'Quilt As You Go' Quilt with Sashing Tutorial

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hi I'm wonderful Melinda Christ and today I'm going to show you how to make this course as you go quilt what searching and the beauty of this is once you've finished it it's fully across it you don't have to do anything further it's also fully reversible so you can turn it over in this but a different look on the back you can see here because we prevent our colors so let's keep on and show you how to make this now so what we need are some squares that measure ten and a half by ten and a half inches so I have one fabric here and I have twenty of those then in a contrasting fabric I have a number twenty squares and then I have twenty squares of betting now I also have some session cut and I've cut this already because I know that I'm going to trim my squares down to ten inches so I have some two inch by ten inch and some one inch by ten inch pieces for the session also have some other fashion cut here and some other pieces but we'll talk about them later and don't worry if you don't get all of these measurements now because they'll all be on the lender crafts website for this www.opm.gov/life calm so now let's get on and show you what to do so now what we want to do is create a sandwich and to do that we take one piece of fabric a piece of batting and then a piece of contrasting fabric on the top and just make sure it's all lined up and nice and smooth okay now if you want to you can put this as you wish now but I'm going to take you through a pound method of doing this so what we've done take us take the top piece of fabric and draw some lines on it now just line it up to cookie on the board so that it's approximately a quarter of an inch over on these sides here at the top of the bottom it doesn't have to be perfect and then I take my robe off and I line it up on the little line here and I draw a line that's the middle line the slide on my mesh so I just put there all along that line it'll be about an inch to the next line and draw another line now I'm using the friction pin don't use a ballpoint you can use chalk chok the friction premiums are great because once you finished your iron them and that the lines come off and keep doing that until I get to the end and don't worry about this end but here because that's going to be trimmed off and then we come back and just do the same on the other end but does again see the line on the inch and then come across and again we don't need one honest end now I forgot my lines drawn I generally go through and do the whole stack yeah then we put our pieces together and our sandwich so we have our dark piece for now getting and I pin them all together so then it's just a matter of going to the Machine and sewing down those lines and because the lines are there it's really quick and easy to do so start in the middle come down come right off the end and come along and go back the other way and just keep doing that just run off the end and come on and do the next line when you get to the sit this line here just type cut it off and then come and start at this end and what you'll end up with there's a piece that looks like this you can see all my lines here just waiting to behind to take those friction marks off and there you is also quilted on the back so I finished quoting my blocks and that's Goodman oppress and now it's time to cut them to size and I'm going to cut them to ten inches square now I'm going to show you two ways to do this if you have one of these square rulers we'll go through that method first and if you don't have one of these square rules you can use your ordinary long here so I'll show you both of those methods now right so the first thing we didn't want to do is lay our block down and we want it so that the lines are running away from us now I'm going to lay the five inch mark on this ruler on to the middle line of my block okay and hold that a place and I'm going to trim this edge now I'm going to turn the block around so I still have the lines running up and down away from me and I'm going to do the same thing again I'm going to flip size inch mark on that center line and the legs trim this edge now turn the block around plumps now those laid us down now I just want a straight line along the bottom here now I know that straight because I've just covered can be any of the lines on your ruler and I want to bring it in though so that this 10-inch line here is then from the edge so I don't want that to be right against the edge at the stage or want to leave a little bit of room there for trimming in a moment okay make sure the line that I've got here selected is straight and it is fine will discard cut this edge and again we'll go turn the block around now this time I'm actually going to place the 10-inch line along that cut edge and along the bottom here okay so we've got that in place and there you have it a ten inch block and you can check that by going to your left and just laying your block down there and you can see if ten inches there and ten inches here so now I'm going to show you how to trim up your block with just using your ordinary ruler so again I'm going to have the five inch mark on my ruler running down the center alignment on hand for my quilt and I'm going to trim the edge okay turn the block right around so I still have these lines running away from me again placing my five inch line down that middle quilted line and from the edge now for the next bit because this isn't a 10 inch ruler I'm just going to turn the block so that the lines are running horizontally now and line it up along here now I'm just going to believe it a bit of an overhang here so I'm not putting it directly on the one at all that first line and then I will trim it on the 10 inch this place my ruler along here and lining up with the th line on the mess I turned it around now this time I'm going to line with these lines of my block up with the lines okay so awkward deaths along the bottom line along this line here and place this on the 10 inch line and give it a try there you are making a 10 inch block using your regular ruler so now that I've trimmed up my blocks it's time to lay them out and as you can see I have the pattern alternating now I've run the lines on my black blocks vertically and the ones on my red blocks are running horizontally then I've alternated my blocks in that pattern in that manner so now it's time to add our now our fleshing so what we do is we need 15 of these strips we've got 15 onenote strips and we've got 15 2 inch strips you take you to extra and you actually fold it in half and press it now we're not adding any session to the first block so just ignore those we'll start from the second block in and we work over to the last block so pick up our blocks making sure that we keep it how we're going to want it to look and we take a 1 inch strips and we lay that along the back ok so our 1 inch strips always go along the back and we take our two inch strip that's been pressed and half and we place it along the front like that now I'd suggest you pin a lot of people don't pin but I suggest you do it keeps everything nice and neat so what I do is I take you slide them all up nicely and pop in a pen and then I just go down to the other end and do the same thing again line all up nicely pop it up in now give the two needs a little tug so everything sits nice and neatly flat and come again in the middle now what we're going to do once we've gone through and we've pinned a lot of these now remembering the one inch strip goes on the back and the two inch strip goes on the front now you want the more edges different excuse me the ROI of your two inch strip go towards the outer edge the folded piece goes towards the inner edge so just make sure that you have that folded piece coming this way not on the edge now when we've got them all pinned we'll go and we'll sew for the quarter inch seam all the way down there on each block so I've added my fashioning pieces to all of my blocks now and now it's time to start joining the rows together so we'll start with our end block but you didn't have any session attached to it and what I'm going to do is the second block in just going to pull up the session bead one inch session on the back and pull up the stock here and then I'll just match those along and pin them so I'll just show you that again okay so we're picking this up and we're taking the one inch block that was on the back and we're bringing up the sense the brought the back edge of their block and what we can do to make it easier simply push them together like that okay so now we need to pin so what I'll do is that match them up and push the seam back as far as I can and then pop a pendant and put the pin over there to hold it in place and I'll just do that all the way along so I've got one pinned here so I'll just show you that you can see here so it's open to the the other block and I've got the seam out of the way now what we'll do now is we'll go and we'll say with a quarter inch seam all the way along here taking our pins out as we go and what we'll end up with is our blocks will look like this so these are the blocks joint you can see here our quarter it seems that nicely together they don't overlap so that's going to give us some nice Bowl behind the binding here now on the back you can see that's nice and neat and all finished off now you're going to want to put your bobbin the same color as you have here as a Red Square or whatever square you have because when we push this piece of binding here over remember this with the folded edge so it's all nice and neat but we should over to cover those seams and we're going to sew down here we're going to top stitch this down and it's because it's quite a bit bigger it's going to actually sew on that second block so you want your bobbin to match that block so I've learn all my blocks in two rows and you can see here I've joined them with the session now I've got five of these done because my quilt is four by five and now it's time to add our long piece of secession so we want to join arrows and as you can see in the quilt behind me these are the ones that we'll be adding these long rows here and I have six of those to add so I've cut my fetching strips there I've cut the 1 inch strips by 40 inches I've also got my two inch strips by 40 inches and that's because when we add the session between the blocks it doesn't actually add anything to the rows so the row still remains 40 inches so what we need to do is take our two inch strips as we did before fold them in half and give them a good press and then just as we did when we put the blocks together we put our one inch strip on the back and we put our two inch strip with the raw edges to the outer edge on the front and then give it a good pen and we're going to sew along there with a quarter inch seam so we need to be adding these strips to the bottom of every row and except for the first row with the first row what we want to do is we want to add one not accession to the top and one to the bottom and then we just add to the bottom of each of these these rows so now we're going to sell our rows together so we're going to join them with the session and it's just the same as we did our blocks but this is how we go now we lift up the back piece which is the one inch strip and we put the back piece of our next row they place those together remember we just flip those down like that to make it easier to pin lay it all out just bring that 1 inch piece out now we have something a little extra to do this time we need to match these sessions strips because we want them to line up and be nice and neat so just well they're back and you can see there that that's that's aligned there so you may have to juggle this around a little bit once you pin up but that's ok so I just lay it down I'm going to pin those pieces first so I can making the adjustments I need to make and then I'll just pin the rest of it come along here and do exactly the same so pulling up that back piece of session and just kind of eyeballing along here that looks like that it's going to join up and pop up in and then to check it of course that it's going to be matching you can just flip it over like this and you can see that's pretty good so you'll do that with the other one as well and go ahead and pin all the rest of it flashing on and then we'll just sew it together and also a quarter inch seam all the way down all right so I found all the rows together now and what you're left with is this piece here which will is not finished and we need to do that so what you do is just fold it up and over those raw edges and then pin it in place and top stitch along here as close to the edge as you can and I've already done that with the rest of the roads you can see here that I've sewn and topstitch this piece of session in place so now it's time to get on up its go and finish that and then we'll do our borders so now that we have the center of our court done it's fun to start adding our borders so we're going to firstly add the top and the bottom border so we can't have pieces at 40 inches so that's our top pitts our batting and our contrasting piece so they are all kind of at 40 inches now I cut them at six and a half inches and I'm doing a very open quilting design as you can see here I've done this curvy line and I've done it using my leave galore law which is absolutely fabulous when we're just playing with us at the moment but it's a lot of fun and so we use it to do this design on here now if you're going to be doing something that's a little more fussy and then going to pull your borders a little bit you might want to cut your borders a bit longer bit wider and a bit longer to allow for that and then trim them down to the 40 inches or after the 40 inches by six and a half but that's entirely up to you we're doing with open border so we cut our borders exactly so as I say we've got the top and the bottom I've drawn the lines on here and I just followed them down all down one way and then when I got to the end I just turned around and came back and that's the result now if you don't have a ruler that creates curves for you what you can do with this is simply draw your lines you can make them an inch or an inch and a half whatever you feel like but just draw the lines all the way down on your fabric and then sew down the Downloads lines going to the end turning round coming back and that will also give you a nice effect so I've done by quilting my mobile little piece and now it's time to attach it to the quilt so you need to at this point decide which piece you aren't showing up now remember the front of our port is the one where we did the top stitching on the session so I've looked at this and I've decided I'm going to go with the black so I'll turn that over so remember this is the fully reversible quilt so you're stuck in enough is nice effect of the red on the back and now we're going to attach our border to our quilt exactly as we've done all of the other blocks and rows so we take out on HP's just pull it up and then pin it along the wrong side or what we call the port in the wrong side of the foot of the border and then I'm just going to promote that along there right I'm kind of all the way along and then I'll serve with a quarter inch seam okay so I've added my borders to the top and the bottom of the court and you can see that here so the next thing I'm going to do is add my fetching strips to the sides and once I've done that I can attach my hi borders now the side borders are cut at 15 inches or just tell you the session pieces are cut at 63 don't worry about the measurements so they will be all on the website okay so the border piece cut the main piece and the backing pieces and the backing at 50 inches and then we've added a six and a half inch square to each end and that brings that to a total of 63 inches now damas fishing the same as we did on the blocks I've done the curves the same as we did on the top border and on the cornerstones I've just done linear stitching the same as we did on all the blocks so I'll go attach those now to the sides and let my nearly finished okay so as you can see I now have the borders on so all that sex now for me is to add the binding now I'm not going to show you how to do the binding because we have a video on that not linked in the description below so all remains means to add the binding so I'll go and do that now and show you a little clock when that's finished so there you have it our pulse is all finished and put the binding on and finish it off and I think it looks awesome so if you've enjoyed this tutorial don't forget to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel and you can follow us on Facebook and Pinterest and also don't forget the instructions will be over on the website
Channel: Alanda Craft
Views: 163,999
Rating: 4.9651265 out of 5
Keywords: alanda craft, quilting, sewing, craft, quilting videos, quilt as you go quilt with sashing, quilt as you go, quilt, tutorial, how to
Id: VUN3iSodL3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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