Unreal Engine free assets July 2024

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[Music] welcome back it's the first Tuesday of the month and as always that means that we have a new rotation of five assets on the Epic Marketplace for free so as always if you get these assets within this free month they are yours to use in the future for whatever projects that you want to do you just need to make sure to get them during this month you can find these assets by going to the Epic Market place under the category free and free for the month and you'll find these five assets this month we have three different actually we have two different environment packs we have one visual effects pack we have one plug-in and we have one blueprint system this time around we're getting the stylized Landscapes five biomes pack a landscape environment pack that has five different stylized biomes for diverse areas to explore in a style similar to Zelda breath of the wild we have a mega magic V bundle three different magic is like bfx groupings uh that are listed into categories of attacks Shields auras and different types of elements and such Mediterranean Coast another environment pack this time a 2x2 square kilometer map of more realistic and beautiful scenes of a Mediterranean Coast World director NPC Pro a NPC tracking plugin of Pawns and their information for both multiplayer and single player Ultimate character an AI player system for handling different characters with different abilities and attacks so this time around I have a lot of stuff to say about these packs so make sure that you check in and see the details on these so let's check them out starting off we are looking at the world director NPC Pro now with multip player so this is an asset that claims to be able to run a lot of pawns for you uh even in a replicated multiplayer environment and here we have one of the demo Maps which is saying that we have 660 NPCs running around somewhere on the map and currently that is being considered here is 57 I'm not sure entirely if it's just considering the people or the pawns that we see on the screen because that doesn't look like 56 so it might just be like in in the close by vicinity um this is meant or displayed as sort of a system or a plug-in that is available for you to make use of to create large masses of uh uh characters for your world so I want to state that this is running on a machine that's fairly powerful it is running on a 39 90 graphics card it's running on a screen that's capped at 60 FPS that's why our FPS is at 60 um the asset itself claims to run a very large amounts of let's see here 100,000 NPCs with 120 FPS is what it's boasting and my feelings on this asset is I really don't like this um starting off I don't like sensationalist sensationalist like we can run 100,000 NPCs at 120 FPS because what does that mean this looks like a super cool number and you go like oh awesome this is what I want in my project right then you go in and check and you read the description of what it does and it says that well not only can it run 100,000 100,000 NPCs you can actually run 200,000 ponds at 120 FPS so let's dig in a little bit about what this asset claims about doing so it has a optimization system which is essentially taking into consideration the distance from your character and then it has different areas that it optimizes in different ways so the pawns that you see that are inside of optimization range one they're considered rendered something that's in optimization level one are not rendered but it keeps track of things like where it is moving in things like that optimization level two they reduce further things that they want to do and same in three and four uh so essentially it's sort of like you get the impression that this is sort of like a crowd system that is super efficient right okay so let's dig into this uh in this plugin we have three different Maps uh we showed the first map which showed a few hundred and had like 50 or so NPCs that it was in range quotation marks we then have a second um demo map available to us here where we can see that we have NPC count of 2000 approximately is going up the numbers are really weird it's going from 100 to 3,000 maybe it's spawning and despawning I don't really know what's going on here but you can see in the FPS here we we have at most a few thousand and we are running at 30 FPS we have already lost half of our FPS for who knows what reason okay fine let's take a look at the third demo map here so here we have a path system so these splines here are paths that the NPC can walk around and if you go here from our top of the world here we can see that it has spawned in a bunch of NPCs here it says that it has 800 of them and from this view here we have 60 FPS this is looking pretty cool and neat until you consider things like I have set up a wall over over here and we have these Lemmings over here just pathing through them because one of the things that you lose in these optimization levels is that it doesn't take into consideration collisions anymore and immediately I am put in a position of well what is the point then what what are they good for in addition to not doing optimization or optimization H handling actually things that are colliding with you and like just going through it it seems like it doesn't run your behavior trees if it's below I think it was optimization level one so okay let's jump down to these characters and see what kind of a performance we get then so we're running a lot of NPCs here now and our FPS is five so okay what is going on here well looking at this asset we can go through some reviews and we can see things like mostly positive reviews I'm assuming just positive because they want to have access to the Discord digging around a little bit more you can find at least one comment that says they want to have a refund and stating that this actually has issues with it um and the Creator says that the description of the plugin shows the plugin does not optimize rendering only game logic okay let's take a look at the description at level one the pon is out of the camera view all components of skeleton measures are disabled from the render and a set of optimization measures is applied such as animation playback and tick rate which to me sounds like render optimization so nothing here disregarding this is free if this is free fine we're getting it for free it doesn't really matter but as a customer when you see something like I can run 100,000 pounds on this plug-in and then nowhere in the description does it State under which conditions this is done what kind of settings was done with this anything like that and even the demo levels don't even show this off I as a customer a potential customer would go and say like I'm being scammed at this point I really don't like this sensationalist your first and foremost priority towards your customers should be this is what I'm providing under these circumstances not this oh a big numbers are great this I don't like this at all this looks like possibly something that's really cool for having like a large crowd of populated ants that are walking around somewhere where you don't really see them along paths that you might have pregenerated or something like that this doesn't seem to have much of a use case outside of that as as far as I can see I'm really disappointed in this which looks like a pretty interesting asset to begin with in addition to this this is actually a Creator we have gotten an asset from earlier in free for the month we got a school of fish optimized uh kind of uh asset which makes me believe that if this one that posts such claims is not performing as expected from like the claims that it does show and doesn't actually narrow down the the circumstances for then that one is likely also going to be fairly well let's say deceiving in its performance claims anyway this might be something that you have used for especially if you're looking for something like Lemmings running around at far distance and don't want them to actually work in a realistic or functioning way it does keep track of things like um keeping track of things like actors that have well in their use case they're using levels and health and such things but essentially that means that you could have information on these actors and it keeps track of them even though they're sort of uh far away and not being rendered for the moment and then later on you encounter them again and they have the same uh position or they have moved around a little bit and it keeps track of what what information that actor had essentially so that's might be a situation that's useful for you in a project but overall everything from the the claims to the presentation to the information everything about this has made me uh disappointed as an asset as a whole so I don't have high hopes for this uh being useful for me at least next up we have the Mediterranean Coast so this is a pretty simple environment asset pack uh so here we have an asset pack that has a bunch of different features in it it uh has some spawners to create the foliage and such things it has some uh wind into taken into consideration for things like grass and such apparently the trees do not uh and it is a 2X two uh square kilometer map and it's it's just a simple environment essentially it's looking great um it's apparently easy to use with uh in paint tools for uh layer painting trees and such things according to the AET Creator so yeah nothing really out of the ordinary here as far as I can see if this is the kind of environment that you're looking to create or make use of then this is probably a good pack for you next up we have we have the stylized landscape five biomes a low poly Forest orot bundle uh so what is that well just at first glance you can see that we're getting a very I don't know Legend of Zelda breath of the wild wild kind of feel from the the environment itself so this environment pack is containing five different biomes so you can see that we have sort of of a grasslands biome here and here we have a desert biome so more rocks and Oasis like areas and if we scroll a little bit over here we can see that we have sort of a red Forest Area over here then we also have this sort of black crack kind of a rocky terrain kind of biome and then we have this other Forest which is similar to the one over there although slightly different so I don't know maybe maybe this is differentiating enough for it to be another biome I don't know but yeah slightly different looks to them at least and yeah so that's what you're getting in this pack it looks pretty nice uh it feels like something that you could probably build out a fairly large world with uh when it comes to the assets that you are granted from this pack if we go and check the actual uh let's see here it should be this one no that's wrong let's see showcase is this one is it probably no not that one either where have I lost is it the global overview it's the global overview I'm sorry so here we go so this these are the different assets that you have available to you so they're uh placed in groupings of uh small uh placement objects into strawberries and greenlands and then a sort of larger objects kind of a category so so these are the objects that you are granted uh by the pack itself to create these environments from next up we have the mega magic visual effects bundle and this is for me personally always something that's welcome because visual effects is something that you usually don't pay a lot of notice to but most V most games have a lot of visual effects and and if they're done well they just become part of the game the ambience and the immersion really um so visual effects are important and in this case here we can see that we have a bunch of different uh effects here and these effects if we go into simulate mode so we get a clearer look you can see that we have sort of an earth explosion here looks pretty nice uh my general impression of these are they're a little bit hit and miss this bundle consists of three different uh assets essentially put together um and and we'll be going through all the different three ones but first we're just going to be looking at them like in general for example this one here this is supposed to be a blood explosion charged nothing about this feels like blood to me it's just red particles there there's nothing it's like a blood Mist right it's it's just red particles it doesn't feel like it's blood in any way shape or form uh over here we have something else that's there we go magical explosion that's generic and could be anything right so that's some of these are more effort and more polish put into them and some are less essentially and here you can see some of the ones that are weaker the Earth explosion over there is pretty nice in my opinion here we have some lightning effects we have some fire like explosions we have some fire rains we have some I don't know Arcane rains over here uh we have some poison explosions and we have some black hole explosions and we have a energy blast over here some of these are pretty nice and they're fairly varied in in what they do right so overall a pretty nice first pack I would say uh moving on we get to the magical auras these are in my opinion just completely poorly named because these are not auras in any way shape or form in my opinion these are more like orbiting objects or particles essentially for something so yeah but disregarding the possible naming problems here they all look pretty varied they behave slightly differently most of them I mean some of them are almost copy paste like these skulls moving around over here right uh but they still have some differentiations for this looks more like lightning this more ambers and fire right so H they still have some personality to them so these are all pretty nice looking in my opinion as well so that's also a nice little thing to add to your visual effects asset library right next up we come to the magical Shields and this one is the one I think shows uh mostly the the different levels of Polish and effort that that I've got into them so essentially we have different categories of uh effects here so we have these sort of Shield likes planes that are created of the different materials and then we have these orbs that that form as a protective bubble around something and they're categorized into types so this is an aqua one for example and this one over here is a translucent wall and this one over here is a magma shield and then you have this a flame shield and these two look really really nice in my opinion you have the Flaming swirling uh Ring of Fire and then you have the the the globe itself the sphere with the fire effect pulsating around looks really nice and then you have some others that look really low effort like this one uh which is supposed to be an energy Shield stylized and all of these are labeled as magic effects even though some of them seem almost like sci-fi this one I have difficulty selling as sort of like a magical effect uh along with its counterpart here the bubble but overall in interesting set of effects for many of them even though some of them are sort of bland and lackluster others of them are pretty interesting and unique in their presentation I would say so overall pretty nice visual effects pack I think that probably many different games can make use of not only the ones that are dealing with magic so here we have the ultimate character asset pack this is intended to be sort of a um generic modular flexible controller type of blueprint project that allows you to control a bunch of different so you have like instructions of how you can move around with different configurations you can run on these different uh paths to take control of different characters you have different spawners here so you can spawn in some AI characters if you want to and you also have sort of like checkpoint system here which will keep track of where I have gone and I can change to a quan character that that character I can go and swing around and have some combo and yeah so essentially this project is meant to show you that you can have different characters that have different types of abilities to them and you have an inventory that you can interact with where you can uh equip certain items and then you can use them this I did a lightning with an animation as you saw there the camera is really bad at tracking what is actually of interest for what we just did uh so you can change to this character this character has a set of other items over here that you could theoretically pick up although for this character you can't pick up anymore you already have them maximum so I'm not entirely sure what why Tak exist here but yeah so pressing I to get your inventory this is how you can choose different abilities so I can choose this ability and I have two different parts here I can choose the drum and I can just equip and unequip this is essentially the the least user friendly way of having a user interface I have ever encountered I think it's super clunky it's super unusable if you're playing a character and you suddenly want to use a certain ability you need to press one character button and then another button and then another button then a third button sure when you're in this mode you are actually as you can see now character is running in slow motion while I am in this menu so you're not as punished but this is just terrible anyway yeah so you have a bunch of different characters they have different sets of abilities and such that you have depending on the character and you have High characters and ranged characters this one has a very funky and annoying camera Shake as well essentially what this looks to be trying to do is create a sort of I don't know unified way of having lots of different characters set up using the same blueprints um but I would not call anything in this modular I would not call anything in here what this asset lacks is usability Polish and a cohesive thought because I don't see how this is useful at all because nothing I have seen so far has been really flexible and modular it's it's all just a mess really and to really sum up how how the quality of this asset is as I have experienced it at least uh in just a tiny little way is to just go and take possession out of this little NPCs that we have over here because if we run over to them and we say we want access this one sure we get this character all is looking F okay now we're invisible okay what about this over here has at least visible this character oh not so much fine we'll run over to the AI we'll say hey AI I'm over here so Dynamite here on run away my health is 100 in the bottom bam now it's 7 the 50 why well because that character over there Dynamite killed him but I died I'm assuming because the code is complete trash when it comes to like what is happening how is damage being dealt what is going on I I I'm at a loss for words I think this is not a great asset at all I from looking around that it's the the coolest thing that I think someone can make use of this to learn from was maybe like this checkpoint asset it's visuals uh I don't know I didn't like this asset at all uh maybe this is something that you're looking for if so you can look at their tutorial which seem to be essentially just promoting you to get their other components H when I was looking around in this blueprint to see how was this structured I was just puzzled for example here we have where we handle the inventory button input and we toggle our inventory if we press the button except for if we have an incoming blockable attack what why who what this is not a validation that you put in conjunction to something like that you don't have something like is a specific attack being thrown in your different in your way then you're you're going to be allowing to show the inventory or not this this is so odd in the the block button if your inventory is open you handle some different things otherwise you go to the back menu of this thing and it's like everything is so weird it feels like this asset was just another asset that they were trying to sell together with other assets created by this person who's made this because begin play initialize climbing climbing this is the ultimate character what what does climbing have to do with anything well in here we're setting our component for ultimate movement character it's like what I I don't know what what what the idea with this is I I I have not been impressed by much I've seen I I feel it's super bloated there's so much logic in this class that I feel should be put somewhere else if it's supposed to be modular and flexible it's I don't know I I'm at a loss forward uh ultimate character is this asset pack it is anything but ultimate anyway hope that these uh looks these check-ins at these assets was useful to you anyway that's going to be all for now keep on learning take care a big thank you to all of you who like comment subscribe and share my videos or through other means support this channel you are what makes this channel grow and become a resource for other people to learn from
Channel: LeafBranchGames
Views: 2,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4, unreal engine 4, unreal engine, tutorial, ue4 tutorial, how to, ue5, unreal engine 5, marketplace, market, place, unreal, engine, free, for the month, month, assets, free assets, ue4 free for the month, ue4 free, environment, asset, foliage, texture, textures, project, custom, functions, demo, props, 4k, bundle, ue5 free for the month, Scene, Pack, Modular, 2023, niagara, modular, visal effects, high quality, best practice, optimized, sci fi, inventory, equipment, weapon, system, customixzation
Id: X6C2nhlk_YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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