Quilt as you go a modification done my way

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hi there Liz here and we are at Emo's creative studio where anything and everything you create is beautiful because you created it and this tutorial I am going to be showing you how I make a quilt as you go block I've modified it to make it easier for me to make the block now most quilt as you go blocks there are three pieces the back the bedding and the top as you will see in this one and as you can see the back of mine is kind of wrinkled and I don't like the wrinkled look so what I'm going to do is I'm still gonna do quilt as you go with the top and the batting and then I will add the back later so let's get started [Music] as you can see here this is a quilt as you go block using two and a half inch width strips and I've got I got these strips from my jelly roll which is a manufacturers pre-cut they take 42 pieces of a designer or they're lying and they put it together into a roll so what I did was I chose different fabrics to make this particular block now again I said a quilt as your goal block is the top the batting which I think I have the site in that song yeah the batting and then your back now when I've made these quilt as you go blocks I kind of get well I don't kinda I get wrinkles in the back and I don't like the way they look so let me show you what I'm going to do first of all I'm not using a jelly roll I'm actually using three different fabrics here's the batting that I chose and I'll tell you what the size is I'll put it in the screen down here this is the batting I'm making a little table topper and then here are the three fabrics these two fabrics are going to be used for the stripes in an angular quilt as you go and then this one will be used as the bottom piece so to save some time I've already cut my pieces I have two strips that are two and a half inches wide by wof and wof is with a fabric so I've got my printed I'll show you on the white I've got my printed set and I've got my red set and then what I did was I cut out a piece of fabric a little bit larger than the bedding as you can see here so the very first thing I want to do is I want to mark my batting where I'm going to be sewing again remember I told you that I'm going to be doing a modified version of quilt as you go so here at the cutting mat I've told you before that each block is 1 inches square 1 inch this way in 1 inch this way some mats have delineations of 1/2 and 1/4 every half and every quarter inch so let's just talk about what we're going to do with this I'm gonna take my batting and I'm going to measure it up against one of the boxes and I want to make sure that my corner fits in very carefully right here what I'm going to do is I'm going to count up 3 boxes or 3 inches 1 2 3 and at the top I'm gonna make a little mark then on the bottom I'm gonna mark 1 2 3 and I'm gonna make a little mark right here most rulers will have markings for 30 degrees 45 degrees and 60 degrees what we're looking for is the 45 I'm sorry the 45 degree angle and what I want to do is I want to measure it up against the bottom of my batting and what I'm going to do is while I have this black line measuring up to the bottom of my batting it's going to allow me to draw a straight line from this pink mark to this pink mark so let me take my marker and draw my line all the way across and what I am using this is a Crayola Ultra Clean washable marker and this mark will wash off well there's no need for me to worry if it's gonna wash off or not wash off because this is going to be in the inside of the table mint I like to always start with the colored fabric you see there's a bright bright side and a wrong dull side so some people say that the right side is called the pretty side so what I want to do is I want to cut off the selvage sel VA GE I think I spelled it right and this is the manufacturer end of the fabric and as you can see there's some little pokey holes when the fabric is being printed these this fabric is already some woven it's 100% cotton and it's put on the pins and then it's sent through a machine and it's printed and that's what these holes are these are the pin holes where the fabric is placed so that it could be printed so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to cut it doesn't have to be even I just want to make sure that I get rid of the little holes and the selvage part of this piece of fabric what I'm going to do is with the right side facing up to me I'm gonna have about an inch or so on each side and I'm gonna put the top most one of the sides up against this pink line to cover my corner can you see right here I'm gonna cover my corner with this piece of fabric now I don't want this piece of fabric moving so I'm gonna go ahead and place one pin to hold it so that I can continue with the next part of what I'm going to do just one pin to hold it now if I want to I can I can go ahead and cut it about an inch or so away because I'm not flipping this over so I'm going to take the excess fabric off to get it out of my wing and put it off to the side what I'm going to do is take my solid fabric again I like to cut off the selvage and this particular fabric is solid and it's folded with the right side inside and I can tell that this is the right side sorry you didn't see anything I just said sorry the right side is folded inside so I know Plus this particular fabric it's nice and smooth on one side it's kind of rough on the other so the nice smooth side is the right side from pretty side of the fabric again I'm gonna cut off the selvage part with the holes I'm gonna throw my piece of garbage away and then I'm going to put right sides together I'm gonna match the end that's on the pink line together and then I'm gonna carefully remove the pin that's holding the other piece of fabric and I'm gonna pin the corners making sure that my pins will not be in the way of sewing on my sewing machine so let me show you this again so now I pinned it and it's ready for me to make it quarter inch seam allowance sewing down this side of the two pieces of fabric so what I did was I took my printed fabric pretty sign or right side up facing me and I lined it up against this line right here I put a pin in so it'll be mulching around and then I put the solid fabric nice side or pretty side facing down so right sides together is what the technical phrases sorry right sides together and I pin both so that it is a jiggling around when I saw it on my screen machine now one thing I forgot to show you let me quickly show you this one over here now you see we're working at an angle do not cut your fabric these long strips before you see how it's going to end up now if I were you I would put the fabric but each side together and you see right here if I had left it like this this part of the batting would be showing so I'm gonna move it up so that when it's folded open the batting is covered same thing with this side now I know that it's gonna come up to here so I'm gonna chop it cut it off right here so I have less of a tail to be working with now I could put my right sides together kind of centering it and now I could pin it I'll pin it here and I will pin it on this side and the next thing is we're going to sell our quarter of an inch seam allowance so let's move over to the machine I'm ready to sew my pieces together now on this machine which is the Bernina Burnett 92 C which is an older machine this foot is not a true quarter of an inch foot if you can see right here and I don't know if I can get this to go in any more that you can see it there is a groove that's right here this groove matches up to show you the quarter inch marking that I have here on my machine this goes beyond the quarter of an inch and it'll make my quarter of an inch a little bit too big and wide so I need to measure keep my end of the fabric budding up next to this notch here I put my thread to the side because I don't want to have that nest underneath I start my sewing at the edge right here of the batting try to keep my hand out of the way so you can see and I'm gonna make sure that my edge of my fabric is indeed at the quarter-inch marking and is so this is a machine that I operate using a button up here it's not up I use well this machine operates on and off with being and you can see with a button that I turned on and off and then a regulator stitch to make him go faster and slower so what I did is I got it on the slow setting right now until I feel comfortable sewing so let me go ahead and zoom in for you I always hold the ends of my thread because I don't want that nesting that bunch bunched up thread underneath my project so I'm going to turn my machine on and I'm going to be going fairly slow because I want to make sure this edge goes up against the line that's right here for a true quarter of an inch seam allowance so to the end of the bedroom I'm going to turn my machine off this machine is set to let the needle always the last stitch ends with the needle up I'm going to click with my scissors my thread underneath and then I'm going to take my pins out put them on my pin cup and my first stitch get this if you could see this is my first attachment of the two to two and a half inch wide strips so I will go to my iron and I'm going to do that real quick but I'm not going to have you look at it I'm gonna turn it to you and I'm gonna quickly press we know that pressing means putting the iron down and not wiggling it back and forth now this particular red fabric gets dark when it gets hot and if you could see it so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take another piece of my printed fabric this right here and I'm going to line it up see if we can do the Sun on it to turn off the video and move to the cutting board you can see both ends of my bedding so what I'm going to do is I'm going to butt it up first to make sure that I have enough fabric on each side of the bed so that when I'm done sewing I don't have a piece of or a white edge of the batting hanging out so I'm going to go ahead and right about here so I don't have something flapping around in the wind and then I'm going to put right sides together you know I've got long tails at these ends but I'm more concerned with pinning up the - well actually it's three layers because it's the bottom strip the top strip in the bedding I still can get away with only two pins one on each corner and now I'm going to turn my item around make sure I'm at the line that delineates a quarter of an inch I'm going to hang on to my string I lost my string a quarter of an inch sorry if my fingers are in the way right now then you hold it down and you turn on my machine and let go of my thread and I'm gonna make this machine go just a little bit faster cuz I'm feeling a lot more confident and I'm going to actually follow my line you sure yeah actually making up to this very cool I'll get her this ladies and gentlemen get my favorite caught that granny wood underneath the needle I've run it twice sire I am an expert at keeping my fingers away from the needle on the machine back again so here we go we've got the second the third piece on I'm going to pull off our pins and I'm going to finger press it open so that you can see what it looks like there you go that's your third piece I'm gonna roll over and I'm not going to show you but you'll hear me ironing open this piece so that I can add another solid piece again we want to make sure that we're covering this edge and this edge of our bedding so we're gonna take a red piece now I want you to know that I did not cut off the selvage ends on both ends of this piece because I need an orientation to know which side is the good side especially if I don't have a good feeling in my fingers if I'm somebody that's suffering from arthritis or neuritis or I'm saying arthritis or neuropathy because I'm diabetic I actually am diabetic all I suffer from right now is arthritis I still have somewhat decent feeling in my fingers but still I'm being very careful and cautious okay so on this side I know I have this much and on this side I'm already covering the tips I'm gonna take my scissors and I'm going to cut it off at about here because I don't want this looping around I'm just gonna slide it down very carefully so that I can match my edges here's one image and here's another edge so now I'm going to be using probably three or four pins to hold everything in place I'll put one here I'll put one here [Music] they'll put one in this and making sure everything is nice and the other strip is nice and tight oops pin it and you turn it around find my end of the string thread and hang on to it match it up just as I can here hold my string turn on my shoe and there I go like like almost my thread because I put into a meter for stitches and I'll make that bird's nest no clumping thread underneath now because I'm using the little bells or the little invitation right here as my guide I'm not going to make this machine going interested because I want to make sure that I get a to order of an inch seam allowance needle ends up in the up position comeback threads I'll flip this underneath here so you can see what it looks like when I open it up I'm going to open up the piece and I'm going to do the press it all the way across okay do you see right here you see there here there is a fold so I'm gonna have to cut it I'll cut some of the stitching probably to about here and then restage it because I've got a little fold in the fabric right here that would be easy to do sorry if my hand head are in the way I have temporary lighting because I'm not up in my studio permanently this is my permanent sewing studio I'm moving back up here slowly piece by piece I set up one of my machines up here I still have my other mini sewing studio set up downstairs but since it was a nice sunny day and they're very the first day of fall 2018 I thought I'd come up here where it's a little bit cooler I'm pulling the wrong threads and shoot a video I know the lights kind of crummy so once I move up here permanently I'll have better lighting so that's unstitched what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn it around and I'm going to try to match up needle to thread work a song hopefully you won't get a bird's nest that got needed here reverse it folder pretty much this wrong again let's like this underneath open this up Peter press it much better so you see how it looks now we're getting that nice look I'm going to go ahead and finish this all the way up to the final piece off camera it's all the same I'm alternating solid prints solid print solid print solid print I should end up with the print at the end but we'll see when I come back so I am now finished with my quilt as you go table topper and you can see that I've got all sorts of edges hanging out if I turn this over you will see that I need to do some trimming let me turn it over again so you can see that everything is at an angle unfortunately I was not able to end with a print you're probably going to see a little bit of the red once I put the underside or backing on but the next thing I want to do is I want to trim off all these edges and we're going to turn it this way I'm going to grab my ruler I know I have a ruler big enough then I can put the black line down here and match it up to the edge of the batting and my batting should be straight because I straightened it out before I started putting this together I'm going to pull this up a little higher and I'm going to use a different line because I want to grab all of this edge right here now I'm gonna stand up to cut only because I only want to cut this once press down move up make sure your fingers are not I am so sorry I lost the battery in the middle of my sentence I was not able to show you cut me cutting the other three edges so I was saying make sure that you don't have your fingers in the way because you these things are super sharp and again I've done a video that tells you about how to cover this after you cut now I have a perfectly well it's almost squared let me see what the size of this thing is this is ten and a half by eleven it's not quite square but it's a very nice it's a nice looking table mat that you could put your lamp I let me see if I can reach the lamp oil yeah you could put your lamp on it on a table a really nice or you can put a little Christmas decoration or you could put it anywhere to decorate so the next thing we want to do is we want to attach our bar backing so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put the backing on my table mitt cutting mats on my table or on my cutting yet right side up the pretty side facing up and you notice I still have the selvage on this side remember I said that I cut this piece a little bit bigger than the actual mat and as you can see I have a good inch inch and a half all the way around now sometimes you'll see that the fabric isn't actually printed straight so you can kind of straighten that and I learned this trick when I was in seamstress school you can actually pull the ends of your fabric and kind of straighten up the green to make your fabric a little bit straighter and yet it did work out a little bit so I'm going to try to Center this as best as I can and it doesn't help that I didn't cut it straight down here I'm going to Center this the best that I can and I'm going to start with pinning my first corner up here I'm gonna add another pin right here now I'm pinning far enough away from the edge that I'm not going to be sewing over my pins in my industrial professional machine that is a baby lock it's a Jane I believe that I can sew over pins it was made to sew over pins this machine that I'm working on with now does not show over pins I've already had my I've already broken several needles doing that thinking I was being cute and adorable but because I was lazy and I broke my needles I've had this Bernina for many many years this is the very first sewing machine no it's the second sewing machine because I did do a trade in my first machine I believe was a brother and I trained it in for this brunette Bernina is the machine that I started then I learned how to sew on infinitely so many years ago I covered my mouth when I said the years 40 plus years ago okay and I learned how to sew on a Bernina I went to an all-girls Catholic High School and it was a better school and they had since it was a better school they had better equipment so they of course had a full amount they had the money that they could buy the better machines rather than have a singer or a brother or something like that so I learned how to sew on a Bernina alright the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make markings and why I'm making markings is I want to mark where I'm going to start sewing and where I'm going to end sewing I want to be able to stick my fingers in and grab the corners to turn this inside out so I'm gonna mark up here I usually just mark my eye but I'm gonna give you markings one two three four you do five inches that should be big enough for you to stick your hand in and pull your item through now what I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do is I'm not going to show you me sewing around because it's very simple I'm gonna do 1/4 of an inch sewing all the way around actually with what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the my presser foot as the guide and it's gonna be a little bit bigger than a quarter of an inch and that's okay because this I'm not following a specific pattern this is something that I'm putting together because I thought it would be really cute as a table topper for Christmas I backstitch at the beginning and at the end so that when I have my hand through and I'm pulling it through I'm not ripping open the stitches so I'll come back and show you what it looks like after I've stitched it I've now stitched it all the way around leaving a little opening so I could stick my hand in and I'm showing you the back side you can see it's not as wrinkly as if I would have done it with putting the backing on doing a quilt as you go I'm gonna remove my pins because my fingers tend to always catch on to the pointy edges now the next thing I'm going to do here is I'm going to cut off the excess fabric and I'm not going to use my rotary cutter I'm just going to use a pair of scissors and run it up with the fabric if it hangs out or shows a little bit that's okay I'm not trying to be perfect here go on each side all the way around and we're gonna cut the last side and if you get it good you probably can slide your scissors across the other thing I want to do is I want to cut the at the corners to make it easier from when I turned it inside out I don't have a big bunch up of fabric there please make sure when you're cutting your corners that you do not cut into the stitching because then you will have a problem and you'll have to turn your item inside out and REE stitch everything over again and that becomes quite a hassle because you then have to change the seam allowance to a different size so now you see that this opening right here is big enough for me to slide my hand in I grab a corner put it in and I pull it out the bigger the opening the better it is for you to pull out your item and have to get a dog I didn't bring up my my chopstick all right so I'm going to stick my finger in and try to push it out the best way I can because me I am clumsy if I stick my scissors in I am for sure gonna poke a hole into this thing and I really really really really really don't want to do that so let me see if I could poke out the holes really really good I learned of a different way to pull out your corners and I'm a little nervous about doing it sorry about doing it someone said to take a pin and just pull out the thread the fabric but I'm a little nervous but let's try it on camera here and see what the heck happens if I do that just let me lower it so you could see what I'm doing you just stick in your nick pin and just pull out look at it didn't do it okay so I shouldn't be such a scaredy-cat I normally use a chopstick when we go to the Asian restaurants I always get an extra pair of chopsticks so that I can bring home and use they already know at the restaurant the deaths what I take home the extra chopsticks she laughs at me well the former the former owners were sisters and they would giggle every time I said I needed chopsticks for sewing they thought it was funny I don't think these owners the new owners think it's cute but they let me do it alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over to the ironing board and I'm gonna iron this flat I'm also going to iron this fold and I'm going to show you what I do next maybe I'll move the camera back so you can see an iron since it's right here let me move all my items over right now I'm just ironing with a hot iron I don't have steam in it and it does pretty good it's not burning anything I've got it set at one notch below cotton so I know it's not gonna burn anything but I know that it's actually pressing I'm actually ironing I'm not pressing I'm gonna do both sides and you see how it crisp crisply crispy crisply and ironed out now what I'm going to do is I'm going to the open edge usually the bottom folds in naturally I'm going to finger press it and then I'm going to fold in the top edge to get a really nice-looking edge here I try to get it as close as possible like such I hold it with my fingers and then I put my iron on it usually what the other iron I'd give it a good spritz of or a good shot of steam that iron is downstairs I didn't bring it up because I'm still sewing down there it'll be or it'll be awhile before I move up here or a hundred percent I want to paint the walls I want to do a lot of things but again like I said I'm going to be doing a video talking about next video we'll be talking about what I'm going to be doing up here the last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to use a permanent fabric glue I'm sorry I don't know the name of this but this is recommended from one of my group pages on my face on facebook you just open it up let me take the little fiber off and I just put some glue down here all the way across and then I carefully my folded top edge gets folded over press it with my hand first our finger press it as such turn it around if you could press it again such and then I'm going to make it a permanent adhere here adhere mint if there's such a word make it permanently here to adhere to each other by putting the warm iron on it now for all intents purposes I have completed my table meant I am still at the design stage of what how I want to finish this off I personally like how these these smaller ones look without a border if I put a border on it takes away from the print I probably will be using a red thread and I am going to top stitch either an eighth of an inch or a quarter of an inch all the way across and the only reason I'm doing this is so that this doesn't pull totally away from the met when the person the customer washes it but this is the completed mat let's see if I can find a spot where you can see there you go this is the completed mat like I said it's ten and a half by eleven and a half it's a very nice mat it probably will take you less than 30 minutes to make with the cutting and everything it took us a little bit longer so here is the completed table pad mat it's not really a runner because it's not long enough but it's a little table mat to put it on your table like this you can put it on your table like this however you want to use it here's the front here's the back I've made a couple of more and I'll probably attach pictures at the end of this scene to show you what other designs I've made not only for the holidays but for everyday use as well so my name is Liz we are at emos creative studio where anything and everything you create is beautiful because you created it like/subscribe down at the bottom you'll see a little bell if you click on that bell it'll give you a notification every time I make a video I am going to try to make more videos like subscribe see me on Facebook e OS Li Zi also see me on Instagram with the same acronym e mo s Li Zi until the next time happy quilting happy sewing bye [Music]
Channel: EMOs Creative Studio - Liz-Quilting Hobbyist
Views: 10,603
Rating: 4.6160002 out of 5
Keywords: QAYG, quilt as you go, quilt as you go my way, quilt as you go modified, quilting, sewing, crafting, notions, thread, needles, pins, cutting mat, rotarty cutter, fabric, rulers, measuring, measurements, quilt blocks, jelly roll, jelly rolls, iron, pressing, scissors
Id: qoW0GRLpJD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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