Quilt As You Go Method (June 20, 2020)

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hi everyone it's donnell mcadams back today for our saturday facebook live with so steady and westerly templates i've got some fun for you today um i've had a lot of people asking about the quilt as you go method so i'm going to show you how that is done and there is a handout it's a three-page handout i will tell you that it is very complete in the fact that if you're watching with us today you're going to understand it but to just hand you this handout without watching is going to be a little bit confusing so if you don't have the handout i posted it on the westley by me page i have posted it on my facebook page all things sewing and quilting with don l mcadams and or all things quilting and sewing with donnell mcadams and i have also posted it on the so study page by obviously along with my website which is sobismarian.com and you just scroll down a little bit and in great big orange letters it says it's today's facebook live and you can click that link and get it now you're going to have a little bit of time to do that because i'm not starting out with this i'm going to show you a different template today because i need to quilt a couple squares in order to be able to join those together so today i'm going to be showing you spinning wheels number 27 and what we can do with that so first of all i'll lay this aside don't get it too far away from me there so that i can still reach it and we are going to have i've already got my 12 and a half inch squares here and for the design that i'm going to be doing i need to have 16 lines so what i'm going to do is i'm going to set that on there guess i started and now it's slipping around on my glider which is what that's supposed to do is slip so i'm going to go ahead and draw these and then i'm going to lift it off so you can see that i've got those there i'm going to put my center piece in here and then because oops got a little off there and then because i know that i'm going to be using a thumbtack i'm going to go ahead and put that thumbtack in there so i'm going to put it in from the top and i know i don't have 16 lines yet but this is my easy way of doing it so i put it in from the top and then bring it up from the bottom and because i've got that thumbtack in there i can then just simply take this and use the center and it'll rotate much easier so i'm going to rotate this 45 degrees fonda has a question how do you determine how many lines you draw for your design um that is just kind of playing around with it i will show you my finished design and then you'll see why this is a little larger because this template comes in multiple sizes but this is what the finished design will be so i know how many lines um by that so yeah that's a good question because there's many times when you're not sure how many lines you need to draw so i'm going to go ahead and draw all of these the first time i did this one i think i drew all 32 lines and found i did oops i forgot one there and i'll tell you what you gotta have the lines you just gotta have the lines to line up on all right so i've got that there i've got my thumbtack in the middle now this particular template set comes either individually or you can get multiple sizes so i have four different sizes of this design and i think you'll agree they kind of look like a big mustache so for the design that i'm doing right now i am going to be using this template circles on quilts spinning wheels 27 nine and a half inches so there is a hole right here and i'm going to just pick whichever line i want to line up on it doesn't matter and right out here there is an a and clear down here there is a b and so what i'm going to be doing is stitching that pathway so we'll move over here to the sewing machine i'm going to put my foot down first of all it'd be a good idea if i put it this so that it's set for ruler work stitching all right so now when i put that foot down i can still move underneath there i'm putting my needle down and bringing my needle up bringing my foot up and then i'm just going to floss underneath there and there's my thread from the back i'm going to have to get my tweezers always handy to keep those curved tweezers kind of looks like a hockey stick and what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull this thread out long enough and come right back to my same spot and get my needle right back down where i started now i'm going to pull my foot control close enough to me so that i've got the back of it because i set my machine on a medium speed and turn that foot pedal around to the back and you'll notice here that template just kind of wanted to rest right there but it's not lined up here so i'm just going to pull it so it is lined up and i'm just going to follow and i really won't have any trouble because when i get down here there's a little hook that stops me and i'm right on the line i'm supposed to be you can see the line there so i'm going to straighten it up so you can see what i've got and then all i do is continue to rotate the template until a which is where we started back over here comes to this point now i find on this one this is a perfect one for doing individual blocks because i find it's easier to rotate this whole template and so again i'm lining up that line in this line or this line and this line it doesn't really matter and i'm going to stitch to be becky wants to know what chalk marker you use i'm using the clover marker that has the chalk emptied out of it that's my symbol right there is just my piece of pink tape but i emptied the chalk out and refilled it with pounce iron off chalk so that pounce iron off chalk when i'm finished and i happen to have my iron sitting right here i'll be able to iron that right off now i'm rotating again the iron off chuck only comes in white if you have a yellow marker and you don't mind changing it just empty out the yellow chalk and put in the white and you're good to go make sure it's the iron off and you'll notice that right here this is where i started and i'm right back to here so this is just going to go continuous continuous around this was one of my very first templates that i got believe it or not that's how crazy i was and i seriously did not know what to do with it and so that's why i'm showing you and i absolutely love this template and i think you will too because i'm going to show you a secondary design that you can do with the same template can you tell us the name of that template again it's called circles on quilts spinning wheels number 27. so how's everybody doing out there let us know where you're viewing from what you're working on because this is just going to be repeat repeat repeat till i get around here questions are always great i know that last week we had a lot of questions and everybody commented how much they appreciated the opportunity to hear other people's questions so if you have a question don't hesitate and i'll be honest with you if i don't know the answer i'll try to find out but i will definitely tell you that i don't know it margaret's excited because she just got this temple this past week so it's interesting well margaret you picked a good one because it's got a lot of uses and this is one that would be great for temple quilting also because you can see these finish could be cut out there's other places in here so a lot of fun can be had with this template donna wants to know what do you mean set for ruler work stitching on your machine well on my machine i have a foot that is specific to this particular machine i'm working on a janome m7 today and so in order for this to be ready at the right height and everything i took my machine into the ruler work mode and then i set this because this is a very thin bat i'm using i think it's a quilter's dream request it's a very thin bat so i set it for medium because i haven't a couple of extra actually i set it for light i'm sorry i have a couple of options there now if your machine if you just turn it on and you're using a straight stitch that's fine but you will have to obviously get your foot adjusted to the right height in my case i just needed to set that so that it would adjust it because it's already a setting on the machine if you have any issues setting your foot please don't hesitate to contact start out by email send me a couple of pictures i will be happy to work with you i don't know if susan's on there today or not our grand prize winner for the shopping cart giveaway last week but when she was having trouble we facetimed and we got her set up and ready to go so it's it's possible to work that way and you'll be surprised at how much easier it is when you've got everything set correct now i'm coming to i think the next to the last one so i want to show you what we do i'm coming down here and when i turn this around right down here which is off the screen so i'm going to put it back there so you can see it that's where i need to get to so in order to do that i need to measure my quarter of an inch because it's most important that we hit that same spot so if that means i tweak it a little right or a little left or whatever it doesn't really matter because i want my flat side to measure up right against the flat of my um template so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave this at kind of an odd angle for me to stitch but then that way you will be able to see all of it so i'm back to where i started i can take this out you guys can see what we've got here obviously if we were doing template quilting you could cut part of this you could cut this out you could cut some of these out and it would expose the layer underneath and if you've not seen template quilting you can go into the university and there's a class in there so you could be cutting these out all different ones mary's got a great question she said she's seen so many notions and templates is there a kit you can buy with everything you need and where would she purchase that you know what i've thought about putting that together but i can tell you first of all contact your local quilt store and if you don't see what you want you can pretty much go to most of the educators pages i have a lot of the ruler work dots and things like that on there on my page you can connect to that through my facebook page all things quilting and sewing with donnell mcadams because there are a lot of things that that you need we like to sell them separately just because some of the things you might already have and you wouldn't need those but that's a great question mary so where i'm at right now is i need to raise my foot up first my needle then my foot and pull this out so that i can cut my thread so they're long now it does not really matter whether i take threads to the back or bring threads to the front but since i want my knot hidden i'm using what is called a cinch side threading needle this is the package for that they look like this cinch is the company side threading needles now i always get asked why do you like the side threading versus the top threading i had issues with the top threading shearing my thread or shredding my thread so that's why i like the side threading so i threaded all three of those in there i'm going to give it a tug you saw that right there that really pulled down quite a bit of thread and i'm going to flip this over so you can see it on the back and i'm simply going to take two threads and tie them together well i think i've just got one there so two threads and two threads because i have obviously four threads i'm going to tie those together because we like for the back of our quilt to look just as nice as the front if at all possible and once i tie that in a knot i'm going to then put these back in to that side threading needle and i'm going to bury them now what i did right there is i twisted my needle first and i couldn't get anywhere but i'm going to bury them so i'm putting mine the point of my needle in underneath and in the batting i'm pulling that out and now when i pull on this i have buried my knot so that buries everything if you'll just take your fabric and kind of pull it up you can see the fabric pulls up then when you go to cut you can just be a little ways away from your fabric and it'll just go right back down in the fabric so that's the cinch side threading needles so basically i'm finished with this particular block because i just wanted to do a block so that you could see how that was done before you go i've got a question about the um the thumbtack yes um i was i just lost it uh joyce from rhode island says that she has trouble the thumbtack catching when she's using the spinning wheel template is there any way to avoid that ask her what it's catching on what's it catching on because if you don't have a glider yes it will catch so if you explain that as well because somebody thought you were using a cutting mat earlier oh yeah okay this is a glider this is actually a cling that fits over my sewing area so i'm going to pull this all off so that you can see i have a wish table from so steady this is my nice large wish table with the drawer and all of that but even though everything matches up nice and smooth here and i've polished my table you still need a glider to cover up this area so that for example what she's talking about even though this is smooth there's still a different divide in there so when i put this glider on and you'll notice that it has a large opening in it so i can use it all of the time so i am lining up my side lines with my needle and i'm lining up the front and the back with the center needle so that now i can actually even go in there and use my quarter of an inch as an exact marking now i've got mine off just a bit so i'm going to fix it because later i want to use it for what i'm going to show you so now that's a cling when it doesn't cling anymore you just wash it or actually rinse it in warm water and it will then cling again just let it hang to dry and it'll cling again and so that's what i'm using there and if i didn't have this on here right down here is where that spot is you can kind of see it that thumb tack when i went to rotate would catch on that but because that's on here it just moves nice and smooth so hopefully that answered that question i'm going to flip this over so you can see what's on the back of mine i got a thread caught in it don't want that it was just a fabric piece it looks like but you can maybe see it oh probably not it's easier on the other side so there's what we have for that one i have to share this money from linda she said there's just so many templates that make great designs every time you show something new i want it help i need to join a template's 10 step program oh no just just uh keep a little bit of that grocery money back no i shouldn't say that all right so we're going to show you how to do this design now with the same template and i'm going to use a larger size than i used so i use the next to the largest on the other one but i want this design to be bigger so i'm going to center this right here on and i will still need those lines so let's push this over just a smidge there we go and we're going to do our lines here now when i get done with this one i'll show you how i press those out now remember i just take the edge here and i take the edge here to connect those lines at this point i take just a second to go ahead stick in my thumb tack flip it over and find that spot you don't know how many months i spent trying to get that from the bottom when i finally realized just stick it in from the top and now i'm going to rotate and i'm going to set this so you can see what's going on here we have two lines up here i'm not going to the first one left or right i'm going to the middle one there so i'm going like this because i want 16 lines with equal spacing not just 16 lines with random spacing so i've got that lined up we're going to go in here and i don't know you can use a lot of different things i happen to like the fricks on markers and i put down two layers of starch savvy first or best press either one will work but you could actually take two teaspoons of pounce iron off powder and mix it with one teaspoon of cinnamon and then you could fill a second one of these mark your lines because the cinnamon will give it color when you can't see just the white and then before you iron it off you don't want to iron the cinnamon you're just going to take a brush like this and brush off all the cinnamon and then go back and press off the chalk so that's just a little hint there that you can do now i want to show you the larger template but i want to get my ruler stickers here and we'll put them out here if you've never seen them before this is what they look like i think i went the wrong way there's three different colors of ruler stickers and before i had ruler stickers i was trying to use little pieces of different colors of whatever on whatever i was doing and it's not just with templates that i use them i use them on other things but on this particular design this is the larger of what i just did so the one i just did i don't even know where this is it i guess this is the one i just did and this is the larger one so all of these templates have the same markings so i'm going to lay my black fabric down here so that i can show you the template so this template has lines here and here it has cross hair lines and so what i'm going to be using this time instead i guess i should turn it over instead of using the a and b i'm going to be using this line and this line that is not the size i'm going to do i think i left it lay out here so what i want to do we have a couple questions on sure um some people have been putting this in to try and find it online they're saying that there are two different templates okay that may be true you may see one that looks like this yes it has the top you don't want that one because it won't rotate it won't spin when we first had it we had this one and i did a design that was actually a straight line design and it was great but every single time instead of rotating it you have to pick it up off of this pen so you want the one that does not have this piece up here you can see right there it does that design everything is fine let's look at the back here this was the original template and this is what i did is this outside design so if you want to be able to do that outside design go ahead and get the original but it only comes in the one size so hope that helps julie yep great question i didn't know that was still on there in that format i didn't show it to you because i didn't think you would you would find it on there but that one only comes in that larger size that way i believe all right so what i'm going to do is this template needs to have a little mark or i'll pass it it happens every single time to me so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just because i follow my pattern i'm going to pull off a little green arrow for go this is where i'm starting right there and i'm going to pull off a little pink arrow because that's close to red for stop so i'm going to get that design the same as i use on my or my my arrows the same as i do on other things so again these are called ruler stickers i'm just going to pop this right down there so that you can see it if your local quilt store doesn't carry these i would recommend that you tell them they need to get them because they're perfect for even even marking other types of templates so that you keep your lines straight when you're working now i want to make sure i've had so many things up here i want to make sure i don't have anything under that i'm going to set this on my pen i'm going to hold this over here so you can see i'm still lining up this line and that's where i'm going to be starting so i'm going to come in underneath here and we're going to start right there where that green and i don't like to start right up against my template so i'm a distance away i put my foot down and then i bring it into my position needle down needle up and now my foot up and because i left my threads long i can truly just floss right underneath there and it'll bring my threads out so that i can just start so i'm going to pull that into position you notice my lines are lined up put my needle down and now i've got this lined up and i'm going to stop when i get to that pink arrow so i'm going to rotate get my threads out of the way here line up mary wants to know if you purchase that large cross hatch ruler can it be used in small and big templates i'm not sure what you're talking about the when you're marking with your 12 oh yeah the crosshair grid yes that can be always be done smaller just as the smaller one can always be done larger sandy asked is it best to go to a local store to get help jumping into this kind of sewing and designs well yes a lot of them may be new to it but you might be able to encourage them to get in contact with so steady because we are doing getting ready to get back out and doing events plus we are doing um facebook live events and so you may be the catalyst that they need to get going on something like this because as you well know it is something that if you've not tried it you're interested in trying it which means that there's others out there just like you so i can tell you i could just do this all the time i i really enjoy it it's relaxing there's so much fun to to have with the different templates and i was even designing some templates last night i'm pretty excited about that hoping that we'll have those in the fall just because there's some things that i do all the time and i wanted to share them and make it easy so i've been designing some templates so anyway we're almost done here as you can see and if i can hold a conversation with a group on facebook and stitch i'm sure you can do it when you're paying attention with your whole well-being so susan has a question about your pounce she says how do you keep the pounce chalk flowing so nicely hers compresses in the marker after it sits for a while i don't know i've not ever had that issue so make sure it's the pounce iron off that's for sure we're ready to come back to this one right here no we're not i'm i'm not around i'm sorry i got a little ways more to go i was going to measure something that doesn't need to be measured for those there's a lot of newbies out there awesome and debbie wants to know she's got the eight point cross hair ruler she's got the kit but where should she start do is there a video that she should start with is that you said debbie yes debbie if you go back i believe the date is march 16th or 17th when we very first started when the shutdown began you can find what's called let's get started template quilting that would be your very best way to get going on this there's my template okay i am ready now to measure this quarter of an inch down here at the bottom and i'm going to get right back to where i started and then we're going to be off to learning the quilt as you go method so i'm going to raise my foot raise my needle pull this back so yes debbie that is a great question and if any of the rest of you have experienced that and and watch that you know give debbie some encouragement that it will really help her so what i'm doing here is i am pulling that top thread oops i got sidetracked and forgot one of them i'm pulling those top threads back through to the back and for those of you that have been with me for a while you know that i've changed my way of tying this because before i tied them all together i'll take this out before i lose that i usually find them in my shoes so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take two threads and just tie them in a nice neat knot two times usually does it because you're burying the tails and so what i'm going to do now with that is take all four of them slide it into that side i haven't threaded a needle in so long it makes it so much easier to do and then i'm going to pull that through two went two didn't sometimes we have strays but if i don't have to thread the needle it won't really matter so now i've got two positions here it doesn't again matter i pull it up a little tighter and pull that down so donna loves the two designs you just did can she do these on a quilt that's already it would be a bit tricky this one is one that you really have to turn but if you're comfortable with your templates i know that you could do it so that's the spinning wheels and that's the two ways that i work with them and now what we're going to do is we're going to swing that camera around here and i want to show them how easy this is to press off so i keep i've got my wool pressing mat here for what i'm doing right now i'm just going to leave that on the back there you'll see why i do that here in just a minute i've got my little mini iron absolutely love these the reason why is they never shut off these actually are not under the same guidelines that the big irons are so i keep my silicone mat there whoops didn't mean to pick everything up i'm going to flip this around and press off those other white lines they will not come back don't worry about all of those other horror stories and things you've heard those lines are now gone so let's lay this one aside get our big one here and like i said i just wanted to have some designs to quilt for you that you'd not seen at least i don't think you had and one of my this is one of my very favorite templates so we've pressed those lines out and while i'm here we're going to explain a couple of the first steps that you're going to be needing to do so if you look at your handout on the front here of that handout i'll pull it up here so you can see it this says instructions for cutting sashing strips for 12 inch finished blocks now i'm doing uh nine blocks in this particular one because i have a finished quilt that i'm going to show you but what i want you to notice is on this one for for nine blocks you would need six pieces of a b c and d for 12 inch finish blocks now you're going to adjust those numbers for however many blocks that you have and you'll see why in just a second so what we're going to do is we're going to take these 1 and 5 8 inch block strips and we're going to press those in half with the right sides out and that's why i wanted you to i wanted to leave this on here even though it's my wool mat i'm going to be spraying some starch on those because it really helps them and so what i want you wanted you to see is this is my one inch strip it doesn't get folded in half or anything but i'm pressing some starch on there and i don't want that going down into my wool mat so since this is my perfect ironing board here beside me i'm just going to do that i'm going to flip this around and i'm going to press that strip now when you're pressing the strips in half and this goes back you can probably tell i was a homack teacher when you're pressing strips in half and i'm not going to be using this down here but there was no reason to really cut it off you don't want to just take this and start pressing and pulling this what you want to do is get it started like so and then come down a ways and lay it in place and then just kind of use your finger to hold that and come back if you just start pressing this all the way down when you get to the end it'll be over like that it'll be longer on the top side just because of the nature of fabric so if you'll just kind of take your finger that's pressed to there and then i can press it in between here i'm going to come back over this way lay this up against there and press it again now this is not a bias strip i don't want bias for what i'm going to be doing and now i'm going to add just a bit of starch on that and this is that starch savvy by june taylor that i was talking about and that's what you also spray on your fabrics before you use my fricks on pins or markers i don't use pens i use the markers don't use the pens the pins are metal tip and they were never going to glide easily on fabric so i need two strips of each let's see what i've already got this one i already have it pressed in half but i don't have starch on it i'm sorry marge sees my shoes oh i got them you're not gonna believe where we get our shoes we get them at big r so these came from big r or what's now they're bocs so yeah i'll tell you when they see us come and they know they're good for probably three pairs a piece because we are sandal people definitely san diego is your silicone mat for that small iron well you can get smaller ones but i i like the big one because i don't have to have it exactly in the same place all the time so yeah this is my last strip i need to press for what i'm going to show you so there we go with that and what i'm going to do now is get megan if you'll get in that pile of stuff there that i brought i have my quilt that's already completed so you can see where we're headed yeah that's it now the fabric that i used and i'm going to say this before i show it to you because when you see it some some of you will wonder the fabric that i'm showing you there was actually printed on the diagonal so this is not bias this was printed on the diagonal so this is a joined piece right here two different blocks and the fabric was printed on the diagonal and what we're going to be doing is this is the back so the one inch strip only is exposed a half inch because a quarter of an inch is part of this seam and a quarter of an inch is part of that seam and on the front we will be stitching this piece this way with that fold and flipping it back and then top stitching right along the edge now for those of you that don't like this little stitching right there and i left it in white i could have put that in tan but this is a teaching temp or a teaching quilt right here so i wanted you to be able to see all of that that doesn't bother me in the least but that's how you're able to do it and you can see right down here it ended up right on my fabric so i'm not a hand quilter if you're a hand stitcher oh i'm not a hand quilter either but a hand stitcher but if you wanted to do this all up to this step and then hand stitch this you could definitely do that but you may want to do it the reverse so the hand stitching was on the back so with that being shown we'll show it again later we are going to start the process of how we put this together so the first thing i need to do is i need to get my quarter inch foot on so what i'm going to do is get my little screwdriver here and i'm going to take my ruler foot off while i'm doing that i'm going to go back to my regular stitches and i'm going to select a straight stitch and this happens to be my quarter inch foot i'm putting that on there and if you had just been ruler quilting and you have to manually raise your feed teeth you're going to want to do that carla wants to know was there why did you start your strips was there a reason for that it just makes them manageable they're a little bit more manageable now i want you to notice that on my machine my needle in the center position is not in the center of my quarter inch foot so i need to set this so that i have that set so that it's in the right position so now when i'm putting this together i will be a quarter of an inch and you'll notice if i take a straight edge and lay this i'm going to set the foot down and lay this up against here i actually can move my because that foot was not in the center is why i would need to move it i'm going to move my glider so that now when i set this up against there you can see it's right up against my line so i can follow this line if i need to so the only reason i moved this over is because the way this machine is set up the quarter of an inch foot is over to the left now we are going to stitch these blocks i would have squared them up but i had already squared them up pretty much before we started class we are going to follow the directions on here and at first it says you know find a center and then square them up if you're making a 12 inch finished block you're going to square it to 12 and a half because you need a quarter of an inch all the way around to do this technique if you're going to do a 10 inch finish you're going to need a 10 and a half and therefore you can figure out the rest of it blocks are always cut a half inch larger than the finished side and then we're going to stitch an eighth of an inch around each of those blocks and it just makes everything so much easier if we do that so i'm just going to guide the middle of that side toe there and i'm going to stitch all the way around these blocks keeping everything nice and even and when i get to the end down here i'm going to leave that needle in lift up my foot and i'm going to come around this side it just makes it easier and i will tell you there's a lot of things and this comes from obviously having a home eq background there's a lot of things that an additional step may seem like that's just taking more time and it's actually not it's just making it a whole lot easier in the end so on this one since i've got a little bit of that extra i'm kind of splitting the difference because when i take my quarter of an inch i'll be quite all right with that now i was going to have some of this done ahead of time and i thought you know what most people anything done ahead of time it just gets confusing so if you're watching me do this it makes it a little bit more of the fact that it actually is a step in the process and like i said this is something that you're going to want to have the instructions but it's not going to be that the instructions are going to be as valuable to you unless you have this video to watch all right so i'm back to the beginning this is just a temporary you could even do it in a basting i like to do it in just a regular 10 to 12 stitches because that seems to hold a lot firmer and doesn't allow for any stretching i'm going to lay that one aside and we're going to do the same thing here you'll notice i start in the center of a block and not in a corner it just makes it so i can get this nice and flat to begin with when i get down to the corner i want to pivot some of you may have a machine that will do that mine i just raise it up put it back down some of you are going to have the lift on the back but this is an eighth of an inch always have your machine set with the needle down because that is like a third hand do we have any questions they're still having issues on trying to find this pattern or the uh handout no the the template so i've written it on there and i pinned it to the top but they want a picture so i'm seeing if i can find a picture for you okay oh want to stitch too far let's get the reverse button there there we go a couple of things i'm going to tell you just because i'm i like to give hints and ideas whenever you thread your machine make sure your foot is in the up position because that's the only way the tension discs are open and the thread will get seated in there and the other thing is never turn your hand wheel in reverse if you turn it in reverse down here underneath these parts are not intended to go in the reverse direction by the hand wheel they'll reverse but that's your feed teeth so those parts down there were never intended to go in a reverse mode so never do that because it really messes up your machine and your stitching all right so we're actually over here and if you need to make some notes on this please make some notes because what we're going to do is we're going to put this is block one the smaller design and this as block two so what you would do is you would lay out your quilt blocks you would get them in the pattern that you want if they need to be rotated or whatever get them laid exactly as you want because what we're going to be doing is on block one we're going to take this b piece which doesn't matter in color as far as on the the design there or on the the the pattern there because this is the piece that is folded it's one and five-eighths and it's folded in half okay and so what i'm going to do is that piece is going to go on top that's why that's pictured like that it's longer in both directions so make it longer at the top make it longer at the bottom it said to cut this one i think 14 and mine's about 16. don't worry about that it's just fine i've made it extra dark on this side which signifies the fold i'm not sure that yeah i did over here on the side i showed that that's the fold side okay so that piece right there is laid even with the right side of your block and i said it was going to be the other one was first so let's keep it at that and put this right on that right side so that's fold or that's laid right there even with that now i can tell you i can stitch this and be on to the next step before i could draw all of this this took a lot of time to get this drawn up here and the only reason i'm saying that to you is i hope it helps so that you can understand what's going on now we're going to take this block set up here i'm going to put a couple of pins you could actually use um uh yeah wonder clips megan for some reason my piece just fell on the floor thank you so i'm gonna put those in there although i probably wouldn't put pins in at this point unless um i had to do what i was doing to show you so now i'm taking one of the pieces that's one inch that's starched because you'll notice this is the back so i'm going to be flipping this block over and now i have the back and i'm putting this one on so that it's wrong side up and so now what i can do is i can replace my pins and go the other way i'm going to stitch from this side so i'm just going to put my pins in so that it's holding both of those so i'm coming right along here at this point you may be able to see how i liked it why i like to have that starched because it just really works with me so i've got the raw edges of the one on the front and i've got this one upside down so now i've got that pinned in place along there i'm going to take this last pin out and put it bring it to the front and now i am over so i've done all of this right here i'm going to stitch a quarter of an inch seam so i'm going to leave this thread in so you can see all that i'm doing although it would make more sense to get the right color of thread but i want you to see what i'm doing so i'm going to take my pin out there to start you'll notice i'm starting off of the edge now i'm going to tell you if you want something you know to guide on you can use even the piece that we have if you want to hand me that there megan i'll show them how this is if you have the circles and straights tool you have a piece that comes with that that is loud that will allow you to take this back off of here and this is sticky and then you can stick that right up against there now this will probably be in the way so come to the front and make that come to the front so you're right up against there so that way if you're you know having trouble keeping that quarter inch seam just because it's really important you'll notice my line here is in line and i can keep it right up against that also but make sure you keep it so that you are using um a quarter inch seam and not getting any lighter than that okay we've got a couple questions here so if they trish wants to know if we hand sew the final seam do we do this in reverse yes this would be on the back and the other piece would be on right front bell asks on the back strip is that a single layer of fabric yes ma'am it's a one inch strip and i'll show you that again here in a second you guys can see how this is kind of doing this don't let that worry you what i do is i take my pen out ahead of time and that's where some of you have seen me use this before this is a clover tube turner it's not used for this purpose but you can see how easy that makes that lay down and it's just something that if you want to do that you can now while i've got this in this position i want you to notice see how this is wider here that's that back piece so it's supposed to be that way and i'm just stitching off the edge here i really don't need to back stitch i'm just going to go ahead and cut that thread and now what i've got is this piece i've got a quarter inch seam on the back i have the wrong side showing that's going to come out this way so we're going to just unfortunately have to move down here to the ironing board again and the way that i like to do it i am all about what's called setting the seams so this is the way it came off of the machine so this is still to the back this is still laying here and this is called setting the seams and although maybe your homeek teacher didn't teach you about that it really is something that makes a difference and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the back piece and pull it out and i'm going to press that from the front because that way i can pull this out as i go right along there and then i'm going to push this piece back and press from the top because i want a good flat seam don't neglect the pressing we're using that little iron because i can just butt that right up against there now i'm going to flip it to the back and make sure that i've got this all pressed good and flat if not just give it a little bit of a press from the back then and use that edge of the iron to your advantage again i love my little iron because it just can let me get right into where i want to so this is what it looks like now this back piece is still a little longer it didn't change any shape or size and we're going to go i'll do it right down here so you can see it we're going to be going to this part because what you're going to do is if you were doing nine blocks you would be doing this very same step right here two blocks one and two four and five and seven and eight it would not get done to your outer edge over here so you would just start by doing all of those so i recommend that you put something on your block so you know what number they are and you know whether they're a direction that's up or down or whatever so that's what you would do on the first rows in other words if this was a four by five let's say you had four crossed you would be doing this same step to one two 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 and on down you just don't do it to the outer row over here any questions on that not on that got another question for me well there's questions on how to find the the rulers or the templates and i think i finally figured out what the confusion is okay well we'll address that if you keep that to my mind i will address it at the end and maybe i'll just uh put it post it somewhere so you can find it because i can easily post a question from donna what's a good starter kit to use with the rulers as a beginner the sampler set one that's the best set to get started with is sampler set one okay we're going on to the next step here and so we're going to come back over here to the machine so this would be the front and when you're looking at this this picture is drawn because at this point all of this is stitched together and we're now ready to add block two so block two is going to get flipped over and that's why i have that little pink color there because that's block two so block two is flipped over and now we just take this piece right here that's why you want it pressed well and we are going to put those raw edges together but we got to remember this edge and this edge have to be lined up because you don't want to get them offset so we're going to bring that right up to the edge and make sure that they're lined up up here on the top and down here on the bottom and all we're going to be doing is and again i'm going to pin it just because i don't want anything to happen here we're going to pin this into place and this is why you wanted to have that eighth of an inch seam so that you're not having to worry with all of that being loose you'll notice that i i should talk about this too that i pin perpendicular to the direction that i'm going to stitch if you pin this way you have a chance of things moving on you you should always pin or most of the time pin perpendicular to the way you're going to stitch and i'm going to set this quarter of an inch foot down remember i'm starting off the edge and i'm going to stitch that quarter of an inch i almost pulled my threads up because i'm so used to doing that when i'm doing my template quilting i'm guiding that right along there i'm using this line here take out that pen and just put a little bit of pressure on that i'm not saying pull it but put a little pressure on it i'm using a regular standard straight stitch 12 stitches approximately 2.5 or 2.4 on your machine and we're going to stitch off the edge and i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to cut that now again i would be using thread that matches but i wanted you to be able to see what i'm doing so just trust me what i'm going to do now is i'm just going to come down here and i'm going to press this back so i don't think we need to move it i'm just going to press it and then i'll show you what it looks like we've got a couple people worried about those last edge ones that you're talking about because you said you're gonna do this to one and two and four and five and so on yeah will you tell them how they can finish that up yeah ma'am we'll show you okay so what we've got here is we have our quarter of an inches coming together that make that so there's no gap in there so we don't have to add anything in so if you look at your picture now both blocks are right side up and this i'm going to press it again but i wanted you to see what it looks like before it's pressed this is going to go over this edge and we are going to stitch right along here now let's think about this if we had already done for those of you that just asked the question if we had already done all of these blocks this block right here would have all of this same thing done to it and we would just take this third block and add it on just the same this block on this side would have looked like this block before i stitched it and so now we would have had the same opportunity over here to take another block let's pretend this paper is it and do the same thing so these are now a row then you go and do the next row and then you go and do the next row and then you'll notice the last part of the instructions are where's my first page okay here we go you will have a piece that's going to go between each row so each row of this will have a long piece one inch just like up here you had one 14 inches now you're going to have one in this case 40 inches if you had three 12 and a half inch blocks and then you're going to have two pieces that are 40 inches that you fold in half so it forms this and so that way after we're finished with this step here we're going to cut this off and this off and then we will be turning these lengthwise and doing the same thing with the whole long piece so don't over think this don't get ahead of yourself as far as where steps happen because it really is fast and easy now i'm going to go back to the iron and i am just going to press this down so just give me a second here and i'm using the iron the same way that i did i'm pressing from the seam side on block one so that it lays over nice and flat now the only reason i put that fabric because right now i don't have it but the only reason i put that fabric on there was before because of the starch i love my wool pressing mat so now what i did was i simply pressed this down this way and it covers everything up and i'm going to stitch right in the edge there now it's really going to kill me to do this but i'm going to use white thread because i want you to see it but i would much rather use you know what i'll do half white and then i'll change and i'll do the other thread so that you can see it and you can use a foot that has a guide on it let's see what i've got here that i can use here we go so i'm going to take this foot off becky asked a question does this finished quilt as you go method quilt feel different than a traditional quilt that's got top and batting and backing it really doesn't and the reason that it doesn't is because when this is finished this meets together and there's no extra layer it's not like you have overlapped anything so it really doesn't feel any different now my quarter of an inch foot is what we call one that doesn't snap on snap off my others do so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put the ankle on that has the snap on foot and get that in place a lot of you who came in late have been asking for where to find the handouts i re-pinned that to the top of this thread so you can find it at all those places the top of the thread when she says the top of the thread that means the top of all of this chat okay that's what's fun about these live chats all right so here's what i'm going to be doing you can see my foot has a guide over here and it has an opening in there and i'm going to get my needle as far over to that direction as i possibly can so i'm going to take that and press the plus button and you can see my needle moving that's as far as it will go i didn't go as far as i want it to so i'm just going to guide right on the inside of that foot if you have one that lets you get it right over to the edge then that will be good so in this case i'm going to go right against that edge willamina asks can you quilt over the binding i think she means this sashing that you're doing could you quilt sure yep because it's no thicker than anything else okay i'm going to cut that so you can see that i've stitched right along that edge and it shows right there on the back now i would probably have switched that thread to a white but let me show you what happens when i actually change this top thread to a thread that is the right color so i'm going to get a thread that is a matching thread so you can see what that whole long one looks like now i want to encourage you guys to give this a try because like i said i could have put my whole nine block quilt together in the time i was drawing those few pictures on there because it just takes so long to get them so that you can i hope understand them because i wanted you to have a diagram to go by so i'm going to go ahead and thread my needle here and come back so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to join this with and you can pin this if you want i find it's just as easy to go right along this edge so you can see right there you can hardly even see that like well maybe i don't even yeah it's stitched down scared me to death there so it's stitched right along that edge so when you go to the back yes you're going to have a little bit of an over right there if that bothers you then you're going to reverse this process so this will be the front and when you do this it will be the back i'm going to do a close-up they've been asking for a close-up so i'm going to move the camera can they see it in there because this this right here is where you can see the stitching best right between my hands so you can see i've just caught that right along that edge if i go back up here to the white you can see it better it doesn't look good because it's just you know out showing out there but you can see that right along that edge there now what i'm going to do is i'm going to stitch this one more time just a little farther in because some of you may say well i would like to have it closer on the back than it is and you can do that i'm going to change my needle position so that it comes a little bit farther in and you can see what that looks like so i'm coming along here mary ann would like to know what pressure foot you are using the one i'm using right now this is on a janome and i'm not sure what letter it is it's got a guide right here on the side which you really don't need because i'm not out that edge but i like to have this side right here because let me explain that that is actually a great question okay because all of these this right here i've got my needle moved to the right that means all of the feed teeth under here are working for me if you leave it in the center and move this all over this way then that's not the case the feed teeth are not working for you they're just kind of down there doing something but since i've got all of this almost probably five-eighths to three-quarters of my foot is on the fabric that i'm working with it then is holding that nice and flat for me so even though i moved in guys you can't hardly tell i moved in much of anything it's pretty much right still along that edge so on the back it did bring it just a little bit closer when i did that so if you wanted this to be the right side look and you wouldn't have this stitching just reverse everything where i say back you said do front and then that way this would be what your front was and the back would be what has the little bit of stitching showing but that's the way you would do this and you would come over here this one have already been done and we would have joined the third one on so susan that's what you're asking you would complete the whole row yep you're gonna do your i like to do horizontal rows first your eyes for some reason like this better so do going across with all your short pieces and then you're going to go the length so what i'm coming back here is i'm using heavier scissors now because there's a lot of thickness right there and i'm cutting that off i'm going to turn this around and i would have stitched clear to the end and all of that and i'm going to cut this off and that's where the heaviness is right there and now i would be using the long strips and so this would be my long rows here this strip would have been pressed in half it's going to lay all the way across here obviously pressed in half on the back i would put the other one in strip like this and i would stitch that down and then i would be pressing like i did pressing this one over and then i would be joining that to the next row so we've got a question from sandy and ellen it's the same question what a walking foot be helpful for that i do not see the need for a walking foot if you want to use a walking foot it's a lot of apparatus in a place that you really want to be able to get your fingers into and so the thickness has not changed on my quilt and if you were to shut your eyes and go across here like this there is no bump in the middle of this obviously the texture changes because there's a you know the sewing just like a seam but this is still all flat when i fold it over it folds it's not like it's going to be a big old lump there you can see how that lays nice and flat when i fold it now what i want to do is get the one that's finished back so that you can see that because all you're going to do this is actually the back this is a teaching quilt so this is one that i teach from and so this is teaching people how to do different things with their templates and so this is actually the back and all i did was put a binding on it just like i normally would do my binding it was on the front turn to the back and actually i did hand stitch that because i um i'm kind of a stickler on that one so i put it on the front it was a folded and then i put it to the back but it's the same width as this in here so well no it's not it's a little narrower but you could do it the same width but again this is the back of the quilt you can see that on this one that's just right along that edge this is the front of the quilt you can see the stitching right there and you can choose how you want to do this in the case of this one every one of these is tan on one side cream on the back tan on the back side here cream on the front and the reason i do that is because i want to be able to see my stitching showing up so that for that reason there's not a way that i'm going to continually match because if i put tan thread in here to match this i'm certainly not going to stop down here when i'm going across here and change threads so you can see on the back of this one right here that's going to blend in easier so now let me open this up a little bit so the next question is do you always use a contrasting fabric for your sashing not necessarily so you can see here this is an intersection point you've got on your picture there i think it's on the first page and the last page so that you can see what this all looks like this is not heavy in here and this is just showing different ways that we can quilt and the last part of this class was to put it together in the quilt as you go method so i hope this has given you some tips on how to do that and like i said don't over think it you've always got that you can come back and watch this again you've got your hand out to tell you the strips go ahead and cut some and while you're sewing stitch it together so you then have a sample like this because i can easily take this and keep this as my sample so the next time if i forget you know what i did i've even got an open spot down here that i can look at but if you cut your threads get a couple of blocks you don't even have to stitch them you could just put a couple stitches or pins or whatever in them but get yourself a sample real soon so that you can keep it with this hand out and like i said go ahead and watch this again and stitch yourself a little sample maybe even using all of those that from the other videos from quarantine they can yeah put some of those together that way and we don't have to um necessarily make this a quilt this could be a table runner that's never going to get any wider it could be like four or five of these and then just put your edge on your binding on the edge of that would invisible thread be strong enough for sashing i'm not a real fan of invisible thread it's not very forgiving you can try it yes that would work maybe you just want to try it um you know on a sample first to see what you like but make sure if you're using invisible thread it's a good one because if you have a you know one that's that's real thick and heavy it's going to just fight you all the way but um that's you know that's totally up to you um what you do that with that susan wants to know could you use this on a t-shirt quilt sure why not you certainly could and i hate to throw this out there but if you want this wider you can figure out your measurements so like for example this is a quarter of an inch seam in between there so the back strip is going to be a quarter of an inch times two plus the over that's why it's one it's like four times that measurement if you wanted this wider and you wanted this to be an inch that back strip this would be a half inch and a half inch so then i'm not even going to go through all that because some of you're going to say i'm that's confusing i'm not going to go into that because that does get confusing because you have a half inch seam allowance on those rather than a quarter of an inch so but you can figure out the measurements if you wanted to do that so i hope you like this technique i hope you'll try it because i absolutely love it i'm not sure if it's out there on youtube i know we've done some of it but i think today what i did was a better demonstration than what that was and i hope you like that template number 27. i think you'll find there's a lot of things you can do with it obviously we got space here we can still fill this in and that's the fun thing about when you get this together you could get your whole quilt together and you could come back and do some more quilting in here it's not going to be a problem for it which talk about how to get those templates can i show them really quick sure so a lot of you said that you were getting onto google and typing in circles on quilts spinning wheel 27 and getting all sorts of things so if you go down here to the so steady it'll come up this obviously does not look like what donnell did today so you go down here to the bottom and you click and it gives you all of the different kinds so then she was using 27 the seven and a half and the eleven and a half right so if you click on that then it will show you the right one that looks like the mustache perfect so yeah it's it's when it shows you circles on quilts it's going to show you one but there's a whole bunch of others so you can you can scroll down when you hit yeah so again again okay so i went to the google and i clicked on it this is what came up okay and if it doesn't come up right away you might go over here to these three bars and click products and then i just typed in circles on quilt spinning wheel then down here under product name you will click on the plus and there's a ton of different spinning wheels so you need to try to find the 27 either the seven and a half or the eleven and a half this picture down here will not change that's not this design so make sure you're looking at the one on the top up here right and that's why i try to show you some of these and that's why i picked this one for today is because i wanted you to be able to see how to actually use it because that instruction down there in the bottom like she said is never going to change and it's certainly never going to show you how to use that 27. so again i will tell you if you have things um that you're interested in seeing or learning about or a particular template don't hesitate to let me know because when we do these lives on saturday night sometimes it's two in the afternoon well for not two for you but two for us here which means we've got three hours because it's at five o'clock eastern time and we don't have a clue what we're going to do and it's just a matter of pulling something out and playing with it because honestly i want you to get more familiar with whatever you know like the outer rim tool we've done that several times because i know myself some of these templates i've had to really work with to get to where i want with them so don't hesitate to ask we love to show you what you want to see so this is the star that we did just a couple of weeks ago so if you were with us when we did that i think it's all on there and this is showing it this way we actually do it like this but i think i'm going to uh re-align this because i do like the fact that this is kind of like a bethlehem star so um any other questions for today i really enjoy being with you does this quilt have a pattern this quilt does not have a pattern but it may soon be a class like a nine block of the month where it's a beginner learning how to use your templates because this is all done with the sampler set so this would be a good one to get started with so all of our newbies this is the set you would use right yeah this is the set you would have with the sampler set so and remind them where they can see the videos and the other question is will the quarantine videos still be up do we have a time limit on how long i'm not sure how long they're going to be up i know some of them are moving into the university um so if you don't find it out there go to the university because some of them might be in there some of them have moved to paid classes now so if you wanted to you know take the class that's what that's there for and when you when you have it as a paid class you're definitely going to get you know full handouts on it so i'm not sure what we're going to be doing we may have a class on this particular technique that actually takes you through assembling like four blocks together and so you know that way you may be a step ahead when you're doing this but that may be a class too so before you go they want you to move it up so they can see the bottom oh they haven't seen the bottom okay well again this was a teaching block this one right here so this is actually spinning wheels 36 used with a echo guide the same with this this is spinning wheels the same as this one used with an echo guide to make it look like that this one we started on this side and went all the way across and stopped on this side so you can see how you can join designs together this is the large size of the scallop template and this is using the spiral template here and then this is another t what i call teaching block because this one we actually did scallops along the edge here we did our border with the scholar or the scallop and template in two sizes it showed how we could do circles with it and then obviously you know the little ones like the large there and then this is actually the um half moon shape i'm trying to even think what that's four inch arc and you've seen the other one here and then this is merging templates and using templates in the corner so that they overlap to get a design there and then this was used with the 12 and a half or the 12 inch arc spinifex 4 and then this is just using our 12 inch arc on the straight side and many of you have probably done this one because this is using spinning wheels 36. so thanks for joining us today we'll be back next saturday i hope everyone has a great time tomorrow many are probably going to be with families for father's day and so we'll see you then thanks for joining us and bye for now
Channel: Template Quilting with Donelle McAdams
Views: 29,341
Rating: 4.7929759 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 45sec (4965 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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