Learn Unreal Engine 5 Virtual Production With This Free Beginner Course! unreal engine 5 tutorial

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[Music] all right so this is the scene we are going to create today at the first glance it may look bit intimidating but no worries a complete beginner with the basic knowledge of the engine can easily realize the scene if the steps are followed and I have used very few assets to create the scene making it less intimidating for the beginners as you can see we have a background building here we have a wagon and we have some rocks these rocks I have downloaded from the megascan library this building and this wagon I have downloaded from the sketch Fab the only paid asset in the scene is this demon I have downloaded it from the megascan library you can download it too if you need I am leaving all the links for the Assets in the description so you can download it and follow on the tutorial hope you are ready let's start run the engine and select games go for third person and turn on starter content and Rec racing you can select a project file location and give it a name go to files and create a new level I going for for an empty level here and hit create as you can see it's very dark because there are no lights we have to add the lights by clicking on window environment light mixture and create a skylight create atmospheric light create Sky atmosphere create volumetric Cloud create height fog and then scroll down and turn on volumetric for so you will have nice volumetric fog in the scene close this now we need a landscape go to the selection mode and hit on landscape here we are going to change anything just create and I'm not going to sculpt it anyway so just leave it flat and get back to selection mode here you have your landscape now it's time to download our 3D asset and bring everything to the engine to do that I'm going to open the sketch Fab and I'm going to download this wagon and this Chapel you can find the links in the description so you can download it to download just scroll down and download 3D models these are the formats available I'm going for the OBG and make a folder call this chapel and save the file do the same for the jail wagon scroll down download here you have fbx file so you can download it I'm going to create another folder called jail wagon save it whenever you download the free assets from the sketch Fab don't forget to copy the credits and leave it in the description when you publish after downloading open the file you can see this is a sip file just unip this sometimes you will find other sip files inside a folder so make sure everything is extracted okay this is your 3D object and here you have your textures do the same for the other file right click extract and here you have your 3D model and here you have your textures now you are ready to import them to the engine to import go to the engine right click and create new folder I'm going to call these 3D models open and then we are going to drag and drop them into the folder just click both and drag in here click on build nan8 import all import and close as you can see it has imported in many pieces but no worries select here and go for static mesh so you can isolate only static mesh in the in the folder if you turn this off you can see all the all the assets but if you turn this on you can see only the static mesh select all the static mesh and drag them into the scene so it become one piece before you do anything right click on it and group so it remains as a one piece now let's import our Chapel go to 3D models turn off Static mesh here you have your Chapel source and this is your Chapel static mesh as you can see it's very small so go to the details panel and lock this lock increase the size let's add a mannequin here for the size reference so go to characters here mannequins meses and bring a mannequin here so you'll have an idea about the scale of the scene as you can see it is not textured you'll have to do it manually to do that let's go to our 3D models and I'm going to click on Chapel here Source you can see there are two materials click on it and select the first texture here and bring it to the scene and connect the RGB to the base color save close and do the same for the second material double click and select the second material here RGB connect to the base color save it now you have your model textured nicely let's do the same for the wagon here select the wagon 3D models wagon source as you can see here you have two materials one for the body and the other for the wheels and other stuffs click on delete the existing one and 3D models J wagen textures and you can see here it's already indicated base color metallic normal and roughness ambient occlusion take the base color and connect it to the base color take the metallic connect it to the metallic normal connect to the normals and take the roughness and connect it to the roughness slot and we have an ambient osion take this and connect to the ambient osion here that's it save and now you can see it's text St to now let's add a landscape material to our landscape to do that go to your content browser right click add quell content and search for Bend forest and I'm going to use this burn forest floor download it and when it's downloaded you can see this blue arrow click on it to add to the content jaw now in the mega scan folder in the surfaces you can see you have the material here to add this material to the landscape select the landscape and scroll down in the details panel here and search for landscape material and just drag and drop into the slot as you can see the material is applied but it it styling is so high so let's fix this double click on the material click here tiling and tiling X and Y change it to 1.2 and it looks better save and close now let's add some quickel Bridge content to populate the scene and here you can search for the assets you need I have already downloaded them so I can find it in the locals here I'm going to use this ram skull and click on the blue arrow to add into the scene and I'm going to take this rubbles here and I'm going to use use a broken wall this one and we need some other animal sculls here that's it now you can find them in the meas scan folder 3D asset folder contain all the 3D assets here and the surfaces contains the textures and materials like so if you click on the static mesh switch here you can see all the static now it's time to add a camera into the scene to add a camera click on three lines here create camera here create C camera actor now go to your camera rename it if you need and select the camera right click on it and pilot the camera now let's make some changes just in the settings here in the film back I'm going to set the sensor width 36 and the sensor height 15 for the lens settings I'm going to use 50 mm Prime and in the search search for exposure here in the exposure metering settings check and turn into manual here exposure set it to 10 now we have to add a post process volume into the scene click here search for post process and bring it to the scene now with the post process selected go to the details panel and search for Unbound click on Infinity extend Unbound that's it now let's adjust the lighting of the scene click controll l and move the mouse to change the direction of the sun we need a dark scene so I'm going to make it so dark somewh here somewhere here and you can see there are many practical lights in the scene but they are not lit we have to add some lights here to bring the scene to life go to place actors window click on light and here we are going to add some point lights just click and drag and bring there if you click F you can focus on into it then I'm going to add somewhere over here and you can adjust the settings here in the details panel select your point light and here you can adjust the intensity I'm going to leave it5 and if you increase the source radius you can see the Shadows get much smoother let's see how it looks and I'm going to change the color to a warm color like decrease the radius bring it to one but it cast a weird shadow in the background so let's put a light here I'm going to use a spotlight for that s radius to increase the source radius to get rid of that hard shadows and I'm going to change the color into a warm color okay let's see how it looks that looks nice now let's copy these two lights click alt and drag so you can duplicate it and place them the way you need one here let's add another light here nice as you can see inside the chapel it's very dark and that is not good if you add some small lights inside it will be much more Dynamic so let's do it add some point lights inside just to lit the darkest parts and making it much more Dynamic and decrease the intensity if you need to set it two so it is not that harsh but you can see what's going on inside now let's create a level sequence to do that click on this flap add new level sequence give it a name and save it now drag and Dr your camera into the sequencer so you can animate it or you can lock the focal position I'm going to bring it somewhere here and just put a key frame on the first frame here so it will be locked for all the time even if you change if you click here comes back to the original position that will be handy now we can populate the scene with some 3D aets I'm going to use these rubbles here and it's very small increase the size let rotate this together all right and we can add some rubbles to the ground round two now let's bring our demon character if you don't have the character you can use any character you have to libraries I'm going to add this demon to my project and select your project and add to project close this you can find it in the content J here click on demon and off Static mesh and here you have your skeleton now let's add more light to the scene so it will give more depth to the scene I'm going to add some point lights here adjust the intensity and color and I'm going to add a floor light here I'm going to use the rectangular light increase the sorts width and the height and adjust the light going to increase the intensity here and play with the settings to get the desired look and we have to add some smoke and now we can add some smoke to the scene to add the smoke go to the content browser search for starter content particles and here you can find steam I'm going to bring this steam here and you can adjust it size let's start one more here and let's add some Assets in the bottom go to the mega scans 3D assets and I'm going to add this camire scale it up and just copy and add one over here adjust the direction of the sun if it needed as you can see here I have added more lights in the scene I have added some cool tones to separate the warm tones there and with the smoke and all the lightings done if you look through the camera it should look something like this so our scene is completed now let's bring our live character into the scene all right now let's bring our live character into the scene to do that go to your content browser right click create a new folder I'm going to call this video open the folder right click again media and select image media source I'm going to call this tutorial now right click again media and create a media texture now double click on the image media source and the sequence path you can see here three dots click on it and I'm going to select this preyed file here this is a PNG format file you can use also exr files you can find the links in the description to download this footage so click on one of the image here and open in the frame rate override select 24 FPS save close now get back to the Seer click on track media track and in the media track you can see a plus icon here click on it media source and select the image media Source we have created now now right click on the media Source properties and come down here media texture select the media texture that you have created now that is tutorial one now let's make a video material right click materials double click on the material and select this go to the blend mode and turn to the masked shading mode to unlet that means the scene light will not affect our character character and make this two-sided to so you can see it from the both sides now drag and drop your media texture here now let's build the blueprint Search for Rise Black Level per percentage and create a scaler parameter here and call this black level set the default value to one and now let's create a desaturation Noe maximize this now create a multiply node and a power node Now search for constant three vector right click on it and convert to parameter call this color and set the values for the R1 for the G1 for the B1 and let's give the channel names the red channel is going to be our saturation and the green channel is going to be our brightness and the B channel is going to be our contrast create a one minus node connect that into the fraction of the desaturation node now take the brightness and connect to the multiply contrast to the power exposure node here now connect the power node to the msf color take the alpha channel of the texture to the opacity mask now you can see our character is here now save it close it right click on the material that we have created now and create a material instance go to the place actors Window search for plane and bring a plane to the scene make it bigger and rotate and let's add our material instance to the plane just drag and drop to the plane as you can see our character is in the scene but it is rotated scale and rotate now if you double click on the material instance you can adjust the brightness and color turn on color here I'm going to adjust the brightness and contrast to match to the scene adjust the levels until it is blend with the 3D environments here save and now if you go to the sequencer plate you can see our character is working on the scene but it is going to the other direction so just rotate let rotate here and here you have your character in the scene now let's give some animation to the demon character if you have the character downloaded from the meas scans you will get some pre- animations comes with the pack so you can use that to animate the demon character select it and drag it into the SU conso in the animation section you can see a plus icon here click on it and you can see all the animation assigned to this character I'm going to use this one and this is your animation sequence bring it as you can see your character is working now let's give some camera animation to the scene to do that put your playhead on the first frame and go to your SC camera actor here in the transform section put a key frame on the first frame and then bring the bring the playhead to the last frame and move the camera wherever you want I'm going to move like this and let's bring somewh over here as you can see the focus is Shifting so let's track the focus to the character to do that select your camera go to the details panel the focus settings set it to tracking and pick the character you want to be tracked I'm going to pick our plane so it will be always focused on the plane now in the last frame let's let's put a key frame here and let's see how it works as you can see we have a nice camera animation added to the scene okay now let's render it out to render the file click on this icon here and if it is not opening that means you haven't enabled the movie render CU plugin to enable the plugin just go to settings plugins and search for movie render queue as you can see I have already enabled it if you haven't just tick and restart the engine now go to unsaved config here delete the jpg sequence click on settings click on aning and I'm going to set the temporal sample count count to 32 if you have a slow machine you can reduce the temporal sample count click on override and Ying now click on exr sequence 16bit here you don't want to change anything now let's get to the output tab here set a file location I'm going to create a new folder here and select the folder now for the output resolution I'm going to set 4096 by 176 if you need to change the custom frame rate here you can do it but I'm going to leave it 24 FPS accept and render local after rendering it out you can take this footage to any car grading software and you can make this look better thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Jose Chemmassery
Views: 4,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5 tutorial, virtual production, unreal engine virtual production, unreal engine 5.4 beginner tutorial, virutal production at home, unreal engine 5 virtual production, unreal engine 5.4 virtual production, unreal engine 5 sequencer tutorial, unreal engine 5 motion matching, unreal engine 5 green screen, unreal engine 5 for filmmaking, unreal engine film tutorial, unreal engine 5 beginner, unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial, unreal engine green screen
Id: 91tfYUv_Eus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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