Learn To Quilt As You Go UPDATED VIDEO Link in description

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[Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome to weekend project I'm lower than of the mama pop culture and we're very happy to see you here today today we're going to work on something has been I request a couple of times and we're happy to do it we just didn't had chance to get to it it is cool thing as you go we didn't as a bigger project on one of our blocks of the month that we did for Christmas a couple of years ago but it did it more as a row I did as a row to row instead of like a block quilt as you go sort of thing so what we have here is I have two separate blocks and I did them in two very separate ways I just did want wahad these were two actually demos I was testing out our a cue quill cutter and I made these two blocks just to make I thought oh you know all that make it a nice little table runner in Canada today's coming so why not and so what is it is like quilted the blocks what did I make the sandwich you have your backing your batting and your block and then with my walking foot on not speed mode is Lilla less lower than that of the metal I went just down and stitched in the ditch just following the lines I could have done this way in this way as well I didn't it doesn't really matter what I did do was probably gonna need that was make sure that there was enough batting on the sides to be able to trim up because as you quilted it's going to get a little smaller okay so let's do the quilting of this one first the other ones are just plain white squares they just did some you know weird cross hatching and just try to just to put it together this is gonna be for home table or wall hang what doesn't really matter and and then we're just gonna tuck under here and then we're gonna sew those lines just like I did on the first one there okay so I'm just lift the foot you will find that the bottom of your walking foot is very grippy so it may try and pull and try and jump at your you're batting so don't fight it just try make sure your arm is lifted the it is lifted all the way to be able to wiggle things under okay and then just in a nice big stitch it's not the two point four it's usually I go like three or three and a half and just try and stitch in the ditch as close as you can I didn't hit record sorry I didn't hit the record button before we get too far gone here right there and then just same thing cuz you lift the foot all the way and then line it up and we're just going to go down the three lines just to show you how easy it is to quilt as you go alright and of course just do this on a bigger scale to keep for you to keep progressing and progressing and you can make a nice big quilts project if you haven't if you don't have the the next face to be able to free motion one or ruler work one and your machine then this is a great way to do it as a quilt as you go all right now next three going the other direction okay like I said they got little groupies on the bottom of the sucker apiece but there it's ridged and it will definitely start to pick up on that the batting the way of course you can use safety pins to pin this it's whatever whatever you have on hand so you can just regular pins or even just base stitches if you just want it to if that's all you got to be able to use a thicker thread and do some big bulk base ditches to pull things together while you get it close it and then one more don't know just glue it under there make sure it's folded under there we called and that's really one block quilted right there maybe did you know that couple of blocks every day you'd have yourself a Colt in no time okay so I'm just very simple equal to it doesn't have to be fancy but you can do fancy it's up to you you can do the whole free motion part okay so now once we take the pins out cuz it's all stitched together it's all as one unit like this one here we're going to trim it so we can actually add a little piece to be able to sew to the top okay so we can actually make that little space in between to where the batting weather blocks are attached together so it's a bit of a binding on one side and binding on the on the other so you could either hand stitch this one side at the back very easily just whip some stitches in it and that's done or you can flip it back through the machine and do a machine stitch if it's gonna match your front I mean it's completely up to you but you can just machine the whole the whole thing okay so now we're gonna trim let's trim up all but like three sides and then the third side we're going to line up and try and use the batting that's in here the batting that's in here as a the filler in between the binding strip okay Hey of course we gonna pick the one that's got the most okay and then now I want to do is be able to trim the back off completely cuz you can this is where you can add a different color binding I'm just using white because I'm just doing something red and white but if you want to use red this is where you know I could keep it but I'm gonna trim it because it needs to be like everybody else alright alright and now and then trim this to be about I'd say a half an inch because the Bott the strip that I've using in between to go from one to the next is an inch and a half so if you think a quarter of an inch with padding and a quarter-inch with padding that's kind of like maybe a thick half inch so you know a half inch in in the strip of the batting being left over it seems enough for me okay that's okay now we take the front because we already got one on one side here and that's we're going to need we need one for each side right so we're gonna do the top part here and we're just going to sew all the way down all the way down right through right through okay mmm and this is how you join the blocks together okay this is just one for one block to the next and then when we get to this part is where you're drawing rows together because you have a bigger strip to deal with okay this is a great way to bust your batting scraps leftover from projects because I have a lot when it comes to the long arm stuff so right there we go and then once that gets flipped it covers the batting area and then this is enough room to get attached to the other side and you got your binding in there okay so all right now we're going to put those two pieces together okay we're gonna make them so they're one so flipping the top I'd rather have any hand stitching needing to be done on the backside okay so that's that's me so I'm gonna line this up here my floppy edge up to this one here and sew it all the way down okay come on sneak under you its persuasion and this is a great project to try your walking foot if you hadn't tried your walking foot before it helps just go smoother over all these layers because when in the end when you think about it we're gonna be going through like five or six okay we're here here move over a bit really seriously okay there we go what is going on its are we having a moment Danny let's try this again shall we doesn't like sewing machines with attitude right now making sure you're keeping your batting out of the way because that's just gonna fill in the space all right so now when we put that over that's enclosed on that side and then this side here is where we tuck in the batting just right next to the next section about it because it's just right there edge to edge flip that over tuck in the quarter inch seam allowance and stitch down and that's that it's not easy and then you can just do some whip stitches through here or or if you wanted to do it you could do it the opposite way and then on the front you're using decorative stitches from your machine as an applique wouldn't that be nice be like a little appliquéd from block to block sort of thing know you can do lots of beautiful stitches I'm sure your machine even has like four or five you could still do some fun stuff mix them up make them go crazy alright so and then just pin that and like I say you can either whip stitch it take it as a project to watching the kids and their well baseball is coming we all know that I'm gonna do one block at a time sort of thing take a few there you go you can make placemats or little baby quilts or a picnic quilt or something like that but I can easily just sew right down here because it's going to be in the white it'll get lost in the white okay so that's why I chose to have white as my thread and my fabric movie out of the way okay so you could easily hand stitch this I'll show you how we put the two rows together make sure all the raw edges are tucked in okay nice and smooth and then we just trim up after let it go where's that side and that side okay so now what we do is we trim one of these sides because we're gonna add it to this one well actually I think it's gonna go this way so because I want it to be like an X or a four patch a big four patch okay and then what we do is we do the same thing okay if this is gonna go here that's gonna go there we take this flip it to the front put our pins in see if we can line this up a bit you know line those two seams up so they look like they're supposed to be there and we'll sew that down and then we could do the same to the back side here with the other strip let's pin them at the same time okay I just want to get that one there move a few pins here hope everybody has a fantastic Mother's Day weekend we're gonna continue working on our seahorse project tomorrow during the livestream Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Eastern so please feel free to join us there and we do have some schedule changes towards the end of the month so please check out the Facebook group or the Mafia group or even just on the YouTube there's a community section there you can always click on that we try and keep things post it up too late there so okay please and thank you you're not gonna miss any stir well there would still be streams there just gonna be one on a Friday and one on a Sunday so so pop and I can go celebrate her 24th wedding anniversary a little early normally it's on Canada Day but he's got to do some business and Prince Edward Island so we're gonna take a little trip be together oops I missed the one side okay pin back up no I missed on that side okay here we go and here and here we go something was looking funny okay now we're gonna sew that seam all the way okay and that's gonna give us our place in between here as well as the piece to be able to flip and then we got the little piece oops there we go what's around here somewhere I think one of these pieces is it oh no it's the one that felt far it goes in between okay look at it but you could easily just leave that amount of batting on the bottom of the block like on the two sides or the four sides or whatever just be able to leave that enough or instead or you can or just insert a piece there's many different ways I'm not gonna say this is the only way to do quilt as you go there's probably about a hundred and ten different ways and certain people are just gonna think of more as but as they go along so this is just a way that I have have have seen and have have done so it's pokey today you just want to make sure you keep in a very consistent quarter-inch seam allowance and we trying to share everybody's in there you need the whole section so it's four bits of fabric and a bit of batting that's why the walking foot is very much designed for these sorts of situations helps move things together as one unit okay and then then once that is sewn take it yeah as you can see it's all connected has one big big square now okay a few more and you got yourself a baby quilt someone on the floor silly come on alright then you just take this piece here and you just snuggle it right in between and it's only got that little channel to stay in so it's not going anywhere else okay and then you just take this side fold over the raw edge and tuck under and pin and you can sew hand stitch whatever it is that is your favorite means of getting fabric to cooperate yeah the way you want it just make sure the batting is tucked in there I'm gonna all your edges are under as well this to be great one to do like a Christmas project you know blocks are Christmas great hand project because they can always do hand stitching even on the five you want to do it the same way but you do your fancy stitches on the front as you join the pieces together so and there we go that is as easy as it gets for doing blocking as cool as you go and hopefully you guys give it a try and we get to see bigger projects on your honor web page okay so thank you everybody for watching liking and subscribing we greatly appreciate it here at the momma poppa quilt shop have a fantastic weekend and enjoy we'll see you on the livestream ok bye everybody take care [Music] you
Channel: Mom and Pop Quilt Shop
Views: 73,415
Rating: 4.752841 out of 5
Keywords: quilt as you go tutorial, quilt as you go, quilting tutorial, how to quilt as you go, connecting quilted blocks, beginner quilting, quilt as you go technique, how to quilt, quilt as you go with sashing, quilt quilting, beginner quilting tutorial, mom and pop quilt shop
Id: _e2dB0vvBVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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