A Complete Cold Start - A10C Warthog Simulator

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/javakad0 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
okay guys so welcome back to the channel what i'm going to do now is a cold start um another cold start video this one's going to be obviously from my pit room completely cold and dark um light switch right oh so to power this thing on it's completely off at the moment um there's two power points in this room all of them are dedicated to this um over here we have the that's the power supply unit that runs the whole cockpit and that's the power supply for the lcd screen that's in the main instrument panel you can see because i turn the power switch on everything's powered up on that over here we have the computer in behind there is the computer's power and that one there is for the sound and the butt kicking amp you can see that i've run the buck kicker remote control just sitting up there within arm's reach so i can turn the power of the butt kicker up and down now the projectors um are powered off a uh power outlet in the ceiling itself that i had installed so they're always powered on and i just keep the remote down here uh because they're both the same model the same remote turns both of them on at the same time that beeping was not the projectors it's actually my washing machine that's just finished coincidence i've also got the remote control in there for the logitech z550 batteries are a bit flat and that is the amp for the butt kicker so once i've got power to everything just turn the computer on i'll turn the lights in the room off so you'll see that the computer will turn on in a second there it is it's a gigabyte aorus master with a 9700k processor and i'm using a 1080ti graphics card all right you'll see that it'll turn on you can see that the windows the two projectors have turned on as uh just windows at the moment you'll wait for the you'll see the fly at least software will automatically kick in and warp the desktop in a second there it is turning on and you'll see in one second the desktop will warp and there we go um the screen background is just black at the moment because i was messing around just before but you can see that it's warped perfectly around the curved screen even in the desktop environment uh all the other monitors are on again i've just got a black desktop background at the moment but they're all that's in the windows environment so you can see as well uh right oh so now i'll fire up the sim okay to fire up the sim you can see i just used the back here as a bit of a mouse pad because i don't use the mouse at all when i'm actually got the sim running i don't need to it's all um hands-free at the moment so to start it up you'll see up here i've got helios control center that will power up helios uh as soon as i start the profile you'll see the gauges appear in the um in the management panel and that will automatically minimise so i'll just start that there's that running in the background next thing i'll start up is the dcs bios so this dcs bios command prompt sorry command prompt is um running every single arduino in the pit there's one file that runs them all you don't have to you don't have to fire up individual ones minimize that next one is sim shaker for aviators sorry about the focus this one for some reason i'm still haven't put a exception in it on my virus software but once that fires up that will be running in the background so that sim shaker for aviators is running the butt kicker that's in the seat now that butt kicker is now run from a separate um usb sound card that's hidden down the back edge the little cheap one i've got off ebay for 30 bucks and that software runs that butt kicker now independently of what the game sound is doing it's heaps heaps better i used to have that just run off the subwoofer out on that and you just end up with constant vibration really dcs sound is really weird like it wouldn't really mean much that software runs separate sound files just for that butt kicker and off that sound card for each event in the game that it gets from dcs so you'll end up so when you put the landing gear down for example you'll feel three clunks as each one bumps in when you fire the gun the whole thing will vibrate strongly when you fire up each individual engine it'll give you different vibrations it's heaps heaps heaps better um and also that my favorite one is it it does the buffeting when you're about to stall so you'll feel it you'll feel the differences in vibration it plays different files for the butt kicker so you can tell the difference when you're about to stall or when you're approaching the store limit you'll also see i don't know i put it on instagram but i haven't shown a video i actually moved the buck kicker it used to be based on the bottom down there but now it's in the on the side so it feels a bit better all right with that running you'll see i've got track ir there i'm i'm not actually running that at the moment um i don't need to i do every now and then but i'm still tweaking the profile and then all i have to do is run the sim and dcs will fire up and oh yeah so that is the sim shaker sound module just pops up automatically but then it minimizes just making sure so you can change the settings and you can set your volume correct i've found that it's just easier for me to set the volume off that little hand controller down there but dcs should fire up in a second now i hope that there it goes yeah i don't know i'm still wondering why it does that for some reason it only goes like that for some reason i have to alt tab on the keep ahead if i turn the keypad on there we go all i have to do is alt tab and then it's uh full screen all right so what i'll do now is fire up a sim i might change cameras i've got this little um cheap gopro off that i'll do a head mount and i'll do a cold start oh also while i'm here see my poster got finished now if you're following uh my forum posts and that sort of stuff in the last plans video this is version one obviously i should have turned that aeroplane around so it was facing nose and i should move the whole thing back up but i'm gonna make a better one too but so all this poster all those files are the actual cad files that i use to make this cockpit they're just um half scale pretty cool all right for it up okay so you can see that i'm in the cockpit and you can obviously see the glaring issue here so the fly release software creates two separate viewports that dcs outputs to each projector and then the software itself warps those images to make the field of view correct if that makes sense so what you're looking at it now what you're looking at now is it in its desktop warping profile so there's two profiles i've set up for fly elise the first profile is so you can see the desktop in the windows environment because if you had the same warping going on with the projectors in the windows environment everything would be wrong so to change the profiles it's just keyboard shortcuts which i've programmed down here on the two spare buttons on the cdu so if i push that you'll see bang it warps the two images perfectly and it's pretty good and the um there's no warping on the sides here it looks like it's a pretty good um a pretty good perspective and then if i want to go back to that so the only issue with this is menus in the game aren't part of the 3d world so for example i've got i'm sorry that was down i've got this download override button as my rearm page you can see you can see that in the windows desktop environment when you warp the world it's missing you can just make it out here because it's the menu itself is in the two bits that are being warped which is why i need that shortcut to switch to that so i can quickly see that and then switch straight back to the 3d world image the other problem is in multiplayer environment you can't see the um the chat window you can't see shortcuts you also can't see the um you can't see the radio menus up in the top right hand corner up there but that doesn't matter because i've got voice attack anyway i don't think i actually activated voice attack when i started this did i no i didn't but um i usually run voice attack so it's voice command all right so there's that out of the way what i might do now i'll turn that army window off one of these charts i'm a little do a full start up sorry i'm a bit sick today all right checking things first thing throttles off speed brakes sent to center position flat lever to up apu is off both engine operation switches are to normal engine fuel flow switches are too normal radar altimeter is underneath the throttle layer disabled e-ac is disabled apu gen is off uh battery is to power you can see it kicked in inverter is to stand by i just felt a little vibration in the seat there that's pretty cool uh signal lights tested seem to be working fire detection system tested fuel tested and quantity check test the indicator gauge you can see that works uh boost pumps main on wing on we're good to start up apu flip that on so the apu gauge will kick in so i've got a shortcut here so i can make the cockpit disappear if i wanted to i'll leave that off for now or not uh once our apu gets to 100 and our temperature settles between 450 and 500 degrees celsius we'll turn the apu generator on turn those off sorry i'll shoot it on the cockpit check uh cde power on evi power on yep there it goes uh egi is on sorry radio is all on seek adjust seat arm request engine start i'm not going to bother with that master exterior it's the little picky switch down here cycled left position will flash left engine start shoot the engine start which we do we're supposed to wait for all that but i'll do that as we go along uh intercom selector 2 vhf flaps cycle to maneuver you'll see the gauge will go down speed brakes check i'm not going to do that until the end is running flight controls without later your and pitch sass take off trim pushed in green my indicator is not working at the moment for some reason canon is a signal processor to on cycling them as required cdu align page you're supposed to wait four minutes for this to align i'm not gonna bother nerf mode select panel egi to steer point and flight land steering bars cable i'm gonna pop up next yfcc cicu jt rs ifcc my huddle tell me bit test enter these on one page of standby attitude indicator um g needle reset just toggle that on i don't actually have a g meter um i'll make one eventually but not yet so i might use the mouse for that reset my g-meter and pull that back off altimeter set wind that down to zero since we're on the ground right now load all we'll acknowledge that that's finished we'll go up to on and we'll turn our head on might increase the intensity of it too stick master mode as required worry about that later left engine started so we'll go to the right engine start altimeter alert ufc 7 required i'm not going to bother uh that to the tad back to the cdu steer point to flight plan which it is confirm that the flight plan is loaded which it is you can see the lines uh tab data link in sadl we're not gonna bother we're not in multiplayer curse the slew rate not gonna bother weapons profiles not gonna bother because we don't have weapons anyway uh tgp on tgp laser code we'll wait for it to turn out turn on the mavericks all right this is down here power on so we tack into transmit receive turn the ios off because i don't like it's annoying beeping here to arm radar altimeter stable it looks like left hand right and apu off page sorry to go function to nav oh the iris is aligned now anyway we'll click that to diy it's not working why not because this is a wrong page i think we're good for taxi all right taxi universal steering is on request taxi i'm not going to bother taxiway is on uh turned needle breaks flaps to maneuver which they are speed brakes are closed canopy closed i might just toggle that that's the problem with not having the thing sometimes i forget the canopy all right um full lock and the taxi out i'll just turn my floodlights off the throttles together before take off taxi all the way down here to the runway oh i forgot to turn on um voice attack i must have accidentally forgot to put the icon back there because i was messing around with it earlier i like voice attack because i usually have a little lapel mic where i can um use my voice instead of wearing a headset and i it's brilliant i don't know if you've seen youtube videos of it working but it means you don't even have to use the menus at all you can just use um your voice to do all the radio cons in dcs i've been meaning to set up dcs simple radios for um multiplayer as well but to tell you through that i haven't really done much multiplayer because i'm still lining up problems with the pit and i'm also learning to fly the aircraft because i spent a lot of time building this and not much time playing dcs so i'm back to the drawing board really on combat employment and that sort of stuff um by no means an expert all i basically do to test this thing is fly upside upside down down the strip in las vegas in the same mission so i need to change that uh things i'm going to do too while i'm talking here waiting i'm going to put a little lip on the back of this dashboard so i can set my charts up there and not have them fall back down in that gap um even though i've got the map storage i'd like to just be able to stash them up there they stash things up there in the real aircraft i've seen them they've got straps to hold it down it's pretty cool all right so here's our runway we'll line up and the other thing about um voice attack i mean yeah viacom for dcs is the radio chatter file that plays in the background just increases immersion it's cool right oh before takeoff position lights do steady collision lights on that again there we go so the reason i have to cycle that is because in the real aircraft it's a magnetic switch so when you cycle the throttle picky switch that would reset and because i don't have that because those switches are a thousand dollars each new and you can find them for about 120 each second hand sometimes it's just not worth it i'll just i'll just keep toggling that to reset it um lineup check flaps is that maneuver lights confirm on apu confirm off anti-skid on seat confirm armed which it is peter heat on engine run up 90 and no warning lights beautiful engine instruments and caution lights all good no caution lights throttles to max and those little steering off at 50 knots all right let's do it there's all steering off it's cool i can feel my seat vibrating with every little bump of the runway about 125. we'll rotate and gear up i see the your trim i forgot to set it last time i do need to um tweak my graphic settings a bit i think the see the glimmer i'm getting there that's the anti-aliasing whatever it is i have to turn shadows off because for some reason on the last update my global illumination in shadows was going crazy um all the trees were moving and the sky was flickering and all this crazy stuff was happening but i have noticed since i've overclocked this system the computer is now running five gigahertz um at 1.28 volts i haven't overclocked the graphics card at all but it's a 1080 ti running it i've noticed it's much smoother look how smooth it is especially the gauges if you look at the gauges i'll i'll play a video of what it used to be like these gauges were like massive fps drops especially over vegas like this with all with the visibility sets is set to extreme this used to be giving me one frame a second now it's brilliant these will sit wrong should have done my cockpit check before i film this video but alas so basically everything in this cockpit is working there's only i forgot about the oxygen so in the blue there in the main air supply that's because i smashed those lists because i didn't want to sit here waiting for the engines to run up the checklist i'm using is this one i downloaded before i've got a whole bunch of different checklists and nine wires and all sorts of stuff in here and maps i'm just experimenting at the moment with what to use i also need to test the oxygen indicator which i should have done like some low flashes you can also see that i've swapped the master caution light that used to be red i've swapped it for an orange one so it's a bit more realistic now um and you can see my indicators i don't know how good the head camera is picking them up you should be able to see the colored lights in there this is all now completely working i used to have some leds in there not anymore fixed uh the you can see the indicator on the take-off trim is working now but for some reason when i push it in the game to test it when it used to work it doesn't so i don't know if that's my helios my helios programming not working properly see well that's working you can see when i push the to mute each one i can mute them yeah ah yeah so anyway that was a cold start up oh that was [Music] uh altitude altitude hold up pull up [Music] oh that was always going to happen what's the point of having a simulator if you don't crush it every now
Channel: The Warthog Project
Views: 818,703
Rating: 4.8984561 out of 5
Keywords: dcs, warthog, digital combat simulator, dcsworld, a-10c, hog, simulator, flight simulator
Id: k7oAUOR1dJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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