How to Paint the Cutest Snowman #1 with Acrylics | Paint and Sip at Home

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hi there I'm Michelle the painter from Berkshire paint and sip and this is paint and sip [Music] all right so today we're gonna be painting this super adorable snowman and I'm gonna be sipping a little Pinot Noir so let's get painting and let's get sipping all right so for the materials today I'm going to be using 18 by 24 stretched in prime canvas you can switch up the size but that's the size I'm going to be using and you can get this at any of your local craft stores or you can get it online I'm going to be using three brushes I'm going to be using a number 12 flat synthetic brush I'm going to be using n number 12 round synthetic brush and a number 4 round synthetic brush of course you can switch those up if you want as well for paint I'm using acrylic paint the colors I'm using are titanium white Mars black burnt umber this is a chrome orange fire red cobalt blue and green oxide and you'll notice I have two areas of white I have a bigger section in a smaller section the bigger section we're actually going to be using that to make a gray color later so you're going to want to put two sections of white on your palette and of course you can switch up the colors but that's what I'm going to be using you're also going to need a cup of water for washing your brushes and a paper towel for drying your brushes and I am going to also upload a picture of the final painting and you can find it in the description below you can print that out use it as a reference as you go along if you'd like to and that's all we're going to need alright so for the first step what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be pre mixing what I like to refer to as a warm gray so I'm going to take this larger area of white and I'm going to add some Brown to it just a little scoop of brown and a little scoop of black and the brown is gonna bring this into a warmer kind of gray I'm going for like a medium tone that to me is a little bit too light so I'm going to add more of both colors into it so some more Brown and a little bit of black it's always easier to just keep adding those darker colors as opposed to adding too much and then having to bring back some white and kind of waste the white this gray will turn darker as it dries so just know that you want it to be kind of like a medium gray with a little brown undertone and you can certainly modify it as you want and what we're going to do with that gray is we are going to be making the outline of our snowman with this me this number 12 round brush so I've got my correct gray and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to first do the center ball of the Snowman and for me this is going to start about halfway up the canvas and I want it to be almost like halfway between the bottom and here and I'm just really gonna make myself a pretty good-sized circle and that's gonna be modified as this progress progresses so don't worry if it's not perfect and then I'm what I'm going to do is I'm going to outline the bottom ball it's gonna be a little bit wider and I want it to kind of have a flat side I'm going to start about midway up the sides of this this snowball and then I kind of get it a little bit flatter at the bottom something like that then again you're gonna modify it as you go along and now I need to do my head so I'm going to start this I don't want it as wide as the second wall so I'm gonna start it right about here and here and something along that and you can overlap if that makes it easier for for you to to see the circle and that's all we're gonna do for the first step so the next step we're going to use the bigger brush so when you're ready put this in your water cup take out your big flat brush and get ready for the next step okay so what I'm going to do for the next step I'm using my big flat brush I'm using that pre-mixed warm grey and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna paint in the entire exterior of my canvas you don't need to do any particular brush strokes I'm just going to be going left to right as I get around my snowman you may find that I'm gonna um you know just go around the Snowman but know that you don't need any special brushstroke because when you use these lighter colors they really cover your canvas well so the stroke is not really going to matter if you have a nice solid color it will dry in a nice solid fashion plus we're gonna be putting snow on the canvas later so if you do have any spots that didn't get covered as well as you want them to you'll be able to strategically place any snow on that canvas and that will give it a nice finished look and you can see every now make whoops there goes my leaves oh all right so I'm going to make sure that my canvas is in my camera right now and I'm gonna make any adjustments I don't know how that happened that was a little odd are we doing all right all right we're doing all right so I'm just gonna keep painting that that was a little interesting that's never happened before I think I had it tipped too far forward but if you guys can still see it then we're good to go and again I'm just kind of finishing painting this background with my gray you can see I'm not painting too too fast I do want to get a nice even coverage and some people like to do a second coat um but I'm right now I'm just going around my snowman outline my snowman will probably end up being a little bit bigger than it is right now because when I go to do the colors in the Snowman I'll probably bulk it out a little bit but this way at least I have a nice outline for it that makes it so I can have some kind of guideline as I go into the the process in a few minutes of making the color in the Snowman so I'm just kind of finishing up here and some of you may want to paint the edges or the sides of your canvas sometimes you'll notice as I go along in this process you'll catch me kind of reaching over on the edges because I like mine painted because we are using a nice solid color for this first coat I can always go back later to and just kind of tidy up those edges or I you know before I call it done but right now I'm just kind of painting all around my snowman and finishing up here we are going to use this larger brush for the next step so once you get this all colored and you're going to want to wash and dry this big brush in preparation for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're painting in the Snowman with the base color so I'm going to be using three colors I'm going to be using white brown and blue and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the white and I'm going to be dotting the entire snowman with kind of heavy white this way when I go to do the other colors which are the blue and the brown this white is going to be nice and fluffy and it's still going to be wet because I'm using a good amount here so and this is where if you wanted to you could kind of manipulate the exterior shape of the Snowman but you can see I'm just kind of dotting it you could use a bristle brush for this particular step I'm just choosing to use this one because this is the brush I wanted to use for the background but you could certainly switch it up you do want to keep your edges kind of messy if they're really clean looking it's gonna not really look exactly like a realistic kind of snowman a realistic kind of snowman is going to have bumps and stuff around the edges so now that I've got the initial shape in here what I'm going to do is I'm gonna pick up more of white and a touch of brown and a touch of blue and when I mean just a touch I mean just a and what I'm going to do is I'm using this as like a shadow along the edges I'm going to put a little bit down below and I'm just kind of lightly dotting it right now I'm going to bring it in a little bit in through here and picking up just a touch more Brown and now that I've kind of got these little almost series of dots what I'm going to do is start to blend it just a little bit going into the Snowman itself so it's still kind of wet so I can take this brush and just kind of lightly dot I don't want it to look exactly like I think I have a fly in my hand so I'm just kind of dotting along the edges so this way it gives it a few for kind of shadowed little area around the edges you can make it lighter you could make it darker what is whatever is visually appealing to you is gonna work I'm gonna bring this one in a little bit more maybe I'm gonna pick up a little bit more white I think I'm gonna use a touch more Brown - I like my to look more on the natural side and to me when you're building a snowman you're probably gonna have some dirt in there because you're working outside so you can make it as you know warm as you want with just a little bit more Brown I mean you don't necessarily want it to look dirty but just adding these little bits of Shadows along the exterior of the snowballs so to speak really helps to make it look nice and natural I'm just kind of putting my head back this is going to be a nice healthy looking snowman so don't be terribly concerned about the head area because you're gonna have a big huge hat on there you're gonna be disguising it with a whole lot of other Elle so I wouldn't be terribly concerned about that but I'm just kind of darkening this up just a little bit on the edges because I wanted to have a little bit more of that shadow of look so they added a little bit more Brown and then once you feel like you've you've accomplished this we are going to be switching brushes to that medium round brush so I think I have the number 12 round brush so when you get this all done you can put this large brush away in your water cup and take out your round brush okay so what I'm going to be doing for the next step with my number 12 round brush is I'm going to create the first layer of my hat so I'm gonna use just black paint and I'm going to take my brush I like to take my brush and spin it on the side of my palette because that gives me a nice pointy tip and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to make a dot at the left corner of his neck and the right corner of his neck and then I'm going to connect those two dots so I'm in essence just drawing an outline around his head and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to use those two reference points on the neck in the net and I'm going to make myself an essence kind of like a halo so I'm going to do something along this line I'm going to bring it right back to this point in this point and then I'm going to color that part in with just black paint so I'm using that same brush I'm just gonna color it in and when I get this section done on the Hat then I'm going to make the top section so you I like to use a lot of paint on my brush when I'm using black simply because it allows me to get a nice smooth stroke to it you might want to add a little bit of water to it sometimes when you're doing smaller lines that helps out but I just use more and that helps me to get the nice lines and now I'm gonna do I want to add the top to the hat but I don't want it as wide as these exterior pieces so I'm gonna make myself a couple of markers maybe one right about there and maybe one right about here and for me I want kind of a big hat it's going to be kind of wider at the top and more narrow here and it's going to have a little bit of a curve to it so I'm starting over here I'm going to bring it kind of like this like this and maybe around like this and something like that you're gonna find that your hat may look way different than mine you could do a nice square top hat you could do whoa this is I think I've got a little malfunction on my easel today all right hold on hold hold the phone let me just make sure it's still looking all right in the camera oh we good we're good all right I think we're gonna have to for next video do different easel or something this is becoming quite the challenge all right so I've got this area that I'm just continuing to fill in with black paint and again you could modify the shape of it you could make it bigger you could make it square or rounder or shorter really whatever you want to do for the shape is fine by me this section where the brim is gonna be will pop out later when we put snow on it so I'm just about finished with this step I will be using this same brush which is going to be the round brush for the next step so when you get done filling in that hat you don't even have to wash this brush because we're going to be using black paint you can just sit relax and perhaps take a sip and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to be doing for the next step we're still using this number twelve round brush we're going to be creating our arms slash branches so I'm going to be using black paint the trick here is you kind of really want it to look like a branch so as your what I do is I'm going to start you know where it kind of like in the middle of this midsection and as I go out I want my branches to get skinnier and skinnier so what I do is I'm going to start and I'm going to kind of mark myself a little bit of a wide area maybe about a half of an inch to an inch through there and then that's where my branch is going to come out and as it comes out it's going to get skinnier and skinnier as the end of it as I get towards the end of it and I'm going to have a couple of branches coming out of one arm because what's going to happen is I'm going to have a birdhouse hanging from one of these so my trick to getting these little branches at the ends is as I am using a lot of paint from one that's that's like trick number one you saw this one I started at the top and as I went towards the interior I was pushing harder so that's one way another way is if you're starting in the interior and as you want to go towards the exterior you you lift off on your pressure and that's going to allow you to have a nice skinny branch so I'm doing these with just black paint for now and what I'll end up doing is I'm going to end up when I put snow later I will put some snow on the bridges also you could do that in this step right now but I like to kind of wait until that black dries it makes it a little bit easier so that's going to be that branch now I'm going to work on this one over here and this one maybe I'm going to make a little bit different looking so because there are no two branches alike in this world but again I'm starting pretty wide as it's coming out of the body and then as I am making my way towards the end that's when I'm going to let off on my pressure and make it on the skinnier side all the while I know on this side I'm going to be having a bird on one of these branches so I want to make sure I have some place where that bird to sit so just know that that's kind of your end goal for this particular side and then that's going to conclude that step and we are going to be using our big brush for the next step so after you get your branches done I give them also a little bit of wiggle so they're not terribly straight as you go about it but those are just my little tricks so when you're done with this put this medium brush away in your water cup you can take out the big brush wash it and dry it and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to be doing for the next step is we are going to be doing the shadow underneath our snowman I am using my large flat brush I will be using black and my original grey so when you do this you're going to be using just a tiny bit of black and you can wipe it off on the side of your palette what I'm going to do is I'm essentially kind of underlining my snowman with like a rubbing kind of technique it does not have to be a perfect line I want it to be kind of uneven I do want to go a little bit up on the side so that indicates that you can see the the depth or the roundness of the Snowman as if it's casting a shadow on both sides once you get that outline underneath there I'm not going to wash my brush I'm just picking up a touch of my original grey and I'm in essence kind of blending the black into my grey ground so this is going to give you a nice transition you may want a little more black you might want a little bit more Brown whatever you know visually works for you and if you do it and you're like look this is too much don't worry because we're going to have snow on the ground later this really is just we need something to tell the viewer that our snowman is not floating in the air so this is helping to accomplish that that goal this is making it so it does have that grounding effect we know that it's sitting on on the on the ground and there is some kind of light from the sky that's casting this shadow underneath it so when you're all done with this we will be using that medium round brush the number 12 round brush so you can put the large brush away in your water cup take out the medium one and get ready for the next step all right so what I'm going to do with my medium brush is I'm making the first layer of my pine trees that are off in the distance so I'm going to be using green and black paint on my brush at the same time I don't premix it I want these to look like that far off of the distance so I'm going to go about halfway up this bottom section of the snowman and these are meant to look like pine trees so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make one line for the trunk something like that and if I want another one I can make another one of a shorter height and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go from the top and I'm going to do kind of a down and out motion with my brush and I want those the branches to be longer or wider as they come down towards the bottom so here we go I'm just kind of moving my brush in a down-and-out fashion I don't really want any of that trunk to show you might want to but I don't so I just kind of do it until that trunk is covered we're gonna be putting snow on them later this is just to give the effect that they are in the shape of a pine tree I just picked up a little bit too much green so I'm picking up a little bit more black and if you can you can have them light or dark whatever again is visually appealing to you but your goal is to kind of get them into a kind of a triangle type shape and not super-clean triangle-shape the Messier is the more natural it's going to look so I think that's good for me I'm making this one a little bit longer so it looks like it's a little bit more in front and we are going to be using our small brush for the next step so when you get this all set you can put the medium brush away in the water cup and take out your small brush and get ready for the next step alright so for the next step we're using this small round brush I'm going to be making my bird the colors I'm going to be using a red brown black and white and what I'm going to be doing I want my bird to be like just a little kind of dark red chickadee so I'm mixing a little bit of brown and red and I'm going to be making two kind of circles for me the the primary shapes for a bird for the body is an egg so I'm gonna make myself some kind of egg color it in and then I'm gonna make a circle for the head it kind of overlaps my egg a little bit and then I'm gonna make myself a little tiny beak in whatever direction you want and then I'm gonna make myself a tail coming out behind the branch so it looks like it's on the other side of the branch so that's gonna be my shape now in order to make it look a little bit natural I need a shadow and a highlight so I did not wash my brush I'm gonna put a touch of black and a touch of brown on my brush and I'm going to do a shadow which is going to be underneath each section so I've got a little bit of shadow underneath my tail at the bottom of my egg shape which is the body and maybe a little bit at that neck portion that's going to give the viewer the information that it's round and it's got some little shadowy areas I'm also since I've got the dark color on my brush I like to have a little black her darker beak so I just added a little bit of black to the beak and now I just wiped my brush off of my pants but you could probably the white beers off on your paper towel I'm gonna pick up a touch of white and I'm going to add a little bit of a highlight to the head and the chest I added white and now I'm adding a little bit of red to that white and if that ends up being too light or too pink for you you can certainly counteract the pink look with a touch of orange the orange will counteract the the pink but that's all I'm gonna do you don't really need to go to in detail you're gonna have a whole bunch of snow on here later anyways you just want to give the impression that you got a cute little birdie there so for the next step we will be using that number four brush as well so just wash it and dry it and get ready for the next step alright so for the next step I'm going to be making my birdhouse so I'm using my small brush the colors which is the number four round the colors I'm using are red blue black and white and I want to make my birdhouse like a kind of like a country or like a purpley kind of color so I'm gonna take a little bit of red a little bit of blue and a touch of white you could certainly just use purple but I kind of like sometimes mixing colors like this because it allows my painting to have a cohesive look to it if you're using similar colors and just kind of mixing them into new colors because you are using that particular color palette they will it will have a nice cohesion to it I'm just adding a touch more red here so it looks a little more purpley so for the shape of my birdhouse I'm going really simple I'm gonna do kind of like the top I'm just putting it anywhere where I'm going to be able to put a string to hang it so it's going to be somewhere in this vicinity I'm going to put the top of a triangle and then I'm going to put two vertical lines and a horizontal line I'm gonna color it in with my whatever desired color is I've had people do blue houses you can do a red house you can do you know you can pick a caller whatever color you want so I've got the shape in there and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to quickly just give my brush or rinse I'm gonna pick up some black paint and I'm gonna do a roof and when I do my roof I'm going to extend it further than the shape that I have created so I'm just gonna make that a little bit overhang just a little bit from the original shape and then what I'm gonna do is I've got to put somewhere so my bird can sit so I put this little kind of balcony of sorts at the bottom here and then I need a hole in my birdhouse so if my bird wants to get some shelter you can go right into the house in the bird hole here and then I need a string to attach my birdhouse to the tree so you just want this to go straight up and you can make it look like it's a circle like it's over you know it's kind of a ropey thing and we'll add snow to it later and that's all I'm gonna do for my birdhouse I am gonna use this small brush for the next step so you can wash it and dry it and get ready for the next step alright so for the next step we're going to be adding rose the rosy cheeks on so what I'm going to do is I'm using my small brush I'm using red just a tiny tiny bit and white and I'm gonna mix the two together I'm making a very light pink so you'll notice the red is probably gonna be really really dark on you I have a touch of black still in my brush but that's okay so I just keep adding white until it's a really faint pink you don't want it to be overpowering here so once you get the desired pink you're gonna pick a spot for your rosy cheeks I want my snowmen to be looking off in my direction over here so I'm gonna pick an area maybe I'm gonna have this one over here and I'm really just kind of rubbing on an area for this pink I want one on that side and then I want one over on this side and I actually think I want mine a smudge darker so bear with me as I'm making it just a little bit darker it's always easier to make it a little bit darker I've got one there and then if you need to soften the edges to make them look like they're blended in with the face just put a little bit of white paint on your brush and you can blend it right in around those edges so you don't have a hard edge to the to the rosiness because you want it to look like it's just natural and it's just you know maybe the brightest in them or the pinkest in the middle and then it just fades off into the face and then we are going to use this same brush for the next step so when you're all set with this step you can wash and dry this small brush and get ready for the next step all right so for the next step what I'm going to do is I am putting my scarf into place so I'm going to choose to use black green brown and white you could really make your scarf whatever colors you want I'm gonna start with the black and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna in essence make large polka dots in the area so if I want my scarf to be here and maybe come down here and making these kind of large maybe oval kind of polka dots I want to kind of forewarn you if you make them really tiny and really in line with each other it's gonna make it look like you're choking your snowman so you don't want to do that you want it to be big and fluffy like it's a big warm knitted winter scarf so make them nice and big so here I go I'm gonna start my first one and I'm gonna make it maybe about almost an inch long and I'm just gonna keep going along you can see mine I'm kind of curving and I am strategically placing them I can kind of see my original outline of the the Snowman that we did with the gray color so I'm really kind of just placing my right along that line so it hides it a bit and then I know I want my scarf to kind of start coming down in this direction so I'm going to just make these those I had a little green in there go maybe in through here maybe this one is going to kind of flick off and go out that way and then maybe there's another piece of the scarf that's going to come down this way and you can get them to go bigger as they come down towards the bottom I know also there's going to be some fringe at the bottom so wherever you feel like the bottom is going to happen you can start a little bit of Fringe there and again I'm just choosing to do these colors you can really have it whatever colors you want once you get the black dots then you're gonna switch your color so for me I'm gonna go for like kind of like an army green so I'm going to take this green oxide and I'm gonna add some Brown to it and that's gonna make it like a like an army kind of green which I like I like those more natural colors you could certainly add Brown you could add a little bit of black or white to it that's going to make it put gray into it so it's really kind a visual preference on your part and once you get that call you could just use the green oxide if you wanted but once you get that color you're gonna do the same thing but this time it's going to be right next to them so it's going to be the opposing section so I'm just gonna make and again I want it to look nice and fluffy so this way it's going to touch the black but it doesn't necessarily have to be in line with it it can have like these little fluffy tops to it in through here doesn't really matter and we're going to be putting snow on this too so if you get to an area in your leg that looks a little clunky or I'm not really totally sold on that don't worry because you'll be able to strategically place your snow in a little while and that's going to help to make this really just all come together again I'm just kind of putting these other ones in place here and then when it comes to the fringe I'm going to add some green fringe and with my black fringe and then I'm going to go ahead and make a couple more here and you can see I just went through a little bit of wet black all right that one's got a little shadow on it it's you know there's so much play here and margin for error it's okay if this doesn't come out exactly as you had planned any little kind of flips or you know what you might think as mistakes really just can work themselves out with with another layer of paint or some extra snow or any fun thing like that so the next step after this will be done with this brush as well so once you get your scarf in place you can see how I'm continuing to make sure it's nice and fluffy and it's not going to choke my snowman just wash and dry this brush and get ready for the next step all right so what I'm doing for the next step is the nose so I'm gonna do this first because I'm going to work my other features around the nose I'm going to be using orange and white are going to be my colors so I'm gonna start with a little bit of orange and white on my brush at the same time I know theoretically my nose should be between my two cheeks you can have it as high or as low as you want it can be as straight as crooked as it wants I'm gonna have my snowman looking this way so what I'm going to do is I'm going to decide where I want that nose to be I'm going to make kind of like a backwards see in through here and then I'm going to take this and I'm going to bring it out to the left-hand side and make it nice and pointy if you wanted to cross over your hat that is a more difficult thing to do because the transition of it going over the hat from the light color to the dark color makes it difficult to cover so know that if you do decide to do that you may want to or you may want to know that you're gonna have to do a couple of coats to get it to cover which is fine you know it just is going to take you a little bit longer it gives it a really neat effect because you can you know see that nose kind of poking out and having fun as long as you want it to be it can be super long or super short the easiest way to do it if you want it to go over is you could add some white to it let it dry for a minute and then then you can cover it well but what I'm going to do is right now I'm just adding touch more white to my brush and I'm going to put a highlight at the top of my nose and that helps to cover that area as well and we are going to use this small brush for the next step so once you get that nose in place you're going to wash and dry this small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what I'm going to do next I'm using my small round brush number four I'm gonna finish the facial features so I need some eyes I need a shadow under my nose and I need my mouth so I'm gonna think of these as little pebbles that I'm putting on the face from the ground so I'm going to be using black paint only and I'm using my small brush and again one of my tricks is I take my brush and they spin it on the side of my palate and that's going to make it nice and pointy and or you could add a little bit of water so I am going to put he's just gonna have a couple little tiny pebble eyes here one there maybe one there I do want to put a little shadow on the side of his nose as if you know when it's stuck in it's got a nice little shadow back here so I'm just putting that on the bottom right side of it and then I'm going to put pebbles as the as his mouth so I would kind of want to go rosy spot to rosy spot and I'm just making them just like the eyes so I'm just kind of making these cute little dots making sure that it reaches cheek to cheek and again totally up to you you can do a full on smile you could put you know additional pieces if you want but that's that's what I'm gonna do and we are going to use this small brush for the next step so once you get these spatial features done you you don't even need to wash it because we're gonna be using the same colors just you know relax and get ready for the next step alright so what we're doing for the next step is we are adding the buttons to the Snowman so I'm going to be using my small brush I'm going to be using black paint you can also use your grey and or your white but I'm going to start them with black I'm going to make four or five buttons I'm going on the left hand side so again it's makes the Snowman look like he's looking over here I'm gonna start them smaller at the top and make them bigger as they go down so I'm gonna make them circles so there's my first one and as I come down I gotta make them a little bit bigger a little bit bigger and maybe this is gonna be my biggest one down here once they're in place you can add a little bit of gray if you want to just add a little swirl in there this is my gray from my background and if you want it too oops that one that one's extra big if you wanted to you could take a touch of white and just add like there's a little kind of snow sitting at the top of them and for the next step after this we're gonna still use this small brush but I'd like you to wash it and dry it all right so what we're gonna do for the next step we're using our small brush we're gonna be adding the snow to our birdhouse our arms and our scarf so I'm going to use my small brush to do that because I want it to kind of be a little bit more detail-oriented when doing this I'm going to be using a combination mostly white but I'll also use a little bit of that original gray sounds like it flies around weird there was a nice day today it was like sixty degrees out so the fly has come in the house so I'm gonna be using the white paint for the snow on the scarf and on my birdhouse and in the arms or branches I'm going to be using a little bit of that gray and the white for the snow so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with my gray and I'm just kind of like streaking it in my branches and this way the branches almost have a little bit more of so they're not flat they've got a little bit of dimension to them you could incorporate a little bit more black into it if you feel like oh I'm doing this and it's it's too too bold you can certainly just bring a little bit of black in there now that I've done that just gonna pick up some white and really what I try and do is just kind of loosely kind of like streak or place this snow at the top side of these branches and that way it's as if it's just kind of sitting on them instead of instead of being falling in front of them and this gives it a natural place that it would have accumulated and I'm going to do that on the top of my bird house as well once I get these ones done I don't hold my brush tightly I'm really just kind of I've got a good amount of paint on my brush and I'm just kind of loosely letting it put itself in place on these branches I in so this is a good thing and a bad thing but right on this step I don't have a sturdy hand so it benefits me when it comes to doing the snow because my hand kind of shakes as it goes but you can certainly do that in a manual fashion I definitely want some going down my on the top of my birdhouse sitting right on the roof maybe it's sitting right on this little ledge and again I'm just using a little bit of white paint I don't rub it in I just kind of let it sit where it wants to on the scarf the scarf is going to kind of be rounded so it doesn't just have to be at the top of the scarf it can also kind of be kind of be down a little bit on the scarf and I'm gonna put some as if it's kind of sitting there and I've got maybe a little pile up over here and maybe on these little almost bumpy areas of the scarf and again you can use this snow to strategically sit in areas that you may not have thought were the best so I've got some streaky areas that I kind of want to cover so it's a great place to let some snow sit and then we're gonna after this step we're gonna switch to that medium brush that you have the medium round brush that I think it's a number 12 and we're going to use that brush to put snow elsewhere I guess you could kind of put snow nice and lightly on the top of your bird maybe it's sitting on the back of your bird alright so after you've got the snow on all these areas you can put this small brush away in your water cup and take out the medium round brush and get ready for the next step alright so for the next step we're using the medium the 12 the number 12 round brush we're going to put snow on your pine trees I'm just going to be using white paint and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to do the same type of motion that I did for the first layer of the pine trees I'm going to do that left to right but I don't want to cover the pine trees all the way I mean I also want little strokes in the middle of the pine tree as well so here you go I've got white paint on my brush I'm just doing this kind of skirting down on the left to right but now I've also got to do down that Center you don't want it to look like it's a 1972 feathered hair look to it you want to make sure that you cover that Center so you don't want the center to be unpainted so I just loaded up my brush for this one and you can go down left to right but then to close it off you got to do some down that middle too so I've got the left and the right and now I'm doing a little bit down the middle and that's gonna conclude that step that's a quick little step for the next step we're going to use your big flat brush so once you get to snow on your pine trees you can put this medium round brush away in your water cup and get out your flat brush for the next step alright so here we go we're gonna let it snow let it snow let it snow so I'm using my big brush my big flat brush I'm going to be using white paint I'm going to be putting snow in various areas so I need the snow on the ground I need snow in my hat I need snow in my sky and then if I need to because I feel like I've got a couple of areas in the belly or the air the snowman itself I might want to clean up a little bit I might want to put more snow in there so this is gonna be done with white paint unless you feel like you need to incorporate something that your original gray or anything like that so what I'm gonna do I'm starting with my ground I'm gonna take some white paint and I need to provide myself almost like a horizon line so I know that it has to be at the bottom of my trees and maybe in a similar spot over on the right side of the Snowman so I've got a good amount of white paint and what I'm doing is I'm almost just kind of like bumping it so that way I've got some thickness at the top I'm going to come over here I'm going to do kind of the same thing so I have an uneven line to it and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to just lightly kind of take what's left on my brush and disperse it throughout the rest of the ground so I don't really need to add any more to my brush so what's going to happen it's going to be very bright at the top and it's gonna end up a little bit darker down below you can even put a little bit on top of some of that shadow if you feel like some of that shadow was a little bit too dark you can certainly use this snow to diffuse it a little bit or get it a little bit more in a more natural tone right now I'm just almost like scrubbing the bottom of the painting so what's gonna happen because this paint is see-through and I'm just using them at this point have just the remnants on my brush what's happening is you're getting light spots and dark spots throughout the entire bottom of this can and you can rework it until you feel like it's got the the right look to it but you can still identify the shadow underneath you can still see that there's no horizon line and now what I'm going to do is I've got to let it snow on my hat so I'm gonna pick up another good amount of snow my immediate spot that I want to do is the rim and the top because that's where the snow would be sitting the most are piling up the most so I'm going to figure out where I want that rim to be and clearly it should be like from here and you know older to here that's going to be the edge and you again you can see that I'm kind of puffing it up in some areas so it's not just laying flat in a perfect line and I'm going to do the same at the top of the Hat so this is where my snow would sit and pile up for that matter and then once I've got it you know as much as I want in through there and again you can certainly play with this as much as you want now I've got to let it snow over the whole thing but I think first I'm going to kind of work on this because letting that snow over the whole thing is kind of the the final the final oomph to it so I'm just going to kind of dab some white paint in these areas on the on the Snowman that I think are a little bit too contrasting I don't need much I just want to kind of get rid of some of loped I had a little orange on my brush there make sure his he's got enough highlight in through here and now let it snow everywhere so this is just a touch of white I'm on the corner of my brush and this just helps to hide anything that that might have been to to bowl three I guess I had a little orange on my brush - no big deal adds to me the colorful aspect of it and now I'm gonna let it snow everywhere so I you don't necessarily have to reload your brush when you go to make it snow everywhere there's many different techniques that you can use with flicking a paintbrush or with using different sponges and stuff but I'm just going to use this brush I like to use like the corner of it and I'm just gonna almost kind of DAB it everywhere the corner is gonna give me more of like a little tiny dot if I was to go full long I'd have an unnatural kind of looking dot it would be like a lot in the elongated one so I'm just kind of using the corner it would snow in front of my snowman so that's why you see me doing in front of the Hat as well and you can have it snow as much as you want there could be a blizzard going on so if you feel like you need to reload your brush at any time feel free to do so I'm kind of reloading mine right now and you can have big snowflakes and little snowflakes it's totally up to you there's lots of great other techniques that you can use again like I said like whips licking it but I like my snow to just be kind of soft and I just find that if I can use one of these brushes and just keep dabbing the snowflakes on there what happens is it kind of gives it this really full feel to it as opposed to making it look like there's stars which sometimes I think when you do the flicking mess method that's what it will resemble first it stars as opposed to snow but it's totally up to you this is in essence the final painting step of the painting but we do have one more step to accomplish after you've got this done we are going to take out that small brush for the final step of any good painting but I'm just kind of it's hard for me to stop it from snowing it's a really fun step for me because I like to get the full aspect of it here I want to just kind of soften this edge a little bit in here not right he's super cute I like my snowman alright boy it's hard to stop okay I think I'm done do you think I'm done I think I'm done maybe maybe okay I'm done all right so you can put away the big brush take out your tiny brush for that last little step all right so the last good step to any painting is to sign it so I'm gonna take my small brush black paint I sign my initials bottom left bottom right you can sign whatever you want that's it that's going to conclude this painting I hope you enjoyed the process I hope you loved your painting and I look forward to painting with you again sometime [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Michelle the Painter
Views: 836,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint, paint and sip, painting instructions, acrylic, painting, tutorial, lesson, beginner, simple, easy, Michelle Iglesias, artist, painter, Michelle the Painter, michellethepainter, sip and paint, class, wine, step by step, tips, painting steps, learn to, quick, short, how to, paint, white, black, green, snow, winter, tree, sky, cold, snowy, wintry, icy, blue, brown, trees, evergreens, snowman, hat, branches, carrot, nose, scarf, cute, adorable, happy, standing, smiling, fun, bird, red, birdhouse, buttons, sitting, looking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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