radio ultimeter just as we reach 10° indicating that we are airborne you then have safe tail clearance assured and 2 seconds later you have the desired 15° pitch which gives you a screen height of 35 ft and an obstacle clearance and should result at V2 + 10 knots so our V2 is 150 knots okay we are airborne now after liftoff you should use the attitude indicator as the primary pitch reference plus the flight director in conjunction with indicated air speed and other flight instruments is then used to maintain the proper vertical flight path now a few more things happen during liftoff the more obvious one is that lnav becomes the active roll mode at 50 ft and moves the roll bar of the flight director to fly towards the active route if we didn't arm Elna for instance if the tower controller advised us to fly a specific heading after takeoff you could dial in the heading on the mCP heading window climb 400 ft and then advise your pilot monitoring to press heading select and then the roll mode switches to heading select and the roll bar of the flight director moves in the respective Direction so back to our scenario now as the plane is going airborne the pilot monitoring checks the vertical speed and barometric altitude showing a climb and then calls out positive raid the pilot flying agrees with the indication on their PFD and then calls out up the pilot monitoring then places the gear lever into the up position side note the auto Brak system got disarmed by the airr sensor but the wheels are automatically slowed down meaning the pilots do not have to apply the brakes as the gear retracts as you would do on a ga plane so as we climb further to 400 ft the pitch mode is still in toga which helped us initially to maintain a pitch command Target of V2 + 10 hence 15° after our liftoff attitude now VAV has become the active pitch mode to be exact vnaf speed this means that v-f takes makes the current indicated air speed at 400 ft in our example 174 knots but not greater than V2 + 25 knots and then commands the flight director pitch bar to maintain that speed and it will do so until we reach the acceleration height of 1500 ft at the same time at 400 ft the auto throttle mode went from hold to thrust ref meaning we are still maintaining takeoff power or in our case d-rated takeoff with an assumed temperature of 40° so we are now climbing with thrust ref as just discussed LNF roll mode is maintaining us on the entered route vnf speed is controlling the speed by pitch attitude until we reach the acceleration height of 1500 ft NOW Watch What Happens Next see that jump in the speed bug or the command speed and the lowered pitch v-f was informed by our previous inputs into the FMC during the B4 start procedure that we've reached the acceleration height and commands the pitch bar of the flight director to a lower pitch to catch up with the command speed or the speed bug now the command speed has automatically increased five knots below the takeoff flap placard speed so we've taken off with flaps 20 so the maximum speed for flaps 20 is 230 knots minus 5 knots equals 225 knots perfect at the same time the power setting was set to climb one thrust as we previously entered into the FMC which very often is lower than the takeoff power therefore 1,500 ft is also our thrust reduction height now this means we're still in thrust ref as the auto throttle takes climb one power setting from the FMC as v-v did for the acceleration height so the next step is to retract the flaps to 10° so the pilot flying commands flips 10 the pilot monitoring checks if decurrent air speed is above the flap maneuvering speed places the flap lever to 10° to 10 and calls out flaps moving 10 when the flap lever position turns magenta on the flap position indicator as the flaps retract vnaf speed keeps adjusting the speed and pitch for always 5 knots below the flaps placard speed for example here we are at flaps 10 so the placard speed minus 5 knots equals 235 knots Bingo this step repeats itself until flaps are commanded in the up position and once they are in up meaning the plane is in a clean configuration the pilot monitoring places the landing gear lever to off sets the anti eyes switches back to Auto or off and verifies that the packs are operating correctly ly the pilot flying will then ask for the after takeoff checklist which reads landing gear up and off flaps up our FMA will then read thrust ref as it still remains in climb one lnaf is still following our route and v-f speed is pitching for 254 knots until we reach 10,000 ft as you can see on the VF climb page again as mentioned before all these settings were entered during the pre flight and before start procedure I have to admit the before start procedure is worth doing in an entire video about it for now I hope you enjoyed this detailed video about taking off in a Boeing 747 and on that bomshell here is your checklist for today subscribe to my channel check activate the notification Bell check follow my Instagram account and ol's Instagram account check perform a touch and go at my website and 's website and don't forget a good pilot he's always learning wishing you all the best you're Captain [Music] Joe
Channel: Captain Joe
Views: 133,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boeing 747 takeoff, Captain joe, Captain Joe Flying, 747 simulator, detailed take-off explanation, Boeing747, Takeoff, Aircraft, Aviation, Flight, Pilot, FlightProcedure, Airplane, Airliner, Avgeek, Cockpit, Runway, PreflightCheck, Aerospace, Flying, JetEngine, Airport, AirTrafficControl, FlightDeck, CommercialAviation, tech, mentour pilot, zfnhva, 74gear
Id: qmzd3c2kG1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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