Learn to draw and talk in Free OpenToonz

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[Music] hello welcome my mortal friends today we will be making me oh yes me in this tutorial I will show you how to set me up and open tunes ready for quick and dirty lip-sync in under one hour so let's get started and make something drawsome file up open tunes press the brush tool or hit B and draw your character [Music] to adjust the points on a line choose the controlled point at is a tool or press C press the spacebar while clicking to move the canvas around [Music] the iron tool is particularly useful for those extra lovely smooth lines [Music] now let's add some color press the new style button and double click the new color to bring up the color picker use the fill tool or press F to fill an enclosed area if you find a line thickness is not to your liking first select a line with the selection tool then scrub up and down on the small black line located under your shape make sure your pads are closed in order for the fill tool to work correctly to change a color simply double-click it and play around with the slider things [Music] once you've finished your drawing it's time to separate it into different levels to lick them out then cut and paste it into the first frame of the next level now copy and paste the left eye to the following column here we will need to remove some lines press C and at least what you don't want do the same for the right eye sometimes it is useful to create another point on a line do this by holding down ctrl while clicking the line if you don't want to see some of the lines you have drawn you can make them transparent color zero in each palette is a 100 percent transparent by default now we're going to name our columns so we know what's what make sure your columns are switched on or nothing will render now move my cloak to another column right-click a column and choose insert copy the cloak from the head level and paste into the new column once that's done remove the back of the cloak and place it in its own column close the shape and fill it [Music] toggle the : visibility with the RNG button and remember to select the correct column as you're working as you can see the head level still contains my cloak so let's get rid of what we don't need and finish off the neck [Music] remember press C to edit the lines and use ctrl click to add new points columns are often called levels or layers click and drag on the left side of the head column and place it in between the two cloak layers my head is now where it should be so let's name these new columns and head over to the animation tab amongst the cool stuff here you'll find the stage schematic this is where we connect our columns together as you can see everything is linked to the table first we'll link a mouse to the head drag the blue dot from the mouth to the red dot on the head the head is now the parent of the mouth do this again for the rest of the little except my clothes they should move independent of my head use this technique to link all connected elements for your animations in open toons [Music] the same would go to body arms and legs etc choose the edit tool or press e while in the edit tool there are several options from up above and important one of these is setting the center point of the column choose Center and drag the marker to the base of the neck now select the rotate option and you'll see the head rotates around the news center [Music] undo any silly moves you made and let's continue it's time to add some frames click on the Left most frame and drag across the columns until they are all selected then click and drag a small handle down to repeat the selected cells add at least 10 frames we currently only have one frame in the mouth column and we want more select the mouth column and then the first frame and the levels window on the right copy and paste until you have ten of them it's also handy to add more frames to the eyes select the eye level but this time right-click a first frame and select add frames this will add a specified number of empty frames do the same for the other eye now let's tackle the mouth shapes we're going to use ten of them these ones to be precise from the Preston Blair phoneme series select frame 1 of your mouth layer choose the brush tool and now start drawing your first mouth shape in this case the shape for the Ani when your first shape is done add new colors for the inside of the mouth the tongue and the teeth it is useful to name your colors here as we will be reusing them the default colors do is set to thumbnails but you may find the ListView more useful for this choose ListView and double click on the color name to rename it [Music] now we will move on to the second mouth shape double-click the second frame in the mouth level and change it to frame to make sure this is selected and start drawing the next mouth shape which is the e [Music] now let's make the O shape [Music] [Music] and we'll put the you mouth shape on frame four you can activate onion skinning by dragging the red or green semi circles on either side of the frame [Music] preceding frames are shown on red outlines following frames is green drag back to the activate [Music] train five will contain me etc mouth shape which is used for the SMT since this is similar to the e shape we will copy this from frame to select frame to use the Select tool and copy with ctrl C [Music] select frame 5 delete its contents and paste with ctrl V we can now depth is shaped accordingly [Music] [Music] for the wqm l-shape on frame six we will use onion skinning again this time we'll set this in the frame number column like this so we have a view of the previous mouth shape [Music] I Prime seven will hold the MVP milkshake I [Music] you [Music] for the l-shape on frame 8 let's copy the a shape and work from that [Music] you on frame 9 will use adapt the original mouth to make the FV shape [Music] finally frame 10 is the rest position so that stays as it is next we are going to clean up the head make sure the eyes and mouth are removed from the head column [Music] copy and paste the head so the column contains ten frames fill the timeline would be frame numbers so it matches the mouth column one at a time to week the head shapes slightly so they match the mouth shapes [Music] now for some final tweaking [Music] alakazam our character is set up ready to lip-sync animation I say good job my man thank you my Dark Prince and what now how do you go about lip-syncing stuff well you can do it by hand import your sound in the column and manually set the mouth frames as you scrub through it but that takes a very long time a much easier ways to watch annexed to Tori or where we show you how to do fast and free lip-syncing here we will have used the free barricadas converter tool to importar guile lip-sync patterns into open tunes and save you days of work click below to watch my follow up tutorial and if you press the subscribe button I will be eternally grateful Thanks until the next time bye-bye raaah
Channel: Barricados
Views: 31,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: draw, lip, sync, mouth, face, opentoonz, barricados
Id: 6d5TX0TtUYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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